Volume 48: October 1, 1697-November 12, 1697

Pages 97-110

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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October 1, 1697–November 12, 1697

Oct. 1.
1. “List of malt tickets that remained in the Transport office not paid out, the 7th Aug. 1697, when the tickets were drawn.” Dated 1 Oct. 1697.
Accompanied by an affidavit relating thereto. 1½ pages.
Oct. 1. 2. Warrant of the Lords of the Treasury to Mr. S. Travers, Surveyor-General, added at the foot of his report, approving of it, and directing him to make forth a constat, or send to the auditor for a particular of the premises (viz., the profits of the office of Havener of the Duchy of Cornwall), and rate the same, in order to a new lease to be passed to the petitioner, Nicholas Morice, Esq., or such as he should nominate, in trust for his son Sir Nicholas Morice, Bart., for 99 years, if the three lives to he named by the petitioner should so long live, reserving the former rent of 30l. per ann., and paying a fine of 1,600l. Dated 1 Oct. 1697.
The report states that the profits of the office of Havener, by a medium of seven years before 1641, amounted to 250l., and that in the year 1660 Sir William Morice, then Secretary of State, obtained a grant of it, with various other particulars in relation to it.
Also the petition.
Minuted:—“Agreed.” 3 pages.
Oct. 1.]
3. Proposal of Ann Musgrove to the Lords of the Treasury, to discover part of Sir John Friend's estate, as yet undiscovered, for one-third part of the same.
Minuted:—“Read 1 8br. '97.”
Also a petition accepting of one-fourth part, but praying their Lordships to give her something over and above the fourth part, proportionable to her good service to the King.
Minuted:—“In case she makes a good discovery sheel have the 4th part.” 2 pages.
Oct. 4. 4. Letter from Mr. Ja. Vernon to the Lords of the Treasury, at the command of the Lords Justices, sending the petition of Mr. Rymer, which they thought very fit to be considered, and that he should be encouraged to proceed in so laborious and useful a work [the Fœdera] on which he was engaged, by the King's special command; hoping as he had been disappointed, he might be gratified out of the forfeiture he then petitioned for. Dated 4 Oct. 1697.
Minuted:—“The K. has disposed Sir Jno Friend's estate.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 224, 19 Aug. 1698, is:—“200li to Mr. Rymer in part of his expences.” 1 page.
Oct. 4. 5. “Instructions to the Lords Justices for sending over the two Dutch regiments of Horse to Holland.”
Copy of the King's warrant for the same. Dated 4/14 Oct. 1697. Part of a page.
Oct. 5. 6. Memorial, signed Lance Burton, to the Lords of the Treasury. He had received a letter from Sir Charles Isaac's clerk, from Holland, desiring him to inform their Lordships that by the protracted stay of the King in Holland, and the expense which attended it, by reason that the Elector of Bavaria and several other great princes were entertained at Court, the sum computed for the last year's expense of the campaign would fall short at least 5,000l.; desiring they would issue money to the cofferer for that service. Dated 5 Oct. 1697. 1 page.
Oct. 5. 7. Presentment by the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, laying before them the particular transactions that have been between this board and Mr. Pye, late collector of Newcastle, viz., as to his debt and securities. Dated 5 Oct. 1697.
Minuted:—“Read 5 8br '97.” 2½ pages.
Oct. 5. 8. Presentment by the same to the same, as to the shipment of certain clothes and accoutrements, intended for His Majesty's soldiers at New York; on which the Lord Bellomont, at his leaving London for his government of New York, desired the collector of Portsmouth might not demand customs; praying their Lordships' directions. Dated 5 Oct. 1697.
Also two short inventories of the clothes.
Minuted:—“My Lord Ranelagh to pay this & putt it to ye acco of ye compa.” 1 page and 2 parts of pages.
Oct. 6. 9. Letter of Mr. Wm. Aldworth to William Lowndes, Esq., certifying that it did not appear what rents the “Trustees” had set apart for payment of pensions; proposing that he might have a commission to inquire touching the arrears and growing rents “discharged by allegation” in Mr. Smith's account of Norfolk and Huntingdon for the year 1681. He would only ask to be paid out of what should be brought in from his schedule. If he succeeded their Lordships might give directions for the rest of the counties. He did not understand Mr. Auditor Shales' report upon Mr. Hawson's papers, so desired respite till he returned from his audits. Rents conveyed to the Duke of Leeds amounting from 1672 to 795l. 8s., and rents in Richmond and Durham sold to Lord Bellasyse amounting from the same year to 244l. 15s., had been accounted for to the Crown, and he hoped he should not suffer by unjust imputations. The third allegation concerned the executors of Messrs. Thos. and John Bland, who were receivers of Yorkshire, and he thought could not find money to pay their securities. Dated 6 Oct. 1697. 1½ pages.
Oct. 6. 10. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Neile, gent., to the King, praying a grant of the estates of Col. John Bourke, commonly called Lord Boffin, and the late Lord Gallway; transmitting a report thereon from the Comrs of the Revenue in Ireland, leaving the matter to His Majesty's wisdom. Dated 6 Oct. 1697.
Also the petition and report; a memorial for the passing of a grant of the estate of the colonel to such person as he should nominate to maintain his Protestant children; and a particular or schedule of the estates with their values, and copy of a warrant dated 2 April 1698, in favour of the reversal of the outlawry of the said John Burke, late of Tyrrelan, in the county of Galway, Esq.
Minuted:—“Read to ye King 18 July '98. Not granted.” 13¼ pages.
Oct. 6.]
11. Petition of Col. Edw. Dutton Colt to the Lords of the Treasury, complaining that he had been necessitated to contract for clothes, arms, &c., and had no funds to pay off the contracts, and was threatened to be thrown into prison, &c.
Also copy of a report of 11 Oct. 1694, by Lord Ranelagh, on a previous petition of the said colonel.
Minuted:—“Recd 6th Oct. '97. Read eođ die. To be considered when the arrears of ye army are paid.” 2 pages.
Oct. 6.]
12 and 13. Petition of Robert Bedoe, under housekeeper of Whitehall, to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that on the new making of the Privy Gardens, Whitehall, there was a large piece of ground added, lying towards the river, which would require a considerable charge to keep in repair; praying for a further allowance for the same. “Recd 6 Oct. '97.”
The plan thereof, with a description of the laying out of the ground. 2 pages, and the plan on a large sheet.
Oct. 7. 14. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Archibald Hutcheson, Esq., as to a debt of 700l. due to him, 200l. of which had not been paid. Offering to pay the same if instructed. Dated 7 Oct. 1697.
Minuted:—“28 8br. '97. Agreed to.”
Also two memorials from him. 4 pages.
Oct. 7. 15. Report of the same to the same, on the memorial of the Comrs of the Leeward Islands, praying to have directions to pay 720l. 2s. 2d. out of the subsistence of Col. Holt's regiment in their hands; to Mr. Carey, &c. in favour of the payment. Dated 7 Oct. 1697.
Also the said memorial.
Minuted:—“Agreed to.” 2 pages.
Oct. 8. 16. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, laying before them the several papers relative to an arrear of 684l., which James Dunkin petitioned to be allowed; he having been a farmer of the hearth money for the counties of Down and Antrim, in the year 1687, and answered the same in cattle and grain to King James II. Dated 8 Oct. 1697.
Also the papers. 20 pages or parts of pages.
Oct. 12. 17. Report of the Comrs of Customs, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Mr. Jeffrey Jeffrys, praying that his impost account for tobacco, might be made up with an allowance of 8 per cent. for waste, shrinkage, &c.; being an answer to various complaints made against them by the petitioner. Dated 12 Oct. 1697.
Also the memorial.
Minuted:—“Read 19 8br '97. My Lords can give no greater allowance then what was settled by the compromise.” 2 pages and 2 parts.
Oct. 12. 18 and 19. Report of the same to the same, on the petition of Thomas Byfeild and other merchants and inhabitants of London, to admit certain goods for entry, which were captured by a French privateer, and re-captured by a Zealand privateer and carried to Flushing, and there bought; advising that these involuntary deviations ought not to prejudice the importation. Dated 12 Oct. 1697.
Also the petition and an affidavit.
Minuted:—“My Lords agree wth the report.” 3 pages.
Oct. 13. 20. Letter from the Postmasters-General to Wm. Lowndes, Esq., asking him to lay the enclosed representation before their Lordships. Dated 13 Oct. 1697.
The “representation” showing that the packet boats between Falmouth and the Groyn, had during the war taken several prizes, but the commanders and seamen had received little out of the profits. One warrant had been granted in their favour, but it proved of little value: the postmasters now prayed their Lordships to grant them the profits out of certain other prizes, therein specified, for the maintenance of the packet boats, having first rewarded the captains and seamen. Dated 12 Oct. 1697.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 92, 12 Jan. 1697–8, is:—“Captains of the pacqt boat between Falmouth and the Groyne, to have a profit out of the prizes, prout the report of the Postmasters read this day.” 3 pages.
Oct. 13. 21. Representation by the Comrs of sick and wounded seamen, &c., to the Lords of the Treasury, sending a “state of the charge of sick & wounded seamen & prisoners at warr, wth the rects of money, from 11 July 1689 to ye 29 September 1697; soliciting money to defray the debts.” Dated 13 Oct. 1697. 2 pages.
Oct. 14. 22. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, transmitting an address of the House of Commons, in behalf of the Protestant strangers; whereby it was desired that a foreign Protestant minister might be appointed in every country parish, wherein 50 or more Protestant strangers should be settled, with a reasonable salary; advising that 600l. a year would be a sufficient fund for that purpose. Dated 14 Oct. 1697.
Also the address. 3 pages.
Oct. 15. 23. A state of Exchequer bills received and issued by the four tellers of the Exchequer and receiver-general of the Excise, to the 15th of Oct. 1697 inclusive, according to their certificates returned to the trustees for exchanging the said bills. 1 page.
Oct. 18. 24. Letter from Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, returning the warrant to the Lords Justices, for the collar of SS., signed by the King. His Majesty did not seem inclined to sign the one for Mr. Townsend till his return to England, which would be very soon. He (the writer) had acquainted the Receiver-General of the States with what Mr. Lowndes had said, about the interest of tallies, in the hands of the Dutch ambassador, and hoped there would be no further complaint. Dated Loo, 18/28 Oct. 1697. 1 page (quarto).
Oct. 19. 25. Memorial of the Comrs of Excise, to the Lords of the Treasury, relating to money paid into the Mint to be recoined. Dated 19 Oct. 1697.
Also an official notice from the Comrs of Appeals to the Comrs of Excise. 2 pages.
Oct. 19. 26. Report of the Comrs of Customs, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Eggia de Mezar and other Armenian merchants, stating that they had brought overland from Persia, certain Persian silk and handkerchiefs for presents; which when they were proceeding to enter, were seized by the officer at Harwich: by the Act of navigation, the goods of Asia, Africa, and America were “restrained to be imported from the places of their growth, production, or manufacture, or from those ports where such goods or commodities can only, or usually have been, first shipped, for transportation under pain of forfeiture.” Advising favourable consideration. Dated 19 Oct. 1697.
Minuted:—“To be dd, paying custome & giving satisfaction to the officer.”
“Wt signed 20th 8ber '97.”
Also the petition and case of the merchants. 3 pages.
Oct. 19. 27. Letter of Mr. James Vernon to the Lords of the Treasury. The Dutch ambassador had represented to the Lords Justices, the hardship he found himself under, by the refusal at the Exchequer, to pay him interest due upon tallies, for money advanced by the States General, for the use of the King's troops upon the Rhine. Dated 19 Oct. 1697.
Accompanied by the ambassador's memorial (French), and a translation thereof. 3½ pages.
Oct. 20.]
28. Petition of Richard Bentley, library keeper to His Majesty. The library at St. James's was very much out of repair, to the great damage of many valuable manuscripts, and it was too small to receive the books, so that above 2,000 volumes lay on the floor, and above 1,000l. worth were lodged abroad. With an order referring the matter to Sir Chr. Wren, Knt., surveyor general of works. The reference is dated 20 Oct. 1697. 1 page.
Oct. 20.]
29. Petition of John Norris Joiner, of the Privy Chamber, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, for 163l. 19s. 4d. due to him.
Also an account of the separate sums making up that amount. 29 Sept. 1697.
Received 20 Oct. '97.
Minuted:—“4 Dec. '97. To be p[ai]d out of malt ticketts.” 2 pages. (quarto).
Jan. 21,
1696–7 to
Oct. 21,
30. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Brigadier Wolsley. They were sensible of the King's intention to extend his bounty to the brigadier, in consideration of the services he did His Majesty and this kingdom, in the late wars. They recommend the prayer of the petition to be granted. Dated 21 Jan. 1696.
The petition, which states that he had an order for a custodiam of forfeited lands in Ireland, for three years, but before it was perfected several of the lands were passed to the Hon. Tho. Knightly; and other lands were about to be passed to the Earl of Rochford, and the petitioner had been at upwards of 800l. expense about the same order: asking for further interest in similar lands.
Minuted:—“16 Ap. '97. Rejected.”
An affidavit relating thereto.
The particulars of the lands so granted for three years (4 papers).
A series of 13 letters, dated between 27 April and 21 Oct. 1697, of the said Wm. Wolseley. Two of these, and probably all, were addressed to Mr. Richard Powys, at the Treasury Chamber; all relating to the grants of land he was desirous of obtaining. 28 pages or parts of pages.
Oct. 21
and 22.
31. Letter from Mr. James Vernon to the Lords of the Treasury. Captain Kirk was employed to go over and take charge of the horses of two Dutch regiments of horse, which were to be sold; communicating their Excellencies' order for the payment of 100l. for his expenses. Dated 21 Oct. 1697.
Another letter from the same to Mr. Lowndes, respecting the same two regiments. Dated 22 Oct. 1697. 2 pages (quarto).
Oct. 22. 32. Letter of the same to the same, forwarding to them, by direction of the Lords Justices, the memorial of some Algerines, whom the King had subsisted, till there was an opportunity of sending them home; expressing the King's wish that they should be provided for, until then. Dated 22 Oct. 1697.
Also the said memorial.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 73, 10 Dec. 1697, is:—40li for ye Algerines, whereof 25li to cloath them; the rest for subsist[ence].” 2 pages.
Oct. 22. 33. Copy of a letter of Mr. Lowndes, inquiring if there were any other abuses than those lately set forth in the memorial of the [Comrs of Excise], as the matter was then under the consideration of the Lords of the Treasury. Dated 22 Oct. 1697.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 25, 27 Oct. 1697, is:—“The Comrs present another paper of mismanagements.” 1 page (quarto).
[? Oct. 25.] 34. Letter from Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, sending the second warrant signed by the King, for satisfying the interest or reward to the persons concerned in the second subscription, for circulating Exchequer bills. Dated Zulestein, 4 Nov. '97. 1 page (quarto).
Oct. 26. 35. Petition of Thomas Goldsmith, citizen and upholder of London, for a reward for originating the proposal to tax the hawkers and pedlers. With a certificate at the foot in his favour.
Also two letters to Mr. Lowndes, in favour of the petitioner, one of which is dated 26 Oct. 1697. 3 pages.
Oct. 27. 36. Letter signed “Fitzharding,” addressed to William Lowndes, Esq., secretary to the Lords of the Treasury. By the receipt of his letter he learnt it was their Lordships' pleasure, that he should present his first clerk to them to be sworn, according to the act. He (Lord Fitzharding) must attend Her Royal Highness the next week to town, when he would wait on their Lordships, and would recommend for their approbation Mr. Robert Squibb, his first clerk. Dated Windsor, 27 Oct. 1697. 1 page (quarto).
Oct. 28. 37. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, on the case of Brigadier William Wolseley, as to his being “reprized” out of some forfeited lands for several estates held by him in custodiam, which had been granted by the King to the Earl of Albemarle and the Earl of Rochfort, whereby he was deprived of part of the King's favour: recommending him on account of his zeal and diligence. Dated 28 Oct. 1697.
Also his petition. 2 pages.
Oct. 29. 38. Letter from Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, returning the warrant signed by the King, granting to the Lord Woodstock, the estate of the late Earl of Clancarty. Dated Hague, 8 Nov. 1697, N.S. 1 page (quarto).
[The grant of this property is mentioned in Macaulay's History of England, Vol. V., p. 29.]
Oct. 26
and 29.
39. Copy of letter of Mr. James Vernon to Mr. Lowndes, enclosing report of Mr. Richard Bishop, surgeon for the sick and wounded seamen, made to the Comrs for Sick and Wounded, as to the state of health of the crew on board the Katherine and Isabella, from Barbadoes.
Also another letter thereon, from the same to the same. Dated 26 and 29 Oct. 1697.
One is minuted:—“Will take care the directions be observed.” 4 pages.
[? About
Oct. 30.]
40. Copy of memorial by Joseph Beverton, one of the riding officers of the Customs at Canterbury, to the Lords [Justices], praying them to grant him out of the fines laid on merchants a gratuity suitable to his services, in detecting various owlers and smugglers, as therein detailed.
Referred and recommended to the Lords of the Treasury, 30 Oct. 1697, to be advanced to more beneficial employment in the Customs. 4 pages.
Oct. 30.]
41a. Memorial of Sir Richard Haddock, Sir John Parsons, Knt., and Nicholas Fenn, Esq., in behalf of themselves and Anthony Sturt, Esq., deceased, to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that upon their petition they had been empowered to audit the account of victualling: praying an allowance for their services.
Accompanied by the copy of the petition to which allusion is made.
Minuted:—“Recd 30th Oct. '97. Read 4 xbr '97. When their acct to the K. passes, my Lords will consider the subject matter of this memll for their allowance, wch may pass as an article in that accot.” 2 pages.
[? About
41b. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial relating to the quays, the surveyors and land-waiters of the port of London, which suggested that by reason of certain compacts and agreements made by the wharfingers, the surveyors, and land-waiters, there was a combination against the King's interest and service. The report finds that there were three distinct agreements, at two of which they were much surprised: the wharfingers admitted that they were agreed to farm the lawful quays and have the profits, and that was rather an advantage: the author of the memorial was mistaken as to the bounding of the quays and wharfs, for the commission and the Act provided that they should lie open 40 feet from the river, without division or separation, and only “Denter stones” should be placed in the pavement to distinguish property. The wharfingers had since they were a society removed such posts and partitions as had encroached upon the quays, and had since they were under this agreement jointly signed an instrument for the better regulating the quays and wharves. The agreement between the land-surveyors was as to the distribution of the profits equally; which was not for the good of the revenue, for it took off the edge and industry of particular persons: they were much more surprised at the agreement of the land-waiters, which besides dividing the fees, seemed to constitute them a body politic or corporate, and erected a certain judicature for punishment of offences, and was by no means to be countenanced: further sending copies of the said agreements.
Undated; but all the subscribers were Comrs in 1697, and the following documents, though not found with this report, seem to be referred to in the report:—
“Copy of an anonimous memorial to the Lords of the Treasury, touching a confedracy between the wharfingers, land-surveyors, and land-waiters.”
The charges against them were, that they pulled up the boundary posts between the quays to intermix the goods, and the quays lay open from Tower Wharf to London Bridge, the wharfingers combined in one common stock to smuggle for the merchants and enrich themselves; and they had lately included the surveyors and land-waiters in a firm compact, to divide the fees, so that they might be partners in all frauds as well as fees. Dated 9 Aug. 1697.
Copy of an agreement amongst the land-surveyors for an equal division of the profits of the office. Dated 7 Oct. 1697.
Petition of the King's-waiters and land-waiters in the port of London, to the Lords of the Treasury, acknowledging their fault in entering into an agreement for dividing their fees without the sanction of the Comrs, enclosing their reasons for the same, and praying for pardon of the offence.
“Recd 12 Oct. '97.”
The copies of the other separate agreements are not now with the report. 5 pages and 2 halves.
Nov. 2. 42. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Samuel Shepheard and Abraham Beake, for themselves and other merchants of London, as to certain prize goods, viz., fish and oil bought by them, on which a duty, as on foreign goods, was demanded by the officers of Customs at Plymouth, viz., to pass free of duties. Dated 2 Nov. 1697.
Also the petition and three certificates. 6 pages.
Nov. 2. 43. Report of the same to the same, on the petition of Hugh Watson and James Cook, merchants of Stockton, touching cut whalebone seized by officers of that port.
Minuted:—“To be admitted to entry, paying ye duty and satisfying ye officer.” Dated 2 Nov. 1697.
Also the petition, two affidavits, and a certificate. 5 pages.
Nov. 2. 44. Report of the same to the same, on the petition of Cornelius Mason and others, as to the shipment of 18,483li of tobacco for Rotterdam, on which 135li was omitted to be deducted, which was allowed inwards for damage; praying for a “noli prosequi,” advising that they were fit objects of compassion. Dated 2 Nov. 1697.
Also the petition and two other documents.
Minuted:—“My Lords will remitt ye K. p[er]t of ye composic[i]on, but direct no debr to be made.” 4 pages.
[? About
Nov. 3.]
45. Petition of John Dawes, bridle cutter and leather dresser, for the next vacancy of a King's-waitership, or land-waitership, in the port of London.
Minuted:—“Recd 3 Nov. '97.” Part of a page.
Nov. 3. 46. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Mons. Pauly, the resident of Denmark, praying for the restoration of a parcel of Denmark linen, seized by an officer of the Customs; advising that if the seizure were set aside, the goods would fall under the same consideration with all the other goods imported, there being no exemption in favour of foreign ministers. Dated 3 Nov. 1697.
Minuted:—“To be discharged, satisfying the officer, and paying the dutys. [Wt] signed 12 9br 1697.”
The said memorial and another paper relating thereto. 3¼ pages.
Nov. 4. 47. Letter from Mr. James Vernon to the Lords of the Treasury, forwarding the petition of Percival Brunskell, gent., to the Lords Justices of England, for their recommendation of himself to the Lords of the Treasury, for the office of controller of first fruits and tenths. Dated 4 Nov. '97. Parts of 2 pages.
Nov. 5.]
48. Memorial of the Earl of Argyll to the Lords of the Treasury. The troop of Scots' Guards under his commands on the English establishment had received no subsistence since 1 Jan. last; the agent had supplied them on credit to keep them and their horses from starving, but could do so no longer, and unless they had present relief, they could not be kept from breaking; praying for two or three months' subsistence, or what they thought fit.
Minuted:—“Recd 5th Novr '97.” 1 page.
Nov. 6. 49. Letter from Mr. May, by command of the Lords Justices of Ireland, to Mr. Lounds, as to certain sets of weights, being the standard for money current in Ireland, received from the officers of the Mint in England. Dated 6 Nov. 1697.
Accompanied by the application for three sets of weights, and a letter of Mr. Isaac Newton, signed by him, stating that he had made and adjusted the three sets of money weights required.
Relating to this matter is the following minute in the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 28, 29 Oct. 1697:—“Officers of the Mint, Mr Pauncefoot will carry a messinger to them, who is to receive the weights for Ireld, & give them a receipt, to deliver them to the Lords Justices.” 4 pages, or parts of pages.
Nov. 6. 50. “An abstract of moneys paid into the several Mints by the several Receivers-General, as also paid out of the said Mints to the said Receivers on the branches foll[owing], to the 6th Nov. '97 inclusive.”
Mere memoranda of totals. ¼ page.
Nov. 8. 51. Letter signed “Fr. Gardiner,” to the Right Hon. Charles Montague, Chancellor of the Exchequer. The malcontents have lived in greater freedom under this King's reign than in the two former reigns; the double taxes were overbalanced by exemption from bearing offices; upon the King's arrival the Parliament might meet again, if so, he prayed leave to stay till Christmas for the clearing of the Mint; he had known the King since he was 16 or 17 years of age, and had hopes of his being the greatest Prince in Europe, observing such sedateness and thoughtfulness in him as was rarely found in any person at those years; the King's warlike temper made every brave man love and his sneaking enemies fear him; the imposition of the Association upon all from 16 to 60, would prevent any of the latter remaining; whoever should set up the title of King James, or the pretended Prince of Wales, should be punished as an enemy, and none should hold office until they had taken the oath of allegiance and subscribed the Association. They had been greatly plagued in the house with petitions about rivers being made navigable; the more water carriage they made in the land, the easier and cheaper for the people, and better for the roads; there are very few great towns but might he helped by this means, and by destroying the water mills and erecting windmills. In Amsterdam there were near 500,000 souls, and not one water mill to grind their corn, and they never wanted meal; the plate had not come into the Mint as was expected; most of the plate in England was inferior in purity to the order in the last Act of Parliament; it would seem reasonable that no plate in England should be used but what was of the purity therein appointed, or a tax of 2d., 4d., 6d. the ounce laid on plate below the standard; and all the plate of colleges, &c. to be brought to the next Mint to be registered, and the money arising to be laid out in the purchase of lands for the benefit of such societies; three or six months should be given to bring in the old plate at 5s. 4d. the ounce, and no old hammered money should pass any longer, save to the future taxes at 5s. 2d. an ounce.
The present thoughts about reducing guineas created jealousy and confusions amongst the people, who were disturbed with burials, births, and marriages. and the window duty, and unless there was some consideration the peace could hardly be preserved. Dated 8 Nov. 1697. 2 pages.
Nov. 9. 52. Memorial of the Officers of the Mint to the Lords of the Treasury, presenting them with a list of the officers and clerks employed in the five country Mints, together with their salaries; praying their Lordships to pay the same. Dated 9 Nov. 1697.
Accompanied by the list.
With it is also a brief list, containing the names of the deputy wardens and deputy controllers. 3 pages.
Nov. 9. 53. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of James Amydon, merchant, as to a parcel of East India wrought silk belonging to him, and seized by an officer of Customs for London, for a false entry; submitting it to their Lordships' consideration. Dated 9 Nov. 1697.
The petition and three other papers relating thereto.
Minuted:—“My Lords can give noe relief in this case.” 6 pages.
Nov. 9. 54. Report of the same to the same, on the petition of Francis Gosfright and other merchants of London, owners and freighters of the galley called the Prince George, praying to be discharged of the duty of one per cent., stating that they had nothing to object. Dated 9 Nov. 1697.
Also the petition and two other documents.
Minuted:—“Agreed.” 3 pages and 2 halves.
Nov. 9. 55. Report of the same to the same, on the petition of Henry Smith of Dublin, praying the restoration of certain money of his seized by a Custom-house officer at Liverpool; adverse to the petitioner. Dated 9 Nov. 1697.
Also four other papers relating thereto.
Minuted:—“A letter to the Comrs to cause this seizure to be prosecuted wth effect.” 6 pages or parts of pages.
Nov. 9. 56. Copy of a letter from the Comrs of Customs to the collector of Dover. They agreed to present Jeoffrey Haford to be established by the Lords of the Treasury, as a riding surveyor, for the guard of the Isle of Thanet and the adjacent coast; and that he should reside at “Margrett” [Margate?]; but they could not remove John Knight and his servant from his station at Hythe, where he was absolutely necessary to suppress the owling. Dated 9 Nov. 1697. 1 page.
Nov. 9. 57. “An estimate of the general debt of his Maties Navy on the severall heads undermentioned, calculated to ye 30 of September 1697; excepting what is contracted on accot of ye xxvij new ships.” Dated 9 Nov. 1697. 1 page.
Nov. 9. 58. Representation of the Comrs for sick and wounded seamen, &c. to the Lords of the Treasury. The debt had “exceedingly swelld” by the great number of seamen, &c. set ashore, especially from the West India and Newfoundland squadrons, “who come on shore in such deplorable condition that our officers do even nauseate the sight of them, they are so offensive:” praying for an immediate supply. Dated 9 Nov. 1697.
Minuted:—“Read 10 9br '97.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 43, 10 Nov. 1697, is:—“Comrs of sick & wounded 1,200li out of Excheqr bills on ye loans, vizt 800li on ye head of wages, 400 vict.” 1 page.
Nov. 10. 59. “An account of the benefit tickets in the malt lottery, out of wt was appropriated for the service of the sick and wounded seamen, &c., 10 Nov. '97.”
Also an affidavit of Richard Povey, gent., receiver for the sick and wounded seamen, &c., as to the reception of lottery tickets to the value of 6,700l. for the service of the sick and wounded. 2 pages.
Nov. 10. 60. Report signed R. Powys, to the Lords of the Treasury. He had examined the papers relating to Col. Leighton, and they stated that he was sent to Ireland with several hundred blank commissions, with private instructions, arms, &c.; in which service he paid two small merchant ships for nine weeks. The King gave him the office of warden of the fleet, and there was litigation about his patent, and his expenses and losses amounted to upwards of 2,400l.; a warrant was passed to grant him a pension of 200l. per ann., out of the lotteries, and another to grant him 100l. from the Royal bounty; but he (the said Powys) did not find any particulars to make out the debt claimed by the Colonel, and knew not where to send to him to enquire further. Dated 10 Nov. 1697.
Accompanied by a letter from the Colonel. 1 page and 2 parts of pages.
Nov. 11. 61. Order in Council on a letter from the Lords Justices of Ireland, as well as on a report of the Attorney and Solicitor-General, transmitted by their Lordships, concerning the Earl of Orrery's pretentions to 9,000l., granted by King Charles II. to Roger Earl of Orrery; referring the matter to the Lords of the Treasury to report on. Dated 11 Nov. 1697.
The letter and report, and another Order in Council, together with the petition of the Earl.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 77, 15 Dec. 1697, is:—“Earle of Orrery's papers read, about the laps'd mony. Granted.” 11½ pages.
[? About
Nov. 12.]
62. The case of Sir Peter Killigrew, Knt., who, with John Tregagle, Esq., had a grant of the office of Receiver-General of the Duchy of Cornwall. Sir Peter, on the death of the said John, had agreed by deed that his son John should have the whole salary and profits of the office, Sir Peter receiving 300l. and 200l. per ann. The object of the paper seems to be to ascertain if Sir Peter, on failure of payment of those amounts, could take the salary and profits.
On the dorse:—“12 9br 1697.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 88, 11 January 1697[–8], is:—“My Lords order that an extent be made forth on ye bond of Sr Peter Killigrew, for the rect of ye Dutchy of Cornwall, to find how much of ye King's mo is in the hands of Mr Tregagle or Mr Hooker; and that on returne of the Inquisition a course may be taken agt them for ye King's money deteyned by them; and Mr Hen. Baker (now present) is to take care of this at ye King's charge.” 1 page.