Volume 69: May 21-July 15, 1700

Pages 395-412

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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May 21–July 15, 1700

May 21.
1. “An account of the debentures that have been made by ye Comrs of Transportation & by them delivered to ye persons concern'd for ye ships yt were in the Irish transport service.”
The return is in columns, the ships being arranged alphabetically, and there are three shorter lists at the end. Dated 21 May 1700.
The docquet adds that the list was “given to Comrs for stating ye accts of ye army, &c.” A book of 28 pages.
May 21. 2. “The charge of transporting ye army, from their coming out of Ireland after its reduction to ye end of ye year 1699.”
A paper thus entitled, containing a list of officers in the army, and sums against each.
Docquetted:—“21 May 1700. The Comrs of Transportation their charge upon ye severall regiments since ye reduction of Ireland.” 3 pages.
May 21.]
3. Petition of Major General Steuart to the King, showing that he released the King from a debt of 7,500l., due for the service of his regiment, and in consideration thereof and of several hazardous and chargeable services to Spain and elsewere, he had a grant of forfeited land in Ireland to the value of 800l. per ann. for 99 years; he had been at 1,000l. expense in finding the estates and passing the grant, and now it was void by Act of Parliament, 3,962l. 7s. 4d. of his debt was for interest of money advanced for his regiment 10 years before; praying for a contingent warrant for that amount.
Minuted:—“Read 21 May 1700. The King is inclined to gratifye his request if a way can be found out for doing of it. A wt has been signed.”
There is a minute to the same effect in the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 57. 1 page.
May 22.]
4. Petition of Nicholas Mynnooch, of Rye, in Sussex, the King's late muster master there, for repayment of 10l. 16s. 8d. paid by him for taxes assessed on officers of the navy in the year 1697.
Accompanied by another paper relating thereto.
Minuted:—“Read 22 May 1700. To be considered when others of like nature are considered.” 2 pages.
May 24. 5. Report of Mr. Henry Baker to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Ann, wife of Henry Crymes, finding that the said Henry had a fortune of 3,000l. with his wife, which they had spent, and upon a rule of Court he was ordered to pay her 8s. a week out of his pension of 30s. per week, provided she informed her husband where she lived, which she had refused to do. Dated 24 May 1700.
Minuted:—“17 June 1700. When she complys with the order of the Court my Lords will order ye 8s p[er] week.” 2 pages.
[? About
May 24.]
6. Petition to the Lords of the Treasury, of Sir John Bucknall, Governor, and the rest of the undertakers for raising Thames water in York Buildings; complaining that the King's Mews, which they had supplied, were then supplied by the “City water,” and that their pipes were useless; and praying an order for the payment of 68l. due for rent of the water.
Referred to Francis Negus, Esq., surveyor of the Mews, 24 May 1700. 1 page.
May 27. 7. Petition of Col. John Hales, Sir James Wood, and the rest of the captains that served in the late regiment of foot, formerly commanded by Col. Hales, but last by Col. Colt; praying an order to the Earl of Ranelagh to allow and pay what was due. Dated 27 May 1700.
Minuted:—“Look out the report and prepare a warrt.” 1 page.
May 28. 8. “A list of debts owing by the Victualling office to the last of May 1699, for the payment whereof tallys are assigned. 28th May 1700.” 2 pages.
May 28. 9. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Glover of London, merchant, as to certain damaged tobacco forfeited; advising that it should be left to a trial at law, or to such a composition that the King might be entitled to some share of the forfeiture as well as the officer. The seizure was made under a clause in the Act of Frauds, against fraudulent shipping of goods by certificate, in order to debenture. Dated 28 May 1700.
Also the petition, a previous report, and three other papers on the same subject,
Minuted:—“Proceed at law till a composition is offerd.” 8 pages.
May 28. 10. Presentment of the same to the same, announcing that the officers of Customs had given despatch to the Morocco agents' goods, in the easiest manner they could, and laying before them the account of the customs thereof. Dated 28 May 1700.
The said account.
Minuted:—“To be pd out of secret service money.” 2 pages.
May 29. 11. A letter from Mr. Lowndes to the officers of Works, for an account of all the works then going on at Hampton Court to be given to their Lordships. Dated 29 May 1700. 8 lines.
May 30. 12. Letter written by William Welbye, by command of the [Duke of Devonshire], Lord Steward of the Household, to William Lowndes, Esq., desiring him to represent to the Lords of the Treasury that at the time the Lord Pembroke went as one of the plenipotentiaries to the treaty of Ryswick, his Grace sent him upwards of 2,000 ounces of the King's plate, which had not been restored, the remainder, which is not a fifth of that quantity, their Lordships had required him to return to the Jewel office, which would be very inconvenient, as he had to keep two tables, one at Hampton Court, and the other at Devonshire House; and therefore he hoped they would dispense with it, &c. Dated 30 May 1700.
Minuted:—“25 June 1700. When my Lord Presidt brings in ye plate lent him when he went into Holland, the D. may have what is desired.” 1 page.
May 31. 13. Letter of Mr. Walter Devereux to the Lords of the Treasury, seeking to have an enclosed communication laid before the Comrs of Customs, as it was equally requisite for the King's service as his proposal which was then before them. He should be ready to make good his allegation in the presence of Mr. Baker, that he might be despatched. Dated 31 May 1700. 1 page.
14. Petition (signed) of several messengers and letter carriers in the Penny Post Office, in behalf of themselves and the rest of their brethren, complaining that they had been most unjustly and maliciously dismissed by Mr. Dockwra, the comptroller, who had taken money to put others in their room, and [dismissed] the rest for frivolous and vexatious pretences; to make room for his own creatures, to reduce the penny post as low as possible, in order to beg or farm it for himself; praying for redress. Without date, but about May 1700. [A full account of an examination into Mr. Dockwra's affairs is entered in Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 62, 29 May 1700. See also other papers on this subject, Vol. LXVII., No. 7.] 1 page.
15. (1.) A comparison of two proposals for farming the Excise and Salt duties.
Also “An estimate of what may be expected from those two proposalls, and that of Sir John Persons et al.
(2.) “Observations on the proposal as to the Excise upon liquors,” in Lowndes' handwriting.
Undated, but by comparison with entries as to these farms in the Minute Book, Vol. X., pp. 45 and 46, viz., 11 and 13 May 1700, and p. 59, 24 May 1700, probably about May 1700. 6 pages.
16. Petition to the Lords of the Treasury from Joseph Perkins, clerk, who in the last quarter sessions of the peace, held 3 Oct. 1699 at Kingston-upon-Thames, was convicted of publishing a seditious and scandalous pamphlet against the church government and fined 100l., praying to have the fine remitted, he having laid seven months in prison with no hope of raising the money, and having supported himself in prison by the sale of his clothes for food. The present Archbishop of Canterbury was willing to pardon his offence.
Also copy of his committal on 3 Oct., 11 Will. III. Parts of 2 pages.
June 1. 17. Report of the officers of the Mint to the Lords of the Treasury, on Mr. Weddell's bill for prosecution and conviction of Joseph Horton, goldsmith, late of London, for counterfeiting the coin, approving of the charges made; they observe that the discovery and prosecution of Horton was a great public service, he being one of the principal coiners of the kingdom. Dated 1 June 1700.
Also the bill.
Minuted:—“19 July 1700. The officers of the Mint are to pay this.”
There is further an order by the said officers to Nicholas Baker, Esq., to defray the charges, their Lordships having given directions that they should be paid. Dated 18 Sept. 1700. 3 pages.
June 1. 18. Copy of an account of incident charges paid for the pirates coming from New York by H.M. ship “Newport,” and put on board H.M. ship “Gloucester.” Dated Boston, 1 June 1700.
An enclosure in one of Lord Bellomont's letters. ½ page.
June 3. 19. Letter from the officers of Ordnance to the Lords [of the Treasury], stating that they had acquainted the Lord Romney with their Lordships' commands for making long fuzees for the Indian nations, upon which his Lordship repeated the King's commands, that no other arms should be sent than such as were in store; and they were then fitting up the lightest for that service. Dated 3 June 1700. 1 page.
June 3. 20. “Allowances for the severall services of messengers and articles of their bills;” viz. rates for travelling about with prisoners, and travelling at home and abroad, also the fixed charges for going to Windsor, Hampton Court, &c.
Signed on 3 June 1700, “Jersey,” & “Ja. Vernon.”
Minuted:—“Approved.” 1 page.
June 6. 21. Report of Sir Thomas Trevor, Attorney-General, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Thomas Grebell, and the report of Mr. Henry Baker on the same, in relation to the verdict of 500l. obtained against the petitioner and one Geo. Potter, on an information in the Exchequer for evasion of the customs. Dated 6 June 1700.
The report and petition referred to, and a memorandum.
Minuted:—“21 June 1700. Discha the fine & remitt ye charge upon paymt of the customs,” &c. 5½ pages.
June 10. 22. Memorial of Sir Charles Isaac, laying an abstract of the account of the King's expenses, in Holland for 20 weeks in 1699, before their Lordships, and praying for payment. Dated 10 June 1700.
Accompanied by, “The extraordinaryes in the creditor (sic) of His Mats expences in Holland, 1699.”
Minuted:—“Carr[y] to H[ampton] Court.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 73, 12 June 1700, is:—“Send Sr Charles Isaac's memll to ye Board of Greencloth, & desire them to informe my Lords what remaines due to him for ye last yeares expence in Holland.”
June 11. 23. Letter of the Comrs of Revenue in Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, sending a view of the gross produce of the King's revenue for the quarter ended Lady-day last, with the produce of the same for the same quarter in the previous year. Dated 11 June 1700. 1 page.
June 12. 24. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Charles Bludworth, Esq., executor of Sir Thomas Bludworth, deceased, one of the sureties of John Clay, late a collector of Excise, referring to a former report of the Comrs of Excise in 1693, about his case. He was a collector in North Wales, and became indebted 820l. 2s. ½d.; expressing their opinion that proceedings ought to go on against him unless he paid the sum, and that if he paid he should have the benefit of the King's prosecution against Sir Evan Lloyd. Dated 12 June 1700.
Also the petition.
Minuted:—“R. to Comrs of Excise. Agreed.” 3 pages.
June 12. 25. Report of the same to the same, on the petition of Richard Tooth and John Bushell, collectors of Excise, expressing the opinion that the petitioners ought not to be charged with the sums (226l. and 311l.) mentioned in the petitions, as Toby Mayo and William Lyon, whose bill the petitioners had taken, had failed, and by the action of the then Comrs of Excise, the petitioners could not secure the amount they were indebted to them. Dated 12 June 1700.
Also the two petitions.
Minuted:—“Agreed.” 4½ pages.
June 12. 26. Report of the same to the same, on the petition of Nicholas Amhurst, late collector of hearth money, stating that they believed that the petitioner was employed to examine the accounts of Shadrack Pride, a collector of hearth money in Somerset, who had converted 139l. to his own use, and to surcharge him; but there was no agreement to allow him a moiety of the surcharge, though they were informed it was customary, giving account of the disposal of the property of the said collector and his sureties, and giving their opinion that 95l. ought to be raised out of the estate of the said Shadrack and Hugh Pride, &c., and that the petitioner ought to be paid the same. Dated 12 June 1700.
Also the petition. 4 pages.
June 12. 27. Copy of a report of the Comrs of the Board of Trade to the King, as to the allowances heretofore made by the provinces of the Massachusets Bay, New York, and New Hampshire, for their Governors, and what might be expected for their present Governor, the Earl of Bellomont, informing His Majesty that the salary of the Governor of New York was 600l. per ann., but the Earl allowed 200l. per ann. to the Lt.-Governor. In the year 1686 Sir Edmund Andros, being appointed Governor of New England (in which New Hampshire and Massachusets Bay were included, but not New York), 1,200l. was appointed as his salary for one year. In 1687 the charter of New England was surrendered to the Crown, and the 1,200l. was continued out of the settled revenue to Sir Edmund. On the King's accession a new charter was granted to the Massachusets Bay, by which the revenue was made disposable by the Assembly there, since which Sir Wm. Phips and the Earl of Bellomont had been appointed Governors, but the Assembly had hitherto wholly declined to fix the salary. In the province of New Hampshire there had never been any fixed salary. Dated 12 June 1700.
In the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 93, 2 July 1700, is:—“Report of Counsell of Trade, concerning Lord Bellomont's allowances is read. My Lords are to examine it.” 2½ pages.
June 12. 28. Letter from Mr. B. Granville to the Right Hon. Sir Stephen Fox, one of the Lords of the Treasury, begging him to move their Lordships to allow him the fees and charges, amounting to 36l. “upon the year's rent now growing due.” Dated 12 June 1700.
Minuted:—“To be pd as usually; Mr. Granville 36li.” 1 page.
June 12. 29. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Kent, collector of the duty on salt, as to irregular practices in the collection of that duty, by which Mr. John Burrard had had salt delivered to him, the duty of which came to 865l. and 6d., without bond, bill of exchange, or money; recommending that the said collector should bear the charges to which he had been put by his mismanagement. Dated 12 June 1700.
Accompanied by the petition. 2½ pages.
[? About
June 13.]
30. Petition of Andrew Hudleston to the Lords of the Treasury, for allowance till the end of Trinity term, for payment of an arrear of 538l. 12s. 6d., by reason of losses in the receipt of taxes for Cumberland and Westmoreland.
Also an affidavit sworn 13 June 1700. 2 pages.
June 14. 31. Letter signed “J. Champante,” to William Lowndes, Esq., stating that he had attended the Earl of Ranelagh's office, for the payment of the clearings to the four independent companies at New York for eight months, but for want of due muster rolls the clearings could not be computed, hoping their Lordships would order that certain muster rolls which he had, should govern for the same. Pressing to have the matter laid before their Lordships, as the ship “Advice” would sail in two or three days. Dated 14 June 1700.
P.S.—He had enclosed the costs of the present to the five nations of Indians, the goods must be shipped immediately.
On the dorse, “A letter to Mr Paunceford to bring an answer to this on Wednesday morng next.” 1 page.
June 17. 32. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Martin, late collector of Excise, observing upon the sum of 10l. claimed by him for salaries paid, that it was not customary to allow collectors credit for more sums for salaries than those for which they produced vouchers, and further disposing of other claims by him for arrears, &c. Dated 17 June 1700.
Accompanied by the petition and a memorandum.
Minuted:—“My Lords agree wth the report.” 2½ pages.
[? About
June 18.]
33. Petition of Col. Edw. Leigh to the King, showing that he had clothed the regiment of dragoons lately under his command for two years, that the regiment was ordered by the King to be broke 84 days before the two years expired, and that the Earl of Ranelagh deducted “off the off-reckonings” for the 84 days in his general account to the regiment, and that he finds 563l. 10s. will be cast on his own pay thereby. Praying the King to give instructions that the petitioner may have credit given him on the general account for that sum.
Undated, but in the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 75, 18 June 1700, is:—“Peticon Collo Edward Leigh is read.” The above is most likely the petition referred to. 1 page (quarto).
June 19. 34. Report of the Comrs of Excise, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Wm. Clayton, advising the acceptance of the proposal of relations and friends to pay 1,000l. in discharge of his debt of 1,600l., and further advising the release of Andrew Clayton, his brother, imprisoned for the same debt in Newgate. Dated 19 June 1700.
Accompanied by the petition.
Minuted:—“Agreed. 19 July 1700. Wt signed for discharging this 1,600 upon paymt of 1,000 and charges of prosecution, for wch debt Wm Clayton stood bound.” 1 page.
June 19. 35. Letter of Walter Devereux [to the Lords of the Treasury or Comrs of Customs?], in answer to objections made by Mr. Henry Baker to his proposal for prevention of the smuggling on the coast of Kent, referring to his printed paper laid before them and the members of the House of Commons. He allowed that he had allotted three vessels for the coast of Kent, as it was resorted to by the “shallups and lemanores,” being the nearest cut to France. Mr. Baker had done well to have informed their Lordships of the many horse and foot ways in the cliffs between Dovor and Folkstone before he put them upon hiring the “Warren,” when the most noted of all the ways for running goods were to the eastward of the part hired, and known by the names of Butt-stairs, Aby Land-stairs, Head-stairs, and Pott-stairs. He avers that the assertion was incorrect that you could ride upon the strand or back from Folkstone to Dover at any time except high spring tides, as was stated; the cliffs between Walmer and Dover were as noted for running goods as any part of Kent, though taken no notice of by Mr. Baker. If the owling trade were in a great measure broken, as he set forth, the country was most grossly abused by the many prosecutions he had against them. His (Mr. Baker's) intelligence from France was very indifferent, for the price of wool there, since his management, had fallen from 35l. per pack to 15; it was then advanced to 24, and the reason of the better price was the season of the year. The King would pay no more than the charge of building the boats, which were not to exceed seven tons, and were to contain eight able men, and to be as nimble in rowing and sailing as the French shallups or lemanores; they would live in the sea better than any other, but not to be launched into the ocean further than necessity compelled. He would give good security to make good the losses of the vessels and ammunition by casualties; but the King would save considerably by repairing such losses rather than allowing 10,000l. per ann.; but in seven years there should not be the loss of a vessel; they were not to carry cannon or culverin, but a couple of smart guns to sling a pound bullet; nor to carry ballast more than arms and ammunition, and the tackle to wind up their boat; nor would he fix a crab or capstan on shore, but would have on board what would perform it quicker, and with fewer hands. Mr. Baker asserted that 40 men would not draw up a vessel in stormy weather; to show how little he understood of the matter, he would engage to draw up a boat of 12 tons with the help of 16 or 20 fishermen. His ignorance must be evident to the people of Brighthelmston, who drew up ships of great burthen in all weather at that town. As to the persons employed, he had but recommended the supervisor for Sussex.
P.S.—He thought Captain Nash, in his answer, had spoken as modestly as possible of his friends, the commanders of the sloops on the coast. Dated 19 June 1700. 3 pages.
June 20. 36. Memorial of Bernard Granville to the Lords of the Treasury, offering some few reasons not presented to their Lordships by his counsel at the hearing of his case in relation to Mote Park, for which the memorialist had accepted 300l. a year, but, as he maintained, only as part of the value. Dated 20 June 1700. 3½ pages.
June 21. 37. “A state of the wages, board wages, pentions, and other annual allowances to the servants of the household, chamber, chappell and stables, payable in the Cofferer's office for half [a year] ended at Midds. 1699.” Dated 21 June 1700. 1 page.
June 21. 38. “Mr Henry Baker's Answer to Mr Devereuxes charg of his illegall practices agst ye King & kingdom's intrest;” being the replies seriatim to six charges made against him by Mr. Devereux. Dated 21 June 1700.
Accompanied by the said charges. They principally relate to the owling trade carried on near Folkstone since the management of the affairs had been in the hands of Mr. Baker.
In the first reply of Mr. Baker, he says, “that notorious Irish rebel, Morris Trant, was taken in Devereux's house.”
There is some further account of these disputes in the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 88, 26 June 1700. Mr. Devereux says he would have made good his articles if Mr. Baker had not arrested him. Their Lordships were ready to hear him, but he declined to proceed except by an action against Baker. 6½ pages.
June 21. 39. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on a memorial entitled the “Case of severall merchants of London now in prosecution in his Mats Court of Exchequer for importing wines from the kingdome of Spain into England;” advising the acceptance of the composition offered. Dated 21 June 1700.
Accompanied by the particulars of the composition.
This is referred to in the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 78, 21 June 1700:—Their Lordships would accept a composition of 2/3 of the value of the wines. “And Mr Weeden & Mr Kerne for themselves & all others concerned in ye said ships do promise that they will leave off this trade for ye future; that they will discourage it in others so far as in them lyes; and that they will lay open to my Lords ye method by which the said trade of fetching French wine from St. Sebastian and other Spanish ports has been & is managed, soe that my Lords may be better able to prevent it.” 2 pages.
June 22. 40. Copy of a report of the Comrs of Trade to the King, stating that they had already laid before the King a state of the allowances which had been made to the Governors of the provinces of Massachusets Bay, New York, and New Hampshire, by way of established salaries, and now represented what had been otherwise done by those provinces, and what might be expected from them for the support of the Earl of Bellomont. It was customary for the General Assemblies to pass acts for making presents to their Governors beyond their salaries, especially on their first arrival. The Assemblies of New York, Massachusets Bay, and New Hampshire, on the Earl's arrival, had passed an act presenting him with 3,000l. of their money, being above 30 per cent. less in value than the current money of England; but the act had not yet been approved. The only money paid to the Earl since his departure from England in October 1697 was 400l. sterling per ann. out of the revenue of New York, the Lieutenant having the remaining 200l. (the Governor's salary being 600l.); New York would hardly make another present; New Hampshire was too poor, and would do little; and Massachusets Bay, a flourishing colony, showed no disposition to do it. Dated 22 June 1700.
[See a similar report, No. 27.] 3 pages.
June 22.]
41. A short letter signed “Susanna Lund,” addressed to the Hon. Wm. Lowndes, Esq., praying his “command to Mr Taylor for payment of such money” as their Lordships should order for Mrs. Arnold and her unfortunate family.
Minuted:—“Mrs Arnold had 50li bounty on 15 Decr last. Ordered & pd 22 June 1700, 50li.” 10 lines.
June 24.
[? 1700.]
42. Letter of William Earl of Portland to Mr. Tilson, at the Treasury Chambers, sending him an account of what was due to the Princess's family [? Anne, Princess of Denmark], together with the Treasury fees, as he was told the money would be ordered the beginning of that week. He would excuse the trouble as he (the Earl) saw he was inclined to help him. Dated “June 24th, Monday.”
[The 24th of June 1700 would be Monday.] 1 page (quarto).
June 24. 43. Report of the Earl of Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of the Earl of Arran, praying that the respites on his troop, afterwards commanded by Col. Harvey, might be taken off; they amounted to 379l. 11s. 8d. The Earl attended His Majesty as a volunteer in Flanders in every campaign, and received no profits of the troop; if their Lordships thought it reasonable, the warrant must be countersigned by them, as was done with Lord Windsor's troop. Dated 24 June 1700.
Also the memorial.
Minuted:—“2 July 1700. The K. will allow the respits of himselfe & three servts, but not of his troopers.” 2 pages.
June 24.]
44. A state of the account of the Farmers of the Royal Oak Lottery, by Paul Boyer, who states that 744l. 0s. 0d. were due to the Exchequer for their rent to Michaelmas 1699. He prayed that they might be heard.
Minuted:—“Read 24 Jun. 1700. My Lords expect ye Farmrs complyance according to their promise on the minute of 31th past.”
Accompanied by a certified copy of a minute of the Lords of the Treasury of 10 July 1700, signed J. Taylour, in respect to an allowance to the said farmers. 2 pages.
[? About
June 25.]
45. Memorial of Aubrey Earl of Oxford to the Lords of the Treasury, praying a lease for 21 years of the Penny Post Office at the rent of 100l. per ann., besides paying the Controller 500l. per ann. Signed.
Minuted:—“Read 25 June 1700. It cannot be granted.” 1 page.
June 26. 46. Memorial of the Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies to the Lords of the Treasury, referring to their petition of 9 May, in relation to the ship “Neptune” (see Vol. LXVIII., 51), which petition was reported on by their Lordships on the 24th of that month. They were under the necessity of offering several matters upon the report, as they conceived that not only their trade, but the King's interest and that of the kingdom were much concerned; they had hoped that they had made it appear, that after the King's duties were secured, he had no further interest, that the officers of Customs were officers for his revenue only, and that there was no necessity for a seizure, because the new Company could as well commence a suit upon the late Act without a seizure; but they found from their Lordships' report that they saw no reason for laying a restraint on the Comrs and officers of Customs as was desired; laying before their Lordships five considerations to induce them to interpose with their wisdom and authority with the Comrs of Customs to restrain their officers from intermeddling with and engaging the King's authority in seizures of that nature; adding, that if they go on in their present course, the Governor and Company hoped it would not be thought want of duty to His Majesty, nor want of respect to their Lordships, if they endeavoured to remedy themselves by law against such proceedings of the officers. Dated 26 June 1700.
The first consideration commences:—
“That tis the generall interest of the nation that trade should be free, and with no more restraint upon it than what the law does necessarily and visibly intend to make, and that all traders in the same commodity should have the same favour and protection and be upon an equall foot,” &c.
It is signed “Ro. Blackborne, secry.”
Minuted:—“Read 26th June 1700.” 3 pages.
June 27
and 28.
47. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, craving leave to attend their Lordships with a proposal of certain wine merchants who sought to be admitted to composition for such wines as were under prosecution, on the same terms as those to which their Lordships had agreed on the 21st inst. Dated 27 June 1700.
Also the “proposal.” Dated 28 June 1700. 2 pages.
June 29
and 30.
48. A memorial of Philip Ryley to the Lords of the Treasury, complaining of the interruption given by Sir Robert Smith and Mr. Dickens to all manner of business, and that it was impossible to carry on the public service in the New Forest if some discouragement were not given to those two gentlemen, more particularly complaining of their obstruction to the selling of trees of the value of 242l. 6s. for repair of the lodges and bridges in the forest; submitting to their Lordships whether those two gentlemen were fit to be continued in the commission of the peace, and whether the King might not fitly show a dislike of such proceedings, especially as one had little or no estate or interest in the county, and the other only about 400l. per ann., “during the life of his lady.” Dated 29 June 1700.
Accompanied by a letter to Philip Ryley, Esq., dated 30 June 1700, from Mr. Geo. Furzer, who appears to have been the deputy of Ryley, giving details of the carrying out his duties in the New Forest, and amongst the rest the interference complained of.
Minuted:—“To be laid before ye King. 2 July 1700. Read to ye K.”
It is also mentioned in the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 92, 2 July, as having been read before their Lordships. 3 pages.
June 30.]
49. Memorial of Capt. “Dalaval” to the King, showing that he had been employed 516 days in going to Barbary and negotiating for the redemption of the King's subjects in slavery in the dominions of the Emperor of Morocco, that he had a secretary and 16 servants, &c., that he was struck out of his sea pay and lost the advantages of a voyage to the Mediterranean and returning from Cadiz with plate, and was obliged to live at some extraordinary expense to procure such things as were to be exchanged for the slaves till they could be got ready: praying allowance for the same.
Minuted:—“Referred to ye Lords of ye Treãry by Mr Secretary Vernon. Read to ye K. 2 Jul. 1700. My Lords to consider what is reasonable. Afterwards ordered 40s a day during the time he was on shoar & till his return.”
Referred to the Lords of the Treasury 30 June 1700.
An accompt of extraordinary charges and disbursements made by Capt. Geo. Delavall, during the time of his negotiation with the Emperor of Morocco for the redemption of His Maties subjects, commencing from the 23o November 1698 untill his return from Barbary for London, being the 21o of Aprill 1700.”
These charges include expensive presents to the Emperor, the Queen, &c., for which 7,811 pieces of eight were expended, in addition he claimed 2,830l. 6s., part of which was for bringing certain Moors to England and showing them our fortifications, &c., and the remainder for his 516 days service at 5l. a day. 2½ pages.
[June.] 50. “Necessaries de termino Sancti Hillarii, anno regni xij Gulielmi tertii, ano domini 1700.”
Also for the following Easter and Trinity terms.
They consisted of stationery stores principally for the Court of Exchequer. 2½ long pages.
[? About
51. Letter of Henry, Bishop of London, to Mr. Lowndes, secretary to the Treasury, stating that His Majesty had commanded him to lay before the Lords of the Treasury his pleasure concerning an estate in Lancashire called Eccleshale, given to superstitious uses, which the King intended to settle (at least part of it) for the maintenance of the poor Greek youths at Oxford. Entreating him to lay the matter before the Board, and that he would despatch the King's gift to the minister and schoolmaster at Philadelphia, that the person going there, who would call on him on the morrow, might carry the grant, as well as the good news. Dated “Thursday.”
Minuted thus:—“Mr Attor. & Mr Survr to examine & certifie whether there be a probable title for ye King.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 61, 28 May 1700, is:—“The Greek boys in Gloucester Hall. The King orders nothing at present, but if they can find out any lands given to superstitious uses, His Maty will consider of it.”
And again at p. 85, 25 June 1700:—
“Memll of ye Bp of London for His Mats bounty to ye Greek youths at Oxford for their support, read. The King will give them 100li for once, but no more afterwards.” 1 page.
July 1. 52. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Doctor John Blow (fn. 1) and other executors of Roger Hewet, cashier in the Pay Office, deceased, praying to be forgiven a debt of 1,438l. 3s. 4d. in foreign coin owing to the King. The Earl reports that in the year 1688 the said Hewet went down into the West with a considerable sum to pay the army, and rendered an account thereof, except the above sum, which was in foreign coin; there was reason to believe he was a great sufferer by the badness and smallness of the silver coin, and the rise and fall of guineas. He fell into a distracted condition, and was placed in a madhouse. In favour of granting the petition. Dated 1 July 1700.
Also the petition.
Minuted:—“Hampton Court, 19th Novr 1700. The 1,438li is to be discharged in the accot where that money is charged, & not out of the King's money.” 2 pages.
July 2.]
53. Petition of Andrew Lloyd to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that he was Usher of the Black Rod in Ireland since 1697, but had received no salary; that the Lords Justices had transmitted the address of the House of Lords and the petitioner's prayer for their favour; that whilst attending the Duke of Bolton into England he was taken up and imprisoned on the Earl of Jersey's warrant, on account of the cause depending “between the Bp of Londonderry & the Society of London:” praying to have the same laid before the King “for the gratifyeing your petr for his services & sufferings.”
Minuted:—“Read 2 July 1700. My Lords to see what can be done in this.” 1 page.
July 2. 54. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of several officers, &c. of Col. Foxe's regiment in the Leeward Islands, praying payment for subsistence to the time of breaking the regiment; the sum amounted to 418l. 6s. 6d. to clear the subsistence of the regiment, which might be directed to be stopped here and paid to the agent, &c. Dated 2 July 1700.
Accompanied by the petition.
Minuted:—“My Lords agree wth this report, the officers allowing the 12d. in every 6l., because they receive their mo. here.” 2 pages.
July 4. 55. Representation by the Postmasters-General (R. Cotton and Tho. Frankland) to the Lords of the Treasury, that the number of letters and the business had greatly increased and the former establishment was insufficient; they had allowed inferior officers to assist, but that was of ill consequence, and they had employed two new officers as sorters in the inland office, they prayed they might be settled as additional sorters. [Minuted:—“Agreed.”] Miscarriages happened by the employment of indigent people employed by the receivers, because they would do it cheapest, and they had appointed three persons to bring the letters from each receiving house twice every grand post night, and the “by nights” once, at a charge of 31l. per ann. [Minuted:—“Agreed.”] They had to add 20l. per ann. to the “mail maker's” contract, which had been 80l. per ann. [Minuted:—“Approved.”] The sorters and other officers, by the increase of their duties, were incapable of doing anything beyond, for the support of their families, and the said Post-masters recommended an addition to their pay (which was but 40l. per ann.), as contained in a schedule. [Minuted:—“Approved.”] Dated 4 July 1700.
The schedule not now with it. 2 pages.
July 5. 56. Representation by the same to the same, that they had reported to their Lordships that they hoped to have found persons to undertake the cross post between Bristol and Shrewsbury, so that the King might not be a loser, but the persons most likely would not undertake it, except upon terms disadvantageous to the revenue; but as it would undoubtedly be of great use to trade and commerce, they prayed further directions, and annexed a schedule of the charge and loss. London having been considered the centre, all letters passing through London from one route to another were taxed with a double post, first to London and then to the place were directed. But on settling this post between West Bristol and Chester roads, all letters could only be charged with a single post. The passing through London was both tedious and chargeable, and a more speedy conveyance would in all probability produce an increase in the number of letters, besides bringing such into the office as were conveyed by carriers. They found it the practice to convey letters between towns that had commerce, particularly between Bristol and Worcester, and Worcester and Shrewsbury, where there were two persons who made it their business to collect and disperse letters. They found the cross post, set up 3½ years since between Exeter and Bristol, produced about 355l. per ann. “neat profit.” If set up, it should be managed for His Majesty, and carried as far as Chester. Dated 5 July 1700.
Accompanied by the paper referred to. 5 pages.
July 6. 57. Presentment of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, praying the Lords of the Treasury to grant their warrant for discharging from payment of the tax of 2s. in the pound all the officers having less than 100l. a year. Dated 6 July 1700.
Minuted:—“Orderd.” 1 page.
July 8. 58. Letter of H., Bp. of London, to the Lords of the Treasury, applying for the usual bounty of 20l. to Mr. Richardson, going as chaplain to Virginia.
Dated July 8. This was paid 12 July 1700. See Money Book, Vol. XV., p. 120. Part of a page.
July 9. 59. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Francis Barry, stating that they had on 2 Nov. 1698 reported in favour of his scheme for preventing frauds above bridge in the river, and recommended an allowance of 100l. or 120l. per ann. to him, as a probationer for 12 months. But shortly after he was despatched by the Lustring Company, at their charge, to the Western and Northern ports, upon information of goods being run; from which expedition he had returned in July last. They saw no cause for the continuance of the charge. Dated 9 July 1700.
Minuted:—“Read again 17 July 1700. The Comrs say he was imployed but one year, & is paid for the same. The petition is dismist.”
Accompanied by the petition and a schedule of receipts by him. 5 pages.
[? About
July 9.]
60. Petition of Col. John Meautys, to the King, showing that he was formerly in the service of the Prince of Orange, the King's grandfather, at the taking of Venelo, Ruermount, and Marstrict from the Spaniards, and also in the service of King Charles I.; in the beginning of the then war, his regiment was totally cut off; he was with King Charles II. in Scotland, and attended him to Worcester Fight, “for which he was an excepted person, as to life.” He received a pension of 2s. a day, which was in arrear. Praying a present supply.
Minuted:—“To be layd before ye K. 50£ bounty, paid 9th July 1700.” 1 page.
July 9. 61. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on a proposal of Walter Devereux, for preventing the transportation of wool upon the coasts of Kent and Sussex; stating that they had had the opinion of Captain Baker, Captain Nash, and Mr. Breton, the collector of Dover, who all agreed that the guard at sea by such small vessels as should be hauled on shore as there should be occasion, was impracticable, &c. They could not understand there would be a saving to the nation, for 10,000l. per ann. was proposed for the management, when the whole charge of the present establishment was 6,500l. They also enclose the answers of the persons above named to the proposal. Dated 9 July 1700.
Minuted:—“Read 9 July 1700. My Lords concurr with the Comrs in opinion.”
Also the papers referred to, viz.:—
(1.) The proposals of the said Mr. Walter Devereux for guarding the coasts of Kent and Sussex by sea and land from the North Foreland to the Isle of Wight, to prevent the exportation of wool and the importation of uncustomed commodities, and all other unlawful commerce between those counties and France; viz., for 10,000l. per ann. to build 18 vessels, each to carry eight men, two guns, and a chest of fire-arms, and find 144 men to man the vessels; to defray the charge of 24 riding officers and one supervisor, &c.; together with reasons for each paragraph of the proposal, and the particulars of the charge to answer the 10,000l.
(2.) Observations by Captain Baker on Captain Devereux's proposal for the preventing smuggling on the Kent and Sussex coasts. He considers it a bold offer, involving a trust of 10,000l. per ann. and building a small fleet of men-of-war. He offers various strictures on Captain Devereux's knowledge of the coast, the distance of placing the vessels, and their size, which he says is either “too small or too bigg for any service.” He finishes by saying, “the whole designe is ridiculous and impertinent, and there is nothing in it (but the reference from the House of Commons, to be taken notice of), but the proposer's modesty for his purpose intended.” Dated 31 May 1700.
(3.) A letter from Mr. Breton, dated 15 June 1700.
(4.) Observations by Henry Nash. 8 pages and 2 halves.
July 10.]
62. Petition of Christopher Smyth, one of the King's servants, and nephew to Simon Smyth, Esq., late knight harbinger to the King, showing that 509l. were due on his death for riding charges in Holland, 524l. for riding charges to Kensington, and 322l. for lodging money out of court; praying payment of the first sum.
Minuted:—“10 July 1700. The King doth not allow riding charges to Kensington, nor lodging mony out of court.” 1 page.
July 10.]
63. Petition of William Middleton to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that he had spent several sums for prosecution of persons who had defrauded the King of Customs to the value of 12,000l.; praying to be paid 50l. for reasons in a paper annexed.
Also the paper referred to.
There are two minutes on the dorse, the first on 10 July 1700, and the second is:—“Read 17th July 1700. Comrs of Customes present. Rejected.” 2 pages.
July 11. 64. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Captain John Writtle, commander of the Custom-house sloop, in and about the port of Poole, for the means of paying his debts incurred in the King's service; in a second petition he stated his employment brought him but 40l. a year; he besought the King to grant him the moiety of a seizure of French dowlas, &c., appraised at 164l. 9s. 2d.; they state that he had received encouragement so far as his present service was concerned; if the King saw fit to reward him for former services, they did not object. Dated 11 July 1700.
Minuted:—“Read 17 July 1700. The petition is dismissed.”
Also the petition and a letter. 3½ pages.
July 12.]
65. “A particular of the business of the Assistant Secretary and Clarke of the Securities, to the Commissioners of Excise: humbly offered to the Lords of the Treasury;” showing his duties.
Signed:—“Theophy. Blechynden.”
Undated, but see Reference Book, Vol. VI., p. 391. 2½ pages.
July 12. 66. Appraisements of wine from St. Sebastian, &c., seized at various ports, between 2 Feb. 1699 and 12 July 1700. 22 pages.
July 15. 67. Letter of the Officers of Ordnance to the Lords of the Treasury, laying before them the establishment and necessary annual charge of sea service, with its debt and tallies; they hoped to satisfy their Lordships that 5s. (their part of the 4l.) was so far from being too much that it was not sufficient to carry on the service. They found the officers of the navy very solicitous to possess their Lordships with notions to their disadvantage; they thought, with modesty, they understood their own business as well as they. 'Twas a little hard on them to desire their money when their (the Navy) office was under such circumstances as to build ships out of the wear and tear, which must create an expense of gunning them out of theirs (the Ordnance); their Lordships could not wonder at their being more in debt than at the conclusion of the peace, they having so reduced what the Parliament had assigned them the last two years. The establishment of their office was then double what it was in King Charles's reign, and at that time there were but two third-rates supposed to be at sea, and those not above 70 guns; whereas then they had actually nine, and most of them of 80, which is so vast an increase of the fleet that even the common ordinary expense of sea stores and half the establishment really amounted to more than what they so justly claimed. The stores were very low; 200 or 300 tons of saltpetre ought yearly to be provided, for 600 was but a poor provision when they considered there was no other way of making good the expense of powder. The navy would be eased of a very considerable trouble in the gunning and ungunning the ships at Portsmouth. To do this the King desired a wharf and storehouse built; the design would cost above 15,000l., and a storehouse at Plymouth 4,000l., which services could not be done in time of war; but if their Lordships took from them what the Parliament gave, they should have neither money nor credit. The least ever given to the office was 63,739l., and when the ordinary of 60,000l. per ann. was settled, every extraordinary service was provided for. They hoped their Lordships would agree that 22,750l. for sea service was under what was really necessary. They made no mention of the land service, 25,000l. being appropriated by Parliament, and they feared it was to no purpose to complain. Dated 15 July 1700.
It appears from the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 103, that on 17 July 25,000l. was allotted for the land service, and 11,375l. for the sea service. 2 pages.
July 15. 68. Office of Ordnance,
15 July 1700. Debt of the Office of Ordnance for stores delivered and services performed to the last day of June 1700. 1 page.
July 15. 69. Letter signed “Ste. Hervey,” addressed to William Lowndes, Esq., in favour of Mr. Middleton, who had married a near relation of the writer, and who would be ruined (having his estate mortgaged) if he did not find friends to assist him; he had done the Government good service, but it was in finding out faults, whereby he had made great enemies: seeking that he should be “placed in any little post for a subsistence.” Dated 15 July 1700.
Minuted:—“16 July 1700. Speak wth the Comrs of Customes to morr.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 164, 9 Dec. 1700, is:—“40[£] to be pd. to Mr Middleton as bounty out of sec. service mo.” 1 page.


  • 1. He was the composer and organist of St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey.