Letters Patent, Privy Seals, Royal Sign Manuals and Warrants.
Treasury Warrants, Commissions, Orders, Letters, Memorials,
Reports, and other Entries : all not of the nature of Treasury
Nature and Substance of the Entry.
Jan. 1.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners for the Comptroller General of
Customs to state the debt due to the King from
Robert Stockdale, late collector of Dover port,
and thereupon to take the bond of the said Stockdale
and Michael Arnold for one moiety and of said
Stockdale and William Dent for the other moiety
of said debt to be paid in four six months, viz.
[both moieties to be paid] in eight half-yearly payments :
all on the petition of said Dent and Arnold,
who are said Stockdale's sureties, and have paid
1,000l. to the Customs Cashier towards said debt.
Out Letters (Customs)
pp. 254-5.
Charles Bertie to [the Customs Cashier] to pay (with
[due] respect to the weekly payments [charged
on the customs]), what is due to Mr. Ady and Mr. Cole
deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer, for
joining tallies on the Customs and new imposition
on wines and vinegar from Mich., 1674, to
Mich., 1675, at the rate of 2s. for every 1,000l.
Out Letters (General)
p. 10.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the
Excise, and same to the Receivers of Excise to pay
said tallies, for 1,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox for half a
year to Christmas last on the Earl of Plymouth's
Ibid, p. 11.
The like letters for 62l. 10s. 0d. to Sir William
Killegrew for half a quarter on his pension.
Jan. 2.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of the 1676 Christmas
quarter's salary bill of the Customs [London port].
(Total, 5,965l. 5s. 10d.)
Money Book (General)
p. 9.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to direct the collectors of the outports
to pay the officers of the outports the above
quarter's salaries.
Ibid, p. 10.
Same from same to same to permit the entry
on ad valorem custom and the re-export with
the first conveniency for Holland of some gloves
and essences designed to be sent for Holland
for the account of Cornelius van Aldewaerlt ;
having arrived in London in the Olive Branch,
Richard Lewis, master, from Leghorn : and further
to deliver to Robert Faulconer, Customs free, some
fine and coarse woollen cloth imported in the
Charles, of Leith, from Scotland.
Out Letters (Customs)
p. 255.
Charles Bertie to Visct. Ranelagh to pay the 5,000l.
due to the Privy Purse for last Christmas quarter
[on the 20,000l. per an. reserved to the King]
out of the revenue of Ireland : same to be paid to
Mr. Antho. Stephens, there having been formerly
so much disbursed by said Mr. Stephens to
Mr. Roberts for carrying on the new building at
Windsor, which [sum] is therefore to be repaid
out of the said Privy Purse money.
Out Letters (General)
p. 11.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, to
ambassador Hyde's order, some parcels and trunks
containing his wearing apparel, and lately come
from Dantzic, and now at Blackwall.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 255.
Jan. 3.
Money warrant for 350l. to Dr. John Taylor for last
Christmas quarter on the 1,400l. per an. to him for
his Majesty's secret service as by the privy seal of
June 30 last. (Letters hereon to the Receipt
and the Receivers of Excise accordingly dated
Jan. 4.)
Money Book (General)
p. 10. Out Letters
(General) p. 12.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Clerk of the
Pipe to prepare an instrument to pass the Exchequer
Seal to constitute John Gilham, gent., bailiff and
collector of the King's manor of Wingham, co.
Kent, loco Rich. Morton, gent., lately deceased,
with the fee of 6l. per an. (Vacated : See under
Jan. 10, infra.)
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 17.
Report from same to the King on the petition of Arthur,
Visct. Granard (as by the order of reference thereon
from Secretary Williamson of Aug. 12 last). I have
considered same and the Lord Lieutenant's report
thereon, and conceive such an estate may be
granted him as he desires in the lands mentioned
in said petition, under the rents and services now
payable to your Majesty, he placing thereupon
what deficiencies shall be necessary upon the grant
of an estate in reversion. In view of his many
loyal services, the order in Council referred to in
the Lord Lieutenant's report may be dispensed with,
with positive orders that the estate desired by him
be not passed either to Lord Kingston or Sir Theophilus
Jones, though they should claim and pretend
to the same, there being other lands enough to satisfy
them, since your Majesty has declared them
preferable to all others next after the Duke of York.
As to the Lord Lieutenant's letter included in the
same reference as this petition, his Excellency
states a title Sir Nicholas Armorer pretends to have
to some of the land desired. There being matter of
law in the case, it may be referred to the Lord
Chancellor to hear, said Armorer being [at present]
upon the place [in London].
Warrant from same to [the Clerk of the Pipe] for an
alteration to be made in a particular as follows,
making same to extend only to the coal mines in
Plummer's Close [and thereupon for a lease] to be
granted to George Long for 99 years, terminable
on the lives therein mentioned [not named].
Prefixing : Said particular of coal mines in Perthill
in Stratton super Fosse, co. Somerset, now in the
tenure of Tobias Salmon containing 20 acres, and
of same in Plummers Close in said manor, in the
tenure of George Long, containing 40 acres.
Ibid, p. 18.
Charles Bertie to Sir John James and Major Huntington
[the Receivers of Excise], to forthwith pay 1,000l.
to Mr. Grownds for Mris. Gwynn's use, "for which
I will take care that you shall have a regular
Out Letters (General)
p. 11.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay the warrant of
Dec. 27 last for 140l. 16s. 7½d. to Symon Smith,
keeper of the otterhounds.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay the order for
3,660l. in said Charles Bertie's name, viz., by 3,600l.
which the Customs Cashier has brought in for that
purpose, and 60l. out of the Exchequer "which
must be made good [to the Exchequer] as soon as
Mr. Mounteney brings in the other 60l."
Ibid, p. 12.
Jan. 4.
Money warrant for 14,300l. to Samuell Pepys as
imprest for one quarter, Oct. 1 last, to Dec. 30 last,
for the garrison of Tangier.
Money Book (General)
p. 10.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to permit Thomas Morris and William
Warren, of London, merchants, to land, fill up
and put in a cellar, to be new hooped, 154 pipes
of Viduenies wines in the Ruth ketch, which sailed
for Teneriffe with grain about July last, and there
laded said wines and two pipes of Malmesy, all said
wines being intended for Dantzic, but by reason
of frost and bad weather said ketch is obliged to
come into the river to have them re-hooped. Bond
to be given to re-ship them within four months.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 256.
Same from same to same to restore to the masters of the
ship Inclination, of Dieppe the 21l. 5s. 0d. (and 15s.
for charges) which Mr. Chambers, collector of Tenby
(as deputy for Sir Bernard Gascoigne), collected
for the French duty on said ship, alleging that
said ship did set on shore several passengers, who
lodged several nights in the town, but what became
of them afterwards was not known : [whereas]
it appears by attestations that after the arrival
of said ship in Tenby there happened a very great
seige or surge of the sea, and that a passenger
(who was merchant of part of the cargo) going
ashore, the sails were tacken and detained 23 days for
the said tunnage, although said passenger reembarked
in said ship at Tenby, and went for France, whereupon
said ship is not liable to pay said French duty of
5s. per ton : all as appears by the Customs Commissioners'
report on the petition of Peter Bar,
of London, merchant, concerning same.
Ibid, p. 257.
Reference from same to same of the petition of Richard
Harfinch, concerning two pieces of cloth seized as prohibited
before the late Act of Pardon.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to forthwith
pay in the 500l. for Lady Portland "that I writ
for Dec. 13 last," paying same out of the first money
that comes to your hand, notwithstanding any
former restriction.
Ibid, p. 12.
Jan. 7.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in,
and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay,
100l. to Peter Lely for half a year on his pension.
Out Letters (General)
p. 12.
Jan. 8.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, to the
Duchess of Mazarine (Masarine), two cases lately
come from France, containing a black-flowered satin
gown trimmed with embroidered lace, a manteau
gown flowered with gold and silver, five satin petticoats
embroidered, 13 yards of ribbon mixed with
gold and silver, 6½ yards of silk ribbon, three muffs,
a box of essences, four pair of trimmed gloves, two
pair of plain gloves and one pair of shoes.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 256.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in,
and to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay, 270l. to
Sir John Lethieullier in discharge of an order of
Aug. 22 last for three years' interest on 1,500l.
Out Letters (General)
p. 12.
Same to the Receivers of Excise to pay to Mr. Segar
the 1,000l. remaining yet unpaid of the bill of
3,000l. "due from you [said Receivers] to me
[Charles Bertie], for I am almost torn in pieces for
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the
Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise to
pay said tailles) for 500l. for half a quarter of the
Lord Chancellor's pension, "which, according
to the order of suspension, carries his lordship on
to Christmas last."
Jan. 9.
Money warrant for 20l. to the Earl of Cardigan for
one year's creation money. (Letters hereon
accordingly of same date to the Customs Cashier
and the Receipt.)
Money Book (General)
p. 10. Out Letters
(General) p. 13.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier
to pay 13l. 6s. 8d. to Visct. Campden for one year's
creation money to Michaelmas last. (Letter
accordingly to the Customs Cashier, dated Jan. 12.)
Money Book (General)
p. 10. Out Letters
(General) p. 15.
Caveat. The Rt. Honble. George, Visct. Grandison,
on behalf of Edward Villiers, Esq., his son, desires
that no grant from his Majesty here [in England]
or letter from his Majesty to the Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland, the Lord Chancellor, or Lord Chief Baron
there [in Ireland] for the custodiam of any part
of the lands which are the inheritance of Katherine
Fitz Gerald (now Villiers) wife of the said Edward,
be passed or ordered to be passed or written till
said Visct. Grandison have notice and be heard
thereupon. Cave that no such lands pass in custodiam
as the lands of Mabel Digby alias Fitz Gerald or the
Lady Clanricard.
Caveat Book, p. 24.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in
(with [due] respect to the weekly payments altered
on the following day to "notwithstanding any
former restriction), 750l. for the Duke of Lauderdale
on his order for a quarter's pension.
Out Letters (General)
p. 12.
Same to same to bring in (and same to the Auditor of
the Receipt to issue) 53l. 7s. 4d. to pay off Richard
Mounteny junior's warrant for six months' interest
due at Christmas last on the sum of 1,779l.
Ibid, p. 13.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay (with
[due] respect to the weekly payments charged on
the customs) 400l. to the bishop of Sarum for half a
year to Christmas last for the Poor Knights of
Out Letters (General)
p. 13.
Same to same to bring in (and same to the Auditor
of the Receipt to pay) 10l. for Robert Bertie for
last Christmas quarter on his pension.
Same to Mr. Kent. In case the 500l. odd which you
have undertaken to remit to the Earl of Plymouth
be not sufficient to bring his Lordship's order
even [i.e., discharge it fully], please furnish him
with a further credit of 200l. which Treasurer Danby
will take care to make good to you again. Also
please send forthwith to Treasurer Danby a list of
all the castles and the fees belonging to [the garrisons
of] them by patent which were not comprehended
within the establishment of war, viz., as Portland, etc.,
which Treasurer Danby remembers was once shewed
him by Sir Stephen Fox. As for the Cinque Ports,
they have now passed a particular privy seal,
and we have settled their business. If you can
inform us of the rest you will oblige.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the
Excise for 5,000l. to Mr. Bertie for last Christmas
quarter on the 20,000l. per an. for secret service.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to permit the export of 14 pieces
of fine tapestry of the history of Don Quixot, containing
215 ells and 8 coats of arms of gold made
here in London, and which the Queen Consort is
pleased to send into Portugal to the Marquis de
Frontera : as appears by the letter from Sir Rich.
Belings, Kt., said Queen's secretary.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 257.
Reference (dated Wallingford House) to the Customs
Commissioners of the petition of Lucas Sanson and
Edward King who have about 1,500l. due to them for
[bounty debentures on] corn exported out of Chichester,
which there is not money in that port to satisfy,
and desiring allowance of their own bonds [for customs
payable by them on other goods] to that amount.
Ibid, p. 258.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Sir Peter Killegrew
and Mr. Tregeagle. By my warrant of Sept 23 last
I directed the seizure of all tin shipped for export
in blocks, bars or other pieces not having the coinage
stamp. Some merchants hereupon have applied to
the Customs Commissioners representing that it has
been usual for the better convenience of their
market to melt coined tin out of blocks into bars,
whereby it lost the coinage stamp, which being a case
like to happen frequently, the said Commissioners
have laid before me, particularly as to the case of
Mr. North and Mr. Herle, who obtained a post
coinage for a considerable quantity of tin, and
after it was coined desired publicly in the Hall
(all officers being then present) that they would
appoint an officer to see the slobbs run in bars,
which they could not have granted [to them at
the moment] and so least the ship should be
disappointed, said merchants caused the same to be
run into bars, which tin is now under stop. You
may hereby dispense with the above rule as to
this particular case, as the said tin has been once
stamped, and the duty paid for same.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 20.
Jan. 10.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the customer and
searcher of Lynn Regis port to administer the oath
to John Sutton for his admission as deputy to
John Anguish, comptroller of said port : said
Sutton having been long resident on the place
and employed as a clerk to said Anguish.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VII. p. 21.
Same from same to Richard Lightfoot, Auditor of
Crown Revenues for co. Kent, to make out
a particular of the rents and profits of the manor
and bailiwick of Wingham, co. Kent, with a view
to a grant of said bailiwick to John Gilham loco
Richard Norton, lately dead.
Ibid, p. 23.
Report from same to the king on the petition of
Edward Proger and the Lord Lieutenant's report
thereon. If petitioner's request be granted on
the consideration mentioned, it might bring a great
charge and importunity on your Majesty, there
being several others as I am informed that might
plead the same consideration. But in regard of
petitioner's long and faithful services and of his
disappointment of several sums your Majesty
intended him for the payment of his debts contracted
in your service by reason whereof said debts and
the interest thereof still lie very heavy upon him,
he may be granted a pension of 400l. per an. to him
and his executors till 4,000l. be paid : to be paid out
of the revenue of Ireland, and to take effect as soon
as the grants to Sir James Cuff, Mr. Carr and
Col. Dillon be first provided for.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay (out of
the current cash of your receipt over and above the
weekly payments) 2,497l. 6s. 8d. to the Treasurer
of the Ordnance on tallies for that sum : being for
stores sent to Virginia.
Out Letters (General)
p. 13.
Same to same to bring in (notwithstanding any
restriction) and same to the Auditor of the Receipt
to issue, 13s. 6s. 8d. to Treasurer Danby for one year's
creation money as Visct. Latimer.
Memorandum : My Lord Treasurer's creation money
as Earl is paid to Mich., 1676 : the [same being]
20l. per an., is paid half yearly at Lady day and
Michaelmas, the 13l. 6s. 8d. at Visct. [is paid once
yearly] at Michaelmas only.
Ibid, p. 14.
Same to same with [due] respect to the weekly payments
to pay 13l. 6s. 8d. for one year's creation
money to Visct. Fauconberg.
Same to [? same] for 60l. to Prince Rupert for one
year's creation money to Sept. 29 last as Duke of
Cumberland and Earl of Holderness.
Same to [the Auditor of the Receipt] for tallies for
last Christmas quarter on Prince Rupert's pension.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 1,000l. to Prince
Rupert for last Christmas quarter on his pension on
his delivering a tally [viz., the above-mentioned
tally] for that sum, and further to pay him [500l. for]
same quarter on his other pension of 2,000l. for
which you are to have his acquittance.
Cave that no money be paid to Anthony Lawrence
who pretends to be discoverer of the libel called
'Catholique naked Truth,' and endeavours to get
the 20l. reward, till the Wardens of the Company
of Stationers be heard, who were the first discoverers
of it and desire to save so much money to the
King. Let notice be given at Mr. Garret's, the clerk
of the [said] Company within Ludgate.
Caveat Book, p. 24.
Money warrant for 70,000l. to George Wharton as
imprest for land and sea service of the Office of
Ordnance to complete the 100,000l. as by the privy
seal of July 26 last : of the present sum 10,000l.
to be by tallies on the Excise and the remaining
60,000l. to be out of the Exchequer.
Money Book (General)
p. 11.
Same for 1,300l. to John, Lord Berkeley, for a quarter's
ordinary ending the 7th inst. as one of the
Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries
for the treaty of peace at Nimuegen.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier
to pay 45l. 12s. 0d. to Hen. Ayloffe, Esq., King's
Remembrancer for the fees usually paid to him and
his clerks by the Customers of the [out] ports : same
being for passing their accounts for the year ended
Christmas last.
Same from same to same to pay 331l. 16s. 8d. and
37l. 9s. 4d. to said Ayloffe for parchment and other
necessaries for the blank books of the Customers
of the outports and of the Surveyor General of
London port for one year ending Christmas next.
(Letter accordingly to the Customs Cashier dated
Jan. 23.)
Ibid, p. 11. Out Letters
(General) p. 23.
Same from same to same to pay 162l. to Giles Dunstar,
one of the General Surveyors of the Customs for
travelling charges on his late Northern survey for
162 days ended Nov. 14 last.
Money Book (General)
p. 11.