Pages 659-665
Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.
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Raby, Lord, post fines late in farm to; xc. 119.
-, -, regiment of, horses delivered to; xcv. 60.
Radnor, co. of, receiver general of taxes in; xcv. 118.
Raleigh, Philip, Esq., grandson and sole heir to Sir Walter Raleigh, a merchant, for employment; xc. 58.
Ramsgate, wasting of goods in prizes at; xciv. 48.
Randall, Thomas, merchant, petition as to duties on goods; lxxxix. 77.
Randallington and Arthurett, manor of, reserved rent on; xci. 64.
Randolph, Herbert, Esq., for salary as Judge of the Admiralty of the Cinque Ports; lxxx. 142.
Ranelagh, [Richard], Earl of, or Lord; lxxix. 19, 42, 71, 79, 84; lxxx. 76, 101, 104, 127; lxxxi. 3, 32, 52, 65, 81; lxxxii. 86, 92; lxxxiii. 4, 8, 20, 30, 112; lxxxiv. 1, 19, 65, 115, 128, 143, 147; lxxxv. 16, 35, 36, 58, 95, 100, 107, 108, 118, 139; lxxxvi. 12, 68, 72, 81, 83; lxxxvii. 36, 38, 39, 89; lxxxix. 38, 76; xc. 70, 111, 113; xci. 37, 62; xcii. 33, 35; xciv. 91, 93, 137; xcv. 92; xcvii. 103; xcviii. 86; xcix. 1, 4, 21, 112; ci. 69.
-, -, Paymaster General of Forces, accounts of; lxxxiii. 54, 71, 97; lxxxv. 78; lxxxix. 49; xc. 69; xci. 28, 41; xcv. 23; xcviii. 34; xcix. 40; c. 33; ci. 53.
-, -, -, accounts for forces acting with H.M. allies; lxxxiv. 91; lxxxviii. 63.
-, -, -, answer to Commissioners of Accounts; lxxxix. 53.
-, -, Bagshot Park, lease purchased from; xcvi. 32.
-, -, distringas against, petition; xcvi. 46.
-, -, fees for auditing accounts; xcix. 16.
-, -, demands by, on the Chelsea Hospital account; xcix. 99.
-, -, guards and garrisons, &c., memorial, &c.; lxxxiv. 32; lxxxviii. 21; xciv. 10.
-, -, money for troops sent to aid the States General; lxxxv. 56.
-, -, money paid to new raised regiments; lxxix. 101.
-, -, money wanted to satisfy a warrant; xci. 131.
-, -, pension on establishment of; lxxxvi. 4.
-, -, process against; xc. 49, 69.
-, -, receipts and payments during time of; lxxxvi. 1.
-, -, repayments to regiments; lxxxi. 7.
-, -, report of, as to respites; lxxxiv. 60.
-, -, reversionary annuity orders; xci. 26; xcv. 54.
-, -, tallies on malt duty; lxxxvi. 37.
-, -, 300l. per ann. to; xci. 99.
“-, -, unfortunate,” memorial for allowance; lxxxvi. 118.
-, prize ship; lxxxiv. 43, 86.
Raphoe, bishop of, Ireland, additional allowance to; lxxx. 126.
Rates of postage; lxxxv. 63.
-, book of (Customs), printed by Carkesse; lxxxvi. 22.
Rawlins, James, the printer of the libel called Legion's Address; xcii. 49.
Raworth, Mr., a letter touching; xci. 100.
Rawson, John, highway robber, apprehension of; lxxxvi. 67.
Ray, East and West, French sloops on the coast at; lxxxiv. 5.
Rayner, John, Esq., demesnes in trust for, &c.; xcvii. 17.
Read, apprehended for conveying persons to Dunkirk; lxxxix. 102.
Reading, Nath., Esq., discovered revenues out of lease; xcvii. 21.
-, Sir Robert, lighthouses in Ireland, &c.; xci. 71 (p. 285); xcii. 58.
Rebellion, service and losses in the; xciii. 15; ci. 38.
Receipt, Auditor of the; lxxxviii. 68.
Receipt Office, Ireland, the, robbery from; cii. 89.
Receiver's account, mistake yearly charged in the; lxxxviii. 37.
-, -, allowance for passing the; xciii. 55.
-, letters about the subsidy, abstract of; lxxxi. 20.
Receiver General, the King's, rents twice paid to; lxxxvii. 123.
-, -, and estates in Isle of Man; xc. 116.
-, -, H.M., warrant for appointment of; ci. 104.
-, -, deputy; cii. 127.
Receivers General, whose accounts were not passed, to be prosecuted; xc. 84.
-, and accountants, bonds given by; lxxxi. 68.
Recognizance in the nature of a statute staple, a; xcvi. 63.
Recoinage, loss by the; lxxxviii. 40.
Record, Courts of, steward of; lxxx. 136.
-, -, fines imposed at, fit persons to take accounts of; xcv. 30.
-, Office in the Tower, condition of the rolls in; cii. 27.
Records, the, in the Tower of London; lxxxix. 147; xc. 64; ci. 75.
-, the [public], report as to the method of keeping; lxxxix. 147.
-, calendaring, &c., xci. 117; xcv. 81.
-, in Cæsar's Chapel, a room at the top of the White Tower, report, &c., as to the; xci. 117; xciii. 82.
-, at the Tower, keeper of the, quarterly reports; xciii. 115; xciv. 130; xcix. 104; c. 61.
-, -, chief clerk; xci. 130.
-, the Lord Treasurer's proceeding as to the preservation of the; xcii. 32.
-, touching Queen Dowager's jointure; xcix. 42.
Recruiting officers, sums for; lxxxiii. 20.
Recruits, &c., of the 40/m men, sums allowed for the; xcii. 112.
Redbourn, near St. Albans, Vicar of; xcvi. 61.
Redhead, Mr. Anthony, late Master of Mint at Norwich, case of, &c.; lxxxiv. 29; lxxxv. 91.
-, -, deputy master and worker there; xcii. 100.
-, -, -, and melter, citizen and pewterer of London, enlargement from prison of; lxxxix. 27; xci. 52.
Redknap, Colonel, H.M. Engineer [in New England]; ciii. 61 (p. 548).
Redriff (Surrey), manor of, as to lease of, &c.; xcvii. 21.
Refugee, a French, “for his religion;” lxxxiv. 124.
Regiments, agents of the, ruse to avoid giving accounts used by, and how paid; xci. 50.
-, a day's pay deducted from, for Chelsea Hospital; xcv. 54.
-, missing officers and men from four; lxxxvii. 154.
-, new raised; lxxix. 101.
-, on foot under the King of Portugal; lxxxix. 107.
-, of foot, establishment of additional forces in six; xciv. 17.
-, particulars as to; lxxxiii. 39; lxxxiv. 34; xciv. 6.
Registered seamen petition the House of Commons, fund to pay off; civ. 61.
Relfe, John, clerk assistant in the House of Lords, petition; xciv. 40.
Remembrancer, the; lxxxi. 76; lxxxiv. 103, 135, 144.
-, office and clerks of; lxxxii. 62; lxxxvii. 32.
Remittance of money, proposals for, &c.; lxxix. 18, 39; lxxxiv. 155; lxxxv. 155; lxxxvi. 95; lxxxvii. 23, 62, 89; xci. 76; xcii. 114; xcvi. 116; xcvii. 116; c. 104; civ. 5.
-, -, regulation of; xciii. 84.
-, made on account of the 40/m men; lxxxviii. 12.
-, on the tin, how to be made; xcix. 7.
Renaw, Mons., alias Pontack, children's birth; lxxxiii. 119.
Renda, Thomas, for a new patent for coining copper money; xciv. 39.
Rent charge, a fine on a, how to be taken; xciii. 58.
-, due to her Majesty, as to arrears of; lxxxiii. 13.
-, failure of the levy of; xcii. 98.
Repartition for augmentation troops, treaty of; lxxxvi. 138; lxxxvii. 1, 36, 46, 47.
Requests, Court of, bills for lights in the; xci. 82.
Resignations of posts in favour of others; xcix. 24.
Respites; lxxix. 42; lxxxv. 29, 36, 58; lxxxix. 136; xc. 50.
-, on the muster rolls, abstract of; lxxxiv. 131; xciv. 76; xcvi. 7.
-, on various regiments; lxxxvi. 16; xci. 20; xcii. 77; xciv. 20, 45; xcviii. 1; ci. 101.
Revels, master of the; lxxxviii. 38.
Revenue, the; lxxxvi. 88; lxxxvii. 117; xcvi. 110, 111; xcviii. 31; xcix. 6, 20, 109; c. 81.
-, receivers of, order to; lxxxi. 98.
-, of Excise, accounts relating to; lxxxviii. 4.
-, in connexion with the tin, proposal as to; xcv. 113.
-, in Ireland; lxxxi. 14; lxxxii. 82; xcii. 85; xciii. 48; xciv. 75; xcv. 64; xcvi. 98; xcviii. 19; xcix. 23; cii. 56, 123.
-, -, as to the collectors, qualifications of the guagers, &c.; cii. 123.
-, -, commissioners of; lxxxiv. 51, 70; lxxxvi. 107 (p. 175); lxxxvii. 79; lxxxviii. 14; lxxxix. 67, 110; xc. 46, 122; xci. 71 (p. 283), 125; xcii. 53, 70, 84; xciii. 19; xciv. 77; xcvi. 6, 35, 45; xcix. 14; c. 27, 38, 41; ci. 8, 90; cii. 107; ciii. 15, 52, 66; civ. 60.
-, -, -, report on lighthouses; xci. 71 (p. 283).
-, -, -, quit rents; lxxxiv. 70; lxxxv. 54.
-, -, -, as to foreigners in amity; 160.
-, -, -, fall of revenues; lxxxv. 166.
-, -, -, forfeitures, &c.; lxxviii. 31; ciii. 51, 55.
-, -, -, difficulty in getting in the debts; xci. 84.
-, -, -, contract for the butlerage, ci. 40.
-, -, the farmers of; lxxxiii. 92; xcvi, 87.
-, -, gross produce of, estimates and views of; lxxxii. 82; lxxxiii. 55; lxxxvi. 48; lxxxviii. 14, 64; xci. 21; xcvi. 35, 108; xcviii. 116; cii. 142.
-, -, officers of, in general, as to censure of House of Commons on; lxxxvii. 78.
-, -, payments out of the, &c.; xciii. 28; xciv. 58; xcviii. 18.
-, -, pension out of the; xcvi. 15.
-, in Jamaica. See Jamaica.
-, of Scotland. See Scotland.
Revenues, civil list, for one year; xcvii. 112.
-, officers of, clandestine practices; lxxxv. 166.
Reversionary annuities; xci. 26; xcv. 54.
-, orders and returned debentures, list of; xcv. 92.
Reversions, the Queen's power to grant, opinion; lxxxix. 21.
Revolution, a service in the; xcvii. 13.
Reynolds, Thos., sale of prizes; lxxxi. 105.
Rhea, St. Martin in the isle of; lxxxvi. 134.
Rhode Island, colony of; ci. 32; ciii. 61 (p. 550).
Rhodes, Samuel, late of Lincoln's Inn, gent., place of clerk of indorsements in Alienation Office; lxxx. 13.
Ricaut, Sir Paul, petition of executor of; lxxxix. 7.
Rice, production of, in America; xcii. 62.
-, -, Col., application to Parliament xcviii. 6.
-, Elizabeth, bitten by the mad dog belonging to the receipt of Exchequer; lxxxvi. 113.
Richards, Col. John, to serve the King of Portugal as lieutenant-general of artillery, for brigadier's pay; xci. 29; xcvii. 113.
-, Major General John, command of a regiment given to; ci. 12.
-, Col., from Barcelona; xcix. 103; cii. 118.
-, -, proposal to augment the Spanish train; ciii. 13.
-, John, officer of Excise at Knighton, Radnorshire; lxxx. 131.
-, Dr. Thomas, Treasurer of the Chamber, allowance from; lxxxv. 131.
-, Mr. Richard, petition, &c.; c. 42.
Richmond in Surrey; lxxxi. 88.
-, courts of the manor of, steward of; lxxix. 107.
-, premises in, and general survey of manor of; lxxxviii. 5.
-, a tenement at; cii. 82.
-, Palace, a house forming part of, right to, contested; cii. 44.
-, Park, carpenter's bill; lxxxi. 62.
-, -, deerstealing in; xc. 40.
-, Old Park, demise of the lodge in; lxxxiv. 94.
-, and Lennox, the late Duke of, arrears of rent charged on; lxxxvii. 93.
-, -, Duke of; xcvii. 46.
-, -, Frances, Duchess Dowager of, an annuity in arrear to; xcviii. 52.
Rickesies, Abraham, military stores supplied by; lxxxvii. 102.
-, Charles, Esq., M.P., case of, as reported in the House of Commons; lxxxvii. 102.
Ricksy, Mr., a pension to, cited; xciii. 102.
Rider, Mr. William, Queen Dowager's houses; lxxx. 65.
-, -, lodges in Whittlewood forest; lxxxi. 35.
-, -, bound for a debt of Lord Griffin, petition of; xcvii. 101.
Riding, the new, in Windsor Park; lxxxvii. 106.
Riding charges, establishment for; lxxxi. 54.
-, -, petitions as to; xciv. 59, 62.
-, purveyor, a late, pension of; xciv. 135.
-, surveyors, appointment of additional; xc. 18.
Rime Intrinsica, Dorsetshire, manor of; lxxxvi. 93.
Ringsend, lighthouse at the northern part of of; xci. 71 (p. 284).
Rivers, Col., regiment, &c. commanded by, pay; lxxxviii. 17; lxxxix. 34; xci. 42; xcvii. 102.
-, -, James, for removal of hardships in his regiment; xcii. 93.
-, Earl, memorial in favour of Mr. Wroth; xcviii. 98.
-, -, expedition under, &c.; xcviii. 76, 80; c. 75; ci. 12.
-, -, -, foreign coins provided for; xcix. 25.
Rix dollars, proposal to remit; lxxxvi. 95.
Road Island. See Rhode.
Road surveyors, appointments of; lxxxvii. 71.
Roads, keeper of the; ci. 42.
-, -, and guide of, papers relating to office of, &c.; lxxxvii. 71, 143.
-, surveyor general of, under King Charles II.; lxxxviii. 82.
Robart, Tilleman, arrears for keeping Hampton Court gardens; cii. 93.
Robberies, &c., a proposal to prevent; lxxxiii. 115.
Roberts, Mr., exhibit of; lxxxi. 78.
-, -, “paymaster of Windsor,” money for Datchet bridge, &c.; xcviii. 16; xcix. 5.
-, Anthony, master of the ship “Endeavour,” of Truro, petition; xcii. 68.
-, Humphrey, affidavit as to Beaumaris Castle; ciii. 105.
-, Matthew, plumber, work at Hampton Court, &c.; lxxxvi. 78; xciii. 106.
-, Mr. William, rents received in counties of Oxford and Berks by; lxxx. 86.
Robertson, Mr. Daniel, Scotch cloth, &c., petition; xcii. 53.
-, William, acting as receiver general in Virginia; xcvii. 8.
Robegoers; lxxxiii. 50.
Robes, the Master of the; lxxix. 17.
-, -, to King Charles II., accounts of; lxxxvi. 126.
-, and wardrobe of beds, clerk of; lxxxiv. 42.
Robins, Benjamin, collection of taxes at Exeter; lxxxix. 42.
Robinson, Mr., Deputy Receiver General; lxxix. 58, 97.
-, Dr., executor of J. Methuen, Esq., money due to; ciii. 83.
-, Mr. Charles, proposal as to clothing of the forces; ciii. 19.
-, John, Esq., envoy to the King of Sweden, money due to; lxxxvii. 103.
-, Dr. John, H.M. Envoy Extraordinary; cii. 147.
-, Sir John, his eldest son, a volunteer on the “Rochester,” had killed one Richard Church; lxxxiii. 93.
-, Marmaduke, of Westmorland, charged with coming money; xciv. 74.
-, Sir Leonard, Knt., late chamberlain of London, executors of; ci. 59.
-, Sir William; lxxxi. 96.
-, -, attacked in the Irish House of Commons; lxxxvii. 77.
-, -, paper as to Mr. Southwell; lxxxvii. 78.
-, -, deputy paymaster for Ireland; lxxxi. 91.
-, -, a commissary general for the army in Ireland, accounts of; cii. 26.
-, William, deputy receiver of Ireland, repayments by Earl of Ranelagh; lxxxi. 7.
Roche, Lord, an allowance to; xcix. 2.
Rochelle; xc. 45; xciii. 123; xcvi. 31, 92.
Rochester; xcvii. 85; ciii. 36.
-, Earl of; lxxx. 89, 126; lxxxi. 1, 96; lxxxii. 14; lxxxiii. 22, 60, 94; lxxxiv. 45, 112; lxxxv. 107; lxxxvi. 4.
-, -, prosecution of deerstealers; xc. 40.
-, -, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; lxxx. 15; lxxxi. 91; lxxxiv. 51.
-, port of, agents, &c., of the rights, &c., of the Admiralty at; xcix. 88.
-, the, late King's ship; lxxxiii. 93.
Rochford or Rochfort, Robert, reports on petitions; xcii. 58, 72; xcix. 52; cii. 52.
Rock, Mr., agent for prizes with the grand fleet; ci. 9.
-, William, Esq., judge advocate on board the fleet; xcviii. 28.
Rockingham forest; lxxxiv. 57; xc. 95.
-, -, cliff bailiwick in; lxxxiv. 87.
-, -, coppices of, damage to the crown by grant of; xcviii. 58.
-, -, a grant of woods in; ci. 79.
-, -, timber of; lxxxiv. 88; xcvi. 105.
Rodney, Col., pension to the widow of, &c.; xcviii. 53.
Rodolph August, Duke; lxxx. 72.
Roehampton, dated; xcix. 47.
Rogers, Capt., respits, memorial; xcvii. 61.
-, Mr., agent to the packet boats at Falmouth; xcvii. 84.
-, Jonathan, gent., an executor of Ann James, custody of an idiot; lxxxi. 34.
Rokeby, Dorothy, wife of late Col. Paston, arrears for a house; lxxxiv. 37.
Rolf, Mr., under-sheriff of Sussex, extra services; xciii. 54.
Roll, Robert, of Lynn Regis, in co. of Norfolk, gent., for grant of marsh land; xciv. 81.
Rolls, the Master of the; lxxix. 59.
-, -, his house at Knightsbridge; xcii. 115.
-, Office, search at the; lxxxvi. 75.
-, Mr., M.P., dwelling in Devonshire, and Mr. Power; lxxxix. 144.
Roman Catholic, a person displaced for being a; xc. 47.
-, -, religion, a profession of, the effect of force; xcv. 36.
Rome; lxxvii. 142 (p. 208).
Romish priests, Greek youths decoyed from England by; lxxxvii. 142.
Romney [the Earl of]; lxxix. 23; lxxx. 6.
-, -, accounts of, as Master of the Robes to King Charles II.; lxxxiii. 44.
-, Marsh, French privateers on the coast of; lxxxiv. 10.
-, -, seizure of three persons coming from France in; lxxxvii. 21.
Ronsele, Baron, division of his pension between his daughter and another; xci. 98.
Rook or Rooke, Sir George; lxxxii. 19, 28, 45, 61; lxxxix. 87; xc. 96.
-, -, French East India ship sent in by; lxxxv. 149.
-, -, letter of, as to agent of transports in Holland; lxxxviii. 19.
-, -, prize ships brought home by; xcii. 3.
-, -, sick and wounded brought home by; xci. 148.
-, Col. Heyman, clothing of his regiment; civ. 57.
Roop, Mr., agent for prizes in port of London; lxxxvii. 137.
Roope, Mr. John, boom in St. John's harbour; lxxxv. 157.
-, Nicholas [Esq.]; cii. 5.
-, -, -, overlooker of the transportation of the forces; lxxix. 64; lxxxii. 129; lxxxvii. 10.
-, -, -, a commissioner for transportation; xcii. 22; xcvi. 117.
Ropemaker, the master, his house at Plymouth; lxxxiii. 19.
Rosas, on the frontiers of France, only town not submitted to K. Charles III.; xcvi. 51.
Rose or Rosse, Mr., the “graver's place”; xci. 143.
-, -, payment of, for making seals; xcii. 47.
Rosenkrantz, J. or Mons. the Danish envoy, arrears to troops; lxxxvii. 138, 152.
-, -, -, French wines of, seized; xciv. 78.
Ross, Col., money paid to; lxxix. 97.
-, -, Charles, arrears; lxxxiii. 94.
-, Lieut.-General; civ. 44.
-, Samuel, clerk to the controller and accountant general, petition; xci. 13.
Rostollan, manor, castle, &c., co. Cork, proposed corporation; xcix. 52; ciii. 71.
Rotherham, Sir John, case of, as to proceedings of Commissioners of Revenue in Ireland; lxxxiv. 51.
-, Mr. Henry, late collector of revenue in co. of Cavan, insolvent, a bondsman for; xciv. 77.
Rotterdam; lxxix. 39; lxxxv. 35; lxxxvi. 1.
-, account of voyages to, in the summer; xcvii. 18.
-, pay office of; lxxxiv. 12.
-, ships clearing from Guernsey for; lxxxvi. 59.
Rotuli Normanniæ, &c., in the Tower; lxxxix. 147.
Rouen, English nunnery at, in Normandy, premises; xciv. 117.
Rous, Mr. Nathaniel, proposition for payment of a regiment; ciii. 81.
Rouse, Lieut.-Col. or Col. Edmund, governor of Upnor Castle, as to an allowance; lxxx. 27; lxxxi. 52.
Roussy, Jaques, proposal to remit money; xcvi. 116.
Row, Col., as to eight days' pay to regiment of; lxxxix. 128.
Rowe, Anthony, Esq.; lxxxi. 83; lxxxiv. 72; lxxxvii. 128.
-, -, -, for enlargement of time for hearing his cause; xci. 27.
-, -, -, as to the fowls in St. James's Park; lxxxviii. 44.
Rowlandson, Henry, clerk of the bakehouse; lxxxiv. 75.
Rowley coppice, in parish of Thoydon, in forest of Epping, as to grubbing up of; lxxxv. 70.
-, William, Esq., groom porter to her Majesty, furnishing of the palaces, &c.; lxxxiv. 139.
Royal boroughs' address to her Majesty, the; c. 85.
-, bounty, list of persons receiving the; lxxxviii. 56.
-, Hospital, the, as to the payment of dues to; lxxxix. 103; xcii. 83; xcv. 92; c. 57; ciii. 90.
-, Mary, the, a Scotch ship of war, commander accused of smuggling; xcvii. 40.
-, Oak, the; lxxxi. 27.
-, -, lottery; lxxix. 111; lxxx. 134; lxxxiv. 156.
-, -, -, pensions out of; lxxx. 109; lxxxviii. 70.
-, prerogative to seize goods of owners unknown; cii. 24.
-, stud, the; lxxx. 100.
Roxburghe, Lord; cii. 70.
Rudge, Thomas, receiver of land revenue in counties of Southampton, &c., fee-farm rents escheated to the crown; ci. 19.
Rumny, Lord; lxxxi. 94.
Rumsey, Capt., share of Vigo prize money of; lxxxix. 119.
-, Marsh, transportation of wool out of; cii. 48.
Russel Court, meeting house in; xciv. 106.
Russell, Mr., the English minister, prevents pews, &c., of a French church being seized; xcvii. 111.
-, Col., late Governor of Barbadoes; lxxxvii. 18.
-, Lady Letitia, as to the pension, &c., to; xcvi. 6; c. 41, 54.
-, -, widow and executrix of late Lord Robert Russell, clerk of the pipe, petition for fees; lxxxviii. 67.
-, Lord Edward, treasurer of the chamber; lxxxv. 131.
-, John, gent., prize officer of Falmouth; lxxxiii. 114; xcii. 95; xcvi. 5.
-, -, suit in the Exchequer, petition, &c.; xcii. 14.
-, W., serjeant of the hawks, for subsistence; lxxxvii. 105.
-, Sir William, captain in Brigadier Cadogan's regiment, pension; xciv. 21.
-, -, captain in Lord Arran's regiment, warrant; xcv. 39.
Rutherford, Mr.; ciii. 53.
Ruthland Castle, North Wales, condition of; ciii. 105.
Rycaut, Charlotte, widow, petition; xcvii. 104.
-, Peter, Esq., lieutenant in Lord Donegall's regiment at Gibraltar, as to; xcvii. 104.
Rye House plot, discovery of; lxxxiv. 75.
Ryley, John, Esq., joint painter to their late Majesties; lxxxiii. 91.
-, or Ryly, Philip, Esq., or Mr. [Works]; lxxx. 100, 114; lxxxi. 35, 62; lxxxiv. 130, 154; lxxxvii. 117.
-, -, -, surveyor general of woods, Trent South, on petition to grub up forest trees; lxxxv. 70.
-, -, -, commission for making enclosures in New Forest; lxxxv. 42.
-, Serjeant; lxxx. 65.
-, Reginald, serjeant-at-arms; lxxxii. 65.
Rymer, Mr. or Thomas, patent as historiographer; lxxx. 42.
-, -, for relief as to allowance on old leagues and treaties, &c.; lxxxiv. 140.
-, -, complains of hard dealing; xcix. 71.
-, -, arrears for himself and clerks, as to his books, &c.; xc. 117.
-, -, agreement as to the Fœdera; xciv. 115.
Rymer's Fœdera, entry of, in Stationers' Company's register; xcii. 45.
-, -, number of copies printed, and weekly stipend of the printer; xciv. 125.
-, -, first tome, affidavit concerning; xcii. 23.
-, -, third volume, articles of agreement; xciv. 115.
-, -, third volume, as to printing; xcix. 51.
-, -, fourth volume; c. 48.
-, -, fifth volume; ci. 24.
-, -, sixth. volume; ciii. 48.