Letters Patent, Privy Seals, Royal Sign Manuals and Warrants,
Treasury Warrants, Commissions, Orders, Letters, Memorials,
Reports and other Entries : all not of the nature of Treasury
Nature and Substance of the Entry.
Jan. 1.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to [the Customs Commissioners]
to admit the ship Endeavour (Henry Uvedale
master and part owner) to an entry without
demanding the one per cent. duty : she having proceeded
on her voyage for Lisbon, Leghorn and Scanderoon
with 16 guns and her full complement of 32
men, but 5 ran away at Lisbon and Leghorn and one
died at Cyprus whereby he returned into the Downs
with only 26 Englishmen for which cause the extraordinary
duty of one per cent. is required of the
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 64.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay
Richard Gregory last Xmas quarter's salary.
Money Book General.
p. 259.
Jan. 3.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to [the Customs Commissioners]
to deliver unopened and customs free at
William Chiffinch's lodgings in Whitehall a portmantle
now in the Customs House and directed to the
Earl of Shrewsbury : at the King's command.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 63.
Same from same to same to register and enter as free
ships the four vessels Holy Island, Experiment, Speedwell,
and Success bought in Holland by the undertakers
for erecting a fishery in Holy Island, notwithstanding
they may be sailed by foreigners and without
the three fourths English mariners.
Prefixing :—Order of the King in Council dated 1675,
Dec. 22, for the above.
Ibid, p. 65
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay
1,300l. to Sir William Temple for 3 months' ordinary
as Ambassador in Holland and 61l. 4s. 0d. for half a
year's interest on two orders dated 26 Nov., 1670,
and 14 Nov., 1671. [drawn] in the name of Samuell
Gillabrand. Mr. Mounteney to bring both these
sums into the Exchequer.
Money Book (General)
p. 259
Reference to the Auditor of the Receipt from Treasurer
Danby of the bill of the four Messengers of the Receipt
for their charges &c. in sending and dispersing
to the Clerks of the Peace within the several counties
and places of England and to the Mayors of the
Corporations letters dated 1675, July 31, to be
communicated to the Commissioners for seizing two
thirds of Recusants' estates.
Appending :—Certificate by Charles Bertie dated 1675,
Sept. 11, that the said messengers have performed
this service.
Jan. 3.
Charles Bertie to Mr. Mounteney, Cashier of the Customs,
to bring in 1,500l. into the Exchequer for the
Money Book (General)
p. 259.
Same to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue said 1,500l.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the use of the chest
at Chatham.
Same to the Cashier of the Customs to pay Visct.
Yarmouth 13l. 6s. 8d. for one year's creation money
to Michaelmas last.
Ibid, p. 260.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 150l. (which
Mr. Mounteney is to bring into the Receipt) for Mrs.
Gunter whose husband was instrumental in the
King's escape from Worcester.
Money warrant for 500l. to Sir Stephen Fox for secret
service for Xmas quarter last on the 2,000l. per an.
as by the privy seal of 1674, Aug. 25.
Same for 2,550l. to same for same as by the privy seal
of July 20 last : to be by tally on the Excise.
Same for 2,000l. to same for same for Xmas quarter on
his privy seal for 8,000l. per an. (In the margin.
for the Lord Treasurer.)
Jan. 3
and 17
Same for 500l. to same for same for Xmas quarter on
his privy seal of 1674, July 27. (In the margin :
for the Earl of Lichfield.)
Ibid. Money Book (Fees
and Pensions) p. 4.
Jan. 4.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay
50l. for half a year to Sept. 29 last on Elianor
Withers' and Jane Halsnorth's pensions to be paid
by tallies on the Receivers General of Beds and
Ibid, p. 260. Ibid, p. 2.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby [to the Customs
Cashier] to pay 3,675l. to Samuel Maydwell, Clerk
and Paymaster of the bills of impost for one year to
Xmas last for impost wines at the rate of 42s.
per tun to the noblemen and others usually allowed
the same.
Money Book (General)
p. 274.
Jan. 5.
Privy seal for 50s. a day to Richard Bulstrode for his
ordinary as Resident with the Governor of the
Spanish Netherlands : to be payable quarterly in
advance : with the usual clause for allowing extraordinaries
for intelligence and other services.
(Treasurer Danby's subscription, undated, of docquet
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 11. Docquet Book,
p. 15.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 50l.
to Mr. Ellesden for half a year of his pension : said
sum being lately brought into the Exchequer by the
Customs Cashier.
Money Book (General)
p. 260.
Same to same for a tally for 300l. for half a year to
Xmas last on Sir Francis Windham's pension.
Same to Mr. Kent to pay [above said tally to] Sir
Francis Windham.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay to
Sir Gabriell Silvius, Envoy Extraordinary to the
Prince of Orange, 300l. which will be brought into
the Receipt by the Customs Cashier.
Money Book (General)
p. 261.
Same to same for tallies for 2,000l. for a quarter on
the Duke of Monmouth's pension :
1,000l. for a quarter on two pensions of Sir Stephen
Fox's payable on the Excise.
75l. for a quarter on Somerset Fox's pension.
Same to same to pay 83l. 6s. 8d. to Auditor Bridges
for 1¼ years to Sept. 29 last on his fee of 66l. 13s. 4d.
per an.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver to Lord Digby certain goods
sent by him for himself and friends and not for sale,
"he being upon his return."
Out Letter (Customs) III.
p. 65.
Jan. 7.
Same from same to same to deliver 2 chests of Pucaros
or earthenware and some sweetmeats, oranges,
licour, sweet water and hair cloth arrived from Lisbon
in the Concord of London and intended for the
Queen's own use.
Ibid, p. 66.
Money warrant for 14,300l. to Samuell Pepys for Xmas
quarter for the garrison of Tangier.
Money Book (General)
p. 261.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies
(for 500l.) on the Customs for Xmas quarter last on
Prince Rupert's pension.
Ibid. Money Book (Fees
and Pensions) p. 6.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay abovesaid tallies.
Money Book (General)
p. 261.
Same to [? the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay Capt.
Mansell 100l. for half a year on his pension.
Ibid. Money Book (Fees
and Pensions) p. 6.
Warrants for the Xmas quarter's salaries of the Customs
officers of London port (total 7,405l. 4s. 7d.)
and the outports (total 3,404l. 7s. 6d.) respectively.
Money Book (General)
p. 262.
Money warrant for 227l. 10s. 0d. to Richard Bulstrode
for a quarter's ordinary in advance as Resident with
the Governor of the Spanish Netherlands.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of the Xmas quarter's
salary bill of the Excise Office. (Total 2,142l. 10s. 0d.
Ibid, p. 263.
Same of Richard Gregory's bill for Xmas quarter last
for attendance on Treasurer Danby. (Total 14l. 10s.)
Ibid, p. 264.
Warrant from same to the Customs Cashier to pay
45l. 12s. 0d. to Henry Ayloffe the King's Remembrancer
for 1 year to Xmas last on the fee usually
paid him by the outports' customers for passing
their accounts.
Money warrant for 250l. to George Nicholas, Surveyor
General of Customs, for half a year to Michaelmas
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated
1675 Dec. of a grant to Charles Asherton of the office
of His Majesty's Serjeant Plumber with the fee of
12d. a day : all in reversion after Peter Brent.
Docquet Book, p. 15.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated
1675 Dec. of a grant of incorporation for the
better rule and government of the Walloon Congregation
and strangers using the trade or mystery
of weaving in the city of Canterbury and within one
mile thereof : to be incorporated by the name of the
Master, Warden and Fellowship of Weavers in the
city of Canterbury and within one mile of the
same ; with power to purchase, plead and be impleaded
and to make laws for the better government
of the said Corporation, reserving liberty to any of
His Majesty's English subjects being weavers within
the limits of the Corporation to become members
thereof if they desire it : and a saving of the privileges
and customs of the city of Canterbury.
Docquet Book, p. 16.
Same of same dated 1675-6 Jan. of a warrant to the
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to pay to Sir John James,
Robert Huntington, and Samuel Kingdon 2,705l. by
them lately lent to the King and paid to Sir Thomas
Chicheley, Master of the Ordnance, being so much due
to him for arms and ammunition for his Majesty's
service in Ireland : the same to be repaid out of the
moneys to be advanced by the present Farmers [of the
Revenue] of Ireland after 30,000l. formerly charged
thereon : and in case the present Farmers do not
proceed [in their said form] or shall not advance so
much, then this 2,705l. with Irish interest and usual
exchange is to be paid out of the first moneys arising
by the Customs there after the said 30,000l. be satisfied.
Ibid, p. 20.
Treasurer Danby's instructions to John Shales appointed
to inspect the management of the revenue of
Excise and the current cash thereof and to give the
Lord Treasurer such information thereof as shall be
required. You are to keep counterparts of the
books of daily receipts and payments made in the
office of Richard Kent, Receiver General of Excise :
and counterparts of all books and accompts of receipts
and payments of the Excise Farmers : and
counter accompts of advances of money made to the
King by said Kent : to note allowances to the Excise
Farmers for interest of their running cash and advance
money : to inform of all defaults of payment
of rent by the Excise Farmers.
Warrants not Relating to
Money, VI. pp. 211-2.
Royal sign manual for 20l. to Capt. John Coghlan as
royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon dated Jan.
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 12. Money Book
(General) p. 262.
Same for 100l. to — Laughorne relict of Major
Genl. Laughorne deceased : as royal bounty. (Money
warrant hereon dated Jan. 8.)
Ibid, p. 13. Ibid, p. 263.
Same for 150l. to Thomas Lloyd, gent as a grant
to him from the King of the fine imposed upon
Thomas Jones and others in co. Pembroke for a riot
by them committed. (Money warrant hereon dated
Jan. 15.)
Ibid, p. 14. Ibid, p. 270.
Caveat that no grant pass of the arrears of Tenths due
from the late bishop of Lincoln or from Mr. Mellish
his sub-collector till Mr. Portman the goldsmith (who
has lent 600l. odd to said Mellish on a tally on said
Tenths) be first heard.
Caveat Book, p. 16.
Jan. 8.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay 13l. to
Roger Charnock for last Xmas quarter's salary as a
King's waiter in the Custom House, London.
Money Book (General)
p. 265.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 25l.
1s. 10½d. to Roger Charnock for same quarter's
salary as a Serjeant at Arms.
Money Book (General)
p. 265.
Jan. 10.
Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the petition
of the Mayor and Aldermen of London as by the
order of reference of June 16 last. The Agents for
Taxes had conference with several of the Commissioners
for the Eighteen Months' Assessment for
London and the Receiver and Solicitor for same.
From their report I find that petitioners assessed the
whole sum charged on the city by the said assessment
and have done their best to get it in but by reason
of many empty houses and tofts unbuilt (rateably
assessed with inhabited houses) there is a shortage
of 1,063l. 16s. 11½d. over and above the 800l. per
mensem mentioned in the petition, which your
Majesty (when the assessment was first agreed to)
promised to abate out of the 5,091 11s. 4d. monthly
charged on the city by the Act : so that the total
shortage is 14,400l. (for 18 months of said 800l. a
month) and 1,063 16s. 11½d. or 15,463l. 16s. 11½d. in
all. I conceive this may reasonably be abated.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI, pp. 213-4.
Same to same from same on the petition of the Society
of Governor and Assistants, London, of the New
Plantations in Ulster [praying] for 4,000l. due to
them for the Customs of Londonderry. I agree
with the report of the Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant
of Ireland (dated the 24th ult.) that in consideration
of their surrender of those Customs petitioners were to
have 6,000l., whereof they received 2,000l., that the
King directed payment of the residue to be made
before Xmas 1675 by the contract made with the
Earl of Ranelagh, of which they have had no benefit
and therefore advising that it may be paid out of
new [Irish Revenue] Farmers' advance money or out
of the revenue in Ireland uncharged if any be.
Ibid, p. 215.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] for tallies
for 125l. for a quarter on the pension of Col. Thomas
Howard of Suffolk : granted in consideration of his
surrender of his commission as Lieut. Col. to the Holland
Money Book (General)
p. 265.
Same to Mr. Kent to pay the abovesaid tallies.
Money warrant for half a year to Xmas last on the
yearly fee or allowance of 58l. 5s. 0d. to Gervase
Price as Gentleman of the Bows ; and dormant warrant
for same in future.
Letter of direction on an order of Dec. 22 last for
14,300l. to Mr. Pepys for Tangier : same being
hereby charged on the Hearthmoney farm rent due
in Sept. next.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] for tallies
[for 250l.] for half a year to Sept. 29 last on Lady
Charlotte Paston's pension.
Ibid, p. 266.
Same to Richard Kent to pay abovesaid tallies.
Money warrant for 115l. for one year's salary to Xmas
[last] to John Chase as apothecary in ordinary to the
Reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition
of Tho. Le Mesuriers for the delivery of his ship
Hope of Guernsey being seized at Cowes for having
about 150 weight of Peignon wool.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 66.
Caveat that no grant pass of the place of searcher of
Chichester now void by the death of Thomas Grinfield
till John Byndlosse's pretensions be considered
who has a warrant signed by the King two years
since for the reversion, lodged with Sir Phillip Lloyd.
Caveat Book, p. 17.
Jan. 11.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to give immediate order for the stop of
engines as below now shipped and ready to go forth :
and to take care to prevent the future exportation of
such engines either from England or the Plantations
to the use of any foreigner whatsoever.
Prefixing :—Copy of an order of the King in Council of
Jan. 3 inst. made upon a petition from the sugar
merchants of the King's Plantations setting forth
that one Andrew Orgill had invented a way of casting
iron cases whereby the outsides of the rollers of those
engines which squeeze the sugar canes were so cased
in that it was of very great advantage and saving to
them and the charge inconsiderable : whereby his
Majesty's subjects were enabled to sell cheap and in
a fair way of spoiling the sugar trade belonging to
other nations who wanted [lacked] the help of this
invention : and that therefore great endeavours
were used by strangers to draw out of the kingdom
some of the said cases which are not elsewhere to be
procured than from his Majesty's subjects and that
on Wednesday last there were 12 of the said iron cases
shipped by one Tho. Hunt on board the Prosperous,
Tho. Evans master, bound for Rouen to go to the
French Plantations : wherefore petitioners pray prohibition
as above which the King hereby grants and
so orders as above.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
pp. 67-8.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay off
Mr. Warner's order of Dec. 4 last for 75l. 4s. 9d. out
of the like sum to be brought into the Exchequer by
the Customs Cashier.
Money Book (General)
p. 265.
Money warrant for 39l. 5s. 8d. and 30l. to John
Barnard gent. for disbursements and pains respectively
in his Majesty's service during the last session
of Parliament.
Ibid, p. 267.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated
1675, Dec. of a grant to Sir Robert Howard Kt. of
the office of keeper of his Majesty's game of hare,
pheasant, heron, partridge and other wild fowl in
and about the manor of Oatlands loco Robert
Alexander Esq. deceased : with the fee or wages of
1s. a day and 26s. 8d. per an. for a livery.
Docquet Book, p. 18.
Jan. 12.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies
for 250l. to Lord Byron for half a year to Xmas last
on his pension.
Money Book (General)
p. 265.
Same to Mr. Kent to pay abovesaid tallies.
Same to same to bring into the Exchequer 5,000l ; for
a quarter of Sir Stephen Fox's privy seal for secret
Ibid, p. 266.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies
for 125l. to Sir William Killegrew for last Xmas
quarter on his pension.
Money Book (General)
p. 268.
Same to [? Mr. Kent] to pay [abovesaid tallies for]
said 125l. to said Killegrew.
Money warrant for 100l. to Mris. Dorothy Howard for
half a year to Xmas last on her pension as a maid of
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for
tallies for 1,500l. to Sir Allan Apsley for the Duke of
York being last Xmas quarter on the 1,500l. per
quarter ordered by Treasurer Danby's warrant of
1674-5, Feb. 15, for the gradual payment of the
20,000l. to said Apsley for the Duke of York (said
20,000l. having been ordered by the privy seal of
1670, June 14, and Treasury warrant of 1670 June
22, in compensation of said Duke's damage by the
late Act for registering 110,000l. on wines). The
present tallies to be drawn on the Hearthmoney farm
rent due in March next.
Ibid, p. 269.
Money warrant for 500l. to Sir Phillip Lloyd for last
Xmas quarter on the 2,000l. per an. for secret service
as by the privy seal of Oct. 30 last (Cal. Tr.
Books, Vol. IV. p. 840).
Same for 222l. 10s. 0d. to Lord Arundell for one year
to Xmas last on his fees of 10s. a day and 40l. per
an. as Governor of Pendennis.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of the salary bill detailed
of the Excise Office for 9 months to 1675, June 24 :
(total 979l. 8s. 9d)
Ibid, p. 276.
Privy seal for a grant to Sir Francis Anderson of
477l. 11s. 4½d. being a super remaining upon the accompt
of William Christian late Receiver of Hearthmoney
for Durham, Newcastle, Northumberland and
Berwick : with power to sue for same in the King's
name &c. : same being prayed for by said Anderson
in regard of his constant loyalty and services to the
King. (Royal warrant dated Jan. 7 for said privy
seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Jan. 10
of docquet hereof. Treasurer Danby's warrant
dated Jan. 19 to the Receipt for tallies of assignment
for said sum accordingly).
King's Warrant Book, V.
pp. 16-18, 13. Docquet
Book, p. 17. Money
Book (General) p. 282.
Same for discharging William Thompson (Tompson)
of 111l. 2s. 8d arrear of a fee farm rent of 55l. 11s. 4d.
per an. payable to the Crown out of the manor of
Hambleton, co. Yorks, for 2 years ending Lady Day,
1662, at which time the said Thompson obtained a
grant from the Crown of the said rent of 55l. 11s. 4d.
per an. for and in lieu and recompence of the Castle
and site of the castle of Scarborough which he then
granted and surrendered to the King : the said
grant of 1662 Lady Day not having taken notice of
said arrear although the said castle and scite were
in the King's possession during the said two years in
which the said rent became arrear. (Royal warrant
dated Jan. 7 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's
subscription dated Jan. 11 of docquet hereof,
Treasurer Danby's warrant dated Jan. 19 to
Richard Aldworth, Auditor for co. Yorks, to make
said allowance to said Thompson).
King's Warrant Book V.
pp. 14, 15. Docquet
Book, p. 17. Money
Book (General) p. 282.
Privy seal for 2,000l. to Mris. Dorothy Grahme, now
wife of Capt. James Grahme and lately called Dorothy
Howard and late one of the maids of Honour to the
Queen Consort : same to be as royal bounty. (Royal
warrant dated Jan. 7 for said privy seal. Treasurer
Danby's subscription dated Jan. 11 of docquet hereof.
Money warrant hereon dated Jan. 31).
King's Warrant Book V.
pp. 14, 16. Docquet
Book, p. 17. Money
Book (General) p. 288.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for
a great seal for a grant to Lawrence Hyde of all customs
and forfeitures (by the Act of Navigation or
otherwise for non-payment of Customs) of logwood
imported into England and Wales or Berwick for 21
years from the determination of the interest therein
granted by patent of 1662, Sept. 23, to John Pincombe
for 21 years from March, 1662. The present
grant to be at the yearly rent of 5l. and to be
in consideration of the many good and faithful
services performed by said Hyde to the King. (Treasurer
Danby's subscription dated? Aug. 30 of
docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 98. Docquet Book,
p. 86.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer
for a certificate of process since the Restoration
against any persons for imprest money or any
debts due to the King not yet satisfied (debts upon
port bonds only excepted), with all particulars
Warrant not Relating to
Money VI. p. 215.
Same to same to stay process against John Adderley,
late Receiver for co. Derby of the last Eighteen
Months' Assessment, he being now ready to pass
his accompt.
Ibid, p. 216.
Treasurer Danby to Auditor Sir Ri. Langley for a certificate
of accounts now depending before said
Auditor and for what debts the accomptants are
accomptable, with the arrears remaining on the foot
of any accompt.
The like severally to Auditors Parsons, Morice, Phillips,
Godolphin, Sawyer, Seymour and Bridges.
Jan. 13.
Reference to the Customs Commissioners of the complaint
and answer of Samuell Weale, Collector of
Customs at Fowey.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 68.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] for
227l. 10s. 0d. (which Mr. Mounteney is directed to
bring into the Exchequer) to be issued forthwith to
Mr. Bulstrode, His Majesty's Resident at Brussels.
Money Book (General)
p. 267.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 250l. to Mr.
George Nicholas for half a year of his salary, as
Surveyor of Customs.
Ibid. Money Book (Fees
and Pensions) p. 9.
Same to [? the Auditor of the Receipt] for 200l. to
the bishop of Sarum for last Xmas quarter for the
Poor Knights and Officers of the Garter.
Ibid, p. 268. Ibid, p. 10.
Same to same to pay 27l. 7s. 6d. to Mr. Lawrence for
three quarters on his 2s. a day as surveyor of the
King's highways and 15l. 3s. 4d. for a quarter on
his 3s. 4d. a day.
Ibid. Money Book
(General) p. 268.
Same to same to pay 10l. to Mr. Robert Bertie for
Xmas quarter last on his pension. Mr. Mounteney
is directed to bring the said 10l. into the Exchequer
Ibid, p. 269.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Cashier to pay 331l. 16s. 8d. and 37l. 9s. 4d. to
Henry Ayloffe, King's Remembrancer, for parchment
for the blank books of the Comptrollers &c.
respectively of the outports and of London.
Money Book (General)
p. 269.
Jan. 14.
Same from same to the Receipt for tallies for 1,000l.
in further part of the order of 1669, July 5, for
5,263l. 6s. 8d. to Sir William Bowles and Robert
Child for the service of the Office of the Tents : on
which order there is already 1,500l. paid.
Ibid, p. 270.
Money warrant for 43l. 10s. 0d., 200l. and 90l. to Tho.
Felton and William Chiffinch for Xmas quarter last
on their various fees &c. as Masters of the Hawks.
Ibid, p. 271.
Same for 1,500l. to Sir John Kirke for last Xmas
quarter for the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners : the
said 1,500l. to be paid into the Exchequer by the
Receivers of First Fruits and Tenths.
Same for 100l. to Sir William Turnor Kt. for half a
year to Xmas last for soliciting business relating to
His Majesty's revenue, and 150l. for charges in
carrying on suits depending in the King's behalf in
the Exchequer and elsewhere.
Ibid, pp. 272, 273.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer
to issue process ad computandum against the
executors of William, late bishop of Lincoln for
arrears of Tenths of the clergy of that diocese.
Ibid, p. 272.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring 200l.
into the Exchequer for the use of Thomas Killegrew.
Ibid, p. 274.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver some gloves and fans brought
in the Lilly pink from Livorne and sent to Mris.
Middleton and several of her friends not for merchandise.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 68.
Jan. 15.
Money warrant for 5l. to Elizabeth Pinckney as royal
bounty for relief of her present necessities.
Money Book (General)
p. 270.
Letters of direction upon an order of 1673-4, Feb. 12,
for 200l. to Sir Gabriel Silvius : same being hereby
payable out of the Hearthmoney farm rent payable
in March next.
Ibid, p. 271.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay 2,000l.
to Sam Maydwell in part of his warrant of Jan.
4 last for 3,675l. for one year's impost bills.
Ibid, p. 273.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 50l. to Sir
Edward Carteret, Usher of the Black Rod, for a
quarter to Xmas last on his pension, "if so much
be in the Exchequer and if it be not I will write to
Mr. Mounteney to bring it in."
Ibid, p. 274.
Same to the Customs Cashier to bring 1,200l. into the
Exchequer for the Treasurer of the Navy : to be
applied towards payment of the ship Roebuck.
Ibid, p. 275.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the abovesaid
1,200l. to the Treasurer of the Navy accordingly.
Royal warrant for a privy seal as follows : Sir John
Poyntz Kt., Henry Savile, Henry Killegrew, Thomas
Baker and Samuel Selwood have offered to discover
and prosecute divers great sums of money which Sir
William Bucknall Kt., William Dashwood, Phillip
Jemmet, John Forth, John Breedon, Dannet Forth
and George Dashwood (late Farmers of Excise of
London, Westminster, Middlesex, Surrey and divers
other counties) have fraudulently obtained from the
King in several great allowances, abatements, deductions
and defalcations out of their respective
farm rents upon false accompts and suggestions
with breach and forfeiture of several covenants in
their grants of lease and also of several duties levied
by said Farmers or their servants under pretext of
the said grants of lease although in truth the same
were not comprehended or intended to be comprehended
in such their farms and ought therefore
to be accompted for by said Farmers and by them
to be paid to the King. The said Poyntz et al ut
supra are hereby authorised to sue and prosecute said
Farmers and are hereby granted a moiety of what
they shall prosecute and recover of the abovesaid :
and without their consent the said Farmers shall not
be compounded with or discharged of any the premises
herein. Further they are hereby to receive a
moiety of any fines for forgery or other crime of
which said Farmers shall be proven guilty on the
prosecution of said Poyntz et al.
King's Warrant Book V.
pp. 18-22.