Nature and Substance of the Entry.
Mar. 1.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to permit the Rupert ketch (lately come
from Backrag with Rhenish wines for Prince Rupert)
to come up to Whitehall to be unladen there on payment
of custom for each parcel as 'tis delivered.
Out Letters (Customs)
III. p. 88
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated
1675-6, Feb, of a grant to Andrew Holmes (one of
the King's falconers loco John Haward) of the pension
of 2s. a day and 13l. 13s. 9½d. yearly for a livery.
Docquet Book, p. 33.
Charles Bertie to Alderman Backwell to pay to Col.
John Romsey 600l. "for which he will deliver you
tallies struck upon you as Receiver of the Queen's
portion" : being for 3 years of his pension.
Money Book (General)
p. 299. Money Book
(Fees and Pensions)
p. 31.
Letter of direction on 533l. 6s. 8d. in further part of
an order of 1675, July 12, for 4,000l. to Phillip
Packer for extraordinaries of the Works whereof
1,443l. 6s. 8d. is already paid : said 533l. 6s. 8d.
being hereby charged on the Hearthmoney farm
rent due this present March.
Money Book (General)
p. 300.
The like on 1,066l. 13s. 4d. in further part of an order
of same date for 8,000l. to said Packer for the
ordinary of the Works whereof 2,103l. 19s. 0d. is
already paid : to be paid as above.
The like on 700l. in part of an order of Feb. 23 last
for 1,300l. to John, Lord Berkeley : to be paid as
Ibid, p. 302.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Phillip Packer, Paymaster
of the Works, as imprest for putting and
keeping the King's house called Audley End, co.
Essex, in repair and for fitting, altering and converting
the white yard and outbuilding next thereto
adjoining : as by the privy seal of July 4 last :
being the allowance established for the year commencing
April 1 last.
Ibid, p. 301.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue
958l. 4s. 5d. (which the Customs Cashier is directed
to bring into the Exchequer) to Sir Robert Vyner
in full of an order of his of the 15th Oct. last for
2,915l. 1s. 11d.
Ibid, p. 302.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay William Culliford
100l. for half a year's salary as Register of Seizures.
Ibid, p. 302. Money
Book (Fees and Pensions)
p. 32.
Money warrant for 75l. to Col. Charles Gifford for
half a year on his pension.
Money Book (General)
p. 302.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to
issue 25,000l. to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the
Navy, upon any imprest orders in his name for the
Navy : to be by tallies on the Customs Cashier.
Same from same to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of
the Navy. By my warrant of 1674, April 27, I
ordered 2,000l. to you by tallies on the Excise
commencing at Midsummer then next ensuing :
and to be paid over to George Dashwood. Peter
Calvert and the rest of the Farmers of Excise for 6
per cent. interest and 4 per cent. gratuity on the
20,000l. advanced by them upon credit of the Excise
to answer the pressing occasions of the Navy in
March and April, 1674. The present warrant
authorises the payment of said 2,000l. to Dashwood
and partners for one year on such interest and
gratuity (at the end of which said year the
principal money was to be repaid them).
Ibid, p. 303.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Excise Commissioners
to allow Henry Houghton and his partners,
late Farmers of Excise for co. Lanes, interest
on their advance money, their failure in paying
their quarterly rents at the exact days being accidental
or due to the remissness of their employees :
the whole interest of the advance money for the
quarters wherein failure was made amounting to
192l. 11s. 3d., the said Farmers having about Jan.,
1674-5, when his Majesty had urgent occasions for
money, fully paid the arrear of their farm within
20 days following.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. pp. 248-9
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for
a great seal for a grant of the office of collector of
Ipswich port to Thomas Bridgeman in reversion after
William Booth : the grant of said office to Matthew
Snelling (in reversion after said Booth) not being as
yet executed and Snelling praying the recall thereof
and the grant to Bridgeman as herein. (Vide supra,
p. 132, under date Feb. 18.] (Treasurer Danby's
subscription dated April 19 of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 75. Docquet Book,
p. 57.
Mar. 2.
Note of Treasurer Danby's agreement with the report
made by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the
petition of Thomas, Earl of Ossory for payment out
of the 20,000l. reserved out of the Irish revenue, of the
2,000l. ; year for 7 years which the King had already
granted him : the said report of the Lord Lieutenant
hereon being to the effect that the King having appointed
said 20,000l. to the building of Windsor Castle,
said Earl must be paid by the receiver of that sum
or have a grant by patent out of the said fund.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. p. 249.
The like note of agreement with the like report on
the petition of John, bishop of Ossory, said petition
shewing that several evidences concerning the lands
&c. of his bishopric were embezzled in the troubles
whereby said lands &c. are in danger to be separated
from the see, and therefore praying a patent for
all lands as shall appear by former patents, records
or inquisitions to belong to said bishopric : on
which petition the Lord Lieutenant reports that
he apprehends no prejudice from such a patent for
lands now in possession of the bishop and of such
liberties, franchises, privileges &c. as the Chief
Governor of Ireland shall think fit.
Ibid, p. 250.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue
to Sir Stephen Fox and the Cofferer of the Household
(as in satisfaction of their two orders of yesyesterday
for interest accounts) the 31,634l.
(31,634l. 3s. 6d.) which the Treasurers of Excise
are directed to bring into the Exchequer.
Money Book (General)
p. 303.
Letter of direction on an order of Feb. 3 last for 338l.
to Sir Richard Bulstrode ut supra, p. 120 : same
being hereby charged on the Hearthmoney farm rent
due this present March.
Money warrant dormant for payment of the yearly
fee payable to Sir Francis Winnington Kt. as
Solicitor General.
Ibid, p. 304.
Money warrant for 400l. [sic for 500l.] to Lady Fisher
for half a year on her pension for 1,000l. per an.
(Letter of direction hereon dated Mar. 15 for
charging it by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm
rent payable in Sept. next.)
Ibid, p. 312.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver at Wallingford House a box
in the Custom House directed to the Earl of Danby
and containing things intended for the use of the
Duchess of Portsmouth.
Out Letters (Customs)
III. p. 88.
Mar. 3.
Charles Bertie to [the Customs Commissioners] to
restore Edward Redding to his employ as a tidesman
extraordinary London port, being lately suspended
for being found asleep on duty.
Ibid, p. 89.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier.
In pursuance of the warrant of July 5 last tallies were
levied on you for 26,000l. payable to Sir Stephen
Fox for the Forces. Of this sum 14,000l. remains
unpaid which may be satisfied by wine bonds. You
are to receive such bonds to that amount and to
deliver same to Sir Stephen Fox and to pay
him also the calculated 10 per cent, discount
Ibid, pp. 89-90.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to forthwith
pay the Queen's Dressers, Maids of Honour
and Mother of the Maids (in the margin Lady Sanderson)
one quarter of their pensions [same being]
lately brought into the Exchequer by the Customs
Money Book (General)
p. 304.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to George Wharton,
Treasurer of the Ordnance, to pay 250l. to Sir
Thomas Chichley, Master of the Ordnance.
Letter of direction on 2,000l. in further part of an
order of 1675, Nov. 22, for 10,000l. to Ralph
Montagu for the Great Wardrobe whereof 3,000l. is
[already] paid : same to be hereby paid by tallies
on the Hearthmoney rent payable in the present
Ibid, p. 305.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General
for a great seal for a grant of the office of Paymaster
of the Forces to Sir Henry Puckering alias Newton
loco Sir Stephen Fox ut supra, p. 126, under date
Feb. 9. This revised form contains the following
fresh clause : "and in order to the preventing frauds
and abuses in the payment of the said Guards,
Garrisons and Forces our further will and pleasure
is ... that the said Sir Henry Puckering alias
Newton shall have the inspection, checque and control
of and upon all accounts and payments to be
made by any person or persons who shall receive
any moneys from us in order to the payment of the
said Guards, Garrisons and Forces or that shall have
the management or disposition thereof ; and
further also that the said Sir Henry Puckering alias
Newton, his heirs, executors or administrators shall
not in any sorte be accomptable or lyable to answer
for any sum or sums of money which shall be paid to
any other person or persons by privy seal or otherwise
for or towards the payment of the said Guards,
Garrisons or Forces" Subscribed by the Attorney
General "I approve of this forme." [Sir] W. Jones.
(Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 15 of
docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
pp. 76-7. Docquet Book,
p. 38.
Royal warrant for a privy seal to discharge Lord
Belasyse of 1,098l. 13s. 0½d. due upon his last
Tangier account in lieu of 2,092l. 16s. 0d. due to said
Lord for his pay there till the date of Lord Middleton's
King's Warrant Book
V. p. 78.
Mar. 4.
Dr. John Butler concerned for himself and two brothers
in law John and Humphrey Thomas, jointly with
Sir Robert Thomas bart, in a warrant lately passed
the great seal, desires that no warrant or direction
for transferring and assigning His Majesty's right,
title and interest in a lease of 99 years mentioned in
the said warrant be given in behalf of the said Sir
Robt. Thomas till the said Dr. Butler and his two
brothers in law be first secured their just debts and
annuities according to said warrant or that the said
Dr. Butler be first heard in behalf of himself and
Caveat Book, p. 17.
Money warrant for 200l. and 46l. 10s. 10d. to Nicholas
Staggins for one year on his fee of 200l. per an. and
fee of 20d. a day and livery of 16l. 2s. 6d. by the
year as master of the King's music and one of His
Majesty's wind instruments
Money Book (General)
p. 304.
Instructions from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners in answer to their representation of
the 28th ult. (1) As to the case of James Claypoole
who imported 4,400½ [yards] of German linen
into Ipswich and paid duty there as for broad German
linen, but which on being sent up to London
turned out to be narrow German linen, and paid duty
as such in London, you are to return the overplus
of the duty. (2) You are to direct the Collector of
Plymouth port to furnish the Collector of Fowey
(a member of Plymouth port) with 26l. 4s. 2d.
which he is to pay to Aldr. Jefferys to satisfy a
debenture long due to said Jefferys for half subsidy
on tobacco imported and [re-]exported at Fowey
"where (you informe me) there is neither money nor
appearance where there will be any for the payment
thereof." (3) A quantity of corn has been exported
out of Lynn Regis in the foreign built ship Owners'
Adventure of that port. It appears by certificate
dated 1661, Mar. 30, signed and sealed by the chief
officer of said port (which is according to the Act of
Navigation) that the master of said vessel was an
Englishman, that he bought said vessel 9 Feb.,
1660-1, at Defthaven in Holland, that the several
proprietors were English and no foreigner directly
or indirectly interested therein ; and the officers
of said port testify she has been ever since reputed
a free ship, but is now not found as free in the
register of the surveyor for the Navigation Act according
to the direction of the Act of frauds.
Howbeit the law does not impose the entering of the
ships in the said register upon the owners but upon
the officers of the respective ports. You are therefore
to make the allowance for corn in this case as if said
vessel had been found in said register. (4) You are
to do the same in the like case of the ship Hope of
Lynn Regis. (5) Sir Arthur Ingram's butt of
Canary wine which is but a very little above 9 inches
is to be taken and allowed as an out. (6) Capt.
Winbury entered and deposited the duty of a full
pipe of Canary wine which leaked much. You are
to take duty according to the quantity of wine remaining
and to return the overplus duty. (7) The
Merchants' Adventure, Richard Downing master,
bound for [from] Newcastle for the coast with coals
was driven into Holland by distress and there unladed.
The fraudulent affidavit in this case was
made by one Turnor, a crimp, purporting that the
said pink was lost, with intention as is supposed to
vacate the bond given by said Downing for payment
of the custom. As it does not appear how far said
Downing was instrumental in procuring said affidavit
the process on his bond is to be continued.
(8) You are to cause the parcels of Fingrius or Pladding
belonging to Paul Fleet mariner to be delivered
to him on payment of custom ad valorem (the
proper duty being more than they are worth) on
his giving security to return said goods into Scotland.
Out Letters (Customs)
III. pp. 91-3.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs
Commissioners to employ John Light as a tidesman
in fee loco James Miller, dismissed.
Owen Jones as a boatman at Plymouth loco
Oliver Blisseter, deceased.
John Palmer as a waiter at Aldeburgh loco Rice
Easman who declines the employment.
William Morgan as waterman at Chepstow loco
Phillip Matthews, deceased.
John Willard to be restored to his place as waiter
at Whitstable in regard Orias Kempe, who was
put into his place, does not appear.
John Wright as assistant to Richard Taylor,
waiter and searcher at York without fee.
Out Letters (Customs)
III. p. 94.
Same from same to the Customs Cashier to pay
45l. 7s. 2d. to Richard Prowse gent., Solicitor for the
affairs of the Customs, for his disbursements in
defending, by order, a suit commenced against said
Customs Cashier by Sir William Bucknall in the
Exchequer concerning a tally struck upon said
Cashier for said Bucknall : and a further 5l. for
his extra pains in said suit wherein His Majesty is
Entry of the reference to the Customs Commissioners
of the petition of Francis Waters for a cask of padlocks
"shipped for Cadiz and bound here for London
to be kept in the Custom House untill he relades
them for Cadiz."
Ibid, p. 95.
Mar. 6.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier
to deliver to the Treasurer of the Navy wine bonds
for 25,000l. (plus 10 per cent. discount thereon) in
satisfaction of tallies levied for that amount payable
to the said Treasurer.
Ibid, p. 90.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to
discharge the seizure of the small vessel Hope of
Guernsey lately come into Cowes and there seized
because of a small parcel of coarse wool (since valued
at 2l. 16s. 3d.) and some leather found therein and
intended for France for a merchant at Cherburg.
According to the affidavit of James Breehault said
vessel was bound from Guernsey to Alderney and
thence to Cherburg to lade corn for Guernsey, but
was forced by distress into the Isle of Wight : all
which you report to me on the petition of Thomas
le Mesurier, owner of said vessel.
Ibid, p. 93.
Same from same to same to supersede process against
Benjamin Polstead, late Collector of Lynn Regis port,
who has not duly accounted for the moneys by him
received : he intending with his wife's consent to sell
a small estate, part of her jointure, to satisfy the
King's debt, he having wholly divested himself of
all moneys in his hands and made several assignments
[to the king] of debts [owing to himself].
Ibid, p. 95.
Treasurer Danby to the Commissioners of the Eighteen
Months' assessment for London and Westminster.
It appears by the account of the Receiver of the said
assessment and by certificate from Mr. Thompson,
solicitor for same, that there is still an arrear thereon
of 327l. 3s. 3d. ; whereof 72l. 18s. 6d. was never
assessed. I have written you several letters to complete
the said assessment "and now am to tell you
you are the only commissioners in England that I
find have been so remiss." It is clear from the Act
of Parliament that no accident whatsoever shall
abate any part of this tax. If you do not assess,
levy and pay the full sum Exchequer process
will issue against you.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. p. 252.
Charles Bertie to Cousin [Sir Robert Howard, Auditor
of the Receipt] to pay 29l. 2s. 4d. to Auditor Aldworth
for making up the Hearthmoney account of
Money Book (General)
p. 304.
Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the
Receipt from time to time to levy tallies of pro or
assignment upon the Excise for 1,500l. per quarter to
Visct. Grandison and Edward Villiers ("and that
as well" for 1,500l. for last Xmas quarter thereon) :
on the 6,000l. per an. to them for the Duchess of
Cleveland as by the privy seal of 1674, Oct. 9.
Ibid, 304b.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay
100l. to Lady Morley in satisfaction of her order :
the Customs Cashier being directed to bring said
sum into the Exchequer.
Same to same to pay the 234l. 0s. 3¾d. (which the
Customs Cashier is directed to bring into the Exchequer)
to the following falconers, viz., John Cary,
James Roper, William Sakins, Arthur Wichelse,
Silvanus Rowley, John Silvester, Thomas Dechamp,
William Poulton and Abell Daniell (Daniel) for half
a year of their respective fees, according to their
several warrants of Feb. 10.
Ibid. Money Book (Fees
and Pensions) p. 22.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Richard Reve, Esq.,
Receiver of the late Eighteen Months' assessment
for London and Middlesex to pay to John Thompson
(solicitor for London and Middlesex for said tax)
125l. making up (with what he has already received)
275l. for 2¾ years' service as such : he having
behaved himself therein very faithfully and with
great diligence and with very good effect.
Money Book (General)
p. 304b.
Same from same to Sir Robt. Croke, Clerk of the Pipe,
to take order that payment be made to the Duke
of Norfolk of the creation moneys of 20l. per an.
as Earl of Surrey (payable anciently by the sheriffs
of Surrey and Sussex out of the issues and profits
of those counties) and 40l. per an. as Duke of
Norfolk (similarly payable by the sheriffs of
Norfolk and Suffolk) : all the said several sums
being in arrear and unpaid for several years past.
Ibid, p. 305.
Money warrant for 150l. to the Countess of Newburgh
for last Xmas quarter on her pension.
Money Book (General)
p. 305.
Same for 200l. to Mris. Justina Vandike alias Stepney
Stepney for one year on her pension.
Same for 100l. 7s. 6d. to John Middleton, Esq., for one
year's salary and board wages as a Serj. at Arms.
Ibid, p. 306.
Same for 150l. to Visct. Falkland for half a year to
Sept. 29 last on his pension.
Same for 10,000l to William Roberts, Receiver of the
Honor &c. of Windsor : as imprest for the building,
rebuilding and repairing of the houses and buildings
within the Castle of Windsor : as by the privy seal
of 1674, Aug. 30.
Same for 537l. 10s. 0d. to Thomas Panton and
Bernard Greenvile for 10¾ years to Xmas last on
their fee of 50l. per an. as Keepers of Petersham
lodge within the Great Park near Richmond.
Mar. 7.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay
15l. to Sir William Armorer for 1½ years to Xmas
last on his fee as his Majesty's brigandier.
Ibid. p. 305.
Same to the Customs Cashier to forthwith pay 100l.
to Lord Chandos for half a year to June 24 last on
his pension.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to strike tallies
[on the Excise] for 750l. to Lord Crofts for three
quarters to Xmas last on his pension.
Same to Sir John James and Major Huntington to
pay the abovesaid tallies.
Money warrant for 7,500l. to Sir Edward Griffin,
Treasurer of the Chamber for one quarter's allowance
to Sept. 29 last for the service of the Chamber :
to be paid by tallies on the contractors for managing
the Hearthmoney out of their rent payable in
Sept. next.
Ibid, p. 306.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring 250l.
into the Exchequer for the Earl of Rochester "notwithstanding
any former restriction."
Out Letters (Customs)
III. p. 93.
Mar. 8.
Money warrant for 10l. to Mr. Twitty, clerk of the
peace for co. Worcester, for his charges and trouble
in matters relating to the execution of the late Commission
for enquiring of the real estates of popish
Recusants convicted in said county.
Money Book (General)
p. 307.
Same for 20 marks or 13l. 6s. 8d. to Christopher
Tadman, employed as Clerk to the late Commissioners
for enquiring of the real estates of convicted
Recusants in Yorks, East Riding.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer
to suspend process against Geo. Clerke, late
Receiver of Hearthmoney for Devon and Cornwall,
one John Norman, one of his sureties who was employed
in receiving and returning the money, having
confessed that he had 2,291l. 3s. 4d. in his hands
which was due upon the account [for the year]
ended at Michaelmas, 1671, "almost the whole of
which the said Clerke affirms to have been levied
on his other sureties and that he, the said Clerke
is since grown in arrear about 1,200l. upon his account
ending at Lady Day, 1674, having greatly
suffered by reason of the said Norman : and therefore
said Clerke prays that process may be stayed
against himself and his sureties and in lieu thereof
may be had against said Norman to which the Lord
Treasurer agrees, upon Clerke's promising to pay
his whole arrear and to clear his accounts before the
end of next term.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. p. 252.
Privy seal for the payment of impost wine allowance
money for 2 years to Michaelmas last (being of late
years allowed in lieu of so many tuns of Gascoigne
wines out of the Prizage and Butlerage) to the following
officials, viz., Lord Chancellor or Keeper of
the Great Seal 96l. (in lieu of 12 tuns) ; Chief Justice
of the King's Bench, Chief Justice of Common Pleas
and Chief Baron of the Exchequer 13l. 6s. 8d. each
(in lieu of 2 tuns each) ; Provost and Fellows of
Eton College 15l. (in lieu of 3 tuns) ; Provost and Fellows of
King's College, Cambridge, 10l. (in lieu
of 2 tons) ; Master of the Rolls, 6l. 13s. 4d. (in lieu
of 1 tun) making in all 167l. 13s. 4d. per an. which
sums have remained unpaid for said two years ; and
to pay same in future out of the Exchequer instead
of charging it on the Prizage or Butlerage. (Royal
warrant dated Mar. 1 for said privy seal. Money
warrant and dormant warrant hereon dated Mar. 9.)
King's Warrant Book IV.
pp. 82-3, 75. Money
Book (General) p. 308.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General
for a great seal for a grant to Edward Bull, Esq. of
the office of Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall
in reversion after Sir Peter Killegrew and John
Tregagle. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated
Mar. 15 of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 84. Docquet Book,
p. 36.
Royal sign manual for 50l. to Edward Randolph without
account : he being designed to go to New
England express (appointed to carry an express to
the Government in New England). (Money warrant
hereon dated Mar. 9. Charles Bertie to the
Auditor of the Receipt, dated Mar. 13, to pay said
50l. to Randolph, "who is commanded immediately
for New England." The Customs Cashier is to
bring the money into the Exchequer, but meanwhile
"I desire you will pay him now and repay yourself
[out of such money from the Customs] tomorrow.")
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 97. Money Book
(General) pp. 307, 309.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated
1675-6, Mar., of a grant under the privy seal to
William Thomas of all the goods and chattels of
Peregrine Wingfield, forfeited to the King by his
becoming felo de se : but with a proviso that said
Thomas shall satisfy all the just debts of said
Docquet Book, p. 35.
Mar. 9.
Money warrant for 50l. to Mistress Izabella Bointon
for a quarter on her pension of 200l. per an.
Money Book (General
p. 308.
Same for 100l. to Mris. Katherine Elliott for half a
year on her pension of 200l. per an.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt. The
orders lately signed by the Lord Treasurer for the
Hearthmoney Agents are to be satisfied out of such
money as they have already brought in : the sum
being 550l.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Serj. Ramsey to
discharge from custody William Ross arrested under
the Lord Treasurer's warrant of Feb. 28 last for
dangerously wounding Saml. Evans, a Hearthmoney
officer : the said Evans being now perfectly recovered
and the Hearthmoney Farmers having
consented to Ross's release.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. p. 253.
Entry of Treasurer Danby's agreement with the report
from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the petition
of Rose Cassells praying that the Chief Governor of
Ireland may be directed to pass a patent for the
pension of 200l. per an. granted to her by the King's
letters of 29 Oct. 1675 : on which the Lord
Lieutenant reports that the proper course will be to
pass a patent under the great seal of Ireland according
to her desire.
Mar. 10.
Money warrant for 800l. to John Jervis, gent., (for the
officers of Ludlow Castle) for one year to Lady Day,
1672, on the 800l. per an. allowance to the steward
of the Court and Household of the Marches of
Wales for defraying the ordinary expenses of the said
Household : he being certified by the Earl of
Carbery, then Lord President of Wales, to have
been steward of said Household for that time : to
be paid by tallies of 400l. and 400l. on the Receivers
of Crown revenues for North Wales and South Wales
Money Book (General)
p. 309.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer
to suspend process against Edmond Doyley,
Receiver of Hearthmoney and of the Eighteen
Months' assessment for co. Notts.
Warrants not Relating to
Money VI. p. 253.
Same from same to same to similarly suspend process
against Sir William Doyley Kt., late Receiver of
Hearthmoney for Surrey and Southwark, on his
arrear of 871l. : he having in Jan. 1670-1 been
forbidden to receive any more of that duty, and
having accordingly forewarned William Robinson
and the rest of his deputies not to collect same from
Lady Day, 1671, notwithstanding which said
Robinson and the other deputies have collected
about 400l. and others, who are strangers and not
deputies, have collected about 471l. whereof nothing
has come to said Doyley's hands.
Ibid, p. 254.
Same from same to Sir William Jones, Attorney
General, to enter a noli prosequi to any information
that may be exhibited in the Exchequer for non-payment
of custom on an elephant lately arrived in
London port from some part of the East Indies
for George, Lord Berkeley for which the custom
ad valorem is paid or deposited : the Lord Treasurer
having received the King's special command for
remittal of the said customs.
Same from same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to
Mary Ray, spinster, daughter of Thomas Roy (Rey)
of the messuage with the appurtenances and small
close of meadow of about an acre now or lately in
the occupation of Frances Robinson, widow, and
situate in Maidenhead in the parish of Cookham :
being parcel of the lands of Thomas Rey, attainted
1653, July 14, of felony and burglary, and on that
account seized by inquisition taken 1662, May 18,
before John Whitfeild, Thomas Staples and Charles
Brandon : the present lease herein to be for 500
years at 3s. 4d. per an. rent, but to be void if the
premises be not recovered [to the Crown] within 5
years hereof said lease to be in consideration of
said lessee's charge in discovering and prosecuting
the King's title to the premises.
Prefixing : Constat of the premises.
Ibid, pp. 254-5.
Entry of the docquet of demise by in custodiam lease
under the Exchequer seal to Sir John Wynne, of
divers lands and tenements in co. Denbigh belonging
to John Trevor, outlawed for debt at the suit of
Jonathan Scot and Elizabeth his wife.
Warrants not Relating to
Money, VI. p. 255.
The like of same to Michael Wharton, Esq., and Sir
Ralph Wharton of divers lands in co. Westmorland
belonging to Anthony Duckett, Esq., outlawed in
Westmorland for debt at the suit of Katherin Curwen.
The like of same to Jane Hewitt, widow, of divers
messuages &c. in Pocklington, co. Yorks, parcel of
the lands of Francis Feild, senr., outlaw.
Treasurer Danby's fiat for letters patent to constitute
Miles Edgar, gent., searcher of Chichester port loco
Thomas Greenfield, gent., deceased.
Ibid, p. 256.
Entry of Treasurer Danby's agreement with the report
from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the petition
of Thomas Taylor : said report being that petitioner
has pursuant to the King's directions drawn
out several large books containing a complete account
of the disposition of all such lands as were returned
forfeited in Ireland according to the Downe admeasurement
and as they were decreed by the
Court of Claims : which [work] will be very useful
and that 500l. (payable out of the advance money of
the New Farmers of the Revenue of Ireland) is but
a reasonable compensation for same.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated
1675-6, Mar., of a grant to Thomas, Earl of Ossory,
of an annuity of 2,666l. 13s. 4d. for three years from
Xmas next, payable quarterly out of the revenue
in Ireland, the first payment to be made at Lady Day,
1677 ; and of another annuity of 2,000l. for three
years from Xmas, 1679, payable similarly out of said
revenue, the first payment to be made at Lady Day,
1680 ; said annuities to be inserted in the present
and future establishments of Ireland.
Docquet Book, p. 36.
Same of same dated same of a pardon to Capt. Joseph
Harris for and concerning his ordering the topsail
of his Majesty's ketch Quaker, whereof he was commander,
to be lowered to a Spanish man-of-war
within his Majesty's seas : and of all pains and
penalties incurred by reason of the same : with
restitution of lands and goods.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy
seal, in pursuance of the King's late agreement, to
release to Sir John Shaw, the survivor of the late
1662-7 Customs Farmers and to the heirs, executors
&c. of Sir John Wolstenholme of London, Kt., Sir
John Jacob of London, Kt., Sir Nicholas Crispe of
London, Kt., Sir John Harrison of London, Kt. (who
with said Sir John Shaw were by indenture dated
1662-3, Feb. 9, constituted Farmers of the Customs
for five years from the proceding Michaelmas)
the sum of 319,905l. 14s. 7d. in respect of their losses
by the war and fire on condition of their payment
into the Exchequer of 30,000l. which is since accordingly
paid (by 17 tallies bearing dates between
1671-2, Feb. 11 and 1672, Aug. 3) : and further
(in accordance with such release and allowance) for
the stating and passing of the accompt of the last two
years of the said farm ended at March, 1667 : with
proviso that the extent upon the estate of Sir John
Jacob (heir of one of the said late Farmers) who
failed to pay his proportion of the said 30,000l. shall
be continued in aid of those who paid the same,
which said extended lands were by a great seal of
1675, June 29, granted to Sir Denny Ashburnham
of Broomeham, Sussex, and Sir James Edwards of
London, in trust for William Wogan and William
Mainstone, the purchasers thereof, "and we have
been since also graciously pleased" by a great seal
of same date to grant to Visct. Grandison and Thomas
Crompe the debt due from Sir John Harrison for
arrears of rent of the said farm, viz., as in trust for
the son and heir of the said Sir John Harrison. (The
preamble of the privy seal states that in accordance
with the order of reference of 1669-70, Jan. 29,
from the late Treasury Lords, Auditor Beane certified
that the customs receipts for the last two years
of said farm amounted to only 686,494l. 16s. 2d.
which is 93,505l. 3s. 10d. less than the Farmers' rent,
besides above 180,000l. which in said last two years
said Farmers paid out in debentures for half subsidy
of goods exported and cost of management, as
also allowances made to their sub-farmers of the
customs of coal, salt, timber, deals, glass, earthenware
&c., and interest for moneys, as also near
50,000l. lost by acts of State whereby the merchants
were prohibited to trade to the Canaries, in regard
that the [receipts of the] Customs on Canary wines
for those two years were much below those of
the two former years, as also losses from collectors
and merchants : whereupon after several hearings
of the said Farmers and their Counsel in the presence
of the King, Duke of York and others of the Privy
Council, it was agreed as above, as is expressed in
the sign manual of 29 Jan., 23 Car. II. (ut supra
Cal. Tr. Books III. pp. 1178-9, 1365) : further
the present privy seal recites the following allowances
agreed upon hereby to be made to said late
Farmers, viz., 300l. for the fine of the Custom House
in Mark Lane ; 300l. for the rent thereof for a year
to 1667, Sept. 29 ; 611l. 1s. 5½d. for repairing and
fitting said house for use as the Customs Office ; 6l.
for tithes and minister's duties for said house for
said year ; 14l. 10s. 0d. for the rent of a warehouse
for said year ; 122l. 10s. 0d. for the charges of a
Commission to survey the old Customs house ground
and to bound the wharfes and keys.) (Treasurer
Danby's subscription dated Mar. 20 of docquet
King's Warrant Book V.
pp. 84-95. Docquet
Book, p. 41.
Royal warrant to Treasurer Danby to give warrant to
the sheriff of Middlesex to pay Lieut.-Col. John
Kenedy 100l. for his charges in taking and prosecuting
one Cusack and eight of his accomplices all
lately condemned in the county of Middlesex for
piracy (of whom said Cusack the Captain and the
Master were executed) : it being ordered by the King
in Council, Dec. 17, last that Kenedy should be paid
said sum, although under the proclamation of 1661,
Dec. 30, the reward extends only to robbery on the
highway or burglary. (Treasurer Danby's warrant
hereon accordingly dated Mar. 15 to Sir John
Shorter and Sir Thomas Gould, sheriffs of Middlesex.)
King's Warrant Book V.
p. 97. Money Book
(General) p. 311.
Entry of an order of the King in Council dated Whitehall,
approving and requiring the enforcement of
regulations concerning the obtaining of sea passes :
all as follows. In pursuance of an order [of Council]
of the 8th inst. the Admiralty Lords did this day
report to the King in Council the following rules
prepared by the Committee of [the Privy] Council
for Trade for preventing the fraudulent procuring
of passes : the said rules being as calendared S.P.
Dom, 1676, pp. 9-10. Rule 6 has a marginal note as
follows : Memorandum, that the four fisher boats
[for the Holy Island fishery] lately made free are to
be excepted. The rules are followed by the following
forms in blank :
(1) Shipmaster's bond for the return of the pass.
(2) Oath of master of a foreign built ship made
free that it is made free, belongs to subjects of
the King, has no other name and has had no
other pass, or if it has, what has become of it.
(3) Navigation Act officer's certificate (a) for
London port, (b) for the outports, as to the
navigation of said ship according to the Navigation
Act and of its freedom.
(4) Oath of master of an English built ship that
it belongs to the King's subjects, has no other
name, and has had no other pass &c. ut supra.
(5) Navigation Act officer's certificate (a) and
(b) ut supra in the case of such English built ship.
(6) Oath of master of a foreign built ship not
made free (whether bought before or since 1
Jan., 1673-4) that it has been bought by and
belongs wholly to subjects of the King, has no
other name, and has had no other pass &c.
ut supra.
(7) Navigation Act officer's certificate (a) and (b)
ut supra in the case of such foreign built unfree
(8) Oath of proprietors of a foreign built ship
bought since 1 Jan., 1673-4, and not made free,
that none but the King's subjects have shar
Appending :—A note dated Mar. 11. In obedience to
His Majesty's order in Council of the 10th inst. Sir
George Downing and Sir Robert Southwell [? are
requested by Treasurer Danby to] agree upon the
size of parchment upon which the passes are to be
printed. Memorandum : And the forms of the
said passes are the same which are directed by the
respective treaties with Spain and the United Provinces
&c. [See also infra, p. 183, under date Mar.
28] Followed by : entry of a warrant from Treasurer
Danby to the Customs Commissioners dated Newmarket,
1676, April 7, requiring them to observe
and to cause to be observed the abovesaid rules
and forms of certificates, oaths and bonds, as approved
by the King in Council : all for the preventing
fraudulent procuring of passes pursuant to
the treaties with Spain, the United Provinces and
all others (except those with Algiers, Tripoli and
Tunis). (See also infra, p. 165.)
Out Letters (Customs) III.
pp. 132, 117-30. Warrants
not Relating to
Money VI. pp. 296-301.