Nature and Substance of the Entry.
Mar. 2
[Sir William Strode's business] put off till next Monday afternoon.
Baron Littleton to be summoned and all the other parties as
Day Book, p. 77.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer [to the Customs Commissioners]
to deliver a box containing nothing but flowers, lately
brought from France, belonging to Mris. Katherine Elliot.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 213.
Mar. 3
The Convocators of tin to attend at the Treasury Chambers this
afternoon. All parties to be summoned.
Day Book, p. 78.
Mar. 5
Money warrant for 300l. to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse,
as imprest for provision of Crown Gold for healing medals.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 227.
Same for 41l. 6s. 10d. to Sir John Maynard, Kt., for one year
on his fee as a Serjeant at Law, and in part of 124l. 0s. 6d. for
three years' thereon to Sept. 29 last.
Treasurer Latimer's warrant for the execution of a money
warrant of 1673, April 21, for 400l. to Thomas Killegrew.
Warrants Early XIX.
p. 324.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to employ Richard Price as waiter at Aberdovey, in the port of
Milford Haven, loco Thomas Jones, deceased.
H. Bickerdike as coalwaiter at Sunderland.
Jo. Colquit as Collector at Stockton.
Stephen Burton as tidewaiter in London port.
Richard Fisher as Surveyor at Fowey.
Daniel Yeates as tidesman at Bridgwater.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 213.
Mar. 6
Same from same to the Receipt to issue 1,564l. 19s. 0d. to
George Wharton on unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer
and Paymaster of the Ordnance. (Crossed through. In the
margin :—"Entered in a book for that purpose.")
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 229.
Same from same to same to issue 2,925l. 3s. 3d. to the East
India Company (by tallies on the Customs Cashier) being the
amount assigned to them by abovesaid George Wharton upon
an order, No. 62, for 10,000l. registered on the Customs of the
quarter commencing 1672, Lady day. (The like marginal
Same from same to the Customs Cashier to pay the abovesaid
two tallies drawn to-day for 1,564l. 19s. 0d. and 2,925l. 3s. 3d.
out of the first moneys arising on the Customs of any first
arriving East India Company's ship : being for so much due
in the Ordnance Office to said Company.
Money Book (Customs),
p. 153.
Letter of direction upon 1,000l. in further part of, and 2,100l.
in full of, an order for 4,000l. to Sir James Bunce for several
sums of money expended and services performed.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 230.
The like upon 4,000l. in further part of an order, No. 1,039, for
8,000l. to Sir Ralph Knight registered on the Hearthmoney :
hereby ordered to be paid by tallies half on the Customs
Cashier and half on Edward Arden, Esq., Receiver of the
profits of the County Palatine of Durham.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to employ Henry Crew, gent., as one of the landwaiters in
London port, to be admitted in ordinary upon the next
vacancy ; but in the meantime to attend without salary.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 214.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to James Marriot, Keeper of His
Majesty's Standing Wardrobe and Privy Lodgings at Hampton
Court, as so much due to him for the lodgings of three envoys
and their attendants at Hampton Court in June, July and
Aug., 1672. (Money warrant hereon, dated Mar. 9.)
King's Warrant Book III.
p. 467 ; British Museum
Additional MS. 28,076,
p. 232.
Same for a privy seal for a grant to Thomas Clerke (Clarke), one
of the King's cooks, of the goods and chattels of Richard
Lancaster, attainted and executed for burglary : being
petitioned for by said Clerke in consideration of his faithful
services to the King, both in England and beyond the seas.
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 468-9.
Mar. 6
Warrant under the royal sign manual for a lease to Ralph
Montague of all that third part of the demesne lands lately
enclosed out of the waste grounds of the late forest of
Gillingham, co. Dorset, containing by estimation 800 acres,
with all houses, &c., upon surrender of the grant, dated 1667,
Mar. 26, of same to William Montagu, Attorney General of
the Queen Consort. (Treasurer Latimer's subscription, dated
Mar. 21, of docquet hereof.)
Ibid, pp. 468-70 ; British
Museum Additional MS.
28,075, p. 42.
Royal sign manual to permit Theophilus Tyrrell, of London,
gent., to dig any quantities of gravel not exceeding 3,000 loads
in the King's park called New Park, near Richmond, and to
take same away and dispose of it at pleasure. (Treasurer
Latimer's warrant hereon, dated Mar. 7, to the Keeper of
New Park.)
King's Warrant Book III.
p. 471 ; Warrants Not
Relating to Money IV.
p. 217.
Mar. 7
The Marquess of Worcester et al. to attend at the Treasury
Chambers this morning about the Forest of Dean.
Day Book, p. 78.
Warrant under the royal sign manual to Edward Backwell to
melt into bullion 20,000l. of the 40,000l. which by royal
warrant of Feb. 19 (supra, p. 480) he is licensed to export :
same being for the better convenience in assaying the said gold
and silver, to prove no counterfeit are in the said coins.
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 466-7.
Mar. 9
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to permit Edward Backwell to export, Customs free, 40,000l.
in English silver and gold coin : ut supra p. 480.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 215.
Same from same to same to deliver, Customs free, to Lord
Bramston, certain clothes, detailed, being of his own wearing.
Ibid, p. 216.
The business concerning the Forest of Dean to be heard about
10 o'clock this morning.
Day Book, p. 78.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Receipt to issue 20,000l.
to the Treasurer of the Navy on any unsatisfied orders in his
name. (Crossed through. In the margin :—"Entered in a
book for that purpose.")
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 230 ;
Money Book (Navy), p. 2.
Money warrant, dormant, for the Duke of Albemarle's creation
money of 20l. per an. as Earl of Torrington.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 231.
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet, dated 1673-4,
Feb., of His Majesty's creation of an office to be called the
office of His Majesty's Cosmographer and Geographic printer,
and a grant of same with the salary of 20 marks per an. to
John Ogilby : with liberty to erect a printing house for the
printing such volumes as he shall publish in the arts of
cosmography and geography and any other volumes of his own
composure and translation : to hold the said printing house to
him and his assigns for the uses aforesaid and no other and
during pleasure.
Ibid, 28,075, p. 37.
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet dated 1673, Dec., of
a warrant to the Exchequer for 200l. to Thomas Killegrew,
Master of the Revels, for the provision of necessaries for that
office : and to pay to him yearly such sums as the Lord
Treasurer shall think fit for that service.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,075, p. 37.
Same of same dated 1673, Sept., of a grant to Cornelius Lawrence
(on the surrender of Sir William Bowles, Kt.) of the office and
place of Groom of His Majesty's Tents, Hales and Pavilions
in ordinary : with a fee of 6d. a day from Midsummer last.
Ibid, p. 38.
Mar. 10
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
for the delivery of a small pack of gilt leather hangings being for
the personal use of John Lloyd, of London, merchant, and which
were provided at Antwerp and sent over from Ostend to London
before the address made to the King by both Houses of
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 216.
Same from same to Visct. Fanshawe to suspend process against
Edmond Ashton, Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Lancs., for
not having yet passed his accounts of the same.
Ibid. p. 217.
Same from same to the Receipt to issue 20,000l. to the Treasurer
of the Navy on any unsatisfied orders in his name. (Crossed
through. In the margin :—"Entered in a book for that purpose.")
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 231 ;
Money Book (Navy), p. 2.
Same from same to the Customs Cashier to pay 56l. 5s. 5d. to
Symon Smith for two years of his fee of 18d. a day as Master
of His Majesty's otter hounds, and in part of four years'
arrears thereon to Xmas last.
Money Book (Customs),
p. 154.
Mar. 11
Letters patent by Treasurer Latimer announcing the sale to Paul
Foley (for 500l. consideration money) of all the materials of
the furnaces called Howbrooke furnace and Park End
furnace and the forges called Park End forge and
Whitecroft forge and all other His Majesty's ironworks in the
forest of Dean, co. Gloucester, and the tools, utensils and
implements of them and every of them and all tools, utensils
and implements that Sir John Wintour was by any contract or
agreement to have left in them or any of them if the same be
in being or can be recovered at law at the charge of said Foley,
and all iron as well cast as wrought in or at or belonging to
the said works, and all the materials of all the flood gates,
wastes, sluices, dams, whether timber, stone or iron thereto
belonging, and all cynders at the said works, and the materials
of all the casting houses, coal houses, workmen's houses, clerks'
houses and other buildings whatsoever with full liberty to break
up, pull down and carry away same or any part thereof ; the
same to be demolished before May 1 next, and to be carried
away before Sept. 29 next.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 218.
Warrant from same to George Kemble, William Tregany, William
Cross and John Morgan, junr., gent., to enter into the abovesaid
ironworks buildings, dams, &c., and the same to demolish,
break up, slight and destroy, and the materials thereof arising
together with all utensils, &c. as above to deliver to abovesaid
Foley. All Justices of Peace, sheriffs, bailiffs, agistors,
foresters, verderers, &c. to assist herein.
Ibid, p. 219.
Same from same to Visct. Fanshawe, the King's Remembrancer,
to forbear issue of process against Sir Edward Griffin on his
accounts as Treasurer of the Chamber, same being so far
prosecuted that they are ready to be declared.
Ibid, p. 220.
Mar. 12
Report to the King from Treasurer Latimer on the petition of
Lord Holles and other creditors of Sir Frescheville Holles.
After Treasurer Clifford's report hereon, your Majesty signed
a warrant and after that a bill for a privy seal for disposing
of the 1,500l. ; and by Treasurer Clifford's direction,
ut supra, p. 49, Sir William Turner took out letters of
administration at the charge of the suitors who say they have
already expended above 70l. in the business. Capt. Carter
(who was Sir Frescheville Holles's Lieutenant when he died
and bad been his servant) is a creditor for 200l Advise
Carter's admission as a creditor but no further change to be
made in the intended arrangements.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. pp. 220-1.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the King's Remembrancer
for a commission to Walter Vincent, Esq., Recorder of
Falmouth, John Man and Giles Dunster. Surveyors of the
Customs, John Tregeagle, Arthur Spry, Humphry Courtney,
and Walter Kendall to view and survey the wharf or key
lately raised and built within the harbour of Falmouth by
Sir Peter Killigrew in pursuance of an Act of Parliament to
that purpose lately made, and to consider whether same be
commodious for the uses of and fit to be assigned as a public
wharf or key as said Killegrew prays by his petition.
Ibid, pp. 221-2.
Treasurer Latimer to [the Customs Commissioners] for the
delivery to Sir Robert Gerey (Garey, Gayer), Knight of the
Bath, of a trunk sent from Dover and brought over with him
in the pacquet boat from Calais, same containing some silver
plate and apparel, detailed (painted silk morning gowns, a
Droquet coat, silk wast coat, painted calicoes, leather breeches,
a silk painted Turbat, six pictures, &c.).
Ibid, p. 222.
Entry of the demise to Sir Thomas Clarges of the scite of the
late Monastery of Reading.
Ibid, p. 223.
Mar. 12
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to Sir Francis North, Attorney
General, for a great seal for a lease to Ralph Montague of the
third part of the demesne lands of the late Forest of Gillingham,
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet, dated 1673-4,
Mar., of a release and discharge to the East India Company
of the sum of 174,741l. 9s. 8d. arising by the sale of the four
Dutch East India Prizes, "Papenburgh," "Alphen," "The
Armes of Terveer," alias "Camphire," and the "Europa,"
according to the agreement between said Company and the
Principal Commissioners for Prizes : the King and said
Commissioners having received from said Company an account
which the King is hereby pleased to approve of.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,075, p. 38.
Mar. 13
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners.
By the 6th article of the agreement made by the Principal
Commissioners of Prizes with the East India Company touching
the disposition of the [abovesaid] four prizes it was agreed that
by reason the said Company was to give preference to the sale of
the King's goods there should be allowed (for such quantities of
calico and pepper of their own as they should keep unsold and as
were proportionable to His Majesty's) to the exporters of such
goods the benefit of the half subsidy and additional duty during
the space of 24 months, to be computed from the respective times
such their goods were entered at the Custom House, at sight,
in case the said entries were made between 1672-3, Jan. 1, and
1673, Oct. 1. By certificate of the 5th inst. said Commissioners
have certified that there were sold of the King's calicoes 102,160
pieces, of penny clouts 5,120 pieces, and of pepper 1,260,158½ lb.
weight. According to the above agreement you are to cause
payment to be made to the exporters of the said goods, belonging
to the said East India Company, of the half subsidy and
additional duty in the abovesaid proportion.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 224.
Treasurer Latimer to Thomas Hall, first Secondary in the King's
Remembrancer's office, and one of the attorneys there. Several
wine bonds have, by the late Collectors and others who endeavour
to get in the moneys thereon, been delivered to you to be
prosecuted, which may prove very disserviceable to the King.
You are forthwith to give the Wine Act Commissioners an
account of such bonds in your hands, by whom delivered, the
parties concerned, dates, which thereof have been delivered
back and to whom, &c.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 225.
Same to Henry Gue and John Man. I am informed by the
present Wine Act Commissioners that there are several sums
of money charged before them to be received by Mr. Anthony
Power, sometime Treasurer or Cashier under you in the Wine
Office in Leadenhall St., London, and not by him brought to
account. You are to deliver said Power's bond and securities
to John Birch, Edward Wingate and Edmund Wareing, present
Wine Act Commissioners, to be by them put in suit.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to supersede process against
George Benion, heir of Sir George Benion, late Receiver of
Crown Revenues, Northampton and Rutland, the matter in
controversy among the parties concerned in said Sir George's
accounts yet depending undetermined.
Ibid, p. 226.
Warrant from same to same to pay to the Wine Act Commissioners
16l. 11s. 3¾d. for the use of the King as the balance of a bond
for 66l. 5s. 2½d. entered into by Moses Holloway, of Warwick,
retailer of wine, and thereon to deliver up same to said Holloway.
Ibid. pp. 226-7.
Warrant under the royal sign manual for a new lease, upon
surrender, to Sir Hugh Bethel of the manor of Hempholme,
co. Yorks : said Bethel representing that the premises are all
low grounds subject to be overflowed with every flood and a
great part thereof constantly under water so that he is at great
and constant charge to repair and maintain the banks thereof,
and he being now willing to bestow a further charge in
supporting and repairing the said banks, walls and fences.
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 471-2.
Royal sign manual for a privy seal for 1,000l. to Francis Poyntz,
the King's yeoman arras maker, as imprest for tapestry
hangings already made and to be made for the Great Wardrobe :
to be paid out of the debt owing to the King from Bevis Lloyd
upon his accounts either as Receiver of Crown Revenues, South
Wales and Monmouth, or as same of Hearthmoney, co.
Somerset. (Treasurer Latimer's subscription dated Mar. 21,
of docquet hereof. Money warrant dated April 18.)
Ibid, p. 472 ; British
Museum Additional MS.
28,075, p. 43 ; 28,076,
p. 248.
Mar. 13
Same for a dormant same for the pension of 200l. per an. to William
Lord Chandos (as granted by privy seal of 1671-2, Mar. 24) to
be paid out of the Customs from Xmas last, with 250l. arrears
thereon to Xmas last : same having been formerly made payable
out of the Crown Revenues of Beds. and Bucks., but being no
longer payable thereout by reason of the sale of said revenues
[fee farms] : the former grant to be hereby determined. (Privy
seal, Mar. 27. Treasurer Latimer's subscription dated Mar. 24,
of docquet hereof. Warrant dated April 9 to the Customs
Cashier hereon for 250l. in full of arrears.)
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 473-4 ; IV. p. 3 ;
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,075, p. 43 ;
Money Book (Customs),
p. 156.
[? Mar. 13]
Royal sign manual for a great seal for a grant to Juliana
(Coningsby, now the wife of Amias) Hext of the annuity or
pension of 200l. per an., granted her by patent of 1665,
Dec. 18, in consideration of her good and hazardous services
in the King's escape after the battle of Worcester : to be paid
out of the Customs : same having formerly been made payable
out of the Crown revenues of Dorset and Somerset, but being
no longer payable thereout by reason, &c., as above : the
former grant to be surrendered.
King's Warrant Book III.
p. 474.
Mar. 14
Alderman Forth et al., Farmers of [the Revenue of] Ireland, are
to attend at the Treasury Chambers this morning.
Day Book, p. 78.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to Anthony Parsons, Auditor
of Crown revenues for Dorset and Somerset, and to John
Bennett, Receiver General of said revenues, to pay 100l. to
Juliana Hext. due for Michaelmas half year last on her patent
of 1665, Dec. 18 : but no further payments to be made hereon
in future : her pension being appointed to be paid another way.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 236.
Money warrant for 65l. to John Gibbon for 3¼ years' arrears to
Xmas last on his fee of 20l. per an. as Bluemantle Pursuivant.
Ibid, pp. 236-7.
Same for 41l. 6s. 10d. to Sir William Scroggs for one year to
Sept. 29 last on his fee as one of His Majesty's Serjeants
at Law.
Ibid, p. 237.
Same for 63l. to the Provost and Fellows of Eton for 1½ years
to Xmas last on the perpetuity of 42l. per an.
Same for 3,600l. to Isaac Le Gouch for jewels as follows, as by
the certificate of the Earl of St. Albans, Lord Chamberlain of
the Household, viz. : a jewel with His Majesty's picture of
the value of 1,500l., given to Monsieur Colbert, Ambassador
from France ; a pair of diamond pendants of the value of
1,500l., given to his lady ; two jewels, each of the value of
300l., one given to Monsieur Mignions, Secretary to the
embassy, and the other to Monsieur Jolly.
Ibid, p. 238
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Receipt to levy (upon
[any] request from Sir Tho. Gery) a tally purporting the
payment of 402l. 16s. 6d. by Sir Thomas Gery (Garey) ; same
being granted to him by the privy seal of Jan. 31 last, as a
debt due to the King from Richard Ridley, gent., late Receiver
General of Hearthmoney, co. Salop.
Ibid, p. 239
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet dated 1673-4,
Mar., of a grant to Sir John Colladon, Kt., of the office of
Physician in ordinary to the King, with the fee of 100l.
per an. from Xmas last.
Ibid, 28,075, p. 40
Same of same, dated same, for an annuity of 600l. per an. out
of the Exchequer to Anne. Countess of Newburgh.
Ibid, p. 39
Same of same, dated same, of a grant to Anne Murrey, relict of
Henry Murray, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Paul, late
Viscount Bayning, of the title of Viscountess Bayning of
Foxley, co. Berks, during life.
Ibid, p. 41.
Warrant under the royal sign manual to Treasurer Latimer to
issue a warrant to William Chiffinch. Woodward of Windsor
Forest, and to any two regarders thereof for felling oaken
pollard trees, sufficient for the repair of the great bridge at
Windsor, not exceeding 40 trees : and 20 more trees in the
manor of Bray for repair of the footbridges in said manor.
(Treasurer Latimer's warrant hereon, dated Mar. 16, to said
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 476-7 ; Warrants
Not Relating to Money
IV. pp. 227-8.
Mar. 15
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer renewing the warrant of Jan. 22
last for 53l. 6s. 8d. to Viscount Conway, and adding to same
another year's creation money.
Money Book (Customs),
p. 150.
Mar. 16
Treasurer Latimer to the King's Remembrancer to supersede
process against Sir Dennis Gauden on his accounts as late
Victualler of the Navy, some of said accounts being already
examined and the whole likely to be finished in three weeks.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 227.
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet dated 1673-4 Mar.
of a warrant to the Principal Commissioners of Prizes to
discharge William Goulston from his contract with them
concerning a quantity of cinnamon and pepper on payment of
the sum of 220l. 16s. 3d. sterling and whatever is due for
warehouse rent. With :—Directions to said Commissioners
to pay said sum to the Countess Marischal as royal bounty.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,075, p. 41.
Mar. 17
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver to Baptist May at Whitehall, unopened and Customs
free, a trunk and packet directed to the King and lately
brought over on board the "Monmouth" yacht.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 228.
Sir Charles Wheler's business [to be heard this morning].
Alderman Forth about the Irish [Revenue] Farm.
Day Book, p. 78.
Mar. 18
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet dated 1673 July,
of a grant to Charles Henry, Lord Wotton, and his heirs of the
reversion and inheritance (after several long leases in being) of
the wood or wood grounds called Great St. John's Wood in the
parish of Marybone except such part thereof as lyeth in
Marybone Park : said Lord Wotton releasing 1,300l. due to
him on orders registered in the Exchequer.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,075, p. 35.
Same of a same dated 1673-4 Mar., of a grant to Thomas Clerke,
one of the King's cooks, of the estate of Richard Lancaster
lately attainted and executed for burglary.
Ibid, p. 42.
Money warrant for 106l. 13s. 4d. for one year to Richard Pile
on his fee of 80l. per an. and 40 marks per an. as one of His
Majesty's Principal Chirurgeons : in part of arrears of 680l.
and 253l. 6s. 8d. respectively thereon to Xmas last.
Ibid, 28,076, p. 239.
Instructions from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
in reply to their representation of the 16 inst. As to
the re-delivery of the bonds of the securities of Surveyors of
the several ports and the liability of said sureties to answer any
surcharge I order that upon delivery of the old bonds given
by any of the said Collectors and their securities new bonds be
taken to answer any surcharge that shall be put on them by
the Auditor. As to the business of Hind concerning Russian
hides brought from Bristol to be exported to Leghorn, his goods
not being lost the moneys deposited by him are to be repaid
him he having exported his proportion. The extraordinary
orders you mention are hereby revoked. You are to restore
Peter Harmer as landwaiter, London port, from which he has
been suspended for some time. You are to pay Mr. Lucas his
full salary as Surveyor of Customs for Xmas quarter last,
although he was only made Surveyor in Nov. last.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 229.
Report to the King from Treasurer Latimer on the petition of
Mr. Tregonnell, as by the order of reference of Feb. 10 last.
About May, 1671, Sir Charles Harbord was ordered to view the
parcel of ground mentioned in the petition, and on his report
the Treasury Lords allowed petitioner 400l. and 80l. 10s. 0d.
as recompense for the impairing thereof and the rent then in
arrear. Orders were drawn for these sums but payment thereof
has not been made by reason of the stop of the Exchequer,
though I conceive this comes not within the intention of the
stop being a particular case and the money due part for rent
and part for the great damage to the ground, its rent having
fallen much from what it was before the employment of said
ground in your Majesty's service. It is reasonable the sums
be paid.
Ibid, pp. 231-2.
Mar. 19
Money warrant for 1,009l. to Marcus Browne, merchant, in
satisfaction of his losses sustained by provisions taken out of
the ship "Providence." William Sheeres commander, for the
relief of the Island of Montserrat in the late Dutch war.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 240.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Trustees for sale of Fee
Farm Rents to contract with Philip Packer, Paymaster of the
Works, or his nominees for fee farms to the total of 5,380l.
13s. 8d. at 16 years' purchase in possession and 8 in reversion
but these contracts not to interfere with the contracts made or to
be made by John Lyndsay, goldsmith, upon his undertaking of
paying the city debt : the privy seal of 1672, July 22, having
permitted said Packer to purchase fee farms to the value of
9,743l. 16s. 8d. in satisfaction of so much due to the Office of
Works, of which he has purchased to the value of 4,363l.
3s. 0d. in accordance with the Treasury warrant of 1672,
Aug. 1, leaving the abovesaid sum of 5,380l. 13s. 8d. remaining.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 230.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to bring and
deliver, Customs free, to the Duchess of Portsmouth's lodgings
in Whitehall, a small box belonging to her.
Ibid, p. 232.
Mar. 20
Money warrant for 7,500l. to Sir Edwd. Griffin, Treasurer of the
Chamber, for one quarter's allowance on the establishment of
the Chamber.
Money Book (Excise), p. 58.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Cashier to pay
750l. to Sir John Shaw, Collector of the Navigation Act, for
1½ years on his fee, the last payment to him hereon having
been for 1671, Sept. 29 quarter : also for 466l. 13s. 4d. to
said Shaw for same period as Collector Inwards, London port.
Money Book (Customs),
p. 154.
Same from same to same to meet out of Contingency moneys the
tally for 2,600l. for the Victualler levied to-day.
Ibid, p. 155.
Same from same to the Receipt to issue 5,000l. to the Treasurer
of the Navy for the Victualling on any unsatisfied Navy orders.
(Crossed through. In the margin :—"Entered in a book for
that purpose.")
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 241 ;
Money Book (Navy), p. 3.
Royal sign manual for a privy seal as follows. By several privy
seals there have been imprested to Sir George Carteret sundry
sums of money as Treasurer of the Navy, out of which he has
disbursed by direction of the Navy Commissioners certain
sums to sundry commanders and captains of the Fleet in the
time of the last Dutch war, as reward for their services or as
royal bounty for losses and damages, viz. to Prince Rupert,
2,000l. as royal bounty ; Earl of Sandwich, 2,000l. ; Sir John
Harman, 450l. ; Sir Frescheville Hollis, 200l. ; Capt. John
Lloyd, 200l. ; Capt. John Cox, 200l. ; Capt. Willoughby
Hanman, 300l. ; Capt. Thomas Page, 200l. ; Capt. Christopher
Gunman (for the loss of his hand), 200l., and to several
others amounting in all with the foregoing to 11,270l. 17s. 7d.
and likewise 1,000l. by the like order paid to Prince Rupert,
then Lord Admiral, to be disposed of by him without account.
Said orders of the Navy Commissioners were of sufficient
authority to said Treasurer to pay same, and he ought to have
allowance thereof upon his account, being subscribed by three
or more of said Commissioners, "yet in regard the said orders
and directions of our said Principal Officers and Commissioners
of our Navy were made in pursuance of warrants under our
royal sign manual only or by warrant and directions given to
them by the then Lord High Admiral of England, but no
authority given by us under our Great and Privy Seal to
authorize either the Lord High Admiral or the said Principal
Officers and Commissioners of our Navy to give such orders
unto the said Sir George Carteret for the issuing of the said
moneys, whereupon there ariseth some doubt whether the said
Sir George Carteret can regularly be discharged thereof
according to the course of our Exchequer, where no moneys
can regularly be allowed upon any account but such as are
paid by authority derived from us under our Great or Privy
Seal" ; the King being fully satisfied concerning such
disbursement, hereby directs such allowance to be made to said
Carteret of said sum of 12,270l. 17s. 7d. "and of all such sum
and sums of money as the said Treasurer hath paid by directions
from the said Principal Officers and Commissioners of the
Navy and which are by them passed and allowed in his
accompt thereof signed and subscribed by three or more of them."
(Treasurer Latimer's subscription, dated Mar. 31, of docquet
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 477-9 ; British
Museum Additional MS.
28,075, p. 44.
Royal sign manual for a privy seal for a grant to William Gee,
senr. and junr., of Bishop Burton, co. Yorks, of the debt of
6,206l. 14s. 10¼d. owing to the King from John Cooper as late
Receiver of the One Month and the Eleven Months' tax, co.
Notts : this grant to be as royal bounty and without accompt,
with right to sue and recover same from said John Cooper and
Cecil Cowper, his brother and surety. (Appending a note :—
Privy seal passed April 30. Treasurer Latimer's subscription
dated May 6, of docquet hereof. Warrant to the Receipt
dated May 9.)
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 479-81 ; British
Museum Additional MS.
28,075, p. 55 ; 28,076,
p. 259.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Attorney or Solicitor
General for a new lease under the Great Seal to Sir Hugh
Bethell, Kt., of the manor of Hempholme, co. Yorks, on
surrender of his present lease : same being in consideration of
his services in the King's Restoration.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 232.
Mar. 21
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet dated 1673-4,
Mar., of a grant to Viscount Latimer and his heirs, of the
advowson of the church of Harthill, co. Yorks.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,075, p. 42.
Mar. 23
Report to the King from Treasurer Latimer on the petition of
Sir Charles Cotterell. Master of the Ceremonies, as by the
order of reference of Jan. 13 last. The sum of 2,400l. is really
due from your Majesty on the accounts as follows, viz. : 545l.
for moneys disbursed for your service since 1666, and payable
in the Office of the Chamber ; 740l. due at Xmas and payable
in the Exchequer on the salaries of 200l. per an. for himself
and 120l. per an. for his son as assistant to himself ; 412l. with
interest thereon for an order of loan of Sept., 1670, in the name
of the Treasurer of the Chamber ; 400l. assigned with interest
on the quarter of the Customs beginning at Xmas, 1672, for a
jewel by him sold to your Majesty for Count de Saint-Géran and
240l. assigned likewise on the Customs, with interest, on two
tallies of loan on Nov. 1671, "which said three last mentioned
sums and the interest thereof (falling within the stop of payments
lately made in the Exchequer) do with the first two mentioned
sums amount to the said sum of 2,400l." He is out of purse
for a good part of the money, and his assignments for other
parts thereof (notwithstanding discharges given by him for the
same) are yet interrupted by said stop.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 233.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to employ Henry Flory (Florey) as Surveyor of Customs,
Lyme port, loco Job Jackson, deceased.
Capt. Peter Courtney as collector, waiter and searcher at
Truro, in the port of Falmouth loco Nicholas Sanden, who is
to be forthwith dismissed for incompetency.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. pp. 233, 235.
Same from same to the Grand Commissioners of Excise to grant
a commission to Robert Gravely, Walter Burden and Robert
Angell, gent., for eight months to levy the arrears of Excise
in York county and city standing out and due to Henry Guy
and Richard Lloyd on account of their Excise farm ended
1671, June 24.
Ibid, p. 235.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver at
Whitehall, Custom free, to Mr. Clerke, one of the Pages of
the Backstairs, a chest or box addressed Alla Signora Condessa
de Penalva, which is for the use of the Queen.
Ibid, p. 236.
Mr. Mounteney, Auditor Beale and Mr. Litcot to attend [the
Treasury to-day] about passing the accounts of the outport
Day Book, p. 78.
Royal sign manual for a privy seal to the Lord Treasurer, the
Exchequer Court and Sir Peter Ball, one of the trustees of the
lands late in jointure to the Queen Mother, to discharge Bevis
Lloyd from his debts of 801l. 9s. 9¼d. and 400l. as below, upon
his paying 500l. and giving security for the remainder, and to
release and discharge to John Edisbury, of Erthig, co. Denbigh
(who is willing to advance 465l. 15s. 11d. towards the 500l. so
to be paid by Lloyd as above), certain mortgaged lands and
tenements of Sir Evan Lloyd, bart., in co. Denbigh, in which
said Edisbury stands interested in trust for Bevis Lloyd : the
said Lloyd being, as Receiver of the said late Queen Mother's
revenue in South Wales and Monmouth, indebted 801l. 9s. 9¼d.
to the King upon his accounts for two years ended 1672,
Sept. 29, and about 400l. more for the year ended 1673,
Sept. 29, "as will appear upon the accompt thereof not yet
made up." (Treasurer Latimer's subscription dated April 16,
of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 482-3 ; British
Museum Additional MS.
28,075, pp. 50-1.
Same to Treasurer Latimer to issue his warrant to the Surveyor
General of Woods, Trent South, for the felling of certain
woods in the Lee Bayly in Dean Forest, co. Gloucester,
according to the articles of Mar. 10 inst. for the purchase
thereof by William Hanway and John Forth, and according
to the rates by the cord as agreed on with them.
Ibid, p. 491.
Mar. 24
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Receipt to pay 20,000l.
to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, for the service
of the Navy and on any orders drawn in his name. (Crossed
through. In the margin :—Entered in a book for that
Money Book (Excise), p. 58 ;
Money Book (Navy), p. 3.
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet. dated 1673-4.
Feb., of a warrant to the Admiralty to order the speedy
delivery of the prize ship, "Papenbergh," to Francis Bayly,
shipwright, at such reasonable rates as shall be appraised by
the Sub-Commissioners of Prizes in London port, "which he
is to pay out of the last money that shall be due to him on
account of the ship "Oxford," which he is now building for
His Majesty's service at Bristol."
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,075, p. 43.
Report to the King from Treasurer Latimer on the petition of
Charles, Lord Buckhurst, as by the order of reference of
Jan. 12 last. I have had search made in the office of the
Auditor of the Duchy (of which the warren and chase [of
Aldbourn, Wilts] were anciently a part) and of Sir C. Harbord
to see whether any profit accrues to the Crown from said warren
and chase. Am satisfied none does so, and therefore conceive
petitioner's request may be granted.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 236.
Warrant to the Customs Commissioners from same to observe the
King's pleasure that tallies be levied for prohibited goods and
the said goods delivered to the officers of the Customs paying
in the King's moiety thereof as heretofore has been accustomed
according to law and the course of the Exchequer.
Letters patent by Treasurer Latimer constituting Elias Austin to
be the officer for making out all bills for merchant strangers
and other foreign traders in London port, with a place in the
Custom House, London, but with no fee from the King, he
being only to receive such allowance or reward as has been
usually paid or given by the merchants strangers or other
foreign traders for making out such bills : all loco Nathaniel
Wellen, lately deceased.
Ibid, pp. 240-1.
Mar. 25
Report to the King from Treasurer Latimer on the petition of
Sir William Boreman, Kt., as by order of reference of Jan. 3
last ; said petition praying an additional term in the several
leases to him from the late Queen Mother and from the Queen
Consort of the manor of Old Court, co. Kent.
Ibid, p. 237.
Same to same from same on the petition of Philip Browne as by
the order of reference of Feb. 12 last. I have perused the
reference from the Lords of the Admiralty to Sir Robert
Wiseman and Sir Walter Walker and agree with them that
petitioner was a great sufferer by the circumstances attending
the impresting of his ship for the King's service and sustained
damage to the extent of 3,000l. for which there is a conscionable
equity for him.
Warrant to the King's Remembrancer from same to take the
bonds of William Hanway and John Foorth for 2,000l.
according to the articles made between Thomas Agar and
Charles Strode. Surveyors General of woods this side Trent
on the King's behalf and William Hanway — of the other
part, concerning the disposal of some of the King's woods
[timber] in the Lea Baily in Dean Forest.
Ibid, p. 238.
Mar. 26
Alderman Forth's business about the Irish [Revenue Farm]
affair [is to be heard this morning]. The Lord Keeper and
Sir Jo. Duncomb to be summoned.
Day Book, p. 78.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners.
The regiment lately under the command of the Duke of
Buckingham which came out of Ireland to serve His Majesty
at sea is now commanded thither again. You are to permit
the officers thereof to transport 30 horses for Ireland from
West Chester, Holyhead, Liverpool or any other port.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 238.
Mar. 27
Instructions from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
in reply to their representation of the 23rd inst. "As
to what you represent relating to the United Netherlands
concerning His Majesty's declaration [viz. as to] when his
dispensing with some clauses of the Act of Navigation shall
determine." I do direct that the law concerning the Netherlands
be observed as before His Majesty's said declaration.
As to the desire that corn from Scotland may be brought
into Berwick, Customs free, for the use of the town and garrison. I
refer that matter to be further considered by Lord Widdrington,
Mr. Collingwood and yourself.
As to the grant to Sir Nicholas Crispe of the two third
parts of the duty upon spice which you find by his patent he
was to enjoy until 20,000l. were satisfied to him, and that you
find by an account delivered by himself that he is fully satisfied
the said 20,000l., I direct that the Collector Inwards and the
Comptroller of Customs, London port, the Comptroller of the
outports and the Surveyor General of Customs do state a
charge of what has been received of said duty by the King and
by Sir N. Crispe from the commencement of the patent to the
3rd inst. from which date you are hereby to enter upon the
receipt of said duty.
Touching settling officers at New York and about Roanoke
to take care of the new Plantation duty I think fit that officers
be settled, they being first recommended and then to be allowed
[reward] as in Virginia.
As to your report about the business of Prizage your officers
are to continue to demand the subsidy and additional duty
upon prizage wines, and in case payment be refused [your
officers are] to keep an account of the respective quantities
for which duty shall be denied, till the 11th day of Sept.
As to the Surveyor's certificate that the casks of High
Country wines, now imported by Mr. William Coles, which
are desired by him to pass as tearces are the same sort of cask
as have always passed as hogsheads, I have referred the matter to
you on a petition from said Coles.
As to the entry made by Mr. Orgall, a merchant, of a
parcel of iron rolls for Barbados under the notion of iron
mongers wares perfectly manufactured I direct that they so
pass as they are for the service of the Plantations.
As to Mr. Sewell's office in Minehead port you are to
present a new officer in his place. Sewell is to be presented to
some other place if fit.
As to the seizure made by Mr. Williamson and Mr.
Charleton, two of the searchers of London port, of some beef
and pork for non-payment of Customs and which is now claimed
by the late Victuallers of the Navy, in case the officers are cast
in law I shall take care that the charge [law costs] thereof be
borne by the King.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. pp. 239-40.
Money warrant for 200l. to Sir William Turnor for disbursements
for several suits now depending on the King's behalf in the
Exchequer and elsewhere.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 241.
Mar. 31
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver to Col. Richard Talbot, Customs free, two trunks
and a portmanteau containing only clothes for himself, a box
of seeds for the Marchioness of Worcester and a paper
directed to Mrs. Warner.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 241.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to John Ramsey, Esq., His
Majesty's Serjeant at Arms attending the Lord Treasurer, to
arrest all the sheriffs certified by the Clerk of the Pipe as
neglecting to pass their accounts, detaining the King's money
in their hands to the damage of the Crown and still in contempt
for not answering the same, the Exchequer Court having since
the last term granted no further day for any sheriff behind
with his account.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 243.
Royal warrant for a privy seal to Denzell, Lord Holles, High
Steward of the Honors, manors and lands of the Queen Consort,
William, Visct. Brouncker, Chancellor and Keeper of the Queen
Consort's Great Seal, Henry, Visct. Cornbury, Lord Chamberlain
of the Queen Consort's Household, Sir Richard Bellings, Principal
Secretary to said Queen, John Harvy, Treasurer and Receiver
General to same, William Montague, Attorney General to same,
and John Hall, Surveyor General to same, to convey to Robert
Tomkins the scite of the manor of Chesworth and all the park
of Chesworth disparked, and all lands called the demense lands
and escheat lands in Chesworth and Horsham, co. Sussex, for
the unexpired term for which they stand possessed thereof [in
trust] and in reversion after the terms therein granted to
Thomas White : all as royal favour for the services to the late
Queen Mother performed by said Tompkins and his father, said
Tomkins having served for 13 years as clerk of the Council to
said Queen Mother, "who dying intestate had ordered no
provision for her servants."
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 502-3.
Feb. [sic,
for 1674
Instructions from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
on their representation of March 2 inst. As to goods
passing by coast from port to port in this Kingdom for the
landing of which bond is given by the ship's master, and your
query thereon relating to the clause in the Act of Frauds
providing against secret conveyance of goods on board ship for
transportation beyond sea, it sometimes happening that coals
laden for coast shipment are driven by distress oversea and
there sold ; the masters at their return being willing to enter
and pay the duty. Your query in this case is whether you
shall sue the bonds or accept the single duty, notwithstanding
the clause in the abovesaid Act. I direct that in such cases
you receive the duty according to the Book of Rates.
As to the general order you desire for burning prohibited
goods I will move the King herein.
I will consider as to the Collectors of Lyme and Weymouth
on the return of Mr. Dunstar.
As to the Islands of Bermudas and Montserrat, where no
Surveyor is appointed in relation to the new duty, but the whole
care thereof left to the Collectors. I agree that the said Collectors
receive the Surveyor's part of the established allowance.
As to the case of Col. Butler, Collector of Boston, concerning
the bill of exchange upon the late Victuallers of the Navy
for money by him paid upon their credit and order which they
now refuse to pay, I shall take care to secure Col. Butler therein.
As to Cowes port I will speak with Secretary Coventry
concerning Mr. Horton the Collector there.
As to the case of meal imported you are to collect the duty
for corn which is ground into meal and imported either in meal
or flower as for corn which is unground, according to the
opinion of the Solicitor General in the case.
As to extraordinary warrants for landwaiters in London
port to succeed in future vacancies, but to serve meanwhile
without fee, I intend only one more such, viz. Hen. Crew and
then to grant no more.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. pp. 234-5.