Volume 45: May 4, 1697-June 15, 1697

Pages 37-58

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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May 4, 1697–June 15, 1697

May 4.
1. Petition of John Barber, “imbroyderer,” addressed to the Lords of the Treasury. He had for several years endeavoured to obtain from the King a debt of 476l. 17s. 10d., for embroidery done for the Chapel Royal, at Whitehall, &c., bespoke by King James II., but not made use of till the present reign; praying them to mediate with His Majesty for the same or for a pension. Dated (on the dorse) 4 May '97.
Minuted:—“Read 6 Oct. 1699. Lett Mr Glanville see what answer was made when this pretension was formerly layd before the King.” [See previous petitions Vol. III., 14, and Vol. XVIII., 12.] 1 page.
May 4. 2. Letter from Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. He had received Mr. Lowndes' letter of the 30th, with many papers and warrants to be signed; but whilst he was drudging for him, at great expense, he prayed him not to fail to procure the payment of his allowance by Exchequer bills, without which he could not subsist, &c.
Adding, I send you the good news of His Majesty's recovery, &c. Dated Zuylestein, [4]/14 May 1697.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 175, 1 June 1697, is:—“A letter to be written, per W. L., to Mr Blathwait, to desire him to represent these particulars to His Maty.
“A postscript.—That as to his owne particular, my Lords have orderd his warrt for 1,000li for his equipage in Exchequer bills, wch is ye most they can appt out of that fond; and as to his warrt for his allowance, their Lops intend to satisfye ye same, when they can make a distribution of ye credit on ye Mault Act.” 1 page (quarto).
May 4. 3. Letter from Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. The King's pleasure was, that the pensions due to the Lord Culpeper and Lord Evers should forthwith be paid. Dated Zulestein, 4/14 May 1697.
Minuted:—“200li a piece out of ye remotest malt ticqts.”
This minute is also entered in the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 258, 17 Sept. 1697. 1 page.
May 4. 4. Representation by the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury that certain sums had been received in Exchequer bills “not for the duties of Excise, but an office receit given for the same, as money to be received again in money from our collector in the country.” They conceived that by the late act and proclamation Exchequer bills were to be received for duties of Excise, but not in this manner. Dated 4 May 1697.
Minuted:—“My Lords disapprove this practice for the future.”
Also, an opinion of the Attorney and Solicitor General thereon. 2¼ pages.
May 4. 5a. Presentment by the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, as to the expenditure for a more than ordinary watch upon the coast of Kent and Sussex, to prevent intelligence, &c. to and from France; and as to the remuneration of riding surveyor, &c. about Canterbury. Dated 4 May 1697.
Minuted:—“Read 4 May 1697. Comrs Customes to consider of a recompence for Mr Manley, and to propose an establishment for the guard of the coast of Sussex. Mr Manley's expences agreed to, as also Mr Newton's & Capt. Janeway.” 2 pages.
May 4. 5b. Letter from Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. He had received the letter relating to the march and transportation of the eight battalions for Flanders; viz., that the six quartered nearest should embark first and the others come nearer London to be ready. They were to march and embark according to the directions given by the King at the Treasury, which the Earl of Ranelagh well knew; the measure of their subsistence was to be as far as the troops were subsisted in Flanders; upon which footing the King would expect that they should be transported to Zeland. Dated Zulestein, 4/14 May 1697. 2 pages (quarto).
May 5.]
6. Petition of Robert Alcock to the Lords of the Treasury, praying them to grant him the place of running surveyor of the glass tax, or such other employment as they thought fit, or, at least, an order to receive the arrears of subsistence due; the petitioner having discovered several clubs and unlawful meetings of the Jacobites.
Also a certificate at the foot, in his favour, signed Nicholas Baker. Received 5 May 1697.
Minuted:—“Read 21 May '97. Mr. Baker should reward him according to ye service he does.” 1 page.
May 5. 7. Report of Mr. Charles Fox to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Capt. Thomas Burk, praying for consideration of his services, and for such bounty as was received by officers who came in to the King's service upon the capitulation of Limerick. Dated 5 May 1697.
Copy of certificate of Lord Berkeley, showing that he served at the battle of Landen, and had his horse killed under him, and was made prisoner, &c.
Also a portion of his petition. 2 pages.
May 5. 8a. An estimate of the several repairs necessary in various of the King's parks, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury. Signed, “Phil Ryley.” Dated 5 May 1697.
Minuted:—“12 May '97. My Lds will consider of it before ye workmen goe upon ye repairing ye premisses.” 1 page.
May 5. 8b. Petition of William Hatton to the Lords of the Treasury, praying for licence and authority to negotiate tallies and stock; he having been bred a merchant, and being a broker upon the Exchange. Dated, on the back, 5 May '97.
Also a certificate in his favour, with numerous signatures. Dated 13 Apr. 1697. 2 pages.
May 6. 9. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Thomas Ward, master of the ship Yarmouth, employed to carry stores for the navy, praying for a “noli prosequi” to certain informations against him for importing French prunelloes, bought at Cadiz as prize goods: objecting nothing to his discharge. Dated 6 May 1697.
Minuted:—“18 May '97. Approved.”
The petition and copies of two other reports thereon. 5 pages.
May 6. 10. Letter of the Board of Ordnance to the Lords of the Treasury. With great difficulty they had brought the artificiers to take salt tallies at 25l. per cent. discount, receiving one-third part in Exchequer bills, which would enable them to buy Bank bills, to subscribe the tallies into the Bank of England: the tallies in their hands amounted to 330,865l. 13s. 4d. Dated 6 May 1697.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 149, 11 May 1697, is:—
“Officers of Ordnance. My Lords take into consideration their memll of ye 6th, in behalf of ye artificers offering to take ye tallys on salt at 25 per cent. disct, receiving at ye same time one third part in Exchequer bills, to enable them to buy Bank bills, to subscribe into ye Bank of England.
“Mr Wm Hatton, a broker, will indeavour to disct tallys on the land tax, after 1,208,000li for the ordnance, at ye lowest rate.
“The said Wm Hatton is to be lycenced to deal in tallys.
“The officers of ordnance will attend againe on Friday morn.
“Mr Barrow, broker, will endeavour to disct tallys for ye ordnance ut supa.” 2 pages.
May 6.
11. Petition of John Mathias, and Mary his wife, to the Lords of the Treasury, as to the passing a lease of nine small shops, in the town of Wrexham, in the county of Denbigh, in North Wales.
Minuted:—“Read 6 May '97. My Lords will hear all parties concern'd in Octobr next.” 1 page.
May 6.]
12. The petition of David Avila to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that he had been admitted and sworn broker on the Exchange, and praying to be admitted in the number for tallies, &c. Recd 6 May '97.
With a certificate at the foot, of his fitness, with several signatures. 1 page.
[? About
May 7.]
13. Petition of Jhon Rabault [de] la Coudriere to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that there was a warrant of 200l. a year pension to him from 1 March 1695, no part of which was paid: praying for a year's allowance to enable him to attend the King in Flanders as he was required to do.
The second minute is:—“Read 7th May '97. To be consider'd wth ye rest of ye pentionrs.” 1 page (quarto).
May 7. 14. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, enclosing the petition of David Jones, and the report of the Comrs of Revenue and Forfeitures, and those of the Attorney General and the Auditor General on the said petition, which prayed for a grant of the custody of certain lands for 21 years, as contained in an accompanying list. Dated 7 May 1697.
The lands had belonged to Theobald FitzGerrald, [ ] Humphreys, and James Talbott.
In addition to the above papers there are the three official letters sending the petition to be reported on. 11 pages.
May 7. 15. Letter from Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, returning the warrant for the Comrs of Customs, and that for the Marquis of Winchester's equipage money as one of the Lords Justices of Ireland, signed by the King. Dated Zulestein, 7/17 May 1697.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 134, 30 April 1697, is the following entry relating to the above warrant:—“A warrt to be prepared for 1,000li for Marqs of Winchester's equipage.” 1 page.
May 7.]
16. Petition of Abraham Cardel, of London, to the Lords of the Treasury. He was a sworn broker, “according to the late Act,” and prayed their Lordships “to let him act, or deal, or drive any bargain or contract on tallies or other securities, upon any fund or funds granted by Act of Parliament.” Recd 7 May '97.
With a recommendation of the petitioner, signed by several persons. 1 page (quarto).
May 7.]
17. Petition of Nicholas Aubertin to the Lords of the Treasury. He had omitted nothing to make himself serviceable to the present Government, to the hazard of his life, &c.: praying as a reward for any sort of employment suitable to his capacity. Recd 7 May '97. 1 page (quarto).
May 7.]
18. Petition of Thomas Lewes, citizen and stationer of London. He was a licensed broker of the city of London, and prayed for their Lps permission for the buying and selling tallies or other securities.
Accompanied by a certificate in his favour, signed by 12 persons, and a recommendation on the petition itself. Recd 7 May '97. 2 pages.
May 8. 19. Report of the Comrs for Prizes, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, presenting a list of such ships as had been delivered by them for their Majesty's service, to the Lords of the Admiralty; together with a list of other ships that had been detained from them and employed in the King's service, of which they had no account; as also a list of several other ships they had discharged after condemnation, in obedience to their Majesties' orders; as also an account of what goods they had delivered for their Majesties' use; together with a list of ships, goods, and gratuities given away by their Majesties' orders, amounting to 37,046l. 13s. 3d. over and above the tonnage and gunnage due to the captains of the men-of-war. Dated 8 May 1697. 1 very large page.
May 10. 20. Letter by direction of the Admiralty to Mr. Lowndes, forwarding the copy of a paper from the workmen of the yards at Woolwich and Deptford, setting forth their extreme want of pay to be laid before the Lords of the Treasury. Dated 10 May '97.
Also the said copy. 2 pages.
May 10. 21. Answer of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, as to a complaint made against them for not carrying hammered money to the Mint at York, but taking it to London. Dated 10 May 1697.
Also a letter from the officers of the Mint at York to the Lords of the Treasury, in answer to one from them of 30 April, respecting accounts of money received by the officers, and as to coining money there collected for taxes, &c. 4½ pages.
May 10. 22. Memorial to the Earl of Ranelagh for the recruits in Scotland, showing that Col. Geo. Hamilton had charge of the recruits for the Scotch regiments, and that 2,000l. had been issued in tallies for paying the transport ships, which tallies, if discounted, would not make 1,200l. in money; praying that 2,000l. might be paid in money, or the recruits must be disbanded for want of transportation. Dated 10 May 1697. ½ page.
May 10.]
23. Petition of Elias Paz, of London, to the Lords of the Treasury. He was admitted a broker, and prayed to be admitted as one of the brokers to the Treasury.
With a recommendation of him by several persons. Recd 10 May '97. 1 page.
May 11. 24. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, concerning a case between the King and Capt. Sands, in the Court of Exchequer; as to an allowance of 5 per cent. out of duties payable by the Act of the 2nd year of the King's reign, for granting certain impositions on East India goods, &c., above the discount of 10 per cent. for ready money.
Minuted:—“Read 11th May 1697. Mr Solr Genll coming in, he is desired to take care of this matter, & to desire Mr Att. Genll to doe the same.” 1 page.
May 11. 25. Letter of Sir Wm. Ashurst [Knt., and alderman of London], not addressed, respecting his own and Dalton's debts, stating that he requested nothing more in this petition than what was already granted by his former grant, but wanted an order to supply a defect of that grant; he had already expended near 300l. in the matter, and had not received 50l. Dated 11 May 1697.
Minuted:—“12 May '97. My Lds think they ought not to recede from their former minute.”
Also the petition of the said Sir Wm., which recited that he had a grant of the forfeited estate of Richard and Andrew Dalton, late of Dublin, merchants outlawed, and indebted to him 1,218l. 6d.
This is minuted:
—“5 May '97. Sr Wm to exhibit an accot of what remaynes owing to him (excepting exchange), and a schedule of ye debts & other effects of Dalton, that in case His Maty will extend his favour, the new grant may be ascertained.”
Also another petition from him to the King on the same subject. 5 pages.
May 11. 26. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Morgan Powell, comptroller of Customs in the port of Milford, praying leave to surrender his employment to his kinsman, Mr. Wm. Hall; in favour of the transfer. Dated 11 May 1697.
Minuted:—“Read 11 May '97. My Lords cannot doe this, being agt a rule of the board.”
Also the petition and a certificate. 3 parts of pages.
May 11. 27. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of the Hon. Charles Egerton, Esq., to His Majesty, praying that he would grant him the duty of French tonnage, during life, as Sir Bernard Gascoin held the same, giving an account of how the duty had been managed, but leaving it to their Lordships to dispose of it. Dated 11 May 1697.
Also the petition and two accounts of the said duty.
Minuted:—“11th May '97. To be layd before ye K. Read 15 xbr '97 to his Maty. Respited till ye comerce is settled.”
This minute is the same in the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 77, 15 Dec. 1697. 4pages.
May 11. 28. Letter from Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, returning all the warrants signed by the King to be countersigned by their Lordships. The matter relating to Lord Conningsby was determined by the King in his favour, as he would see by one of the warrants. Dated Breda, 11/21 May 1697. 1 page.
May 11. 29. Letter from Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, stating that upon the suggestion of the Earl of Gallway and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that Sir Thomas Southwell should be made one of the Comrs of the Revenue in Ireland, the King signified his pleasure that a new commission should pass, and the name of Mr. Evelin or Mr. Carlton should be left out, as their Lordships should determine, and Sir Thomas should be added. Dated Breda, 11/21 May 1697.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 159, 13 May 1697, is:—“A letter to renew the Comon for ye Revenue in Ireland & Sr Thomas Southwell, Bart., to be in ye room of Mr. Carlton.” 1 page.
May 12. 30. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Thomas Pitt, praying for a noli prosequi to stop further proceedings taken concerning a parcel of muslin neckcloths seized by some of the officers of the Customs, upon payment of the duties thereon, and satisfaction of the officers of Customs. Dated 12 May 1697.
Minuted:—“18 May '97. Granted.”
The petition and an affidavit. 3 pages.
[? About
May 12.]
31. Petition of Robert Squibb, clerk to the Right Hon. the Lord Fitzharding, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, for consideration of his loss amounting to 1,689l. 15s. 10d. occasioned by clipt moneys, tallies, &c. connected with his office, which appears to have been that of one of the tellers of the Exchequer.
To which is added “A particular of money disbursed, &c. by Robert Squibb.” Received 12 May '97.
Minuted:—“29 Sepr. My Lords see noe reason to make any allowance.” 2 pages.
May 12.]
32. Petition of Joseph Barker to the Lords of the Treasury, to be appointed a surveyor of the duties on windows, births, burials, &c.
Received 12 May '97. 1 page.
[? About
May 12.]
33. Petition of John Bridger and Benjamin Furzer to the Lords of the Treasury. They had been appointed four months since by the Lords of the Admiralty as agents to go to New England, to render an account of the productions of that place as to naval stores, and they had been informed by Sir Henry Ashurst, there was an order in council for 500l. for that service; praying that it might be paid to them or the service would be delayed a year.
Indorsed:—“Reed. 12 May '97.” 1 page.
[? About
May 13.]
34. Petition of John Day, sub-collector of the King's tenths out of the diocese of Bath and Wells. He had received in hammered money 819 ounces 15 pennyweights at 5s. 8d. per ounce, which the officer of the Mint refused to receive; pretending it ought to have been paid sooner; praying directions to the officer to receive the same.
Referred to the officers of the Mint, 13 May 1697, for their opinion.
Also an affidavit relating to the same.
Minuted:—“May 25, 1697. To be allowed if he proves he recd it att 5s. 8d. an ounce.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 167, 25 May 1697, is the same minute. 2 pages.
May 13. 35. Letter from Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Stratford, stating that he had received his letter from Hamburgh, and had shown to the King so signal a proof of his extraordinary readiness to serve His Majesty, as the advancing to the Duke of Holstein the arrears due for his Highness' troops. The King was very sensible of so frank a proceeding, and had instructed the Lords of the Treasury not to fail to reimburse him. He was sorry he had not the good luck to meet Mr. Stratford in Holland or at Loo, which was prevented by their hastening into those parts, on the occasion of the siege of Ath, towards the relief whereof, if practicable, the King would proceed on the morrow. Dated Malines, 13/23 May 1697. 1 page (quarto).
May 13.]
36. Memorial of Sir John Talbot, one of the surviving trustees, appointed for the sale of fee farm rents, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, desiring directions might be given to the auditors, to make a speedy return of what fee farm rents (set apart for payment of pensions) were defective, and what were unsold, &c.
Minuted:—“Recd 13th May. 29 May '97, ordered.” 1 page.
May 15. 37. Report of Mr. Mord[ecai] Abbott to the Lords of the Treasury, on the annexed account of what was demanded by the Lord Walden. There was an arrear to the 1st of Jan. last of 619l. 16s. 3d. due to him, but the subsistence should be forthwith paid him. Dated 15 May 1697.
Also the said account.
Minuted:—“Read 21 May '97. He wilbe paid wth the genll officers that go to Flanders.” Parts of 2 pages.
May 17. 38. Letter from Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. The Duke of Wirtemberg had applied to the King upon the disappointment his agent had met with, in [not] having Exchequer bills for the recruits of the Danish forces as others had; giving His Majesty's instructions about the same. His Majesty was much importuned as to the value of 6,000 pistols for the four battalions of Brandenburg, lately come from Italy, which he would have made good to them in ready money or tallies. Asking that their Lordships' order to Lord Ranelagh should be given. Dated Camp on Iseringe, 17/27 May '97. 2 pages (quarto).
May 18. 39. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Joseph Pickering, merchant, praying for a noli prosequi upon a seizure of a parcel of ginger by Henry Canby and other searchers. Advising that they saw no cause to “non pros” the information. Dated 18 May 1697.
The petition and an affidavit. 3 pages.
May 18. 40. Similar report, on the petition and papers of Giles Dowle, praying the payment of a debt for moneys expended by him in the prosecution of divers persons for the planting of tobacco, stating that what was remembered about it was not much to his advantage; and further as to the discovery by him of an estate of a Mr. Wicks, he might deserve such recompense as their Lordships thought fit. Dated 18 May 1697.
Also the petition and copies of six other documents.
Minuted:—“18 May '97. When the money is actually recd then considerac[i]on to be had of his service wth regard to what hath been pd him already.” 1 page and 6 parts of pages.
May 18. 41. Similar report, on the representation of Don Phelip de la Guerra, agent and consul from His Catholic Majesty, to their Lordships, praying, for the considerations therein mentioned, that their Lordships would discharge the seizure of a parcel of Castilla wines by him imported; leaving to their Lordships' consideration the remission of the King's third part of the forfeiture. Dated 18 May 1697.
Minuted:—“18 May 1697. My Lords cannot remitt ye King's pt of ye forfeiture, because no custom or duty is pd.”
Also the said representation. 2 pages.
May 19. 42. “Petition of John Lowe and Peter Le Neve, deputy chamberlains of the Exchequer, for allowance for attending the Lords in the Duchy Court to see the clipt money told and weighed.” Dated 19 May 1697.
Minuted:—“Read 26 May '97. To have 50li a piece.” ½ page.
May 19.]
43. Richard Lyndon's answer to Mr. Done's false and scandalous letter to Mr. Lowndes, dated 13 May 1697, setting forth his various grievances, the chief of which was the turning him out of his office without any cause, in which he had been above 40 years; desiring to be heard by their Lordships. Dated May [ ] 1697.
Minuted:—“Recd 19th May '97. He being a servt to Mr Done, my Lds think ymselvs not concerned to intermeddle in it.” 3 pages.
May 20. 44. Letter from Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, by the King's command, to acquaint the Lords of the Treasury with the necessity for a further provision for the subsistence of the army beyond the 200,000l. intended for that service. The King desired to be informed what funds their Lordships designed for that purpose, as the army was in great straights for want of payment. Dated Camp at Iseringhen, 20/30 May 1697. 1 page.
May 20. 45. Report of Mr. S. Travers, surveyor-general, on the petition of the Lord Viscount Villiers. The subsidy and aulnage of old and new draperies, with the moiety of forfeitures for not making and selling clothes according to the statute, were granted by King Charles II. to Charles, Duke of Richmond and Lenox, for 60 years, at rents amounting to 997l. 1s. 11d. In 1681 the Duchess Dowager of Richmond petitioned for a further term of 40 years, then valued at 3,000l. a year. He did not find that she obtained the reversion, but she did obtain a grant of the reserved rent of 997l. 1s. 11d. for life, paying 20s. per ann. to the Exchequer, so the improved value was at the King's disposal after about 27½ years, and the rent after her death. He was informed two leases had been granted hy her Grace, of this office and duties, at 2,000l. per ann. rent above the rent aforesaid, and fines of 10,000l. for a term of 20 years, so that the advantage to her Grace was about 4,000l. a year. The yearly value, as appeared in a paper delivered to the House of Lords, was 7,350l., which was above 3,000l. a year profit to the farmers. He was of opinion that if their Lordships advised the King to grant the petitioner the rent from the Duchess's death, and the improvement for 99 years after the term in being, it might be valued at 16,000l. though the profits were casual, depending on the freedom of trade, &c. Dated 20 May 1697.
Accompanied by the petition, part of which is torn away.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 72, 8 Dec. 1697, is:—
“Lord Villiers. Report about the alnage is read. Respited.” 3 pages.
May 20. 46. Report of the Postmasters-General to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Wm. Mathews, deputy-postmaster of Oxford. The petitioner had from time to time craved an allowance for 7l. 5s., but the matter being before their time, and the accounts lost, it had not been allowed; submitting it to their Lordships, as he had made an affidavit thereon.
Likewise he sent up to the Receiver of the Post Office 18l. 16s. 9d. in white farthings, but the patentees for making copper farthings not having exchanged the white farthings of the office in such proportion as they (the postmasters) thought they were obliged, the sum remained in the Receiver's hands, but they believed the patentees would exchange it, if directed.
Minuted:—“Direct ye patentees accordingly.”
As to the 200l. which the petitioner prayed might be applied to his credit by tale, and not by weight, the petitioner had timely notice that the clipt money, taken for postage of letters, due to the office before 4 May 1696, might be paid before 4 June, and the petitioner sent up 71l. to a friend, who did not pay it in till August. He had further notice to pay the old money taken by him previous to 18 November 1696, before 18 December, on which he sent up by the barges (as the safest conveyance) 129l., which barges were detained by a frost, and that amount was not paid till 7 Jan., when that sum and the 71l. were paid in at a loss of 35l. 11s. 11d.; recommending that of the 190l. taken before 18 November, 119l. might be taken by tale, but the petitioner ought to bear the loss on the 10l. received after that day, and on the 71l. which lay so long in the correspondents hands.
Minuted to this clause:—“Agree to ye report.”
They add that the petitioner was in a low condition, and his salary but 35l. per ann. Dated 20 May 1697.
Accompanied by the petition and an affidavit. 4¼ pages.
May 20. 47. Letter of Mr. James Vernon to the Lords of the Treasury, enclosing the petition of Mr. Aickin, with certificate of the service performed by him in the discovery of several abuses in the Mint; recommending that he should have a sum of money given him to return, with his family, into Ireland, where their Excellencies intended he should be provided with a benefice. Dated 20 May '97.
Minuted:—“21 May '97. My Lords will speak with officers of mint on Tuesda.”
“June 9 1697. To be paid 40li by Mr. Lowndes.”
[The other papers not with it.]
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 188, under the last date, is:— “Joseph Askin to be paid 40li by Mr. Lowndes.” 1 page (quarto).
May 20. 48. Divers papers relating to the affairs of New England, in which Sir Henry Ashurst, bart. was concerned, more particularly as regards the remittance of 4,000l. to Col. Gibson, commander-in-chief of the forces designed to gain Newfoundland, and as to naval stores to be inspected and purchased in New England. The last date 20 May 1697.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 161, 18 May 1697, is:—“Sr Henry Ashurst. He desires to have Excheqr bills for the 4,000li, about wch he lately wrote to the Governmt in New England, that they would furnish so much (if desired) to Coll. Gibson, for the service of the expedition to Newfoundland. My Lords offer to deposite ye bills in the E. of Ranelagh's hands; or if Sr Henry will give bond, to restore ye bills, in case Coll. Gibson does not make use of ye credit at New England, their Lops will putt them into his hands. He refuses the latter. But if the bills be deposited for 4,000li in ye hands of ye E. of Ranelagh, with direction that upon advice that Coll. Gibson has received any part of ye credit in New Engld, bills to the value thereof shall imediatly, from time to time be d[elivere]d to Sr Hen. Ashurst, for the use of ye Governmt of New England. Sr Henry will to morr. write to the said Governmt, to acqt them herewth. And for the exchange, it is agreed that for every 112li paid in New England, there shalbe paid 100li here in Excheqr bills.”
A warrant to issue these bills to the Earl of Ranelagh for this purpose. 6½ pages.
May 20
and 21.
49. Petetion of Charles Couchman, Thomas Beake, Ralphe Young, and Thomas Davis, four of the King's messengers in ordinary; praying to have a moiety of their bills provided for, they being ordered to Flanders. Received 20 May '97.
Minuted:—“My Lords will consider this when they dispose ye lottery ticqts.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 224, 20 July 1697, is:—“The messingers to have 1/6 of their bills out of lottery ticqts.” And again, at p. 230, 28 July 1697:—“The messengers to have 1/4 on their bills.”
A second petition of the said Charles Couchman, begging their Lordships to consider his case, he having expended his whole substance to serve the King in his two last campaigns in Flanders, and in expense of post horses in the time of the plot, &c. Received 21 May '97.
Minuted:—“Read 26th. Dor Richards (if ye petr goes to Flandrs) is to take ye same care of him, as of ye rest that go thither.” 2 pages.
May 21. 50. Report of certain Officers of the Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John De Grave of London, merchant, as to certain paper bought from the Comrs of Prizes, of which the petitioner sought to make an entry on payment of the duty. Dated 21 May 1697.
Also the petition and two affidavits.
Minuted:—“3 June 1697. The pec~on is dismist.” 3½ pages.
May 22. 51. Certificate of Jasper Blithman, Esq., one of the King's Comrs for putting in execution the Act for granting an aid, as well by a land tax as by several subsidies, &c., viz., as to the assessment of Temple Newsome and Swillington, placed at too low a value by the assessors. Dated 22 May '97.
Also an attestation of the truth of the certificate. Signed Jno. Dodgson, mayor. 2½ pages.
May 22. 52a. “Artificers of ye Ordnance letter to the Earl of Romney,” representing their necessities. Subscribed with 21 signatures. Dated 22 May 1697. 1 page.
May 22. 52b. Indenture made between the King on one part and the Right Hon. Richard Earl of Bellomont in the Kingdom of Ireland, Edmund Harrison, merchant, Samuel Newton, gent., William Rowley, gent., George Watson, gent., and Thomas Renolls of St. Martins-in-the-Fields (Middlesex), gent., of the other part, reciting that the King had signified his pleasure for a grant to pass to the above persons of all ships, goods, treasure, &c., which should be seized from pirates, by Captain William Kidd, or other commander of the ship “Adventure,” galley, or which should be forced ashore in the King's plantations in America, &c., to be held for their own benefit without account, a tenth part being reserved to the King; witnessing that they agreed to yield up a tenth part of the said treasure. Dated 22 May, 9 Will. III., 1697.
The indenture bears the signature of Earl Bellomont, &c., and has the following on the outside:—“Irr~ in dors. Claus. Cancellar~ infrascr. d~ni Regis vicesimo sexto die Maij anno infrascr~ per Will~m Full[er],” but on referring to the index of the Close Rolls for that period, it does not appear to be there. 1 membrane (parchment).
May 24. 53. Letter signed “Cha. Hotham” to the Lords of the Treasury, respecting Lord Irwin, whose name had been made use of, to his prejudice, before their Lordships; acquainting their Lordships that Sir William Lowther, who was supposed to have laid the information before them, denied the same. Dated 24 May '97. 1 page and two or three lines (quarto).
May 24. 54. Letter of Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. The King's pleasure was that a competent sum of money should be imprested to Mr. Baber to carry on a prosecution against one La Pierre and other alien enemies; also for 500l. per ann. to be paid in lieu of a custodiam of an estate in Ireland to Mr. Savage, the Chancellor of the Exchequer; and further announcing that the fourth 50,000l. was not remitted to Mr. Hill for the troops, &c. Dated Camp at Promelles, 3 June 1697, N.S.
Accompanied by an account of the costs in prosecuting La Pierre and La Birtonnier.
The letter minuted:—“23 [June]. That wch relates to Mr Savage to be respited till his Mats return. All done except what concernd Mr Savage.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 272, 6 Oct. 1697, is:—“200li to be p[ai]d Mr Baber for prosecuting for ye estate of Lapiere, Stone & ał.” 4 pages, or parts of pages.
[? About
May 25.]
55. Letter signed “Hen. Cartwright,” to the Right Hon. Jon Smith, Esq., stating that he was left behind his brethren “by a French mistake,” and his expenses would be four times what theirs were; praying that he might receive his engineer's pay.
Also a certificate in his favour. Dated 25 May 1697. 2 pages (quarto.)
[? About
May 25.]
56. Petition of Thomas Bignell to the Lords of the Treasury, complaining that in 1671 he paid 200l. for a yeoman pricker's place, and it cost 40l. to pass his patent; King James gave him a lodge near Newmarket in Cambridgeshire, with a salary of 50l. per ann. in consideration of his place, but the present King had granted the office of the privy harriers to Mr. Christopher Tankerd, and the petitioner's lodge to the Duke of Grafton; further, that 87l. 10s. was due for services rendered by him in 1690; praying for the place of housekeeper, surveyor, and chamber keeper to the Coach Office, then void, or for the payment of his arrears.
Accompanied by copy of a certificate of his service.
On the dorse:—“25 May '97. Read 26th. Rejected.” Parts of 2 pages.
May 26. 57. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords [of the Treasury], stating that they had referred the petition of William Ballard of the city of Cork, merchant, to William Robinson, Esq., Deputy Receiver General of that kingdom; but they could not agree with him, and they advise that Mr. Ballard's demands should be satisfied; but some other way should be found to pay him, because it would bring so many claims for allowance of duties on goods imported. Dated 26 May 1697. 1 page.
May 26.]
58. Petition of the Governor and Company called the Royal Lustring Company to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that the Lords of the Treasury had agreed to allow the petitioners 2,400l. per ann., payable out of forfeitures of customed and prohibited goods; that the company had sent considerable goods into Piedmont, and a certain Paul Labesse, to negotiate with Lord Galway an intended treaty of trade with the Duke of Savoy; and the petitioners agreed to pay 300l. per ann. to Labesse and 66l. for his journey; that the company had sustained a great loss because the Duke of Savoy delayed all treaties that might offend his secret intended particular peace with France; that their agent and goods were forced out of Turin to their great damage, which was a great distress to the silk weavers in London: praying a warrant for 2,400l. for the first year expired 8 August last.
Minuted:—26 May '97. “A signe mll for 2,400li to the Govr & Compa for their charge & losse in endeavouring by his Mats direction to settle a trade in Piedmont.” 1 page.
May 26.]
59. Memorial of the Cols. of several regiments who had advanced money for obtaining what was due to them to the 1st April 1692, to which time the rest of the army was cleared; complaining of the want of fairness in paying them by tallies on which they lost 25 or 30 per cent., &c. Received 26 May '97.
Minuted:—“This case was read to ye K. & he was not pleased to give any order in it.” 1 page.
May 27. 60. Report signed W. Robinson [to the Lords Justices of Ireland], on the petition of Rebecca Lassells, relating to the repayment of 33,050l. lent at 10 per cent. to the King for the payment of the army on the security of the quit rents of that kingdom. Dated 27 May 1697.
Also the petition. 1½ pages.
May 27. 61. Letter from Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, conveying His Majesty's directions that the bills drawn for 20,000l. by Mr. Hill, on Mr. Clifford in England, should be immediately satisfied, lest they should fall on Mr. Hill. The Compte de Frise had found credit in Germany for 5,000l. sterling, which he had used to bring the troops into the field, and had drawn bills on Lord Ranelagh which the King would have complied with. Besides which the King expected immediately a further remittance of 4,000l. to Lindan in Germany, wherein Mons. Boit by Lord Gallway offered his services. Dated Camp at Promelles, 6 June 1697, N.S. 2 pages (quarto).
May 27.]
62. Petition of Col. John Beaumont to the Lords of the Treasury, for payment of his arrears at 12s. a day since 1 Jan. 1695; also there were other great arrears due to him. Received 27 May '97.
Minuted:—“To be consider'd when my Lds provide for ye pensrs in my Ld Ranelagh's office.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 165, 11 May 1698, is:—“Collo Beaumont's memorial for 12sh a day from 1st January 1695, amounting to 364. 16. There is nothing to pay him out of at present; but to be considered when the parlt has provided for the army.” 1 page (quarto).
May 29. 63. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Mordecai Abbot, praying a grant of 300l. a year out of the forfeited lands there; enclosing a report of the Comrs of Revenue, in which they value the lands at 314l. 10s.d. per ann. Dated 29 May 1697.
Accompanied by the report, which mentions that some of the lands asked for, were at Portlester, Gibbonstowne and Ballenderry, and were in custodiam to Brigadier Wolseley, and that the lands of Rathgar and the “Broads,” were only forfeited during two lives. 3 pages.
May 29. 64. Letter signed “Matthew Reynolds,” addressed to the Hon. Sir William Ashhurst, Knt., stating that he had been with the Attorney-General, who had perused the schedule of debts, and was satisfied it was true, and advised that Sir William should obtain an order, that in case the debt due to certain persons of the name of Dalton, should not prove sufficient to discharge Sir William's debt, that then the Chief Governors of Ireland should forthwith pay the same. Dated Dublin, 29 May 1697. 2 pages.
May 30. 65. Letter from Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, sending the King's instructions that Mons. Cailleau (a person residing at Rotterdam, who together with his friends had suffered grievously for the King's service and continued to be useful) should be paid the arrears of his pension of 200 per ann., and that Lord Ranelagh should be enabled by their Lordships to pay him. Dated Camp near Genap, 9 June 1697, N.S.
Minuted:—“Read 8 June 1697. To speak with Ld Ranelagh about this. 9th. To be brought in again on Fryday. 11th. Nothing can be don at p[re]sent.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 207, 18 July 1698, is:—“250l. to Monsr Cailliau, to be paid on his contingent warrant.” 1 page.
May 31. 66. Letter from Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, signifying the King's pleasure that no lands of the Clincarty estate should be given away, or the estate lessened by any clause of reprisals, and that no arrears or growing rents be paid into the Exchequer, but remain in the hands of the collectors, till further orders, and that no waste be committed. Dated Camp near Genap, 10 June 1697, N.S.
Minuted:—“A letter to ye Lords Justices accordingly.” 1½ pages.
May 31. 67. Letter signed Cha. Bertie, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, presenting a list of deficient tallies remaining in his hands for the service of the Ordnance, desiring to know if their Lordships would allow the same discount to the poll tallies, as they had done to the salt. Dated 31 May 1697.
Also the said list and another list of tallies. 3 pages.
May 31. 68. Letter by direction of the Admiralty to Mr. Lowndes, desiring him to represent to the Lords of the Treasury the very great necessity the seamen of the fleet were in for want of their pay; particularly those bound to the West Indies and other foreign voyages; most of their families being in a starving condition. Dated 31 May 1697.
Minuted:—“Read 1 June '97. My Lords will speak with Mr Corbet in the afternoon. Read 2d. Send to the Navy board for an acco wt is due to the 5 ships.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 176, 2 June 1697, is:— “100,000li in Excheqr bills not exceeding 5li a piece to be issued to the navy for wages.” ½ page.
May 27
and June.
69 and 70. A paper addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, entitled,—“A list of the Comrs and other officers requisite to bee employ'd in the licensing of hawkers, pedlars, &c., humbly offer'd to yor Lordps consideracon by ye Com[m]issioners of Transportation,” together with their salaries.
A duplicate of the same, with erasures. Delivered to the Lords of the Treasury 2 June 1697.
Also a letter dated 27 May 1697, of the Comrs for Transportation to the Lords of the Treasury, laying before them the case of the poor people concerned in the “Transport debt for the reduction of Ireland,” praying their Lordships to order payment out of the tea and coffee duties, and that the Comrs for Transportation might collect the duties from licences to pedlers and hawkers. 3 pages.
June 1. 71. Letter by command of the Admiralty to Mr. Lowndes, asking him to put the Lords of the Treasury in mind to appoint money for the ships and vessels not of the line of battle, for short allowance of provisions. Dated 1 June 1697.
Minuted:—“Read 1st June '97. To be consd to-morr. morn. Read againe ye 3d.” ½ page.
June 1. 72. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of several merchants of Hull, touching a parcel of dressed and cut whalebone belonging to them, which the officers of customs in the ports of Hull and Yarmouth had seized; leaving it to their Lordships to admit them to entry or to be exported. Dated 1 June 1697.
Minuted:—“1 Jun. '97. The seizure to be discharged, paying the dutys & giving satisfaction to ye officers. Wt signed.”
Also the petition, a certificate, and a letter. 4 pages.
June 1. 73. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of the innholders in and about the liberties of the city of Westminster, praying payment of the money due to them for quartering the Earl of Oxford's regiment, &c. Dated 1 June 1697.
Minuted:—“Read 2 June 1697. My Lord Ranelagh to acqt the Officers, that my Lords will pay the sum due for ye 8d [per day] out of ye mault tickets after ye 24 of June (wch is the soonest) & in the mean time, the Excheqr bills for ye subsistence should be applyed to the petrs, so farr as they will goe.”
Also the petition. 2 pages.
June 3. 74. Letter from Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, returning warrants signed connected with the following persons and matters as appears by the docquet:—
Comrs for Trade establishment.
Mr. Balfour.
Mr. Harrington.
Mr. Justice Pyne.
For interest of Irish Transport debt.
Sir Tho. Southwell, Comr of Ireland.
It has this postscript:—“To the warrant for the Councill of Trade you will find an addition of the name of Mr. Stepney, now His Majtys envoy extray in Germany, which has been made by His Majties especiall order, to supply Mr. Methuen's place in the Commission.” Dated Camp near Genap, 3/13 June 1697. 1 page.
June 3. 75. Letter from Mr. Wm. Balthwayt to Mr. Lowndes, stating that Lord Lexington had laid before the King that he was in great arrear for entertainments of gentlemen of the bedchamber, [being] envoy extraordinary at Vienna, and having no assignment in the quality of plenipotentiary as others had; and for the want thereof, his merchant at Amsterdam absolutely refused him any more money; signifying His Majesty's instructions, that their Lordships should order relief. Dated Camp near Genap, 3/13 June 1697.
Enclosing the letter his Lordship had received from his merchant. 3 pages.
June 3. 76. Letter of Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. He had laid his letter before the King upon the petition of Mr. Jos. Stepney, for a grant of lands in Ireland. His Majesty well remembers it was rejected at the Treasury, and the petitioner's merit did not as yet plainly appear; but if their Lordships recommended him he would declare his further pleasure. Dated Camp near Genap, 3/13 June 1697. 1 page and two or three lines.
June 3.]
77. Petition of Jo. Lansdowne, Esq., to the Lords of the Treasury, praying for a short day for hearing the case of Mr. Long, who had entered a caveat against the grant to the petitioner of a lease of a coal mine in Somersetshire, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall. Recd 3 June '97.
“9 June '97. To be heard on Thursday fortnight afternoon.” ½ page.
June 4. 78. Report of Mr Willm. Glanvill to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, widow, finding that she had a grant from King Charles II. of an annuity of 500l. out of the tenths of the dioceses of Chester and Rochester, and in case that fell short, out of the dioceses of Oxford, Worcester, Hereford, and St. David's; also that she had a grant of another annuity of 850l. for the lives of her three sons out of the said tenths; further that the Earl of Bath had an annuity of 5,000l.; a moiety to be taken out of the letter office, and the other moiety out of the tenths of all the dioceses in England and Wales. Dated 4 June 1697.
Accompanied by the petition. 3 pages.
June 5. 79. “An account of what money is paid into the several mints by the severall Receivers Genll on the 3s. aid, subsidies, and other duties, &c. as also paid [o]ut by the said mints to the 5th June 1697 incl.”
Also a paper docquetted:—“Mints acct on the 4th 4s aid to 5 June '97 incl.,” showing the sums paid into the various Mints at 5s and 5s/8. per ounce, what was paid into the Exchequer, and what remained with the Receivers. 2 large pages.
June 7. 80. Letter from Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. The King was well pleased with the directions given or to be given by their Lordships; he had to put their Lordships in mind of Mons. Schuylembourg's debt, which he had represented to the King was very grievous, desiring the King's directions might be complied with. His Majesty thinks the case very hard, and orders that he be satisfied, to prevent his ruin. The King would have the 1,000l. bills drawn by the Comte Frise in addition to the 5,000l. honoured, besides the provision to be made by treaty with Mr. Boyt. With a postscript asking for the draft of a warrant, as the King had appointed Sir H. Hubbard a Comr of Customs, in the room of Mr. Chadwick. Dated Camp near Genap, the 7/17 June 1697. 2 pages (quarto).
June 8. 81. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Francis Gosfright and Peter Whitcombe of London, merchants, concerning certain currants shipped from Venice to Amsterdam in a ship which was driven by stress of weather into the port of Fowey, the navigation laws being thereby interfered with; praying to be allowed to enter the currants. Advising that they should be allowed to enter the same, as the importation was involuntary. Dated 8 June 1697.
Also the petition. Minuted:—“Agreed to.” 3½ pages.
June 8. 82. “Memorial of Mr Storys relating to persons employed by him upon the leidgers for the London Brewery, &c.” Dated 8 June 1697.
2 pages.
June 8. 83. Representation by the Comrs of Sick and Wounded Seamen, &c. to the Lords of the Treasury, praying them to order such a sum as might regain their credit and keep the service on foot, stating that they had disposed of the 10,000l. in Exchequer notes at Deal, Portsmouth, and Plymouth, but the people had turned the sick out of doors, &c. Dated 8 June 1697.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 191, 11 June 1697, is:— “Commrs Sick and Wounded bring a state of the debt of their office, which is read; my Lords will direct 'em 5,000li out of Exchequer bills, and to speke to Mr Dodington, concerning the tallies in his hands, that some of them may be applyed to their debt.” 1 page.
[? About
June 9.]
84. Memorial of William Clayton to the Lords of the Treasury, as several Exchequer bills appeared to be counterfeited, he asked their Lordships to give directions to the four tellers of the Exchequer to charge no bills without being first proved by him.
Undated, but in the Minute Book on 9 June 1697 it is stated a report was read from Mr. Clayton and Mr. Herne concerning forged bills. 1 page.
June 9.]
85. Petition of Robert Alcock to the Lords of the Treasury, for consideration for his services as a witness who had shown diligence in his daily informations; their Lordships had given orders to Mr. Baker to reward him according to the services he had done; but his reply was, that he had no money in hand appropriated to such uses.
Minuted:—“9th June 1697. To speak with Mr. Baker.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 110, 15 Feb. 1697, is:—“Nicho Baker is to pay 10li a piece to Solomon Smith and Robt. Alcock for their services & to tell them at the same time, they are to have no more.” 1 page.
[? About
June 9.]
86. Petition of Sarah Davis, wife of Thomas Davis, messenger, to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that her husband was then attending the King in Flanders; praying them to commiserate her distressed condition, that the same provision might be made for her as was made for the other messengers.
Minuted:—“June 9th '97. Referrd to Dr Richards.” 1 page.
June 10. 87. Letter of Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, sending the King's directions that their Lordships should give speedy satisfaction to the persons affected by the failure in the office of Mr. Palmes, one of the tellers of the Exchequer, who with Mr. Peters, his deputy, were deficient 25,000l. out of their securities and effects; and further that the teller should be suspended and prosecuted: also drawing attention to the inconvenience arising from the application to the civil list, of 5,000l. raised on the credit of the malt duty; further, the King had thought fit to reduce the Barbadoes regiment to one company, on account of its weakness, there being but 100 effective men of which it was to consist, according to the establishment transmitted, &c. Dated Camp near Genap, 10/20 June '97.
Minuted:—“Recd 16 June 1697. Read eođ die. Directions are given accordingly.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 193, 15 June 1697, is:—“Mr Palmes comes in; he says he has paid 10,000li of the 27,000li charged on his office, and has 15,000li more in Cheqr bills and mony; and hopes to have the rest in a few daies. My Lords desire him to be present, when any mony is taken out, and to see the same paid as directed.” 2 pages.
June 11. 88. Report of George Castle, the deputy of Edwd. Seymour, Esq., keeper or clerk of the Hanaper, made on the petition of John Barker and others, complaining of the non-payment of several tallies, struck upon the Hanaper Office; certifying that the revenue of that office was 4,800l. per ann., and the salaries charged thereon amounted to 2,700l. per ann., &c. In 1694 their Lordships ordered 1,300l. to be struck, which was more than there was in hand; since which he had been creditor upon his accounts. Giving an account of the receipts and payments. Dated 11 June 1697.
Minuted:—“A letter to Mr Seymour to certifie wt were ye antient allowances out of ye Hanaper Office.”
Accompanied by the petition. 4 pages.
[? About
June 11.]
89. Petition of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, and other inhabitants of the borough of Leeds. The collectors of Excise had orders to carry all the hammered money to the Tower of London, to be coined, praying for various reasons that it might be coined at the adjacent Mint [of York]. With numerous signatures.
Minuted:—“To be read when ye Comssrs of Excise attend. June 11, 1697.”
“Read 29 June '97.” 1 large page.
June 14. 90. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords [of the Treasury], on the petition of Arch. Hucheson, Esq., agent to the regiment of foot in the Leeward Islands, commanded by Col. Holt, viz., as to the payment of subsistence of that regiment, and further as to the advance of 700l. made by Mr. Hutchinson to Col. Holt and several officers, for the use of the regiment. Dated 14 June 1697.
The said memorial or petition.
Minuted:—“15 June 1697. The Comrs to pay 500li to Mr Hutchinson out of the bills in their hands.” 3 pages.
April 19–
June 15.
91. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, on the case of William de la Rose, lately Receiver-General of Excise in the county of Hants, as set forth in the petition to the King annexed, charging him with fraud, &c. as the ground of his dismissal. Dated 19 April 1697.
The petition, an affidavit, a certificate, and a memorandum connected therewith.
Copy of the above report.
Minuted:—“Lords afterwards ordered to bee putt into employmt & were satisfyd in the petitioner's integrity.”
“Memdm. This minute was forged, & brought into the Treasury by Mr De la Rose at his hearing, October the 20th 1702.”
A reply to the above report by the said W. De la Rose, dated 1 May 1697, and a letter from him, dated 3 May, to the Lords of Treasury. Another report of the said Comrs, dated 15 June, and three other papers. 30 pages in a decaying state.
June 15. 92. Letter of Mr. John Packer to the Lords of the Treasury. He knew he had fallen under their displeasure, but had discharged his duty with all imaginable industry; he deeply laid to heart to see others preferred before him, and their business pass with ease, and himself always put to the labour oar; others had had money to defray future charges before they expended any, but he had received none for past services, and could go on no further without immediate relief, &c. He had an order signed by their Lordships for 1,090l. 13s.d., and they very well knew he had no money for the Exchequer bills; he begged that he might have his order satisfied by tallies on the malt, and what they pleased imprested out of the same, for the past and present expense of the Exchequer bills.
Minuted:—“Mr Packer, read 15th June '97. To have 1,090. 13. 1¾.”
See also the Minute Book, Vol. VII., p. 194, on that day, where the minute stands thus:—“Mr. Packer's letter is read; to have 1,090li 13. 1¾. out of the Malt Act.” 2 pages.
June 15. 93. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Sir Alexander Rigby and Joseph Cagnoni, of London, merchants, as to the importation of currants.
Advising that the payment of the alien duty and the giving reasonable satisfaction to the officer might sufficiently discourage the practice. Dated 15 June 1697.
Also the petition.
Minuted:—“Agreed to & a noli prosequi to ye information agt ye vessell & goods.” 2 pages.
June 15. 94. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, respecting the old impost bonds for tobacco and sugar remaining in arrear upon the account of Mr. Wicks, the late receiver of that duty. Dated 15 June 1697. 1 page.
June 15.]
95. Petition of John Jones, of Golynog, in the county of Montgomery, for payment of the services rendered by him in going into Wales to collect evidence on a suit touching their Majesties title to the estate of the Marquis of Powess in Montgomeryshire, by the order of the Lords of the Treasury, being engaged about five months, for which services their Lordships had ordered 75l. 15s. 6d. to be paid, together with compensation, for his attendance in town; which allowance Mr. Aaron Smith refused to pay.
Accompanied by copy of the orders for the said service, and for the payment.
Minuted:—“Recd 15 June '97. To speak wth Mr Aaron Smith.” Parts of 3 pages.