Volume 56: September 1-October 14, 1698

Pages 201-227

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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September 1–October 14, 1698

July 1 and
Sept. 1.
1. The muster roll of Major Tho. Garth's company of soldiers, &c. mustered at Barbadoes, on 1 July and 1 Sept. 1698. 2 pages.
Sept. 1. 2. Report of Mr. Wm. Lowndes to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Sir Robt. Howard, auditor of the receipt, as to allowance for extra clerks, &c. Dated 1 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“Read 14 7br 1698. Agreed to, but Sr Robt Howard being since dead, the warrt to be in the name of Mr Chr. Montague.”
Accompanied by the memorial. 2 pages.
Sept. 1. 3. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, moving their Lordships to order a moiety of 264l. 3s. 4d. seized by the officers of the port of Liverpool, to be paid to them in conformity with the order in Council of 25 June 1696. Dated 1 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“Read 7 Sepr 1698. Agreed.” 1 page.
Sept. 5/15. 4. Letter of Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. The King's pleasure was that Mr. Lowndes should pay 500 guineas to Mr. Jacob Van der Esch, out of the secret service money. Dated Loo, 5/15 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“To be paid out of any disposable mo[ney].”
Again:—“Paid.” 1 page (quarto).
Sept. 5. 5. Memorial of the Comrs for Sick and Wounded Seamen to the Lords of the Treasury, praying their Lordships to direct the payment of 5,617l. 18s. 5d., for the discharge of bills of exchange, accepted by the board. Dated 5 Sept. 1698.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 239, 16 Sept. 1698, is:—“Order the Comrs of Sick & Wounded to carry in all their accts & vouchers, dur[ing] ye time of their comon to Audr Bridges, who is [to] examine ye whole & make a state thereof, wth his observations thereupon to their Lops.” 1 page.
Sept. 6. 6. Memorial from the Officers of Ordnance to the Lords [of the Treasury], as to the prosecution by Mr. Baker of persons accused of embezzlement of the stores of war, and as to arrears. Dated 6 Sept. '98.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 229, 6 Sept. 1698, is:—“Officers of Ordnance. Mr Nicholas Baker is to prosecute those that have imbezild the ordnance stores.” 1 page (quarto).
Sept. 7. 7. Letter of the Comrs of the Navy to Lord Orford, as to the want of money to carry on the works of the new docks at Portsmouth; applying for 3,000l. for the same. Dated 7 Sept. '98.
Minuted:—“My Lords will speak wth ye Comrs of ye Navy about this.” 1 page.
Sept. 8. 8. “An account of what sums of money are demanded by the inhabitants of the several towns under-named, for quartering the officers and soldiers belonging to the late first marine regiment, from 1 April '96 to 8 Sept. '98, the time they were broke, according to notes drawn by the respective officers.” 1 page.
Sept. 9. 9. “An abstract of the several sums received by the Earl of Ranelagh, in part of the 250,000l. appropriated by Parliament to be paid out of the 3s. aid for disbanding.” Dated 9 Sept. 1698. 3 pages.
Sept. 9. 10. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, in respect to the ship “Providence” (above described under 31 Aug.), also as to goods in two other ships, viz., the “Ruth” and “Britania,” lately arrived from Leghorn, which goods were bought, as was asserted, in the dominions of the French King: advising that the French gentleman [Isaac Bobin] who gave the information should be called before their Lordships, &c. Dated 9 Sept. 1698.
Accompanied by copy of a letter from Paris and a petition of Isaac Bobin, in relation to the said shipments.
The following are in the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., pp. 239 and 243:—
16 Sept. 1698. “Mr Bobin, about French goods, alledged to be imported in the ship Providence as Italian goods. My Lords will consider his reward when the Comrs come.
21 Sept. 1698. “The Comrs of ye Customes are to reward Mr Bobin (as much as they think he deserves) out of the 25li per cent., or 25£ per ton of French goods by him discovered.” 6 pages.
Sept. 10. 11. Report of the same to the same, on the petition of Edward Arnold, praying the restitution of a sum of money seized by the officers of Liverpool, being shipped for Ireland: not objecting to any favour their Lordships should confer upon him, so that the exportation of the coin of England were not encouraged. Dated 10 Sept. 1698.
The petition and four other papers.
Minuted:—“Read 21 7br 1698.
“My Lords do not think there is any ground to relieve the petitioner.” 6 pages.
Sept. 10. 12. Similar report. In pursuance of their Lordships' directions at a late attendance, they had re-considered the presentments then read, relating to a stricter guard of the western coast, and judged that most of what was therein contained was absolutely necessary for preventing the running of French goods on that coast during the high duties: they took this opportunity to perfect their presentment, by naming the persons and ascertaining the allowances to them; distinguishing what should be put on the establishment, and what was necessary to prevent the industrious attempts of the smugglers in this extraordinary juncture. Concluding with:—
The stations proposed for the sloops. Dated 10 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“Read 21 7br '98. Approved. Wt signed 27th Sepr '98.” 5 pages.
Sept. 13. 13. Presentment of the same to the same, as to the number to form a quorum of the board of Customs, begging to attend their Lordships for their directions in the present juncture. Dated 13 Sept. 1698.
Also a short letter of J. Bridges thereon.
Minuted:—“Done.” Parts of 2 pages.
Sept. 13.]
14. Petition of Henry Barnard to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that he had been at great expense in discovering the ill practices of Thomas Ray and Saml. Aldershaw, who were by his evidence convicted of counterfeiting Exchequer bills: praying for consideration of his services. Recd 13th Sept. '98.
Minuted:—“Inqr of Mr Packer, sen., whether he hath recd anything already.”
“Mr. Packer saith his father lent him out of his own pocket 10l.
Again:—“Repay the 10li to Packer, & pay 20li to Mr Barnard. p[ai]dd.” 1 page.
Sept. 14. 15. Copy of letter (unsigned) in answer to a letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, asking to be advised from time to time of the grants made of forfeited lands in Ireland, so that the Lords Justices might know what petitions had been rejected by the King: transmitting “A list of petitions for grants out of forfeited estates in Ireland, with the Lords Justices reports thereupon, which upon laying before His Maty have been rejected or not granted.” Dated 14 Sept. 1698.
Accompanied by a duplicate and the letter referred to. 5 pages and 2 halves.
Sept. 14.]
16. Memorial of David Campbell, agent, to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that the troop of Scots Guards were on the English establishment till Dec. 1697, and had received no subsistence, but what the agent had advanced them; and they were extremely discouraged at not being subsisted in course. Their Lordships had promised when the money arrear of subsistence was paid they should have their share: praying payment of his arrears. Received 14 Sept. '98.
Also an account of the money advanced.
Minuted:—“4th Oct. See the minute in the book.”
[There is no minute in the book relating to this.] 1½ pages.
Sept. 14. 17. Memorial from the Trustees for Exchequer bills, to the same effect as the one of 7 July 1698, in respect to the payment of the 41,299l. 12s.d. [Minuted:—“My Lords will be punctual in this”], and in addition offering to their Lordships their opinion, that in respect to the determination of the 3rd contract, although there was an eighth part of the subscription standing out, yet the 10 per cent. allowance should be paid, &c.: asking directions to be sent to the Exchequer, as to what fund the two quarters salary, due to the trustees, should be paid from: also whether they should pay 52l. 10s. 5d. to Mr. Clayton and Mr. Herne, who had spent that sum in convicting Thomas Johnson, concerned in counterfeiting the Exchequer bills. [Minuted:—“Order'd.”] Dated 14 Sept. 1698.
Also the account of the disbursements. 2½ pages.
Sept. 14.]
18. Petition of Thomas Fletcher to the Lords of the Treasury, as to the loss sustained by him in consequence of the pulling down by a mob of a house in Holborn, occupied by Mr. Michael Tooley, the King's deputy provost marshal. Received 14 Sept. '98.
Also a copy of the report by Mr. Geo. Clarke thereon.
Minuted:—“28 June 1699. Dismissed. Tooley being paid in full of all pretensions.”
The petition of Michael Tooley and the case printed at length. 4 pages.
Sept. 14.]
19. Report of Mr. William Vanbrugh [treasurer of the chamber], to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of William Tag, keeper of the privy garden gate, leading to the cockpit; certifying the allowance that was made for keeping the same, &c. Received 14 Sept. '98.
Minuted:—“Read 26 Oct. '98. To be paid 10li at present.”
Again “p[ai]d.” 2 pages.
Sept. 15. 20. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of William Delarose, for allowance of 441l. claimed by him for extraordinary expenses and losses. Three other reports had been made on the same case, the copies of which are annexed, and he had been deservedly dismissed from his employment as collector of Excise in Hampshire and part of Wilts. Dated 15 Sept. 1698. (Four enclosures).
Minuted:—“Read 22 7br. 1698, and approved.” 10 pages and 3 halves.
Sept. 15/25. 21. Letter of Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, as to the payment of the portion of the daughter of Lord Dursley, as maid of honour; signifying the King's pleasure that it should be paid, his Lordship alleging the necessity thereof, on account of his daughter's marriage. Dated Loo, 15/25 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“Warrts to be prepared for her & for Lady Berkley & Mrs May.” 1 page (quarto).
Sept. 15/25. 22. Letter from the same to the same, returning papers sent for the Royal signature. The warrant for granting to Mr. Crook His Majesty's share in the “Phœnix” brewhouse was ordered by His Majesty to be left upon his table. Dated Loo, 15/25 Sept. 1698. (One enclosure.)
The warrants were for 500li to Mr Prior.
1,020 to Comte Frise.
1,900 to Mr Bookey.
300 to Lord Lucas.
100 to Mr Leighton.
15,000 for the French Protestants.
3 pages (quarto).
Sept. 15/25. 23. Similar letter, stating the King's pleasure that 200l. should be paid towards the discharge of Mr. Henry Killigrew's debts, the Lords Justices having earnestly recommended him to the King. Dated Loo, 15/25 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“Read 20 7br. '98. Wt signed.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 241, 20 Sept., is:—“Prepare a warrt for 200li to Mr Hen. Killigrew of bounty per the Lds Justices.” 1 page (quarto).
Sept. 15/25. 24. Similar letter, concerning allowances to the messengers employed in going express to carry accounts of the King's transactions to the Court of France [under the direction] of the Earl of Jersey. Dated Loo, 15/25 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“Read 20 7br. '98.”
With this is a paper containing memoranda relating to “messengers employed in France.” 2 pages.
Sept. 14
and 16.
25. Letter from Lord Bellomont, unaddressed, but commencing “My Lords,” informing them that his journey to Albany in July was very unfortunate to his health, but having appointed a day to meet the five nations of Indians, he resolved to keep “touch” with them, though to the hazard of his life, and embarked for Albany in the midst of a fit of the gout, by which, and a cold taken on the Hudson River, he had like to have died. He however managed a conference with the Indians. The first two or three days he found them sullen and cold in their carriage, and thought we had quite lost their affections, but some of the “Sachims” having come to some honest magistrates of that town, discovered to them that they had been tampered with by Mr. Dellius, the Dutch minister, to whom, with three others (viz., Col. Peter Schuyler, Major Dyrk Wessels, mayor of that town, and one Bauker, or Banker), Col. Fletcher had committed the whole management of the Indian affairs; so that Dellius, to create difficulty to his (the writer's) administration, had possessed the Indians with the idea that the power of the said Dellius and the others was equal to the Governor's, and that the cognizance of the Indians and their affairs more belonged to them than to him; but the Indians being naturally quick, discovered that he was the King's Governor, and that Dellius had deluded and abused them, and they thereupon declared their grievances, as their Lordships would find, in the “printed conferences” sent (No. 1). To his unspeakable satisfaction he managed them with that patience, and made them so good a present, that he quite retrieved their affection, and they were never known to part with any Governor in so good humour. His journey was a little more expensive than usual, amounting to 1,200l. of that country money, but all commodities acceptable to the Indians were dearer 50l. per cent. Dellius the Dutch minister was the more industrious to amuse the Indians, that they might not complain of his notorious fraud and circumvention put upon the Mohack Indians by himself chiefly, and the other three persons above mentioned, in obtaining a grant from Col. Fletcher of their whole country; the villany of this Dellius would appear in the enclosure No. 2, which relates to the fraudulent bargain transacted between Dellius and six or eight of the Mohack Indians, wherein he made the Indians believe the land was only to be conveyed by them to himself and the other three persons in trust, for the use of them and their posterity, and to hinder the land being disposed of to other hands, that would probably dispossess them thereof; yet he with the other three persons, together with Mr. Pinhorn (whom the writer had lately removed from the council and his judge's place), obtained an absolute grant of all the said Mohacks' land from Col. Fletcher. The chief complainants against Dellius were Mohack Indians proselyted by himself to the Christian faith. Henry and Joseph he had taught to pray and preach in their language by means of a woman interpreter. The writer knew not how sincere converts they were, but they seemed to have no veneration for their doctor and apostle Dellius. The interpretess, also a convert, was a witness against him, and in her examination before all the magistrates of Albany and others, declared her knowledge of the fraud. Out of tenderness to Dellius's ministerial functions, he had not printed this account with the other conferences, to conceal the fraudulent part he acted from all the world, except their Lordships, to whom he felt obliged to communicate all things without reserve. By the printed conferences their Lordships would see how much the Indians stomached Col. Fletcher's neglect of them during the war, particularly in omitting to demolish the fort of Cadaracque, which the French had deserted for a long time, but had since re-garrisoned. They call it a cruel thorn in their sides. He sent also a memorial (No. 3), signed by Mr. Pynchon and Mr. Partrigg, about the murder of two Englishmen by some Indians, at the town of Hatfield, in New England, and his examination of the Skachkook Indians about the said murder. He had also resented that barbarous action in his letter to the Governor of Canada (No. 4), having grounds to believe the Canada Indians committed the murder.
Their Lordships would find in the printed propositions that the five nations had interceded with him for the pardon of Willm. Simpson, a soldier of Albany, who murdered an Indian Sachim, and wounded two others, who lay under sentence of death, together with his answer: if it were left to him, he should suffer death. On the other murderer mentioned in the said propositions, the grand jury brought in an ignoramus on the indictment. Three things were observable in the address to him from the magistrates of Albany: the first implied a wrong sustained by the inhabitants of Albany, by means of a grant by Col. Fletcher to one Ranslaer, of a great tract of land upon Hudson's River, above Albany, the said inhabitants having to take rum and other commodities for their peltry; the magistrates touched but gently on that subject, as the land of the eldest brother of the said Ranslaer reached 24 miles square, and Albany was in the centre of it. The second was the thanks to him for restoring the management of the Indians to the magistrates of the town, instead of their being under the directions of Mr. Dellius, the minister, Col. Peter Schuyler, Major Wessells, and Mr. Banker. He discovered that Col. Fletcher's grant of all the Mohack's land was not the sole price of the flattering address he obtained from the inhabitants of Albany. The writer's scheme of management of the Indians and their trade would be found in his instructions to Col. Peter Schuyler and all the magistrates of Albany, in the printed propositions which he was forced to draw up in his own hand, though weak in health, having no secretary, nor any one who could write good English. The third thing observable in that address from Albany was, the building of a fort there. He intended to write his thoughts thereon, and on the fort desired to be built at Schenectady. To his great amazement Col. Romar, the engineer, was ordered home by the Board of Ordnance, and would go from Boston in the “Deptford” man-of-war about three weeks hence. He would inform their Lordships of other matters by that vessel. On his return from Albany, the crowd of business gave him a relapse into the gout, under which he then laboured.
At the end of the printed conferences there was an allarm sent by the five nations of Indians of a design of the Governor of Canada to make a sudden inroad on them, unless they would go and make peace. He did what he could to keep them in heart, by sending his Lieut.-Governor to Albany, with all the soldiers he could spare. He enclosed a copy of his instructions (No. 5), and despatched the Mayor of Albany, Major Wessells, to a general meeting of the five nations at the Onnondages Castles, and enclosed the instructions to him (No. 6), also a second letter to the Governor of Canada (No. 4), and instructions to Capt. John Schuyler (No. 7). Dated New York, 14 Sept. 1698.
Postscript. Major Wessells had returned from his negotiation, and had brought the memorial (No. 8). The writer forgot to mention the discourse that passed between Mr. Dellius, the minister of Albany, and himself, which he added to the manuscript (No. 2), which would show that man's strange prevarication and doubleness. He could prove by witnesses of credit, several immoralities against him, as also his disaffection to the King. They might wonder he trusted him with his first letters to the Governor of Canada and Mont Real, to notify the peace to them; but he had not then seen him, &c. The magistrates and inhabitants of Albany had bought Ranslaer's grant of land on Hudson's River, so there was an end of that grievance. Dated 16 Sept. 1698.
The above is a duplicate of a letter in the Board of Trade papers, New York, Vol. IV., p. 603. There is also another copy between pp. 636 and 637 of the same volume. It is also printed in Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, Vol. IV., p. 362.
Accompanied by a list of the papers referred to, and five of the enclosures, three being wanting (viz., 1, 5, and 8).
Copy of the depositions (marked No. 2) of Henry and Joseph, two of the Maquase nation above referred to, which contain many curious particulars in respect to that nation, and to the alienation of the soil to Col. Peter Schuyler, Doctor Godfrey Dellius, and the others; they further state, that about three years ago, when they were out fighting against the French, six idle drunken people of their nation took upon them to sell a vast tract of land belonging to the complainants, called Skohere, of so large an extent that a young man had enough to do to run over it in a day's time, and that for the value of 30 beaver skins, in rum and other goods, which land Arent Schuyler bought for Col. Nicholas Bayard, of New York, and the latter obtained a patent of the late Governor for the said unlawful purchase.
They signed the depositions with marks or hieroglyphics, representing two nondescript quadrupeds.
[There are two other copies of these depositions in the volume above referred to, p. 513, and between pp. 636 and 637, and they are printed in Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York. Vol. IV., p. 345.]
In the conference (forming part of enclosure No. 2), held at the request of the Maquase Indians with the Lord Bellomont, on 25 July 1698, Hillitie the interpretess states that when the writing about the Maquase land was signed, the true intent and meaning of the Indians was, that Mr. Dellius and the other three persons should be only trustees, to keep the land for the benefit of the Indians of the Maquase nation; but if it should so happen that all the Maquase Indians should die, or be extinguished or lessened to the number of ten, then Mr. Dellius, the minister, and the other grantees were to be owners of the lands.
At the conclusion of this paper, Lord Bellomont administered a smart reproof to Dellius, in presence of all the persons forming the conference, and promised the Indians to employ his interest with his great master, the King of England, to procure the grant to be vacated, if those persons did not surrender it, as Col. Schuyler and Major Wessells had already done. [This is not printed.]
There is with these an interesting paper (also marked No. 2), entitled:—“An account of what passed between me and Mr Godfrey Dellius, Dutch minister at Albany, ye 2d day of Augt 1698.” 30 pages and 2 halves.
Sept. 16. 26. Letter of the Comrs of the Navy to the Earl of Orford, applying for money for the subsistence of the marine regiments. Dated 16 Sept. '98.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 240, 16 Sept. 1698, is:—“1,191li for 14 daies subsist, for ye 4 marine regts from the 12th instant, & ending 26 instant, to be issued to ye Treasurer of ye Navy, out of loanes on the Cole Act.” 1 page.
Sept. 16.]
27. Petition of John Ellis to the Lords of the Treasury. He had petitioned the King for a grant of the estate of his brother William, to satisfy a debt due to him. The Comrs of the Revenue reported the value of the estate to be 726l. 3s. per ann., &c. The King had declared that the debt should be paid, if real; he enclosed an affidavit as to its reality, and another affidavit. The Earl of Denbigh claimed the lands of Oxmantown, being 300l. per ann. of the estate, which were bought from the Earl's father, &c.: prays their Lordships to report the case favourably to the King for a grant of the estate.
The affidavits mentioned, and a copy of the petition.
The latter is minuted:—“Read 16 7br. '98. To be layd before ye K. at his returne. Ref. to Lords Justices.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 66, 8 Feb. 1698–9, is:—“Mr. Ellis's papers are read for his brother's estate in Ireland; granted.” 4 pages.
Sept. 18/28. 28. Letter of Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, enclosing an establishment for the military list of Ireland, which His Majesty ordered to be transmitted to the Lords Justices of Ireland; and stating His Majesty's further order for their Lordships to prepare an establishment for the civil list of Ireland for his signing, on his return to England. Dated Loo, 18/28 Sept. 1698. 1 page (quarto).
Sept. 18. 29. [? Copy of] letter of Henry Baker [to the Comrs of Customs]. He had passed the coast from Milton, and through the Marsh, and came to Hastings the previous night. He had made his observations on the owling and smuggling trade, which he would lay before them, when he attended the board. He was then proceeding to the west of Sussex, where he heard several of the old marshmen were, and then would make the best of his way to London. He had taken Folkstone and Romney warrens, and was in treaty with Sir Robt. Guildford's uncle for a very good house and land at Guildford, that was formerly the famous John Thompson's. If it could be had, it would be an extraordinary lodgment for two or three officers, and a thorough security for the Camber and all that end of the Marsh. He had posted in proper places, through the Marsh, 20 dragoons at the disposition of the officers. He had visited the two sloops, and had done his best to discharge his trust. Dated Hasting[s], 18 Sept. 1698. 1 page.
Sept. 19. 30. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Jenkins, citizen and oilman, praying to be allowed to enter 20 tons of blubber, bought of the Comrs of Prizes, without paying foreign duty. It was a similar case to others, in which their Lordships had given relief. Dated 19 Sept. 1698.
Accompanied by the petition and a certificate.
Minuted:—“21 7br. '1698. Allowed. Wt signed 23 7br. 1698.” 3 pages.
Sept. 20. 31. Letter signed “R. Yard,” to the Lords of the Treasury. The petition of Mr. Edmund Halley had been read to the Lords Justices, who were desirous to give him all due encouragement, and referred the petition to their Lordships. Dated 20 Sept. 1698.
The petition in which he says that he conceived he had discovered the true cause of the variation of the compass. He had obtained a small vessel from the Admiralty, to make experiments in remote parts, proper to ascertain the theory of the magnetical direction, a matter of the greatest moment in the art of navigation. He then prayed for 100l., that he might make use of the ports of foreign nations, and take with him the instruments necessary.
Minuted:—“Mr Tailor to pay this 100li. Paid 13 Oct '98.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 256, 11 Oct. 1698, is:—“Mr Hawly to be pd 100li, to buy instruments to be used in his voiage for ascertayning the theory of the magnetical direction.” 2 pages.
Sept. 20. 32. Letter sent by direction of the Lords Justices to the Lords of the Treasury, for them to make the necessary arrangement for the payment of 200l. to each of the Comrs sent with the squadron for reducing the pirates in the East Indies, to enable them to provide for their voyage. Dated 20 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“A warrt for the Lords Justices to signe.” 1 page (quarto).
Sept. 20. 33. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Ann Granville and Martha Lockarte, servants to the late Queen, who prayed for the moiety of the ship “Two Friends,” seized at the Custom-house, for breach of the Navigation Act; certifying that the seizure was well made, but the proprietors had obtained the licence of the Court of Exchequer to compound; on which the usual course was for the officer to have ⅓d of the appraised value, the King ⅓d, and the proprietor ⅓d, which was the common favour of the Court; they had nothing further to offer, save that this Board had always given their opinion against the Crown granting any forfeitures, before the goods were actually condemned. Dated 20 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“My Lords do not apprehend it to be in their power to grant the petition.”
Accompanied by the petition. 2 pages.
[? About
Sept. 21.]
34. Petition of Mary Lawley, widow, to the Lords of the Treasury. There was due to her husband for repair of the mews 439l. 14s. 11d.; prays for an order for part of her debt, and that she might be put on the lists of charities payable from the Crown, for the interest yearly of the remainder, until paid.
Minuted:—“Read 21 7br '98, & rejected.” 1 page.
[? About
Sept. 21.]
35. Petition of Joshua Bowes, late Lieutenant, to the Lords of the Treasury. He had moved their Lordships for 20l., part of 66l. due to him for his service in Ireland, and had added this promise not to trouble their Lordships till peace or victory made money more plentiful; on which he received the 20l.; praying for 20l. more.
Minuted:—“21 7br. '98. There is no provision made for this demand.” ½ page.
[? About
Sept. 21.]
36. Petition of the persons concerned in clothing the army, to the Lords of the Treasury, praying them to lay their case before Parliament, in such a manner as might prove effectual, to prevent their ruin. They had already petitioned Parliament, which had refused to assist them, except their Lordships represented the hardship of their case.
Minuted:—“Read 21 7br. '98.” It has a number of signatures. 1 large page.
Sept. 21. 37. Letter of the Lord Bellomont, unaddressed, but commencing “My Lords,” sending muster rolls (enclosure No. 1) of the four companies under his command. He took pains to have them exact, but did not know whether he was not wrong in mustering all his servants, as Col. Fletcher did, but with this difference that he mustered no negros, as the colonel did, nor put in three fictitious names, which is the number of servants allowed every captain by the King. If the seven servants he mustered were thought too many he stood corrected. He would send muster rolls every six months and oftener, if it were not that the frost and snow hindered a communication between this and the garrisons of Albany and Schenectady. He hoped their Lordships would intercede with the King for full companies, as it was impossible for them to recruit from England, for the service was under such vast discredit by former mismanagement, that no man would enlist.
When at Albany the enclosed petition (? No. 2) was delivered to him by the chaplain and other officers of the four companies, to get off the burden of 30l. per cent., which was a great discouragement in that scarce country, where all things, both for the belly and the back, were near treble the rates they were in England.
Mr. Brooks went for England while he (the Governor) was at Albany, and for ten days or a fortnight before, all the factious merchants of the town resorted to him at Captain Willson's, the late sheriff's, and there caballed till one or two in the morning, and made their compliments and attended him in a body on his departure. He appealed to their Lordships if he (Mr. Brooks) would not have been as odious to them, if he had done his duty, as he (the Governor) was, for seizing the ship “Fortune” with East India goods, of which he enclosed an account, and of other seizures (No. 3). He would make it apparent that he (Mr. Brooks) was false to his trust, and he and Col. Fletcher had combined to deceive the King and this province of as much money as they could. He was confident he should bring a charge of a great many 1,000l. to Col. Fletcher's account. He could not forbear complaining of the recall of two men-of-war under his command, as it weakened the King's authority, encouraged piracy, &c., and this the factious part were sensible enough of. Some of them were impudent enough to wish they were like the provinces of the Jerseys and Connecticut, with no Governor from England, nor any fort to awe them in their trade. Some of them were yet more insolent, and had said they would undertake it should be brought about. They had sent a project home by Brooks with an assurance of a great sum of money if Col. Fletcher, Gilbert Heathcote, the merchant, and Brooks, who were their agents, could compass the same. They were as “cock sure” of carrying the point and getting him turned out of this province, as ever he was of eating a dinner. He should cheerfully submit to be recalled, and their joy would not be greater than his comfort; for he would go away with the testimonies of a good conscience. He would not contend for keeping that government as it was, for no honest man of quality could live on the profits of that government. He did not see how he could make above 800l. per ann. It was true if he would make it the mart of piracy,—confederate with the merchants and wink at their unlawful trade,—if he would pocket all the off-reckonings, make 300l. per ann. of victualling the poor soldiers, muster half companies, pack an assembly that would give him what money he pleased, and let him misapply it as he pleased, and pocket great part of the public moneys, he could make the government very valuable; he believed more valuable than Ireland. The orders for the recall of the two men-of-war were directed to the captains, so that he was considered unworthy to be acquainted therewith; his power over them was so entirely superseded, that on a pirate ship coming into the Delaware River, and taking nine or ten ships, and robbing the people of Pennsylvania, Capt. Culliford refused absolutely to sail his ship and fall on the pirate, saying he had positive orders to make the best of his way to England, &c. Col. Markham's two letters concerning the pirate ship and desiring him (the writer) to send the “Fowy,” man-of-war, to the relief of the people under his government (No. 4), together with the letter to him from the town of Lewis in Pennsylvania, as also the minute of council concerning Captain Culliford's refusal, with the copy of the writer's letter to Col. Markham, were bound up together (No. 4).
The French there were very factious, and their number considerable. He left it to their Lordships' judgment how safe it was to that province (which he took to be the key of all the rest upon the continent, and the chief frontier towards Canada), to encourage them. At the last election they ran in with the Jacobite party, and insolently boasted they turned the scale, and could balance the interests as they pleased. 33 French came to him at one time to be denizized [? denizened], and by one letter. He delayed giving the letter till he knew their Lordships' pleasure. Some French, who passed for Protestants during the late war, had been discovered to be Papists, and he suspected they gave intelligence to Canada. He sent an extract from the Lieut.-Governor's letter from Albany (No. 5). He (the writer) remembered Mr. Dellius, the minister of Albany, told him that the Count de Frontinac owned to him that he had a great part of his letters and intelligence from France, by way of Boston, all the time of the war. Where he met with a French merchant who was a good Protestant, he granted letters of denization. He heard the French had written to England for a letter of denization for the people above referred to, and said they would have them denizened in spite of him.
He had made no step to change the officers of the militia, or of persons in the commission of the peace, or civil officers, except the displacing of Willson, the sheriff of that town; but it was absolutely necessary he should make an alteration, they being generally of ill character and disaffected. If he was not too late, he fancied with a little management, which should be fair and upon the square, to compass the continuing the revenue for five years: when that was done, he would bring the parties to a balance. He could see no reason why the English and Dutch that were called of Leisler's party should be any longer excluded from a share in the government; they were reputed to be two-thirds of the people of that province, and why they were crushed and oppressed he could not see; they were much more sober and better affected to the government than the other party. The Jacobite party in that town had a club; 27 of them met on Saturday se'night; their ringleaders were Col. Bayard, Col. Minviele, and Willson the late sheriff; there was such a rancour and inveteracy with them that he thought it not proper to leave that province till he had their Lordships' orders on his representations; for if he left, the people would fall together by the ears, and it would give the faction great advantage, and would tend very much to the revenue ceasing and his measures for the revenue would be frustrated. His stay promoted the King's service in respect to the naval stores, and in what he had in view to make peace with the Eastern Indians (who had been so uneasy to his other two governments all this last war) by means of one Schuyler, a Dutchman, who was very popular with our Skachkook or River Indians, who were formerly driven out of those Eastern parts by the people of New England, the Eastern Indians still retaining a kindness for them and owning them of their blood. This Schuyler was to take a journey to the Eastern parts with some of the chief of the River Indians, who seemed confident they should be able to make a perpetual peace; they would also be invited to live among the River Indians. He kept this matter private from his other governments.
He had sent for Col. Basse, the Governor of the Jerseys, and shown him their Lordships' orders, to maintain the privileges of that port against Perth Amboy, in East Jersey; but he had the impudence and folly to deny that he ever saw the orders, and pretended he would by force maintain the port of Perth Amboy. While the writer was at Albany he appeared before his Lieut.-Governor and Council to controvert the right of that place to be a port, &c. The Lieut. Governor's letter to him (the writer) would inform their Lordships thereon (No. 6), with which were Col. Basse's papers. Col. Basse further urged that the Act of 25 Car. II. gave the sole power of constituting ports to the Lords of the Treasury, and under them to the Comrs of Customs. The writer replied he would pay such deference to an authentic original order from either of those Boards as not to disturb any ships going in there, provided security were given, that all goods landed there should afterwards pay the duty claimed by the port of New York, in case the ministers in England should again determine in favour of the port of New York. He also further argued the matter with Col. Basse.
To show what little respect Col. Basse paid to the orders of the government, he enclosed an affidavit of the officers acting in Mr. Brooks's stead (No. 6).
The writer formerly acquainted their Lordships, by Mr. Weaver, that he had no dependence on Sheriff Willson to raise the posse and rescue the King's officers, who were prisoners in Van Sweeten's house (the said Willson having concealed East India goods to the value of 2,000l. in his house), and so he sent the soldiers then on guard to make the rescue. The certificate signed by Mr. Randolph (No. 7) would convince their Lordships of the concealment. He should certainly have had a proof upon oath that Brooks was privy to Willson's receiving these East India goods into his house, and that all, or the greater part, were conveyed into his house before Brooks's face; but the “party” was terrified and verily believed he should be murdered, if he declared his knowledge, for, he says, “they are a most wicked and lawless people here and very revengfull.” The writer was not there a fortnight before they threatened to murder Mr. Graham the Attorney-General, and Mr. Weaver. By the next opportunity he would send some observations on Col. Fletcher's and Mr. Brooks's accounts, and other matters. Dated 21 Sept. 1698.
The above is a duplicate of a letter among the papers of the Board of Trade, Vol. IV., pp. 669–676, and is printed in Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, Vol. IV., p. 377.
Accompanied by enclosures under the numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6. Those under the numbers 1, 2, and 7 are missing. 23 pages and 7 halves.
Sept. 21. 38. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of William Pennington of Rotterdam, who hired a vessel to bring passengers from thence to England and put a tun of wine on board, for private use, for which the wine and vessel were seized; recommending that he be allowed to compound by licence of the Court. Dated 21 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“Read 21 7br '98. Compound for the wine as the Comrs propose, and a non pros. upon the rest of ye information as to a ship.”
Accompanied by the petition. 2 pages.
Sept. 21. 39. Report of the same to the same. On the petition of Baltazar Reclau, praying to be relieved as to the King's part of the seizure of a parcel of cocoa nuts, by him imported into the port of Chester: advising that he be allowed to compound by letter of licence. Dated 21 Sept. 1698.
Also the petition and a letter.
Minuted:—“Read 21 7br 1698. My Lords do not think there is ground to relieve the petr.” 3 pages.
[? About
Sept. 22.]
40. Petition of Capt. William Courtney to the Lords of the Treasury. He had suffered for the misdeeds of another Capt. Courtney, who was a conspirator. He says he had been set upon six several times for the said captain, who was a thousand pounds man; he was carried before the secretaries, who immediately discharged him with concern for his ill-usage; he was set upon by the rude multitude, who beat and plundered him of 107l.; he was kept in prison 18 weeks on suspicion, from which he had a fit of sickness, which cost him 50l.; prays for compensation.
Also an affidavit made by him. “Recd 22th Sepr '98.”
Minuted:—“Read 22th 7br 1698. 100li in full of all pretencions out of sec. service.” Again:—“Paid 100l. 1st Oct. 1698.” 2 pages.
Sept. 22. 41. Copy of a letter from the Comrs of Customs to Capt. [Henry] Baker, acknowledging his letter from Hastings, noticing his passage from Milton thither; they would have been glad to have received his observations on his survey, in anything which required their direction; they had considered as to the “rolling” the riding officers on the coast of Kent, and made sundry suggestions about the same: they were glad he had taken the two warrens, supposing the terms were reasonable, and that he had a prospect of taking a house at Guildford, which might be necessary for the officers there. Dated 22 Sept. 1698. 1½ pages.
Sept. 22. 42. Report of Mr. Charles Twitty to the Lords of the Treasury, on the state of the debts owing by the King to the estates of Philip Packer and John Packer, Esq., deceased, for necessaries provided by them as ushers of the receipt of the Exchequer; also as to what was due to the respective persons who furnished the same. The debt amounted to 7,087l. 0s.d. Dated 22 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“Read 28 7br 1698.
“My Lords think it reasonable that out of this debt there be pd
“1st. The King's debt on acco of ye works.
“2ly. The debt owing for xths of Norwch.
“3ly. The credrs for goods served to the offices.
“4ly. The debt owing for clipt money dd to Mr John Packer to pay into the Excheqr.” 2¾ pages.
Sept. 22. 43. Letter of Lord Bellomont to the Lords [of the Treasury], stating his inability, owing to ill health, to put the proofs of the corruption of Mr. Brooks into the shape he would have done. He would give their Lordships entire satisfaction therein by the “Deptford” frigate, which sailed in a fortnight. He sent to their Lordships copies of his letters to the Council of Trade, which would give a full account of the most material things belonging to the province. Dated New York, 22 7ber 1698.
The enclosures missing. 1½ pages (quarto).
Sept. 22. 44. Memorial from the Trustees for Exchequer bills, embodying the two preceding memorials of 7 July and 14 Sept. Dated 22 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“22 7br. '98. Bring in this to be considered to-morr. morn.” 1 page.
Sept. 22. 45. Letter from Mr. Secretary Vernon to the Lords of the Treasury. A complaint of the Duke of Devonshire had been laid before the Lords Justices concerning the waste of timber made in the forest of Needwood, by cutting more wood and of a better sort than was necessary for answering Rupert Brown's claim: as also by some of the officers taking away the best of the timber under pretence of fees, sending an extract that their Lordships might stop those abuses. Dated 22 Sept. 1698.
Also the said extract, minuted:
“Lords think this is a matter of moment and very necessary to be lookt after; but upon inquiry they find that this forrest is part of ye Dutchy, & my Lords can give no direction therein.” 2¼ pages.
Sept. 23. 46. Letter, signed “A. Corbett,” to William Lowndes, Esq., desiring him to move their Lordships concerning 6,062l. 19s. 3d., to be assigned to the Treasurer of the Navy, to pay Mr. Levy, the broker, for discount on 83,885l. Dated 23 Sept. '98.
Minuted:—“An order for this.” 1 page.
Sept. 25. 47. Letter of Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. He had read Mr. Lowndes' letter and the petition of Mr. Fox to the King, who directed that Lord Coningsby's warrant should be sent to him by the first opportunity. Dated Goer, 5 Oct. 1698, N.S.
Minuted:—“Read 4th Oct. 1698.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 253, 4 Oct. 1698, is:—“My Lords direct my Lord Coningsby's warrt to be sent to him at Dublin, pursuant to ye Ks comand. Deliver it to Coll. Edgworth.” 1 page (quarto).
Sept. 26. 48. A short note, signed “Evelyn,” to William Lounds, Esq., desiring him to put their Lordships in mind of His Majesty's 2,000l., due at Christmas, and the great arrear due to the workmen erecting Greenwich Hospital. Dated 26 Sepr '98.
Minuted:—“The King, when he gave intirely to ye hosptll the fines of ye smuglers, was pleased to declare this paymt might not be made for the last year.” Part of a page (quarto).
[? About
Sept. 27.]
49. Petition of Mary Moss, widow, to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that her husband, John Moss, a trooper in Capt. William Stewart's troop, in Col. Russel's regiment of horse, was killed at the first siege of Limerick, 31l. 4s. 2d. being due to him; praying payment thereof, having come over with one child to England to solicit payment, and having left the other four in Ireland. “Recd 27th Sept. '98.”
Minuted:—“Read 11 8br. There is no provision made for demands of this kind.”
There is also another petition nearly word for word the same as the above, with two papers substantiating the facts. “Recd 14 Sept. '98.”
Minuted:—“28 June '99. There is no mo for paymt of any arrears of this kind.” 4 pages.
Sept. 27. 50. Letter, signed B. Homrigh [who was one of the Comrs of Revenue for Ireland], without address, but most likely to Mr. Lowndes, seeking for the recommendation of the Lords of the Treasury to the King, that he might obtain an allowance or salary for his services to the King; proposing to have the allowance made out of the produce of the remaining stores, sold by their order. Dated Dublin, 27 Sept. 1698.
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 127, 24 May 1699, is:—“Mr Van Homrigh's łre. 1,000li to be allow'd.” 1½ pages (quarto).
Sept. 27. 51. Printed copy of the speech of the Lords Justices [of Ireland] to both Houses of Parliament, on 27 Sept. 1698. 3 pages.
Sept. 27.]
52. Petition of several goldsmiths and other persons of the City of London, who had made application to the House of Commons, to be relieved from the loss suffered by having their silver bullion stopped, and thereupon a supply was granted, upon which they brought other bullion to the Mint; complaining of the delay, and that they were then in a far worse condition than they were before.
(Eight signatures attached.)
“Recd 27 Sepr '98.
“11th Oct. '98.
“To be considered to-morrow morning.” 1 page.
[? About
Sept. 28.]
53. Petition of Henry de Nassau, Sieur d'Ouwerkerck, general of horse and commander-in-chief of His Majesty's service in Flanders, showing that he, upon the King's special orders in 1696 and 1697, had contracted for the forrage for the forces in Flanders, to be paid out of the subsistence of the said forces; but none of the undertakers being willing alone to agree upon the same, he was obliged to bind his person and estates in Holland for security; there were 37,000l. due, and the undertakers were daily pressing him; praying for payment.
Minuted:—“Read 28 7br '98. To be considered.” 1 page.
Sept. 28. 54. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury. The military contingencies fund had been overdrawn 2,258l. 19s. 10¼d., which could not be allowed to the Receiver-General without the King's particular warrant, desiring them to move His Majesty for the same; proposing also the increase of that fund to 2,000l. a year, and an additional allowance on the marching of foot regiments from one garrison to another. Dated 28 Sept. 1698. (One enclosure.) 3½ pages.
Sept. 28. 55. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury in respect to the ship “Providence,” recapitulating their presentment of 31 Aug. last. Acquainting their Lordships that the duty of 25 per cent. and 25l. per ton arising upon the goods from the ship, which proved to be French, would amount to 170l., out of which they proposed that 100l. might be given to the French gentleman (Mr. Bobin) for his encouragement, and that they might be directed to distribute a bounty of 40l. or 50l. to the seamen. Dated 28 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“Ordered 100li & 40li.” 1¼ pages.
Sept. 29. 56. Memorial of the Trustees for exchanging Exchequer bills to the Lords of the Treasury, presenting the states of the accounts. Dated 29 Sept. 1698. ½ page.
Sept. 29.]
57. Petition of Peter Persehouse, Esq., serjeant-at-arms attending the House of Peers, praying for payment of his salary at 10s. a day, having daily attended the house for 220 days. “Rec[eive]d 29th Sepr '98.”
“A warrt for this.” 1 page.
[? About
Sept. 29.]
58. “Yearly liverys in the Office of the Great Wardrobe, upon the Earle of Montague's accot, for the year ended at Micħas 1698.”
“Yearly wages and fees in the Office of the Workes upon the paymaster's accot, ended last March 1698.” 2 pages and 2 halves.
Sept. 30. 59. “An account of tallys, Exchequer bills, and malt lottery tickets in the Treasurer of His Majesty's Navy's hands, the 30th September 1698; whereof 426,742li. 18. 11. was issued by the Rt Honble ye Lords of the Treasury, for payment of wages, and 128,577l. 6. 5. remaines to attend such services as their Lđsps shall direct.” 1 page.
[? About
Sept. 30.]
60. Replies to an information against John Dutton Colt, Esq., collector of Customs for the port of Bristol, and other officers of that port. He was charged with appointing his footman to discharge ships, which he denied, and explained that his servant Christopher Williamson, and Mr. Peter Davis, discharged one ship of 50 tons. Under the second head of his reply, he says that the port of Bristol for time out of mind had not been served with less than three land surveyors, or three officers who acted as such, and it could not be left with two: only, when the business was not great, one of the three had leave for a little time; but that one of the three had not been seen at the Custom-house one hour in a month, was notoriously false, all three of them attending daily. Signed by J. D. Colt and three others. Read 30 Sept. 1698.
Minuted:—“Read 12 Oct. 1698. Mr Hendley saies he sent for the officers at Bristol, examined and found Wmsom. 'Twas only one ship, and he's a tidesman & a good officer. The Custom-house there should be near the key. There have never been less than 3 survrs. He spoke wth Yates & others on this subject. He saies Wmson has his diet but no wages from Mr Colt. He was sworn & gave security. He believes Bristol is this day under as good managemt as any port of England.” 1½ pages.
Oct. 3. 61. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury. They had been advised that Mr. Blathwayt had transmitted a new establishment for the expense of the military list, signed by the King, to commence on the 1st of October, and providing for the payment of the army by the calendar month; whereby they would receive less than hitherto; they apprehend it would be an obstruction to the public service, and advise that it should be sent after the session of Parliament and should commence on 1st January, &c. Dated 3 Oct. 1698. 2 pages.
Oct. 3. 62. Letter from Mr. James Vernon to Mr. Montague, recommending, at the desire of Lord Seafield, Secretary of State for Scotland, Captain Ogilvie, his kinsman, who had served all along in the fleet, but was left out in the general reform, viz. to command one of the sloops for preventing the smuggling trade: finishing, “You have heard the account Mr Baker gives of the negligence of some English officers in those employments, I hope therefore you will think it not amiss, to try whether a Scotsman placed among them, may not do better.” Dated 3 Oct. '98. 1 page.
Oct. 3. 63. Letter of the same to the Lords of the Treasury, communicating the King's pleasure for the payment of 3,000l. on account of the bills for 5,000l., drawn by Lord Pagett for his equipage and other expenses occasioned by his journey to Belgrade, to mediate a peace between the Emperor and the Ottoman Port; further leaving to their Lordships the disposal of the sloop seized at Hamburgh, together with her lading. Dated 3 Oct. '98.
Minuted:—“Read 4 8br. 1698. A warrt to be prepared for the 3,000li upon acco of his journey.”
There is also a minute to the same effect entered in the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 253, on that day. 1 page (quarto).
Oct. 3. 64a. State of the debt in the office of His Majesty's Works, in the present reign to Michaelmas 1698. “Ex[d] 3 Oct. '98.” 1 page (brief size).
Oct. 4.]
64b. “An account from the 22d September 1693 to ye 10th Aprill 1697, of severall papers, prints, & proposalls wch by the direction of Thomas Neale, Esqr., intended for the benefitt of the Publique, & which he has often told me the King promised to pay for, wch was printed and put out by me Freeman Collins, [Printer]. Humbly presented to ye Right Honble the Lds Commrs of His Mãties Treãry.”
Minuted:—“4 8br '89. Send this to Mr Neal, & desire him to satisfie his owne credr.” 2 pages.
Oct. 5. 65. Presentment of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, about a debt due to them from the Comrs of the Victualling, asking their Lordships to direct speedy payment thereof. Dated 5 Oct. 1698.
Minuted:—“Read 6 8br '98.” 2 pages.
Oct. 5/15. 66. Letter of Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, enclosing a discharge for John de Sene, signed by the King, &c. Dated Goer, 5/15 Oct. 1698. 1 page (quarto).
Oct. 5/15. 67. Letter from the same [probably to the same], directing that so much be paid to the Duchess of Mazarine, as would make up a whole year's pension; a half year only having been paid to her upon the late order. Dated Goer, 5/15 Oct. 1698. 1 page (quarto).
Oct. 6. 68. Petition of Richard Bovett to the Lords of the Treasury, stating his ability to make discoveries of frauds in the revenue: praying for a present supply of money to proceed therein. Dated 6 Oct. 1698.
Minuted:—“When ye discovery is brot to an issue, my Lords will gratifie him, and their Lops desire him to proceed in discovering ye other matters mentioned in his petition.”
The following is entered in the Minute Book, Vol. IX., viz., at p. 48, 23 Dec. 1698:—“My Lords tell Mr Bovet they are ready to hear & assist in any discovery he can make, but plainly they shall not advance any money before-hand.” 1 page.
Oct. 6.]
69. Petition of Peter Bernard, agent of the Hon. Col. Farrington, praying that the sum of 200l. might be advanced on Capt. Philips' half-pay and arrears due to him, as that sum was owing by the Capt. to Col. Farrington's regiment. Received Oct. 6th 1697.
Minuted:—“Oct. 28, 1698, 200li to be pd to Coll. Farington to discha the debts in quarters of Capt. Phillips & ye said Phillips' half-pay to be stopt, to make good ye same.” 1 page.
Oct. 7. 70. Memorial of the Trustees for exchanging Exchequer bills to the Lords of the Treasury, offering to them the states of the accounts, asking that they would direct the payment of 41,299l. 12s.d. due, to complete the 10 per cent. allowance on the third subscription, and that the accompanying advertisement for calling in the last payment upon the third contract, might be inserted in the Gazette; that the tellers of the Exchequer or their clerks might deliver to the Trustees the specie Exchequer bills in their possession, paying them the value in money, and that their Lordships would empower the Trustees to make the same non-specie bills, &c.; further asking for payment of their two quarters salary. Dated 7 Oct. 1698.
With minutes in the margin.
Accompanied by the copy of the advertisement referred to. 1½ pages.
Oct. 7.]
71. Memoranda as to moneys put into the hands of Sir Henry Ashhurst, together with the moneys disbursed, in connection with New England, &c. Undated, but there is this memorandum against one of the bills:—“Done 21 7br 1698.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 255, 7 Oct. 1698, is:—“Sir Henry Ashurst & Mr Clerke; my Lords agree that Sr Henry Ashurst paying to Mr Clerk 594. 8. 6., pursuant to their Lops warrt of 21 7br last, shalbe allowd the remainder of ye sum of 3,000li, wch was putt into his hands; being about 170li.” 1 page.
Oct. 10. 72. Letter from the Comrs of the Navy to the Earl of Orford, enclosing copies of two letters from the Comrs of the Register; one desiring money for the sick and wounded, and the other for the charges of collecting the moneys for Greenwich Hospital. Dated 10 Oct. 1698.
Accompanied by the copy of the latter only. 2 pages.
Oct. 10. 73. Report of the Earl of Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, certifying that the accompanying account contained all the sums paid by him on the bills of the Earl of Galway, and that he had no objection to his having a privy seal to pass his account. Dated 10 Oct. 1698.
Also the account of the Earl of Galway, made up by Mr. Auditor Bridges, containing the sums paid or remitted for the use of the troops that served in Piedmont.
And another paper of allowances craved.
Minuted:—“26 Oct. '98. A privy seal to be prepared.” 3 pages.
Oct. 11.]
74. Petition of Bartholomew Basset, concerning the seizure of the pink “Jane,” sold as prize, for which a payment of 83l. 10s. was made to the prize office, on which he received but 5l.; praying that the Comrs might make their report, and that he might have his proportion. Received 11 Oct. 1698.
Minuted:—“Ref. to ye Comrs of Prizes.” 1 page.
[? About
Oct. 11.]
75. Petition of Thomas Patrick, John Robertson, John Bradley, and John Everson, to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that they were ordered out on the patrol on 9 Oct. 1697, upon and about Hounslow Heath, where robberies had just been committed by two highwaymen, whom they pursued and came up with near the powder mills, where several shots were exchanged, both sides firing briskly, but the petitioner Patrick, being best horsed, forced them over a stone bridge, and after two miles further pursuit took one, named John Longford, and brought him prisoner to the Red Lion Inn, Hounslow, very much wounded, having made a desperate defence. He was committed to Newgate, having confessed the robberies, but died of his wounds before he was brought to trial; praying payment of the 40l. promised by the royal proclamation. Received [i.e. the petition] 11 Oct. 1699.
Also two certificates touching the same matter.
Minuted:—“A warrt for ye 40l paid p[er] warrant 11th Novr 1698.” Parts of 3 pages.
[? About
Oct. 11.]
76. Report of Wm. Clayton to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of William Judge, servant to John Warner, goldsmith; recommending the allowance of 40l. to him for his care and industry in apprehending Elizabeth Lewis, for endeavouring to put off an Exchequer bill altered from 5l. to 60l., and in convicting Aubrey Price, who was executed for altering the same, &c. Referred 11 Oct. 1698.
Minuted:—“My Lords will give him 20 guineas by sec. serv.”
Also the petition. 2 pages.
Oct. 11. 77. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Alexander Walker as to a debt of 46l. 8s. 2d. for duties of low wines and spirits, and further respecting a private still kept by him, which was not discovered till several years after its erection; advising that he deserved no favour. Dated 11 Oct. 1698.
Also the petition.
Minuted:—“25 Oct. '98. The sollr to prosecute ye debt.” 3 pages.
Oct. 11. 78. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the letters and papers of the Earl of Bellomont, Governor of New York, relating to the revenue there. It seemed there had been a neglect and abuse, in managing the public revenue of that province by Mr. Chidley Brook, the collector thereof; but that revenue, being only for the support of the Government there, and not cognizable before them, they could make no remarks thereon, proper for the inspection of the Auditor-General of those revenues; further, they acquaint their Lordships that Mr. Brook was appointed collector at New York of the rates and duties on tobacco and other plantation commodities; being allowed one-third of the profits; he was allowed 50l. per ann. for his trouble in executing the act for preventing frauds, having also an inspection on Connecticut colony, but the Controller-General of Customs had no account from him, except for 35l. 1s. 11d., collected on commodities landed in New York, out of the ships retaken or bought from the French captors; but Mr. Brook had connived at the importation of East India goods, piratically taken in an unfree ship, and other indirect practices in breach of his trust, and his Lordship having suspended him, they had put a stop to the payment of his salary until he answered the charges. Dated 11 Oct. 1698.
Copies of four letters from the said Earl, a paper showing the state of the revenue in the years 1687 and 1692–3, and a printed proclamation of the Earl against establishing a port at Perth-Amboy, in East New Jersey. Dated 24 May 1698.
[The first letter of 25 May is already described under that date.]
In his letter of 1 July, he goes fully into the charges against Mr. Brooks, with whom he says the late Governor, Col. Fletcher, had a right understanding and friendship, and both of them kept constant cabals and company, and had great intimacy with the merchants, owners of the rich lading of the ship “Fortune,” and were suspected to be concerned themselves in her.
Further on he says:—“On my removall of Mr Brooks from his offices, with Mr Randoll's advice & consent, I constituted Coll. Cortlandt (one of His Majesties Councill & formerly imployed in the Customs, and a man of good repute) and Mr Monsey (who was searcher of the Customs here), to be commissioners to execute Mr Brooks his offices, during his suspension, and having intelligence where some uncustomed goods were, I sent Mr Monsey & Mr Evats, a searcher, to seize them, who went, found and seized them at Mr Vansweetons' house; but before they could carry them away to the Custom-house, Mr Vansweetons called together a number of the merchants, and by their advice locked up all the windows & doors & made ye said officers prisoners in a close garrett, where they made the seizure, & put them in danger of being stifled: news of this was brought me about three hours after, being nine of the clock at night, with notice the officers were in danger of being murthered. I was therefore forced immediately to send my Lieut.-Governour with three files of soldiers & my own servants from the fort, who went & forthwith broke open the doors of Vansweetons' house (which were denyed to be opened to them) & rescued the King's officers, & assisted in carrying the goods seized to ye Custom-house. The merchants of the town were in such an uproar at this seizure (not being used to such things) that they exclaimed against me, as if all English laws & rights were violated, and had the insolence to present to me, a most reproachfull scandalous petition, wch they were heard to,' before myself & councill, and the petition had to [? i.e. too] moderate a censure; most of the councill being merchants & actually concerned in these ways of trading, however, could not but join, in giving me leave to check the petitioners, which was all the punishment hath as yet been put on so daring an action, as to imprison the King's officers and then complain of the violence of their being released.”
Mr. Monsey had refused to serve any longer, which his Lordship traces to the influence of Mr. Brooks, whose servant he had been, and no doubt privy to his corruptions, being, as it was said, rich enough to maintain himself at home, whither he was bound, and as was reported, to justify his master. His Lordship had appointed Mr. Ducy Hungerford, son of Sir George Hungerford, in his place. He had also appointed Mr. Thos. Weaver, agent for the province, who was the bearer of these packets, and had full instructions to afford their Lordships every information.
Minuted:—“Read 12 Oct. 1698.”
[This letter is printed in Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, Vol. IV., p. 354.] 13 pages.
Oct. 12.]
79. Petition of Thomas Lord Fairfax to the Lords of the Treasury. In 1690 their Lordships ordered the Attorney-General to give warrant to the Clerk of the Petty Bag, for making forth commissions of inquiry to seize lands converted to superstitious uses: prays for a renewal of the order to the Attorney-General, and that the persons in the annexed list might be made Comrs.
Also the list.
“Recd 12 Oct. '98.”
“12 June '99. Ordered.” 2 pages (quarto).
[? About
Oct. 12.]
80. “Memorial about carrying blacks from Guyney to the Spanish West Indies.”
A paper so indorsed, stating that there was a contract between the King of Spain and the Guinea Company of Portugal for their delivery of a certain number of blacks in the Spanish West Indies, and that by an Act of Parliament, all ships going from hence to Africa, should return and unload in England, or one of His Majesty's plantations. The writer (whose name does not transpire) was apprehensive that great inconvenience to all ships so laden with blacks, would arise by unloading at the plantations, as well by the mortality of the blacks, as other charges, &c., by which the trade would be lost to the English; further he states that the English merchants concerned in the said contract, were anxious to avoid the unloading, which would be no detriment to the King or the African Company; and prays that they might not be subjected thereto.
Minuted:—“Read 12 Oct. 1698. Comrs of Customes present. Refer to C. of Customes to informe themselves & to make observations & report.” 1 page.
Oct. 12. 81. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Francis Jones, praying for the acceptance of 135l. 7s. 4d. in discharge of a debt of about 400l. for duties on tobacco imported into Plymouth. They did not see how the petitioner was relievable, unless, in consideration of his suffering circumstances, and his great readiness to spare his ships for the service of the Government at a time when others refused to lend them, their Lordships should give him a compensation to the value of the debt, viz., 235l. 10s. 10¼d. Dated 12 Oct. 1698.
Accompanied by the petition.
Minuted:—“Read 12 Oct. 1698. My Lords cannot relieve the petr.” 3 pages.
Oct. 12. 82. Report of the same to the same, on certain papers transmitted by Col. Nicholson, Governor of Maryland, referred to them by their Lordships, with directions also to hear Sir Thomas Lawrence, late Secretary of that province, thereon; informing their Lordships that they had directed the Surveyor-General, Mr. Randolph, now in that country, to concert with the Governor how the officers at Annapolis and Williamstadt in Chesapeak Bay, might be settled most advantageously. Two of the papers were the produce of impositions [i.e. assessments] for the support of the government there, and not under their inspection. [Minuted:—“Send these to Mr. Blathwayt or Mr. Povey.”] The third paper was an account of bonds under prosecution, and since an establishment of officers had been settled for the better security of the plantation trade at a charge of 2,000l. a year, His Majesty's share might go towards the maintenance of that establishment.
Further informing their Lordships of some things they had observed from their plantation letters, in order that such regulations might be made as were necessary:—I. The plantations were too frequently furnished with European goods, by way of Newfoundland, in exchange for which, tobacco and other commodities were transported to Europe, without touching in England. [Minuted:—“The Lords of ye Comtee of Trade will please considr this.”] II. In several private “proprieties,” there is too easy an admission of an irregular trade. III. The naval officers who were appointed by the Governors in the plantations to take bonds and give certificates for clearing ships, had neglected to comply with the Act for preventing frauds, &c. [Minuted:—“This is to be remedyed by an instruction to ye Govrs.”] IV. The collectors in the plantations had not been very steady in transmitting their accounts of the revenues to the Controller-General, and the law required a list of ships clearing in the plantations to be transmitted twice a year; but they thought it would be advisable for the collectors to make up their accounts quarterly, and send them and the list by the first opportunity; similar lists being intended to be sent from England. [Minuted:—“The Comrs of ye Customes will give direction for this.”] V. The sloop “Pickpocket,” of New York, whereof Arnold Noding, a Frenchman, was master, being prosecuted, in the court at Maryland, under the Act of Trade and Navigation, the said master produced letters of denization from Col. Fletcher, then Governor of New York, and the sloop was discharged, &c. [Minuted:—“The report as to this to be layd before the P. Counsel.”] Dated 12 Oct. 1698. 3 pages.
Oct. 12. 83. Presentment of the same to the same, as to a proper recompence for Mr. Prescott, the wine-taster, viewer of “outs” and gauger of wines: in favour of his receiving a bounty of 100l. &c. Also one enclosure. Dated 12 Oct. 1698.
Minuted:—“Agreed. Wt sign'd 19th October 1698.” 2 pages.
[? About
Oct. 13.]
84. “Petition of George Johnson and others, who severally rid in service as troopers in the honble Brigadeer Villers' Regiment of Horse, on the reduction of Ireland:” praying for payment of their arrears. With ten signatures. Recd 13 Oct. '98.
Minuted:—“28 June '99. Dismissd.” 1 page.
Oct. 13. 85. Memorial of the Trustees for exchanging Exchequer bills, presenting the states of their accounts. Dated 13 Oct. 1698. ½ page.
Oct. 13. 86. Memorial of the “Dealers with the Navy,” addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, for some good provision for the “Course of the Navy,” then twelve months in arrear, which was longer than had been known, there being 300,000l. then due. Dated 13 Oct. 1698.
Minuted:—“Read 18 8br '98.” 1 page.
Oct. 14.]
87. Application for a minute for giving credit to the regiment commanded by Col. Collingwood, for clothing the troops, they being about to go to the West Indies: with copy of the Minute at the foot. Dated 14 Oct. 1698.
Minuted:—“To be considered when the E. of Ranelagh is p'sent.” There is also this memorandum in Mr. Lowndes' hand,—“Look out ye minute. Write a copy of the minute under this memll & carry to Kensington.”
The following is the minute referred to, and is in the Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 261, 14 Oct. 1698:—“Whosoever cloaths Coll. Collingwood's regt (wch will come to about 1,800li), my Lords will take care that the same provision shalbe made for ye paymt thereof, as shalbe made for the cloathing of the regimts in Engld, notwithstanding this regts going to ye West Indies, or if they should be disbanded, or otherwise lost, Mr. Collingwood is to bring in an estimate of ye charge.” 1 page.
Oct. 14. 88. Report of the Earl of Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Henry Ditch, late Quartermaster in Brigadier Schaack's regiment, as to his arrears of pay. Dated 14 Oct. 1698. (Two enclosures.)
Minuted:—“Read 21 Oct. 1698. My Lords cannot pay any part of the arrears of Ireland at present. 26 Oct. '98. My Lds cannot make a presidt.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 10, is:—“A letter to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay over 10li to Mr. Vanderesch, for Henry Ditch, on acco of his arreares, certified by ye Earle of Ranelagh to be 24. 14. 4.o 3 pages.
Oct. 14/24. 89. Letter of Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, returning three warrants signed by the King. His Majesty will signify his pleasure as to the grant of Sir John Friend's forfeited share in the Phœnix Brewhouse by the next post. Dated Loo, 14/24 Oct. 1698.
The warrants were in favour of—
1. Ld Paget, 3,000li.
2. E. Rochester.
3. Sir Wm. Forrester & ał. 1 page (quarto).
Oct. 14. 90. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of David Robertson, master of the ship “Swan,” as to the involuntary landing of certain tobacco at Lough Swain, or Swinna, in Scotland, where his ship was wrecked, being forced on shore by privateers: they recommend ½ penny a pound to be taken for the tobacco-saved. Dated 14 Oct. 1698.
Accompanied by the petition and two other documents.
Minuted:—“Read 2 Novr '98. Agreed.” Wt signed 15 Nov. 1698. 3 pages and 2 halves.