June 3.
Write Sir Ste. Fox to pay Lord Colepeper 150l. as a quarter
for [him as a member of] the Council for Plantations.
Mr. Vere Bertie to have what is due [to him on his salary] as a
King's Counsel. In the margin : Done [meaning : warrant drawn].
June 4.
The Lord Treasurer to have an account how the Healing Medals
are distributed and what rules are observed for healing.
Give my Lord an account what he has paid [in all by warrants]
for the use of the Yeomen Warders of the Tower.
Mr. Polewheele's petition granted in pursuance of Sir Charles
Harbord's report as to the fine.
Sir Jo[nathan] Atkins to have what is due, 600l. [for] three
quarters. Marginal note as above.
Sir Herbert Price to have a quarter on his pensions : [viz.] 110l.
Like marginal note.
The Band of Pensioners to be paid what is come into the
Exchequer upon the First Fruits and Tenths in pursuance of their
orders. Like marginal note.
Sir Ro. Howard to pay the 1,600l. for the Stables immediately.
Like marqinal note.
[Ibid pp. 10-11.]
June 9.
The Lord Treasurer commands to be prepared a particular of the
yearly ordinary of the [offices of] the Works, Treasurer of the
Chamber, Wardrobe and Jewel House ; an account of all ambassadors
and envoys now abroad, with their respective allowances ; a
particular of the annuities, salaries and fees chargeable upon the
Excise, Customs and Exchequer ; a particular of the yearly charge
of management of the Customs, Excise, Chimney money and Wine
Licences ; and a particular of the Post [Office] defalcations.
[Ibid. p. 11.]
June 10.
Sir Charles Herbert [Harbord] to attend the Lord Treasurer
to-morrow morning at the Treasury Chambers about Sir William
Strod's business.
Some of the Commissioners of the Navy, together with Sir Ri.
Ford and Mr. Bankes are to attend my Lord about Mr. Deering's
One week's [allowance ordered] to the Navy.
Four weeks' [allowance ordered] to the Robes.
Mr. Bertie to speak with the Contractors for the Hearthmoney to
advance the 5,000l. to the Victuallers.
The Victuallers to be paid their weekly money out of any money
in the [hands of the] Treasurer of the Navy.
[Treasury Minute Book Vol. V. p. 12 ; Day Book, p. 92.]
June 11.
Present: Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Write to Sir Robert Howard to pay Sir Tho. Chicheley's patent
fee as Master of the Ordnance : upon his dormant warrant.
Mrs. Strickland to be paid a quarter on her pension.
Lord Clifford's accompt of the French money is to be presented
to the Lord Treasurer.
This day week the Commissioners of the Alienation Office are to
attend my Lord.
The Lord Treasurer directs four weeks' [allowance] to the Robes.
In the margin : Done [meaning : warrant drawn].
Landwaiters to be put in upon the next vacancies in the following
order : Mr. John Langwith, Mr. Richard Walmesly, Mr. Beauchamp,
Mr. John Langston (the Lord Keeper's [nominee]), Mr. Ap Rice
(erased) (the Duke of York's [nominee]), Mr. George Halfhead
(Mr. Bennet's [nominee]), Mr. Matthews (Lady Powis's [nominee]).
[The blank in] Sir Thomas William's warrant [is ordered] to be
filled [up] and [made to] commence from 1674, Midsummer.
Sir William Warren to give an answer to his charge, in writing.
In the margin : Done [meaning : letter written to him to that effect].
When given in a copy of it is to be transmitted to Sir Ri. Ford and
Mr. Bankes.
A copy of Mr. Dering's last letter is to be sent to the Commissioners
of the Navy.
Sir Ri. Ford's proposal to the King concerning the ground where
the Navy office is to be built is to be put into the King's papers this
afternoon for the [Privy] Council.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 12-13.]
June 12.
Speak with the Lord Keeper to know when he will appoint a day
for sitting on writs of error.
Produce an accompt passed by the Auditor of the Healing medals.
Send to the Auditors for an accompt of the Tenths for the last
three years. And to Mr. Lawrence for [an accompt of] the First
Fruits for the same time.
Send to Mr. Harbord for [the account of] the Duchy of Cornwall
for the same time.
An account to be given of all the small branches [in farm of the
Customs] and the rent reserved upon each of them with the
pensions charged upon them : [all] for the same time.
[Ibid. p. 13.]
June 14.
The Lord Treasurer directs 500l. for Healing medals and 2,500l.
per quarter for the Stables : the first payment of this latter to be
made at Midsummer. In the margin : Done [meaning : warrants
Mr. Progers's order of 60l. to be paid. (The like marginal note.)
Sir Andrew King's warrant is to be drawn, viz. [for a grant] for
31 years in printing the bills of the Custom House : to commence
after [determination of] his present term.
The warrant for settlement of the Pendrells' rent is to be
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 13-14.]
June 16.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Mr. Wenslaw, the Queen Mother's messenger, is to attend the
Treasury on Friday. Richard Hague to attend at the same time.
Sir Richard Pigott called in about the arrears of the Chimney
money (the old Chimney Farm in the old Farmers' time). Pigott
says that the half year's accompt in 1666 for this Farm is depending
before the Auditor ; and the consideration of the Farm is now
before the Lord Chief Baron in the Exchequer [on the question as
to] whether there will be an equity or no. Pigott further adds that
he was obliged to make an abatement to his sub-farmers in the
several counties (after he had made his defalcations with the King)
before he could receive any money from them. He prays that no
process may go out against them [himself and his partners in the
Farm] : which was agreed to. (The entry in the Day Book reads :
Sir Ri. Pigot with the rest of the late Farmers of the Chimney
money : the Agents [for getting in the taxes] to be summoned [to
Sir John Trevor called in and opens the case of the Prizage and
Butlerage in behalf of Lady Cleveland. Sir John Trevor excepts
against the payments [allowance of impost wine] made to the Lord
Keeper, the two Chief Justices, Eton College, King's College and
the Master of the Rolls, &c., out of the Butlerage and Prizage as
only voluntary and argues that the King's great seal to Lady
Cleveland supersedes all those payments, unless any of them be
anciently fixed by patent. A warrant to stop process against the
Farmers of the Prizage and Butlerage. The Day Book reads : Sir
John Trevor to attend in Lady Cleveland's concern. Mr. Harris
about the Prizage and Butlerage.
A warrant for payment of 322l. 6s. 8d. to Viscount Grandison and
[Mr.] Villers according to the Privy seal ; [being] due [at] 1673,
The Lord Treasurer to acquaint the King with the difference
betwixt the increased and improved rents in the case of the Duchess
of Cleveland for the Duchy of Cornwall.
The Lord Treasurer will take care to satisfy the remainder of the
[late] Earl of Southampton's order for his George and Garter.
[Ibid. pp. 14-15.]
Sir Robert Thomas's business to be heard. Mr. Robert
Sanderson to be summoned.
Sir Richard Langley about the Auditor of the Imprests' place.
[Day Book, p. 92.]
June 17
Mr. Fillingham to attend the Treasury on Saturday morning.
Mr. Le Gouche to give an account of the presents [of jewels, &c.]
to ambassadors.
[? Warrant for] the ordinaries of the Jewel House.
Lord Duras' warrant to be put into the King's papers to-morrow
for the King's pleasure for filling [up the blanks in] his warrant.
The Farmers of the Law duty are to attend on Wednesday next.
[Write] Mr. Mounteney to bring 10,000l. into the Exchequer.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 15.]
June 18.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The Commissioners of Excise are called in, their business debated
and the following order made. Whereas upon an accompt, stated
by Auditor Birch and ready to be declared, there is depending upon
Sir William Bucknall and the rest of the late Farmers [of the
London Excise] the sum of 1,053l. 8s. 1d. remaining in their hands
as late Receivers of the Country Excise and the sum of 1,674l. 10s. 7¾d.
also remaining in their hands as farmers of the five counties
adjacent [to London], whereof 684l. 13s. 1½d. is for interest elapsed
for non-payment [of advance money or rent] according to their
covenants, which the said Farmers pray may not be charged upon
them because a considerable sum of their money being then stopped
in the Exchequer hindered their exact performance [of such
covenants] : upon consideration whereof the Lord Treasurer orders
that [on condition of] the said Farmers within 14 days paying into
the Exchequer the sum of 1,053l. 8s. 1d. and the further sum of
1,046l. 11s. 11d., and striking tallies for the same [they are] to be
discharged of the residue, being 627l. 18s. 8¾d., which was for their
interest so elapsed.
The Commissioners of the Alienation Office.
Mr. Wenslaw and Hague to attend.
[Day Book, p. 92.]
June 19.
No salaries to be paid to the Treasurer or Commissioners of the
Sick and Wounded until the Lord Treasurer's further order. In the
margin : Done [meaning : letter written to the Receipt to this effect].
The Lord Treasurer to know the debt forthwith.
[Warrant for] 2,500l. for [payment of] the "St. David's" : [to
be] out of the 1,500l. per week.
The Lord Treasurer to speak with the Bishop of Bristol. A letter
to him.
Sir Jeremy Smith's docquet not to pass for the reversion of the
[place of] Surveyor of Customs.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 16.]
June 21.
The Lord Treasurer to speak with the Attorney General,
the Attorney of the Duchy [of Cornwall] and Mr. Tregeagle this
afternoon upon the tin business and also upon the patents. In the
margin : Done [meaning : notice sent to them by messenger]. On
Thursday next an answer to be given to the petition about the tin.
The Customs Commissioners to attend this afternoon.
The Lord Treasurer to speak with the Attorney General about
seizing tin.
A warrant to be drawn for 1,000l. per an. on the Exchequer for
Lord Arundell of Trerice. [The date of] commencement [to be
left] blank.
Sympson's petition read praying a commission for the seizing of
Scotch cattle [such power being thereby prayed to be conferred] as
well [on himself] as [at present it resides in] the officers of the
Customs in Carlisle. Sir Phillip Musgrave and Sir Christopher
Musgrave desire that Mr. Sympson prove the allegations in the
Sympson says that the Customers of Carlisle assume a [sole]
power to themselves of seizing and [also of] bringing actions against
such other persons as have seized [all which is] contrary to law
and particularly complains of one Fielding (Sir Christopher
[Musgrave's] deputy) for his irregular practices.
Sir Christopher prays the Lord Treasurer to suspend the granting
of a commission to any other person till such time as his own officers
of the Customs are proved criminal. The Lord Treasurer says that
all complaints against the officers of the Customs ought properly to
be addressed to him [the Lord Treasurer] : and that not only the
officers of the Customs but others have power by law to seize. The
Earl of Carlisle says that Scotch cattle pay a certain toll to
Sir Phillip [Musgrave] upon which account 'tis presumed he may
too much favour the importation.
Sir Phillip protests upon his honour that he never gave any
connivance to the importation of cattle. The Lord Treasurer
concludes that other persons are empowered by law as well as the
officers of the Customs to seize Scotch cattle but denies the granting
of any such commission to petitioner Sympson.
Sir George Reeve to have 500l. upon the Chimney money payable
in March next. In the margin : Done [meaning : warrant drawn].
Sir Jo. Fowell the like. The like marginal note.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 16-17.]
June 22.
Two weeks' [allowance is] appointed for the Navy, being 12,000l.
In the margin : Done [meaning : warrant drawn].
[Warrant for] 2,500l. to pay the "St. David" to 1674, June 24 :
out of the 1,500l. per week to call over ships' books. The like
marginal note.
[Same for] l,200l. to Sir William Turner to [be] pass[ed] on the
privy seal for presents [and to be] in lieu of a ring had of him by
His Majesty. Speak with Mr. Le Gouche about it.
The Lord Treasurer directs that Mr. Kent shall not advance any
money for the future upon verbal orders.
The Lord Treasurer will write to the offices of the Wardrobe,
Treasurer of the Chamber and [Treasurer of the] Works to send
accounts monthly of their receipts and payments.
The Lord Treasurer to speak with Sir Robert Howard on Thursday
morning at the Treasury Chambers about the small branches
[farmed of the Customs].
[Ibid. p. 17.]
June 23.
Monsieur Petit to have 100l. In the margin : Done [meaning :
warrant drawn].
The Ordnance [to have] 7,500l. upon the Customs. The like
marginal note.
Mr. Cranfeild and Mr. Brandt [are ordered] to have the money
ordered them in March last. The like marginal note.
The Lord Treasurer directs the delivery of Mr. Charles Strode's
docquets for the reversion of the Customer's place at Plymouth,
notwithstanding his Lordship's former order of Mar. 15 last.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 18.]
The Farmers of the Law duty to attend. Memorandum : to carry
over the papers of this business.
[Day Book, p. 92.]
June 24.
The gentlemen of Cornwall attend the Lord Treasurer for an
answer to their petition about the tin. My Lord acquaints them
that the coinage at this present Midsummer and the next at
Michaelmas are indisputable and that, therefore, there will be no
occasion of considering the times of coinage, which are in dispute,
till towards Xmas ; before which time the King will consider of the
matter. [Memorandum] : to receive my Lord's directions more at
large for a letter to the Lord Warden [of the Stannaries].
Mr. Kent to be written to to advance Mr. Griffin, [for] the
Treasurer of the Chamber, some money upon his tallies.
Mr. Tregeagle's proposal concerning the tin is referred to Sir C.
Harbord and the Attorney of the Duchy of Cornwall.
The Lord Treasurer to move the King in Council to-morrow for
100l. as free gift to Mr. Courtney, His Majesty's attorney in the
Duchy of Cornwall.
The consideration of the [various farms of the] small branches
[of the Customs] is referred to Sir Robert Howard, Mr. Bertie,
Mr. Harbord and Sir Ph. Lloyd.
To put into my Lord's [papers of] minutes [the paper relating to
the case of] Sir Mundiford Brampston for the reversion of a [place
as] a Master of Chancery.
The Lord Treasurer received His Majesty's former direction to
pay Mr. Shales 500l. on Navy bills to enable him to pay so much
to the [Naval] chest. In the margin : Done [meaning : warrant
Entry in full of the petition to the Lord Treasurer from Richard
Lobb, of Falmouth, co. Cornwall. For 20 years past it has been
used to export tin out of Cornwall in small bars for the better vent
in the Turkey trade. Petitioner is a member of the Turkey Company
and did, about nine months [since], cast into small bars three
tons of tin, which he intended to ship for Turkey, but same was, on
April 14 last, seized on board ship at Falmouth by some of the
King's officers for that the same had not, according to the law of the
Stannaries, the coinage stamp on it, although the same was in
truth duly coined and stamped and the duty thereon paid by
petitioner before [being] melted into bars.
Appending : Certificate, dated 20 April, 1675, by John Newman,
of Penryn, Cornwall, gent., Notary and Tabellion Public, of an
affidavit made same day by Robert Quarme of the parish of Mylor,
Cornwall, gent., deposing that, by the order of Richard Lobb, 26
slobbs of white tin were cast or melted into bars, two of them by
Richard Lobb the younger and the rest by Edward Hodge, Joseph
Hodge and Robert Marrett, of Penryn, yeomen, and 20 barrels were
filled with said bars of tin, and about the 14th inst. 20 barrels were
laden on board the ship "The Playne Dealing" of Falmouth,
Hugh Rogers, master, to be carried for London : which said 26
slobbs, before they were cast into bars, were all stamped with the
coinage stamps and numbers and were marked with the letters R.L.,
being the goods of said Richard Lobb.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 18-19.]
June 24.
Sir Robert Howard to attend the Lord Treasurer about the [farms
of the] small branches [of the Customs].
[Day Book, p. 92.]
June 26.
[Order for payment of] a quarter to the Poor Knights and officers
of the Garter at Windsor.
The Lord Treasurer has received the King's directions for passing
[a grant of] the manor of Newark and Shimply Park to Sir Thomas
Mr. Simon Smith petitioning for 200l. per an. [in] fee farms or
400l. per an. for life in lieu of his receivership of Southampton,
Wilts and Gloucester [my Lord orders] it to be done another way.
A new warrant to Lord Lovelace as Lieutenant [of Woodstock
Park] and the Earl of Rochester as Ranger [of same] and other
officers, to give strict charge for prohibiting the cutting of any
wood whatsoever or making any waste in Woodstock Park without
the direction of the Lord Treasurer, who is informed that the officers
do cut wood without order.
[Ordered that] 2,000l. per week be continued to Sir Stephen Fox
upon the Customs and the remainder [of what is warranted to him
for the Forces], being 26,500l., is to be by tallies struck on the
Excise : to carry on the [pay of the] Forces to Oct. 1 next : being
one quarter amounting to 52,500l.
The Lord Treasurer likewise directs that tallies for the Household
be struck on the Excise for the sum of 27,750l. to carry on the
Cofferer for a quarter to Michaelmas when the year ends.
[Order for] 500l. per week to be continued to the Commissioners
of the Sick and Wounded from June 1 last till the sum of 10,000l.
be paid.
Enquire how Sir Thomas Littleton's accompts stand.
What money has been paid upon orders out of the French money?
The Earl of St. Alban's account, &c.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 20.]
June 28.
Mr. Newport ['s] and Mr. Darcy's quarter [is ordered] to be paid.
In the margin : Done [meaning : warrant drawn].
Mr. Griffin's petition is referred to the Customs Commissioners.
Sir Rich. Ford [is] to attend at the Admiralty on Saturday next
about the Navy Office ground.
His Majesty intends the Wardrobe establishment not to exceed
16,000l. per an. from Midsummer last.
To speak with Sir George Downing about the Groom Porter's
Viscount Ranelagh to be desired to be at the Lord Keeper's tomorrow
afternoon. The Attorney General and the Farmers [of the
revenue] of Ireland to attend also.
The Lord Treasurer is contented to allow tbe money due from
the Duke of Richmond's executors upon accompt of the fee farm of
Sutton Marsh, to be in part of his extraordinaries for his embassy
and to be disposed to the use of his servants.
Warrant for staying process against Sir Francis Anderson till
next term.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 21.]
Mr. Dowle to attend when the Customs Commissioners are here.
The Attorney General to attend also.
[Day Book, p. 93.]
June 30.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
My Lord to be put in mind of providing for the Robes.
A warrant to be drawn for an establishment for payment of 80l.
per an. to the four keepers and 30l. per an. for repair of gates and
fences in the Forest of Dean. A warrant for setting out 30 acres
to each of the six lodges out of the inclosures already made.
The Farmers of the Law duty (Mr. Calvert, &c.) are called in
concerning the state of their farm and the defalcations pretended to
by them in respect of the recognizances. Ordered that the Farmers
attend Auditor Ald worth who is to state the accompt of their farm
as far as he can and to allow them interest for their advance money
from the time it was advanced and to see how the money has been
paid into the Exchequer and how long they have detained any in
their hands and also to inspect their books and examine their charges.
Mr. Fabian Phillips to attend the Auditor at the same time.
Mr. Cresset and Mr. Pocock to have their warrants for their
Mr. Arden, Receiver of the Bishopric of Durham [sede vacante] is
to attend the Chancellor of the Exchequer with his accompt.
The officers of the Works [called in] : 820l. completes the ordinary
and extraordinary of this office for the year ending 31 Mar., 1675 :
300l. to supply the Ruthin money : 2,400l. incurred for 10 weeks of
this present year. The Lord Treasurer directs that the payment of
the 100l. per fortnight to the Works be made upon their old stopped
orders and to commence from Midsummer, 1675.
Give the Lord Treasurer an accompt what money the Farmers of
the Law duty can furnish in order to the providing for the Works.
The warrants for the several allowances to the officers of the
Works are to be dispatched.
Mr. Kent to be spoken to that money be advanced to Mr. Griffin
to pay the [King's band of] music, [the] messengers and Yeomen
of the Guard.
Widow Hudson to have 12l. 10s. 0d. : [for] a quarter. In the
margin : Done [meaning : warrant drawn].
Sir William Killegrew to have a quarter. The like marginal note.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 21-2.]
The difference between the Surveyor [General] of the Woods
[Trent South] and the Woodward of Whittlewood Forest is to be
heard. Desire Sir C. Harbord to be there.
[Day Book, p. 93.]