Nature and Substance of the Entry.
Feb. 1
Money warrant for 75l. 5s. 7½d. to William Bishop for three
quarters on his salary and board wages as a Serjeant at
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 441 ;
Money Book (General),
p. 9.
Same for 376l. to William Perwich for 188 days, 1674, Mar. 25
to Sept. 29, being employed by His Majesty for the negotiation
of certain of His Majesty's affairs at Paris.
Ibid ; Ibid.
Same for 1,300l. to Sir William Lockhart for three months'
ordinary as Ambassador in ordinary to the French King.
Ibid, p. 442 ; Ibid.
Feb. 1
The tin business to be considered [this day]. The Lord Warden
of the Stannaries, Lord Arundell, and Sir William Smith are
to be desired to attend.
Day Book, p. 86.
Feb. 1
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to employ Giles Bland as Collector of the new duty in Virginia
loco — Diggs who has declined same.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 235.
Entry of demise to Sir John Arrundell, Kt., of Lanherne.
Cornwall, of Restormel Park, with three acres of wood and a
chapel called Trinity chapel, for 99 years in reversion after
the death of Hugh Trevanion or for the lives of Richard
Trevanion, son, or of Maria, daughter of John Trevanion,
senr., Esq., deceased, late husband of Lady Ann Arundell.
Feb. 1
Cha. Bertie to Sir Rob. Howard to pay 150l. to Lady Wentworth
for a quarter on her pension.
Money Book (General),
p. 90.
Same to same to pay Sir William Saunderson and Lady Saunderson
50l. for one quarter on their pension : out of the money paid
into the Exchequer by the Customs Cashier.
Feb. 1
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 250l. to the Earl of Sunderland
for a quarter on his pension.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of the 1674, Michaelmas quarter's
incidents bill and salary bill of the Excise Office disbursed
upon account of the Country Excise. (Totals respectively
36l. 16s. 2d. and 262l. 10s. 0d.)
Money Book (Excise),
p. 84 ; Money Book
(General), p 54 ; Warrants
Not Relating to
Money V. p. 239.
Letter of direction by Treasurer Danby, "having received His
Majesty's directions herein" on an order of loan, No. 392,
dated 1671, Nov. 21, for 91l. 5s. 0d. to Clement Cottrell, Esq.,
with interest : same being hereby charged on the sixth quarter
of the Eighteen Months' assessment.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 442 ;
Money Book (General),
p. 10.
Money warrant for 300l. to Katherine Gunster (Dunster), widow,
for 1½ years in part of 5¼ years' arrears to Xmas last on her
pension of 200l. per an. for 21 years to 1668, Xmas.
Ibid, pp. 442-3 ; Ibid.
Feb. 3
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet, dated 1674-5, Feb.,
of a warrant to the Attorney General to acknowledge satisfaction
upon record of the several fines set upon Christian
Bartlet, Dirk Gerritson and Cornelius Mareshall.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,075, p. 143.
Same of same, dated 1674-5, Jan., of a reversionary grant to
Thomas Howard of the office of one of the four Tellers in the
Same of same, dated same, of a grant to Jonas Moore, Esq., of
the office of Master Surveyor of His Majesty's ordnance,
ammunition and stores in England, Ireland and other the
King's dominions : with the fee of 2s. a day out of the Exchequer
and all other fees, &c., thereof : all in reversion after
Sir Jonas Moore.
Ibid, p. 143b.
Same of same, dated same, of a creation of Charles, Lord
Buckhurst, to be Baron Cranfield and Earl of Middlesex, with
the fee of 20l. per an. for the support of said dignity.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great
seal for a grant of the office of Customer and Collector of
Customs Inwards, Southampton port, to William Brerewood,
gent., in reversion after William Andrews. (Treasurer
Danby's subscription, dated Feb. 24, of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book IV.
p. 239 ; British Museum
Additional MS. 28,075,
p. 150.
Royal sign manual for 442l. to be paid to Geo. Benyon without
account or imprest : the same being the amount of balance
owing from the late Sir George Benyon as by the privy seal of
July 30 last (see supra pp. 534-5) : all by reason that "the
said George Benyon, son and heir of said Sir George, did (as
we are informed) sign an acquittance acknowledging the
receipt of the said sum of 442l., which acquittance was for
some time taken to be a good acquittance to the said [Sir
George Benyon's] executors for payment thereof but afterwards
by them refused to be accepted and the money thereupon
paid into the Receipt of our Exchequer, and for want of some
words which should have been expressed in our said letters of
privy seal (although we have thereby given the said 442l. to
the said George Benyon) some doubt ariseth whether the said
moneys can now be issued out of our Exchequer by virtue
thereof." (Money warrant hereon dated Feb. 5 ; to be
satisfied by issuing a like sum to said G. Benyon, which is
paid into the Exchequer by the executors of said Sir George
for so much due to the King from them : the same to be
issued without fees.)
Ibid, pp. 240-1 ; Ibid.
28,076. p. 444 ; Money
Book (General), pp. 10-11.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to [? the Serjeant at Arms
attending him] for William Speight, gent., Deputy Receiver
unto Timothy Wade, late Receiver of the late Queen Mother's
revenue, to be permitted to come to his accompt by Mar. 20
next free from arrest notwithstanding any warrant for his
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 266.
Cha. Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay 10,000l. into the
Money Book (General),
p. 90.
Feb. 3
The Marquess of Worcester's and Mr. Okeden's business put off
till Wednesday [this day].
Sir Charles Harbord and Sir Peter Ball to attend [this
day] about Mris. Marbury's business.
The late Farmers of Excise [of London, &c.] and Col.
Birch to attend.
The Commissioners for the Eighteen Months' assessment
and Mr. Slingsby are to attend about [as]sessing the officers of
the Mint [to said assessment].
Day Book, pp. 85, 86.
Feb. 3
Entry of an acknowledgment by John Cary of the satisfaction of
the debt of 132l. 12s. 0d. owing to him by the King on an
account for His Majesty's affairs at Woodstock, as declared
Nov. 13 last before Treasurer Danby, "and doe most humbly
in all duty and thankfulness release and acquitt his said
Majestie thereof and of all further demands whatsoever
touching or concerning the same."
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 235.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver to the Duchess of York. Customs free, 3 chests of
wine, 2 of cheese and 1 of sasiges imported for her from —.
Ibid, p 236.
Feb. 4
Same from same to the Customs Cashier to pay one quarter's
salary to the patent officers of the outports.
Money Book (General)
p. 48 : Money Book
(Customs), p. 190.
Money warrant for 50l. to Thomas Windham for one quarter on
his pension.
Money Book (General)
p. 11 ; Money Book
(Pensions), p. 1.
Same for 100l. to Mris. Winfrid Windham for half a year on
her pension.
Ibid ; Ibid.
Same for 50l. to the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield for five years
of the perpetuity of 10l. to them.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 443 ;
Money Book (General),
p. 10.
Same for 60l. to the Sub-Chanter and Vicars Choral of the
Cathedral Church of Lichfield for four years of their perpetuity
of 15l.
Ibid ; Ibid.
Same, dormant, for 200l. per an. to Sutton Oglethorpe,
as by the letters patent of July 27 last, granting him said
yearly sum us Master of the Studs.
Ibid, p. 444 ; ibid.
Money warrant for 250l. to the Right Honorable Clare,
Countess of Brentford for half a year on her pension.
Ibid, p. 445 ; Ibid. p. 11.
Same for 106l. 13s. 4d. to Richard Pyle for one year on his
several fees of 80l. and 40 marks as Serjeant Chirurgeon to
the King.
Ibid. ; Ibid
Instructions from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
in reply to their represention of the 29th ult. As to the
Collector of Barnstaple and Bideford, which by former orders
were made members of the port of Appledore and directed to
pay in their money and account to that as the head port, which
settlement you find inconvenient and pray my direction therein,
I direct that (according to your proposal) Barnstaple and
Bideford do account to Mr. Litcot, Comptroller General of
Customs in London port, and that they pay in their money to
Mr. Mountney, Cashier of the Customs.
As to the Collectors of St. Christopher, Nevis, Antigua
and Montserrat whose receipts are very small and therefore
unwilling to give any securities but their own bonds, you may
permit them to remain in office on giving only their own bonds.
As to Mr. Donalston, owner of the ship "St. John," of
London, a prize ship taken in the late war and condemned in
the Admiralty of Scotland, which ship being lately arrived
from Barbados was permitted to discharge on deposit of
strangers' Customs and is since made free by royal warrant of
Jan. 17 [last], but the privilege of a free ship is denied for
this voyage, because the warrant bears date since her arrival ;
you are to construe said ship as a free ship for her late voyage,
and to take only natives duty for that voyage.
As to that wherein you pray direction whether meal and
flower imported shall pay the duty as for the corn whereof it is
made, according to the Act of tillage, touching which you
received my former directions upon the opinion of Sir William
Jones, I direct that meal so imported be seized and in case
the duty as for corn be refused that a trial be brought upon
it and prosecuted at the King's charge.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. pp. 237-8.
Feb. 4
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to
employ Robert Lucas, late Surveyor of Weymouth, as Surveyor
of Customs at Falmouth, loco — Isaacson, dismissed for
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 238.
Same from same to Auditor Richard Aldworth to make
allowance to John Eddowes in his account as Collector and
Receiver of the late subsidy taxed on the Peers, 6d. per £ for
his own pains and 1d. per £ for his clerk to attend the Lords
at the taxing the peers ; which will amount together to
36l. 18s. 0d. and a further allowance of 20l. towards his
extraordinary disbursements in that service.
Ibid, p. 240.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay for the service
of the Works 700l. per week for three weeks and 680l. for the
fourth week to complete the sum of 2,780l.
Money Book (General),
p. 94.
Same to [Sir Rob. Howard] to pay to Sir Stephen Fox such
moneys as are paid into the Exchequer as part of the rent of
the Excise : upon said Fox's orders drawn on the Excise.
Ibid, p. 90.
Same to same for a tally for 300l. to Sir Francis Windham for
half a year of his pension.
Same to Mr. Kent [Treasurer of the Excise] to pay above said tally
Two like letters for [a tally, and payment thereof for] one quarter
on Sir Samll. Morland's pensions.
Feb. 5
Money warrant for 115l. to John Chase for one year to Xmas
last on his fee as apothecary in ordinary to the King.
Ibid, p. 11 ; Money Book
(Pensions), pp. 1-2.
Same for 460l. to Sir Edward Wood for a quarter's ordinary
(Oct. 7 last to the Jan. 7 last) as Envoy Extraordinary to the
King of Sweden and 130l. for his extraordinaries, 1672,
July 19, to 1674, July 19.
Ibid ; Ibid.
Same for 100l. to Thomas Killigrew for one quarter on his
Ibid, p. 12 ; Ibid, p. 3.
Same for 153l. 6s. 8d. to Peer Williams, Clerk of the Foreign
Estreats, for two years of his several fees of 10l., 33l. 6s. 8d.,
26l. 13s. 4d. and 6l. 13s. 4d. per an.
Ibid ; Ibid, pp. 4-5.
Same for 60l. to Henry Dethick for three years on his fee as a
pursuivant at arms.
Ibid ; Ibid.
Mr. Slingsby and the officers of the Mint [to attend this day].
[Also] the officers of the Alienation Office.
Day Book, p. 86.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver to Lady Wentworth, on payment of Customs, a
parcel of Flanders laces imported from Ostend.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 274.
[sic for
Feb. 5
Cha. Bertie to Sir Rob. Howard for a tally for a quarter of Lord
Crofts's pension.
Money Book (General),
p. 91.
Same to the Treasurer of the Excise to pay abovesaid tally
Feb. 5
Same to Sir Rob. Howard to pay to John Coleman the 25l.
remaining due to him on an order registered on the fee farms
in the name of the Earl of Bath.
Feb. 6
Same to same to pay 400l. to Mr. Lawr. Hide for four
weeks for the Robes.
Same to same to pay Sir Charles Scarborough what is due to him
as one of His Majesty's physicians.
Feb. 8
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay
100l. to John Sansom, clerk to the secretary of the Customs,
for extraordinary services in drawing up the instructions for
the [Customs] officers of the King's Foreign Plantations, and
in other services.
Ibid, p. 48 ; Money Book
(Customs), p. 190.
Same from same to same to pay the four ushers of the Court of
the Exchequer their ancient fees and rewards formerly paid to
them at Easter by the Customers of the several ports in
England and Wales, upon their first half-year books over and
above such fees as they received of the said customers when
they delivered their said books into the Exchequer, namely
the yearly allowance of 5l. and 12s. : same is hereby to be
paid from 1670, Easter, the last date to which they have been
paid. Together with :—Dormant warrant for same in future.
Ibid ; Ibid, p. 191.
Same from same to same to pay 138l. 13s. 4d. to Phillip
Warwick for half a year to Xmas last, as Collector of Customs
outwards, London port.
Ibid ; Ibid.
Money warrant for 250l. to Edmund Walter for half a year as
one of the Council for Foreign Plantations.
Ibid, p. 12 ; Money Book
(Pensions), p. 6.
Same for 125l. to Sir Alexander Hume (Home) for a quarter on
his pension.
Ibid ; Ibid.
Same for 250l. to the Duchess of Richmond and Lennox for
Xmas quarter last on her pension "by virtue of a patent
dated 5 Dec. last."
Ibid ; Ibid.
Same for 110l. to Sir Herbert Price for a quarter on his two
pensions of 400l. per an. and 40l. per an.
Ibid, p. 13 ; Ibid, p. 7.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great
seal for a grant to Cornewall Bradshaw and Dering his son,
of the office of Comptroller of the Great and Petty Customs,
Bristol port, in reversion after Thomas Jenings. (Treasurer
Danby's subscription dated Feb. 15, of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book IV.
p. 244 ; British Museum
Additional MS. 28,075,
p. 147.
Same to same for a same for a grant to Fownes Fitzherbert and
Humphrey Fitzherbert, two of the sons of John Fitzherbert,
of the office of customer outwards, Bristol port, in reversion
after said John Fitzherbert. (Treasurer Danby's subscription
dated Feb. 15, of docquet hereof.)
Ibid, p. 245 ; Ibid.
Charles Bertie to [? one of the Auditors of Imprests or? Sa.
Pepys] to inform the Lord Treasurer upon what accompt the
orders for 44,503l. 4s. 5d. registered on the Additional Aid
(entered in the Earl of Anglesey's accompt from 1667, July 1,
as Treasurer of the Navy, in the following form : "for money
paid to Sir William Warren, kt., Capt. George Cock, &c., by
order on the Eleven Months' tax in lieu of other orders of the
like value registered on the Act for an Additional Supply and
by them assigned as followeth. viz to Sir Dennys Gawden
30,000l., to Col. Legg 10,000l., to Major Andrewes and others
1,155l., and to Alderman Backwell 3,348l. 4s. 5d., according
to order from the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, dated
the 30th of July, 1669") were made payable to Sir William
Warren, &c., ut supra, and whether they [said Warren et al.]
furnished the Navy with provisions and stores to that value
or what else you shall think fit to certify for the Lord
Treasurer's information in this case.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 241.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to employ Robert Shafter, William Lackham and Oliver
Bleedstreet as boatmen at Plymouth to complete the establishment
of that port and in place of Breamer, Allen and Jefferies,
lately dismissed for fraud.
John Clarke as tidesman at Exeter, loco William Davies,
who relinquishes same.
Ibid, p. 242.
Unfinished entry relating to the employment of John Sansome
in the Customs.
Feb. 8
Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners. It appears by
the copy of a bill of lading signed by Roger Paxton, master
of the ship "America," certified from the Victualling Office
in London, that there has been shipped on board said ship by
Sir Dennis Gauden and partners, victuallers of the Navy, the
following provisions, being for the use of such passengers as
shall be put on board the said ship at Surinam : so likewise
for another quantity of provisions on board the ship
"Hercules," being similarly for the use of such passengers
as shall be put on board said ship at Surinam. You are to
permit said provisions to be exported Customs free, viz. :—
Ibid, pp. 242-3.
In the "America."
In the "Hercules."
21,000 lbs. bisket.
21,000 lbs. bisket.
2,500 four lb. pieces of beef.
2,500 four lb. pieces of beef.
2,750 two lb. pieces of pork.
2,750 two lb. pieces of pork.
207 bushels ¼ gall, oatmeal.
207 bushels ¼ gall, oatmeal.
Cask 13 tuns 1 hogshead
2 puncheons.
Cask 13 tuns 3 hogshead
1 puncheon.
60 iron hoops.
66 iron hoops.
210 bisket bags.
210 bisket bags.
Feb. 9
Cha. Bertie to the Commissioners of the Navy, forwarding a state
of the Victualling, by which you will find due and payable to the
Victuallers, over and above what you have already paid them
2,940l. 12s. 0d. to Dec. 31 last, if the 1,166l. 19s. 10d. has
been paid them to that time, if not then there will be due to
them 4,107l. 11s. 10d., which Treasurer Danby desires you to
pay to them forthwith out of the [Navy] establishment.
Further, Treasurer Danby wishes you to order the payment of
479l. 1s. 8½d. weekly to the said Victuallers, commnceing from
Jan. 1 last, out of the establishment, which will complete in
one year the payment of 24,912l. 10s. 0d., according to the
project of 200,000l. [for Navy and Victualling] : and then
there will remain to be provided by the Lord Treasurer
7,621l. 1s. 6d. for the Victuallers' 2,551 men. This the Lord
Treasurer will take care to make payment of.
Appending :—A state (certified by Sa. Pepys) of the Victualling
account for the year ending 1675, Dec. 31, upon the present
declaration of 2,551 men to be employed at the seas.
Money Book (General),
p. 92.
Charge :—
Sea Victualling according
to the said declaration
Harbour Victuallers at
467l. per man [sic for
mensem], according to
To be paid by the officers of
the Navy for :—
Arrears payable by them
out of the last year's
for sea services
on the harbour
The proportion due out
of the present year's
for sea services
on the harbour
By the Lord Treasurer
for supplying the
Feb. 9
Cha. Bertie to Sir Ro. Howard to pay 250l. to the new Royal
Foundation [of the King's mathematical boys at Christ's
Hospital London].
Money Book (General),
p. 92.
Same to same to pay what interest is due upon two orders of Mr.
Samll, Gillabrand, one for 1,120l. dated 1671, Nov. 14. the
other for 920l. dated 1670. Nov. 26.
Same to same to pay 300l. to Sir Stephen Fox upon any late
orders in his name for secret service.
Same to the Treasurer of Excise to bring into the Exchequer
5,000l., which is to be issued to Sir Stephen Fox in part of
his privy seal upon the Excise for secret service.
Feb. 10
Money warrant for 184l. to Richard Bulstrode for 184 days'
ordinary, July 14 last to Jan. 14 last, as Agent at Brussels.
Ibid, p. 13 ; Money Book
(Pensions), p. 7.
Privy seal, dormant, for 220,000l. a year to Sir Stephen Fox,
from 1674-5. Jan. 1, as imprest for the pay and entertainment
of the Forces according to such musters as shall from
time to time be taken and duly certified by the Commissioners
General of the Musters : the King having "lately reduced
our land forces to a lesser number of men than formerly in
times of war we have found necessary to entertain in our
service, and have considered the difficulty of ascertaining the
charge thereof to one constant yearly sum by reason of the
many occasions that happen and for greater or lesser allowances
for contingencies than we can forsee to be necessary, for
defraying the charge thereof we are graciously pleased that
the [said] yearly sum of 220,000l. (or so much thereof as the
pay of our said forces with their contingencies may amount
unto) be paid" to said Fox for that service. Further
because said Fox hath or may hereafter have occasion
to borrow or advance moneys for the timely supply of the
said service he is hereby to be paid such sums as he hath or
shall disburse for interest for that purpose as by accounts
thereof to be stated by the Auditors of the revenue. This
privy seal to annul the privy seals of 1672-3, Feb. 25, and any
other privy seal now in force for payment of the Forces.
(Royal warrant, dated Feb. 3. for said privy seal. Treasurer
Danby's subscription, dated Feb. 8, of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book IV.
pp. 242-3, 291-3 ; British
Museum Additional MS.
28,075, p. 145b.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Sir William Jones, the
Attorney General. The Honble. James Herbert, second son of
the late Earl of Pembroke, claims the manor of Milton [Kent],
with all liberties, privileges, wrecks of the sea, courts baron and
leets, and all fishings in the said manor by grant from his late
father, to whom same was granted by Charles I., said Herbert
conceiving that by the words all fishing he had sole right to
fish in a place called the East Grounds, extending through the
parishes of Iwade, Elmley, Murston, Tenham, and Tong, in the
rivers or arms of the sea there, fished accordingly ; upon which
complaint was made by the fishermen of Strood to the [Privy]
Council Board. A Quo warranto was ordered to be brought
for Herbert to shew his patent by which he claimed, and said
Quo warranto was brought accordingly, to which said Herbert
pleaded that he had the sole and several fishing. But the
words sole and several fishing being not in the patent he has
since obtained His Majesty's letters patent bearing date
Jan. 23 last, whereby is granted to him the sole and several
fishing and dredging for oysters in the said grounds in all the
Hundred of Milton, so that none are to fish there without his
licence. And thereupon said Herbert prays a non pros to be
entered against the said Quo warranto. You are hereby to cause
a noli prosequi to be entered whereby the said Quo warranto
may be made void.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 244.
Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the petition of
[William Wogan and William Mainston, gent., and of Sir
Thomas Wolstenholme, Sir Nicholas Crisp and Sir John
Shaw], as by the order of reference of Dec. 23 last. I find
that said Wolstenholme, Crisp and Shaw did pay that part of
the 30,000l. which Sir John Jacob or his heirs should have
paid to your Majesty, and thereupon it was requisite they
should have aid of your Majesty's process whereby to reimburse
themselves out of said Sir John Jacob's estate. Petitioners
Wogan and Mainstone have paid and satisfied the other
petitioners, Sir Thomas Wolstenholme. Sir Nicholas Crisp and
Sir John Shaw. I therefore think it equitable that your
Majesty's extent should be assigned for the satisfaction and in
aid of the said William Wogan and William Mainstone, and
for the protection of their respective purchases unto their
trustees until that part and proportion of the aforesaid
30,000l. due from said Sir John Jacob may be raised out of
his estate, and also for such other purposes according to equity
and good conscience in such manner as the Barons of the
Exchequer shall from time to time determine. In which
assignment from your Majesty care is to be taken that these
and such other trusts as your Majesty shall think just should
be expressed, lest other purchasers and creditors of Sir John
Jacobs' estate should receive prejudice thereby.
Ibid, p. 245.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver to the Earl of Manchester, on payment of Customs,
two screens imported in the "Griffin," Dirick Reyne master :
being for said Earl's private use.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 282.
Cha. Bertie to Sir Rob. Howard to pay 250l. to Sir Ro. Holmes
for half a year of his pension.
Money Book (General),
p. 92.
Same to Mr. Mounteney to pay 25l. to Tho. Doyley for Xmas
quarter last on his pension.
Same to Auditor Sir Edmond Sawyer. The Lord Treasurer and
Chancellor of the Exchequer allow the fee of 10l. per an. to
William Taylieur as Receiver of the rents and revenues of the
Castle and Honor of Windsor as by letters patent of 1660-1,
Jan. 16 (said fee having been constantly allowed ever since
the annexation of the revenue to the said Castle and Honor
and on which fee there is due to him 95l. for 9½ years to 1674.
Sept. 29), "but believe you will find reason to defalk it upon
moneys due from the said Mr. Taylieur to the King."
Ibid, p. 93.
Feb. 10
Mr. Wharton and the rest of the officers of the Ordnance [are]
to attend [this day] to answer a charge of Sir John Coppleston's
against them concerning powder. Sir John Coppleston
also to attend, and some parties to be summoned.
Sir Tho. Daniel to attend the same time about his lease of
Cannington. Sir Jo. Coppleston to be here.
The officers of the Alienation Office to attend (struck
Day Book p. 86
Feb. 11
Letter of direction on an order of 1670-1, Feb. 14, for 1,000l.
to William Gawen, gent., in repayment of loan on the
Customs : same to be hereby payable by tally on the Hearthmoney
due in March next.
Money Book (General),
p. 14 ; Money Book
(Pensions), p. 7.
Money warrant for 40l. to William Smith for a journey to
Cadiz ("for service by him performed in riding a journey
to Cadiz, by His Majesty's particular direction").
Ibid ; Ibid, p. 18.
Same for 250l. to Sir Francis North, now Lord Chief Justice of
Common Pleas, being the fee payable to him for the present
Hilary term : to be paid out of the Customs as the rest of the
Judges are paid : and dormant warrant for said fee in
Ibid ; Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to employ Richard Trestean as waiter at St. Mawes.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 246.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 60l. to Rob.
Killegrew for half a year on his pension as a page of Honour.
Money Book (General),
p. 93.
Same to the Customs Cashier to forthwith bring into the
Exchequer the moneys due to the Judges and Masters of
Chancery for this term.
Feb. 12
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a grant
to Henry, Marquess of Worcester, of a lease of the manor of
Undy, and the fishing of the river of Uske and Caerlion,
co. Monmouth, and of all other the lands, tenements and
hereditaments therewith formerly demised to Edward, late
Earl of Worcester (by patent of 18 June, 7 Jas. 1, under the
yearly rent of 32l. 15s. 7d., upon surrender whereof parcel of
the said premises was granted to Cadwalader Jones by patent
of 12 Oct., 15 Car. II., for 31 years' at 19l. 19s. 9½d. per an.
rent), together with the reversion of the above last mentioned
demise : likewise for a grant to said Henry. Marquess of
Worcester of the advowson of the rectory of Sopworth and
its appurtenances, co. Wilts, in consideration of his conveying
to the King the advowson of the rectory of Blendworth,
co. Southampton. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated
Mar. 26 and Mar. 27, of docquets hereof : the docquet for the
advowson being separate.)
King's Warrant Book IV.
pp. 255-6 ; British
Museum Additional MS.
28,075, pp. 176-1.
Same to same for a great seal for a grant to John, Lord
Frescheville of the manor of Eckington, co. Derby, &c., verbatim
ut supra p. 655, under date Jan. 15. (Treasurer Danby's
subscription, dated Feb. 26, of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book IV.
pp. 252-3.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay the Judges
out of the money brought into the Exchequer by the Customs
Money Book (General),
p. 93.
Same to same to pay 12,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy
Same to the Chimney Farmers to pay 3,000l. into the
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 250l. to the Earl of Inchiquin
for half a year to Xmas last on his pension.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 1,000l. to Ralph
Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe.
Feb. 12
The officers of the Alienation Office to attend [this day]
Mr. Wharton and the rest of the officers of the Ordnance to
attend to answer a charge against him concerning saltpetre, &c.
Day Book, p. 86.
Feb. 13
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Attorney General to
suspend till next term the trial against Durant Jenkinson,
merchant, for supposed undue entries : all in regard the
defendant complains he is straitened in time.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 246.
Feb. 15
Letter of direction on an order dated 1668, July 16, for 3,000l.
to Lawrence Hyde, Master of the Robes : same being hereby
transferred to be paid out of the half-year's rent of the
Hearthmoney due in Sept. 1676.
Money Book (General),
p. 14 ; Money Book
(Pensions), p. 9.
Same on the 2,500l. remaining unpaid of an order of 1670,
Nov. 16, for 3,000l. to said Lawrence Hyde : same being
hereby transferred to be paid out of the Hearthmoney farm
rent, due 1675-6, Mar. 14.
Ibid ; Ibid.
Same on the 20,000l. [remaining unpaid] on an order
dated 1674, Nov. 11, for 30,000l. to George Wharton,
Treasurer of the Ordnance : same being hereby charged as to
10,000l. on the Hearthmoney farm rent due March 15 next,
and as to 10,000l. on same due Sept. 19 next.
Ibid, p. 15 ; Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to satisfy an
order dated 1670, June 22, for 20,000l. to Sir Allen Apsley for
the Duke of York (by virtue of the privy seal of 1670,
June 14, and in compensation of his loss and damage by
the late Act for registering 110,000l. on wines, to be registered
and paid in course out of the money arising upon the Act for
an imposition upon wines and vinegar) by paying same to said
Apsley by 1,500l. a quarter out of any money in the
Exchequer till the whole be paid : the first payment to begin
and be made at Xmas last.
Money Book (General),
p. 15 ; Money Book
(Pensions), p. 10.
Letter of direction upon 3,858l. 3s. 3d. in part of an order
dated 1674-5, Jan. 27, for 9,500l. to Mr. Montagu, Master of
the Great Wardrobe : said sum being hereby to be paid by
tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent due Mar. 15 next : the
same being to be disposed of for payment of the Yeoman of
the Guard, Warders at the Tower and His Majesty's Drums
and Trumpets.
Ibid ; Ibid.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet, dated 1674-5. Feb.,
of a pardon to John Hodgson, gent., for the killing of Edward
Owen, gent., with restitution of lands and goods.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,075, p. 146.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to John Birch, Auditor of
Excise. On the foot of the accompt, 1671, June 24, to 1674,
June 24, of the late Farmers of [the] London [Excise], there
was depending 30,218l. 4s. 0d. for arrears of rent due for the
Additional Duty of Excise after the rate of 54,000l. per an.
Of this they have since paid 10,000l. in part. Said Farmers
have not only alleged that they never entered into any
covenants to pay the aforesaid yearly rent but also that they
lost, besides their pains in collecting that duty, [viz. to the
extent of] about 18,000l., which loss they prayed allowance
of. The King has hereon granted (and I hereby warrant) an
allowance in account to said Farmers in the first place of
2,430l. for the interest of their quarter's advance ("although
I did formerly order the said interest should not be allowed
unto them because the said Farmers did not pay their rent for
the said Additional Duty at the usual days of payment by
their covenants appointed for the old duty of Excise") and
further 4,788l. 4s. 0d. towards their alleged loss, "and so
there will remain due from the said Farmers 13,000l., in part
of which I am contended at their earnest request, and upon
the said Farmers striking of a tally, to accept in payment for
4,000l. one order registered in His Majesty's Exchequer, bearing
date the 8th day of November, 1670, payable to Sir Robert
Vyner, kt., or his assignees, for so much lent by him to His
Majesty upon the revenue of the Customs, commencing at the
feast of St. Michael the Archangel in the year of our Lord
God 1671, as by a tally of loan levied at the Receipt of His
Majesty's Exchequer dated [evenly] with the said order
appeareth" ; the moneys due on said order having become
payable to said Farmers by several mesne assignments. The
balance of 9,000l. they are to pay in 14 days from the 3rd
inst., on payment whereof they will be even and quit. You are
to take notice of this and make allowance as above.
Money Book (Excise),
p. 85 ; Money Book
(General), pp. 54-5.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners. There
is frequent occasion for shipping of victuals for parts beyond
the seas for His Majesty's service, viz. by direction of
the Admiralty Commissioners to the Navy Commissioners,
who give their warrants to the Victuallers thereon. You are
hereby from time to time to permit the Victuallers of the Navy
for the time being to ship off by a free cocquet all such
victuals as shall be so directed as above by the Navy Commissioners
to be shipped off for His Majesty's service.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 246.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners
to permit the landing, Customs free, of 326 barrels of copper
blanks arrived from Stockholm in the "Golden Wolfe,"
Cornelius Jansen Pennebreck, master, each barrel containing
300 weight neat Haverdupoyze : same being for the making
of farthings and halfpence.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money V. p. 247.
Entries of the reference to Auditor Richard Aldworth of three
several interest accounts [of Sir Stephen Fox] : (1) for money
borrowed to pay the Guards and Garrisons for the year commencing
1670, Sept. 24, and ending the 28th of Sept., 1671,
[said interest being] computed from the end of June. 1674. to
the 1st Jan. following ; (2) the like for two months commencing
1671, Sept. 23. to Nov. 18 following, which is
computed from the end of June, 1674, to the 1st Jan. following ;
(3) the like for the year commencing 1669, Sept. 25, and
ending 1670, Sept. 24, which is computed from the end of
June, 1674, for so much of it as was then unpaid to the
several days of payment for so much of it as hath been since
received and for the rest to the end of Dec., 1674.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to forthwith pay to the
four ushers of the Exchequer Court the ancient yearly
allowance of 5l. and 12s. from the time same was last paid :
as by the warrant of the 8th inst.
Money Book (General)
p. 94.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to forthwith pay 4,000l. to
Sir Robert Vyner in further part of his order of 1673-4, Jan. 15.
Same to same to forthwith pay 2,621l. 1s. 6d. to Edward
Seymour on any orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy :
to be for the Victuallers and to be paid "out of any money in
your hands of the last tax."
Same to the Commissioners of the Navy to make out a bill for
payment of the above sum to the Victuallers as in part of
what the Lord Treasurer has undertaken to pay them over and
above the Navy establishment.