Nature and Substance of the Entry.
April 2.
Treasurer Danby to Sir Job Charleton, Chief Justice
at Chester. There have been continual disputes
and controversies between the Commissioners for
co. Denbigh about the decays of Ruthin as since
the Restoration they have failed to assess [thereon]
the full charge and proportion of money limited
by several acts of Parliament. By reason hereof
there is an arrear on all former taxes. The
particulars of such arrears are enclosed [missing]
and ought to be forthwith levied on the said
counties. There have been several endeavours
used to compose and reconcile said differences, but
nothing yet effected therein. Upon the desire and by
consent of both parties concerned I refer the whole
examination hereof to you for you to call them
before you at the next general sessions for the
county, and cannot doubt you will finally determine
it, being an important service both to the King
and country.
Ibid, p. 172.
April 3.
and fresh
April 5.)
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver, Customs free, goods as below
(the books only excepted) being lately arrived
from Holland in the ship King David, Jacob Walters
master, said goods belonging to the Duchess of
York, Henry Earl of Clarenden and Dr. Lloyd :
the box for the Duchess of York to be passed
unopened : "and in case permission shall be
given by the Rt. Reverend Father in God the Lord
Bishop of London for delivering the said books,
you are hereby required to cause the same to be
done likewise, Customs free."
Appending : Schedule of said goods, 5 parcels and
4 boxes of books, clothes, wine, wafer irons, one
map directed to the Earl of Clarendon, one box
directed to the Duchess of York.
Out Letters (Customs) IV.
p. 32.
April 5.
Same from same to the King's Remembrancer for
a true copy of the return and depositions to the
Commission to John Sanson et al for enquiring
of certain frauds and abuses in the port of Poole
and places adjacent which I am informed has been
executed and is now ready to be returned and
filed. As said Commission was issued for my
information only it is not to be seen or copied
[by anyone else] till further order.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 171.
April 6.
Letter of direction on the remaining sum and interest
due upon an order, No. 17, dated 1671, Aug. 17,
for 2,264l. to Sir Edward Hungerford for several
parcels of ground [taken in] for the enlargement of
Plymouth fort and citadel, which said order with
interest thereon was registered on and to be paid out
of the Customs commencing at Michaelmas, 1672 :
there having been already paid thereon 500l. in the
Exchequer and 614l. 2s. 3d. and 500l. by the Commissioners
of the Wine Licences. The unpaid
balance as above is to be hereby satisfied by tallies
on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due Sept.
19 next.
Money Book (General)
p. 239.
Charles Bertie to [the Receivers of Excise]. If you
please to advance to Sir Jonathan Trelawny for
his use 400l. for one year's allowance, you shall
be punctually repaid the same by quarterly payments
upon my [Bertie's] privy seal for 20,000l.
per an. [for secret service].
Out Letters (General)
p. 237.
Instructions from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners, in reply to their presentments of
March 25 last. (1). I approve of such of the
securities of the Collectors of London and of the
outports as are certified as good by Henry Potkins,
examiner of the sufficiency of said securities. Where
he notes them as insufficient or defective you are
to require fresh ones. (2). Charles Orchard,
Customer of Barnstaple, is to undertake the collection
there for his patent salary in the room of Jacob
Westcombe. You are to allow him 10l. per an.
for a clerk. As you say he is reputed a very good
officer you are also to depute him as Collector at
Bideford, loco John Hill, late Collector. (3). The
Collector and Comptroller of Milford and riding
Surveyor of South Wales having certified the
place of John Daniel, waiter at Milford, to be useless,
his place is to be retrenched and his salary of
5l. per an. is to be proportioned to three tidesmen
to be settled without any further charge to the King,
viz., John Grant at Nangle with 2l. per an. salary,
Philip Smith at Pill with 1l. per an. salary, and
John Revel at Dale with 2l. per an. salary.
(4). Mr. Litcott is to forbear surcharging the
Collector of Liverpool with the 10l. which by the
Act of Tunnage and Poundage is due for a parcel
of undressed cloth imported from the Isle of Man
by Henry Taylor, same being but of the value of
15s., and being of the manufacture of said isle
and imported thence to be milled and so to be
returned, and that said Collector be charged only
with the Custom ad valorem which he has received.
(5). You are to establish the following as the charge
for the yearly maintenance of a smack at Yarmouth
for the service of that port, viz., 36l. to John Guppy
the master, 16l. to a mate, 30l. for 2 men, 45l. 12s. 0d.
for victuals at 7d. a day [per man] or total
127l. 12s. 0d. : the establishment to relate to the
last quarter or to so much thereof as said smack
was employed. The wear and tear (which is not yet
agreed) is to be paid out of incidents. (6). You
are to make allowance to Mr. William Hutt,
merchant, of 10l. 0s. 4¾d. for damage upon a parcel
of wrecked hemp and flax, paying him same out
of his deposit thereon : you having desired my
direction herein because said goods have been
out of the custody of the officers. (7). You are
to burn for a public terror the two boats at Yarmouth
which have been prosecuted at the King's charge
by Michael Walford, tide surveyor there, and
condemned for smuggling uncustomed goods. A tally
is to be struck for discharging the said officer of the
King's moiety. (8). I approve of the securities
of Thomas Emys as Collector of Penryn (viz., George
Robinson and Samuel Emys in 500l.) and of Thomas
Tregosse as same of St. Ives (viz., Humphrey
Nicoll and James Incledon in 300l.).
Out Letters (Customs) IV.
pp. 33-4.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to insert in the establishment an additional
allowance of 20l. per an. for Richard
Bretton, Customer of Dover, who officiates also
as Collector there : in regard of the greatness of
the collection of said port.
Out Letters (Customs) IV.
p. 35.
Same from same to same to deliver to his Excellency
Dom Francisco De Melos [Mello], the Ambassador
from Portugal, eight pieces of tapestry hangings
and four pieces of Holland lately arrived from
Brussels in the ship King David : the tapestry to be
Custom free, but Custom to be paid for the linen.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to allow the tenth part of the
Customs on the two voyages as below of the ship
President belonging to Sir Mathew Andrews and
partners : you having reported to me Feb. 21 last
that said ship is qualified under the Act of 22 and
23 Car. II. and was launched 1672, Oct. 15, was
taken by the Dutch in the East Indies with her
lading outward bound in Aug., 1673, and by them
sent to Holland and there bought for the use of said
owners and so brought from Holland with her ballast
only to London in 1675-6 : "but whether (the
property having been altered by the capture) this
should be accompted a voyage to have the allowance
by the Act accordingly (it being a matter of law)
you proposed might be advised by the King's
Counsel" : the Attorney General having returned
his opinion thereon that said ship being taken
outward bound and returned empty is not to be
accompted the first voyage, but that she ought to
have allowance for two other voyages, her first
such other complete voyage being to and from
Out Letters (Customs) IV.
pp. 35-6.
Same from same to same to direct the Customs Solicitor
to undertake the defence of the actions against
Robert Walker, John Roberts, John Corneford,
Thomas Shelly, Martin Atkins, Edward Rogers
and John Gell, seven poor inhabitants of Newhaven
who have lately discovered a notorious fraud and
abuse intended to be committed in the transportation
of a very great quantity of calf skins and iron
bullets supposed to be for Dieppe when the same
were shipping on board a small vessel lying at the
mouth of the Haven ; they having given information
thereupon to Daniel Hawkins, an officer, who seized
the said ship and goods : it being found upon
examination that same was by connivance of the
officers of Newhaven : and an information being
exhibited against said ship as forfeited, the pretended
proprietor has brought great actions against said
seven poor men and against the officers.
Ibid, pp. 36-7.
April 8.
Same from same to same. By order of the King in
Council of March 20 last a general embargo or stop was
commanded to be made of all ships or vessels outward
bound, which order was on the 25th of the
same month partially relaxed by declaring same
to be intended only for such ships as belong to and
are sailed by his Majesty's subjects, and that they
also should be permitted to trade from port to port
in England and Wales upon security not to trade
elsewhere. By advice of the Admiralty Lords
the King has been pleased further to declare, in
explanation of the abovesaid order, that such
ships as belong to and are sailed by his subjects
of Scotland shall be permitted to depart and to
trade between England and Scotland on security
not to trade elsewhere. You are hereby to observe
the King's pleasure hereon.
Ibid, p 38.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in notwithstanding
the letter of March 5 last (and same
to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue) 250l. for
last Lady day quarter to the New Royal Foundation
of the King's Mathematical boys at Christ's
Out Letters (General)
p. 237.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay (notwithstanding,
etc., as above) 200l. to the Bishop of
Sarum for last Lady day quarter to the Poor
Knights of Windsor.
Out Letters (General)
p. 237.
Same to same to similarly bring in (and same to same
to issue) 250l. to the Earl and Countess of Lindsey
for last Christmas quarter on their pension of
1,000l. per an.
Same to same to bring in notwithstanding any restriction
whatsoever (and same to same to issue) 10l. to
Mr. Robert Bertie for last Lady day quarter
on his pension of 40l. per an.
Ibid, pp. 237-8.
Same to same to pay 13l. to Roger Charnock for last
Lady day quarter's salary as one of the patent
landwaiters of London port ; and to bring into the
Exchequer (and same to the Auditor of the Receipt
to issue) 25l. 1s. 10½d. to said Charnock for same
quarter's salary as a Serjeant at Arms.
Ibid, p. 238.
April 9.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's
Remembrancer for process of immediate extent
against William Bellamy, of London, merchant,
on 22 wine bonds : he being failed in credit and
his Majesty's debt due from him, which is considerable,
being in danger to be lost.
Out Letters (Customs) IV.
p. 39.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to
observe an order of the King in Council dated
Whitehall, April 5, prefixed in extenso, exempting
from the present embargo all vessels that are and
shall from time to time be employed by the Navy
Commissioners, officers of the Ordnance or Navy
Victuallers in transporting stores and provisions
from any one yard or port in this kingdom to another ;
on certificate that same are really employed in his
Majesty's service.
Same from same to same to direct the Receiver General
of the Customs to pay 37l. 5s. 5d. to William Kirkby
being what he is out of purse on his bill of charges
in prosecuting the seizure of several parcels of
Scotch linen valued at 83l. 5s. 6d. which (there being
no claim) were condemned in the Exchequer, four
pretended proprietors having appeared after the
King's moiety was paid, and prosecuted said Kirkby
with four actions in the Common Pleas with intent
to vex him with charges, whereby he was put to the
charges of 78l. 18s. 2d. and upon a recovery obtained
verdict against each of said four prosecutors for
no more than 9l. 10s. 0d. [each] which amounts to
38l. ; "and all the persons living at Glasgow, in
Scotland, he can obtain no benefit of those
Ibid, p. 40.
Letter of direction on 4,000l. in further part of the
order of March 16 last for 20,000l. to Charles Bertie
for secret service (ut supra, p. 937) whereon there
has been already paid 1,000l., 270l. 4s. 2d., 8,900l.
and 1,150l. Said 4,000l. is hereby to be satisfied
by tallies on the Excise.
Money Book (General)
p. 239.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Richard Kent,
Receiver General and Cashier of Customs. Four
tallies, amounting in all to 40,000l. have been
levied on you by my direction upon orders for land
and sea service of the Ordnance. The Treasurer
of the Ordnance has delivered said tallies to the
East India Company to secure the like sum due to
them for 754¾ tons of saltpetre delivered by said
Company to the King's stores. You are to pay to
said Company said sum taking in said tallies as they
shall from time to time be satisfied out of the Customs
of East India goods imported by said Company
from Nov. 1 last together with 6 per cent. interest
from Jan. 22 last (the Master of the Ordnance
having that day certified me that he had with the
advice of the principal officers of the Ordnance
agreed with the said Company for the delivery of the
said saltpetre) : said interest to be computed
to the respective times of repaying the principal :
and said Company to be allowed discount of interest
for their time of six and six months for the payment
of their Customs as by their charter.
Ibid, p. 240.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for tallies
for 1,000l. to be struck upon Nathaniel Whetham,
late Receiver of Hearthmoney for Gloucester county
and city, and for 800l. upon Thomas Browne, late
same of same for cos. Oxford and Berks : said
tallies to be struck on any orders drawn
in the name of Philip Packer for the ordinary of the
Works. (Vacated : see infra under dated 1678,
July 11. See also supra, p. 925 under date
March 4.)
Money Book (General)
p. 240.
Money warrant for 125l. to Clara, Countess of Brentford
for one quarter on her pension of 500l. per an.
(Charles Bertie dated April 9 to the Auditor of the
Receipt to pay same and to the Customs Cashier
to bring same in notwithstanding the letter of
March 5 last.)
Ibid, p. 240. Out Letters
(General) p. 238.
Same for 500l. to Sir Stephen Fox for last Lady day
quarter on the 2,000l. per an. as by the privy seal
of 1674, July 27 (in the margin : for the Earl of
Lichfield) : and 500l. to same for same on same as
by the privy seal of 1674, August 25 (in the
margin : for the Earl of Sussex). (Charles Bertie
dated April 12 to the Receivers of Excise to bring
in and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue
the above.)
Money Book (General)
p. 240. Out Letters
(General) p. 239.
Same for 150l. to Anne, Countess Dowager of Newburgh,
for one quarter on her pension of 600l. per
an. (Charles Bertie dated May 24 to the Customs
Cashier to bring same in forthwith notwithstanding,
etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue
Money Book (General)
p. 241. Out Letters
(General) p. 257.
Same for 250l. to Francis. Countess Dowager of Portland
for same on her same of 1,000l. per an. (Letters
ut supra dated June 15.)
Money Book (General)
p. 241. Out Letters
(General) p. 266.
Same for 50l. to Juliana (Coningsby now the wife of
Amias) Hext for last Lady day quarter on her pension
of 200l. per an.
Money Book (General)
p. 241.
Same for 125l. to Sir Edward Hales. Bart., for same
on his same of 500l. per an. (Letters ut supra dated
May 16 : to be brought in notwithstanding, etc.)
Ibid, p. 241. Out Letters
(General) p. 254.
Money warrant for 80l. to Charles, Earl of Carlisle, for
four years on his creation money. (Letters ut supra
dated April 9 : to be brought in forthwith notwithstanding
any former restriction or late direction
to the contrary.)
Money Book (General)
p. 241. Out Letters
(General) p. 239.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies
on the Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise
to pay said tallies) for 2,000l. to the Duke of
Monmouth for last Lady day quarter on his
Out Letters (General)
p. 238.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay the King's waiters
of London port as follows, viz., 13l. each for last
Lady day quarter to Gerard Andrews, Nicho. Park,
Jno. Marshall, Francis Roberts, Hugh Bantock,
John Shaw, Andr. Haines, Samll. Ward, Francis
Dacket, Tho. Raymond, Samuell Phillips, German
Hough, Samll. Danvers, and Ellis Lloyd ; and 13l. to
Lawr. Corbet for last Michaelmas quarter.
Same to [the Auditor of the Receipt] for tallies [on
Edward Backwell as Receiver of the remains of the
Queen's portion] for 300l. for 1½ years upon
Lieut. Armstrong's pension of 200l. per an., payable
out of said portion. (Same to Alderman Backwell
to pay said tallies.)
Ibid, p. 239.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet, dated
April, of a grant and restitution to the Earl of Pembroke
and Montgomery of all estates forfeited to
the King by the death and killing of Nath. Coney
or of his being found guilty thereof.
Docquet Book, p. 194.
April 10.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General
for a great seal for a demise and lease to Robert
Spencer, Col. John Strode, Charles Tucker and
Henry Daniel of the duty of Four and a Half per
cent. upon the exportation of the dead commodities
of the product of the island of Barbados and in the
islands of Nevis, Antigua, Montserrat and
St. Christopher, commonly called the Leeward
Islands ; viz., for seven years from Christmas
last under the yearly rent of 5,300l., payable half
yearly on the 25th June and 25th Dec. of each
year : interest at 6 per cent. to be allowed on the
advance money (of 5,300l. which said Farmers
have agreed to advance into the Exchequer, one
moiety thereof on the signing of this present royal
warrant, the other moiety on the patent passing
the great seal) : the interest to be defalked out
of the rents due at Dec. 25 yearly during the said
term and the advance money itself to be repaid by
way of defalcation as follows, viz., "to detain
out of the rent which will be due and payable
on the 25th day of December, 1683, 500l. in part
of satisfaction of the said advanced sum of 5,300l.
and out of the last year's rent to detain the residue
with the interest thereof then due, all arrears of
rent for any time before being first satisfied" :
reasonable defalcations to be allowed to the Farmers
in case of invasion or general rebellion : in case
of war with France, Holland or Spain 14 per cent.
on their rental to be allowed [as an insurance]
in lieu of defalcation during such war : power to be
given to the Farmers to collect forfeitures arising
by the laws relating to the said revenue, and one
moiety of such forfeitures to be allowed to said
Farmers. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated
April 19 of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book VI.
pp. 11-12. Docquet
Book, pp. 195-6.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General
for a great seal for a grant to Charles Henry,
Lord Wotton, his executors, administrators and
assigns, of an annuity or pension of 1,000l.
per an. for six years from Michaelmas last : to be
payable quarterly out of the Exchequer. (Treasurer
Danby's subscription dated May 8 of docquet
King's Warrant Book VI.
p. 19. Docquet Book,
p. 200.
April 12.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to have viewed at Whitehall the goods
belonging to the French Comedians in 70 bales
and to permit same to be shipped for Dieppe on
board the Kitchen yacht, Customs free.
Out Letters (Customs) IV.
p. 40.
Same from same to [the Customs Cashier] to pay
62l. 1s. 4d. to Richard Godfrey for one year to Lady
day last on his fee as Customer of Lynn Regis port.
Ibid, p. 42.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to
deliver. Customs free, to the Count de Bergeyck some
worsted camlet, flowered stuff for hangings and six
small pictures now in the warehouse, London port,
and which came in the Speedwell, Benjamin Clarke
master, from Ostend, before March 20 last, and
a case of pictures in the ship Desire of London,
John Barney master, from the same place likewise
arrived before said March 20 last ; being brought
for said Count.
Ibid, p. 40.
Same from same to same to observe an order of the
King in Council dated Whitehall, April 5, and prefixed
in extenso to quietly permit the landing of (and to
open at the Ambassador's house) the household goods,
coaches, etc., of Monsieur Olivecrantz, the Swedish
Ambassador, who is lately arrived here : same
being what he used in his other late embassies
and are now lying at Calais.
Ibid, p. 41.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies
on the Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise
to pay said tallies) for 750l. for one quarter on the
Lord Privy Seal's pension of 3,000l. per an., viz.,
in full for Midsummer quarter last and in part of
Michaelmas quarter last.
Out Letters (General)
p. 239.
Same to same to issue (and same dated April 19
to the Customs Cashier to bring in notwithstanding
etc.) 388l. to said Lord Privy Seal for last
Michaelmas quarter on his diet money of 4l. a day.
Same to same to issue (and same to the Customs
Cashier to bring in forthwith notwithstanding the
letter of March 5 last) 100l. for Sir Joseph Seymour
for half a year to Christmas last on his salary of
200l. per an.
Ibid, p. 240.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay a tally for 1,300l.
on the Customs, for Ambassador Temple "as soon
as the receipt of the Customs will conveniently bear
the same."
Same to same for tallies on the Excise (and same to the
Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies) for 250l.
for last Lady day quarter upon the Earl of Bath's
and Lord Hawley's pension of 1,000l. per an.
Money warrant for 7,500l. to Sir Edward Griffin,
Treasurer of the Chamber, as imprest for the service
of his Office for one quarter of a year : to be
paid out of the Exchequer. (Letter of direction
dated May 10 on an order dated April 13 drawn
hereon : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on
the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due March
15 next.)
Money Book (General)
pp. 241, 252.
Royal warrant [to the Clerk of the Signet attending]
for a privy seal to instal the First Fruits of
Dr. Sancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, being
2,682l. 12s. 2d., making same to be payable in
four equal yearly instalments, the first payment
to be at Lady day, 1679.
King's Warrant Book VI.
p. 12.
Same [to same] for a privy seal to assign to Sir Robert
Cann and Thomas Earle, of Bristol, merchants,
the securities which the King has for the debt of
657l. 11s. 11½d. due [to the Crown] from John
Luff and Thomas Fisher, of Bristol, with power
of recovering same to themselves, "these assignees
paying the money to the King (to the Collector
of his Majesty's Customs at Bristol) within seven days
after the date of the [herein ordered] privy seal" ;
the said Cann and Earl having agreed to pay the same.
(Treasurer Danby's subscription dated April 18
of docquet hereof.)
Ibid, p. 12. Docquet
Book, p. 196.
Same to Treasurer Danby to draw a [money warrant
for an] order (by virtue of the privy seal of Dec. 31
last) for 125l. 7s. 0½d. to William Roberts, Receiver
of the Honor and Castle of Windsor, to be as imprest
for the service [of the rebuilding, etc.] of said
castle : the privy seal of 1676, June 14 having
directed that the Greenwax money which should
thenceforth come into the Exchequer should be issued
by moieties for the rebuilding of St. Paul's Cathedral
and of Windsor Castle : but there being (before
the time of the passing of said privy seal of 1676,
June 14) the sum of 215l. 14s. 1d. [sic for
251l. 14s. 1d. of such Groenwax money] actually
levied and in the hands of Sir Thomas Fanshaw,
late King's Attorney and Coroner in the Court of
King's Bench, which according to previous privy
seals ought to have been paid wholly for the
use of Windsor Castle, but by the strict words of the
privy seal of 1676, June 14, one moiety thereof is
made payable after it came into the Exchequer
to the use of St. Paul's Cathedral, which was contrary
to the King's intention. The present warrant
is therefore for the rectifying thereof. (Money
warrant dated April 20 hereon accordingly : "and
let the same be paid out of any Greenwax moneys
now or hereafter remaining in the Receipt of the
Exchequer distinctly, and over and above the moneys
payable to the use of the said Castle upon his
Majesty's privy seal of the 14th of June, 1676.")
King's Warrant Book VI.
p. 16. Money Book
(General) p. 246.
Same to same to forthwith give warrant to the officers
of Windsor forest to fell 200 loads of timber where
the same may best be spared in Braywood, Haslewood
and Hadneyswood within said Forest ; to be
delivered to the officers of the Works for the building
and repairing of Windsor Castle : the charge of
felling to be defrayed out of the offal and the
surplus offal to be accounted for before the Auditor
for Berkshire and by the latter end of next Michaelmas
term. (Treasurer Danby's warrant accordingly,
dated March [sic erratum for April] 20 hereon,
directed to William Chiffinch, Woodward of Windsor
King's Warrant Book VI.
p. 16. Warrants not
Relating to Money VII.
p. 184.
April 13.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Commissioners to
peruse Mr. Sansom's depositions upon the commission
of inquiry at Poole (wherein said Sansom and others
were commissioners) and to discourse the substance
thereof with him and to report thereon to Treasurer
Out Letters (Customs) IV.
p. 41.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies
on the Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise
to pay said tallies) for 312l. 10s. 0d. to the Duke of
Buckingham for half a quarter on his 2,500l. per an.
Out Letters (General)
p. 240.
The like letters for 125l. for last Lady day quarter on
Lady Charlotte Paston's pension.
The like for 50l. to Sir Samuel Morland by tallies
on the Excise and 150l. by tallies on the Tenths ;
as for one quarter upon his various pensions of
200l. upon the Excise and 300l. and 300l. upon the
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier
to pay to the Earl of Carlisle 250l. for a quarter on
his pension of 1,000l. per an. (Charles Bertie dated
April 13 to seme to pay same notwithstanding
any former restriction or late direction to the
Money Book (General)
p. 241. Out Letters
(General) p. 241.
April 15.
Same from same to Auditor Richard Lightfoot
not to charge Charles Goodwin in his account
as Receiver of the last subsidy for co. Sussex
with 12 per cent. interest charge on the sum
of 250l. which has long depended upon him, the
[said] money having all the time remained in the
hands of Sir Robert Vyner, to whom same was
returned by Goodwin (in order to its being paid into
the Exchequer) before the stop of the Exchequer.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 181.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver certain goods, Customs free, to his
Excellency Count Anthony of Oldenburg, Ambassador
from the King of Denmark, said goods
being lately arrived in London from Nimuegen
and comprising 13 horses, 2 coaches, linen, a box
wherein the King's portrait is, brazen pans belonging
to the pages and trumpoters, 2 stopsakes belonging
to Mr. Bullow, etc.
Out Letters (Customs) IV.
p. 42.
Charles Bertie to same to deliver at the Cockpit
to-morrow morning at the Lord Treasurer's
own house (in order to the ending the controversy
herein), a box which came from Calais and the
delivery of which to Lady Roberts was directed by
Treasurer Danby's warrant of Feb. 16 last : a dispute
having [since] arisen between said Lady Roberts
and Mris. Lowther about the property of said
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in
forthwith (and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue)
250l. to the Earl and Countess of Lindsey for last
Lady day quarter on their pension of 1,000l. per an.
Out Letters (General)
p. 240.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the
Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise to
pay said tallies) for 50l. for a quarter on Mr. Proger's
pension : in the margin [for] Lady Sandys.
Ibid, p. 241.
Money warrant for 48l. 16s. 0d. to the church wardens
of St. Michael's, Cornhill, London, for four years
to June 24 last on their perpetuity of 12l. 4s. 0d.
per an. (Charles Bertie dated April 15 to the Auditor
of the Receipt to issue same and to the Customs
Cashier to bring same in notwithstanding the letter
of March 5 last.)
Money Book (General)
p. 241. Out Letters
(General) p. 241.
Same for 400l. to Sir Jonathan Atkins, Kt., for half
a year to Lady day last on his allowance as Governor
of Barbados : to be paid by tallies on the Farmers
of [the Four and a Half per cent. duty in] Barbados.
(Charles Bertie dated May 24 to said Farmers to pay
same preceding any other payment whatsoever.)
Money Book (General)
p. 242. Out Letters
(General) p. 255.
Same for 455l. to Bevil Skelton for a quarter's ordinary
to March 27 last as Envoy Extraordinary to the
Emperor of Germany.
Money Book (General)
p. 242.
Same for 150l. to Anne, Countess Dowager Marischal
for last Lady day quarter on her pension of
600l. per an. (Charles Bertie dated April 16 to
the Receivers of Excise to bring same in and to
the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.)
Ibid, p. 242. Out Letters
(General) p. 241.
Same for 38l. to John, Lord Frescheville for same on
same of 152l. per an.
Money Book (General)
p. 242.
Same for 100l. to Dame Anne Windham for same
on same of 400l. per an. (Charles Bertie dated May 31
to the Customs Cashier to bring in forthwith, and
same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.)
Ibid, p. 242. Out Letters
(General) p. 259.
Same for 125l. to Henry Savile for one quarter on his
pension of 500l. per an. (for Mris. Hamilton). (Charles
Bertie dated May 2 to the Auditor of the Receipt
to pay same, which the Customs Cashier will bring
Money Book (General)
p. 242. Out Letters
(General) p. 248.
Same for 14,300l. to Samll. Pepys, Treasurer of the
garrison of Tangier, as imprest for a quarter's pay
of said garrison to March 31 last. Likewise same
for 3,050l. 14s. 10d. to same as in further part of an
arrear of 27,767l. 6s. 3d. which was postponed for
several years past.
Money Book (General)
p. 242.
Same for 38l. 6s. 8d. to Timothy Whitfield for half
a year to Lady day last on his several fees and
allowances as Clerk of the Foreign Estreats. (Charles
Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring same in with
respect, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt to
issue same.)
Ibid, p. 243. Out Letters
(General) p. 243.
Same for 140l. 7s. 0d. to Anthony Segar for disbursements
for [incidents for] the Treasury Office for
last Lady day quarter : and 10l. for same quarter's
salary. (Letters ut supra dated April 18 : to be
brought in forthwith.)
Money Book (General)
p. 243.
Privy seal requiring and authorising the Duke of
Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to give licence
to Robert Bridges and William Bridges, of London,
gentlemen, or such as they shall appoint, to ship
and export out of Ireland 10,000l. in English or
other coin there current, to be imported to England
for their own use "they having already obliged
themselves here not to carry the same elsewhere" :
all notwithstanding any law, etc., to the contrary :
the said Robert and William Bridges having some
time since by permission and authority of the King
caused the sum of 36,565l. 4s. 0d. of English coin
(by them advanced and lent to the King for paying
off the Military List in the establishment of Ireland
to Sept. 29 last) to be transported into Ireland for
that purpose ; which [sum] being now in course
of repayment to them monthly out of the revenue
of Ireland pursuant to the patent in that behalf,
they desire to bring back said 10,000l.
King's Warrant Book VI.
p. 13.