Nature and Substance of the Entry.
Nov. 12.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's
Remembrancer. Process of extent was formerly
awarded against Thomas Browne, late Receiver
of Hearthmoney and of the last Eighteen Months'
tax in cos. Oxford and Berks and against John
Browne, one of his sureties. Thereupon an inquisition
was taken 1674-5, Jan. 27, before the sheriff
of Oxford, when it was found that Edward
Backwell by bond dated 1672-3, Feb. 14, stood
bound to said Thomas Browne in 2,880l. conditioned
to pay 1,440l., and that Sir Robert Vyner, Henry
Lewis and Richard Stratford, citizens and goldsmiths
of London, by bond dated 1671, July 6,
were bound to said John Browne in 2,800l. conditioned
to pay 1,400l. The sheriff of Surrey seized
said bond. Upon return hereof, process of scire
facias issued against said Backwell, Vyner, Lewis
and Stratford, but by Treasurer Danby's warrants
of 1675, June 9 and 19, said process was stopped
by reason of the moneys owing from the King
to said goldsmiths. The King has since given
satisfaction to said goldsmiths, and nevertheless the
above said debts remain unsatisfied. Said
Thomas and John Brown are directed to be forthwith
required to satisfy what they owe to the King,
and to be at liberty to pursue their remedy against
said goldsmiths, and the said warrants of 1675,
June 9 and 19, are hereby revoked.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. pp. 119-20.
Same from same to Auditor Aldworth for a particular
of the office of Keeper of Records or Clerk of the
Court of St. Mary's near York, as petitioned for
by Nicholas Batersby, gent., loco Joseph Scudamoro,
now deceased.
Ibid, p. 120.
Entry of [Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet
of] a demise by in custodiam lease under the
Exchequer seal to Anne Sankey of certain lands
and tenements of Henry Harvey, outlaw, in co.
Lincoln, at 2s. 3½d. per an. rent and fine of 4s. 7d.
Ibid, p. 121.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to open at William Chiffinch's lodgings
at Whitehall, and to deliver, Customs free, a box
lately brought from France to Dover and directed
to the Duchess of Portsmouth.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 373.
Same from same to same to deliver (upon payment
of the duty and satisfaction to the officers) a seizure
of nine small parcels of calicoes and East India
silks, seized by Samll. Stretch for nonpayment of
duties, and now in the warehouse, London port ;
the same being the goods of several poor seamen
who are willing to pay the duties.
Same from same to same to direct the officers at
Dover to permit the export, Customs free, of
12 horses which the Duke of Monmouth signifies
are to be sent as a present from his Majesty to the
King of France.
Ibid, p. 374.
Same from same to the Customs Cashier to pay
13l. to Sir Joseph Jordan for last Sept. 29 quarter
on the fee of 52l. per an. to his son Joseph as a
King's waiter, London port, and dormant warrant
for same in future to Sir Joseph during the
minority of his son. (Charles Bertie dated Dec. 14
to the Customs Cashier to pay said salary of
52l. per an. as above.)
Money Book (General)
p. 155. Out Letters
(General) p. 189.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a warrant dated
1674, Dec. 4 for tallies on the Excise for the
pension of 500l. per an. to Col. Thomas Howard
of Suffolk, as granted by the patent of 1674, Oct. 4
(ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. IV., p. 577),
for two years from 1674, Sept. 29, and of a further
pension of 300l. per an. for life from 1676,
Midsummer. Treasurer Danby hereby underwrites
the said warrant thus : "let tallies of assignment
be levied for the 300l. per an. mentioned in this
warrant as the same now is or shall grow due."
Money Book (General)
p. 156.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies
on the Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise
to pay said tallies) for 187l. for half a quarter of
Visct. Ranelagh's pension and for 125l. for the like
on Lord Hatton's pension.
Out Letters (General)
p. 172.
Same to same to issue 187l. 10s. 0d. each to Sir John
Nicholas, Sir Robert Southwell, Sir Phillip Lloyd
for three quarters to Sept. 29 last, and 125l. to
Sir Thomas Doleman for half a year to same time as
Clerks of the Privy Council. (Same dated Nov. 12 to
the Customs Cashier to bring in 687l. 10s. 0d. for
the above with respect to the weekly payments :
same dated 1677-8, Jan. 19, to bring same in notwithstanding
any former restriction.)
Nov. 13.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver (on payment of ad valorem
duty and satisfaction to the officer) a seizure of
19 old pictures, an old bed, bolsters, pillows and
rugs brought from Rotterdam on the Griffin, Derick
Raines, master, for Mr. Thomas Smith of Southwark,
dyer ; same being now in the warehouse, London
port : same being not new, but having been
formerly in use in Holland.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 374.
Reference from same to same of the petition of
Col. Thomas Napier praying to be qualified with
powers to prosecute to conviction, etc., persons
transgressing the Act of 22 and 23 Car. II. concerning
Plantation trade : he to be accomptable to the King
for forfeitures which shall arise thereupon :
petitioner herein relying on the promise of the
King's royal bounty "and he shall endeavour to
prevent for the future the like abuses, by going
to the several ports in Ireland to that purpose."
Prefixing : (a). Note of a preceding petition from
said Napier, which petition was referred to the
Attorney General May 31 last. ("Entered in the
Letter Book." This Letter Book is lost.)
(b). The Attorney General's report to Treasurer
Danby thereon dated June 8 last. It is not legal
for the King to grant to petitioner his Majesty's
moiety of the forfeitures arising by this Act. But
if petitioner make discoveries and procure condemnations
of ships or vessels for breach thereof
the King may grant as royal bounty to petitioner
so much of the said moiety as the King thinks fit.
"I think your Lordship may order the Commissioners
of the Customs to give unto the petitioner from
time to time a list of all ships and vessels which
lade commodities in the Plantations, and a list of
the bonds taken by the governors of the Plantations
which list the Act of 22 and 23 Car. II. do require
the Governors of the Plantations to return" to
the Customs Commissioners : by which copies the
transgressors may be the better found out.
Ibid, p. 378b.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer
to forbear process against Thomas Harlachenden,
late Receiver of Poll money, co. Kent, he
having undertaken to clear his account the first
day of Hilary term next.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 121.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] for
tallies on the Excise (and same to the Receivers
of Excise to pay said tallies) for 312l. 10s. 0d. for half a
quarter on the Duke of Buckingham's 2,500l. per an.
Out Letters (General)
p. 173.
Same to same to pay (and same to the Customs Cashier
to bring in with respect, etc.) 40l. each to James
Bowles and Thomas Bignal for one year's salaries
as two of his Majesty's yeomen prickers of the privy
Money warrant for 250l. to Robert, Earl of Lindsey,
and Elizabeth, Countess of Lindsey, for last
Sept. 29 quarter on their pension of 1,000l. per an.
See supra p. 776.
Money Book (General)
p. 156.
Same for 100l. to John Ramsey for half a year to
Christmas last for salary for his service in soliciting
in divers suits in the King's behalf. (Charles
Bertie dated Nov. 2 [sic for ? Nov. 26] to the
Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.)
Ibid, p. 156. Out Letters
(General) p. 183.
Same for 200l. to William Levett for one year on his
pension. (Same dated Nov. 16 to same to issue
and same to the Customs Cashier to bring same in
Money Book (General)
p. 156. Out Letters
(General) p. 174.
Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the
Customs Cashier to pay Sir John Shaw's fee or
salary of 466l. 13s. 4d. as Collector Inward, London
port, and 500l. per an. as Surveyor of the Act of
Navigation ; what is due thereon and as same shall
grow due in future.
Money Book (General)
p. 156.
Nov. 14.
Same from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for
tallies on the Collectors or Receivers of the Tenths
of the dioceses of York, Exeter, Winchester,
Lincoln and Sarum for the 100l. per an. annuity
or pension granted to John Rogers and Anne his wife
(daughter of Richard Pendrell) by the great seal
of July 7 last, ut supra, p. 647 under date June 1 ;
viz., for what is grown due thereon and for what
shall grow due quarterly in future.
Nov. 15.
Same from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Cashier to pay the fee of 52l. each (as already
grown due and as same shall grow due for
the future) to the following 15 of the King's
waiters, London port, viz., Gerard Andrews,
Nicho. Park, John Marshall, Francis Roberts,
Hugh Bantock, John Shaw, John Bowles, Andr.
Haines, Samll. Ward, Francis Dacket, Lawr. Corbet,
Samll. Danvers, Tho. Raymond, Samll. Phillips
and German Hough. (Charles Bertie dated Nov. 15
to same to pay 78l. each to the first ten as above
for 1½ years to 1676, June 24, and 26l. to Raymond
for half a year to same time, and 13l. to Phillips
for a quarter to same time "to pay up these officers
equally to Midsummer, 1676.")
Ibid, p. 157. Out Letters
(General) p. 175.
Royal sign manual for 115l. 11s. 0d. to Capt. Francis
Rainsford in full satisfaction for his pains and disbursements
in raising, keeping and embarking
57 men for the recruits of the two companies at
the island of St. Christopher, a bill of which disbursements
is signed and allowed by several of the
Lords of the Committee for Foreign Plantations
the 8th inst. (Money warrant dated Nov. 22
hereon. Charles Bertie dated Nov. 28 to the
Customs Cashier to bring said sum into the Exchequer
notwithstanding any former restriction ; and
to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 437. Money Book
(General) p. 161. Out
Letters (General) p. 183.
Commission or power of attorney in Latin, dated
from Whitehall, from the King to William Henry,
Prince of Orange, authorising him to receive, and
appointing him the King's deputy for the receipt
of, the 600,000 patacons still remaining due to
England from the States General : the said States
General having by the treaty of 9-19 Feb., 1673-4,
agreed to pay 800,000 patacons, a quarter thereof
on ratification of the treaty and the remainder
by equal portions in the three succeeding years,
whereof the said first instalment of 200,000 patacons
has been received by Edward Backwell for the King
as the King's procurator therefor. The said
Prince is hereby empowered to give acquittances
and the King promises to approve whatever said
Prince shall do therein by virtue of this Commission.
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 432.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to permit the shipment to Holland,
Customs free, of the baggage of the Prince of Orange
containing 196 parcels of trunks, coffers, cases and
bales, and 41 portmantles, one piece of French
wine and several cases of hats.
Appending : Note of said baggage as signed by
P. Issac (Comptroller of his Highness's Household)
and Monsr. Bentinck (Chamberlain).
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 374.
The like warrant for the Princess of Orange's baggage
as by the like note certified by Sir Gabriel Sylvyus.
Appending : Said note : (25 trunks for the Princess,
22 trunks for the Steward and his lady, 20 trunks
for the Gent of the Horse, 8 trunks for the Secretary,
8 for the Queen's Gentlemen, 15 trunks for 3 Maids
of Honour, 20 trunks for 4 women of the Bedchamber,
10 trunks for the Mother of the Maids,
14 trunks for the laundry maids, 4 trunks for
the Querry, 2 trunks for the Chaplain, 4 trunks
for the Clerk, 9 trunks for the Pages of the Backstairs,
2 trunks for the Pages of Honor, 3 trunks
for the Butler, 14 trunks for the Earl and Countess of
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies
on the Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise
to pay said tallies) for 500l. for a quarter on the
Earl of Arlington's pension of 2,000l. per an.
Out Letters (General)
p. 182.
Nov. 16.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to permit goods as below to be imported,
Customs free, being consigned to Charles, Count de
Appending : Said Count's note of said goods, viz.,
cases of crystal glasses, wax and comfets in a ship
from Venice, Capt. Dare ; some plate in a ship
from Hamburg, Capt. Lenard Bushel master,
some furniture in a ship from Zealand, Richard
Vitles master.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 375.
Instructions from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners in reply to their representation
of the 12th inst. (1) You are to accept
the proposed surety of Thomas Kirkby as Collector
of Wisbech (viz., Roger Thornton and
Robert Minors in 500l.) (2) You are to remove
Walter Ettrick, Collector of Sunderland, to be
Collector of Portsmouth at his present salary,
and John Pocock, present Collector and Surveyor
of Portsmouth, to be Collector of Sunderland
at his present salary. You are to dismiss John
Cooke, tidesman at Yarmouth, as unfit. No person
is to be put in his place and his salary of 20l. is
to be divided, viz., 5l. each to William Barker and
George Sutton, the two weighers there, and 10l.
to an able officer at Lestolf [Lowestoft] "but not to be
applicable to the present officer." (4) You are to
allow 10l. per an. to John Jackson, Collector at
Southwold, as incidents commencing from Sept. 29
last [viz.] for keeping a horse, and he is
to be deputed as riding surveyor upon those
coasts, viz., from Bawdsey Ferry to Yarmouth.
(5) You are to pay an arrear of 19l. due to Mrs. Anne
May for rent for the [Customs] Office at Gravesend
for 4¾ years before my order of Jan. 26 for paying
the growing rent thereof, said office having been
made use of ever since the beginning of your Commission.
(6) You are to insert in the establishment 5l.
per an. from Sept. 29 last as additional to the 10l.
per an. for the waiter at Torquay, which you inform
me is a place of consequence to the revenue for preventing
frauds, and requires a diligent and able
officer. (7) You are to treat with Mr. Sansom as to
the terms for sending him as officer into Ireland and
prepare his instructions and submit them to me.
(8) The ship Chichester, of Penzance, imported to
Penzance a parcel of oats and wheat and delivered
and paid duty for the oats and desired leave, being
leaky, to tranship the wheat for a foreign market,
which liberty you could not grant without her
paying Custom for said wheat, as she had broken
bulk, so that she adventured to sea again for a foreign
market, but after two days at sea was forced back
again by leakiness and was permitted to tranship the
wheat on giving bond. You are to deliver up the said
bond. (9) You are to nominate some one for collecting
the Plantation duty in New England, that I may
present a fit officer to his Majesty in case of objection
against Mr. Randolph as obnoxious to the hatred of
the people. (10) You are to restore Paul Badcock
as tidesman in fee, he being dismissed upon his
confession that he had taken 40s. by way of composition
for East India goods seized by him. I am
willing this should be done, because the goods were
sent into the King's warehouse and no fraud was
intended to the King's prejudice, and he has otherwise
demeaned himself well, and lost one
of his eyes formerly for doing his duty.
(11) You are to discharge the surcharge of
5l. 12s. 11d. in the account of Mr. Southcote, late
Collector of Penryn, deceased, for not taking the
1 per cent. duty for goods exported in the ship
Freind, of Plymouth : all in like manner as the
Collector of Truro was discharged in like case.
(12) You are forthwith to dismiss Humphrey
Atweeke, the waiter at Milton, and your solicitor
is to prosecute him for certifying that 48 chalder
of coals were landed out of the ship Improvement
in that port which you are informed were not landed
there, but at Calais, for landing whereof he says
he took the master's word, who it seems is since
dead, and the oversea duty [was accordingly by
this fraud] not paid. (13) You are henceforth to
observe my order of 1676, June 15, for putting the
patent landwaiters on duty, and retrenching so many
of the commission landwaiters as they should fall
void. To this end I have revoked my order of Oct. 17
last for Thomas Barber to be a landwaiter without
salary. (14) You are to forthwith execute my
warrants of Oct. 16 and 19 last by issuing deputations
to John Wynne and John Bell to be tidesmen in
fee instead of John Light and Robt. Knipe,
deceased, but nevertheless you are hereafter to
observe my order of 1676, Aug. 23, for retrenching
to 50 the number of extraordinary tidesmen.
(15) You are to employ Robert Griffith and Henry
Davies as tidesmen at Swansea with the salary
of 20s. [sic ? 20l.] per an. each ; the collector of
said port and the Riding Surveyor of South Wales
having represented that it will be necessary to
establish such officers there for prevention of frauds.
(16) I approve the estimate presented by the officers
of Bristol port and Mr. Dunstar, one of the Surveyor
Generals, viz., for the establishment of the smack
built by my order for the service of Bristol port,
same amounting to 182l. 4s. 0d. per an. besides
wear and tear and incidents. (17) Your solicitor
is to prosecute the recovery of the debt due to the
King in the account of Peter Hadgedett, junr., late
Collector at Exeter. (18) You have lately dismissed
Thomas Minshall, waiter at Moston, and
John Massy, waiter at Flint, with 20l. per an. salary
each. You are to retrench the place at Flint and
establish 25l. per an. for Richard Fleming as waiter
at Moston, who is to take care of Flint as well :
the remaining 15l. retrenched is to be applied to
a waiter and searcher at Meols.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
pp. 375-8.
Warrants from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to issue deputations or Commissions as
follow :
Antho. Watts to seize uncustomed and prohibited
Daniell Russell for the like in the port of
Yarmouth and its members.
Jeremiah Arnold for the like within the city of
London and the liberties thereof.
Thomas Williamson as tidesman at Stockton,
to go down with the boat as far as Hartlepool
for prevention of frauds ; with the salary of 10l.
per an. to be added to the establishment of Stockton
Andrew Ashton as landwaiter and searcher
at Liverpool, loco William Ellison, dismissed.
John Banton as commander of the smack lately
built for the service of Bristol port.
John Tooth as boatman and tidesman at Dover.
John Tregosse as collector at St. Ives, loco Mr. Hicks,
James Farrer as tidesman and boatman at
Liverpool, loco Henry Stevenson, dismissed.
William Jackson as boatman at Hull, loco John
Rotheram, deceased.
Thomas Wale as waiter at Cowland, loco
— Broad, who has absented himself.
John Yates as waiter and searcher at Meols.
William Clinch as tidesman at Falmouth, loco
Fran. Colquitt, dismissed.
Samuel Lanhathorne as boatman at Falmouth,
loco Tho. Perkins dismissed.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 379.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet of a great
seal for a grant to George Browne, Esq., and his
heirs of the office of Gunfounder and the sole casting
and making of all his Majesty's brass and iron
ordnance, guns and mortar pieces and also the office
of gunstone maker and of contriving, casting and
making of all his Majesty's granados, iron bullets
and shot : with the fee of 4s. a day out of the
Exchequer : all for 27 years from the determination
of the 21 years granted him in the premises by the
patent of 1660, Sept. 24.
Docquet Book, p. 169.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in to the
Exchequer with respect, etc., 276l. 10s. 0d. for
three quarters to Sept. 29 last on the Lord Privy
Seal's fee of 20s. a day and 538l. for his Lordship's
diet money. (Same to same dated Dec. 21 to pay
same forthwith.)
Out Letters (General)
p. 170.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier
to pay 250l. to George Nicholas for half a year
to Sept. 29 last on his salary as Surveyor General
of Customs.
Money Book (General)
p. 157.
Royal sign manual for 75l. 4s. 9d. to John Warner,
Master of the King's barges, for interest due to
him on an order No. 781 for 1,254l. registered on
the Hearthmoney and payable to him in compensation
for two houses at Greenwich purchased from
him by the King : viz., for the interest thereon
from 1676, Sept. 29, to 1677, Sept. 29 : "which
interest he hath humbly besought us may be paid
unto him, and we being generously inclined to
grant the petitioner's request." (Money warrant
dated Nov. 19 hereon. Charles Bertie dated
Dec. 11 to the Customs Cashier to bring in with
respect, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt
to issue said 75l. 4s. 9d.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 433. Money Book
(General) p. 158. Out
Letters (General) p. 188.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue
(and same to the Receivers of Excise to bring in
forthwith) 1,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox to pay off two
orders in his name, viz., for 500l. to the Earl of
Lichfield and for 500l. to the Earl of Sussex.
Out Letters (General)
p. 174.
Same to same to pay when the Customs Cashier brings
in the money (and same to the said Cashier to bring
same in) for the order of Oct. 31 last for 227l. 10s. 0d.
to Sir Richard Bulstrode ut supra, p. 767.
Ibid, p. 173.
The like letters for 25l. to Mr. Corbin for half a year
to Sept. 29 last on his fee or salary as Surveyor
of woods beyond Trent. (To be brought in with
respect, etc.)
Ibid, p. 174.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Sir William Jones,
Attorney General. On reference of a petition
of Richard Hill, et al masters of the pacquet boats
at Dover, the Customs Commissioners have reported
that the officers of Dover port certify that it is
impracticable for the masters of said pacquet boat
to declare upon oath in the open Custom House
the contents of their lading outwards, and to take
regular despatches as other ships do before they
depart the port, and that it would be inconsistent
to their duty of attendance on the mail and that
it is but rarely possible for them to perform the
same ; and [the Commissioners further report]
that the officer who has exhibited an information in
the Exchequer against the petitioners on the Act
of Frauds for not doing so has been with the said
Commissioners and declares himself willing to
desist any further prosecution upon payment of his
reasonable charges. You are therefore to enter
a noli prosequi to the said information.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 380.
Same from same to the Clerks of the Chapel
of the Rolls to make and send to him copies
of the grants to Sir Robt. Harley, Sir Ralph
Freeman and Mr. Slingsby of the office of Master
and Worker of the Mint, and also of the several
[Mint] indentures between the King and the said
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 121.
Nov. 17.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier, with respect
to the weekly payments, to pay Mr. Goldesborough's
tally for 200l. lately struck on the Customs.
Out Letters (General)
p. 175.
Same to same to bring in with respect (and same
to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue) 25l. for
half a year on Capt. Read's pension of 50l. per an.
Ibid, p. 176.
Money warrant for 60l. to Sir John Berry for three
years to Lady day last on his salary of 20l. per an.
as Capt. of Deal Castle as by the patent of 1674,
July 7. (Charles Bertie dated Nov. 21 to the
Customs Cashier to bring in said 60l. notwithstanding
any former restriction and same to the Auditor of the
Receipt to issue same.)
Money Book (General)
p. 157. Out Letters
(General) p. 177.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Law Duty
Farmers to pay to Fabian Phillips 100l. for half
a year's salary as assistant and deputy Comptroller
to Sir Robert Atkins, junr., Comptroller General
of the accounts of said duty. (Charles Bertie to
same dated Nov. 19 to pay off this warrant for 100l.)
Money Book (General)
p. 158. Out Letters
(General) p. 176.
Allowance by Treasurer Danby of 40l. to John
Prowse, Esq., Sheriff of Somerset for the year ending
1676, Sept. 29, being craved by him as paid to
William Periam, Thomas Periam, et al for apprehending
John Beavis, Robert Norsse, Thomas
Norsse and Richard Dently who were executed
for robbing on the highway : two justices having
certified the apprehension and the parties having
given acquittances to the sheriff.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 122.
Warrant from same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant
to Nicholas Battersby, gent., during pleasure,
of the office of Keeper of the House of Evidence,
near the scite of the late monastery of St. Marie,
near the walls of York, with the fees of 40s. and
13s. 4d. per an. payable out of the profits of the
said court "to the end the revenues arising thereby
may be duly answered" (the previous grant of
said office of 1666, July 6, having granted said fees
as payable by the Receiver General for co. Yorks).
Prefixing : Note of the particular of said office.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Charles Bertie,
William Wardour, Clerk of the Pells, and the Deputy
Chamberlains of the Exchequer. It has appeared to
the King that a very considerable sum of his Majesty's
cash charged to be remaining in the hands of
Sir William Doyly. Kt., one of the Four Tellers
of the Exchequer, is wanting and not specifically
[in specie] in the [his said] office, but unduly made
use of by him, and that other Tellers of the Exchequer
have formerly been criminal in the like practice.
His Majesty having weighed the evil precedents
of this nature and the dangerous consequence that
may attend the same, and being fully satisfied
that it is unsafe to entrust such officers with the
custody of his treasure, has commanded me to
suspend said Doyly from office until his Majesty's
pleasure be further known, and to take the following
course for securing such treasure. Said Doyly is
accordingly suspended, and you are forthwith
to repair to the several offices of the said four
Tellers and exactly to inspect the cash which each
Teller has really remaining in his office, and how
the same agrees with what he is, or ought to be,
charged with ; and particularly that you take an
exact account from said Doyly of what moneys
he is chargeable with to the King, and cause him
to pay over so much thereof as is now remaining
in his office to the other Tellers or such of them
whose cash shall not be found to be wanting who
are duly to charge themselves and discharge Doyly
of what shall be so paid over. And said Doyly
is to forbear all further execution of his office till
further order.
Memorandum : After this warrant was executed it
was committed to Mr. Wardour to keep.
(22 Nov., 1677).
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 122.
Same from same to the King's Remembrancer
for process of immediate extent against Tho.
Fisher and John Luffe, of Bristol, merchants,
upon their joint bonds of 1676, Aug. 15, for
209l., of 1676, Oct. 9, for 51l., of 1676, May 11,
for 84l., of 1676, May 20, for 95l. and of 1676,
Aug. 8, for 109l. : it appearing by a letter of the
14th inst. to the Customs Commissioners from
Jno. Romsey, Esq., Collector of Bristol, that they
do abscond themselves so that said debts are in
danger to be lost.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 380.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to permit
30 horses belonging to the Prince of Orange to
be shipped for Holland, Customs free.
Same from same to same to deliver, Customs free,
a box in the warehouse, London port, containing
gloves, fans, Naples soap and Boulogne [Bologna]
wash balls belonging to Mr. Denis Rolle (Rolls).
Ibid, p. 381.
Nov. 18.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to accomodate
Mr. Hyde with the advance of the money due upon
tallies for 3,560l. on the Customs : for which Treasurer
Danby will allow you interest as for other advances.
Out Letters (General)
p. 178.
Nov. 19.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General
for a great seal for a grant and demise to Thomas,
Lord Colepeper of all the benefit, profit and sums
of money that shall grow due to the King, his heirs
and successors upon any fine or fines levied in the
Common Pleas in respect of fines pro licentia concordandi,
commonly called Post Fines, to hold
the same for 48 years in reversion of and after the
determination of the grant formerly made thereof
to Thomas, late Earl of Berkshire and Sir Robert
Howard his son for 48 years from 1660, June 24. The
present grant to Colepeper to be under the rental
of 2,276l. per an. payable during the said 48 years in
like manner as the like rent is payable for the
term now in being.
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 433.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, to David
Rowland for the Queen's use the following, consigned
from Lisbon in the ship Content for her Majesty,
viz., 4 chests of wax candles for the Queen's chapel,
6 boxes of sweet meats, a small cask with sweet
water, 2 quarter casks with gammons of bacon.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 381.
Reference from same to same of the petition of Thomas
Duck for discharge of the seizure of the ship Amity,
of Jamaica, seized for importing from Holland
against the Act of Frauds.
Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the
Duke of Ormonde's report dated Oct. 6 last made
to the King upon William Muschamp's petition.
Said petition sets forth that petitioner did good
service as a commissioner in Ireland and in
advancing the farm of the Irish revenue and in
hopes for a considerable reward for his said service
presumed to receive several sums of money from
several collectors of the Customs and Excise with
assurances that the same would be allowed and
more granted to him for his said service, but now
is prosecuted for 400l. 9s. 7d. by the late Commissioners
of the Treasury at Dublin : and therefore
prays the King to discharge the said suit and to
acquit Visct. Ranelagh and partners from so much
or otherwise to recompence petitioner, that he
may be able to pay the debt himself. Said petition
being referred to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
Sept. 24 last, the Duke of Ormonde thereon reported
that petitioner has been very active and diligent
in managing the revenue in Ireland and is deserving
of favour. Said report being referred to Treasurer
Danby Oct. 19 last, the latter hereby agrees
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 124.
Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the
Customs Cashier to pay Roger Charnock the fee of
52l. per an. as a King's waiter, London port, viz.,
for Michaelmas quarter last thereon and as same
shall grow due in future. (Charles Bertie dated
Nov. 19 to same to pay 13l. for said quarter.)
Money Book (General)
p. 157. Out Letters
(General) p. 176.
Letter of direction on 5,500l. in part of an order of
the 9th inst. for 20,000l. to Charles Bertie for secret
service as by the privy seal of Oct. 31 last : 5,000l.
thereof to be hereby by tallies on the Excise and
500l. on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment
due Sept. 19 next.
Money Book (General)
p. 158.
Letter of direction on an order of the 3rd inst. for
1,222l. 15s. 0d. to Lemuel Kingdon to be paid to
the Lieutenant of Dover Castle for one year to
Sept. 29 last for Arcliffe bulwark, etc., ut supra,
p. 764 : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on
the Law Duty Farmers.
Money Book (General)
p. 158.
Money warrant for 600l. to Joannah Mayer, widow
of Col. John Mayer, in full satisfaction of her claims
and pretensions for said Colonel's services in order
to the Restoration and for the moneys which he
disbursed to the soldiers under him in his government
of Berwick : to be paid out of such Hearthmoney
arrears as are or shall be paid into the Exchequer
on the account of George Clerke, late Receiver
thereof for Devon and Cornwall for 2½ years to
1671, Sept. 29, and out of the arrears of any of the
Receivers of the last subsidy that shall come into
the Exchequer next after the payment of the order
assigned to Mr. Boone.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] for
tallies on the First Fruits for 500l. for last Sept. 29
quarter on the Earl of Oxford's pension.
Out Letters (General)
p. 176.
Same to same for tallies on the Excise (and same to the
Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies) for 750l.
for 1½ years to Sept. 29 last on Lord Byron's pension
of 500l. per an.
Nov. 20.
Reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition
of John Barcroft (referred from the King to
Treasurer Danby) for licence to export 1,000 todds
of combed wool to Guernsey for the use of the
King's subjects there.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 381.
Money warrant for 1,828l. to Sir Martin Westcombe
for 2½ years 1674-5, March 24, to 1677, Sept. 24,
on his ordinary of 40s. a day as Agent at Cadiz.
(Letter of direction dated Dec. 3 on an order dated
Nov. 26 hereon charging same to be paid by tallies
on the Customs. Charles Bertie dated Dec. 7 to
[the Customs Cashier] with respect to the weekly
payments to pay off the tally for said 1,828l.)
Money Book (General)
pp. 159, 165. Out
Letters (General)
p. 186.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to
pay to Mr. Sandys, Page of Honour to the Queen,
for a quarter on his pension the 30l. which the
Customs Cashier will bring in.
Out Letters (General)
p. 177.
Same to the Customs Cashier to bring into the
Exchequer 650l. to be issued to the Countess of
Kinnoul. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to
issue same in part of her warrant for 1,150l.)