Nature and Substance of the Entry
July 11.
Charles Bortie to the Commissioners and Receivers
of Excise. You are to receive immediately from
the Farmers [of Excise] 13,800l. received by them
for advance money on the [Excise sub]farm
of Wales and the Northern Counties. Thereout
you are to pay 8,385l. 7s. 11d. to the Duchess of
Portsmouth "to redeem her Grace's jewels, the
said sum being the debt the 24th day of June last.
And you are also to satisfy the interest of the said
sum grown due since. (Struck through.) My
Lord Treasurer has directed the striking of tallies
for your regular discharge for this money, which
I will take care to see done ; but in the meantime
earnestly desire that the jewels may be delivered
to her Grace as soon as is possible. I do not mention
the interest due since Midsummer, because my
Lord Treasurer intends to speak with you and
Mr. Dashwood about it."
Out Letters (General)
p. 114.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay 50l. to
Mr. Culliford for last June 24 quarter's salary as
Register of Seizures.
Out Letters (General)
p. 114.
Privy seal for 1,500l. to Lawrence Hyde for equipage
and 100l. a week as ordinary as one of the
Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries
for the Treaty of Peace to be held at Nimuegen :
his ordinary to be paid quarterly, the first quarter
in advance : and further for his extraordinaries
(for intelligence, expresses and other private and
extraordinary services) as by bills to be allowed
in the usual way. (Treasurer Danby's subscription
dated July 9 of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 390. Docquet Book,
p. 150.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier
to pay 366l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Edmd. Turnor for one
year to Lady day last on his salary as Surveyor
of the outports. (Charles Bertie to same of same date
to pay same with respect to the weekly payments.)
Money Book (General
p. 98. Out Letters
(General) p. 115.
Money warrant for 150l. to Mris. Sophia Steward
for half a year on her pension of 300l. per an. (Charles
Bertie dated July 7 [sic? erratum for July 11] to
the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.)
Money Book (General
p. 98. Out Letters
(General) p. 113.
Same for 1,500l. to Lawrence Hyde for equipage,
ut supra, and [1,300l. for] a quarter's advance of
his ordinary from the day of his departure out of
the King's presence. (Charles Bertie to the
Auditor of the Receipt dated July 16 to pay same
which is to be brought in [by the Customs Cashier]
with respect to the weekly payments : and same
dated July 18 to the Customs Cashier to bring same
in notwithstanding any former restriction.)
Money Book (General
p. 99. Out Letters
(General) p. 115.
July 13.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of Richard Gregory's
bill for last June 24 quarter's attendance upon the
Lord Treasurer in his Majesty's special affairs.
Money Book (General
p. 101.
July 14.
Warrant under the royal sign manual to Treasurer
Danby to give warrant to the officers of Woodstock
Park to fell 10 tons of timber where the same may
be most conveniently cut in said park : to be
employed in repairing the lodges, rails, pales, stiles,
floodgates and bridges within said park. (Treasurer
Danby's warrant dated July 18 accordingly to the
Comptroller, Surveyor and other officers of said
park : the offal of said timber to be sold and the
proceeds applied towards bearing the charges of said
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 394. Warrants not
Relating to Money VII.
p. 88.
Letter of direction upon an order dated June 30
last for 455l. to Bevil Skelton for a quarter's
ordinary to June 27 as Envoy Extraordinary
to the Emperor of Germany : same to be hereby
satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors'
payment due March 15 next.
Money Book (General)
p. 99.
Same on same dated June 7 last for 366l. to William
Perwich for a quarter's ordinary to March 25 last :
to be hereby satsfied as above.
Money warrant for 57l. 10s. 0d. to John Chase for
half a year to June 24 last on his feo of 115l. per an.
as Apothecary in Ordinary to the King. (Usual
letters dated July 20 to the Customs and Exchequer :
to be brought in with respect, etc.)
Ibid, p. 99. Out Letters
(General) p. 120.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Richard Kent, the
Customs Cashier, to pay 50l. to Mris. Juliana
Conningsby, now wife of Amias Hexft, for last
June 24 quarter on her pension of 200l. per an.
Money Book (General)
p. 99.
Same from same to pay 10,000l. to the Treasurer of the
Ordnance in the present month of July and the like
sum in August next in pursuance of the warrant of
1676, Oct. 27, to Richard Mounteney, the then
Cashier of the Customs, to pay 10,000l. in June,
10,000l. in July and 10,000l. in Aug. of the year
1677 : which last two payments cannot be made
by said Mounteney by reason of the determination
of his receipt at Midsummer last : the tallies
struck on Mounteney are to be taken [as acquittances]
for the value hereof.
Money warrant for 37l. 10s. 0d. to Charles Giffard, Esq.,
for last June 24 quarter on his pension of 150l. per an.
(Usual letters dated July 27 to the Customs and
Exchequer : to be brought in with respect,
Ibid, p. 99, Out Letters
(General) p. 128.
Same for 125l. to Lord Lucas for same quarter on his
pension of 500l. per an. (Like letters ut supra
dated July 27.)
Money Book (General)
p. 99. Out Letters
(General) p. 127.
Same for 4,447l. 4s. 7d. to the Earl of Arlington
for letters, pacquets and despatches carried free
by him as Postmaster General from 1675, Dec.
31, to 1676, July 1 (2,167l. 3s. 7d.) and from 1676,
Jan. 30, to 1676-7, Jan. 1 (2,280l. 3s. 0d.) : to be by
tallies on the Customs.
Money Book (General)
p. 100.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Commissioners forwarding
from Treasurer Danby a paper from
the Committee of Trade for them to proceed thereon
as they think fit.
Out Letters (General)
p. 115.
Same to the Customs Cashier to bring in with
respect, etc., and same to the Auditor of the Receipt
to issue, 80l. to Mr. Rose for last June 24 quarter
on his allowance of 320l. for charges for keeping
St. James's Garden : and 60l. for same quarter
on his salary of 240l. per an.
Ibid, p. 116.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer
to stay proceedings against Henry Flory on his
paying in 13l. 12s. 11¼d. as one of the sureties of George
Pley, junr., Collector of Lyme port : it appearing
from said Flory's petition that he had been made
Surveyor of Lyme about the time of said Pley's
[first] suspension from his office, whereupon the
Customs Commissioners declared they could not
allow of one officer's being security for another,
and Flory being much dissatisfied with Pley's
dilatoriness in accompting and paying in his arrear
desired to be discharged ; but some time thereafter
Pley paid in his old arrear and was re-admitted
to his office ; that Flory, by reason of his attendance
on his Majesty's affairs had not opportunity since to
come to London for the delivery up of his bonds,
and now said Pley is run into a second arrear and
again suspended, and process is going forth not
only against his new security, but upon said Flory's
dormant bonds. From the Customs Commissioners
report on this petition of Flory's, it appears that
at the time of said Pley's re-admission to his office,
viz., at Michaelmas, 1674, there remained due
on his accompt the abovesaid sum of 13l. 12s. ll¼d.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. pp. 84-5.
Report from Treasurer Danby to the King on the petition
of Sir Robert Hamilton, praying payment of
500l., granted to him for his service in Ireland. Said
petition being referred to the Lord Lieutenant
May 26 last, the Lord Lieutenant reported June 19
last that there is no fund for this till a surplusage
shall accrue to the King above the establishments
[Ireland], which will not be till after Christmas, 1677.
The whole being referred to Treasurer Danby
June 29 last, he hereby reports that the payment
thereof should be charged on the surplus rent
payable by the Farmers of the Irish revenue over
and above the present establishments, and to be paid
out of same so soon as such surplus will answer it.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 90.
July 16.
Money warrant for 10,000l. to Ralph Montagu for the
Great Wardrobe in further part of the 40,000l. as
by the privy seal of May 23 last.
Money Book (General)
p. 100.
Same for 28l. to Lancelot Thornton (Thorneton) for
two years on his fee of 14l. per an. as Clerk of his
Majesty's Wardrobe. (The usual letters dated
July 16 to the Customs and Exchequer : to be paid
in with respect, etc.)
Ibid, p. 100. Out Letters
(General) p. 116.
Same for 112l. 10s. 0d. to Robert, Earl of Lindsey,
for two years on his allowance of 56l. 5s. 5d. per an.
as Warden of Waltham Forest, co. Essex, for
several fees payable to the Ranger and keepers of
the several walks within said Forest. (Letters
ut supra dated July 21.)
Money Book (General)
p. 100. Out Letters
(General) p. 122.
Same for 225l. to Lady Craven alias Mris. Margarett
Broughton for a year and half a quarter on her
pension of 200l. per an. (Letters, ut supra, dated
July 16.)
Money Book (General)
p. 100. Out Letters
(General) p. 117.
Letter of direction on an order of the 10th inst.
for 762l. 2s. 6d. to Ralph Montagu ut supra p. 680 ;
to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney
Contractors' payment due March 15 next.
Money Book (General)
p. 100.
Money warrant for 50,000l. to Richard Kent (for
repayment of the like sum which he lately lent
and paid into the Exchequer upon the credit of
the late Act for the Additional Excise) together
with 7 per cent, interest thereon to the time of
Ibid, p. 101.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in
with respect, etc., and same to the Auditor of the
Receipt to issue, 15l. 3s. 4d. to Andrew Lawrence
for last June 24 quarter on his 3s. 4d. a day for
riding charges as Surveyor of the Highways, etc.
Out Letters (General)
p. 115.
Same to same to bring in forthwith and same to same
to issue 1,000l. in part of Treasurer Danby's salary
for one quarter.
Ibid, p. 116.
The like letters for 25l. to Gervas Price for same
quarter's allowance of 100l. per an. for keeping
his Majesty's arms at Whitehall, and 14l. 11s. 3d.
for same quarter on his fee of 58l. 5s. 0d. per an.
as Gentleman of the Bow.
Ibid, p. 117.
Appointment by Treasurer Danby of James Thompson,
gent., to be Solicitor within London and Middlesex
for the Seventeen Months' assessment, "to use
his utmost endeavours that the said moneys be
duly and truly assessed, collected and paid to his
Majesty's Receiver General, and by him transmitted
to the Receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer at or before
the times appointed by the said Act, for which
purpose he is to inspect the books of receipt of the
said Receiver General as often as he shall find
occasion, and to discover any defaults, neglects
or refusals that may happen in the payment or
collection of any part of the said moneys," and
as the case shall require to make application to
the Commissioners for said assessment for redress
thereof : he giving an account to Treasurer Danby
of all his proceeding herein.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 85.
July 17.
Allowance by same of 42l. to John Pell, late sheriff
for co. Norfolk, as in part of 45l. 17s. 6d. craved
by him for his disbursements for the year ended
1676, Sept. 29 : said 42l. having been allowed
by Lord Chief Baron Montague.
Treasurer Danby to the Earl of Arlington, Lord
Chamberlain of the Household. My messenger,
Gregory, is dead. Please give directions for
swearing John Langwith in his place.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay to the
Secretaries of State their allowance of 462l 10s. 0d.
quarterly, viz., for last June 24 quarter, and so
quarterly for the future.
Out Letters (General)
p. 117.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on
the Tenths of the Clergy for 337l. 10s. 0d. for a
quarter on Mris. Hamilton's pensions of 500l. per an.
for herself and 850l. per an. for her children.
Same to same for same on the Alum Farmers for
200l. to Gerard Fox for two years to Christmas
last on his pension.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners to forthwith
pay Sir Edward Hungerford 500l. in further part of
his order for lands taken into Plymouth fort.
Ibid, p. 118.
Same to [the Receivers of Excise] to forthwith pay
1,000l. to Mris. Gwinne for last June 24 quarter
on her pension : "for which you shall have a
regular discharge."
Same to same to forthwith pay 250l. to Mris. Gwinne
on her order for last June 24 quarter on the Earl of
Burford's pension : "for which you shall have
a regular discharge."
July 17.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the
Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise to
pay said tallies) for 125l. for last June 24 quarter
on Lady Charlotte Paston's pension of 500l. per an.
Ibid, p. 123.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. "There being
officers' places in all his Majesty's Plantations in
America for his Majesty's Customs according to
a late Act of Parliament, except in the Colonyes
of New England, which for some weighty reasons
hath been deferred until now : the commotions in
those parts being now quieted, his Majesty doth
now think fitt that officers should be forthwith
settled there as in other the Plantations." Treasurer
Danby therefore requests you to consider with all
speed of fitting persons to be so appointed and at
what places they are most fitly to reside.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 327.
July 18.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General
for a great seal for a grant to Richard Pierce of the
office of one of the five undersearchers or subsearchers
in London port on the surrender of Daniel Collwall
(in possession of said office by grant of Richard,
Earl of Portland, Lord High Treasurer, dated
1632-3, Feb. 20) and Arnold Griffith (who by
patent of 1674, Dec. 11, has the reversion thereof
after said Collwall) : and also for the like to
William Clough in reversion after said Pierce.
(Treasurer Danby's subscription dated July 26 of
docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 394 Docquet Book,
p. 153.
Same [to the Clerk of the Signet attending] for a privy
seal as follows. Christopher, late Lord Hatton,
received 2,824l. 12s. 0d. out of the Exchequer
on a privy seal dated 1662, Dec 20, for the pay
and extraordinaries of [the garrison, etc.] of Guernsey
between 1662, April 19, and 1663, Nov. 28, but
died before he accompted for the same. Christopher,
present Lord Hatton, finds by his father's papers
that he poid the same and 13l. 3s. 1d. more for
the said service of said garrison, but not pursuant
to the [said] privy seal (wherefore same cannot
be allowed by the ordinary course of the Exchequer
without this warrant). The Exchequer is hereby
to make allowances as follow in said Lord's account,
viz., 742l. 14s. 0d. paid to the officers and soldiers
of said garrison and to the soldiers allowed for
Aldemey between 1663-4, Feb. 19, and 1664-5,
March 18 ; 341l. 4s. 0d. as parcel of 806l. 8s. 0d.
paid to said Lord Hatton for his pay as Captain
[of Guernsey] from 1662, Sept. 19, to 1667, Oct. 2 ;
59l. 10s. 0d. as part of 133l. expended for fire and
candles for the Guards [in Guernsey] between
1662, April 19, and 1664-5, March 18 ; 59l. 9s. 0d.
expended in passing the said privy seal and
in fees on receiving the said 2,824l. 12s. 0d. out of the
Exchequer ; 75l. 2s. 0d. paid for interest and advance
of the said 2,824l. 12s. 0d. ; 309l. 4s. 6d. expended
for repairs of the castle, the castle boat and guns ;
183l. 8s. 7d. for reparation of the mill, draining
the great meadow and fencing the ground called
the Rue Faire and other work ; 345l. 4s. 0d expended
for bedding, ammunition and transportation thereof
and raising 46 soldiers with advance [coat and]
conduct [money] and other necessaries for the use of
said garrison. (Treasurer Danby's subscription
dated July 30 of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 395. Docquet Book
p. 153.
Royal sign manual for 60l. to Mris. Symona Skolton
as royal bounty : in the margin for half a year's
interest due 1677, June 4, upon her 2,000l. order ;
[such interest] to be continued till the order is paid ;
half out of the Hearthmoney in Sept., 1678, the
rest [out of same] in March following. (Money
warrant dated July 21 hereon. Charles Bertie
dated Aug. 3 to the Customs Cashier to pay same
in with respect, etc., and to the Auditor of the
Receipt to issue same.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 395. Money Book
(General) p. 104. Out
Letters (General) p. 132.
Royal sign manual for 216l. to William Howell, Dr. of
Law, without account, as royal bounty "wee being
graeiously pleased to bestow the same upon him to
encourage his proceeding in a now impression of his
History of the World and in several further volumes
thereof." (Money warrant dated July 26 hereon.
Charles Bertie dated Aug. 4 to the Customs Cashier
to bring same in with respect, etc., and to the Auditor
of the Roceipt to issue same.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 398. Money Book
(General)p. 111. Out
Letters (General) p. 135.
Privy seal for 2s. a day each to Thady Kennedy and
Robert Wilmot as Grooms of the Great Chamber
in ordinary to the Queen, ut supra, p. 653.
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 404.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated
July of a grant to Richard Woodward, junr., gent.,
of the office or room of Captain of the Bulwark
called Motes Bulwark under the castle of Dover
("and to have under him in his Majesty's wages
at his election two soldiers for the defence of the
said bulwark") with the fee of 20s. [sic? for 2s.]
a day for himself and 6d. a day for either of the said
soldiers payable half yearly out of the Exchequer,
or by the Receiver of Crown Revenues, co. Kent :
to hold for life in reversion after Richard Woodward,
senr. : to be exercised by himself or deputy.
Docquet Book, p. 151.
Money warrant for 47l. 17s. 6d. to Anthony Segar
for disbursements for tho Treasury Office ("my
[Danby's]Office") and 10l. for reward "as chamberkeeper
attending me" both for last June 24
Money Book (General)
p. 101.
Letter of direction on 1,000l. in further part of an
order dated Feb. 20 last for 10,000l. to Charles
Bertie for secret service whereof 8,012l. 13s. 4½d. is
already directed : said 1,000l. to be hereby by
tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment
due March 15 next.
The like direction on an order of 1676. Dec. 11, for
276l. 14s. 9d. to Lawrence Hyde for extraordinaries.
The like on an order of the 13th inst. for 2,018l. to
Philip Packer for the extraordinaries of the Works.
Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Cashier to pay the annuity or pension of 1,000l.
per an. (as already due and as the same shall grow
due) as one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber.
Ibid, p. 102.
"Another dormant warrant of the same date for
payment of the like pension of 1,000l. to him out
of the Customs." [This entry may refer to another
Lord of the Bedchamber, whose name is missing,
as not being inserted in the margin of the entry.]
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to establish an additional 10l. per an. to
the present salary of 20l. per an. for the waiter and
searcher at Bridgwater to commence from the time
of his attendance.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 327.
Same from same to same to employ Edward Dackombe
(Daccombe) as a surveyor of the land waiters London
port, loco Ephraim Paine who "as I am informed,"
is desirous to resign. (Vacated : see under July 21.
infra p 695).
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Custums
Commissioners to deliver. Customs free, gloves,
silk stuffs, fans, shoebuckles, combs and silk
lace for a petticoat, lately come from France
and now in the Customs Warehouse, London, and
belonging to the Earl of Donegal.
Out Letters (General) III.
p. 325.
[Subscription by Treasurer Danby of a] docquot of
a demise to Samuel Finnis, gent., of divers lands
and tenements in Orton, alias Overton and elsewhere.
co. Northampton, and belonging to Francis
Tresham, Esq., lately attainted of high treason,
to hold for 31 years at several rents amounting
in all to 61s. 8d. per an.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 86.
Warrant from same to the King's Remembrancer to
forbear process against Herbert Awberry, Receiver
of the Eighteen Months' tax, co. Hereford, on his
arrear of 1,500l. thereon ; he having lately obtained
an Act of Parliament for sale of [his] lands to pay
same, and being now upon sale thereof.
Same from same to same to stay process against
John Davies, late Receiver of Hearthmoney, co.
Hereford ; Edward Cornwall, one of his sureties,
having lately petitioned the King, setting forth
his pretensions to the said debt due from said Davies,
which petition is now under my consideration.
Same from same to same to stay process against
James Broughton, one of the sureties of John Watts.
late Receiver of Crown Revenues for London.
Middlesex, Essex and Herts, said Broughton having
desired till the middle of next term for paying in
his proportion of the debt of 300l. remaining due
on the accompts of said Watts.
Report from same to the King on a draft royal warrant
as follows (addressed to the Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland, the Commissioners of Accounts and
Chancellor, Treasurer, Barons of the Exchequer,
Treasury Commissioners, etc. [Ireland]). By
the Act[s] of Settlement and Explanation the Duke
of York is entitled to reprisals for great scopes
of land restored to former proprietors thereof, and
which were formerly set out to or possessed by
regicides. We therefore directed that he should
be so reprized in the first place and that particulars
should be made out of the forfeited lands in cos.
Dublin, Louth and Kildare, whether in custodiam
or not, and that such lands should continue in the
possession of said Duke until he was reprized as
above, and that all the rents, profits, etc., of those
lands so in custodiam or not, and so to be granted
to said Duke should be paid to him and when granted
should be freed and exonerated from all custodiam
or other rents, and that no person should be molested
for any rent paid to him. Pursuant hereto
several lands were granted to him for his use in
order to [secure] his reprize, and the rents thereof
were received by his agents. By the neglect or
omission of said Duke's Receivers or Agents the
quit rents or custodiam rents reserved to the
Crown by custodiams were not paid into the Exchequer,
by which a great arrear of rent is grown
[due to the Crown] before [the time of] the late
farm of the revenue of Ireland. This arrear
is demanded from him by Visct. Ranolagh and
his partners : "of which burden we are willing
to ease him [said Duke] and to free his lands from
payment of what is or may be due for or by reason
of such custodiams," and to grant to said
Visct. Ranelagh and partners an allowance or
defalcation of such arrear in their accompt. The
Clerk of the Pipe Roll, with whom such custodiams
are entered, is therefore to certify to the Exchequer
Court, Ireland, the rents of such custodiams, first
deducting the quit rents of all such lands included
in such custodiams as have been discharged by
orders of the Exchequer Court of Ireland, and
thereupon said Court is to make up said account
and to discharge said Duke and his lands from
the payment of said rent and all other rents whatsoever
due to us from him or his lands, expressing
in such order of discharge the sum so discharged
that so the same may appear at a certainty. Also
letters patent are to pass the great seal of Ireland
for the discharge of said Duke from the said
custodiam rent, or otherwise one or more Exchequer
acquittances are to be made and perfected for the
full and effectual discharge of said custodiam rent :
and full allowance upon their accompts is to be
made to Visct. Ranelagh and partners for such
sums so discharged. Said warrant as above
"coming with the approbation and recommendation
of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland" was referred
the 12th inst. to Treasurer Danby, who hereby
approves of same.
Ibid, pp. 86-7.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's
Remembrancer to stay process against Cornewall
Bradshaw, Esq., late Receiver of Hearthmoney
for London and Westminster, he having petitioned
for certain allowances in his account, which petition
is at present under my consideration on reference
to me from the King.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 90.
July 19.
Charles Bertie to [the Treasurers of Excise] to pay
Visct. Grandison and Col. Villiers 1,500l. for last
June 24 quarter on the Duchess of Cleveland's
pension and 2,250l. for same on the pensions to her
Out Letters (General)
p. 121.
Letter of direction on an order of 1670, July 19, for
1,000l. to John, Earl of Bath in part of an arrear
of 7,250l. on his allowances of 1,000l. and 2,000l.
as Groom of the Stole : to be hereby satisfied
out of any money in the Exchequer. (Charles
Bertie dated July 20 to the Customs Cashier to
bring in with respect, etc., 868l. in full of said
order for 1,000l. : and same to the Auditor of the
Receipt to issue same.)
Money Book (General)
p. 102. Out Letters
(General) p. 118.
Same on an order of May 12 last for 3,488l. 8s. 3¼d. to
same for a surplus upon his account for building
the citadel at Plymouth : to be hereby satisfied
by tallies on the Customs.
Money Book (General)
p. 102.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated
July of a warrant to the Commissioners of the
Admiralty, empowering them to give order to the
Navy Commissioners to deliver to Sir Roger
Strickland, Kt., and George Legge, Esq., the
Margaret galley now at Tangier, together with
her furniture and appurtenances : as of his
Majesty's gift and royal bounty.
Docquet Book, p. 152.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General
for a great seal for a grant to Hugh, Lord Clifford,
of an annuity of yearly pension of 300l. : for
life, payable quarterly, commencing the first payment
from Lady day last.
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 394.
July 20.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in
with respect, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt
to issue 150l. for Mr. Newport and Mr. Darcy for
a quarter on their respective salaries.
Out Letters (General)
p. 119.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the
Treasurer of the Navy the 6,600l. which Treasurer
Danby has directed Mr. Mounteney [late Customs
Cashier] to pay into the Exchequer.
Same to Mr. Kent [Cashier to the Customs], to advance
and lend to the Treasurer of the Navy 15,000l.
for which you shall have security of tallies on the
Customs and interest from the time of lending.
Ibid, p. 120.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the
Excise (and same to the Excise Commissioners
to pay said tallies) for 750l. for a quarter on the
Lord Privy Seal's pension of 3,000l. per an.
Same to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect
and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay
25l. to Christopher Barker for half a year on his
fee as one of the King's falconers.
Ibid, p. 121.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated
July of a grant to Dr. Edmund Dickenson of the
office of Physician in Ordinary to the King's person
and Household, loco Dr. Thomas Waldron,
deceased : with the annuity or yearly fee of 50l.
payable quarterly at the Receipt from Lady day
last : for life.
Docquet Book, p. 152.
Same of same dated same of a grant to Edward Hatch,
Esq., of the office of one of his Majesty's Serjeants at
Arms in ordinary, loco Miles Bull, with the fee of 3s.
a day and 2s. 6d. a day for board wages, payable
quarterly at the Exchequer from 1674-5, March 2.
Money warrant for 500l. to Richard, Lord Arundell
of Trerice for half a year on his pension of 1,000l.
(The usual letters dated July 21 to the Customs
and Exchequer hereon, to be brought in with
respect, etc.)
Money Book (General)
p. 103. Out Letters
(General) p. 121.
Privy seal for 200,000l. to Edward Seymour. Esq.,
as imprest for the Navy and Victualling. (Treasurer
Danby's subscription dated July 19 of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 397. Docquet Book,
p. 152.
Same for the discharge of the barenet fee of 1,095l.
due from Richard Newdegate (Newdigate). Serjeant at
Law. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated July 24
of docquet hereof. Treasurer Danby's warrant
to the Receipt accordingly dated July 31 for tallies
of discharge.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 399. Docquet Book,
p. 153. Money Book
(General) p. 115.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General
for a great seal for a grant to Henry Savile, Esq.,
of the yearly pension of 500l. during pleasure,
payable quarterly, commencing the first payment
from June 24 last. (Treasurer Danby's subscription
dated July 30 of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 396. Docquet Book,
p. 154.
July 20.
Charles Bertie to Mr. Kent to bring in, notwithstanding,
etc., and same to the Auditor of the Receipt
to issue, 57l. 17s. 6d. for Mr. Segar and 15l. 3s. 4d.
to Mr. Gregory for last June 24 quarter's warrants
to them.
Out Letters (General)
p. 57.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver, Customs free, some fetches
with gammon of bacon and some sweet water lately
arrived from Portugal in the Deptford pink, Capt.
Colles, commander, from Lisbon : which goods
the Queen's Secretary desires may be delivered
to David Rowland for the Queen's use.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 328.