Revenue Account: General Abstract

Pages xcvii-cxxvii

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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General Abstract

A General Abstract of the Accompts of the Publique Revenues, Taxes and Moneys Borrowed from Michaelmas 1709 to Michaelmas 1710.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
to the Remains in cash at Michaelmas 1709:
as per the foot of last year's accompt:
Customs continued to 1 August 1710 15,023 14
Duties on Low Wines &c. for loans anno 1705 1,295 0
Additional Tonnage and Poundage, part of the Queen's Civil List 1,646 19
Arrears of the Duties on Coffee &c. for the Transport debt 22 12 1
Continued Impositions, for Loans 11,675 18
25 per cent. on French goods 195 14
5s. per ton on French shipping 23 12 10
Plantation Duties 1,245 3 7
Additional Impositions 2,919 6
arrears of the Duties on Coals anno 1698, for Loans 104 13
arrears of the Duties on Coals, Culme and Cynders anno 1703, for Loans 442 1 9
Two Thirds Tonnage and Poundage anno 1705, for Loans 329 14 7
Duties on Whale Fins 1 Anne 1,014 1 2
5s. per piece on white woollen cloth 664 7 0
25l. per ton on French prize wines, for Loans 2,868 11
Hereditary and Temporary Excise, for the Civil List 6,657 14
3,700l. per week Excise, for Annuities 78,802 14
One Third Double 9d. Excise, arrear 26 4
9d. Excise, for the Lottery Tickets 79,049 6 9
9d. Excise, for the Bank and for Annuities 26,031 18
9d. Excise, for Annuities and Survivorships 64,413 15
Duties on Malt &c. anno 1702 31 18
ditto anno 1707 1,812 17
ditto anno 1708 8,905 15 4
ditto anno 1709 314 0
12d. per bushel on Salt 15,730 11 8
28d. per bushel on Salt and Additional Stamp Duties for the East India Company 19,520 11 4
Stamp Duties Continued by 1 Anne to 1 Aug. 1710 2,986 3
Letter [or Post Office] money 1,195 7 8
Tenths of the Clergy 160 12
seizures [of uncustomed and prohibited goods] 3 5 8
sale of tin 1,072 10 4
brewers' forfeitures 7 13
rents of the Savoy Hospital 2,146 14 6
Four and a Half per cent. Duty 227 15
Coinage Duty 351 9
Rent of Hackney Coaches 1,363 0 11¾
Additional Tonnage and Poundage for cancelling Exchequer Bills 64 8 0
arrears of the Duties on Marriages and Births 24 4 0
Duties on Houses for Windows 17,325 14
Second 2s. Aid 1 9
Two Thirds of the Fourth 3s. Aid 465 14
Fifth 4s. Aid and Subsidies 216 12 0
Sixth 4s. Aid 250 10
Subsidies anno 1703 24 7
Seventh 4s. Aid 42 19
Ninth 4s. Aid 230 12 10
Tenth 4s. Aid 2,888 19
Eleventh 4s. Aid 27,512 10 10
Twelfth 4s. Aid 10,256 4 11
Loans on Subsidies anno 1707, for interest 5,715 1 9
payments per the East India Company 1,833 15 1
Loans on the Half Subsidies and other Duties anno 1708 10,537 14 6
payments per the Bank of England 29,544 13
loans on the Continued Impositions anno 1709 15,431 7 2
the Fond for paying Annuities purchased anno 1706 as per the account supra, p. xciii 83,308 6
the Fond for paying Annuities purchased anno 1707 as per the account supra, p. xciv 5,516 1
the Fond for paying 40,000l. per an. in Annuities purchased anno 1708 as per the account supra, p. xcv 14,072 8
the Fond for paying 80,000l. per an. in Annuities purchased anno 1708 as per the account supra, p. xcv 34,634 18 2
in the hands of Lionell Herne and Samuel Edwards for [paying the] interest on Exchequer Bills 783 9 0
610,965 16
tallies undisposed of in the hands of particular Paymasters as per the account supra, p. lxxxvi 572,004 16
total of Remains in cash and tallies £1,182,970l. 12s. 9d.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
To cash for the neat produce of the several Duties and Revenues under the management of the Customs Commissioners, between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710.
on the part of England, Duties and Revenues in being at Michaelmas 1710.
Duties on Coffee, chocolate, tea and spices continued to 24 June 1714 24,973 12 0
New Additional Duties on Coffee, tea &c. continued to 24 June 1714 34,083 3
15 per cent. on Muslins continued to 24 June 1714 18,467 14
Additional Tonnage and Poundage for the Queen's life 246,161 18
25 per cent. on French goods for 21 years from 28 Feb. 1696–7 110 10 9
Plantation Duties granted 12 Car. II. 950 7 9
Duties on Coals, Culme &c. on the grant continuing to 30 Sept. 1710 111,150 4
One Third Tonnage and Poundage on the grant for 98 years from 8 March 1706–7 81,385 5 9
Two Thirds Tonnage and Poundage on the grant continuing to 8 March 1711–12 94,380 7
5s. per piece on white woollen cloths as per the Act 6 Anne, c. 43 1,006 0 6
25l. per tun on French prize wines as by the Act 6 Anne, c. 73, during the war 7,873 16
Customs, on the grant from 31 July 1710 to 1 Aug. 1712 22,228 12 0
Wines and Vinegar, on the same grant 1,690 13
Impositions on tobacco, on the same grant. 87 2 7
Impositions on East India goods, on the same grant 3,838 5 9
Additional Impositions, on the same grant 2,620 15 10
Duties on whale fins, on the same grant 158 8
Additional Duties on pepper, raisins, spices and snuff, on the grant for 32 years from 6 Feb. 1709–10 12,059 10 7
Four and a Half per cent. Duty from Barbados and the Leeward Islands 2,945 11 1
Coinage Duty for the Mint 8,005 7
Duties and Revenues expired before Michaelmas 1710.
Customs on the grant which determined 1 August 1710 268,562 12
Additional Tonnage and Poundage which determined by the late King's death 38 9 10
Wines and Vinegar, on the grant which determined 1 August 1710 161,522 11
Impositions upon tobacco, upon the same grant 78,098 0
Impositions on East India goods 97,984 3 9
Five Seventh Tonnage Duties on ships ended 17 May 1696 19 17 10½
Two Sevenths ditto 7 19
Additional Impositions on the grant which determined 1 August 1710 31,099 4
Duties on whale fins, on the grant which determined 1 August 1710 4,281 15 2
Additional Tonnage and Poundage ended 1 Feb. 1699 for Exchequer Bills 43 14
20 per cent. on paper anno 1697 3 3 10
Combined total for Customs £1,315,839 1 8
To cash for the neat produce of the Revenues of Excise and Duties on Salt between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710.
Duties and Revenues in being at Michaelmas 1710.
on the part of Scotland. on the part of England.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Hereditary and Temporary Excise for the Civil List 289 9 228,319 7 9
more to answer the appropriation of the 3,700l. per week 192,400 0 0
9d. Excise of 16 years from 17 May 1697 5,509 6 138,593 4
Five Sevenths of the 9d. Excise for the Bank of England 3,426 19 10 95,037 8
Two Sevenths of the 9d. Excise for Annuities 1,370 15 10 38,014 18 7
9d. Excise for 99 years from 25 Jan. 1692–3 4,797 15 33,055 18 0
Additional 3d. per barrel Excise for 32 years from 25 March 1710 18,702 14 1
Duties on Malt pro anno 1710 276 11
36s. per barrel on Sweets granted 5 Anne for 99 years 668 11 11½
12d. per bushel on Salt granted 7–8 Wm. III. for ever 51,369 12 8
28d. per bushel on Salt granted for ever 119,387 5
Low Wines on the grant for 96 years from 23 June 1710 2,743 18 7
Duties on Candles granted for five years from 1 May 1710 9,065 4 8
Revenues expired before Michaelmas 1710.
Low Wines, on the grant which determined 24 June 1710 104 4 5 28,263 8 10½
Hereditary and Temporary Excise before 8 March 1701–2 42 14 1
Duties on Malt pro anno 1702 33 7
ditto pro anno 1703 47 2 3
ditto pro anno 1704 28 12 0
ditto pro anno 1705 19 14 1
ditto pro anno 1706 202 9 8
ditto pro anno 1707 739 1 7
ditto pro anno 1708 17 6 10½ 8,382 7 9
ditto pro anno 1709 26 7 445,676 8 9
Duties on Leather ended 20 April 1697 10 4 6
11,542 6 1,511,080 7 6
Combined total for Excise £1,526,622 13 9
To cash for the neat produce of the Revenue of the Post Office and several Casual Revenues and profits answered at the Exchequer between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Post Office 62,006 15 1
Casual Revenues: viz.
First Fruits 2,596 5 0
Tenths of the Clergy 7,699 0 1
Fines on Alienations 1,000 0 0
revenue of Wine Licences 1,900 0 0
Sheriffs' proffers 1,159 15 1
Compositions [in the Exchequer] 3 6 8
Seizures [of uncustomed and prohibited goods] on the part of England 10,377 11
ditto on the part of Scotland 3,217 17
Land Revenue: to wit fines of leases 760 3 4
rents and other incomes out of lands [belonging] to the Crown 858 17 5
for the value of timber delivered to the Navy by the Surveyor of her Majesty's Woods, Trent South, in this year according to the certificate in that behalf 3,954 2 2
rents [reserved] on grants 33 6 8
Fines and Forfeitures 625 0 0
brewers' forfeitures on the Excise Acts 108 11 11
ditto by the like forfeitures in Scotland 41 4 0
forfeitures by chandlers on the Act for the Candle Duty 0 10 9
profits of the Hanaper 37 4 7
sale of the Queen's tin 88,600 0 0
rents belonging to the Savoy Hospital 262 16 2
to complete the purchase of a fee farm rent contracted for by the Earl of St. Albans in 1676 553 0 0
the Queen's share of a debt recovered from the Crown of Portugal 7,922 6
imprest money repaid by Charles Fox as late Paymaster General of the Forces [Abroad] 15 4 7
Prize money, being captors' shares uncalled for 6,000 0 0
the executors of Sir Edward Seymour, balance on his account as [former] Treasurer of the Navy 3,390 0
141,116 4 0
for account of the late King Wm. III.
Sheriffs' proffers 1 3 4
combined total of Post Office and casual rents and revenues £203,124 2 5
To cash for the neat produce of sundry Aids and Taxes between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Stamp Duties on the grant ended 1 August 1710 38,137 16 10½
ditto on the grant for 96 years from 31 July 1710 3,357 9 7
Additional Stamp Duties, part of the Fond for the East India Company 40,720 18
82,216 5 3
Rates on moneys given with clerks and apprentices granted for five years from 1 May 1710 538 10
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Licences to Hawkers and Pedlars on the grant ended 24 June 1710 7,495 0 0
ditto on the grant for 96 years from 23 June 1710 6,000 0 0
13,495 0 0
Rent of Hackney Coaches granted for 21 years from Michaelmas 1694 1,667 19 2
Duties on Marriages, Births &c. ended 1 August 1706 114 19 6
Duties on Houses on the grant ended 1 August 1710 126,602 16
the First 4s. Aid anno 1693 177 0 2
the Second 4s. Aid anno 1694 4 0 0
the Fourth 4s. Aid anno 1696 1 16 0
the First 3s. Aid anno 1697 13 16 8
the Additional 12d. Aid anno 1697 3 1 10½
the Capitation Subsidies anno 1697 1 16 9
the Third Quarterly Poll anno 1698 45 0 0
the Third 3s. Aid anno 1699 19 9 4
the Second 2s. Aid anno 1700 4 14 10
the Fifth 4s. Aid and Subsidies anno 1702 711 16 0
the Subsidies anno 1703 6 17 6
the Sixth 4s. Aid anno 1703 8 0 0
the Seventh 4s. Aid anno 1704 164 14 2
the Eighth 4s. Aid anno 1705 135 10 9
the Ninth 4s. Aid anno 1706 2,761 14
the Tenth 4s. Aid anno 1707 12,490 7
the Eleventh 4s. Aid anno 1708 167,245 15 10½
the Eleventh 4s. Aid on the part of Scotland 4,251 1 2
the Twelfth 4s. Aid anno 1709 1,563,938 5 0
the Twelfth 4s. Aid on the part of Scotland 37,941 3 7
the Thirteenth 4s. Aid anno 1710 158,284 0 2
1,947,573 1 11
Total for Aids and Taxes £2,172,209 2 1
Miscellaneous Revenue.
to cash for sundry particulars not distinguishable under any the foregoing heads: viz. £ s. d. £ s. d.
to Contributions on the Act for the Lottery anno 1710, including all allowances made out of the same for prompt payment 1,500,000 0 0
to Contributions on the Act for the Sale of Annuities at 9 per cent. per an. for 32 years from 29 Sept. 1710. 824,979 17
to cash surcharged on Lionel Herne and Samuell Edwards for interest accruing on Exchequer Bills deposited by them as per the account supra, p. lxxxiv 26 7 10
to cash charged for so much of her Majesty's revenues arisen in Scotland as Archibald Douglas, the Paymaster of her Majesty's Civil List in that part of the United Kingdom appears to be accomptable for within the circuit of this year according to his accounts transmitted from thence: viz.
Remains in his hands at Michaelmas 1709 656 15 9
receipts of Crown rents [in Scotland] as charged by himself 1,985 6
imprests made to him per the Receiver of the Customs and the Excise Commissioners in pursuance of warrants from the Barons of the Exchequer [in Scotland] grounded upon the Queen's privy seal in that behalf: viz.
out of Compositions and seizures: by the Receiver of the Customs 8,227 10
out of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise: by the Excise Commissioners 14,518 18
out of the 9d. Excise for 99 years called the Ninepence for Annuities and Survivorships 1,603 0
out of the 9d. Excise called the Lottery Ninepence 1,634 3
out of the 9d. Excise called the Ninepence for the Bank and for Annuities 1,602 10
30,228 5
total of miscellaneous items of revenue £2,355,234 10
to the balance of the account of moneys borrowed by way of loan and in Exchequer Bills, and of the moneys repaid on the Public [Loan] Registers between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710: as by the account infra, p. cxxvi: the moneys borrowed exceeding the moneys repaid by £2,396,760 8 11¼
Total Income or Revenue Receipts for the year. £ s. d. £ s. d.
cash 610,965 16
tallies 572,004 16
Customs receipts 1,315,839 1 8
Excise receipts 1,526,622 13 9
Post Office and Casual Revenue 203,124 2 5
Aids and Taxes 2,172,209 2 1
Miscellaneous Revenue 2,355,234 10
Debit balance of loan money 2,396,760 8 11¼
total £11,152,760 12 0
Expenditure: Michaelmas 1709 to Michaelmas 1710.
Issues to the Navy. £ s. d. £ s. d.
Payments to Sir Thomas Littleton, late Treasurer of the Navy, or his executors after his death, upon account for the services hereunder mentioned
for the Ordinary generally:
for the year 1709 10,000 0 0
Carried forward 10,000 0 0
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Brought forward 10,000 0 0
for the Yards under the head of Ordinary:
for the year 1710 22,000 0 0
total for the Ordinary 32,000 0 0
for wages to seamen generally:
for the year 1702 45,095 3 3
for the year 1705 77,301 0 5
for the year 1710 59,000 0 0
for Sick and Wounded and prisoners at war per the hands of the Treasurer for that service:
for the year 1702 23,647 6 8
for the year 1709 1,064 3
for subsistence, offreckonings and clearings to the Marine Regiments under the pay of Walter Whitfeild:
for the year 1702 248 10
for the year 1703 274 18 1
for the year 1704 61 8
for the year 1709 24,860 2
total for Wages 236,552 12 11¼
for Wear and Tear: to wit: imprest bills of exchange and Contingencies:
for the year 1709 6,000 0 0
for the year 1710 10,000 0 0
the Yards under this head:
for the year 1710 23,600 0 0
Victualling, for bills of exchange and Contingencies. out of the Rate for Wear and Tear because the Rate for Victualling is completed:
for the year 1709 10,976 9 7
total for Wear and Tear 50,576 9 7
total issues to Littleton £319,129 2
totals respectively: £ s. d.
for the year 1702 68,991 0
for the year 1703 274 18 1
for the year 1704 61 8
for the year 1705 5,000 0 0
for the year 1709 130,201 15
for the year 1710 114,600 0 0
All the above particulars of issues were directed to be satisfied out of Fonds as follows:
for 1702.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
the Fifth 4s. Aid and Subsidies anno 1702 216 12 0
Malt Duties anno 1702 31 18
Malt Duties anno 1706 202 9 8
Malt Duties anno 1707 1,753 9
loans on Malt anno 1708 20,857 12
loans on Half Subsidies anno 1708 44,095 3 3
East India Company's payment, 1708 1,833 15 1
68,991 0
for 1703.
the Sixth 4s. Aid anno 1708 250 10
Subsidies anno 1703 24 7
274 18 1
for 1704.
the Seventh 4s. Aid 61 8
Carried forward 69,327 6 10
Brought forward 69,327 6 10
for 1705.
Reversionary Annuities anno 1705 5,000 0 0
for 1709.
payments by the Bank of England anno 1709 9,877 7 11¾
Exchequer Bills anno 1709 73,037 10 0
loans on Land Tax anno 1709 25,000 0 0
loans on Continued Impositions anno 1709 22,286 17
130,201 15
loans on Land Tax anno 1710 for 1710 114,600 0 0
£319,129 2
Issues to Robert Walpole as Treasurer of the Navy in succession to Sir Thomas Littleton.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
for account of the Ordinary generally:
for the year 1710 23,200 0 0
for the Yards under the head of Ordinary 40,000 0 0
total for the Ordinary 63,200 0 0
for Wages to Seamen generally:
for 1709 40,000 0 0
for 1710 502,552 15 0
for Sick and Wounded and prisoners at war per the hands of the Treasurer for that service:
for 1710 18,277 13
for subsistence, offreckonings and clearings to the Marine Regiments under the pay of Walter Whitfeild:
for 1702 4,600 6 8
for 1703 43 19 9
for 1704 28 12 0
for 1705 79 11 7
for 1710 81,449 3 5
total for Wages 647,032 1
for Victualling: to wit:
for bills of exchange, short allowances and Contingencies:
for 1710 124,325 9 5
for the Victualling Course:
for 1710 362,915 17 0
for Sick and Wounded and prisoners at war per the hands of the Treasurer for that service:
for 1710 6,758 13 7
total for the Victualling 494,000 0 0
The Victualling is further supplied under the head of Wear and Tear, the Rate or Quota of 19s. per man per month for Victualling, being fully completed in the sum of 494,000l. issued on the aforegoing heads.
for Wear and Tear: to wit:
imprest bills of exchange, Contingencies, including 8,000l. for raising naval stores in the Plantations:
for 1702 190 10 11½
for 1703 10 0 0
for 1704 96 14 9
for 1708 62 11
for 1710 59,000 0 0
the [Wear and Tear] Course:
for 1710 414,664 0 0
the Yards under the head of Wear and Tear:
for 1710 83,863 0 0
the value of timber out of her Majesty's Forests:
for 1710 3,954 2 2
Victualling: for bills of exchange, short allowance and Contingencies: out of the Rate for Wear and Tear, the Rate for Victualling being complete:
for 1710 70,520 0 2
total for Wear and Tear 632,360 19 6
for the charge of transporting Robert Lowther and equipage to Barbados as Governor 367 0 0
for ditto of Col. Spotswood as Lieut. Governor of Virginia 242 0 0
total issues to Robert Walpole £1,837,202 1
totals respectively: £ s. d.
for the year 1702 4,790 17
for the year 1703 53 19 9
for the year 1704 125 6 9
for the year 1705 79 11 7
for the year 1708 62 11
for the year 1709 40,000 0 0
for the year 1710 1,791,480 13 11½
for the year 1710 609 0 0
All the abovesaid particulars were directed to be satisfied out of Fonds as follows: viz.: for 1702
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Duties on Malt anno 1702 33 7
Fifth 4s. Aid and Subsidies anno 1702 11 8 0
Duties on Malt anno 1707 553 16 10½
Duties on Malt anno 1708 3,783 7
(in aid) First 4s. Aid anno 1693 177 0 2
(in aid) Second 4s. Aid anno 1694 4 0 0
(in aid) Fourth 4s. Aid anno 1696 0 6 0
(in aid) Second 2s. Aid anno 1700 6 4
(in aid) 25 per cent. on French goods 3 4
(in aid) Plantation Duties 202 18 2
(in aid) imprest money repaid by Charles Fox 15 4 7
total for 1702 4,790 17
for 1703.
Duties on Malt anno 1703 47 2 3
Subsidies anno 1703 6 17 6
total for 1703 53 19 9
for 1704.
Duties on Malt anno 1704 28 12 0
Seventh 4s. Aid anno 1705 96 14 9
total for 1704 125 6 9
for 1705.
Duties on Malt anno 1707 79 11 7
for 1708.
Duties on Malt anno 1708 62 11
for 1709.
loans on the Land Tax anno 1709 40,000 0 0
£ s. d. £ s. d.
for 1710.
loans on the Land Tax anno 1710 534,879 14 5
loans on Malt anno 1710 296,220 11 5
Lottery money anno 1710 592,209 11
Contributions for Annuities anno 1710 263,313 7
loans on Candles anno 1710 39,028 1
loans on Continued Impositions anno 1710 61,875 6 2
wood sales or the value of timber delivered to the Navy out of her Majesty's Forests by the Surveyor of Woods 3,954 2 2
25 per cent. on French goods 97 18
5s. per piece on white cloth 35 5 0
rent of Hackney coaches 233 16
rent of Hackney coaches 242 0 0
total for 1710 1,792,089 13 11½
£1,837,202 1
The consolidation of the above two accounts of Sir Thomas Littleton and Mr. Robert Walpole gives the total issue for the Navy during the year Michaelmas 1709 to Michaelmas 1710 as follows: £ s. d.
for account of the Ordinary 95,200 0 0
for account of Wages 883,584 14
for account of Victualling 494,000 0 0
for account of Wear and Tear 682,937 9 1
extra for transport of equipage of two Colonial Governors 609 0 0
total issue £2,156,331 3
The application of this total for the service of previous years was as follows £ s. d.
for account of the year 1702 73,781 18 4
for account of the year 1703 328 17 10
for account of the year 1704 186 14
for account of the year 1705 5,079 11 7
for account of the year 1708 62 11
for account of the year 1709 170,201 15
for account of the year 1710 1,906,080 13 11½
609 0 0
£2,156,331 3
Issues to the Ordnance.
By payments to Harry Mordaunt, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance.
towards the proportions for the year 1709. towards ditto for 1710.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
for Land Services generally 40,250 0 0 45,000 0 0
85,250 0 0
for Sea Services generally 25,750 0 0 45,000 0 0
70,750 0 0
£156,000 0 0
The above services were directed to be satisfied out of the Fonds following £ s. d.
Loans on the Land Tax pro anno 1709 66,000 0 0
Carried forward 66,000 0 0
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Brought forward 66,000 0 0
Loans on the Land Tax pro anno 1710 50,000 0 0
Lottery money pro anno 1710 40,000 0 0
90,000 0 0
£156,000 0 0
Issues to the Forces Abroad.
Issues to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces [Abroad], upon account for the Services following
towards the public services for the years
for account of 1709. 1710. Totals.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
the 40,000 men acting with the Allies 50,744 1 8 778,148 9
the 10,000 Additional Forces 29,595 18 135,195 9
her Majesty's share of pay of the 3,000 Palatines 2,854 6 29,580 17
ditto of 4,639 Saxons 2,604 6 37,253 8
for pay of Bothmar's Dragoons 772 9 8,015 13 6
more for the Forces in Flanders generally, being in tallies to be disposed [of] or deposited [as security] for raising money as the publique service shall require the same 195,182 11
1,269,947 11 4
for account of the [latest] Augmentation Troops 57,197 14 11¼ 127,736 1 10¾
more on this head, being in tallies to be disposed or deposited as above 60,431 9 0
245,365 5 0
for the Forces in Spain and Portugal 134,510 12 1,027,449 3
more on this head, being in tallies to be disposed or deposited as above 50,978 14
1,212,938 9
or subsidies to the Allies, viz.
the King of Denmark 18,750 0 0 18,750 0 0
the King of Portugal 41,048 1 51,927 2 2
the Duke of Savoy on his ordinary subsidy 26,222 4 4 133,555 10 11
ditto on his extraordinary subsidy 26,041 13 4 50,363 1 10
the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel 1,488 1 10½ 3,078 16 4
ditto more for his Troops of Augmentation 7,936 1 0 12,315 5
the Elector of Treves 1,488 1 10½ 3,078 16 4
the Elector Palatine 1,190 9 2,463 1 1
the King of Prussia for 8,000 succours sent to Savoy 25,000 0 0 25,862 1
Carried forward 149,164 13 4 301,393 15
Brought forward 149,164 13 4 301,393 15
ditto more for agio &c. for 12,000 Prussian Troops in the Netherlands 10,486 7 23,236 17
more for the head of subsidies generally, in tallies to be disposed or to be deposited &c. as above 238,692 13
722,974 7
for Extraordinary charges of the war provided for by Parliament 46,310 11 11½ 157,510 0
more on this head, being in tallies to be disposed or deposited &c. as above 53,601 13 7
257,422 6 0
total for the Forces Abroad 3,708,647 19 11¼
1709 484,241 2 5
1710 3,224,406 17
All which particulars were directed to be supplied out of the Fonds following
1709. 1710.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
payments by the Bank of England pro anno 1709 5,144 7 10¼
Exchequer Bills pro anno 1709 245,037 10 0
loans on the Land Tax pro anno 1709 6,000 0 0
loans on Malt pro anno 1709 28,150 11
loans on the Continued Impositions pro anno 1709 199,908 13
loans on the Land Tax pro anno 1710 943,372 18 7
loans on Malt pro anno 1710 14,758 0
Lottery money pro anno 1710 662,830 12
Contributions for Annuities pro anno 1710 479,046 17
loans on the Duties on Candles pro anno 1710 274,398 1 3
loans on the Continued Impositions pro anno 1710 850,000 7
484,241 2 5 3,224,406 17
total £3,708,647 19 11¼
Guards and Garrisons.
Payments to John How, Paymaster of the Guards, Garrisons and other her Majesty's Land Forces, upon account for the services following: viz.:
towards the service for the year 1705. £ s. d.
for account of Guards and Garrisons, including 3,428l. 16s. 9d. paid on bills of exchange from New England for special service and 5,234l. 18s. 1d. for forage for the troops in North Britain 19 14 1
towards the service of the year 1706.
for account of Guards and Garrisons 149 15 11
towards the service of the year 1708.
for account of Guards and Garrisons 20,187 0 1
Carried forward 20,356 10 1
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Brought forward 20,356 10 1
towards the service of the year 1709.
for account of Guards and Garrisons 143,830 5
for account of the 5,000 men for Sea Service 20,560 7 4
for account of the Company of Invalids 2,096 4
166,486 16 10½
towards the service of the year 1710.
for account of Guards and Garrisons 259,149 3
for account of the 5,000 men for Sea Service 48,419 14 2
for account of the Company of Invalids 6,000 0 0
for account of the Extraordinaries of the war provided for by Parliament 21,957 16 10
335,526 14
£522,370 1
The abovesaid particulars were directed to be satisfied out of the Fonds and Revenues following: viz.:
for the year 1705. £ s. d. £ s. d.
out of the Duties on Malt pro anno 1705 19 14 1
for the year 1706.
out of brewers' forfeitures on the Acts of Excise 149 15 11
for the year 1708.
out of loans on Malt anno 1708 20,187 0 1
for the year 1709.
out of loans on the Twelfth 4s. Aid anno 1709 70,000 0 0
out of loans on the Continued Impositions or General Mortgage pro anno 1709 15,399 8
out of loans on Malt pro anno 1709 48,812 8 3
Exchequer Bills pro anno 1709 32,275 0 0
166,486 16 10½
for the year 1710.
out of loans on the Land Tax or Thirteenth 4s. Aid pro anno 1710 113,743 10 0
out of Contributions on the Lottery Act pro anno 1710 80,444 12 3
out of Contributions on the Act for Annuities pro anno 1710 57,669 12
out of loans on the Duties on Candles &c. pro anno 1710 43,669 0 0
out of loans on the Continued Impositions or General Mortgage pro anno 1710 40,000 0 0
335,526 14
£522,370 1
Issues for the Transport Service.
Payments to Thomas Micklethwaite, Esq., Treasurer for the Transport Service: upon account for the services following:
£ s. d. £ s. d.
for debts on the Course of the [Transport] Office and interest thereupon 194,988 1 7
for Edward Dummer on his contract for the freight of soldiers to and from the West Indies 1,373 0 5
for freight of soldiers to Lisbon 922 0 0
for ditto to Ireland: on bills of exchange 2,235 17 11
199,518 19 11
All which particulars were directed to be satisfied out of the Fonds and Revenues following: viz:
£ s. d.
out of tallies on Land Tax pro anno 1708 32,300 0 0
Carried forward 32,300 0 0
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Brought forward 32,300 0 0
out of tallies on Malt pro anno 1708 40,000 0 0
out of loans on the General Mortgage pro anno 1709 8 8 1
out of Exchequer Bills pro anno 1709 350 0 0
out of Contributions on the Lottery Act anno 1710 44,083 9 10
out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1710 82,777 2 0
£199,518 19 11
Issues to the Civil List.
By payments to the Civil List arrears of the late King, to the Civil List in Scotland and to the Civil List of Queen Anne.
William III. £ s. d. £ s. d.
by paid arrears to the late King William III's Family and Servants (over and above what paid by the Queen [Anne] out of her Civil List Revenues as below): to wit for debts in the Office of the Cofferer by the hands of Thomas Newport, Esq., executor to the Earl of Bradford, late Cofferer of the Household to Wm. III.: out of arrears of the said late King's revenues, to wit out of Additional Tonnage 17l. 4s. 9d. and out of Hereditary and Temporary Excise 37l. 10s. 0d. and out of Sheriffs' proffers 1l. 3s. 4d. : in all 55 18 1
Civil List, Scotland.
by paid to Archibald Douglas, Esq., for so much certified by his account as Paymaster of the Civil List in Scotland to be paid for fees, salaries, pensions and other charges conform to the Establishment by warrant from the Barons of the Exchequer there pursuant to her Majesty's letters of privy seal to them in that behalf between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710 27,434 13
by ditto more, being certified to be paid to the Lords of the Justiciary for the charges of their circuit in May 1710 2,000 0 0
in all: out of the several Duties and Revenues coming to his hands for the aforegoing services as by his account thereof, supra, p. lxxxv 29,434 13
the Queen's Civil List.
by paid out of the Revenues of the Queen's Civil List, over and above what issued to aid the Deficiency of the Fond for Annuities purchased anno 1707 and the payments made per Archibald Douglas for the Civil List of Scotland ut supra.
For the uses of the Civil List.
at the Exchequer: to Francis, Lord Ryalton, Cofferer of the Household: upon account [for the Household] 80,136 6
John, Lord Fitz Harding, Treasurer of the Chamber: upon account for the Chamber Office 26,385 2 10
John, Duke of Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe: upon account for the Great Wardrobe 9,400 16 0
the Robes, per Mrs. Rachell Thomas 3,000 0 0
Carried forward 118,922 5 29,490 11 10¾
Brought forward 118,922 5 29,490 11 10¾
Charles Dartiquenave, Paymaster of the Works: upon account for the Works 58,335 11
William Roberts, Esq., Paymaster of the Works at Windsor: upon account for same 7,601 12
the Duke of Somerset, Master of the Horse: upon account for the Extraordinaries of the Stables 12,000 0 0
foreign ministers on the Ordinaries 32,450 0 0
ditto on their Extraordinaries 24,091 12 11
fees and salaries [payable at the Exchequer] 61,516 13 0
pensions and Annuities [payable at the Exchequer] 15,085 11 8
Spencer Compton for [the Queen's private] charities and bounties under his pay 75,481 1
ditto: more: for account of the [Poor] Palatines 32,723 9 0
ditto: more: for the French Protestants 15,000 0 0
ditto: more: towards the charge of managing the Lottery 1,400 0 0
the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, per William Smith, Paymaster thereof 3,000 0 0
her Majesty's Royal Bounty [payable at the Exchequer] 14,235 4 0
Charles, Earl of Sunderland, late Secretary of State: for Secret Service 2,905 9 7
Henry Boyle, Secretary of State: for Secret Service 2,250 0 0
Duke of Queensberry, Secretary of State: for Secret Service 750 0 0
William Lowndes: for Secret Service 19,700 0 0
for jewels or presents in lieu of jewels to foreign Ministers 3,210 10 0
Samuel Smethin, her Majesty's Goldsmith: for plate 3,723 18 5
the Privy Purse, per Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough 22,575 0 0
to Contingencies: viz:
law charges 2,000 0 0
surpluses of Sheriffs and others on their accounts 412 19
rewards for sundry services 5,622 8 0
riding charges of Messengers 1,192 10 0
liberates of the Exchequer 3,154 14
sundry incident charges and disbursements 3,173 0 5
rent of Mote Park 321 1 0
rewards to Receivers of Taxes 504 0 0
towards building Blenheim House at Woodstock 40,400 0 0
(total of Contingencies, 56,780l. 13s. 8d.)
Henry Scobell: on account of the Tin Affair 44,800 0 0
Robert Corker, who succeeded Scobell, for the tin affair 113,800 0 0
(total for tin, 158,600l.)
Services relating to Scotland.
salaries to officers, as well before as since the Union 7,407 18
sundry disbursements on divers occasions 2,226 13 7
(total for Scotland, 9,634l. 12s. 1¾d.)
Carried forward 722,482 12 10½ 29,490 11 10¾
Brought forward 722,482 12 10½ 29,490 11 10¾
for arrears due to the late King William's servants and family.
the executors of the Earl of Bradford for arrears in the Office of Cofferer 392 10 3
Lord Fitz Hardinge for the like in the Office of Treasurer of the Chamber 138 19 6
foreign Ministers on their ordinary and extraordinary allowances 5,327 0 0
(total for the late King's arrears 5,858l. 9s. 9d.)
757,831 14
Payments out of the Civil List for the Public Services.
Prince Charles of Denmark, to aid his grant of 4,000l. per an. for quitting his pretensions to the bishopric of Eutin for the good of the common cause: in part of a greater sum 2,100 17 6
Memorandum: The residue [of the above grant] is [met] out of sundry unappropriated moneys as in the account infra, p. cxxi.
(total for Public Services 2,100l. 17s. 6d.)
at the Excise Office.
to several [persons] on pensions as per the particulars supra, p. li 9,000 0 0
at the Post Office.
to several [persons] on pensions as per the particulars supra, p. lxii 45,145 0 0
814,077 12
All the above Civil List payments were issued and paid out of the Fonds and Revenues following: viz.:
£ s. d.
Additional Tonnage and Poundage 218,845 7 9
Hereditary and Temporary Excise 229,820 15 2
Letter or Post Office money 62,893 13 5
Small Branches and Casualties, as per the particulars supra, p. lxvii 36,979 8
548,539 4
loans on credit of the Queen's tin 265,538 7
£814,077 12
Miscellaneous Payments and Issues.
paid out of the Duty of Four and a Half per cent. in specie from Barbados and the Leeward Isles: viz.: £ s. d. £ s. d.
to the Earl of Kinnoul on a perpetuity 750 0 0
to the Governors of Plantations on their allowances as per the account supra, p. lxiv 2,423 6
out of the Coinage Duty. 3,173 6
paid to Sir Isaac Newton, Master and Worker of the Mint [for the service of the Mint] 7,764 14
paid to Robert Weddell [Warden of the Mint] for charges in prosecuting coiners 240 12 10
8,005 7
[out of Fonds etc.]
paid to Edward Barker, Treasurer for the Queen's Bounty to augment poor livings: without account other than what he is to
Carried forward 11,178 14
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Brought forward 11,178 14
render to the Governors of the said bounty: out of First Fruits and Tenths. 911 13 3
paid to the executors of the Earl of St. Albans for a debt owing to him from Charles II: out of money paid by the said executors for a fee farm rent contracted for by the said Earl anno 1676 553 0 0
paid to Lieut. Gen. Seymour in full of his pretences as Commander in Chief of the Marines: out of Sir Edward Seymour's balance [due from him] as Treasurer of the Navy 2,000 0 0
paid to the Trustees for Circulating the old Exchequer Bills: upon account: out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1710 1,906 2 0
paid to Sir John Hamble, Paymaster of the Million Lottery Tickets: upon account: out of the 9d. Excise for 16 years 134,202 14 10¼
paid to Nehemiah Arnold, Paymaster of the Malt Lottery Tickets: upon account: out of the General Fond for Deficiencies of 1 Anne, c. 7 251,824 16 2
paid to the Bank of England on their perpetuity of 100,000l., viz. 99,980l. 2s. 1½d. out of the Five Sevenths of the Ninepenny Excise and 19l. 17s. 10½d. out of the Five Sevenths of the Tonnage Duties on ships and vessels: in all 100,000 0 0
paid to the New [Joint] East India Company on their 160,000l. per an.: out of 28 pence per bushel on Salt and the Additional Stamp Duties 179,455 7 3
670,853 13
total for Miscellaneous 682,032 7 8
paid on Annuities purchased at the Exchequer and for rewards to officers and for incidents in paying and accompting for the same:
on Annuities purchased anno 1693 at 14 per cent. out of the 9d. Excise for 99 years 122,605 0
more on Annuities with the advantage of Survivorship out of ditto 7,507 11
for rewards and incidents: out of ditto: to wit the officers of the Exchequer 1,200 0 0
the Usher of the Receipt for necessaries 592 7 10
131,904 19
on Annuities purchased anno 1694 for one, two and three lives: out of the Two Sevenths 9d. Excise 35,401l. 4s. 2½d.: out of the Two Sevenths Tonnage Duty on ships 7l. 19s. 1½d.: in all 35,409 3 4
for rewards to officers, to wit, the Auditor of the Receipt: out of the Two Sevenths 9d. Excise. 150 0 0
35,559 3 4
on Annuities purchased anno 1704 and anno 1705 charged on the 3,700l. per week Excise:
on Annuities for one life 17,237 2 6
Carried forward 167,464 2
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Brought forward 167,464 2
on Annuities for two lives 7,746 0 0
on Annuities for three lives 2,362 3 4
on Annuities for 99 years 123,346 15
for rewards to officers of the Exchequer 1,430 0 0
152,122 1
on Annuities called the Bankers' Annuities redeemable by Parliament 37,945 11 1
on Annuities for 184,242l. 14s. 0d. per an. purchased for 99 years anno 1706, supra, p. xciii:
out of the General Fond for paying the same 183,546 4 0
for rewards and incidents out of the same [General Fond], viz.: officers of the Exchequer 1,470 0 0
the Usher of the Receipt for necessaries 285 2 5
185,301 6 5
on Annuities for 72,187l. 10s. 0d. per an. purchased for 99 years anno 1707:
out of the General Fond for paying the same and out of other revenues in aid as per the account supra, p. xciv 73,213 17 6
to William Clayton for reward and charges in paying and accompting for the moneys allowed to the Contributors for prompt payment of their subscription money 100 0 0
73,313 17 6
on Annuities for 40,000l. per an. purchased for 99 years anno 1708:
out of Contribution money 9,724 19 0
on Annuities for 80,000l. per an. purchased for 99 years anno 1708:
out of Contribution money 9,763 3 3
total for Annuities £635,635 1
The Contributors for the abovesaid 40,000l. per an. and the 80,000l. per an. had liberty of receiving their quarterly payments by advance [for the period 1708 to Michaelmas 1711] on allowing an interest [or discount] for the same at the rate of four per cent. per annum [and they did accordingly so receive their payments for that period to Michaelmas 1711 in advance in the year 1709, viz. 85,927l. 11s. 4¾d. for the 40,000l. Annuities and 225,365l. 1s. 10d. on the 80,000l. Annuities].
paid to Prince Charles of Denmark to aid his grant of 4,000l. per an. for quitting his pretensions to the Bishopric of Eutin for the good of the common cause: viz. 9l. 7s. 6d. out of the 25 per cent. on French goods; 747l. 9s. 7d. out of Plantation Duties; 958l. 15s. 0d. out of the 5s. per piece of white woollen cloth; 385l. 5s. 5d. of the Rent of Hackney Coaches £2,100 17 6
£ s. d. £ s. d.
By payments for Interest of Loans on the Public Registers and otherwise: paid at the Exchequer between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710: viz. on Loans on:
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Duties on Salt, Glass Wares &c. anno 1696: out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 163 9 1
Coals granted anno 1695, transferred to Leather Duties:
out of those Duties 10 4 6
out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 11,252 7 4
11,262 11 10
20 per cent. Duty on paper for taking in wrought plate:
out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 691 10 1
First 3s. Aid granted anno 1697:
out of arrears of said Aid 13 16 8
out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 23,894 16 7
23,908 13 3
Third Quarterly Poll granted anno 1698:
out of arrears 45 0 0
out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 8,567 2 9
8,612 2 9
Third 3s. Aid granted anno 1699:
out of arrears [thereof] 19 9 4
out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 961 3 0
980 12 4
Duties on Coals and Culme granted anno 1698: out of arrears [thereof] 100 0 0
Duties on Coals and Culme anno 1703: out of arrears [thereof] 69 0 0
Two Thirds Tonnage and Poundage granted anno 1705 15,774 10 9
Low Wines and the Additional Duties on Coffee, Tea &c. pro anno 1705 28,810 19
produce of the Queen's tin 354 10 4
the Ninth 4s. Aid for the year 1706 1,585 10 4
Duties on Malt &c. for the year 1707, out of Malt [loans] anno 1709, being transferred thereto 4,016 11 2
the Tenth 4s. Aid for the year 1707 4,227 0 7
Several Subsidies and Impositions continued anno 1707, called the Third General Mortgage:
out of loans on the said Subsidies 31,840 16 2
out of the General Fond for this Register 17,175 11 8
49,016 7 10
the Eleventh 4s. Aid for the year 1708 6,057 3 5
the Half Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage continued anno 1708, called the Fourth General Mortgage:
out of the 25l. per ton on French prize wines 10,658 9 3
out of loans on the said Half Subsidy 21,473 14 8
32,132 3 11
Carried forward 187,762 17
Brought forward 187,762 17
Duties in Malt, Mum &c. for the year 1708:
out of those Duties 2,792 4 2
more out of the Duties on Malt anno 1710, being transferred thereto 18 15 0
2,810 19 2
the Twelfth 4s. Aid for the year 1709 65,877 15 0
the Second 2s. Aid granted anno 1700: out of the Twelfth 4s. Aid anno 1709, being transferred thereto 77 15 1
Duties on Malt, Mum &c. for the year 1709 29,215 11 6
the Thirteenth 4s. Aid for the year 1710 18,546 9 3
Sundry Impositions Continued anno 1709, called the Fifth General Mortgage: out of loans on the said Impositions 6,384 15 11
Duties on Candles and rates on money given with apprentices granted anno 1710 152 6 2
interest on the old Exchequer Bills issued anno 1697:
out of the Fonds for Cancellations 52 10 8
out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 36,067 16 11
36,120 7 7
paid to the Bank of England on the allowance of 3 per cent. per an. for circulating Exchequer Bills on the Act of Parliament anno 1709: out of the like Exchequer Bills 84,337 10 0
paid to the Bank of England more for interest or rebate at the rate of 6 per cent. for the 400,000l. advanced pro anno 1709 on their original Fond to complete the said interest 14,522 17
interest paid on Debentures [for Army and Transport debts] charged on Irish Forfeitures: by the hands of Thomas Jett, Paymaster [thereof]:
out of Exchequer Bills anno 1709 49,300 0 0
out of loans on the General Mortgage anno 1709 10 4 10½
out of loans on tallies on the Duties on Candles anno 1710 49,357 17 2
98,668 2
interest at the rate of 2 per cent. per diem on all the Exchequer Bills [issued] on the Act anno 1709 received at the Exchequer or re-issued thence, [the said interest being] paid per Lionell Herne and Samuel Edwards in the year: so at all times re-issued clear of interest 46,865 13
interest [or rebate] to the Contributors for Annuities anno 1710 at the rate of 8 per cent. for prompt payment: per the hands
Carried forward 591,342 19 10¼
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Brought forward 591,342 19 10¼
of William Clayton: out of Contribution money 24,900 0 0
interest [or rebate] to the Adventurers on the Lottery anno 1710 at 8 per cent. for prompt payment: per the hands of the Receivers of the Lottery money 80,431 14 6
total for Interest on Loans £696,674 14
Loan Money Account [see infra, p. cxxvi].
£ s. d.
Balance, being the difference between the sum total of the moneys borrowed by way of loan and in Exchequer Bills and the sum total of principal money repaid on the Public [Loans] Registers: the money borrowed exceeding the sums repaid by £2,396,760 8 11¼
The particular Remains in cash at Michaelmas 1710.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
in tallies undisposed [of] in the hands of particular [Treasurers or] Paymasters, as per the account supra, p. xciii 987,884 8
in money:
Customs ended at 1 August 1710 19,353 19
Duties on Low Wines &c. for loans anno 1705 10,405 17
Additional Tonnage and Poundage part of the Queen's Civil List 2,657 1
arrears of said Additional Tonnage and Poundage, for the late King's Civil List 21 5 1
arrears of the Duties on Coffee, Tea &c. for the Transport Debt 22 12 1
Continued Impositions, for Loans 14,276 7
Additional Impositions ended 1 August 1710 582 7 2
arrears of Coals anno 1698, for loans 4 13
arrears of Coals anno 1703, for loans 373 1 9
Two Thirds Tonnage and Poundage anno 1705, for loans 2,466 9
Duties on whale fins ended 1 August 1710 15 6
5s. per piece of white woollen cloth 10 7 6
25l. per ton on French prize wines, for loans 83 18 7
Continued Impositions and Duties to 1 August 1712, for loans anno 1707 13,448 6 0
Additional 3d. per barrel Excise with the Duties on pepper &c., for Annuities anno 1710 30,762 4 8
Hereditary and Temporary Excise, for the Civil List 2,337 6 2
3,700l. per week Excise for Annuities 81,135 1
Carried forward 177,956 5 5 987,884 8
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Brought forward 177,956 5 5 987,884 8
9d. Excise for the Lottery Annuities 75,891 0 5
9d. Excise for the Band and [for] Annuities 22,864 13 2
9d. Excise for Annuities and Survivorship 61,371 12 11
One Third Double 9d. Excise arrears 26 4
Hereditary and Temporary Excise, arrears for the late King Wm's Civil List 5 4 1
Duties on Malt pro anno 1707 244 12
Duties on Malt pro anno 1708 17 6 10½
Duties on Malt pro anno 1709 15,536 18 2
Duties on Malt pro anno 1710 257 16
12d. per bushel on Salt 7,085 12 8
28d. per bushel on Salt and Additional Stamp Duties for the East India Company 108 4 0
Stamp Duties on the grant ended 1 August 1710 200 0 0
Duties on Candles &c., for loans anno 1710 1,451 18
Letter [or Post Office] money 108 9 4
Coinage Duty 351 9
Rent of Hackney Coaches 806 17
Tenths of the Clergy 44 4
Seizures [of uncustomed and prohibited goods] 419 6
sales of tin 2,278 17 5
rents of the Savoy Hospital 2,408 10 8
captors' shares of prizes [not called for] 6,000 0 0
balance of Sir Edward Seymour's Navy [Treasurership] account 1,390 0
chandlers' forfeitures 0 10 9
Capitation Subsidies anno 1697 0 10 0
arrears of the 20 per cent. Duty on paper 3 3 10
arrears of the Duties on Marriages, Births &c. 139 3 6
Duties on Houses for windows on the grant ended 1 August 1710 8,241 12 7
Fourth 4s. Aid anno 1696 1 10 0
Two Thirds of the Fourth 3s. Aid anno 1701 465 14
Fifth 4s. Aid and Subsidies anno 1702 63 8 0
Sixth 4s. Aid anno 1703 8 0 0
Seventh 4s. Aid anno 1704 49 10 5
Eighth 4s. Aid anno 1705 55 19 2
Ninth 4s. Aid anno 1706 906 17
Tenth 4s. Aid anno 1707 152 6
Eleventh 4s. Aid anno 1708 1,842 4
Twelfth 4s. Aid anno 1709 15,786 8
Thirteenth 4s. Aid anno 1710 6,737 10 11
loans on tin 12,333 14 8
loans on the Continued Impositions or the Fifth General Mortgage anno 1709 343 9 6
loans on the Land Tax or Thirteenth 4s. Aid pro anno 1710 905 0 0
Carried forward 424,902 18 987,884 8
Brought forward 424,902 18 987,884 8
Contributions on the Act for Annuities anno 1710 50 0 0
loans on the Duties on Candles &c. anno 1710 5,095 11
[cash] in the hands of Lionell Herne and Samuel Edwards for interest on Exchequer Bills 5,744 3
[cash] in the hands of Archibald Douglas, Paymaster of the Civil List in Scotland 793 11
on the Fond for paying Annuities purchased anno 1706 as per the account supra, p. xciii 90,542 10
on the Fond for paying Annuities purchased anno 1707 as per the account ibid 5,688 13
on the Fond for paying 40,000l. per an. in Annuities purchased anno 1708 as by the account ibid. 4,347 9
on the Fond for paying 80,000l. per an. in Annuities purchased anno 1708 as by the account ibid. 24,871 14 11
561,996 13
£1,549,881 2
Summary of the Expenditure for the year Michaelmas 1709 to Michaelmas 1710. £ s. d.
Navy: supra, p. cvii 2,156,331 3
Ordnance: supra, p. cviii 156,000 0 0
Army Abroad: supra, p. cix 3,708,647 19 11¾
Guards and Garrisons: supra, p. cx 522,370 1
Transport service, supra, p. cxi 199,518 19 11
Civil List, Wm. III., supra, p. cxi 55 18 1
Civil List, Scotland, supra, p. cxi 29,434 13
Civil List, Queen Anne, supra, p. cxiii 814,077 12
miscellaneous payments and [Funded debt payments] to the Bank of England and East India Company and on Lotteries and Annuities, supra, p. cxv 635,635 1
more, the like, p. cxv 2,100 17 6
interest money paid, supra, p. cxviii 696,674 14
Remains, supra, p. cxx 1,549,881 2
total expenditure £11,152,760 12 0
Unappropriated Moneys.
Extract of so much of the aforegoing accounts as relates to the money arisen between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710 upon certain Fonds and Revenues unappropriated by Parliament.
Debtor or Charge. £ s. d.
to cash remaining in the Exchequer of Unappropriated Revenues at Michaelmas 1709 on:
25 per cent. on French goods 195 14
Carried forward 195 14
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Brought forward 195 14
5s. per ton on French ships 23 12 10
Plantation Duties 1,245 3 7
5s. per piece on white woollen cloth 664 7 0
One Third Double 9d. Excise 26 4
brewers' forfeitures 7 13
Rent of Hackney Coaches 1,363 0 11¾
3,525 15 11¼
remains on the Second 2s. Aid 1700 1 9
to cash for the produce of Unappropriated Revenues at the Receipt of the Exchequer between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710:
of the 25 per cent. on French goods 110 10 9
Plantation Duties 950 7 9
5s. per piece on white woollen cloth exported 1,006 0 6
Rent of Hackney Coaches 1,667 19 2
brewers' forfeitures on the Excise Acts 108 11 11
more by the like forfeitures in Scotland 41 4 0
chandlers' forfeitures on the Act for Candle Duty 0 10 9
to complete the purchase of a fee farm rent contracted for by the Earl of St. Albans in 1676 553 0 0
imprest money repaid by Charles Fox as late Paymaster General of the Forces 15 4 7
Prize money, being captors' shares uncalled for 6,000 0 0
executors of Sir Edward Seymour, being the balance on his account as Treasurer of the Navy 3,390 0
arrears of sundry Taxes in the last war, viz.:
First 4s. Aid anno 1693 177 0 2
Second 4s. Aid anno 1694 4 0 0
Fourth 4s. Aid anno 1696 1 16 0
Second 2s. Aid anno 1700 4 14 10
14,031 0
£17,558 5 11¼
Credit or Discharge.
by payments to Robert Walpole, Esq., £ s. d. £ s. d.
Treasurer of the Navy upon account for the services following. viz.
to the Marine Regiments under the pay of Walter Whitfield, Esq., part of the quota for Wages anno 1702:
out of the 25 per cent. on French goods 3 4
out of Plantation Duties 202 18 2
out of imprest money repaid by Charles Fox 15 4 7
out of the First 4s. Aid 177 0 2
out of the Second 4s. Aid 4 0 0
out of the Fourth 4s. Aid 0 6 0
out of the Second 2s. Aid 6 4
408 17 9
for Robert Lowther, Esq., for the charge of transporting himself
Carried forward 408 17 9
Brought forward 408 17 9
and equipage to Barbados as Governor:
out of the 25 per cent. on French goods 97 18
out of the 5s. per piece of white woollen goods exported 35 5 0
out of the Rent of Hackney Coaches 233 16
367 0 0
for Col. Spotswood for the charge of transporting himself and equipage to Virginia as Lieutenant Governor:
out of the Rent of Hackney Coaches 242 0 0
1,017 17 9
by payments to John How for account of Guards and Garrisons anno 1706: out of brewers' forfeitures on the Excise Acts 149 15 11
by payment to the executors of the Earl of St. Albans for a debt owing from King Charles II.:
out of money paid by the said executors for a fee farm rent contracted for by the said Earl in 1676 553 0 0
by payment to Lieut. Gen. Seymour in full of his pretences as Commander in Chief of the Marines:
out of [the said] Sir Edward Seymour's balance as [formerly] Treasurer of the Navy 2,000 0 0
by payment to Prince Charles of Denmark to aid his grant of 4,000l. per an. for quitting his pretensions to the Bishopric of Eutin for the good of the Common Cause:
out of the 25 per cent. on French goods 9 7 6
out of Plantation Duties 747 9 7
out of the 5s. per piece of white woollen cloth exported 958 15 0
out of the rent of Hackney Coaches 385 5 5
2,100 17 6
by payments on Annuities purchased anno 1707 to aid the Deficiency of the Fond for the said Annuities:
out of the 25 per cent. on French goods 195 14
out of the 5s. per ton on French shipping 23 12 10
out of the Plantation Duties 1,245 3 7
out of the 5s. per piece on white cloth exported 666 0 0
out of the Rent of Hackney Coaches 1,363 0 11¾
out of brewers' forfeitures 7 13
3,501 4
Carried forward 9,322 15
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Brought forward 9,322 15
by cash remaining in the Exchequer unappropriated at Michaelmas 1710:
on the 5s. per piece of white woollen cloth exported 10 7 6
on the One Third Double 9d. Excise 26 4
on the Rent of the Hackney Coaches 806 17
on chandlers' forfeitures 0 10 9
on prize money, being captors' shares uncalled for 6,000 0 0
on the balance of Sir Edward Seymour's Navy account 1,390 0
on the Fourth 4s. Aid 1 10 0
8,235 10
£17,558 5 11¼
Extract of so much of the aforegoing accounts as relates to the neat money arisen by the Civil List between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710.
Debtor or Charge. £ s. d. £ s. d.
cash remaining in the Exchequer at Michaelmas 1709:
Additional Tonnage and Poundage 1,646 19
Hereditary and Temporary Excise 6,657 14
Post Office or Letter Money 1,195 7 8
Seizures 3 5 8
9,503 6 10¼
receipts on the part of England:
Additional Tonnage and Poundage 246,161 18
Hereditary and Temporary Excise 228,319 7 9
Revenue of the Post Office 62,006 15 1
First Fruits and Tenths of the Clergy so far as those revenues are charged at the Exchequer with pensions payable by the Crown 9,500 0 0
Fines on Alienations 1,000 0 0
Revenue of Wine Licences 1,900 0 0
[Sheriffs'] Proffers 1,159 15 1
Compositions [in the Exchequer] 3 6 8
Seizures 10,377 11
Fines of Leases 760 3 4
Land Revenue of the Crown 858 17 5
value of timber delivered to the Navy in 1710 [out of the Royal Forests] 3,954 2 2
Rents on grants 33 6 8
Fines and Forfeitures 625 0 0
profits of the Hanaper 37 4 7
the Queen's share of a debt recovered from the Crown of Portugal 7,922 6
574,619 15
on the part of Scotland.
Hereditary and Temporary Excise 289 9
Seizures 3,217 17
3,507 6 8
loans made on credit of her Majesty's tin 277,872 2
£865,502 11
Creditor or Discharge.
by payments made per account of the Civil List over and above what paid by Archibald Douglas, Esq., for the Civil List of Scotland as per the account supra, p. 1xxxv, between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710.
payments at the Exchequer: to £ s. d.
the Cofferer of the Household 80,136 6
the Treasurer of the Chamber 26,385 2 10
the Master of the Great Wardrobe 9,400 16 0
the Robes per Mrs. Rachel Thomas 3,000 0 0
the Paymaster of the Works 58,335 11
the Paymaster of the Works at Windsor 7,601 12
the Master of the Horse for Extra-ordinaries of the Stables 12,000 0 0
the Foreign Ministers on their Ordinary entertainment 32,450 0 0
ditto on their extraordinaries 24,091 12 11
fees and salaries [payable at the Exchequer] 61,516 13 0
pensions and annuities [payable at the Exchequer] 15,085 11 8
Spencer Compton for [the Queen's private] charities under his pay 75,481 1
ditto for account of the Palatines 32,723 9 0
ditto for account of the French Protestants 15,000 0 0
ditto towards the charge of managing the Lottery 1,400 0 0
(Memorandum: this last item to be made good to the Civil List out of the surplus of the Lottery Fund.)
the Band of [Gentlemen] Pensioners per William Smith 3,000 0 0
her Majesty's Royal Bounty 14,235 4 0
Charles, Earl of Sunderland, late Secretary of State, for Secret Service 2,905 9 7
Henry Boyle, Principal Secretary of State: for Secret Service 2,250 0 0
the Duke of Queensberry, Secretary of State: for Secret Service 750 0 0
William Lowndes: for Secret Service 19,700 0 0
for Jewels or presents in lieu of Jewels to Foreign Ministers 3,210 10 0
William Smethin, her Majesty's Goldsmith: for plate 3,723 18 5
the Privy Purse per Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough 22,575 0 0
to Contingencies: law charges, 2,000l.; surplusage to Sheriffs and others on their accounts, 412l. 19s. 5¼d.; rewards for sundry services, 5,622l. 8s. 0d.; riding charges to Messengers [of the Chamber], 1,192l. 10s. 0d.; liberates of the Exchequer, 3,154l. 14s. 9¾d.; sundry incident charges and disbursements, 3,173l. 0s. 5d.; rent of Mote Park, 321l. 1s. 0d.; rewards to Receivers of Taxes, 504l.; towards
Carried forward 581,102 18 11½
Brought forward 581,102 18 11½
building Blenheim House at Woodstock, 40,400l: in all 56,780 13 8
Henry Scobell, for account of the tin affair, 44,800l; Robert Corker, succeeding him, for account of ditto, 113,800l. 158,600 0 0
for services relating to Scotland, to wit, salaries to officers as well before as since the Union, 7,407l. 18s. 6¾d.; sundry disbursements on divers occasions, 2,226l. 13s. 7d., in all 9,634 12
for arrears to the late King William's servants and family, to the executors of the Earl of Bradford for arrears in his office of late Cofferer, 392l. 10s. 3d.; to Lord Fitz Hardinge for the like in the office of the Treasurer of the Chamber, 138l. 19s. 6d.; to Foreign Ministers for their ordinary and extraordinary allowances, 5,327l. 5,858 9 9
757,831 14
payments at the Excise Office.
to several on pensions, as per the particulars, supra, p. li 9,000 0 0
payments at the Post Office:
to several on pensions as per the particulars, supra, p. lxiii 45,145 0 0
811,976 14
by payments at the Exchequer out of Civil List revenues to public services within the time of this accompt:
to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy, for Wear and Tear anno 1710: out of wood sales 3,954 2 2
to Prince Charles of Denmark to aid his grant of 4,000l. per an. for quitting his pretensions to the bishopric of Eutin for the good of the Allies 2,100 17 6
to annuities purchased anno 1707 to aid the Deficiency of the Fond [for said Annuities]: out of Additional Tonnage, 26,306l. 9s. 3d.; out of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise, 3,108l. 10s. 0d.; out of the Post Office money, 200l.: in all 29,614 19 3
35,669 18 11
847,646 13
by cash remaining in the Exchequer at Michaelmas 1710: of the
Additional Tonnage and Poundage 2,657 1
Hereditary and Temporary Excise 2,337 6 2
Post Office money 108 9 4
seizures 419 6
loans on tin 12,333 14 8
17,855 17 9
£865,502 11
Account of Moneys Borrowed by way of loans on the Public Fonds and Revenues with the Exchequer Bills issued between Michaelmas 1709 and Michaelmas 1710 and of the principal money repaid within the same time.
Moneys Borrowed. £ s. d. £ s. d.
The Queen's most Excellent Majesty is Debtor to Loans made at the Exchequer on the several Fonds and Revenues following: viz.:
on credit of the produce of her Majesty's tin 277,872 2
on the Subsidies and Impositions continued anno 1707 (in money) 26,125 14 5
on the Duties on Malt, Mum &c. pro anno 1708 by levying tallies 20,857 12
on the Half Subsidies and other Continued Duties anno 1708 (in money) 10,936 0 2
on the Several Impositions and Duties Continued anno 1709 (in money) 36,124 9 9
(by levying tallies) 448,990 19
485,115 8 11½
on the Thirteenth 4s. Aid pro anno 1710 (in money) 905,564 18 8
(by levying tallies) 974,435 1 4
1,880,000 0 0
on the Duties on Malt, Mum &c. pro anno 1710 (in money) 1,920 0 0
(by levying tallies) 423,334 10 11½
425,254 10 11½
on the Duties on Candles and Apprentices pro anno 1710 (in money) 87,886 8 10
(by levying tallies) 412,113 11 2
500,000 0 0
on Several Impositions and Duties Continued anno 1710 (in money) 151,050 0 0
(by levying tallies) 1,145,502 9 11¾
1,296,552 9 11¾
4,922,713 19
to Exchequer Bills on the Act anno 1709 issued at the Exchequer within the time of this accompt, and to be circulated by the Bank of England 536,137 10 0
total of loans taken in and Exchequer Bills issued £5,458,851 9
Per Contra. £ s. d. £ s. d.
By principal money repaid besides 6,000l. in Exchequer Bills of the year 1707 delivered up by the Bank and cancelled as per the account, supra, p. lxxiv: viz.
on Duties on Salt, Glass Wares &c. anno 1696: out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 700 0 0
on Coals, granted anno 1695, transferred to Leather Duties: out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 186,429 0 9
on 20 per cent. on paper for taking in wrought plate: out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 5,800 0 0
on the First 3s. Aid granted anno 1697: out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 156,497 13 5
on the Third Quarterly Poll granted anno 1698: out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 75,804 2 6
on the Third 3s. Aid granted anno 1699: out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 10,000 0 0
on the Two Thirds Tonnage and Poundage anno 1705 76,469 2 6
on the Second 2s. Aid granted anno 1700: out of the Twelfth 4s. Aid anno 1709, being transferred thereto 333 6 8
on Low Wines and the Additional Duties on Coffee, Tea &c. pro anno 1705 75,465 7 0
on the produce of the Queen's tin 87,039 2 7
on the Ninth 4s. Aid for the year 1706 500 0 0
on the Duties on Malt &c. for the year 1707: out of Malt anno 1709, being transferred thereto 134,565 0 10
on the Tenth 4s. Aid for the year 1707 11,000 0 0
on the Eleventh 4s. Aid for the year 1708 191,100 0 0
on the Duties on Malt for the year 1708 10,650 0 0
on the Twelfth 4s. Aid for the year 1709 1,530,060 8
on the Duties on Malt &c. for the year 1709 262,682 15 4
on the Thirteenth 4s. Aid for the year 1710 133,000 0 0
on the Duties on Candles &c. for the year 1710 8,000 0 0
on Exchequer Bills issued anno 1697:
out of the first Cancelling Fond 60 0 0
out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 105,925 0 0
105,985 0 0
3,062,091 0
By Balance, being the difference between the sum total of the moneys borrowed by way of loan and in Exchequer Bills as per contra and the sum total of the principal moneys repaid on the Publique Registers; the moneys borrowed exceeding the sums repaid by 2,396,760 8
£5,458,851 9