Nature and Substance of the Entry.
May 1.
Entry of the reference to the Customs Commissioners
of the petition of Cornelius van Basseler (Bessiler)
for leave to land some jewel boxes, night gowns,
garnitures and gold and silver lace, and to re-export
same again, being come from France and intended
as a present to a person of quality in the Court
of Muscovy.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 133
May 2.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay
100l. to Mr. Sutton Oglethorpe for half a year to
Xmas last on his fee as Master of the Studs.
37l. 10s. 0d. each to Mr. Newport and Mr. Darcy
for half a year of their salaries.
Money Book (General)
p. 339. Money Book
(Fees and Pensions)
pp. 58, 19.
Money warrant for 400l. to Sir Jonathan Atkins for
half a year to Lady day last as Governor of
Money Book (General)
p. 340.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt
to issue to Sir Allan Apsley for the Duke of York
1,500l. for last Lady day quarter and so 1,500l.
quarterly in future till the 20,000l. as by the order
of 1670, June 22 (based on the privy seal of 1670,
June 14) to said Duke (to compensate his damage
by the late Act for registering 110,000l. on wines) be
fully paid.
[? May 2]
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies
to be struck (and same to the Commissioners of
Excise to pay said tallies) for 62l. 10s. 0d. to Sir
William Killegrew for half a quarter's pension due at
Lady day last.
Money Book (General)
p. 340.
May 2.
Money warrant dormant for the ancient and
accustomed fees to Sir Thomas Jones as a Justice
of the King's Bench.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to [? the sheriff
of Dorset] to levy the arrear of 96l. 2s. 0d. due to
the king for the arrears of a yearly rent of 8l. 0s. 2d.
issuing out of lands in Aisley and Waddon, co.
Dorset for 12 years ended 1672, Michaelmas, which
arrear is set upon the Marquess of Winchester.
Immediately same is levied it is to be paid to Henry
Bond, as by the privy seal of Feb. 29 last.
Ibid, p. 341.
Charles Bertie to the Irish [Revenue] Farmers to
forthwith pay 4,875l. to Samuel Pepys for the
service of Tangier mole, according to a contract made
with Mr. Sheeres.
May 2.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's
Remembrancer for process of extent against
Thomas Biss of Bristol, merchant, and William
Biss of Bristol, cooper, on the bond dated 1675,
June 8, for 227l. ; and said Thomas Biss and John
England on their bond dated 1674-5, Mar. 4, for
504l. ; same having been long since forfeited and
process of Capeas issued thereon to which the sheriff
of Bristol has returned non sunt invent.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 134.
Same from same to Serj. John Ramsey to arrest
Tho. Faulconer of Bermondsey, a skinner, for
violently with his wife resisting a distress
attempted to be taken by Philip Kempland of
Southwark, a collector of Hearthmoney, and for
assaulting and arresting three neighbours who
attempted to assist the constable to take said distress ;
one of the said neighbours being in prison,
the second on bail and the third constrained to
hide himself.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. pp. 313-4.
Same from same to arrest — Carter, who has
lately carried away divers tons of the King's timber
out of Dean Forest, and who confesses to taking
18 tons without warrant.
Ibid, p. 314.
Entry of Treasurer Danby's agreement with the
report from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on
the petition of Col. Francis Willoughby and
Elizabeth his wife, who pray to have their 300l.
per an. which is left out of the establishment of
Ireland, paid out of the 40,000l. reserved to the
king above the establishment ; on which the Lord
Lieutenant reports that same may [be paid] out
of the surplusage of the growing rents which the
[Irish Revenue] Farmers are to pay above the
establishment ; to which Treasurer Danby agrees.
"I am humbly to informe your Majesty that besides
the letters patent lately past with [containing]
the clause of 'being inserted in the present and
future establishments' your Majesty was pleased
to command me to give assurance to the wife of the
said Col. Willoughby that payment should be
made accordingly, and commanded me to write
your Majesty's pleasure therein to the Lord
Lieutenant about 12 months agoe."
May 3.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay
200l. to Count Ulfeld out of the logwood farm rent ;
in satisfaction of his order of the 27th ult.
Money Book (General)
p. 340.
Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the
Receivers General of Excise to pay from time to time
the tallies for 4,000l. per an. to be drawn annually
payable to Heneage, Lord Finch as Lord Chancellor
of England during his custody of the Great Seal.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay or lend
to the Lord Privy Seal (91l. 5s. 0d. for) a moiety
of his half year's fee of 20s. a day ; viz., to Lady
day last.
Ibid. Money Book (Fees
and Pensions) p. 16.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to permit the reshipment to London
of some presents sent to the king from the Duchess
of Savoy, arrived at Topsham on the ship
Benjamin ; all at the request of the Duke of
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 134.
Same from same to same to allow the 20th part of the
customs for the first two voyages as below of the ship
Faulcon, Sir Mathew Andrews et al owners, built with
two decks and a forecastle, 30 guns and of 338 tons ; notwithstanding
her capture ; the said ship being on her
first voyage employed to India with goods of which
the custom outwards amounted to 163l. 9s. 1½d.
was on her return taken at sea and made prize at
Amsterdam, whence she was again bought by
Sir Mathew Andrews et al and brought to London
with goods of which the custom came to
1,179l. 19s. 5d. ; and was again employed to India
and returned with a lading which paid 2,600l.
custom ; the doubt herein having been whether
the capture altered the property of the ship, and
whether the second journey as above was not to
be accounted as a first journey.
Ibid, p. 135.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General
for a great seal for a grant to John, Duke of Lauderdale
and his heirs of the office of custody and keepership
of all that our New Park near Richmond,
co. Surrey, and the keeping, overseeing and
preserving all the houses, lodges and walks, and
of all the deer and game therein ; to be held determinable
on the lives of Sir Lyonel Tollemach,
bart., Lord Huntingtower in Scotland, and
Thomas Panton, Esq. ; with the fee of three
bucks and three does in every season, and of 6s.
a day payable out of the Exchequer half yearly
(the first payment thereof to begin at Midsummer
next) and the herbage and pannage of the said
park beyond what shall be sufficient for the deer
there and the browsewood, windfall and dead
trees, masage and chiminage within said park,
and liberty to plant trees against the wall of said
park or any part thereof. (Treasury Danby's
subscription dated May 11 of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
pp. 132-3. Docquet
Book, p. 64.
May 4.
Entry of the reference to the Customs Commissioners
of the petition of Thomas Shepherd and partners for
leave to import some claret and sherry from
Hamburgh into England in English ships.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 136.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay Mr.
Maydwell the remainder of his warrant for impost
money by 500l. a week, "having a due regard to the
payment for the Navy, Forces [Privy] Purse, etc."
Money Book (General)
p. 340.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for a tally for
125l. (and same to the Treasurers of Excise to
pay same) to Col. Thomas Howard and his sisters
for a quarter's pension due at Xmas last.
Ibid. p. 343.
Same to same to pay 1,087l. 10s. 0d. on the privy
seal for secret service money to said Charles Bertie ;
same to be paid out of the money brought into the
Exchequer by the Hearthmoney Farmers.
Treasurer Danby to the Commissioners of the
Eighteen Months' Tax for Berwick. The sum of
185l. of said tax on said town remains unpaid to
William Christian, Receiver General of said
assessment for Durham, Northumberland, Newcastle
and Berwick. You ought to be severely
prosecuted for same. Process will issue against
you if you do not pay the money to him.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. p. 316.
Same to the Commissioners of the Poll money for
Durham. You are charged with great neglect and
failure of duty in not assessing some of the poll
money in some parts of the county, and in not
making due payment to the Receiver General thereof,
and in not transmitting into the Exchequer Court
duplicates of assessments whereby it might appear
from whom to expect the money, a considerable part
of which (I am informed by divers persons) remains
concealed in the hands of some of the Commissioners,
collectors or others. You are to exercise your
powers under the Act, and pay your moneys to
Henry Brabant, the Receiver General thereof,
and to send to the king's Remembrancer the
duplicates of the whole county, otherwise process will
issue against you.
Ibid, p. 317.
May 5.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to deliver to Mr. Henry Gandy
on payment of customs ad valorem some gloves,
shoes and fans, which he and his wife brought
with them from Dieppe in the Katherine yacht
for their private use.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 136.
Report to Treasurer Danby from the Customs Commissioners
upon the draft form of instructions
to Charles Osborne and Giles Dunster for the office
of Surveyor General of Customs.
Appending : An entire new draft of said instructions.
(1) to peruse all the outport books
and see that no goods are shipped in the outports
but at lawful quays, and to advise as to alterations
of quays ; (2) survey all allowances
for damage ; (3) examine fitness of all officers ;
(4) consider all incident charges, fees and
officer's salaries ; (5) take account of all seizures
in the outports ; (6) examine sufficiency of
sureties of coast bonds, especially for lead,
tin and coals, and certificates or return of the
landing ; (7) inspect the practice of all ports
in passing foreign imported goods coastwise
by transire, especially wine, linen and tobacco ;
and see such transires to be delivered to the
officers and not to the merchant ; the land
waiter to see such goods laded, and certify same
on the back of his warrant ; (8) prevent the
great frauds in the duties on coals as well
for coast as oversea ; (9) consider what places
are fit to have boats ; (10) consider of creeks
and members and the proper guarding thereof ;
(11) see that officers insist on oaths of value
from the importer ; (12) see that the waiters
conform to the book of tares ; (13) see that
landwaiters deliver no goods without a warrant
and take no deposit without the consent of
the collector, and in no case where the custom
exceed 5l., which is also to be registered in the
warehouse ; (14) see that ships with wine,
linen or tobacco in port be visited frequently
by night ; (15) see that no warrant, cocquet, bill
at sight or other despatch whatsoever inwards
or outwards for the coast be executed without
the patent officers' signature, who are not
to sign same before the Commission Collector
has first signed same. "And whereas I am
informed that ships coming from Holland
and other foreign parts with goods, and entering
for the Plantations, the officers of some outports
do not strictly observe the rule of law
meaning such goods to be entirely unladen
and actually put on shore" you are to look into
this ; (18) make duplicates of your surveys
on your return ; (19) when not on tour in
the outports, you are to be in your place at the
Custom House, London ; (20) (21) empowered
to make searches and seizures.
Ibid, pp. 136-44.
May 5.
Money warrants for 62l. 10s. 0d. each to the following
for half a quarter as Grooms of his Majesty's Bedchamber,
viz., Robert Phillips, David Walter,
Richard Lane, Edward Progers, Thomas Killegrew,
Henry Guy, Thomas Felton, Thomas Elliot, Sidney
Godolphin, Henry Seymour, Bernard Grenvile,
and Henry Savile.
Money Book (General)
p. 341.
Same for 500l. to Sir Stephen Fox for last Lady day
quarter on the privy seal of 1674, Aug. 28. In the
margin : for the Earl of Sussex.
Same for 230l. to Bevil Skelton, Esq., for a bill of
extraordinaries, Dec. 28 last to Mar. 28 last, as Envoy
Extraordinary to the Emperor of Germany.
Ibid, p. 342.
Same for 200l. to Dame Anne Windham for half a
year of her pension.
Same for 150l. to Sir Alexander Frazier for 1½ years
on his fee as his Majesty's Principal Physician.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to
issue 1,000l. to Isaac Le Gouch on any unsatisfied
orders in his name as his Majesty's Jeweller ; same
to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent
due in Sept. next.
Money warrant for 40l. to Richard Blainshard, Clerk
of the Peace for the East Riding of Yorkshire, for
his charges in attending the late Commissioners
for seizing two-thirds of the estates of convicted
Recusants within said Riding, and in drawing
indictments, procuring and returning convictions
and the commission and inquisitions, etc.
Money Book (General)
p. 342.
Same for 34l. 7s. 6d. each to John Maugridge,
Richard Maugridg, Robt. Maugridg, Devereux
Clothier, and Tertullian Lewis for one year's fee
and livery as King's Drummers and to Clement
Newth for same as the king's Fife Player.
Ibid, p. 343.
Same for 50l. to Francis Mansell for a quarter on
his pension.
Letter of direction on an order of Apr. 20 last for
1,300l. to Sir Leoline Jenkins for a second three
months' advance of ordinary to June 3 next ; to
be paid by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent
due in Sept. next.
The like (incomplete and struck through) on an order
of the 3rd inst., for 55l. to Anne Piques.
Money warrant for 50l. to Mris. Hext for last Lady
day quarter on her pension.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies
for 100l. to Tho. Whitgrave for half a year to Lady
day last on his pension.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of 40l. in part of
Nicholas Glynn's bill of disbursements as sheriff
of Cornwall for the year ended 1675, Michaelmas.
(Total bill, 61l. 10s. 0d.)
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. p. 316.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Surveyor
General of Crown Lands for a constat of some ground
and building thereon with a view to a lease thereof
to Bevill Skelton.
May 5.
Same from same to same for a same of 6½ acres of
land adjoining the fort at Gravesend with a view
to a renewal of lease thereof to William Raifes
at an abatement of rent to 5s. per an., he having a
lease thereof for 31 years at 5l. per an. rent, and
he and his under-tenants having been at great
charge in erecting wharves against the force of the
tides and houses beyond the value of his lease,
whilst the wharves and 4 acres of said ground
have been taken away for the service of said fort
and petitioner has been constrained to abate 7l.
per an. rent to his under-tenant.
Ibid, p. 316b.
May 6.
Money warrant for 60l. to Mris. Anne Golding for half
a year of her pension of 120l. per an.
Money Book (General)
p. 343.
Entry of the reference to the Customs Commissioners
of the petition of Bernard Saltingstall concerning
carpets above four yards square entered as long
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 147.
Same of same to same of the petition of the tidewaiters
of London port for an extraordinary salary for
those that attend.
Entry of the reference to the Customs Commissioners
of a letter dated the 6th inst.
from Adam de Cardonnel and Robert Culliford,
patent officers of Southampton port concerning
a discovery of a false certificate granted by Edward
Rawlins, formerly their deputy at Cowes ; they
believe he kept blanks sealed with the Custom
House seal, when he was employed under them,
and desire to have his house searched for such
and further desire allowance of reasonable charges
for the 20 todds of wool and two dickers of leather
[seized, belonging to inhabitants] of the Isle of
Wight. The Custom Commissioners are hereby
ordered to consider how the difference between the
offers [of said port] and the inhabitants of the
Isle of Wight may be best composed.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 147.
May 8.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue
as follows the 3,700l. which is to be brought into
the Receipt by the Customs Cashier, viz., 3,250l.
to the Judges for their salary this term, 175l. to
the Judges of Wales, 275l. to the Masters of
Chancery. "The allowance to Sir Mathew Hales
is included in this sum, and the present Lord Chief
Baron of the Exchequer is to be paid but at the
rate of 1,000l. per an., which makes the totall sum
the same as formerly, though Sir Mathew Hale's
1,000l. per an. be added ; my Lord Chief Baron
Turner having 2,000l. per an."
Money Book (General)
p. 344.
Same to same to issue to said Bertie for secret service
the 350l. which the Customs Cashier is directed
to bring into the Exchequer. [Vacated, see infra.]
Same to same to issue the aforesaid 350l. thus, viz., 250l.
to said Bertie for secret service and 100l. to Col.
Mac Norton on his late order of April 24 ut supra p 192.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay to Sir
John James, Robert Huntington and Lemuell
Kingdon, Commissioners of Excise, 2,705l. "out
of the last 15,000l. lately paid to you by the Irish
[Revenues] Farmers" : all as by the privy seal of
Jan. 8 last.
May 8.
Same to the [Auditor of the Receipt] for tallies for
400l. to Mr. Slingsby for half a year to Lady day
last on his pension ; to be struck on the farm of
imported salt.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Cashier to pay the patent officers of the outports
a quarter's salaries.
Ibid, p. 346
May 9
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay
Mr. Skelton's order for 364l. out of the money
lately brought into the Exchequer by the Hearthmoney
Ibid, p. 344.
Money warrant dormant for payment to William
Montagu of the like fees as Chief Baron of the
Exchequer as have been usually paid to Sir Edward
Turnor and former Chief Barons.
Ibid, p. 345.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier
to pay 20l each to the following for half a year on
their fees as king's waiters, London port, viz.,
John Marshall, Francis Dackett, Nico Park, John
Shaw, Edwd. Weldon, Gerard Andrews, Andrew
Haines, Samuell Ward, Jon. Bowles, German
Hough, Hugh Bantock, Francis Roberts, Samuell
Phillips, Tho. Raymond, Samuell Danverse and
Lawrence Corbet.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to
issue 249l. 14s. 0d. to George Wharton on any
orders in his names for the service of the Ordnance ;
to be by tallies on the Customs Cashier.
Money Book (General)
p. 345.
Same from same to said Wharton to assign and appoint
the payment of the above 249l. 14s. 0d. to Major
Daniell Collingwood, Governor of Holy Island,
upon account for building the new fort there called
Osborn's fort, and for other fortifications in said
Same from same to the Customs Cashier to satisfy
the tallies for the aforesaid 249l. 14s. 0d. by drawing
a bill for same upon Anthony Isaacson, Collector
of Newcastle port.
Ibid, p. 346.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay 250l.
to the Earl of Bath for half a quarter on his pension
as first Gentleman of the Bedchamber.
125l each to the following, for same as Gentlemen
of the Bedchamber, viz., Earls of Manchester,
Sunderland, Ossory, Middlesex, Duke
of Albemarle, Earls of Rochester and Suffolk.
Ibid, p. 347.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to deliver customs free to David
Rowland, Groom of the Queen's Robes, three great
panniers of earthen flower pots brought from
Portugal on board the —, John Hacker
master, being directed to the Earl of Clarendon,
but for the Queen's service in Somerset House.
Out Letters (Customs) III
p. 147.
Same from same to Serj. Ramsey to arrest Nicholas
Cotton ; it appearing by the affidavit of Ralph Paine
(who was employed by the Receivers General of the
Law Duty) that he [Paine] has been several times
at the Counters in London and left notice with the
clerk sitters that they should bring in their accounts
and moneys received to the said Receivers General,
and that said Cotton one of the clerk sitters has
not brought in his account or paid any money
received for the said duty.
The like for the arrest of Richard Ailwyn who keeps
several courts in Essex and elsewhere, and has
(according to the affidavit of said Ralph Paine)
received moneys there and never made any account
of the same since the passing of the Law Duty Act.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. p. 317.
Money warrant for 375l. for half a year of the Earl
of Bath's several pensions as Groom of the Stole
and First Gentleman of the Bed Chamber.
Money Book (General)
p. 350.
May 10.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for
tallies for 75l. to Sir Samuel Morland for last Lady
day quarter on one of his pensions.
Ibid, p. 345.
Money warrant dormant for the payment to Sir Richard
Rainsford of the ancient fees of the Chief Justice
of the King's Bench as by his patent of appointment
of April 12 last.
Ibid. p. 346.
Treasurer Danby to the Lord Chancellor. The
Famers of the Revenue of Ireland have given
me satisfaction for the second payment of their
advance money, being 30,000l. So please give order
for the delivery of their patent of that farm.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. p. 318.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver, customs free, five trunks
belonging to Monsieur de Courtin, ambassador
from France, same being lately brought from France
in the Cleveland yacht.
Out Letters (Customs)
p. 147.
Privy seal for 55,589l. 5s. 4d. to Sir Robert Vyner
for interest at 6 per cent. and gratuity at 4 per
cent. up to 1671-2, Jan. 1, for procuring for and
lending to the king several sums of money, amounting
in the whole to 252,369l. 17s. 4d. ; as well for the
service of the Navy, and of the Guards, as of
the Jewel House and for several other services as
particularly mentioned in the account thereof stated
by Auditor Richard Aldworth. The present sum to
be paid out of any cash in the Exchequer or by
tallies of pro on any branch of the revenue. (Royal
warrant dated May 3 for said privy seal. Treasurer
Danby's subscription dated May 10 of docquet
hereof. Money warrant hereon dated May 23).
King's Warrant Book
V. pp. 143-4, 132.
Docquet Book, p. 64.
Money Book (General)
p. 375.
Same for the discharge of Charles Duncombe, Esq.,
Receiver of the Eighteen Months' Tax, co. Beds,
Bucks and Huntingdon of and from the
2,200l. 14s. 0d. due from him as such ; all upon
his producing a tally for 600l. which he is to pay
into the Receipt ; (the total debt due from said
Duncombe after deduction of salary being
11,076l. for co. Huntingdon and 15,676l. 13s. 0d.
for co. Beds, making in all 26,751l. 14s. 0d., against
which 24,551l. has been paid into the Exchequer ;
leaving said 2,200l. 14s. 0d. as still due as above, as
appears by certificates of Francis Packe, Deputy
Auditor for co. Huntingdon, and of Sir Edmund
Sawyer, Auditor for co. Beds : the said Duncombe
and his deputy, William Staunton, and their sureties
having petitioned the king representing that said
Staunton entrusted several persons with 2,000l. of the
said moneys to return same to London, who instead
thereof, broke and ran away with the same, and
that petitioners could only raise 600l. towards satisfaction
of said debt ; which said petition was
presented by the Earls of Bedford and Ailesbury
and certified by several persons of good repute,
Commissioners for said assessment for co. Beds.
(Royal warrant dated May 3 for said privy seal.
Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 9 of
docquet hereof. Treasurer Danby's warrant
dated June 8 hereon accordingly to Auditors Sir
Edmond Sawyer and John Phelips upon the account
of said tax to so discharge said Duncombe of said
debt and all interest thereon.)
King's Warrant Book, V.
pp. 138-40, 132. Docquet
Book, p. 63. Warrants
not Relating to Money
VI. p. 337.
Royal sign manual to Treasurer Danby for 50l. to
Dame Katherine Dalyson, widow of Sir Robert
Dalyson, deceased ; as royal bounty. (Money
warrant dated May 11 hereon. Charles Bertie to
[the Auditor of the Receipt] dated May 23 to pay
said 50l. out of any moneys of the small branches
of the revenue.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 133. Money Book
(General) pp. 349, 352.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for
a great seal for a grant to Christopher Vane of
Raby Castle, co. Durham, and his heirs for ever of
all the manor of Shipborne alias Shepborne
alias Shipbourne Puddenden and Fairlawn, co.
Kent, and of the rectory of Shipborne alias
Shepborne aforesaid, and of one messuage in St.
Martins in the Fields, co. Midd., and of all other
the lands, tenements, advowsons and hereditaments
whatsoever in Shipbourn alias Shepbourne
Puddenden, Fairlawn and St. Martins in the Fields
aforesaid, and in Wrotham, Ightham and Hadlow, co.
Kent, or in either of them or elsewhere in Kent and
Middlesex, which by indenture dated 1640, June 13,
were settled and limited to and for the use of Sir
Henry Vane, jun., kt., and for the raising of
portions for his daughters and afterwards to the
heirs of said Sir Henry Vane ; together with the
respective appurtenances and the reversions and
remainders of the premises and all the Crown's
estate and interest in the same manors and premises.
(Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 25 of
docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 134. Docquet Book,
p. 67.
Same to same for a same to confirm to Christopher,
Duke of Albemarle, all that close or inclosed
ground, with the appurtenances thereof, commonly
called Stonebridge Close, and also that close called
the Pennyless Bank (Penny Close Bancke) and
also that close called the Stone Conduit Close,
as granted by patent of 1664, Aug. 23, to Edward,
Earl of Clarendon and Henry Hide his son ; said
premises being in said patent described by mistake as
all lying in or near the parish of St. James's in
the Fields, whereas in truth they are in St. Martins
in the Fields ; since which said patent was made
there has been built upon part of the premises a great
mansion house, which said Duke has bought of
the now Earl of Clarendon ; the present confirmation
being to rectify the wrong description of the premises
as above. (For docquet hereof see under date
Oct. 24, infra.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 134.
May 11.
Caveat (struck through) that no grant or release pass
to Major Broxholme nor to Sir Lyonell Walden,
Receivers of the Eleven Months' tax, for the arrear
in their hands (viz., Major Broxholme for Lincolnshire,
Sir Lyonell for Huntingtonshire) until Sir
Robert Vyner and Mr. Jno. Lyndsey be heard
Caveat Book, p. 18b.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General
for a great seal for a grant to Henry Ball of the
office of Searcher of Customs, Newcastle Port, in
reversion after George Cock, gent., present Searcher.
(Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 17, of
docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 133. Docquet Book,
p. 65.
Charles Bertie to the Receivers General of Excise
to pay 1,500l. to Visct. Grandison and Mr. Villiers
for last Lady day quarter of the Duchess of Cleveland's
pension and 2,250l. for the like period on the
pensions due to her children.
Money Book (General)
p. 346.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the
Treasurer of the Navy the 1,000l. which the Customs
Cashier is directed to bring into the Exchequer.
Ibid, p. 347.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for
tallies for 500l. to the Earl of Mulgrave for half
a year to Xmas last on his pension.
Money Book (General)
p. 347.
Same to same for tallies for 187l. 10s. 0d. to Viscount
Ranelagh and 125l. to Lord Hatton for half a
quarter to Lady day last on their pensions. (Same
to the Receivers General of Excise dated June 6,
for payment of said tallies.)
Money warrant for 20,488l. 5s. 10d. to Sir Robert
Vyner to complete two years' interest on his principal
debt ; to be by tallies on the Excise ; it appearing
by Auditor Aldworth's statement of said Vyner's
account (as allowed by Treasurer Danby, the
10th inst.) that the principal money due to said
Vyner on the 1st July, 1674 (to which time his
account is made up) was 147,446l. 6s. 2d., and
that the interest thereof and of some other
orders then repaid or transferred from said Vyner's
account amounts to 24,679l. 5s. 5d. at 6 per cent.
per an., making the interest principal every six
months ; and it appearing further by a certificate
from said Aldworth of same date with the abovesaid
account that two years' interest of the
147,446l. 6s. 2d. principal money amounts to but
18,505l. 14s. 8d., which is 6,173l. 10s. 9d. less than
the sum total of the account, but that he finds by
a certificate from the Auditor of the Receipt that said
Vyner received 1,982l. 11s. 2d. less than two years'
interest of his orders of loan which added to the
said 18,505l. 14s. 8d., makes 20,488l. 5s. 10d.,
which two years' interest of his whole debt amounts
to with the 9,863l. 4s. 4d. already paid him upon
his orders of loan.
Ibid, pp. 347-8.
The like for 3,102l. 16s. 10d. to Dorothea Colvile
for interest similarly as above ; it appearing by an
account stated by Auditor Aldworth and allowed
by Treasurer Danby the 10th inst., that there
is due to her 24,779l. 17s. 0d. principal money
upon several orders in the said account mentioned ;
and that two years' interest at 6 per cent. (making
the interest principal every six months), amounts
to 7l. 2s. 10d. more than the whole interest due
the 1st of July, 1674, to which time the said account
is made up, and so the interest payable to the said
Mrs. Colvile on that account amounts to no more than
3,102l. 16s. 10d.
Ibid, pp. 348-9.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to
satisfy Mr. [Edward] Christian's warrant for 225l. as
administrator to and in the name of John Crofts for
three quarters due before Crofts' death on said
Crofts' pension as late cup bearer ; to be paid "out
of the proffers mentioned in your certificate."
Ibid, p. 349. Money Book
(Fees and Pensions),
p. 61.
Same to same to satisfy Hugh Browne's order for
20l. "out of any money in your hands."
Money Book (General)
p. 349.
Letter of direction on 1,000l. remainder of an order of
1675, May 5, for 10,000l. to Ralph Montague for the
Wardrobe ; same to be hereby by tallies on the
Customs Cashier.
Ibid, p. 351.
Same on 5,000l. remainder of an order of 1675, Nov. 22,
for 10,000l. to said Montague for the Wardrobe ;
to be by tallies as above.
Report to the king from Treasurer Danby. In regard
of Col. Cary Dillon's surrendering the place of
Surveyor of Excise and Customs of Ireland and the
compensation for the wardship mentioned in the
Lord Lieutenant's additional report I advise
a payment to him (in lieu of the 500l. per an. granted
him in consideration of the same) of 500l. per an.
payable out of the first of the temporary payments
on pensions that shall revert to the king by death
or otherwise that are allowed on the new establishment
for Ireland.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. p. 318.
Same to same from same on Major Bayly's
pretensions as by the order of reference from the
king dated Mar. 4 last. In his petition of
1673, Dec., he confesses "that your Majesty did
grant him 250l. per an. in reversion of fee farm
rents which was passed to Major Bayly for 2,000l. at
eight years' purchase ; yet, as appears by certificates,
being most of it sold for no more than six years'
purchase and a half with the necessary fees and other
charges considered, he never really received above
1,200l. or thereabouts, which I humbly conceived was
the reason of your Majesty's reference to me of
the 20th of Dec., 1673, concerning the reversion
of Penrith in Cumberland, rather than to part with
which I did humbly advise your Majesty in my
report of the 30th of April, 1675, to grant him
2,500l. the value thereof out of your revenue of
Ireland after the term was out, of the Lord
Ranelagh's undertaking." He has lost, as is allowed
by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland a grant of
3,300 acres in Ireland and never received the
2,000l. intended as satisfaction to him in the
Explanation Bill, but released the same to your
Majesty upon the order of Council dated 1671,
April 26, assigning him in lieu thereof 2,000l. upon
one Corker and others then debtors to your
Majesty, which [assignment] proved ineffectual
by your Majesty's remitting them the same. I
again advise that 2,500l. may be paid him out of the
surplus of the revenue in Ireland in case your
Majesty shall make any further addition to the
present [Irish] establishment.
Ibid, pp. 320-1.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's
Remembrancer to issue process of immediate
extent against George Pley, junr., collector of
Lyme, on his three bonds of 2,000l. each dated
1671, Sept. 29, 1672, Dec. 25, 1673, Dec. 25 ; said
Pley being about to secure his estate in order to
invade [evade] his debt to the king.
Ibid, p. 319.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to
deliver, customs free, at the lodgings of his Highness
the Duke of Mecklenburg, some trunks, valises, hatcases,
etc., now in London port on board the Anne
yacht, Capt. Gunman commander, and ten horses
with saddles and the baggage of the grooms coming
from France to Dover in a vessel of which —
Browne is master, and three coaches and harness
and furniture utensils for the kitchen, etc., and four
coach horses coming from France to Dover in an
English ketch, John Birk master ; being all for the
use of his Highness.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 148.
Instructions from same to same in reply to their
representation of the 8th inst. (1) You are to
deliver, customs free, the five old pieces of tapestry
hangings with caddaz which William Rambolt [? Rombout],
a painter lately coming from Rotterdam to
reside here with his family upon encouragement of his
Majesty's declaration brought with him, which he
made use of in Holland, and intends to make use of
here, which, if they had been new, would have paid
about 48s. custom, but having been much worn
and being old are valued but at 12d. (2) By
reason of the great increase of trade at Portsmouth
during the time of the late Dutch war, the Treasury
Lords added four tidesmen to the establishment
of that port. That reason now ceasing, so that the
receipt of the port doth not answer the charge
because of the little trade in time of peace, you
are to retrench two of the four tidesmen there,
removing them to Cowes, one loco Thomas Dicken
(removed to Gosport) the other loco William Dawtree
disabled. Daniel Shewel, the present surveyor of
Portsmouth is to be a riding surveyor of Sussex
coast for the better securing that coast and at
his present salary of 35l. per an. to be paid him
at Shoreham port ; and the salary of the said two
tidesmen being 20l. per an., is to be added to said
Shewell's salary for keeping a horse for riding
charges. (3) You are to execute my late warrant
for employing Mr. Walmesly as a landwaiter
London port, "notwithstanding my general direction
lately given to the contrary, which was subsequent
to my promise to him for that employment."
(4) You are to prosecute Dr. Jones, surety for Robt.
Bagnall, late collector of customs at Faversham,
who owes about 200l. to the king, which his widow,
Mary Bagnall, is unable to pay. (5) You are
to allow to Michael Godfry 4l. 12s. 3d. for the
impost of a butt of wine damaged in the time of the
late Customs Farmers. (6) You are to take advice
as to a new trial intended between Howsman
and Potts in the Exchequer touching the lawfulness
of seizing goods in Dover Road, and to defray
Howsman's charges.
Ibid, pp. 148-9.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver, Customs free, to the brother
of Monsieur Schwerin, Envoy from the Elector of
Brandenburg, a piece of galoon of gold and silver
which said brother brought out of Holland for his
own wearing, but which was seized at Harwich by
Nicholas Denham.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 150.
Same from same to same. By a late Act of Parliament
it is provided that every merchant who shall export
in English shipping (the master and two-thirds
of the mariners being subjects of the king) to ports
beyond the seas, any sorts of corn mentioned in
said Act, shall receive 5s. for every quarter
of wheat, and 3s. 6d. for every quarter of rye.
One Moor has shipped a quantity of miscellane,
that is wheat and rye mixed together, and demands
the payment as for rye only. In this and the like
cases you are to pay the duty due [as] upon the
exportation of rye.
Same from same to same to permit Mr. Crockford,
a merchant in Minehead port, to ship, customs free,
any other goods in lieu of certain goods shipped in
Sept., 1667, for Tangier which, with the ship they
were in, were cast away and perished at sea.
Ibid, p. 151.
May 12.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay
Mrs. Golding 60l. upon her late warrant (for half a
year of her pension.)
Money Book (General)
p. 349. Money Book
(Fees and Pensions)
p. 62.
Same to Mr. Stephens to pay 2,500l. (out of the
money lately paid [to the Treasurer of the Navy] by
Mr. Chiffinch) to Mr. William Roberts, Receiver
of the Revenue of Windsor Castle : to be for the
service of the building of that castle. (A similar
[? duplicate] letter dated May 26.)
Money Book (General)
pp. 349, 356.
Same to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue to the
Treasurer of the Navy the 3,300l. which the Customs
Cashier has been directed to bring into the
Ibid, p. 350.
Money warrant for 125l. each to the Earls of Ogle
and Lindsey for half a quarter on their pension as
Gentlemen of the Bedchamber.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to
issue 10,000l. to George Wharton, Treasurer of the
Ordnance, on any orders in his name : to be by
tallies on the Customs Cashier.
Royal warrant for a privy seal to direct the Exchequer
to discharge John Laney (executor of Benjamine
Laney, late bishop of Lincoln) of the sum of
735l. 5s. 6d. due to the king upon said bishop's
accounts as collector of the two first of the four
subsidies granted by the clergy within that diocese ;
on the said John Laney first paying the several
legacies bequeathed by the said bishop of 500l.
towards rebuilding St. Paul's Church, and 500l.
more to Pembroke Hall for making an addition
to the Ipswich fellowship : with proviso that if said
executor delay payment of said legacies till the
end of Michaelmas term, 1677, then this privy
seal shall be void. (Treasurer Danby's subscription
dated June 13 of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 137. Docquet Book,
p. 73.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Irish [Revenue]
Farmers recommending Thomas Wauklen for
employment as collector in Dublin, "your affairs
being now settled."
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. p. 319.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to
deliver to Lewis, Lord Duras, on payment of
Customs ad valorem goods as in a schedule [missing]
sent as presents from France from Monsieur le
Mareschall de Lorges : being for the proper use
of said Lord Duras.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 145.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Commissioners to
employ Thomas Newberry as a tidewaiter extraordinary,
and on the first vacancy as a tidewaiter
in fee.
Ibid, p. 150.
Same to same to inform Treasurer Danby whether
Thomas Cross, a tidesurveyor, has committed any
misdemeanour since he was last restored.
May 13.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to
issue 15,000l. to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of
the Navy, on any unsatisfied orders in his name :
to be by tallies on the Customs Cashier.
Money Book (General)
p. 350.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay
off the Lord Privy Seal's order of April 27 last
for 182l., the same being in part for Lady day
quarter's diet money.
Money Book (General)
p. 350.
Same to same to pay 335l. 10s. 0d. to the Master
of the Hawks for Lady day quarter last : paying
same "out of the 425l. 6s. 1½d. which your last
[weekly] certificate [of receipts and issues of the
Exchequer] mentions [as received] under the
head of [sheriffs'] proffers."
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to deliver, customs free, some
tapestry, beds and wine, lately brought from
Bilboa for the service of Don Pedro de Ronquillos,
Envoy Extraordinary from Spain, brought in the
Biscay Merchant, Manuell Pook, master, and
directed to Don Henrique de Melgar, and in the
Bilboa Merchant, Lucas Rock master.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
p. 145.
Mr. Thomas Povey desires that he may be heard
before anything pass to Lord Crofts of his pretensions
to further improvements in the Old Spring Garden.
Caveat Book, p. 18b.
Charles Bertie to Tho. Chiffinch and Richard Creswell,
searchers at Gravesend, to prepare an answer in
writing to the charge against them of wholly
declining the public office for dispatch of business,
clearing ships without the concurrence of the deputy
searchers, keeping and concealing all cocquets
and despatches in your own private houses,
giving despatches at alehouses and taverns, not
suffering the deputed searchers to have the perusal
thereof, and using very slight and contemptuous
speeches of them : to all which you gave an insufficient
reply, whereupon your accusers exhibited
the matter of their former complaint in six articles
of which you acknowledged the contents to be
true, and promised to answer when you knew your
accusers, but when the parties on both sides appeared
for a hearing, you refused to answer in writing
as desired by the Customs Commissioners, and
said you would appeal to Treasurer Danby.
Out Letters (Customs) III.
pp. 151-2.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Clerk of the
Pipe to make forth a grant during pleasure to
Thomas Strangewayes (brother of John Strangewayes,
as below) of the stewardship of the manors of
Fordington and Ryme, co. Dorset, parcel of the
possessions of the Duchy of Cornwall as heretofore
granted 1660-1, Feb. 17, to Sir John Strangewayes,
Kt., and Giles Strangewayes his son, both since
dead, and afterwards granted to John Strangewayes
son of said Giles, who is now also deceased :
together with the yearly fee of 20s. for each manor
and all other fees thereto belonging.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. pp. 319-20.
Treasurer Danby to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
The Farmers of the Revenue of Ireland have given
satisfaction as to the first 60,000l. of their advance
money, have received the lease of their farm under
the great seal and executed their counterfeit of it.
So you may now give directions that all the moneys
received for Customs or other branches of the
revenue within their grant since Dec. 25 last be
paid according to the orders and directions of said
Farmers, notwithstanding any provision made
in the late Commission to Sir Charles Meredith
et al for the present management of the said revenue.
Ibid, p. 320.