Nature and Substance of the Entry.
Oct. 1
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
for the delivery, Customs free, to Sir Thomas Chichley.
Master of the Ordnance, of all the saltpetre lately imported in
the three East India prizes, "Europa," "Alphen," and
"Arms of Terveer."
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 43.
Oct. 2
Treasurer Latimer to the Agents for Hearthmoney. There are
many receivers of Hearthmoney and of the other revenues
under your inspection who have long deferred the passing of
their accounts and who are much in arrear. You are to intimate
to all such that proceeding will be forthwith made if they
do not make a speedy progress in their accounts.
Ibid, p. 44.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Cashier to pay
Edward Brewer 100l. for two years to Sept. 29 as Customer of
the Great Customs in London port.
William Thornbury 100l. for same as same.
Daniel Colwall, Tho. Burton, William Dockwra and Ro.
Forster 24l. each for same as undersearchers in London
500l. to the Earl of Ossory for half a year to Sept. 29 last
as a Gent. of the Bedchamber.
Money Book (Customs),
p. 132.
Money warrant for 50l. to Izabell Boynton the younger for half
a year on her pension.
Same for 300l. to Madame Fra. Civell for one year of her annuity
in part of 3,300l. arrears due thereon for 11 years to Michaelmas
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 90.
Same for 100l. 7s. 6d. each to Thomas Payne for a year as a
serjeant at arms.
And 50l. 3s. 9d. to Roger Harsnett for half a year as same,
with dormant warrant for the future.
Same for 915l. to Sir Edward Wood for two quarters' ordinary
to Oct. 17 inst. as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden.
Ibid, p. 91.
Treasurer Latimer's warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the
Excise of London and Middlesex for 125l. to R. Lord Byron
and Chr. Cratford for a quarter to Michaelmas last on the
annuity to them for said Lord Byron.
Ibid. : Money Book
(Excise), p. 47.
Money warrant for 125l. to the executors of James Hamilton for
a quarter to Midsummer of his pension as late a Groom of the
Bedchamber. (Struck through. See infra 1673-4, Jan. 10.)
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 91.
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a warrant of June 14 last for
700l. to Sir Edward Griffin.
Warrants Early XIX.
p. 390.
Subscription of allowance by Viscount Latimer of the dormant
money warrant of 1671-2, Mar. 18, for 60l. to Jervas Price as
Chief Underkeeper of St. James's Park.
Ibid, p. 85.
The like of a money warrant of April 22 last for 36l. 10s. 0d. to
Charles Shepheard.
Ibid, p. 327.
Oct. 3
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to permit the shipment on board the "Providence," of Leith,
for Scotland. Customs free, of some goods for the Duke of
Lauderdale, being household goods.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 45.
Treasurer Latimer to same to enter a noli prosequi to the record
against Brian Boden, of London, cloth worker, for a short
entry of 64 pieces of double bayes.
Ibid, p. 46.
July [sic
for Oct.] 3
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet, dated 1673, June
of a warrant to the Exchequer for 200l. per an. for Christina
Cooper, ut supra, pp. 180-1.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,074, p. 368.
Oct. 3
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Auditor and the Receiver
of Crown revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall. By patent of
1660-1, Jan. 23, the King granted to John Sayer chief cook in
ordinary, an annuity of 150l. payable out of the Crown
revenues of Essex, Herts, Midd. and London. Same has been
duly answered accordingly till 1672, Sept. 29, but cannot be
paid thereout any more by reason of the sale of fee farm rents.
You are to pay him out of the revenues of the Duchy one year
to Sept. 29 last and to continue same in future.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, pp. 92-3.
Same from same to the Receipt. Thomas Kirwood, of London,
goldsmith, will lend 10,000l. into the Exchequer on the credit
of the fourth quarter of the Eighteen Months' assessment, to be
repaid with interest after 32,163l. 6s. 8d. shall come in upon
said quarter. You are to issue 4,000l. hereof to the Treasurer
of the Navy for Sick and Wounded and 4,000l. to Sir Stephen
Fox for secret service.
Ibid, p. 93.
Same from same to the Customs Cashier to pay 62l. 13s. 4d to Adam
de Cardonell for one year as Customer outwards, Southampton
50l. to Sir Edw. Walker for half a year's salary : and
dormant warrant for same in future.
78l. to Sir Joseph Jorden for 1 1/2 years to his son Joseph as
one of the King's waiters, London port : and dormant
warrant for such salary to Sir Joseph during the
minority of his said son.
Money Book (Customs),
pp. 132, 133.
Money warrant for 50l. to the churchwardens of St. Margaret's.
Westminster, as royal bounty for one year to Xmas last for
relief of the poor thereof.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 90.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
for the delivery of several goods lately brought from Dover
for Monsieur Colbert, the French Ambassador, and his lady.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 67.
Oct. 4
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a money warrant of June 17
last for 500l. to the Earl of Kinnoul.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 4.
Warant from Treasurer Latimer to the Agents for Hearthmoney.
There have of late been many tallies levied at the Receipt on
the Hearthmoney Receivers, whereby that revenue has been
anticipated and encouragement given to said Receivers to keep
the King's money until tallies shall be brought them, and also
to make bargains with and extort moneys from the persons for
whom said tallies shall be struck : all to the great prejudice of
the King's service and the subject. You are to forthwith send
to said receivers for an account of what tallies have been struck
upon them respectively and now remain unpaid, to quicken
them in the payment thereof.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 49.
Oct. 6
(and 3)
Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners to permit the
Rt. Honbl. Count Schomberg to transport for France 17 horses
and two trunks of plate with his arms on it, &c. : he going to
France to attend His Majesty's service there. Also to give up
the security given by said Count for the duty on a chariot
brought from France for him about 10 days ago.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. pp. 45, 46,
Oct. 6.
Allowance by Treasurer Latimer of the 1673, Sept. 29, quarter's incidents
bill of the Agents for Hearthmoney. (Total, 40l 7s. 3d.)
Ibid, p. 85.
Viscount Grandison and the city to attend on Saturday next, the
11th inst. (Postea : put off till the 14th.)
Day Book, p. 71.
Oct. 7
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to Francis Stephens to arrest
Anthony Stockbridge, of St. Swithin's Lane, London, packer,
for opposing Maurice Williams and Timothy Taylor in the
execution of their duty as officers and collectors of Subsidy and
Aulnage in London, Westminster, Southwark and Middlesex,
under the Earl of Bath and Robert Spencer, Esq. viz. by
denying them entrance to his house to view his clothes.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 47.
Instructions from same to the Customs Commissioners. As to
your paper of the 6th inst. concerning embargoes to be laid for
stopping of ships I shall cause notice to be sent to you of such
embargoes, as likewise when they are taken off. As to the
importation of whale fins, commonly called scruffe, which you
conceive ought to pay as whalebone, you are to state a case to
the King's Counsel. As to the duty on prize fish I conceive
that by natives' duty is meant the duty for such fish as is taken
by English : and in all such cases you are to proceed accordingly
and make it a standing rule, notwithstanding anything
in my order of Sept. 18 last to the contrary. As to your representation
concerning printing a new Book of Rates I desire
none may be printed without my knowledge ; concerning which
I shall speak with Mr. Fripp.
Ibid, p. 48.
Same from same to same. In the instructions of 1672, June 12,
directions are given you touching prizes, that they should only
pay the duty of natives for such commodities as are brought
in from the places of their proper growth. As to the prize
fish already taken, or that shall be hereafter taken, you are to
permit it to be unladen, taking only English duty.
Oct. 7
Warrant from same to same for the delivery, Customs free, of
certain ornaments brought from France and now lying at
Dover, being for the French ambassador's chapel here.
Ibid, p. 49.
Same from same to the Customs Cashier to pay 52l. to Edward
Agberowe for one year as Pricker of the Stilyard.
Money Book (Customs),
p. 133.
Allowance by Treasurer Latimer of the Sept. 29 last quarter's
salary bill, detailed, of the office of the farm of the Excise of
London, Middlesex and Surrey. (Total, 2,215l. 10s. 5d.)
Money Book (Excise),
p. 48.
Money warrant for 250l. each to Sir Edward Walker, Sir Jno.
Nicholas Sir Robert Southwell, Sir Joseph Williamson for
one year as Clerks of the Council.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 94.
Money warrant for 14l. 3s. 9d. to Henry Norris for nine months
to Sept. 29 last as joiner of His Majesty's privy chamber.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 94.
Same for 100l. to Nathaniel Bradley for half a year to June 24
last as Consul at Tripoli.
Same for 16l. 13s. 4d. to Richard Gregory for Sept. 29 quarter
last as messenger.
Same for 100l. 7s. 6d. to Edmund Williamson for one year as
one of the Serjeants at Arms.
Same for 200l. to the Princess Elizabeth for half a year on her
Ibid, p. 95.
Same for 10l. to Anthony Segar for Sept. 29 last quarter as office
keeper of the Treasury, and 33l. 8s. 0d. for incidents.
Ibid. : Money Book
(Excise), p. 47.
Oct. 8
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to direct the Collectors of the outports to pay last Sept. 29
quarter's outports salary bill.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 50.
Money warrant for 80l. to Henry Thomas for two years of
his pension.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 95.
Same for one year's creation money to Sept. 29 last to the Earl
of Sandwich.
Ibid, p. 97.
Warrant by Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Cashier to pay
13l. to John Charnock for the quarter which he served as a
King's waiter, London, out of the 18 months' pay ordered to
Francis Roberts to whom Charnock surrendered said office.
Money Book (Customs),
p. 139.
Oct. 9
Same from same to the King's Remembrancer to stay process [ad
computandum] against Sir William Doyly ; on account of a
fraud [committed against him] in collecting 87l. of his receipt
by persons unknown to him and pretending to be his agents :
in the meantime he is to examine the accounts of the present
Receiver of Hearthmoney of Surrey, &c.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 50.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to employ Anthony
Watts as tidesman in fee, London port, loco Roger Greene,
George Twing, as watchman, ibid. loco Hezechiah Lentall,
removed to be a tidesman in fee.
John Custis as waiter and searcher at Greenwich loco Henry
Jean who neglects his duty.
George Harrison for the seizure of uncustomed and
prohibited goods.
Money warrant for 5,500l. to the Duke of Buckingham for half
a year to Lady Day next for the stables.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 98.
Same 60l. to the sub-chanter and vicars choral of the Cathedral
Church of Lichfield for four years on their perpetuity of 15l.
per an.
200l. 15s. 0d. to Roger Charnock, Esq., for two years'
salary, &c., as a Serjeant at Arms.
100l. to Isabella Bointon, widow, for half a year's pension
to Sept. 29 last.
250l. to the Countess of Portland for a quarter on her
210l. to Visc. Grandison for one quarter on the privy seal
of 1672, Sept. 21.
210l. to same on the privy seal of 1672, April 30
Ibid, pp. 98, 99.
[? Oct. 9]
Letter of direction concerning 4,000l. in part of the order of
Aug. 26 last for 6,000l. to the Duke of Lauderdale for the
surrender of his pension of 1,000l. per an. ut supra, p. 367.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 100.
Oct 9
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Receipt. There are five
tallies, formerly levied on the Royal Aid of London and co.
Oxford, for Sir George Carteret, Treasurer of the Navy, for,
in all, 49,480l. (viz. 1662-3, Mar. 31, for 15,000l. ; 1667-8,
Feb. 12, for 15,000l. and 12,880 ; 1667, July 8, for 3,300l. ;
1667-8, Feb. 12. for 3,300l.). These sums were advanced and
paid to said Carteret by Sir Robert Vyner upon credit of said
tallies. Vyner is still in arrear hereon 31,372l. 18s. 11d.
(viz 8,360l. on the first tally, 11,285l. and 11,235l. on the
second and third tallies, 2,409l. 15s. 3d. upon the fourth tally
and 1,083l. 3s. 4d. upon the fifth tally) : as is certified by
John Wynch (clerk to Sir Tho. Player) and Jo. White and
Dudley Rowse, late Receivers of said Aid of co. Oxford. Nor
can he [possibly expect out of the Royal Aid to] in the future
receive the whole sums due. It is therefore necessary to split
said tallies, so that the abovesaid Receivers may have tallies to
discharge them of so much as they have paid. The above tallies
are hereby to be cancelled, and in lieu of them ten tallies are to
be levied of the same date. viz. five for the sums paid and five
for the sums remaining due.
Ibid, p. 101.
Same from same to same to similarly cancel a tally, struck 1667,
May 22, for 200l. on Charles Trevannian, Esq., Receiver of
the Royal Aid, co. Cornwall, and issued to John Portman, of
London, goldsmith, in return for the like sum by him advanced
to Sir G. Carteret for the Navy, which said tally is still unpaid :
and in lieu thereof to levy four tallies, one for 69l. 17s. 11¼d.,
representing the remains due from said Trevannian on the foot
of his accompt ; another for 12l. 0s. 6½d. on same ; another
for 68l. 19s. 0¼d. on Thomas Wylles, Collector of the Royal
Aid in Lesnewth Hundred, co. Cornwall, and a fourth for
49l. 2s. 6d. upon William Haskeys, Collector of same in Trigg
Ibid, p. 102.
Money warrant for 552l. to Sir John Paul for six months'
ordinary (Mar. 3 last to Sept. 3 last) as Resident in the Court
of Denmark.
Ibid, p. 96.
Same for 1,098l. to Sir William Swan for one year, to Sept. 29
last, on his ordinary of 3l. a day (as by the privy seal of Dec.
17 last) as Resident with the Hanse Towns : nothing to be
paid to him after 1672, Sept. 29, on his ordinary of 40s. a
Same, dormant, for the allowance of 16s. a day to Sir Tho.
Daniel, Kt., as Governor of Arcliffe fort, near Dover, "and
also for four gunners and two soldiers, each of them 8d. per
Treasurer Latimer's warrant for the execution of a money warrant
of May 21 last for 100l to Major Edward Trelawney.
Warrants Early XIX.
p. 353.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 62l. 6s. 8d. to George
Willmore for one year as Customer of the Petty Customs,
London port.
Money Book (Customs),
p. 141.
Same to same to pay 277l. 6s. 8d. to Mr. Phillip Warwick
for one year to June 24 last as Collector of Customs outwards,
London port.
Ibid. p. 133
Oct. 10
Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Farmers for a speedy account
how many chests of coffee were lately imported in the four
East India prizes and how many thereof delivered to the
Master of the Ordnance : taking care that the remainder be
not opened or delivered without further order.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 51.
Same to same to permit Lord Duras [or] Sir — Throckmorton
or their agent to transport 27 horses to France, Customs free,
for recruit of His Majesty's forces there under said Lord Duras.
Warrant from same to same to permit Sir Dennis Gawden to
export the following provisions for Tangier, Customs free, as
requested by the Commissioners for Tangier in their letter of
the 4th inst. viz. :—
Biskett 1,202,240 lbs.
Beef 52,000 four pound pieces.
Pork 45,130 two pound pieces.
Pease 10,720 bushels.
Oatmeal 11,185 bushels.
Butter 31,200 pounds.
Cheese 41,400 pounds.
Ibid, p. 52.
Money warrant for 300l. to Philip Packer. Paymaster of the
Works, for fencing, planting and other work to be done in
Hyde Park.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 100.
Same for 78,836l. 13s. 4d. to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the
Navy : in full of 600,000l. as by the privy seal of Feb. 26 last.
Ibid, p. 103.
Subscription by Treasurer Latimer of a money warrant of June 18
last for 2,000l. to Sir John Duncombe.
Money warrant for 10l. to Mary Newman, widow of Hugh
Newman, who died a soldier in His Majesty's service at sea :
as royal bounty towards the relief of her and her children in
great want.
Ibid, p. 104.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Reccipt for 124,016l.
2s. 9d. to Sir Stephen Fox for pay of the Forces. Sept. 20 last
to Jan. 10 next : as by the privy seal of Feb. 28 last.
Money Book (Excise),
p. 49.
Money warrant, dormant, for the fees of 50l. and 30l. per an. to
John Feild as one of His Majesty's falconers.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 97.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox for a quarter on
the 8,000l. per an. for secret service.
Letter of direction on an order of 1671, April 30, for 400l. to
Jane Appleby.
Ibid, p. 178.
Oct. 11
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to deliver the copper out of the Dutch East India prizes to
Sir Tho. Chichely, Master of the Ordnance.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 52.
Same from same to same. Lord Vaughan is going to France with
his regiment to serve His Majesty. You are to permit the
several officers of said regiment to transport 20 horses for the
use thereof Custom free.
Letter of direction (struck through) on an order of 1672, Mar. 28.
for 6,000l. to Mr. Packer, Paymaster of the Works.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 117.
Same concerning the 734l. 17s. 10d. remaining unpaid on an order
of 1672-3, Mar. 28, for 6,000l. to Mr. Packer for the Works.
Ibid, p. 95.
Oct. 12
Warrant, dormant, from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs
Cashier to pay 365l. per an. to the Earl of Ang esey as Lord
Privy Seal, as by the patent of May 29 last.
Money Book (Customs),
p 136.
Oct. 13
Money warrant for 375l. to Sir Humphry Winch for three
quarters to 1672, June 24, as one of the Council for Foreign
Plantations, the letters patent being revoked before any warrant
granted for his said arrest.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 157.
Same for 350l. to the Earl of Sandwich for half a year to 1672,
Lady Day, as President of the abovesaid Council.
Oct. 14
Same for 100l. to Mris. Jane Berkeley for half a year on her pension.
Ibid, p. 105 ; Money Book
(Customs), p. 133.
Warrant by Treasurer Latimer for the execution of the Treasury
warrant of 1672, Oct. 29. ut supra Vol. III, pp. 1334-6, for the
purchase of fee farms by John Lyndsey, goldsmith, of London
to the extent of 36,000l. : "taking care that the debt to the
city be paid before the tallies upon this warrant be struck."
Warrants Early XIX.
p. 197.
The [Revenue] Farmers of Ireland to attend to-day, Tuesday.
Capt. Cock's business to be heard : all parties to attend.
Lady Newburgh's patent to be brought in order to a report
on her business.
The business of settling the impost to foreign ministers to
be considered.
Day Book, p. 71.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Sir Robert Vyner for one year on the
annuity granted to him for 12 years, by the patent of 1671,
Sept. 15, on the petition of Thomas, Viscount Dillon.
Money Book (Customs),
p. 134.
[Treasurer Latimer's subscription of] a docquet, dated 1673,
Oct., of a warrant to the Commissioners of Prizes in the
kingdom of England to sell all the goods and merchandise in
the four East India [Dutch] prizes called the "Papenburgh,"
"Europa," "Armes of Terveer" and "Alphen," to Edward
Nelthorp, merchant, at the prices as in his proposal to the King.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,074, p. 370.
Same of a docquet, dated 1673, Oct., of a pardon to Lewis Thomas
for killing Richard Adams : with restitution of lands, &c.
Ibid, p. 367.
Oct. 15
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to permit Lord Vaughan to transport, Customs free, 20 horses
for his own use in his service in France.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 53.
Treasurer Latimer to Mr. Gregory to send the papers and
accompts belonging to Sir William Warren, "which, after
perusal, shall be safely returned to you."
Report from same to the King, on the petition of Henry Seymor,
for a conveyance of certain fee farm rents, reserved out of the
park of Langley Marish, co. Bucks. In pursuance of a former
report by Sir C. Harbord, dated 1670, Dec., and Treasurer
Clifford's direction thereon, petitioner obtained a decree in the
Exchequer for a reconveyance to him of the fee farm rent of
150l. per an. reserved out of said park (being part of the
797l. 18s. 4d. per an. rents which were heretofore granted
3 Car. I. to the Six Clerks in Chancery) on his repayment to
Mr. Pindar, who had purchased said 150l. per an., of a proportionable
part of the loan of 10,000l. He has accordingly paid
the money and obtained a conveyance and a confirmation
thereof by letters patent. The fee farm rents of 393l. 3s. 9¼d.
per an., mentioned in said petition, were also part of said rents
so granted to said Six Clerks and by them sold to others, who
will hold the same for ever, unless they be also compelled by
law to reconvey same to the King's nominee. It will be no
disservice to similarly grant the right of suing and recovering
said rents by granting petitioner the King's equity therein.
Ibid, pp. 53-4.
Oct. 15
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to permit the transport, Customs free, of six horses for the use
of two of the companies of the Earl of Mulgrave's regiment.
being to be immediately shipped for France : as is represented
by Capt. John Butler and Capt. William Wyvill.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money III. p. 54.
Privy seal to permit Mr. Ogilby, the King's Cosmographer, to
import royal paper, Customs free, to an amount representing
1,000l. duty thereon within two years from date hereof,
towards his present work under the title of Britannia : being
the sum formerly subscribed by the King and Queen for his
encouragement in that undertaking. (Royal warrant, undated,
for said privy seal. Treasurer Latimer's subscription, dated
Oct 15, for docquet hereof. Treasurer Latimer's warrant
hereon to the Customs Commissioners, dated Oct. 17.)
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 396, 405 ; British
Museum Additional
MS. 28,074 p. 367 ;
Warrants Not Relating
to Money IV. p. 55.
Same, dormant, for 200l. per an. pension to Dorothy Hubblethorne
(relict of Lt. Col. John Hubblethorne, lately slain in
the King's service at sea) until such time as a pension to that
amount to her can be settled on the Irish establishment in
accordance with the order in Council of Aug. 6 last. (Undated
royal warrant for said privy seal. Treasurer Latimer's subscription,
dated Oct. 2, of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 396, 399-400 ;
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,074, p.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for a grant to George Viscount
Grandison and Edward Villiers of the rent of 644l. 13s. 4d.,
which became due at Michaelmas last for the Prizage and
Butlerage of Wines payable by Sir William Paul and William
Waller, Esq., present Farmers thereof.
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 398, 404.
Warrant under the royal sign manual to Philip Lloyd, Esq.,
Receiver of the revenue late belonging to the late Queen
Mother. By an order No. 27. dated 1670, Nov. 11, there was
to be paid to Henry Gregory, gent., 100l. 7s. 6d. in repayment
of loan. Said order was assigned to Sir Thomas Grymes, Bart,
in trust for Sir Thomas Bond, Kt. and Bart. The interest due
thereon amounts to 18l. By another order, No. 65, dated
1670-1, Feb. 8, there was to be paid to Henry Baker, gent.,
1,200l. in repayment of loan. The interest thereon amounts
to 189l. By another order No. 73, dated 1670-1, Feb. 14.
there was to be paid to Henry Baker 1,400l. in repayment of
loan. The interest thereon amounts to 162l. Both the said
two last orders were by assignments, written on the back
thereof, assigned to Sir Thomas Bond. By another order, No.
681, dated 1668, July 15, there was to be paid to William
Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, 161l. 1s. 8d. Said
Ashburnham assigned his interest therein to said Sir Thomas
Grymes in trust for said Sir Thomas Bond. By another order
No. 65, there was to be paid to Sir Edward Griffin, Treasurer
of the Chamber, 15,000l. Said Griffin assigned same to
Jonathan Clarke, "and he assigned 9,716l. 13s. 8d. [thereof]
to said Sir Thomas Grimes in trust for said Sir T. Bond, the
interest of which 82l. now due [sic, indicating a lacuna to be
filled up by some such words as of which 9,716l. 13s. 8d. there
still remains due and unpaid the sum of 82l.] amounts to
12l. 10s. 10d. All the said sums still due as above and interest
amount to 3,325l, due to said Bond. In consideration of this
sum of 3,325l so due, and of a further sum of 3,000l. by said
Sir T. Bond paid to William Chiffinch ("to whom by our letters
of privy seal we have appointed the moneys due to the late Queen,
our late dearest mother, to be paid for our use") you are to
pay out of the first moneys coming to your hands of the revenue
of the late Queen Mother 3,000l. and the said several sums,
amounting to 3,325l., to said Bond, taking care that as soon
as you pay the principal and interest on the said orders or any
of them you take care the same be legally assigned to said
William Chiffinch in trust for the King.
Ibid, pp. 400-2.
Oct. 16
Sir J. Duncombe to meet my Lord about Alderman Backwell's
Day Book, p. 71.
Oct. 17
Royal warrant for a privy seal to Sir William Turner, Kt., to
possess himself, on the King's behalf, of the estate of Sir
Frescheville Holles, and out of same to pay to Dame Jane
Holles, Gervas Holles and James Hulker. Valentine Crome
and other the creditors of said Sir Frescheville Holles.
1,500l., with interest thereon : the said Sir Frescheville Holles
being, at the time of his death, indebted to the King for
1,500l. imprested to him by the Navy Commissioners, 1670,
Nov. 12, for furnishing into the stores considerable quantities
of Irish oak timber and plank, which in his lifetime he did not
perform : and by the royal warrant of June 2 last administration
of his goods having been granted to said Sir William
Turner : Sir Frescheville's widow, Dame Jane Holles, having
further represented that she brought a considerable marriage
portion to her said husband, most part whereof was spent by him
in the King's service, and himself lately slain therein, and therefore
prays a gift of 600l. out of said estate : and Gervas Holles
Esq., one of the Masters of Requests, and father to said Sir
Frescheville Holles, having similarly prayed 500l., and said
Hulker and Crome having prayed the remainder of said 1,500l.
for themselves and others, creditors of said Sir Frescheville.
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 402-3.
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a warrant of June 18 last
for Elias Ashmole to import paper, Custom free, for his
"Institutions of the Garter."
Warrants Not Relating to
Money III. p. 441.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Receipt for a tally to
discharge Thomas Spiller and Mary Gery of the fines of 40l.
and 50l. on their conviction in the King's Bench for a riot in
endeavouring to take Elizabeth Gilburne from the custody of
Mary Gilburne, her mother.
Ibid, IV. p. 56.
Treasurer Latimer to Auditor Bridges, to bring in for declaration
Richard Mounteney's half-year's account to Lady Day last
both for the Customs and for the new Impositions on wines
and vinegar.
Ibid, p. 57.
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet, dated 1673, June,
of a grant to William Goldsborough, junr., gent., of the
office and place of Clerk of the House of Commons, in reversion
after his father. William Goldsborough, with the fee of
10l. per an. and all other fees, &c., thereto belonging.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,074, p. 368.
Same of same, dated 1673, Oct., of a grant to Francis Cruys
(one of the King's musicians for the vyoll loco John Smith,
surrendered) of the fee of 40l. per an. from June 24 last.
The arrears of said fee due to said Smith from 1667, Xmas, to
June 24 last to be "paid him notwithstanding his surrender
of the said place."
Ibid, p. 369.
Same of same, dated 1673, Oct., of a warrant to the Exchequer
to pay 1,425l. 5s. 5d. to William Young, Esq., over and above
what has been already imprested to him, for the repairs of
several lodgings at Hampton Court and making up several
breaches of the wall there, and new making of the gates at
Hampton Court Park. (Money warrant dated Nov. 15.)
Ibid ; 28,076, p. 126.
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet, dated 1673, Sept.,
of a warrant to the Exchequer to pay 400l. per an. to the
Cofferer of the Household, to be by him paid to Thomas
Purcell, and by him to be distributed among 20 of his
Majesty's musicians by 20l. to each, "which His Majesty is
pleased to establish and settle upon them yearly for wages and
board wages in consideration of their extraordinary attendance
in His Majesty's chapel" : to date from Lady Day last.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,074 p. 369.
Money warrant for 65l. to Andreas Vinius, Envoy Extraordinary
from the Czar of Muscovy, as royal bounty for his charges and
expenses in order to his departure from hence.
Ibid, 28,076. p. 105
Same for 150l. each to the following for half a year to Sept. 29
last, as Her Majesty's dressers : viz. Lady Killigrew, Lady
Clinton, Lady Thornhill, Lady Frazier, Mris. Orpe, Mris.
Cranmer, Mris. Deboards, Mris. Wyndham.
Same for 250l. to the Duke of Buckingham for a quarter on his
pension as a Gent. of the Bedchamber, and 216l 13s. 4d. to
same for 3 1/4 years, to Sept. 29 last, on his salary of 100 marks
per an. as Master of the Horse.
Ibid, p. 106.
Warrant, dormant, from Treasurer Latimer to the Receipt for
tallies from time to time on the Excise for the pension of 600l.
per an. to Col. Francis Wyndham and his heirs male.
Ibid, p. 107.
Money warrant for 375l. to Henry Slingsby, as by the privy seal
of April 30 last, viz. for three quarters to 1672, June 24, as
one of the Council for Foreign Plantations.
Same for 375l. each to Edmd. Waller and Sir William Hickman,
bart., for three quarters as members of the Council for Foreign
Ibid, p. 108.
Same, dormant, for 12l. 3s. 4d. per an. to Richard Welbeck,
keeper of the King's stables at Reading.
Money warrant for 60l. to Francis Glisson, Dr. in Phisick and
Reader of Phisick in the University of Cambridge, for one and a
half years of his fee in part of 130l. arrears thereon to Sept. 29 last.
Ibid, p. 109.
Same for 200l. to Francis Mansell, gent., for one year on his
pension for services in the King's escape after the battle of
Same for 208l. 2s. 4d. to Sir Edward Griffin (on any orders
drawn in his name), to be by him paid to Mr. Pelham
Humfrey, master of the children of the Chapel Royal, for
disbursements, &c., for one and a half years to Sept. 29 last.
Ibid, p. 110.
Same for 250l. to the Treasurer of Christ's Hospital for Sept. 29
quarter for the children of the new Royal Foundation : and
dormant warrant for same in future.
Ibid, pp. 110-11.
Same for 1,500l. to Lawrence Hyde as imprest for the Robes
Ibid, p. 111.
Same, dormant, for the fee of 6s. 8d. a day to Charles Cotterel,
Esq., as assistant to the Master of the Ceremonies (on which
there is in arrear and due to him 162l. 13s. 4d. for 1 year and
123 days to Sept. 29 last).
Same for the fee of 200l. per an. to Sir Charles Cotterel, kt., as
Master of the Ceremonies (on which there is 500l. due to him
for two and a half years to Sept, 29 last).
Ibid, p. 112.
The Irish [Revenue] Farmers and Viscount Ranelagh et, al. to
Day Book, p. 71.
Allowance by Treasurer Latimer of the 1673, Michaelmas
quarter's salary bill of the Customs for London port. (Total,
7,476l. 11s. 8d.)
Money Book (Customs)
p. 135.
Oct. 18
Instructions from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners.
On your report about repaying aliens' duty on coals exported
from Newcastle before Sept. 5 last I am of opinion that it is
the meaning of the order of Council that whether the moneys
were deposited or by the Collector placed to accompt as paid
before said Sept. 5. same ought to be repaid to the merchants.
As to the preserved nutmegs and ginger sent up by the
Commissioners of Prizes for His Majesty you are to deliver
them to the prize officers [on their] paying the Customs.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 57.
Money warrant for 211l. 7s. 6d. to Henry Sewell and Edward
Rymill for a suite of hangings by them furnished for the King.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076. p. 111.
Same for 116l. to Capt. Brelke, captain of a Danish ship, as
royal bounty.
Ibid, p. 112.
Oct. 21
Same for 375l. to Sir William Hickman, bart., for three quarters
as one of the Council for Foreign Plantations.
Ibid, 28,076, p. 133.
Same for 100l. to Andrew Newport as royal bounty
Ibid, 28,076, p. 112.
Warrant by Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Cashier to pay
250l. to Geo. Nicholas, Esq. [for half a year] as Surveyor
General of Customs, London port.
Money Book (Customs)
p. 135.
Same by same for the execution of the dormant money warrant,
dated 1672-3, Jan. 21, for the fee of 100l. per an. to lzaac
Le Gouche.
Warrants Early XIX
p. 262.
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet, dated 1673, May,
of a warrant to the Exchequer for the Grand Farmers of
Hearthmoney to discharge Thomas Morrice. Esq., et al, Sub-Farmers
of Hearthmoney for Essex and Herts, of the 3,696l.
or thereabouts arrears of rent owing by them to the said
Grand Farmers : all in consideration of the services of the
said Thomas Morrice.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,074, p. 370.
Same of same, dated 1673, Oct., of a warrant to Philip Lloyd, Esq.,
Receiver of the revenue late belonging to the late Queen Mother,
to pay to Sir Thomas Bond the sums as in the royal sign manual
of the 15th inst. supra p. 409, notwithstanding the privy seal
of Aug. 16 last, directing the payment of all the said late
Queen's revenue to William Chiffinch for His Majesty's use :
with directions that no part of that revenue be applied to the
payment of any other person till Sir Thomas Bond be satisfied
according to the said sign manual. And also a warrant to the
executors of Sir Henry Wood, late Treasurer of said revenue,
to pay to said Lloyd for the King's use the 1,118l 5s. 10¾d.
remaining due to the King on the account of said revenue to
1671, May 25.
Ibid, p. 371.
Same of same, dated 1673, Oct., of a warrant to the Exchequer
for 1,500l. equipage and 100l. a week ordinary to Sir William
Lockhart as Ambassador to the French King.
Ibid, p. 372.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to Richard Gregory to arrest
John Rudd, master of the "Hopewell," lately come from
Virginia, who forcibly kept the tidesmen of the Customs out of
the cabin and gun room of said ship, and also withheld their
diet from them.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV p. 57.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the King's Remembrancer
to take the security of Fra. Crawley as Receiver of Hearthmoney
of Essex and Herts : said sureties being himself and
Robert Dawgs, senr., of Loughton, Essex, William Dawgs,
senr. and junr., of Hatfield, Edward Tue, of London, ironmonger,
and John Freeman, of London, merchant tailor.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 58.
Same from same to Richard Gregory to arrest John Colebeck and
John Mitchell, constables of Halifax, for permitting the escape
of Joseph Longbotham and Thomas Croysdale, being committed
to their custody by the Justices of Peace as offenders against
the laws of Excise.
The business of the Irish [Revenue] Farmers to be heard now
Day Book, p. 71.
Oct. 22
Treasurer Latimer to the Chief Justice of the King's Bench, to
consult with the rest of the Judges about the Recognizances
for alehouses whether they may not be within the compass of
the Act [for Law Duties].
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 58.
The Excise Commissioners and Mr. Brett to attend
Day Book, p. 72.
Oct. 23
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to Francis Steevens to release
from custody Anthony Stockbridge, he having acknowledged
his fault against the Farmers of the Subsidy and Aulnage.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 59.
Treasurer Latimer to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. The
Farmers of the Revenue of Ireland have lately petitioned for
defalcations for losses caused by the present war. I have had
a full hearing of their pretensions. They insist upon the
covenants of their lease. I have acquainted the King with the
proceedings, and he directs that the Farmers make out their
proofs to you of such losses. Please report hereon to me.
The business of Sir Richard Billingham et al., to be heard now.
Day Book, p. 72.
Money warrant for 30l. to Robert Killegrew for a quarter on his
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 112.
Same for 378l. 10s. 8d. to the officers of the Works, as follows,
in various sums, detailed, being for one year's salary, viz. :
Dr. Wrenn, surveyor ; Hugh May, controller ; Philip Packer,
paymaster ; Edward Marshall, master mason ; Richard Rider
master carpenter ; Peter Brent, master plumber ; Izaac Corner,
master bricklayer ; Nath. Grove, master plasterer ; Arthur
Houghton, purveyor ; William Dickenson, clerk ingrosser ;
Mr. Bagley, master glasier ; Mr. Kinward, master joiner ;
Mr. Phillips, master carver.
Ibid, p. 113.
Oct. 24
Entry of the declaration of accompt of Hugh May for the year
June, 1666, to May, 1667, as Paymaster of the Works. (Total
charge, 10,434l. 6s. 8d.)
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 60.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to permit the officers in Sir William Lockhart's regiment, who
are going to serve His Majesty in France, to transport 30
horses for that service.
Treasurer Latimer to the King's Remembrancer to proceed against
Tho. Canham, merchant, on his bonds for goods imported ; the
debt due to said Canham from the King for hemp sold to the
Navy having been settled by a warrant of June 9 last.
Ibid, p. 61.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to have opened at the house
of Monsieur Colbert, Ambassador Extr. from France, a small
packet of goods imported from France for his lady.
Ibid, p. 62.
[?Oct. 24]
Treasurer Latimer to the King's Remembrancer to supersede for
ten days all process, &c., against John Tompson and Charles
Gregory, wine coopers [et al. vintners and coopers], who have
petitioned on behalf of themselves and the vintners and coopers
of England for stay of prosecution against them on the information
of divers informers on account of the late Wine Act,
they alleging that they [the Vintners] have been put to at least
50,000l. expenses upon that occasion. I find that this business
(referred to me by an order in Council of Sep. 17 last) will
require some further time than at present can be spared for
the hearing and determining thereof.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 62.
Oct. 24
Instructions from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners.
You are to permit the landing of all the small
plunder belonging to the seamen that brought home the three
East India prizes : taking care that under this pretence nothing
belonging to the hold or bread rooms of said ships be landed.
The East India goods taken out of said prizes, and now in the
King's warehouse, are to be delivered to the proprietors, who
have entered same and paid the duty.
Ibid, p. 64.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to Edward Seymour, Treasurer
of the Navy. It appears by a bill, dated 1667, Dec. 5, and
signed by the Navy Commissioners, that there is due to John
Telford, merchant and part owner of the ship "Charles
Merchant," 1,323l. 13s. 0d. for the hire of said ship, having
been then employed in His Majesty's service : of which
62l. 16s. 6d. was imprested before the making out the said
bill and 200l. more by warrant from Treasurer Clifford of
June 3 last, so that there now remains due 1,060l. 16s. 6d.
Said Telford is lately dead, and his relations and partners,
being reduced to extraordinary want and necessity, have
petitioned for payment of some part thereof. You are to pay
them 200l. in part of said sum. And whereas in the list of
Navy debts registered to be paid on the Act for an imposition
on wines and vinegar the item of 1,195l. 6s. 6d. is entered as
due to said Telford, you are to take care that no more be paid
than shall be actually due after such payments as above.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 113.
Same from same to the Receipt to pay 18l. 18s. 9d. to widow
Ann Kent, being the sum assigned to her by Thomas Bates of
an order for 2,000l. registered on the Law Bill and payable to
the Earl of Sandwich as imprest for the Wardrobe, but
assigned by said Earl to said Bates : all in consideration of
said Widow Kent's miserable and deplorable condition.
Ibid, p. 114.
Money warrant for 150l. to Lady Tuke for half a year to Sept. 29
last as one of the Queen's Dressers.
Ibid, p. 105.
Treasurer Latimer's subscription of a docquet, dated 1673, Oct.,
of a warrant to the Commissioners of the Admiralty to give
order for the speedy delivery of the prize ship "Peace" of
Amsterdam, to Col. John Russeh, Silas Titus, and Capt. Ed.
Andrewes to be by them sold to defray the charges of making
a pier and thereby perfecting the harbour at Newhaven, Sussex
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,074, p. 373.
Royal sign manual for 39l. 19s. 5d. to Sir Robert Howard as so
much expended by him for the King's service.
King's Warrant Book III
p. 405.
Same to the Attorney General to prepare a grant to Richard
Brett. Esq., to be one of the Grand Commissioners of Excise
but without salary.
Ibid, p. 406.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a Great Seal for a
grant to Sir Edward Deering, bart., of the annuity or pension of
400l. during pleasure, from Lady Day last. (Treasurer Latimer's
subscription, dated Oct. 18 and Nov. 7, of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book III.
p. 399 ; British Museum
Additional MS. 28,074,
p. 370 ; 28,075, p. 3.
Mr. May's and Mr. Packer's accounts to be presented [to-day] by
Auditor Bridges. Alderman Backwell to attend.
Day Book, p. 72.
Oct. 25
Report to the King from Treasurer Latimer on the petition of
Mary Monckton (as by the order of reference of Sept. 11 last)
for a lease of the profits of the seigneurie of Holdenshire,
parcel of the County Palatine of Durham. By the report of
Miles Stapleton, Auditor of said county, the rent paid for said
seigneury by several freehold, copyhold and leasehold tenants
is 465l. 3s. 3½d. in the whole ; and there are several casual
profits which amount to about 18l. per an. The charge of
keeping the stayths in repair amounts to about 100l. per an.,
and there are several other reprizes, decays of rent, portage,
fees, &c., amounting to 52l. 3s. 6d. A lease may be granted
(as your Majesty is so inclined from a sense of the services and
sufferings of petitioner's family) under the seal of the County
Palatine during the vacancy of the see or for a term of years
if the see shall be so long vacant.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 63.
Oct. 28
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
to permit John Bowles to ship 100 chaldron of sea coal,
Custom free, for the garrison of Tangier, "with the present
convoy appointed for that service."
Ibid, p. 64.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to the Earl of Ogle for two years as
a Gent. of the Bedchamber.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 115.
Oct. 29
Letter of direction on three orders, dated 1670-1, Feb. 27, for
100l. each to Sir Thomas Osborne and Sir Thomas Littleton
and assigned [by them to Mr. Lyndsey] : same being hereby
transferred from the Customs and made payable out of the sale
of fee farm rents.
Ibid, p. 114
Money warrant for 500l. to Baptista May, Keeper of the Privy
Purse, for Crown gold for Healing medals.
Ibid, p. 115.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Receipt to pay 80l. 1s. 0d.
to Thomas Townsend, deputy to the late Earl of Sandwich :
to be by him paid to Henry Proger, executor of James
Progers, Esq., deceased, late one of the Grooms of the Privy
Chamber in ordinary to the King, for two years liveries payable
out of the Great Wardrobe.
Ibid, p. 116.
Same from same to same for 39l. to said Henry Progers, being
due to said James Progers upon an order numbered 433 for
351l. 4s. 4d. registered on the fee farms : said 39l. being
assigned 1671-2, Feb. 29, to said Henry Proger by Robert
Thompson. Esq.
Same from same to the Customs Cashier to pay 3,675l. to
Samuel Maydwell (constituted Clerk and Paymaster of the
Bills of Imposts upon wines) for one year's allowance for impost
wines to Xmas next to noblemen and others.
Ibid, p. 117 ; Money Book
(Customs), p. 135.
Oct. 30
Same from same to the Barons of the Exchequer to swear Feild
Dunn, gent. to his place of Customer of Berwick port, as by
his patent of the 8th inst.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 72.
Same from same to Sir Peter Killegrew, bart., John Tregeagle,
Receiver General of the coinage duty in Cornwall, and Daniel
Lee and — Corcoit, tidewaiters, to deliver to John Lethieullier,
of London, merchant, 20 barrels of tin bought for him of
one Mr. Hicks, and shipped at Truro on a vessel of Plymouth
and seized by said Lee, &c. : petitioner having given security
to prove such purchase to be bona fide.
Ibid, p. 65.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners
for the delivery of certain goods of the Duke of Monmouth
brought over from France in the "Monmouth" yacht.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. p. 65.
Privy seal to Viscount Latimer and Sir John Duncombe from
time to time (on application to be made to them by any persons
on whom fines have been levied or distresses taken for meeting
contrary to the Act of Conventicles) to give direction to the
sheriffs, constables and headboroughs to remit and restore the
King's part of said fines and to repay to the individuals all
moneys that shall hereafter be paid into the Exchequer from
this source : the King having thought fit by order in Council
of May 28 last (upon the petition of Samuel Doughty on
behalf of himself and Richard Chanter, preachers at Ashby
De La Zouch, and of divers inhabitants thereof) to order such
remission and restoration. (Undated warrant for said privy
seal. Treasurer Latimer's subscription, dated Oct. 28, of
docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book III.
pp. 371, 418 ; British
Museum Additional MS.
28,075, p. 1.
Warrant from Treasurer Latimer to the Grand Commissioners
of Excise to discharge the tallies for the pension of 600l. to
Col. Francis Windham and his heirs (as by the patent of Oct. 1
last) before any tallies of anticipation are paid ; in the same
manner that constant pensions on the Excise and the charges
of the Excise office are paid.
Money Book (Excise),
p. 49.
Money warrant for half a year to Mris. Ann Golding on her
pension of 120l.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 118.
Oct. 31
Privy seal for 1,000l. to James Puckle as royal bounty.
(Treasurer Latimer's subscription, dated Nov. 15, of docquet
hereof. Money warrant hereon dated Nov. 28.)
King's Warrant Book III.
p. 415 ; British Museum
Additional MS. 28,075,
p. 4 ; 28,076, p. 138.
Money warrant for 36l. 10s. 0d. each to Hobart Coleby and John
Hall, two of the Grooms of Her Majesty's Chamber [for one
year], on their fee or salary.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 152.
Treasurer Latimer to the Customs Commissioners. I approve
your report on the petition of William Sherrington, Tho.
Goddard. Obediah Sedgwick, Jo. South, Nath. Herne, and
Joseph Herne concerning the ship "Speedwell," Ed. Harswell
master, laden with raisins from Denia and Alicante, for which
20s. per cent. Custom is demanded more than should have
been paid if said ship had been furnished with the full number
of men on board, as the law requires. As several men left the
ship by reason of the Dutch war I direct that they only pay
single Customs, at the rate of 20s. per cent.
Warrants Not Relating to
Money IV. pp. 66, 72.
Oct. —
Money warrant for 100l. to the late Duke of Richmond for the week
ending 1672, Dec. 12, on his ordinary as Envoy Extr. to
Denmark : it appearing that the said Duke took leave of the
King 1671-2, Feb. 28 in order to his proceeding on his embassy,
and died at —, in Denmark, 1672, Dec. 12.
British Museum Additional
MS. 28,076, p. 127.
Same for 466l. to Thomas Henshaw, Secretary to the Duke of
Richmond in abovesaid embassy, being in full of his ordinary
of 40s. a day to Jan. 17 last (from which date he is appointed
Envoy Extr., with an allowance of 5l. a day) : this warrant
is to include the amount due upon a previous money warrant
of 1672, July 12, which cannot be found, but which, if found,
is to be cancelled.
Ibid, pp. 127-8.