Volume 146: April 1-22, 1712

Pages 373-380

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 4, 1708-1714. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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April 1–22, 1712

April 1. 1. Memorial of Lord Lansdowne to the Lord High Treasurer as to the establishments of the forces for the current year's service. Dated 1 April 1712. 1½ pages.
April 2. 2. Copy of warrant docquetted:—“Lord Lieut. Ireland 40s p[er] ann. to each Palatine family in Ireland for 7 years to buy stock & utensils.” Dated 28 March 1712. Entered at the Signet Office, 2 April 1712.
Entered in the Irish Book, Vol. VI., p. 266. 2 pages.
April 2. 3. Memorial of Francis, Lord Viscount Ryalton, late Cofferer of the Household, to the Lord High Treasurer. The privy seal for 70,000l. fell short of what was wanted by 842l. 6s.d. over and above the 4,000l. expected through the hands of Lord Masham, the present cofferer. Dated St James's, 2 Apr. 1712. 1 page, quarto.
April 3. 4. Lord Lansdowne to Mr Lowndes. The Duke of Ormond desired the enclosed memorial to be laid before the Lord High Treasurer, that the debts of the memorialist, Col. Francis Alexander, and those of the regiment under his command in the Leeward Islands, might be paid. Dated Whitehall, April 3, 1712.
The memorial. 2 pages.
April 3. 5. A state of the debt of the Office for Sick and Wounded, &c. to Lady Day 1711, and from thence to Michaelmas Day following. Dated Office for Sick and Wounded, &c. Apr. 3, 1712. 12½ pages.
April 3. 6. Order in Council on the petition of Albert Blacklock and other mariners of the “Eagle” transport, for a reward for saving officers and soldiers out of the “Colchester,” transport, cast away in the “river Canada” in August past. Referring the matter to the Lord High Treasurer. Dated 3 April 1712.
Minuted:—“16 June 1712. The petrs may deserve a reward, but its reasonable for the regt to pay it.”
Two petitions and a certificate. 4 pages.
April 4. 7. Board of Ordnance to the Lord High Treasurer. Enclose an account of what was absolutely necessary to carry on their services (43,171l. 13s.), and pray payment in money, which would give a great life to the credit of the office. Dated Office of Ordnance, 4 April 1712.
Minuted:—“To negotiate a loane of the Bank on the tallys on the land tax last struck.”
The account. 2 pages.
April 4. 8. Charles D'avenant to —. Since the duties on woollen goods were taken off the merchants had entered greater quantities than were really exported to carry on some mystery of trade, which rendered it impossible to him to make a perfect computation. Had observed that few laws were effectual but such as executed themselves. The true way to get a correct account would be to lay a fresh outward duty on these goods. Dated 4 April 1712. 4 pages.
April 5. 9. Report of the Lord Lieut. of Ireland (Ormond) to the Lord High Treasurer, recommending half-pay to Ensign Robert Renwick for his service in Ireland and his wounds received at the siege of Galway. Dated Whitehall, 5 Apr. 1712.
His petition. 2 pages.
April 5. 10. Report of Lord Lansdowne to Mr Lowndes on the petition of John Philips, gent. As the petitioner was a gentleman of an ancient [English] family and reduced to want by the troubles in Ireland, and above 70 years of age, recommends him for a pension of 30l. per ann. on the civil list. Dated Whitehall, 5 April 1712.
The petition, and three other papers relating to the same matter. 5 pages.
April 5. 11. The same to the same. Encloses for the Lord High Treasurer, a letter from the Officers of Ordnance with an account of the charge of their office upon the expedition to Canada in the year 1711. Dated Whitehall, 5 Apr. 1712. 3 pages.
April 7. 12. The same to the same. As to subsistence of certain officers and men of Col. Fielding's regiment, &c. Dated Whitehall, 7 Apr. 1712. 2 pages.
April 8. 13. Comrs of Customs, Scotland, to —. The officers of customs and merchants residing within the extent of the lights off the Isle of May or entrance of the Firth of Forth and River Tay (that is, from St Abbs Head to the Todd Head) had often complained of the interruption of trade by privateers carrying from four to twelve guns. Proposed that a small frigate of 24 or 30 guns be stationed at the Isle of May, to prevent the running of goods, &c. The limits of the cruise would include eight ports (Edinburgh and the most populous places lying there). From these ports, and particularly Borrowstoness, Glasgow, and the west of Scotland were supplied with Holland goods. Dated Custom House, Edinburgh, 8 April 1712.
Minuted:—“12 May 1712. To be sent to ye Lds of the Admlty, & desire that their Lps will appt a prop[er] guard.” “L~re sent 13th do.” 2 pages.
April 8. 14. Lord Lansdowne to Mr Lowndes. Her Majesty had commanded him to transmit for the Lord Treasurer's consideration the case of Major Robinson, and other officers of Lt-Genl Palmes's regiment, who had suffered extremely in being taken prisoners. Dated Whitehall, 8 April 1712.
The memorial of Major Robinson and others.
Minuted:—“There doth not appear to be any fund for bearing the loss of the equipage. That for ye horses is put into the demand for extrys.” 2 pages.
April 9. 15. Copy of return of the Comrs of Customs to an order of the House [of Commons] of 11 March 1711–12, on a petition of Thomas Brooke and John Hellier, of London, merchants, importers of wine. They were retailers also, and therefore were not entitled to the 8 per cent. allowed to other importers. An alteration in the Act is proposed. Dated 9 April 1712.
The petition.
Minuted:—“April 9th 1712. Read.” 4 pages.
April 9. 16. “Custom House, London, 9 Apr. 1712. An accot of the arrears standing out on the 2/3 subsidy which determined the 7th March 1711–12.” 1 page.
April 9. 17. Memorial from the Treasurer of the Navy to the Lord [High Treasurer], asking that 6,092l. 8s.d. might be directed for payment of Parliament tickets. Dated 9 April 1712.
Minuted:—“Ordered.” 1 page.
April 9. 18. Duke of Ormonde to the Lord High Treasurer. Had last year recommended Capt. William Philips for a pension of 200l. a year on the establishment of Ireland. Sir Thomas Hanmer concerned himself much for this gentleman's success. Her Majesty was inclined to grant it, and wished him (the Duke) to signify the same. Dated Whitehall, 9 April 1712
Minuted:—“Wt sign'd 18th July 1712.” 1 page, quarto.
April 10. 19. Memorial of the Comrs for Transportation to the Lord High Treasurer. Should immediately want 13,984l. 18s.d. for the charge of freight, for horses and men, for clothing and recruiting the army in Flanders, carrying a foot regiment to the West Indies, &c. Dated Transport Office, 10 April 1712.
At the foot is:—“Memd If my Lord Trea[su]rer does not think proper to issue the money for this service out of the Excheqr, the Bank of England are willing to give 14,000l. for that sum in tallys upon malt 1710, being part of those remayning in the hands of the Trea[su]rer of the Transports, to beare interest from the day of advancing the money.”
Minuted:—“Read 12th Apr. 1712. Ord'd.”
“St. James.—At the Counll [?], &c. The Queen present, Apr. 14, 1712. Her Maties pleasure is that a stop be put to the taking up any more transports, or any provision for carrying the regimt mentiond to the West Indies, until the Lords have considerd this affair again, & deliverd their Lps opinion to ye Queen thereupon.” 1 page.
April 10. 20. Report of Lord Lansdowne and Mr Brydges to the Lord High Treasurer, on the memorial of Brigadier Alexander Grant, for subsistence and levy money. Dated Pay Office, Whitehall, 10 April 1712.
The memorial, and an abstract of what was due.
Minuted:—“1 May 1712. Their subsistence to Xber to be paid. Mr Sloper is desired to state ye same & sign it underneath this.” He states that it amounts to 2,234l. 7s. 11d. 5 pages.
April 10. 21. Report of the Comrs of Accounts (Meadows and Bruce) to the Lord High Treasurer, on the memorial of the Earl of Clarendon, “wherein Mr Champante, formerly agent to the four companies at New York, is likewise concerned in a claim to the sum of 1,712l. 11. 5.” being the subsistence of those companies.
They lay before his Lp certain other reports on the same subject, and would lay before him such information as they could obtain from an officer of one of those companies expected from Ireland, &c. Dated Privy Gardens, 10 April 1712.
Five other papers.
Minuted:—“10 Apr. 1712. To be done as reported.” 11½ pages.
April 10. 22. J. Burchett to Mr Taylour, at the Treasury Chambers. The Lords of the Admiralty had ordered Sir Hovenden Walker to give an account of the progress in passing his accounts. Dated Admiralty Office, 10 April 1712. 1 page.
April 11. 23. Mr Brydges' report to the Lord High Treasurer, on Mr Beaumont's demand for forage. Dated Whitehall, Pay Office, 11 April 1712.
Also copy of one of the articles of contract.
Minuted:—“11th Apr. 1712. If this advance be allowed in the demd to be laid before the House to-day, directions will be sent to Mr Sweet by next Tuesday's post to pay the rest of the advance mo.” 3 pages.
April 12. 24. “An accompt shewing the quantities of wrought silks imported into England, with the duties computed thereupon by a medium of three years from Christmas 1707 to Christmas 1710.” Dated Custom Ho., Inspector-Genls Office, 12 April 1712. 2 large pages.
April 12. 25. Report of Lord Halifax to the Lord High Treasurer. Could not find a convenient place, as directed, in or near the Exchequer to serve for an office for Bernard Hutchins, Esq., paymaster of the moneys arisings by the Act for raising 1,500,000l. by way of lottery for the service of the year 1711; but thought a house must be hired, and some considerable room built for the deposit of the books and papers that the present business produced. Dated Exchequer, 12 April 1712.
Minuted:—“14 April 1712. Read.” 1 page.
April 14. 26. Memorial of C. Godolphin to the Lord High Treasurer. Encloses an abstract of the shipping and trade in the several ports for the year ending at Christmas last; also encloses copy of a bill to encourage the building of ships in Britain, which of all other manufactures was the most necessary to preserve the strength and wealth of the nation. Dated Custom House, London, 14 April 1712.
The first named enclosure. 3 pages.
April 14. 27. William Blathwayt to —, as to the appointment of an officer, independent of the governor, as receiver of casual revenue in the Leeward Islands. Dated Whitehall, 14 April 1712.
Minuted:—“My Lord will consider of a proper officer.” 2½ pages.
April 14. 28. Answer of Major John Webb to the report of the Board of Ordnance on his accounts relating to Gibraltar, addressed to the Lord High Treasurer. Dated 14 April 1712.
Minuted:—“17 Apr. 1712. Ordnance to certifye in wt particulars the instructions were not pursued.” 2 pages.
April 15. 29. “An account of the charge for one month for freight of ships abroad in her Majesties transport service, as also for salaries for one year to the agents abroad for transport service.” Dated Transport Office, April 15, 1712. 1 page.
April 15. 30. “Estimate of the charge of four ships hired to transport a regiment of foot, consisting of 725 men, from Ireland to the West Indies, and to bring another back.” Same date, 1 page.
[? About
April 15.]
31. Memorial of Col. Edward Jones to the Lord High Treasurer, as to allowance for clothing of his regiment out of contingencies.
Minuted:—“15 Apr. 1712. A neg. was putt by the House of Comons.” 1 page.
[? About
April 15.]
32. Petition of Maurice Houston, gent., to the Lord High Treasurer. His employment as searcher in the port of Carlisle was taken from him by the Union; prays to be provided for.
On the back is:—“Vide the report of 15th April 1712. Entered in the Custome book.” 1 page.
April 16. 33. Comrs of Customs, Scotland, to William Lowndes, Esqre. Had suspected the officers at Borrowstoness and sent up two land-waiters and several tide-waiters from Leith, after which several small goods were entered, and other prohibited goods seized, and more would have been, but that two of their waiters were forcibly shut up. A seizure of brandy and whalebone was forcibly carried away. Their inquiries after the persons concerned had so alarmed them that Mr Hamilton, agent for the Duke of Hamilton (who they believed always concerned himself in these frauds) had on their behalf offered to compound, by paying a reasonable sum, but they (the Comrs) could not accept the offer without the Lord Treasurer's sanction. A cellar at Leith, in which certain brandy seized at Orkney, and some gunpowder, &c. were kept, was broken open and the goods carried off. If some proclamation could be had it would be an assistance. Dated Custom House, Edinburgh, 16 April 1712. 2 pages.
April 16. 34. Lord Shrewsbury to the Lord High Treasurer. Had agreed by the Queen's orders for a house ready furnished, to receive Mons. Little, minister from the Czar of Muscovy, during his stay, being the same that the late Muscovite minister resided in, at the rent of 400l. per ann., besides fees and extraordinaries for necessaries and damages. Desired orders to be given to the Treasurer of the Chamber for six months rent. Dated 16 April 1712. 1 page.
April 16. 35. Caleb Wade, commander of H.M. ship “Adventure,” to the Lord High Treasurer. Complains of malicious charges raised against him by one Robert Mews, a sailor, and of a verdict obtained against him in his absence. Prays to be discharged from his Exchequer suit, and for employment. Dated London, 16 April 1712.
Minuted:—“16 Apr. 1712. Mr Stephens to report, and if there be room for the Q's favour my Lord will assist him.” 3 pages.
[? About
April 16.]
36. Memorial of Captain Thomas Kempthorne, lately commander of H.M. ship “Burford,” to the Lord High Treasurer. When in command of the “Roebuck,” in company with the “Antelope,” chased an enemy's ship called the “Julius Cæsar,” and drove ashore and bulged and afterwards burnt the same near Villa Novo. Was tried by court-martial and acquitted. Had one James White, a surgeon on board, tried by court-martial for scandalous words spoken of her Majesty, for which he was broke. Prays his Lp not to order a prosecution against him, instigated by the said White.
Minuted:—“16 April 1712. Ref. to Mr Baker and Mr Gosselin.” 1 page.
April 16. 37. Petition of William Clutterbuck to the Lord High Treasurer, praying that he might not be under a disadvantage in the receipt of his pay by not producing his warrant as searcher of Customs at Bristol, which was mislaid.
Referred to the Comrs of Customs, 16 April 1712. 1 page.
April 16. 38. Lord Lansdowne to Mr Lowndes. Encloses an extract of the cases of several officers who had quitted the enemy's service, but not meeting with the provision they expected had come to England for relief. Gives the terms of her Majesty's proclamation, which induced them to quit the enemy's service. This being a public faith ought to have been complied with. Some consideration ought to have been taken of them by recommending them to the Emperor, or some other of her Majesty's allies, and such bounty given to them as would allow them to repair thither. Dated Whitehall, 16 April 1712. 2 pages.
April 16. 39. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord [High Treasurer] on the draft of a bill for encouraging the transportation of naval stores of the growth and produce of North Britain. Submitted whether the goods from North Britain deserved so great a premium as they received, and drew attention to the facility of importation from the Baltic, and of their reshipment as the goods of North Britain. Dated 16 Apr. 1712.
Minuted:—“A copy of this to be given the Chancellr.”
Also, “An account what quantities of naval stores from the plantations have received certificates of their goodness in order to the allowance of the premium,” &c. 3 pages.
April 16. 40. East India Company to the Lord High Treasurer. Had always had six months to pay half their customs, and six months more for the other half, but by a difference between the Comrs and the Company this was now objected to. They could not, however, carry on their trade and pay their customs otherwise. Pray his Lp's directions to the Comrs to agree with the Company as formerly. Dated East India House, 16 April 1712.
Minuted:—“16 April 1712. Mr Att. thinks it hard on ye company, and that as the law stands there cannot be releife but by a clause to be passed in Parlt. Comrs Customes have no objecc[i]on. The compa counsel to prepare a clause and attend Mr Attorney, who will consult the Commrs Cust. thereupon.” 1 page.
[? About
April 17.]
41. Petition of Mary, Lady Dowager Blayney, to the Queen. Her husband had suffered very much in his fortune by the war in Ireland, and the late King and Queen gave him a pension of 20s. a day, and on his death the half thereof was continued to the petitioner: prays for the grant of the other moiety for maintenance of herself and four children, now grown up.
Minuted:—“17 Apr. 1712. Ref. to Ld Lt of Ireld.” 1 page.
[? About
Apr. 17.]
42. Sir Robert Davers to Lord —. Would wait upon his Lp to beg his favour about the officer for the stamps in Suffolk. The man that Sir Thomas Paumer and he (Sir Robert) had recommended, died of the smallpox, and Mr Freeman had been recommended to them. Beg his Lordship's recommendation of him to their “Governor the Auditor” that he might succeed Mr Ingham.
Minuted:—“17 Apr. 1712. Write to Mr Freeman to succeed. The l~re sent.” 1¼ pages, quarto.
April 17. 43. A state of the contingencies of the army and hospital in Spain for the year 1711. Dated Pay Office, Whitehall, 17 April 1712.
There is a note at the foot that his Lordship would see “that they would apply the contingent money to the Queen's Bounty, which was given by her Majesty to the Lord Forbes and Col. Killigrew. and leave the hospital destitute,” which it was hoped his Lordship would not allow. 2 pages.
[? About
Apr. 17.]
44. Petition to the Queen of Elizabeth Keasey, widow of Richard Keasey, late serjeant in Captain Powell's company in Lord Shannon's regiment. Her father and three brothers lost their lives in her Majesty's service, and her husband, in a fight against the French at Martinico, after he had slain 15 men, was killed on board the “Old Adventure.” Was sole administratrix to her husband, to whom an arrear of pay of 40l. was due. The Colonel's answer to her was, that he had not received the pay. Prays an allowance out of the royal bounty till the arrears were paid.
Minuted:—“17 Apr. 1712. Admty to be applyed to. These regts being under their Lord[shi]ps discipline & care.” 1 page.
April 17. 45. John Lansdell to Wm Lowndes, Esq. The Bank was willing to lend 18,000l. on the 20,000l. tallies on the 15th 4s. aid in the Treasurer of the Ordnance's hands, with a minute from the Treasury to be repaid with interest at 6 per cent. in two months. Requested the minute. Dated 17 Apr. 1712.
Minuted:—“Ordnance. A minute accordgly.” 1 page.
April 17. 46. “Philopatra” to William Lowndes, Esq., being his proposal for laying a duty on coaches, saddle-horses, footmen, swords, hounds, setting-dogs, bachelors, married men not having children, gaming, diversions, and wine. Dated “From my study, 17 April 1712.” 1 page.
April 22. 47. Various papers containing the receipts of the rights and perquisites of the Admiralty, by John Dod, Receiver, between 1702 and 1712. The last is dated 22 April 1712. 40 pages or parts.