Feb. 1.
Present : Lord Treasurer.
The Earl of Denbigh's creation money [is ordered] to be paid.
Mris. Isabella Boynton's pension [is] ordered to be forthwith
paid also.
Treasurer Danby to move his Majesty at the request of the city
that the Lord Mayor and aldermen may be heard at the [Privy]
Council table about the granting of [ships'] passes.
The new Farmers of the Law [duty are ordered] to pay
5,333l. 6s. 8d. and the warrant [is ordered] to be delivered to them
"All the counties contained in the quarterly payments [are]
to be [stated] in one entire sum."
[Ibid. p. 254.]
Feb. 3.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
[Secretary Bertie is ordered] to inquire after the establishment
for New York and whether 1,000l. per an. be settled upon the
Duke [of York] as Governor.
Sir Stephen Fox and Mr. Kent are called in with the Receivers
of Excise : [Fox and Kent] complaining that the [said] Receivers
refuse to pay off his [Fox's] tallies, though the [weekly,
Excise cash] certificates shew a great balance in said Receivers'
hands. Mr. Dawson acknowledges the balance of 29,548l. in the
[Excise] Commissioners' hands, but says it was out of the money
payable the 15th of December to the bankers and the Duke of
York, as the letters patent [erecting this office of Receivers of
Excise] import and that [after such payments] there would not be
money in their hands because the [Excise] Farmers did not then
pay in their running cash.
Treasurer Danby is informed by Sir Stephen Fox that by
default of paying the running cash as it comes in to the Treasurers
the King loses 14 per cent. Mr. Dawson explains the contrary,
and says the King does not pay 14 per cent. for the same
100l., because the King should have paid 6 per cent. although
he had paid Sir Stephen Fox, so that the not paying Sir Stephen
Fox was but 8 per cent. loss.
The particulars of the 8,000l. instanced in by the Excise
Commissioners to have been disbursed by Treasurer Danby's
directions [are ordered] to be produced before his Lordship. The
Attorney General, the Excise Commissioners and Mr. Dashwood
[are ordered] to attend on Monday afternoon next about
4 o'clock.
Mr. Ellesden's name is to be put upon the King's papers for
Wednesday next. Likewise the papers touching the Durham
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 254-5.]
Feb. 4.
"The King's answer and directions to my Lord Treasurer's
minutes of Sunday, 4 Feb," 1676-7.
The Lord Mayor and the aldermen to attend at the [Privy] Council
on Friday next about the matter of [ships'] passes ; and Sir Geo.
Downing and two more of the [Customs] Commissioners are
to attend at the same time.
Mr. Marriot's claim of interest for money due to him and the
like claim of Capt. Young and Capt. Gunman are to be [put]
in the papers for the King.
[Ibid. p. 255.]
Feb. 7.
The Farmers of the alum works and Sir George Charnock are
to attend [this day] with Auditor Raban.
Mr. Chase to attend [this day] for Mr. Biggs.
Mris. Bolton's petition [to be considered this day].
Mr. Deering and Mr. Fenne to attend [this day] upon the petition
of [said] Deering.
[Day Book, p. 119.]
Feb. 7.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Treasurer Danby directs a letter to be written to Sir Denys
Gauden and [the rest of the Navy] victuallers, to acquaint them
that his Lordship can only provide to carry them on from the
date of their [victualling estimate or] declaration and expects
their carrying on the service of the year with such payments,
or to know their answer.
Mr. Dashwood and his partners [in the farm of the Excise]
are called in about the repayment of their advance money and
about the proportion[ing] of the poundage. Treasurer Danby
agrees that the quarterly and monthly payments shall be their
security, with a covenant that if the quarterly prove sufficient
they shall not make use of the monthly payments ; according
to the Attorney General's advice. The pound[age] rate [is]
agreed to be 3¾d. on 640,000l. and 4¾d. on 504,000l. if the [wine
and vinegar] duty go off [be not renewed by parliament].
The petition of Henry Webb, Tho. Dipford and Leticia Biggs
for a consideration in respect of three fields taken into the royal
fort at Plymouth is read. Treasurer Danby refers the consideration
thereof to the same time Sir G. Carteret's pretensions are to
be examined which now lie before his Lordship and are of the
same nature.
Capt. King's petition (referred from the King to my Lord
Treasurer) for the reversion of a custom House place in Boston,
is to be laid before my Lord Treasurer.
My Lord Treasurer directs Col. Howard of Suffolk to be paid
half a year upon Mr. Bertie's secret service [money], according to
the proportion of his letters patent expired at midsummer
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 255-6.]
Feb. 8.
Present : The King, Duke of York, Prince Rupert, Lord
Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, Duke of Monmouth, Duke of Ormonde,
Duke of Lauderdale, Secretary Coventry, Secretary Williamson,
Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The Lord Treasurer opens to his Majesty the whole state of the
bankers' debt ; which, after some debate among the Lords thereupon,
his Majesty thought fit to declare his pleasure to the
goldsmiths that he would settle the interest of their debt (of
about 1,371, 431l. 8s. 11d.) upon his revenue of Excise, and that
he would to-morrow pass an order of Council for the effecting
thereof accordingly.
The goldsmiths give his Majesty their most humble thanks
and withdraw.
[Ibid. p. 256.]
Feb. 9.
Friday in
the morning.
Mr. Slingsby, Sir Anth. St. Leger and Mr. Hoar [are this day]
to attend Treasurer Danby at the Treasury Chambers to shew
cause why Mr. Evans is not admitted in to the execution of the
offices of Surveyor of the Melting and Clerk of the Irons of the
Mint according to his Majesty's grant lately made to him.
Mr. Thomas Swallow and the porter of the Mint are to attend about
the same business as also Mr. Thomas Doyly and Sir Rich. Langley
[who is to bring] with [him] the rolls of the [office of Control of
the Mint or] Controlment during Mr. Hoare's time.
[Day Book, p. 119.]
Feb. 9.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Mr. Dashwood and [his] partners [in the Excise farm] attend
Treasurer Danby again about the proportion of the detainer
to be made out of the six last quarters of their farm in case the
additional duty [on wine and vinegar] be not continued by
Parliament. His Lordship agrees to it in this manner—
Lady day, 1679, the Farmers to detain
Lady day, 1680
Treasurer Danby likewise consents that both the monthly and
quarterly payments shall be security as well for this repayment
(in case the Additional duty be not continued) as for the repayment
of the two last payments of 70,000l a piece (in case the Additional
duty be continued) provided that this be all subjected to the
intended proviso that the Farmers shall make no use of the
monthly payments so long as the quarterly payments shall be
sufficient. The Attorney General is to take care of the penning
of this proviso [so drafting it] that the Lord Treasurer be made
judge of the necessity of making use of such monthly payments.
Mr. Geo. Evans's petition is read against Mr. Hoar, who refuses
to admit said Evans to the execution of the office of Surveyor
of the Melting Houses and Clerk of the Irons. Mr. Hoar says
his counsel has advised him that his patent is good and [that his
claim to the said Surveyorship is] no way inconsistent with his
office of Comptroller of the Mint, and is ready to try it at law.
Treasurer Danby says that care must be taken that the King
suffer not in the meantime till the trial is over, and will report
the case to the King in Council.
Sir Robert Howard is to certify what is in arrear to every
of the persons mentioned in his certificate of the forts.
Sir Tho. Williams to be paid something weekly till his order
be fully paid.
Mris. Elliot, the Duke [of York's] nurse [is] to be paid 100l.
Mr. Windham and his lady's pension [is] to be paid per week
as may be most convenient.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 257-8.]
Feb. 13.
Treasurer Danby directs the weekly payments out of the
Customs to the Wardrobe to be stopped till further order.
Mr. Ellesden's request touching the commencement of the pension
of 100l. per an. is to be put upon the papers for the King.
[Ibid. p. 258.]
Feb. 14.
The executors of Sir Nich. Crispe, Dr. Jno. Twisden, Fra.
Pargiter, Mr. Jo. Sams, Farmers of the alum works, and Sir Geo.
Charnock are to attend with the Auditor between 9 and 10 in the
morning [of this day].
Mr. Fenn and Mr. Deering are to attend and be heard at 3 in the
afternoon [of this day] when the Duke of Monmouth will be present.
[Day Book. p. 119.]
Feb. 22.
Treasurer Danby directs that John Pritchet, Esq., son to the
bishop of Gloucester, be set down to be Receiver for co. Gloucester
of the money given this session for building of ships.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 258.]
Feb. 24.
Sir Stephen Fox and Mr. Kent [are] to attend with the Receivers
of Excise in the morning [of this day].
[Day Book, p. 119.]
Feb. 24.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Sir John James, Major Huntington and Mr. Dawson are called
in concerning some scruples arisen about the satisfying a tally
of Sir Stephen Fox's for 8,100l. for interest which they show
Treasurer Danby was made up out of postponed orders of goldsmiths,
etc., and therefore they conceive it should take its course
of payment according to the date "and not from six months
to six months." Sir Stephen Fox complains that the Excise
Commissioners in this particular deal with him contrary to what
they practice with other men [payable] in the Excise.
The Commissioners [in reply say they] do not deny to pay
this tally in course, but think he [Fox] can not now [at the present
moment] demand the payment thereof. Sir Stephen says that
this being a tally of interest ought to be paid every six months.
The Commissioners object that this interest does not arise for
money taken up for the service of the Excise, but from other
postponed orders of goldsmiths and of a different nature.
Treasurer Danby upon hearing the whole matter directs the payment
of this tally of 8,100l. in the due course [in which] it was
The Excise Commissioners agree to pay Mr. Kent's tallies
of interest whenever Treasurer Danby shall direct the same.
The interest of the 31,600l. lent by Sir Stephen Fox to my Lord
Treasurer at 8 per cent. [is ordered] to be paid half yearly, without
making any interest account, and to commence from Mar. 1 next.
A privy seal to be drawn for having the tallies paid in course.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 258-9.]
Feb. 28.
The Commissioners and Treasurers of Excise, Col. Birch and
Mr. Ashmole, Comptroller [of Excise] are to attend Treasurer
Danby at 3 in the afternoon [of this day] about the interest paid
out of the Excise.
Adjourned to Thursday, Mar. 1.
[Day Book, p. 120.]