Entry Book: March 1686, 21-31

Pages 664-684

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 8, 1685-1689. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1923.

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March 1686, 21-31

Mar. 22. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the following funds, viz., 1,093l. 14s. 0d. of Letter Office money, 170l. of goods seized and 421l. 6s. 0d. of Recusants' money (making 1,685l.) to the following, viz., 250l. to Lady Fisher; 125l. to Tho. Lane; 75l. to Cha. Gifford; 20l. to Rob. Swan; 50l. to Tho. Whitgrave; 50l. to Kath. Gunters; 50l. to Fran. Reynolds; 150l. to Sir Tho. Windham; 100l. to Lady Windham's daughters; 150l. to Mr. Levett; 50l. to Dr. Clench; 40l. to Dr. Oxenden; 100l. to Emanuel College, Cambridge; 150l. to Mr. Dryden; 125l. to Mris. Atwood; 50l. to the Treasurer of King Charles I's Hospital; 50l. to the poor of St. Margarets, Westminster; 100l. to the poor of St. Martin's [in the Fields]. Money Book VI, p. 156.
Mar. 22. Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Cashier to pay 432l. 10s. 0d. to Henry Green for the service of the Customs "according to my directions to Sir Nicholas Butler, kt., in that behalf." Money Book VI, p. 270.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to the Earl of Bath for one year to Christmas last on the annuity or pension payable to him and Francis, Lord Hawley, deceased. Ibid, p. 272.
Same for 500l. to Frances, Countess of Portland, for half a year to Christmas last on her pension. Ibid.
Same for 125l. to Dame Ruth Trevor for 1685, Michaelmas quarter, on her same. Ibid.
Same for 125l. to Dame Joane Howard for 1685, June 24 quarter, on her same. Ibid, p. 273.
Same for 500l. to George Dunstan for half a year to Christmas last on his same. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Lord Chancellor to look out and send to the Treasury the several petitions which the Lord Treasurer has given you for rewards out of the estates of the rebels in the West and the docquet for a grant of certain lands etc. to the city of London. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 305.
Same to the Attorney General to prepare a draft whereby Sir Samuel Dashwood and partners covenant to submit entirely to the Lord Treasurer's determination all matters whatsoever in difference between the King and them relating to their farm and management of the Excise for six years from 1677, June 24. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. What is done concerning Mris. Taylor's box stopped at Dover? Ibid, p. 306.
Same to Mr. Stephens [Cashier to the Treasurer of the Navy] to report on (a) infra. Ibid.
Appending: (a) note of the petition to the King from William Vandevelde, senr., shewing "that the late King appointed [petitioner] to take and make draughts of sea fights and [also employed him] in making designs for hangings and in paintings, for which service he had the salary of 100l. per an. payable by the Treasurer of the Navy: prays his Majesty to continue the said salary."
Same to Mr. Graham and Mr. Burton to enquire what estate Major Salloway of co. Gloucester had when he drowned himself and how much of it is in the King's dispose. Ibid.
Same to same to report on the enclosed paper [missing] concerning preventing the exportation of wool. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Burton to report on the petition [missing] of Mris. Henrietta Maria Raullys. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hewer to report on the enclosed last certificate [missing] of [concerning] Mr. Hope and Mr. Wilkins. Shew it Mris. Dunn to satisfy her. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to report on the enclosed case [missing] of Col. Sackville concerning your refusing to give him an order upon his [money] warrant, although you have formerly done the same in the case of Alderman Sturt. Ibid.
Mar. 22. Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests. You are not to allow the portage money in Mr. Seymour's [account as] late Treasurer of the Navy, but to leave it to him to make his application [to the Lord Treasurer] for it. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 307.
Same to Mr. Pepys to report on the enclosed report [missing] from the Navy Commissioners on Mr. Taylor's proposal to provide hemp, pitch and tar for the Navy this year on the same terms as last year. As there are new Commissioners of the Navy appointed, get their opinion thereon. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed certificate [missing] on behalf of Robert Hughes, and Mr. Emms's request for said Hughes to succeed him as a King's waiter, London port. Ibid.
Treasurer Rochester to the Earl of Bath to give speedy judgment in the case of James Kemp of Penryn, merchant, ut supra, p. 518, or to send up a state of the case to be submitted to the King. (Henry Guy to Shadreck Vincent, collector of Fowey port, enclosing said letter.) Ibid, pp. 307, 308.
Warrant by same to the Customs Commissioners to employ Philip Butler as waiter at Sharperton in Berwick port loco Alexander Hall, lately dismissed. Out Letters (Customs) X, pp. 122, 123.
Richard Golder as warehousekeeper in Dover port loco John Page, lately deceased.
— Lansdown as clerk to the collector of Bristol port loco Robert Amberson, lately deceased.
The office of riding surveyor at Wooler to be suppressed and the 50l. per an. salary of John Green, the present riding surveyor, to be settled upon four waiters for better guarding the borders, viz., Rowland Brathwayt to reside at Bendell [Benwell], Thomas Strother at Wooler, Henry Rutlidge at Minderham [Mindrim] and John Ord at Hartley; each of them with 12l. 10s. 0d. per an. salary: the principal officers of Berwick port having found little or no effect of the service of said Green and having therefore dismissed him, which dismissal is hereby approved.
Same by same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Sir Robt. Clayton, kt., of the capital messuage of the manor of Kennington in the parish of Lambeth and the parcel of orchard adjoining containing eight acres in the tenure of Paul French; and the close called the Brickfield, containing four acres in the tenure of said French; and the piece of land containing 14 acres in the tenure of Ann Hind; and the parcel of land containing 20 acres in the tenure of said Hind; and the six cottages at the Butts in the tenure of said Hind; and the parcel of meadow containing 40 acres lying next Kennington Common in the tenure of — Dover; being all parcel of the demesne of the manor of Kennington and Duchy of Cornwall: excepting the capital message or mansion house called Fauxhall, situated in or near the said manor. The present lease to be for 15 years from 1701, Sept 29, at the rent of 16l. 10s. 9d. per an. A special clause to be inserted for discharging from 1685, Michaelmas, the 33l. 9s. 3d. per an. part of the rent of 50l. per an. reserved on the leases of the premises now in being, thus reducing the ancient rent of 50l. to 16l. 10s. 9d. per an. for the future, which latter sum was the rent anciently reserved for the whole demesnes of said manor. The consideration to be a fine of 532l. 6s. 0d. for the new lease and 234l. 4s. 0d. for buying off the said 33l. 9s. 3d. per an. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, pp. 243–6, 267.
Prefixing and appending: (a) particular of the premises by Richard Meredith, deputy auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall. The premises were demised 1661, May 22, to Henry, Earl of Drogheda, for 31 years and again demised 1672, June 8, to John Morris and Robert Clayton, esq., for 10 years from 1691, Michaelmas, the said Earl's lease having been assigned to them 1661, May 27. (b) Ratal by John Fisher, deputy Surveyor General, of said particular. (3) Entry of Treasurer Rochester's signature dated 1686, April 17, of the docquet of this lease.
Mar. 22. Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of premises as follow with a view to a fresh lease thereof to John Arundell, esq. for 31 years at 16l. 10s. 9d. per an. rent and fine of 400l. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, pp. 248–9.
Prefixing: report dated 1685, Aug. 1, from William Harbord, Surveyor General, on said Arundell's petition for same. The lands are called Princes Meadow and contain 24 acres together with the Thames bank, wharves and osier grounds next the Thames, containing about four acres more. They are all parcel of the demesnes of the manor of Kennington and have been granted to petitioner by several leases since the restoration: and there being several dwelling houses built in the time of the late usurpation upon the said Thames bank, the whole was surveyed and valued at 371l. 10s. 0d. and on petitioner's first lease 1661–2, Feb. 18, an improved rent of 176l. 5s. 0d. per an. was reserved and petitioner undertook many suits for recovery of parts of the premises especially for the ground and house where the King's old bargehouse stood at the northeast corner of the premises, which by some defect in said lease was supposed to be adjudged against him. Upon his second lease dated 1671, June 8, that old bargehouse and land by it was more fully expressed, yet after another action he could not recover possession, though in all probability it doth in truth belong to his Majesty. This seecond lease was under the like rent of 176l. 5s. 0d. and fine of 390l. 10s. 0d. In June, 1676, he petitioned for a third lease which was rated at the same rent and fine of 150l. but by Treasurer Danby's warrant dated 1676, July 14, it was ordered to be passed for 31 years and the rent of 176l. 5s. 0d. per an. to be reduced to 16l. 10s. 9d. per an. being the ancient rent reserved for the whole manor and demesnes of the manor of Kennington before the rebellion in 1642, "and to be passed without fine (which was then estimated to be about 2,000l.) in consideration of the petitioner's services and sufferings," and of his charges in said law suits. Said lease was granted 1676, Aug. 6, to Richard Raw, gent., at Arundell's nomination.
Reference by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Tho. Sorrell, shewing that he acquainted Sir Nicholas Butler of considerable goods smuggled belonging to Mr. Bronetta, and on his encouragement did seize same and had a writ of appraisement, resolving to stand trial for same, but they were discharged without his knowledge: and Bronetta's man said it cost his master 1,500–1,600 guineas to fetch them off and afterwards Sir Nicholas Butler asked one Workeman, the officer, how he dared to go to Bronetta's house and advised Bronetta to sue petitioner who is threatened with prison. Reference Book III, p. 289.
Mar. 22. Reference by Treasurer Rochester to William Hewer of the petition of Capt. Robt. Purcell: shewing that by the late King's leave he succeeded Capt. Anslowe in his Company, then in Col. Trelawney's Regiment at Tangier, and had a commission from the King dated 1682–3, Mar. 1, and a letter from the Secretary of State, notifying same to Col. Kirke, but before petitioner could reach Tangier Col. Kirke appointed one Mr. Roch as Captain, and mustered him as such and though Roch is dead he [Roch] was continued on the muster roll for six months after the date of petitioner's commission, which obstructs petitioner's receiving the pay for said six months: therefore prays to be inserted in the muster rolls from the date of his commission. Reference Book III, p. 289.
Mar. 23. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the branches of the revenue directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book IV, pp. 157–8.
Out of the Customs. l.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Victuallers 800
to ditto for sea officers and bills in course 400
to ditto for half a year to Portsmouth Yards 10,905
to ditto for stores served in on the credit of the [Navy's] weekly money 1,000
to ditto for the dry dock at Chatham 400
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 1,000
to the Keeper of the Privy Purse 1,000
to Sir William Trumbull, a quarter's allowance 455
to Mr. Packer on an estimate for things to be done at the Mews 426
to ditto for building a scaffold in Westminster Hall for the Court of Judicature 305
to Mr. Ross, the [King's] Jeweller 2,000
Out of the Excise.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Forces 6,000
to the Cofferer of the Household 2,000
to the bankers, for [their perpetual] interest 2,000
to the Earl of Bath [for the] Duchess of Richmond 1,000
Out of Hearthmoney.
to Sir William Villiers on account of the Stables 700
to Mr. Dunstan 500
to Lady Joane Howard 125
to Lady Trevor 125
Out of Post Office money.
to Lady Portland 500
Out of the additional duty on wine and vinegar.
to the Treasurer of the Navy to convert the Leopard into a hulk for the service at Gibraltar 843
(Same dated same to the Customs Cashier, enclosing the paper of the disposition of the Customs cash for the present week; said paper including the above 11 Customs items [payable out of the Exchequer] together with the following item [payable direct out of the Customs Office on tallies] viz., 2,000l. to Mr. Hewer in repayment of loan: total disposition of the Customs, 20,691l.) (Same dated same to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney, enclosing the like paper of the disposition of the cash of these branches of the revenue: said paper including for the Excise only the above four Excise items; and for the Hearthmoney the above four Hearthmoney items [payable out of the Exchequer] together with the following item [payable direct out of the Hearthmoney Office on tallies] viz., 2,000l. to Mr. Duncombe in repayment of loan. Total disposition of the Excise and Hearthmoney, 14,450l.)
Mar. 23. Henry Guy to the Customs Cashier to forthwith pay the tally struck the 20th inst. on the Customs for 750l. for the Privy Purse for Healing Medals. Disposition Book IV, p. 157.
Same to the Customs Commissioners for an account of the produce of the revenue of the Four and a Half per cent. from the expiration of the last farm thereof. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 307.
Same to the Earl of Craven. The house in which Prince Rupert lived in Spring Garden is now in the King's hands. Put a sentinel there to prevent the lead and other materials there being stolen. Ibid, p. 308.
Same to Mr. Stephens. Treasurer Rochester will this evening appoint money for the pay of Portsmouth Yard. See that it is paid before Easter. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing a letter [missing] from Lord Dartmouth concerning the practices that are used by Customs officers on the seizures of swords. What he desires is to be put into practice. Ibid.
Treasurer Rochester is informed that a very considerable quantity of pictures have been lately brought in and that they have been very much undervalued in the appraisement. You are to enquire into this.
Same to Mr. Griffin [Treasurer of the Chamber]. Richard Pile, serjeant chirurgeon to the late King, has petitioned for the continuance of 150l. per an. and for payment of the arrears thereof. It is the King's pleasure that it be continued in consideration of his long services. He is to be put on the establishment payable in your Office to be paid as the other chirurgeons are, he having surrendered the said pension payable at the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Godsalve. Treasurer Rochester gives you leave to publish in the Gazette that the poor belonging to the Chest of Chatham shall be paid one year's pension April 28 next. "I could not possibly do your brother that service I would gladly have done him, my Lord not thinking fit at present to grant it." Ibid, p. 309.
Mar. 23. Henry Guy to Mr. Kent, Customs Cashier, for an account of the sale the other day of the goods sent over on account of the Four and a Half per cent. duty. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 309.
Same to Mr. Blaithwait [Secretary of the Forces] to prepare a royal warrant for 208l. 5s. 0d. according to the report made by you and Mr. Pearce concerning the account of smart money for the soldiers of the Duke of Grafton's Regiment who were wounded in the West. (Same to same dated Mar. 24, enclosing a list [missing] of the soldiers in said Regiment who are to receive smart money.) Ibid.
Same to Mr. Ange to hasten the examination of Dr. Pinfould's books. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to consider the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. Billops. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners to permit the Royal Africa Company to export 5,000 [lb.] weight of crewel to Guinea: they having had the like liberty granted to them 1681, July 28, and having already exported near that quantity and having daily occasion to export more: the Attorney General and the Committee for Trade and Plantations being of opinion that said crewel is in its nature a perfect manufacture as thread and such like, and comes not under the denomination of yarn within any of the Acts of Parliament; and the Customs Commissioners not anticipating that the exportation thereof would be any prejudice to the manufacture of England. Out Letters (Customs) X, pp. 124–5.
Same by same to the Treasurer's Remembrancer to forbear process against Sir Walter Hawkesworth of Hawksworth, co. Yorks, bart., for the fee of 1,095l. for the baronetcy conferred on his father, Sir Walter. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, p. 259.
The like for stay of process against Sir John Topp, of Tormarton, co. Gloucester, for the like fee due from his late father, Sir Trancis Topp.
Report by same to the King on the petition of John Finch, John Newcombe and James Butler, ut supra, p. 602. The Customs Commissioners have reported to me the 2nd inst. that they cannot see that petitioners' invention will be any advantage to the revenue or the public, but as they have been at great cost in inventing same, a patent may be granted them with the restrictions usual in such cases of new inventions. Ibid, pp. 259–60.
Reference by same to Anthony Stephens [Navy Cashier] of the petition of Mary Room Coyle [Roomcoyle] for 54l. due to her on Navy bills for her support while her husband is at sea. Reference Book III, p. 290.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thom. Tranckmore, late a Customs officer at Topsham, praying a hearing, he having been suspended for what cause he knows not. Ibid.
1686. Mar. 25. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to have sent up from Dover to London all the lace that was seized on the pacquet boat between Newport [Havre] and Dover; and to have same appraised. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 309.
Mar. 27. Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Cashier to pay 50l. to Amias Hext and Juliana his wife, for 1686, Lady day quarter, on their annuities of 100l. each: and dormant clause for same hereafter as by the privy seal of Dec. 5 last. (Henry Guy dated same to same to the like effect.) Money Book VI, p. 277. Disposition Book IV, p. 160.
Money warrant for 200l. to Mris. Elliott for one year to Christmas last on her annuity or pension. Money Book VI, p. 277.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to advance to me [Guy] for secret service 1,010l. out of Excise money and 1,000l. out of Customs money. The necessary warrants for the regular issue thereof shall be sent as soon as passed. Disposition Book IV, p. 159.
Same to the Customs Cashier to take in [and cash] a tally which will be sent to you to-day by Alderman Duncombe for 1,000l. paid this day into the Exchequer [said tally being struck on the] Customs money: same is intended for Mr. Vaudry. You are to insert same in the certificate [of the Customs for the week] ending this day. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to the Earl of Rutland goods as follow. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 310.
Appending: note dated Mar. 25 inst. from Cha. Bertie praying the delivery to said Earl of three chests containing orange and lemon trees and two cases of pictures with a bundle of frames shipped on board the Vine, Capt. Tho. White master, and newly arrived at London from Genoa.
Reference by Treasurer Rochester to Rich. Graham and Phi. Burton of the petition of Abra. Bayly, late Justice of Peace for co. Middlesex, shewing that pursuant to an order of Council he did examine and bind [as apprentices] to Virginia John Winch and Tho. Simkins [but they being in reality kidnapped] for which petitioner was fined 500l. and has lain above a year in the King's Bench: prays his freedom, being unable to pay his fine by reason of great losses, and his loyalty being certified by several Justices of the Peace. Reference Book III, p. 291.
Mar. 29. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to the Queen's backstairs the following, Customs free. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 310.
Appending: bill of lading in Italian dated Leghorn, Feb. 10 last, of the lading on board the New African (Nuovo Affricano) Jno. Hurlock master, of certain goods, being books, gloves and soap for the Queen Maria of England, being laden by Pier Antonio Juadagin to the order of Jirolamo Solerdi of Bologna.
Same to same to have sent up to London from Dover some things seized on a pacquet [boat]. Ibid, p. 311.
Same to Col. Legge, enclosing a letter [missing] from Mris. Purcell concerning her mount raised upon [against] St. James's Garden wall. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hewer to stop the money due to Lieut. Dunn, deceased, until the matter of the debt claimed from him by Hordesnell be settled. Ibid.
Mar. 29. Henry Guy to Sir Christopher Wren. There is a little house building in St. James's Park near Spring Garden without authority from the King. You are to go there and forbid the person to proceed further therein. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 311.
Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney of the petition of Stephen Horne, to be admitted a Hearthmoney officer in the city, having been employed in same in the remote countries [counties] but obliged to quit same through the illness of his wife. Reference Book III, p. 292.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the reply of John Pim and Bartholomew Gracedieu to said Commissioners, see supra, pp. 644–5; replyants alleging that the goods were consigned to Gracedieu from Jamaica by Major Beckford with an order to dispose what he could in England and ship the remainder to Flanders: that he so disposed of two bales and shipped the other 28 to Flanders where they were never sold or bartered and so were brought back to England. Ibid, pp. 293–4.
Same by same to John Fisher, Deputy Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the rental of the manor of Reigate. Ibid, p. 294.
Prefixing: abstract of said rental, being 385l. 2s. 3d. present rents for 479 acres, but by the improvements to be made according to Mr. Graham's account it amounts to 465l. the moiety whereof at 20 years purchase comes to 4,630l. but the bargain between Mr. Goodwyn and Mr. Parsons is for 4,400l. and his share of the fines at the next court which are due to him. If this be not accepted he offers to pay the King 220l. per an. or 5,000l. for the purchase because when the whole is in one hand other improvements may be made with other tenants. The Castle is ruinous, the roof and floors being taken away and the bare walls only remain, which should be taken down and disposed of. Mr. Thurland is in arrear about 220l.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Antho. Thorold for the place of Comptroller. Berwick port; petitioner having served for many years in Flanders and as deputy to the head searcher in Kent till the patentee of that place sold it. Ibid, p. 296.
Same by same to same of the petition of Lord Arundell, Baron of Trerice, shewing that Charles II granted him Sutton Pool, near Plymouth, for 31 years, which was at that time intended to be at least 500l. per an. advantage to petitioner, but instead thereof has cost him at least 5,000l. in vindicating the title by the obstinacy of the Mayor and Corporation of Plymouth, which suit they yet enable themselves to carry on by imposing and collecting several illegal impositions and customs upon goods imported and exported at said town; which renders them liable to punishment: therefore prays leave to prosecute them in the King's name and a grant of such fines as may be imposed on them. Ibid, p. 297.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General to acknowledge on record satisfaction of the fine of 500 marks imposed in the King's Bench in Hilary term, 1685, on William Haveland on his conviction for grand misdemeanour in spiriting and transporting many of the King's subjects beyond seas: the King extending his mercy to him in consideration of his loyalty and poverty. King's Warrant Book X, p. 389.
Mar. 29. Two royal sign manuals for respectively 1,000l. and 200l. to Henry Guy, for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of Feb. 25 last. (Two money warrants dated Mar. 29 hereon. Two money orders dated Mar. 30 hereon.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 390. Money Book VI, p. 280. Order Book I, p. 101.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for an annuity or yearly pension of 100l. to William Church and Ursula his wife: payable quarterly from Lady day last during pleasure. King's Warrant Book X, p. 391.
Same to same for a same for a reward as follows to discoverers and prosecutors of clippers and coiners. By several privy seals of 1682, Aug. 9, and 1683, Mar. 31, Charles II gave such encouragement for discovery of coining and clipping and other crimes which are frequently committed in relation to the coin. The said privy seals being determined by the death of Charles II authority is hereby given to the Treasury Lords to cause all clippings, clipped and false moneys and all tools and materials belonging to coiners, counterfeiters and debasers of the coin and likewise their personal estate to be delivered to trustees for the Crown and thereout (and also out of the rents of their real estate) to satisfy such discoverers etc. with such rewards etc. as the Lord Treasurer shall think fit: all ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VII, pp. 572, 731. Ibid, pp. 392–4.
Same to Treasurer Rochester for the felling of 48 tons of timber in Creech Walk, for repairs of the lodges and rails of East Walk and Creech Walk in Beare Forest or the Forest of Southbeare, co. Southampton (viz. the repair of East Lodge and West Lodge and the new building of Creech Lodge and the enclosing of Mislingford Coppice) as petitioned for by Henry Pound, one of the keepers of said forest: and further to apply not more than 250l. arising by this year's woodsales in Dean Forest towards same: all in accordance with the report, detailed, ut supra, p. 371, of 1685, Aug. 29, from Thomas Agar, Surveyor of Woods, Trent South. (Treasurer Rochester's warrant dated April 13 hereon accordingly to Thomas Agar, Surveyor of Woods, Trent South.) Ibid, pp. 397–9. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, pp. 265–7.
Same to the Attorney General for a privy seal to discharge Sir John Topp of Tormarton, co. Gloucester, of the baronetcy fee of 1,095l. due from his late father, Sir Francis Topp. (Treasurer Rochester's warrant dated Oct. 5 hereon to the Receipt accordingly.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 390. Money Book VI, p. 396.
The like for the discharge of Sir Walter Hawksworth of Hawksworth, co. Yorks, from the baronetcy fee of his late father, Sir Walter Hawksworth. (Treasurer Rochester's warrant dated April 27 hereon accordingly.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 391. Money Book VI, p. 302.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Receipt for tallies of assignment on the First Fruits for 500l. to Aubrey. Earl of Oxford, for last Lady day quarter on his pension. Money Book VI, p. 277.
Mar. 29. Money warrant for 487l. 14s. 1d. to Sir Benj. Bathurst for 6 per cent. interest for several sums by him advanced for the late King's service: as by an account made up by Auditor Aldworth to Michaelmas last and allowed Nov. 4 last [by Treasurer Rochester]. (Money order dated April 1 hereon.) Money Book VI, p. 278. Order Book I, p. 102.
Same for 455l. to Sir William Trumbull for a quarter. Dec. 3 last to Mar. 4 inst. on his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to France. Money Book VI, p. 278. Order Book I, p. 101.
Appending: certificate dated 1685. Oct. 3 by the Earl of Sunderland that said Trumbull kissed hands 1685, Sept. 2. in order to his said employment. (Money order dated Mar. 30 hereon.)
Same for 50l. to Robert Brady, Dr. in Phisic, for 1¼ years to 1685, Christmas on his fee as Reader in Phisic in the University of Cambridge. Money Book VI, p. 278.
Same for 100l. to Thomas, Lord Willoughby of Parham, for half a year to Lady day last on his annuity or pension: the half year due to Sept. 29 last thereon. being otherwise satisfied to him. (Money order dated Mar. 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 279. Order Book I, p. 102.
Same for 375l. to Robert. Earl of Sunderland for last Lady day quarter's allowance in lieu of diet as President of the Privy Council. (Money order dated Mar. 30 hereon.) Money Book VI, p. 279. Order Book I, p. 101.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Cashier to pay 14l. 16s. 8d. for last Lady day quarter's allowance as Messenger attending the Customs. Money Book VI, p. 280.
Treasurer Rochester's allowance of said Langwith's bill to the like amount for said quarter as Messenger of the Chamber attending the Lord Treasurer.
Money warrant for 20l. to Wendiver Lowndes and William Wekett as reward for one year to 1686. Lady day. for their extraordinary pains in carrying letters on several occasions for his Majesty's service. (Money order dated Mar. 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 280. Order Book I, p. 101.
Henry Guy to Mr. Heron to pay to the Earl of Ranelagh for the use of the Forces in England 2,500l. for the present month of March on the account of the 30,000l. [per an. ordered to be] returned from Ireland for said Forces. Disposition Book IV, p. 158.
Same to Mr. Hooker. Deputy Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall, to pay into the Exchequer. immediately on receipt thereof the fines of 532l. 6s. 0d. and 234l. 4s. 0d. due from Sir Robert Clayton on his fresh lease of the capital message of Kennington manor. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the said sums to me [Guy] by way of advance for secret service. The necessary warrants for the regular issue thereof shall be sent as soon as passed.) Ibid, p. 159.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to Sir Gilbert Talbot, Master and Treasurer of the Jewels and Plate, to deliver to the Countess of Arlington for her use as Groom of the Stole to the Queen Dowager the 1,144 ounces of silver plate which was delivered by said Countess into the Office of the Jewels as certified by Philip Brydall, Yeoman of the Jewel House, same having been formerly delivered to her for the service of her said place. An indenture is to be taken [from her] for the re-delivery of the same into the Jewel Office when thereunto required as is usual in like cases. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, p. 261.
Mar. 29. Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Excise Commissioners to pay back 109l. 4s. 0d. to Daniell Lopdell, merchant of Deal, being paid by him June 22 last upon 38 pieces of brandy imported in the Three Brothers of London and entered at Deal port; Mr. Alderman Ayloffe having entered the same brandy the same day in London port and paid the like duty to Mr. Beale, collector of Excise, London port. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, p. 262.
Mar. 30. Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a privy seal to discharge Sir William Pennington of Muncaster, co. Cumberland, of the fee of 1,095l. due for the baronetcy conferred on him by Charles II. (Treasurer Rochester's warrant dated April 17 hereon to the Receipt accordingly. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated April 14.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 394. Money Book VI, p. 289.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster of the Forces, to pay 282l. 17s. 6d. to Theophilus, Earl of Huntington, without account: for especial service relating to the Forces. King's Warrant Book X, p. 395.
Two royal sign manuals for respectively 1,000l. and 766l. 10s. 0d. to Henry Guy, for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of Feb. 25 last. (Two money warrants dated April 7 hereon. Two money orders dated April 8 hereon.) Ibid, p. 395. Money Book VI, p. 282. Order Book I, p. 103.
Royal warrant to Treasurer Rochester to give warrant to Tho. Agar to fell 20 tons of timber out of the Lea Bailey in Dean Forest to be delivered to the chapel wardens of Covar [Coleford] in said Forest towards the repair of the Chapel of Covar, same having been many years ruinous and the charitable collections for the repair thereof being insufficient. Said timber is to be employed in such repairs under the direction of Robert, Bishop of Gloucester. (Treasurer Rochester's warrant dated April 7 hereon to said Agar accordingly.) King's Warrant Book X, pp. 395–6. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, pp. 264–5.
Same to same to give warrant to Edward, Earl of Gainsborough, Warden of New Forest; Sir Richd. Beach, kt., Tho. Bilson, Tho. Agar, Surveyor of Woods Trent South, Fran. Dickens, Woodward of New Forest, Edw. Lee, Isaac Betts, the King's builder in Portsmouth Yard, and to the assistant builder there, for the felling of 700 trees in New Forest for the works of the Navy at Portsmouth and 90 trees in the King's and Queen's Groves in Waltham Forest for the works of the Navy at Deptford and Woolwich. The timber is to be delivered to the Purveyors of the Navy by indenture and the offal is to be sold to the best advantage. An account hereof to be rendered before the auditors for cos. Southampton and Essex respectively. (Treasurer Rochester's warrant dated Mar. 31 hereon accordingly.) (Treasurer Rochester dated Mar. 30 to the Earl of Huntingdon giving him notice of this warrant.) King's Warrant Book X, pp. 396–7. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, pp. 262–3. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 316.
Mar. 30. Money warrant for 200l. to Lady Stepney (formerly Juliana [Justina] Vandike) for one year to Christmas last on her pension. Money Book VI, p. 281.
Same for 84l. 10s. 0d. to Anthony Segar, 74l. 10s. 0d. thereof for last Lady day quarter for disbursements for the Treasury Office and 10l. for same quarter's salary. (Money order dated Mar. 31 hereon.) Ibid, p. 281. Order Book I, p. 102.
Same for 200l. to Dame Goditha Price for half a year to 1685, June 24, on the annuity or pension granted to Sir Herbert Price, deceased, and Dame Goditha his wife: it being the first half year grown due thereon since the King's accession. Money Book VI, p. 281.
Same for 10,000l. to Thomas Neale, Charles Duncombe and James Hoare, Mint Commissioners, as imprest for the service of the Mint: to be satisfied out of the receipts of the Coinage duty: as by the [missing] privy seal of Mar. 11 inst. [see supra, p. 611]. (Money order dated April 8 hereon.) Ibid, p. 282. Order Book I, p. 104.
Henry Guy to Mr. Roberts [Receiver of the Honor and Castle of Windsor] to pay 28l. to Mr. Banks, Surveyor of the Stables at Windsor, for repairs thereof, viz., for making the 24 horses standings there into 28 standings. Disposition Book IV, p. 160.
Appending: estimate for said repairs.
Same to Mr. Hewer to pay Job Atkins, late Master Gunner at Tangier. 5l. due at Lady day last on his pension of 20l. per an. You are to prepare a warrant for allowing this on your account [as Treasurer of Tangier]. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the branches of the revenue directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Ibid, pp. 161–2.
Out of the Customs. l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Victuallers 800 0 0
to ditto for sea officers and bills in course 400 0 0
to ditto for stores served in on the credit of the [Navy's] weekly money 1,000 0 0
to ditto towards paying off tickets 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the freight of 40 horses belonging to Col. Hamilton's Regiment transported into Ireland 25 0 0
to ditto for two masters of ships, viz. the Amity and Bordeaux that were entertained in the King's service in the late rebellion in the West 310 12 3
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Forces 6,000 0 0
to the Lord Chancellor for his salary 1,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service by way of advance [for royal bounty to the Lord Chancellor of Ireland] 1,000 0 0
to the Earl of Sunderland for secret service 2,000 0 0
to the Earl of Middleton for secret service 1,000 0 0
to the Band of [Gentlemen] Pensioners, half a year 3,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 1,000 0 0
Out of the Excise.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Forces 6,000 0 0
to the Queen 4,000 0 0
Out of the Hearthmoney.
to Visct. Preston for the Wardrobe 1,000 0 0
to Sir Robt. Vyner 1,000 0 0
to Sir William Villiers 500 0 0
to Lord Lucas, half a year on his salary 250 0 0
Out of the Post Office Money.
to me [Guy] for secret service by way of advance 753 10 0
Out of the new imposition on wine and vinegar.
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 1,500 0 0
(Same dated same to the Customs Cashier, enclosing the paper of the disposition of the Customs cash for the present week, said paper including only the above 13 Customs items, save that the 1,000l. to Guy for secret service appears here as royal bounty to the Lord Chancellor of Ireland.) (Same dated same to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney, enclosing the like paper of disposition for those revenues; said paper including for the Excise only the above two Excise items: and for the Hearthmoney the above four Hearthmoney items [payable out of the Exchequer] together with the following item [payable direct out of the Hearthmoney Office on tallies] viz., 3,000l. to Mr. Duncombe in [part] repayment of loan.)
Mar. 30. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to me [Guy] for secret service the 200l. desired the 16th inst. supra, p. 656, to be issued to Mr. Savile out of the Hearthmoney. You are also to issue to me on any order in my name [for secret service] 75l. 6s. 3d. out of Young's fine now remaining in the Exchequer. Disposition Book IV, p. 162.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Visct. Cornbury two packets of Point [lace] seized on Wednesday last by Mr. Adams and partners. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 311.
Same to Mr. Stephens [Cashier to the Treasurer of the Navy] concerning Mr. Taylor's accompt of hemp, pitch and other provisions furnished by him for the Navy in 1685. Should not the 354l. 16s. 4d., craved by him for management at 3 per cent. according to his contract, be properly allowed by bill from the Navy Board? Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners enclosing a paper [missing] concerning the office of searcher of Sandwich port. Who holds that office now and by what authority? You are to stop out of Mr. Chamberlaine's salary the 25 guineas received by him for the beaver skins. Ibid, p. 312.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt enclosing a list of the persons returned in super on the last Poll. You are to stop said sums out of the first moneys payable at the Exchequer to any of the said persons and to pay said detained moneys to Wendiver Lowndes, collector of the arrears of said Poll. Ibid.
Appending: said list: John Langwith, 6l. (paid); Ann Kelly, 15l.; Sir Jonathan Atkins, 80l. (paid); Tho. Dereham, 18l. 4s. 0d.; Henry Harris, 5l.; Sir Algernon May, 50l.; Sir Hen. Pickering, 40l.; Tho. Corbin, 5l.; Humphery Weld, 2l. 8s. 0d.; Sir Tho. Ingham, 2l.; Georg Legg, 18l. 4s. 0d.; Sir William Freeman and Sir Jno. Berry, 4l.; Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 9l.; Eton College, 6l. 6s. 0d.; Jno. Rogers, 15l. (paid); Gerrard Fox, 15l.; Col. John Rumsey, 30l.; Jeffery Shakerly, 22l. 3s. 0d.; William Armstrong, 30l.; Robt. Swanne, 12l.; Justina Stepney, 30l. (paid); Fra. Reynolds, 30l. (paid); Tho. Lane, 75l.; Visct. Falkland, 45l.; Dame Jane Berkley, 30l.; Mary Bointon, 18l.; Isabel Bointon, 15l.; Kath. Bointon, 15l.; Cha. Fanshaw, a Commissioner of Appeals [in Excise], 20l.; Rob. Spencer, 8l. Total, 671l. 5s. 0d.
Mar. 30. Henry Guy to the Customs Cashier enclosing a similar list of Poll arrears due from persons payable in the Customs Office. You are to proceed herein as above. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 313.
Appending: said list: the town of Clifton, Dartmouth, Hardnes, 6l.; Ellis Lloyd and John Morgan, 30l.; Thomas Doyly, 15l. (paid): Amias and Julian[a] Hext, 30l. (paid). Total, 81l.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed proposal [missing] for preventing frauds on informations, appraisements and writs of delivery; with the Attorney General's and Solicitor General's opinions thereon. Ibid.
Same to Sir Christopher Wrenn for an account of all the moneys issued for the service of the new buildings in the Privy Garden [at Whitehall]. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Pepys to direct the Captain of the Kitchin yacht who is going for Scotland with soldiers to call at Newcastle on his return and to bring thence to London the moneys of Excise and Hearthmoney which are ready there. This instruction is to be in place of that [supra, p. 643] to the yacht that was to carry Lord Murray [Earl of Moray] to Scotland. (Same dated same to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney to give notice of the above to their collectors at Newcastle.) Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to bearer the two packets of lace which came lately from Dover; on payment of Custom and of some moderate reward to the seizer. Ibid, p. 314.
Same to Mr. Sanson concerning the above. The lace belongs to the Princess's nurse. Ibid.
Same to Sir Samll. Dashwood and partners [late Farmers of Excise] to attend Mr. Ashmole and Mr. Bruer with all your books etc. in order to their examining the particulars of the salaries of the under officers of Excise and the incidents for three years to 1680, June 24. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Stephens. Mr. Seymour's claim for portage money was not allowed. He is to apply to you for it. Ibid.
Mar. 30. Henry Guy to Capt. Phipps to attend Treasurer Rochester at the first sitting after the holidays concerning your performance of the instructions given you in your late undertaking at the islands of Bahama. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 314.
Same to Mr. Hornby. Have you in your hands an ingot of silver weighing 931b 30z. belonging to the above Capt. Phipps, and any other things of his that came from the islands of Bahama? Ibid.
Same to the Master and Wardens of the Vintners Company, London. The Wine Licence Commissioners have complained against you for admitting several persons into the freedom of your Company who are and have for a long time been tenants to the King by lease from the Wine Licence Commissioners, and for admitting others who have not duly served their time of apprenticeship with a free vintner, according to the customs of London and the limitations of your charter; which is greatly to the prejudice of the revenue and contrary to the promises and undertaking of your late Master and Wardens to the late Treasury Lords. Treasurer Rochester expects you to act with more circumspection for the future and not to admit any in the above cases or by redemption. If you act contrary hereto you will forfeit the favour the King has bestowed on you. Ibid, p. 315.
Same to Mr. Griffin [Treasurer of the Chamber] to pay Mr. Verio 100l. for last Lady day quarter on his allowance. You shall be reimbursed that and all other sums of the like nature. Ibid.
Same to Lord Dartmouth [Master of the Ordnance]. It is the King's pleasure that the house which is begun in St. James's Park for the gunners shall be finished. Sir Christopher Wren is to take off the stop and oversee the building thereof. You are to send the workmen to him for his directions "because no building ought to be made within his Majesty's palace but what is supervised by the Surveyor of his Majesty's Works." (The like notification to Sir Christopher Wren.) Ibid.
Same to the East India Company. Treasurer Rochester has received a report from the Merchant Adventurers of England representing that the exportation of wool cannot be effectually prevented without an annual charge of 4,000l. and offering a voluntary contribution of 300l. a year for three years towards that end and that several eminent factors in behalf of their clothiers entered into a voluntary subscription to raise 2d. per cloth and 1d. per stuff and so proportionably on the other woollen manufactures for their quantum of the charge, but that some Companies of merchants have not given answer whether they will join. The Lord Treasurer desires you to consider the importance of the effectual prevention of the export of wool and the King has been these several months and is still at the charge of keeping out two vessels to prevent same. The Lord Treasurer therefore hopes you will not be backward to carry on so beneficial a work and that you will subscribe and give notice thereof to the Company of Merchant Adventurers. (The like letter to the Eastland Company, Russia Company, Turkey Company, Africa Company.) Ibid, p. 316.
Mar. 30. Henry Guy to the Attorney General to give warrant to the Clerk of the Petty Bag for a Commission to Sir Robt. Atkins, junr., George Raymond, John Meredith, Nicholas Veale, Thomas Burnell, Nicholas Webb and Edward Fynny to enquire of lands belonging to the King on the Severn in Gloucestershire from Tewkesbury to Bristol. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 317.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners to employ Jacob Bury, junr., as collector, waiter and searcher of Maldon loco Charles Leighton, lately dismissed. Out Letters (Customs) X, p. 125.
Reference by same to same of the petition of John Sutton for a landwaiter's place, he having served for 20 years as Clerk to the Comptroller of Lyme Regis, but Sir Tho. Deerham having now a grant of that place [of Comptroller] employs a friend [as clerk]. Reference Book III, p. 295.
Same by same to Tho. Agar of the petition of Lord Godolphin for repair of the pales of the park at Cranborne Lodge. Ibid, p. 296.
Same by same to Rich. Graham and Phi. Burton of the petition of Christopher Cook [and his sureties] Jeoffry Grove, Tho. Standard and Rich. Scading [Stading], shewing that some time before the late rebellion said Cook was apprehended upon the intercepting of a packet of letters directed to him, and was bound in 1,000l. and his said sureties in 500l. which bonds are forfeit by said Cook withdrawing himself for some days among the rebels for his better security "but reflecting upon that his crime he immediately returned home sometime before his Majesty's proclamation." therefore prays a pardon and permission to compound said recognizances. Ibid.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Shepherdson, master of a Paul [Pawl or? Paull, co. Yorks] boat trading about Hull which has been seized on pretence of being laden with prohibited goods; which upon search was found contrary, yet petitioner and his partner are detained from said vessel. Ibid, p. 297.
Same by same to William Blathwayte [as Secretary to the Forces] of the petition of Tobias Le Gross, Quarter Master to Prince George's Regiment at Tunbridge, for payment of a contingent bill of 83l. 3s. 6d. (or 76l. 18s. 0d. free of poundage). Ibid, p. 298.
Same by same to same of the petition of the Captain of Portland Castle [and] Major Bonham Strangways, Lieutenant of the Island [of Portland], praying payment of the four years' arrears due to the Lieutenant, Captain, gunners and soldiers [thereof], they being in great distress. Ibid.
Same by same to William Hewer of the petition of James Gibbs for his Tangier arrears to be paid to such person as he shall appoint in his absence. Ibid.
[? Mar. 30.] Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney of the petition of Ralph Hopton, gent., for many years a sub-Commissioner and collector of Excise under the Excise Farmers until disabled by sickness: prays employment. Reference Book III, p. 298.
Mar. 30. Same by same to Antho. Stephens of the petition of Mary wife of Thom. Peters, late purser of the Oxford, praying payment of 21l. 13s. 6d. due to her husband for victualling Mris. Morris and her children and servant in her passage to Virginia, petitioner being reduced to great necessities and her husband in the East Indies. Ibid.
Same by same to Auditor Aldworth of the interest account of Rich. Kent and Charles Duncombe for the quarter ended 1686, Mar. 25. Ibid, pp. 299–300.
Prefixing: said account.
l. s. d.
interest on 161,000l. (being 46,000l. on the Customs, 50,000l. on the Hearthmoney and 65,000l. on the Excise) 2,381 17 2
one per cent. deducted from 50,000l. from 1685, Christmas 123 5 8
£2,258 11 6
Repayments of principal and deduction of interest thereon.
1685–6, Jan. 8, on 4,000l. repaid in part of 46,000l. on the Customs 49 19 5
Jan. 19, on 2,000l. repaid in part of ditto 21 7 4
Jan. 28, on 3,000l. repaid in part of 65,000l. on the Excise 27 12 3
Feb. 3, on 3,000l. repaid in part of ditto 24 13 1
Feb. 10, on 3,000l. repaid in part of ditto 21 4 1
Feb. 19, on 1,000l. repaid in part of ditto 5 11 9
Feb. 25, on 2,000l. repaid in part of 50,000l. on the Hearthmoney 7 13 5
Mar. 4, on 3,000l. repaid in part of ditto 8 12 7
Mar. 10, on 3,000l. repaid in part of ditto 6 3 3
Mar. 17, on 3,000l. repaid in part of ditto 3 5 9
Mar. 24, on 2,000l. repaid in part of ditto 0 5 5
£176 8 4
leaving a balance of interest due of 2,082l. 3s. 2d. and a balance of principal still due of 132,000l. being 40,000l. on the Customs, 55,000l. on the Excise and 37,000l. on the Hearthmoney.
Same by same to William Hewer of the affidavit of Eliz. Pitchers concerning notes that were lost coming from Tangier, being 20l., and that same are not assigned over to any other person. Ibid, p. 299.
Same by same to same of the petition of James Levingston, shewing that he served four years in Capt. Langston's Troop at Tangier, never received a penny, was cast into prison for asking his own and turned out of the Troop and Capt. Langston has received 11l. of petitioner's pay and will not give him a penny: prays that same may be stopped out of Capt. Langston's pay. Ibid.
Mar. 30. Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Hum. Taylor, shewing that he gave bond for delivery of a parcel of goods which had been seized by the Customs officers and were claimed by Peter Grove; not being prosecuted he went into Ireland to his family, the[re] resident 16 years; that coming to London a fresh prosecution was begun and a verdict was had for the King against Peter Grove for the full value; petitioner took out a licence to compound and tendered good debts by bonds, yet was arrested and remains a prisoner at the King's suit: that petitioner is innocent and loyal and the late King owes him 1,539l. 9s. 8d. Reference Book III, p. 300.
Same by same to same of the petition of Ralph Moxon of Bristol, merchant, for discharge of three hogsheads of sugar seized at Bristol on supposition that James Holloway had some interest in them. Ibid, p. 301.
Same by same to same of the petition of William Hurt, late collector of Exeter port, praying for the same salary as his predecessor. Ibid.
Same by same to William Hewer of the petition of the inhabitants of Tangier for payment of some proportion of their debt due from Col. Kirke, being about 1,500l. for which he gave his notes payable out of his pay; contrary to which said Kirke has received all his seven months' pay without any deduction for his debts. Ibid.
Same by same to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney of the petition of William Stringer, merchant, shewing that he imported at Lyme port 2,346 gallons of brandy and paid the duty, then on a sufferance and transire shipped some of it to London, where it is seized: prays to be heard in the matter. Ibid.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Rich. Windebanck for a searcher's place in the new imposition on sugars and tobacco. Ibid, p. 302.
Same by same to William Hewer of the petition of Eliz. Furbanck, sister of Margt. Collins, deceased, widow of John Collins, late a soldier at Tangier, praying continuance of said widow's pension of 4l. per an. towards the maintenance of her four small children. Ibid.
Same by same to same of the petition of Sir John Mordaunt concerning his houses late at Tangier. Ibid.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Francis Ketleby, late watchman in fee, shewing that he was dismissed upon being concerned with Edward Eustone, a dismissed tidesman, who had given scurrilous language against Sir Nich. Butler: further that petitioner and Capt. Greenham had made a seizure of agates at the house of Mr. A. Medina, a Jew: prays to be readmitted to his place. Ibid, pp. 302–3.
Mar. 30. Reference by Treasurer Rochester to Rich. Graham and Phi. Burton of the petition of Nicho. Charlton, shewing that having married a daughter of Henry Danvers, he was surprised (on pretence of said Danvers' sickness, who was then a prisoner in the Tower) into a 1,000l. bond for said Danvers' return thither; which bond is forfeit by said Danvers absenting himself: prays that said bond be recovered from Danvers' estate, which is [big] enough to do it. Reference Book III, p. 303.
Same by same to John Fisher of the petition of William Eyton, Major of the King's Regiment of Foot Guards, and Peter Whitley, shewing that the late King granted said Eyton the constableship of Flint Castle and keeper of the gaol and to said Whitley the office of surveyor and master mason of the Castle of Chester and Comptroller of the records of Chester, Flint and Carmarthen. As both said offices are void by the late King's death, pray renewal thereof to petitioner Eyton and to Sir John Trevor for their lives. Ibid, p. 305.
Same by same to Tho. Done of the petition of Tho. Lane of Bentley, shewing that the late King granted him the arrears due to the Crown upon the farm of the French duty, which grant the present King promised to confirm: prays that this be made effectual, the Clerk of the Pells having delivered a constat of said arrears to Auditor Done. Ibid, p. 309.
Same by same to William Hewer of the petition of Alice Parmynter of Plymouth for payment of 56l. 3s. 2½d. for quarters and necessaries given by her to several officers of the old Tangier Regiment under Col. Kirke. Ibid, p. 320.
Warrant by same to the Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer to forbear process against Richard Stadding and Tho. Standard, two of the sureties of Christopher Cooke. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, p. 261.
Mar. 31. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 9,500l. to Charles Fox [late Paymaster of the Forces] for the arrears due to the Forces at Christmas last; out of the loans on the linen duty: same is to be paid by Fox to the Teller who advanced the like sum ut supra, p. 609, out of the loans made by Lemuell Kingdon (now deceased), William Bridges and Patrick Trant. Disposition Book IV, p. 163.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to pay 310l. 12s. 3d. to Samuel Sandford, part owner of the ship Bordeaux, and Robert Bound, part owner of the Amity, for the service of those ships in the late rebellion in the West. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Treasurer of the Navy to-morrow morning 7,000l. for the Navy, to be disposed of by order of the present new Commissioners of the Navy, for one year "from Lady day last, 1685 [sic for 1686]": to be issued out of the imposition on wine and vinegar. (Same dated same to the Navy Cashier apprising him hereof.) Ibid.
Also 5,000l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance out of the 5,000l. which will be paid into the Exchequer to-morrow by Mr. Shaw.
Mar. 31. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to report on (a) infra. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 317.
Appending: (a) petition from the widow of Oliver Varennes, a bookseller in Paris, shewing that she sent her books by the same vessel which brought over Visct. Preston. some of whose men promised to take care of them, but they not minding them, same were put in the Custom House and have been there six months and the officers will not deliver them without a Treasury warrant: therefore prays such warrant.
Same to same to deliver a parcel of ratteen arrived from Holland on the Mary yacht for Sir William Temple's lady: on payment of Customs and satisfaction to the officer who seized same. Ibid.