Volume 165: October 1-30, 1713

Pages 513-520

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 4, 1708-1714. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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October 1–30, 1713

Oct. 1.
1. Francis Gwyn to the Secretaries of the Treasury. Sends report concerning the commencement of the half-pay to be laid before the Lord High Treasurer. Whitehall, 1 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“Extract & reports transmitted to Sec[reta]ry at Warre with Lord Trea[su]rer's direcc[i]ons thereupon.” 1 page, quarto.
Oct. 3. 2. The Duke of Ormonde to the Lord High Treasurer. Complaint was made of the arrear due to the troops of Holstein and the Walloon dragoons, commanded by the Baron de Borlé. They were only to be paid to the 24th of August. Hoped his Lp would consider how short this came of answering the treaties and conventions made for these troops, as likewise what the consequence might be if they expressed their dissatisfaction in the same manner that some of her Majesty's own troops lately did. Was the more pressing because his Lp knew he was employed to give them assurance of all the encouragement their adherence to her Majesty's interest deserved. Dated Whitehall, 3 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“3 Oct. 1713. Write to Mr Watkins.” 3 pages, quarto.
Oct. 3. 3. Fr. Columbine to the Lord [High Treasurer]. Asks on behalf of the officers of Rook's, Price's, and Lord Slane's regiments, that they should be paid off till the 28th of Jan. 1712/1713, to which time the regiments were mustered. Dated 3 Oct. 1713. 2 pages, quarto.
Oct. 3. 4. Robert Knight to the Lord [High Treasurer]. The payment of their Michaelmas quarter out of hand would be more than ordinarily serviceable, as it would be very easy to make their bonds better than money, being then at ½ per cent. discount. If his (Knight's) proposal did not take effect, it would necessitate them to stop the Christmas dividend, or, what was worse, make them dependants on the Bank. The appointment of Comrs and Receivers of the Lottery, and an allowance of 6l. per cent. for money paid before the time, would be a security against any attempt to prevent it filling. Should five or six enterprising persons agree to sell 1,000 tickets each, it might fall them to par, or under, tho' they were then at 10s. per ticket advance. Dated South Sea House, 3 Oct. 1713. 2 pages, quarto.
Oct. 5. 5. Lord Bolingbroke to the Lord High Treasurer as to a complaint made by the East India Company concerning a ship called the “Delicia,” which they apprehended was going to Madagascar. Dated Windsor, 5 Oct. 1713. [Portion torn from the foot.]
On the docquet the ship is said to have been fitting out on account of the private trade to India.
Also a letter from him to the Attorney General on the same subject. 2 pages.
Oct. 7. 6. Henry Watkins to Mr Tilson as to the demands of Mons. Walef and his expectation of a pension. Dated Whitehall, 7 Oct. 1713.
Accompanied by another letter from the same to the same. The Duke of Ormonde was of opinion that the Baron Walef's necessities were urgent enough, but could not judge what was reasonable. The Baron had, upon the separation of the Queen's troops from those of the allies, resigned his regiment to his son, the Baron de Borlé. Mons. Walef had so far irritated the States General by his adherence to her Majesty's service that he could not safely return to his own country. His Grace thought he well deserved recompense. Dated 6 Oct. 1713. 4 pages.
Oct. 7. 7. J. Burchett to John Taylour, Esq., respecting the appointment of a ship's carpenter, solicited from the Lord High Treasurer by Sir Samuel Ongley, for Richard Ward. Dated Admiralty Office, 7 Oct. 1713. 1 page.
Oct. 8. 8. Report of Francis Gwyn to the Lord High Treasurer, on the memorial of the Lord Mark Kerr on behalf of himself and officers of his regiment, who were reduced at Gibraltar on 22 Feb. last, and ordered home to proceed to Ireland. How they were to be paid in the interim could not propose, unless in the next session of parliament. Dated Whitehall, 8 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“Read 13th Oct. 1713. There being no provision as yet made for these officers by parliament, my Lord doth not see how he can remedy the hardships complained of.” 1½ pages.
Oct. 9. 9. Duke of Shrewsbury to the Lord High Treasurer. Desires an order for 110l. to be paid to John Inglis, Esq., marshall of the ceremonies, as a present from her Majesty to the Venetian Ambassador's secretary. Dated Cockpit, 9 Oct. 1713. 1 page.
Oct. 9. 10. An application from Edwd Wilcox to the Lord High Treasurer for 30 loads of timber to repair the fences of the New Forest, which might be included in the warrant for 40 tons for the Duke of Beaufort. Dated 9 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“Oct. 15, 1713. Ordered accordingly. Wt signed.” 11 lines.
Oct. 13. 11. Report of the Attorney General (Northey) to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of George French and Richard Oglethorpe, gentlemen, who had come over from the West Indies (Antigua) to give evidence against Mackinnen, Watkins, and Smith, indicted for high treason, committed when Col. Parke was murdered, also against Kirby indicted for the same. Was of opinion they should have subsistence allowed whilst so detained and their travelling charges. Dated 13 Oct. 1713.
The petition and an affidavit.
Minuted:—“Read 14 Oct. 1713. Send to Mr Borret to know whether the Queen ordered these men to come.” 3 pages and 2 halves.
Oct. 13. 12. Francis Gwyn to the Secretaries of the Treasury. Sends a letter received by the Duke of Argyle from Col. Kane at Port Mahon relating to the forces in the island of Minorca. P.S.—Also sends an account of stores remaining in Mr Medlycot's custody at Lisbon.
It is docquetted and minuted thus:—“13th Oct. 1713. From Secry at War with extracts of ye severall petic[i]ons & repts thereupon of ye Irish Roman Catholick officers, &c. A state thereof to be laid before the Q. in Councill for Her Mat's determinac[i]on thereupon. Read. Ret~ the l~re & desire ye Secry at War to transmit a copy of it to a Secry of State to be laid before the Q. in Councill for such orders on ye sev[era]ll particulars as shall be thought proper.” 1 page.
Oct. 13. 13. Comrs of Ordnance to the Lord High Treasurer. Asking him to intercede with her Majesty for a remission of a year's taxes on the salaries of the Officers of Ordnance. Dated Office of Ordnance, 13 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“13th Oct. 1713. Prepare the usuall l~re. L~re signed.” 1 page, quarto.
[? About
Oct. 13.]
14. “An account of half-pay for military officers and chaplain that have served in the trains of artillery of Flanders, Spain, and on several expeditions, and of what allowances they have on the establishments in the Office of Ordnance, and what will be required to complete their half-pay for the Flanders' train and for officers on several expeditions from the 23d of June 1713 to the 31st of December next inclusive, and for the Spanish train from the 30th of September to the 31st of December 1713.”
Minuted:—“Read 13th Oct. 1713. 902li 5s 6½ orderd out of the mo in ye Exchqr not p[er]ticulrly appropriated 'till it be seen whether ye parłt will make provision for them.”
“L~re signed.” 2½ pages.
Oct. 14. 15. Report of the Controllers of the Army Accounts to the Lord [High Treasurer] on the petition of Thomas Lewis, Elizabeth Jurdan, and others, in behalf of themselves and friends, belonging to the independent company at Newfoundland, under the command of Captain Moody, complaining of the Captain and Mr Thurston, the agent, for not accounting for 1,000l. issued for the service of the company. Explaining the state of the account. Dated 14 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“Read 15th Oct. 1713. The petrs to have a copy of this report.”
There is also a copy of the warrant referred to in the report. 5 pages.
Oct. 14. 16. Thomas Herbert to William Lowndes, Esq. Encloses certificates as to his salary and pension, and memorandum as to his “assignments.” [He was clockmaker to his late Majesty King William.] Dated 14 Oct. 1713. 4 pages.
Oct. 15. 17. Memorial of Thomas Moore, Esq., Paymaster of her Majesty's forces abroad, to the Lord High Treasurer, praying for a warrant for allowance of incidents to him and his clerks. Dated 15 Oct. 1713.
Also memoranda showing what the allowance would come to if regulated according to those of Mr Brydges or Mr How. Against the latter is this Minute:—“Wt for these allowances to be made ye accountant.” 3 pages.
Oct. 15. 18. Report of the Comrs of the Navy to Mr Lowndes on the petition of Ra. Robinson as to the non-delivery of hemp according to contract. The price of hemp had fallen, and numbers of rope-makers were discharged since the certainty of the peace, whereby the yards were well stocked with that commodity, and the Comrs did not think fit to give any further time for the delivery. Dated 15 Oct. 1713.
The petition and three letters (two being copies).
Minuted:—“Read 20th Oct. 1713. My Lord is of the same opinion with the Comrs of the Navy.” 7 pages.
Oct. 16. 19. A tender of M. Studholm, addressed to the Lord High Treasurer, to keep the road in Hyde Park in good repair for 150l. per ann. Dated 16 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“Read 16th Oct. 1713. Q. what is allowed for watering between the Park & the Palace at Kensington.” 1 page.
Oct. 17. 20. Comrs of the Navy to Mr Lowndes. Did not know that any of the lands or tenements that had been surveyed for the fortifications at Portsmouth, Chatham, and Harwich were either proper or necessary to be purchased for the service of her Majesty's navy, or that they could have been of any use or safety to the navy. Dated Navy Office, 17 Oct. 1713. 1 page.
Oct. 17. 21. Francis Gwyn to the Secretaries of the Treasury. Asks if directions should be given to the Comrs of Transport to hire freight for the clothing provided for the four regiments in Minorca, and for the three at Gibraltar. Dated Whitehall, 17 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“30 Oct. 1713. If there be no ships of the Queen's going, my Lord thinks the publique ought not to be put to expence of sending this cloathing. The Comrs must send them at their owne charge.” 1 page.
Oct. 20. 22. Report of the Attorney General (Northey) to the Lord High Treasurer on the matters contained in the address of the House of Commons of 14 July previous, relating to the lands to be purchased for the use of the fortifications of Portsmouth, Chatham, and Harwich. The commission under the great seal would not at present be useful, but her Majesty might by a new commission authorize such persons as she should think fit to distinguish which of the lands set out by the first commission were necessary for those fortifications, or for the service of the navy, or the victualling thereof, and also might ascertain the damages sustained by the owners, &c. Apprehended another Act of Parliament would be necessary for applying the moneys for the purchase of the lands, and a further Act to enable the Comrs to settle the damages. Dated 20 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“20 Octor 1713. Wt for a new Commn.” 4 pages.
Oct. 20. 23. William Blathwayt to Mr Tilson. Finds by a note from Mr Perry, concerned in the trade of Virginia, that he had received letters from the Receiver General there, with bills of exchange and advice to pay into the Exchequer 880l. 7s.d., and that he would pay it in with all diligence. Dated 20 Oct. 1713. 2 pages, quarto.
[? About
20 Oct.]
24. Report of the Comrs of the Lottery, 1710, to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of the workmen employed in fitting up the Transfer Office in the city. In the year 1694 the office of Transfer Master was erected and granted to Thomas Neale, Esq., and on his death, about Jan. 1699, the office was supplied by Thomas Strickland, Esq., who continued therein till Mich. 1710, when the business as to the lottery of 1694 ceased. The office had been kept in Lombard Street in an apartment up one pair of stairs, consisting of two rooms at 40l. per ann. rent: “the rest of the house being rented or tenanted by others, although the public did then, and do now, pay 109l. a year for the rent of a house for ye sd office.” In 1710 Mr Edwin, Usher of the Exchequer, without direction from the Treasury, sent down workmen to fit up the office in question, which lay backward from Leadenhall Street. The workmen had run into expenses equal to building a new house, and ought to take their remedy against those that employed them, &c.
Also copy of warrant for allowing 265l. for fitting up the office in 1710.
Minuted:—“20 Oct. 1713. My Lord will allow this sum to be paid the transferr Mar, but then the Queen to be indempnyfyed agt the workmen for the 791li and agst the demand for joyners & carpenters worke in Edwyn's liberate.” 2 large pages.
[? About
20 Oct.]
25. A paper as to a proposal made by Mr Campbell to improve the quality and augment the quantity of salt.
Minuted:—“Read 20th Oct. 1713. My Lord cannot advise this grant.” 1 page.
Oct. 21. 26. An abstract of the state of the guards and garrisons in Great Britain, according to the last return of muster rolls to the Commissioner's office; as also of the numbers of the twelve companies of Invalids, with the respective places where they do their duty. Dated Oct. 21, 1713. 3 large pages.
Oct. 21. 27. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer on the memorial of Mr Wm Keith, praying to be made Surveyor General of Customs for the southern division in America, in the room of Col. Quary, deceased. They had no objection to the appointment. Dated 21 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“21 Oct. 1713. Rests till the report from Mr Nicholson comes over. Wart sign'd 7th Janry 1713.”
Certificate in his favour. 3 pages.
Oct. 21. 28. Memoranda of arrears to Midsummer 1713. Dated 21 Oct. 1713.
Docquetted:—“Spencer Compton, Esq. Memorial.” ½ page, quarto.
Oct. 22. 29. Report of Francis Gwyn to the Lord High Treasurer on a petition of Lieut.-Col. Duncan McKenzie. The demand was occasioned by the representation of the Earl of Leven at the time of the Union, that Lieut.-Col. McKenzie's was an independent company in the Highlands, when it was a regiment of the guards. The difference in his pay up to Oct. 24, 1713, amounted to 608l. 11s. 10d. Dated 22 Oct. 1713.
Also a certified copy of the same.
Minuted:—“18 May 1714. The off-reckonings of his Independt Company ought to be acco[un]ted for.”
A memorandum on the same subject. 6½ pages.
Oct. 22. 30. Petition of Elizabeth Wood, administratrix to Maud Johnson, deceased, to the Lord High Treasurer, praying for a warrant for payment of a pension due to Samuel Johnson, clerk, the husband of Maud Johnson.
Minuted:—“Read Oct. 22, 1713. Warrt to be prepared.” 1 page.
[? About
Oct. 22.]
31. Petition of Arthur Bevan, of the Middle Temple, Esq., to the Lord High Treasurer, praying the grant of a lease of a mill in the parish of “Eggliseskymin” [Eglwys-Cymmin], in the county of Carmarthen, which mill had become ruinous and not fit for “mulcture” by the absconding of the last lessee.
Minuted:—“22 Oct. 1713. Ref. to Surveyr Genl.” There is a further order referring it to the Surveyor General on 13 Nov. 1713. 1 page.
[? About
Oct. 22.]
32. The Earl of Stair to the Lord [High Treasurer]. Asks for directions to be given by his Lp for paying the general officers who served in Flanders from Christmas 1712 to June 1713; also respecting a deficiency of 316l. due to him upon his pay as lieut.-general. He had the Duke of Ormonde's assurance that any deficiency in the fund granted by Parliament should not fall on him.
Minuted:—“22 Oct. 1713. To speak with Mr Sloper. The first part of my Ld's request will be complyd with, in directing the pay of the Genll Officers for the first 6 months of this yeare, wch is provided for by Parliamt; and my Ld Trea[su]rer has been pleas'd to order a demand to be brought in accordingly.
“As to the latter part, wch is to pay up what was deficient on last yeare's pay, there are many other Genll officers under ye same difficulty. And upon laying a demd for it before the house last winter, it was rejected. And no provn is yet made for it by parliamt.” 1½ pages, quarto.
Oct. 26. 33. W. Bromley to the Lord High Treasurer. Encloses a petition of the justices of the peace for the East Riding of Yorkshire, and another from the mayor and aldermen of Hull, concerning the danger of inundation of the River Hull, if the banks were not kept in repair, which her Majesty referred to his Lp. Dated Windsor Castle, 26 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“28 Oct. 1713. Ordna to loos no time in making a report & estimate, in case the Q's business to make these repa.” 1 page, quarto.
Oct. 26. 34. “Debt in the Office of Her Majt's Works to the 30th June 1713.” Dated Office of her Mat's Works, 26 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“Warrt sign'd 18th December 1713 for 8,606li 9s. 3d.¼. wch with 778li 17sd remaining in the paymar's hands, is to compleat the constant allowances to Midsumr 1713.” 3 very large pages.
[? About
Oct. 27.]
35. Memorial of the officers of the eight Invalid companies to the Lord [High Treasurer]. The Duke of Ormonde and other Comrs of Chelsea College had made their report, which lay in the Council office. Asked for speedy payment, for tho' they had a very large credit from the city of Westminster, yet several had perished, others were in gaol, and the few left must suffer to the last degree, if not relieved.
Minuted:—“27 Oct. 1713. Look out their papers.” Again:—“These officers had commissns for compa which were intended to be formed but never were formed, nor was any money given for them.” 1 page, quarto.
Oct. 27. 36. Warrant of the Lord High Treasurer (Oxford) to the Queen's Remembrancer not to issue out process against the African Company. Dated 27 Oct. 1713. ½ page.
Oct. 27. 37. Report of the Attorney and Solicitor General to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Joseph Martin and other sufferers, and agents for sufferers, in the islands of Nevis and St Christopher by the French invasion there. The Comrs for Trade and Plantations were authorised to distribute 103,003l. 11s. 4d., and had made out debentures for 97,936l. 17s. 2d., and debentures for the residue were to be made out. The debentures were entered in the register kept for the debentures which were lately charged on the forfeited estates in Ireland. And they (the Solicitor and Attorney Genl) were of opinion that the debentures should be admitted to be subscribed into the stock of the South Sea Company, on an equal foot with the Irish debentures, but the Comrs for taking subscriptions into the South Sea stock did not conceive themselves empowered by their commission to receive the same. They (the Attorney and Solicitor Genl) were further of opinion that an additional commission must be made to empower the Comrs to take these subscriptions. Dated 27 Oct. 1713.
The petition referred to, an Act of Parliament 10th of Anne, the form of a debenture, and a list of the debentures, showing the sufferers' names.
Minuted:—“27 Oct. 1713. To Comrs for Trade to state the requisites required by law, & by wt sort of evidence it appeared to them they were complyed with.” 37 pages and 2 halves.
Oct. 28. 38. John Edwin, [Usher of the Exchequer], to the Lord High Treasurer. Giving an account of the receipts delivered by the Usher of the Receipt of the Exchequer “for each direction in both the class [Lottery] offices and the value of them.” Dated 28 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“28 Oct. 1713. Speak to W.B.” Again:—“A rept on this.” 1½ pages.
Oct. 28. 39. Mr Burchett to the Secretaries of the Lord High Treasurer. Encloses a copy of a letter to be laid before his Lordship from Sir Wm Gifford, who was so afflicted with the gout that he feared be should not be able to attend the disbanding and paying the marines at Rochester and Canterbury. Dated Admiralty Office 28 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“29 Oct. 1713. Read.”
The copy referred to. 2½ pages.
[? About
Oct. 29.]
40. Totals as to the state of the account for ordnance, land, and sea services for the years 1712 and 1713.
Minuted:—“29 Oct. 1713. If my Lord issues 10,000li at p[re]sent, he would know to what p[ar]ticular uses it is wanted & to be applyed.” 1 page.
Oct. 29. 41. Mr Secretary Bromley to the Lord High Treasurer. Sends a petition of the subaltern officers of Lieut.-General Holt's regiment, praying payment of subsistence, and a letter from the Comrs for disbanding the marine regiments, who were unable to relieve the petitioners. Dated Windsor Castle, 29 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“Swift & Mostyn to state.”
Accompanied by the letter but not the petition. 2 pages, quarto.
Oct. 30. 42. Report of the Comrs of Trade and Plantations to the Lord High Treasurer, showing the requisites appointed to be performed by two Acts of Parliament, made in favour of the sufferers of Nevis and St Christopher's, to entitle them to debentures. Proofs were fully made before them (the Comrs) for 289,560l. 2s. and for 4,252l. 15s. 6d., under the seal of the islands. They (the Comrs) had made out debentures for 103,003l. 11s. 4d., and had consulted her Majesty's Attorney General in all matters of difficulty. Dated Whitehall, 30 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“30 Oct. 1713. Wt objecc[i]oons to the admitting. Write to South Sea Company.” 3 pages.
Oct. 30. 43. Charles Boit to the Lord High Treasurer. Was very unwilling to lose one day from his business, and begged he might have his Lp's order to Mr Lowndes for his money, which when he received, he says, “if the great piece be not dispatcht, it shall then be wholly my fault” Dated 30 Oct. 1713.
Minuted:—“100li p[er] Mr Nicholas.” 1 page.
Oct. 44. An account of the sums voted by Parliament for the service of her Majesty's guards, garrisons, &c. for the year 1713, and likewise for several extraordinary services of the war, paid and to be paid by the Paymaster Genl of her Majesty's guards and garrisons; with what part thereof has been received upon account, the sum unapplied, and what remains to be issued to complete the same. Dated Pay Office, Oct. 1713. 3 large pages.