Minute Book: November 1710

Pages 95-108

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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November 1710

Nov. 1.
Present: Earl Poulett, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Pagett.
Mr. Sergison and Mr. Lydal are called in. [My Lords order a letter to] direct the Navy Board to certify the debts of the Navy and Victualling to Michaelmas 1710, distinguishing the same under proper heads; also a certificate how much is deficient of the sums intended by Parliament yearly for Wages and Wear and Tear and for what causes the increase of the debt during this war hath been contracted.
Write to the Victualling Commissioners the like [letter].
[My Lords order] Baron Scrop 250l.
Upon reading a memorial presented to my Lords by Mr. John Lambert acquainting them that his correspondents have advanced to Mr. Morrice at Lisbon a sum of 15,000 milreis and have sent over bills for the same drawn on Mr. Brydges and praying that a like minute may be entered for the payment thereof as was made for Sir Henry Furnese in the like case, my Lords are pleased to agree that the said bills shall be paid in January next, if they fall due so soon, in the same manner as the bills for the moneys advanced by Sir Henry Furnese's correspondents at Lisbon are to be paid.
[My Lords order] 556l. 14s. 2d. for defraying the charges of the Lottery in the same manner as the former sums have been paid.
Letters are read concerning the payment of the bills [of exchange] from Italy. Treasury Minute Book XVIII, p. 68.
Nov. 3. Present: Earl Poulett, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Pagett.
Ordered that the tallies for 20,000l. on the twelfth 4s. Aid [Land Tax] which were directed by my [late] Lord Treasurer [Godolphin] for the Course of the Navy when they could be disposed of at par, are to be delivered out in [the form of] tallies to the [Navy] Commissioners, being [by the said Commissioners] so proposed to be done as a help to the credit of the Navy. Ibid., p. 69.
Nov. 4. Present: ut supra.
Mr. Lancelot Burton is approved and sworn as first clerk to Russel Robartes, one of the four Tellers of the Receipt of the Exchequer.
[My Lords direct] the remitters [of exchange to Flanders for the Forces] to give 50,000l. more to Mr. Brydges, to wit 40,000l. in bills on Amsterdam and 10,000l. in bills on Antwerp upon the foot of their respective contracts for [exchange remittances on] those places; and to send an account how much (including the bills [so] now to be given) has been remitted of the 350,000l. agreed [to be remitted] by them. Ibid., p. 70.
Nov. 6. Present: ut supra.
Mr. Meriel [deputy to Mr. Howe, the Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons,] is called in. His memorial of this day's date for 14,166l. 13s. 10d. for the Forces going under Brigadier Breton is read and approved except what concerns the extraordinaries of the war, about which my Lords will speak with Mr. St. John.
On Thursday morning my Lords will consider the business of Spain and Portugal, and all the weekly and monthly accounts [relative thereto are] ordered to be brought in.
Whereas my Lords are acquainted that about the value of 28,000l. sterling in gold is now arrived from Lisbon in her Majesty's ship Bedford, being part of the value of 100,000l, sterling which Mr. Morrice was directed to send home in gold, their Lordships do order that James Brydges Esq., Paymaster General of her Majesty's Forces [Abroad], do take care to receive the same from on board the said ship and pay it to the Bank of England on account of what is owing to them for advances made to him on deposits of tallies and orders; and that at the same time he do desire of them a like sum to be advanced in Exchequer Bills on the tallies and orders to be redeemed as aforesaid, upon the like security, terms and rate of interest as the advance was before made on the said tallies and orders: which money when advanced is to be applied by Mr. Brydges to such services of the Forces under his pay as their Lordships shall direct and not otherwise upon any account whatsoever: and he is to let my Lords know when he receives the said money [loan] from the Bank. Ibid., p. 71.
Nov. 8,
Present: ut supra.
Mr. Meriel is [directed by my Lords] to apply to the Bank for an advance of 14,166l. 3s. 10d. for the Regiments going to sea under Brigadier Britton upon a deposit of tallies on the General Mortgage anno 1710; and he is then to speak with them about the repayment of the 32,000l. formerly borrowed on account for the Guards [and Garrisons] and he is to acquaint my Lords on Friday [with the Bank's reply].
Mr. Hawes [is] called in. [My Lords] ordered 4,400l. for wages to discharge the Colchester to June 1708; 2,500l. for wages, being for Parli[amentary seamen's wages] tickets for October last; 4,000l. for bills of exchange on the head of Wear and Tear: in all 10,900l. He will go to the Bank to-morrow and propose a deposit of tallies for 20,000l. on the same terms as they [the Bank] agreed for the last 100,000l.
Mr. Bridges [is] called in. [On reading his memorial for money for the Forces abroad my Lords] ordered 15,770l. 18s. 7d. for extraordinary charge of forage for the winter of 1710–11 in Flanders: to be satisfied out of the 350,000l. [exchange agreed to be furnished] by the remitters. Direct them to give their bills to [on] Amsterdam accordingly. Write to the Duke of Marlborough to give him advice of this. On Wednesday next my Lords will consider the demands of exceedings for Spain.
[Send] to Mr. Craggs to attend then: and then Mr. Bridges will [is desired to] lay before my Lords a state of all the subsidies to the foreign Princes.
[My Lords direct] 5,000l. more to the Wardrobe out of the Civil List moneys. Ibid., p. 72.
Nov. 10,
Present: ut supra.
My Lord Poulett signifies the Queen's pleasure, which his Lordship received yesterday at Hampton Court, that out of the Civil List money in the Exchequer the sum of 3,239l. be issued to the Master of the Great Wardrobe, to complete 13,239l. to clear the debt incurred in that Office to Xmas 1709.
[and likewise for] 6,944l. to Mr. Compton for satisfying her Majesty's annual bounties payable by his hands for the quarter ended at Xmas 1710.
The Deputy Governor and other Gentlemen of the Bank are called in: [they] say that Mr. Meriel, Mr. Haws and Mr. Clayton have been with them to borrow money [and they do] desire to know in what specie [struck through] how it is to be repaid and at what times. [My Lords thereupon pass the following Minute for satisfaction of the Bank.] In case the Bank will advance in Exchequer Bills to Mr. Clayton 41,000l. upon tallies to be struck [with a clause making them liable] to pay interest [from the date of the advance]; to Mr. How 14,166l. 3s. 0d. upon a deposit of 16,000l. tallies on the sixth General Mortgage; to Mr. Walpole 20,000l. upon a deposit of 23,000l. tallies on the same; in all 75,166l. 3s. 0d. my Lords will repay the same in money on the 10th January next with interest after the rate of 6 per cent. per an. and the Queen is to bear the charge of converting any tallies into money at that time for that purpose. Ibid., p. 73.
Nov. 14,
Present: Earl Poulett, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Pagett.
Mr. Bridges is to write to Mr. Morris to furnish what is absolutely necessary for subsistence of the two Regiments of Irish and Spanish lately formed by my Lord Galway and to apply to my Lord Portmore to put them upon the most saving foot for the future.
[My Lords direct] 5,000l. to Mr. Bridges upon his memorial of this day for subsistence of the Regiments of Hotham &c.
[likewise] 20,000l. more to him [Bridges]: out of annuity money: on the order [in said Bridges' name] for [the service of the Forces in] Spain and Portugal anno 1710.
[Send word] to the Commissioners of Tin to be here to-morrow morning.
[Send word] to the Commissioners of Customs to be here on Friday afternoon.
When the Agents [for Taxes] come on Friday [my Lords will] consider the cases of Cutting and Fuller: and let them [the said Agents] bring their list of the late alterations of the House Money officers. Treasury Minute Book XVIII, p. 74.
Nov. 15,
Present: ut supra.
[My Lords] ordered 21,149l. 17s. 6d. remaining in the Navy Treasurer's hands for uses to be appointed, as per the letter dated Sept. 29 last, to be applied as follows:
£ s. d.
for Chatham and Sheerness Yards for 1709 June 24 quarter [on their] ordinary 17,654 0 0
for Parliament [seamen's wages] tickets: on the head of wages 2,995 17 6
for imprest money to Mr. Thomas Hawes for answering the contingencies of the Fleet under the command of Sir John Jennings 500 0 0
£21,149 17 6
Major Foley [is] called in: his petition is read: [and is] referred to the Secretary at War.
[My Lords] ordered 9,836l. 8s. 6¼d. to Mr. Brydges to reimburse Receivers [General] of the Land Tax [for sums disbursed by them for coat and conduct money]. Mr. Brydges is called in and acquainted with that and [is desired] to consider how the rest [of the said coat and conduct money paid locally by the said Receivers or others] may be paid [back to the tax receivers].
A memorial [of said Brydges] is read for 37,986l. 11s. 3½d. for subsidies to the Allies: and Mr. Brydges proposes the satisfying of the same by bills to be drawn by Mr. Sweet at two [double] usance: to which my Lords do agree. Ibid., p. 75.
Nov. 17,
Present: ut supra.
[Send] to Sir Henry Furnese to be here on Monday morning at ten o'clock.
The Officers concerned for Col. Jones's Regiment are to attend on Monday morning next and the Comptrollers [of Army Accounts are to be desired] to be here then.
The [Navy] Commissioners and officers [clerks &c.] of the Navy [Office] are to be paid [refunded] their taxes [assessments to the 1710 Land Tax] as usual.
Mr. Hawes [is] called in and (in the absence of the Treasurer of the Navy) exhibits a memorial which is read relating to 27,000l. which was taken up of the Bank on a deposit of tallies on the Candle Act for four months ending the 13th inst. My Lords direct him to discount Exchequer Bills to redeem the said tallies and then to desire the Bank to lend a like sum of 27,000l. in Exchequer Bills upon a new deposit of those tallies, to be repaid in specie in two months from the time of advancing [and] with interest at the rate of 4 per cent. per an.
My Lords also direct him to deposit with the Bank a further sum of 23,000l. of the tallies in the Navy Treasurer's hands on the General Mortgage anno 1710 upon their [the Bank] advancing to him 20,000l. in Exchequer Bills, to be repaid in specie &c. as above; the said 20,000l. being in further part of the last 100,000l. agreed to be advanced by them on a deposit of 115,000l. in the said tallies. And my Lords further direct that out of the said 20,000l. there be applied as follows:
for bills of exchange on the head of [Navy] Ordinary 4,000
for paying off the Colchester before she sails to the Straits 4,400
the rest to be reserved in the Navy Treasurer's hands for such uses as my Lords shall direct 11,600
Ibid., p. 76.
Nov. 20,
Present: Earl Poulett, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Paget, Sir Thomas Mansel.
My Lords are not pleased to [struck through] cannot interpose any further in taking off the stop on Lord Carmarthen's pay [which has been] seized in aid of the Queen upon process against the Newels.
Mr. Lionel Herne is approved and sworn as first clerk to John Smith Esq. one of the four Tellers in the Receipt of the Exchequer.
Sir Henry Furnese [is] called in: his proposal dated Nov. 15 inst. for furnishing 100,000l. at Lisbon is read as follows:
this being the time of the year wherein provision is made for the supply of her Majesty's Forces in Spain by way of Portugal, and the present situation of affairs not allowing of remittances to be made from hence as usual, I humbly propose for the accommodation of the public service to furnish Mr. Morrice at Lisbon with the value of 100,000l. in gold upon his bills at 30 days' date, the price of exchange to be adjusted between Mr. Morrice and my correspondent [in Lisbon], the great disproportion of the exchange between Lisbon and London at this time making it impracticable to fix a price. If this gold is not made use of for the service of Spain it may be imported into England which will be a great benefit to the nation and support of the public credit.
My Lords approve this proposition with these explanations viz. that this money shall be furnished to Mr. Morris within six weeks or sooner after the advice arrives: the bills [drawn by Morris in repayment] are to be satisfied [here in London] by Land Tax tallies of anno 1711 in a course not exceeding 1,410,000l. [of such tallies charged or to be charged on the register of said Tax and ranking on the said register in front of the said Morris's bills] but no interest is to be demanded on the bills if they should be due before the [maturing of the] course [of said tallies] on the Tax arises to that height [i.e. to the said total of 1,410,000l.]: and if the bills do not arrive [in London in] time enough so as to be satisfied in the said course then the tallies are to be struck without interest "and to be endorsed ut supra."
[My Lords] order Mr. Bridges that he or his deputy do not dispose any of this money but by my Lords' particular direction.
My Lords [decide that they] will have the Irish Establishment laid before them on Wednesday and then consider of a day to meet his Grace the Duke of Ormonde at this place [viz. the Treasury Chambers].
The report of the Comptrollers [of Army Accounts] about Col. Jones's Regiment in the Leeward Islands is read. Capt. Morris is to have a copy [for him] to make an answer to every particular.
[My Lords order a] copy of the state of the exceedings in Spain and Portugal to be given to my Lord Poulett for my Lord Galway. Treasury Minute Book XVIII, p. 77.
Nov. 21,
Present. Earl Poulett, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Paget, Sir Thomas Mansel.
[Send] to the Commissioners of Customs to attend to-morrow morning at 11 precisely: altered they are to attend this afternoon.
[Send] to the Auditors of Imprests to be here on Friday afternoon and Mr. Bridges to attend then in order to have the draft of a privy seal read and settled relating to his accounts. Ibid., p. 78.
Eodem die,
Present: at supra.
The Customs Commissioners [are] called in.
[My Lords order that] the Solicitor of the Customs is to attend the Attorney General with the case concerning tallow seized near Carlisle: and when he has considered it the Attorney General is desired to attend my Lords: and memorandum: to speak to the Attorney General about the miscarriage of the cause between the Queen and Lucy about goods re-landed after the drawback was received.
[Send] to Mr. Churchill to be here to-morrow morning and Mr. Knackston, about the said Knackston's business. Ibid.
Nov. 22,
Present: ut supra.
Mr. Gold and other Directors of the Bank are called in. "They say they have perused the drafts sent to them [of proposals for keeping up the credit of Exchequer Bills] and have found great difficulties in relation to the success; but they have made amendments which are now presented in writing and are read in these words":
Some Amendments or alterations proposed at several Courts of Directors to the draft of an indenture tripartite transmitted from the Rt. Honble. the Treasury Lords.
folio 3, line 12: leave out the words "and the high discount, distinctions and difficulties now attending the currency of some of the said Bills may be obviated" and insert these words "and whereas the said Governor and Company have lately issued great sums in non-specie Exchequer Bills for the pressing services of her Majesty's Government which hath occasioned a very great discount, to the end therefore that the said discount and all other distinctions and difficulties attending the currency of the said Bills may be obviated."
last line but 4: leave out the word "willing" and insert "contented."
last line but 3: leave out the word "assisted" and insert "enabled."
folio 5, line 3: after the words "Bank of England" insert "in dutiful compliance with her Majesty's gracious desires before mentioned and to express that constant zeal they have ever had and shall always maintain for the service of her Majesty and the public good in all exigencies to the utmost of their power."
line 9: leave out "1,000,000l." and insert "1,500,000l.
" line 15: add "the Court of Directors of" the said Governor and Company.
folio 6, line 1: leave out "commencing" and insert "to commence within 30 days after such subscription shall be completed."
folio 7, line 1: fill up the blank [by inserting the word] "twelve". It was also considered that the Bank can [legally] issue but 1,200,000l. in Sealed Bills.
last line but 3: these words were proposed to be omitted as [being] what the Bank could not determine "and the entering into such a contract or subscription as aforesaid to furnish moneys for that purpose doth greatly tend to the advantage and conveniency of her Majesty and her subjects."
folio 8, line 11: It was proposed to pay the premium down and to make it part of the 10 per cent. paid down.
folio 9, line 11: It was proposed that such new contract be made within the year at least two months [? before the end of the year] for such sum as the Bank shall find necessary and so from year to year during the war.
My Lords tell them they [the Bank] have taken up a great deal of time to consider this answer. My Lords will take a little time to compare it with the draft and lay the whole before the Queen as soon as they can.
Mr. Churchill with Mr. Knackston will be here to-morrow morning.
Mr. Brydges [is] called in. His memorial dated this day for 25,952l. 13s. 4d. [for the Forces Abroad] is read and ordered.
Mr. Brydges on Friday morning will bring the Establishment of the Officers en second.
Mr. Milner [is] called in. He says he has 75,000l. due to him for money supplied in Portugal. He desires to be accommodated with 15,000l. presently and then he will give a credit for 60,000l. more upon Lisbon. He will put it in writing against Tuesday next.
Mr. Brydges will be here again to-morrow morning about money for the Troops going from Ireland [to Spain]. Ibid., pp. 79–80.
Nov. 23.Present: ut supra.
[My Lords] put off the business with Hanes [Hawes] for Friday in the afternoon. Ibid., p. 81.
Eodem die,
[Attendance not stated.]
The hearing about Col. Jones's Regiment [is] to be on Saturday morning at 11 precisely and all parties to have notice. Ibid.
Nov. 24,
Present Earl Poulett, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Paget, Sir Thomas Mansel.
Mr. Bridges [is] called in. Upon [reading] his memorial my Lords order 2000l. for the subsistence of four Regiments in Ireland going to Spain: [to be] upon account of what shall grow due to them from their embarcation till X mas next: and [my Lords] give him [Bridges] leave to raise the same by a deposit of tallies on the Candle Duty Act.
[Desire] the Commissary of the Musters to be here to-morrow at 11 of the clock to know what answer he has received concerning the musters in Portugal and Spain.
Mr. Milner [is] called in. [My Lords ordered] that he shall be paid 15,000l. upon his bills of exchange, out of the first money the Bank will advance for any service; out of which the said 15,000l. may be satisfied.
The draft of Mr. Bridges' privy seal is to be considered on Friday next in the afternoon and he and the Auditors [are] to attend then.
Mr. Bridges with Mr. Stratford will be here on Monday at 11 o'clock about the Danish subsidies.
Mr. How is called in and his memorial [for money for the Guards and Garrisons is] read and ordered as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
for subsistence to 23 Oct. last to the Guards 23,634 11 11
for pay to the Garrisons to the same time 5,298 14
for subsistence to the outpensioners [of Chelsea Hospital] to Oct. 24 last 4,650 10 0
for subsistence to 5,000 men [for sea service] to the same time 4,250 6 3
three quarters to Sept. 29 last to disabled officers 1,128 4 0
for Major General Wightman's warrant 320 0 0
three quarters' allowance for the clerks to the Secretary at War and the Comptroller[s of Army Accounts] 1,766 5 0
forage for Troops in North Britain 1,200 0 0
to complete the pay of the Officers for the Expedition 81 0 0
£42,329 11 11½
He [Mr. How] will come again on Monday and bring a state of the [Chelsea] Hospital and outpensioners.
Mr. Whitfield will be here again on Monday morning about Col. Nicholson's bills. Treasury Minute Book XVIII, p. 82.
Nov. 25.
Present: Earl Poulett, Mr. Paget, Sir Thomas Mansel, Mr. Benson.
Commissary Crawford being sick his clerk Mr. Crawford attends with two letters from R. Bucknal, Deputy Commissary in Portugal, promising that the musters shall be exact from 24 Oct. Write to my Lord Portmore to intimate to him the Queen's orders and their Lordships' directions that the musters may be taken exactly. Commissary Crawford has yet received no answer from Spain.
The Comptrollers of the [Accounts of the] Army are called in with Mr. Meriel and the Officers of Col. Jones' Regiment. The answer of the [said] Officers to the [said] Comptrollers' report is read. Mr. Granville, Secretary at War, comes in. The oath of Mr. John Duer. one of the General Assembly at St. Christopher, upon several queries is read. The Secretary at War is to consider and report what subsistence is necessary to be furnished for preserving the men that are in being. He will be here on Tuesday morning and the Comptrollers [of Army Accounts] are to make a state in relation to the clothing. Ibid., p. 83.
Nov. 27,
Present: all the five Lords.
Mr. How [Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons is] called in. [My Lords read his memorial for money and] ordered half a year to the General and Staff Officers to June 24 last.
Mr. Howe comes in [again] and upon reading his memorial my Lords agree that Mr. Howe do endeavour to borrow of the Bank a sum of 50,000l. in Exchequer Bills on a deposit of 55,000l. of the tallies in his hands on the sixth General Mortgage, to be repaid in specie in not less than two months with 4 per cent. per an. interest.
Out of the said 50,000l. Howe is to apply 49,331l. 14s. 5½d. to the several uses directed on Saturday last and six months' pay to the General and Staff Officers as above from 23 Dec. 1709 to 24 June 1710, and to reserve the remainder of the said 50,000l. in his hands for such uses as my Lords shall direct.
Upon reading a memorial from Mr. Howe of this day's date representing that a sum of 40,000l. borrowed by him of the Bank (on a deposit of 44,000l. in tallies and orders on the [Sixth] General Mortgage) became due [for repayment] on the 26th inst. and praying directions for redeeming the said tallies according to his agreement in that behalf, my Lords agree thereunto and do desire him to borrow of the Bank a like sum of 40,000l. upon a deposit of the said [the like] tallies and orders for 45,000l. for the like time and upon the same terms as he borrowed the last 40,000l.
[Send] to Mr. Hawes to be here to-morrow morning about the Marines: and Mr. Whitfield or his clerk will be here then. Ibid., p. 84.
Eodem die,
Present: Lord Poulett, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Paget, Sir Thomas Mansel.
Mr. Churchill and Mr. Knackston are called in. Mr. Knackston's answer (upon oath) to the Customs Commissioners' report is read.
Lord Paulet: what else have you, Mr. Knackston, to offer besides this affidavit?
Knackston. nothing.
The Chancellor: did you not keep copies of the letters you sent to Richardson ?
Knackston: no.
The Chancellor 'tis said by Richardson 'twas to serve some half pay Commissioners. Was it never explained to you who they were ?
Knackston: no.
He prays that the papers annexed to his answer may be read, which are read accordingly.
The Chancellor the use Mr. Knackston would make of these papers is to shew that the little success he had when he made a former complaint to the Customs Commissioners of the Surveyor discouraged him from making one when he received Richardson's letter.
The Chancellor: was you ever before discouraged in any complaint ?
Knackston: once; when I made one against the Collector.
The Chancellor. the giving 60l. for the allowance of the 1 ½ pence per pound for the Coal Duty seems to stick most upon you.
Knackston: I thought it was no harm to do it. I was not in town myself and I must employ somebody to solicit the matter for me. I had looked after it some time before when I was in town and thought 'twas a reasonable thing for me to ask.
The Chancellor what was it induced you to give Richardson that money ?
Knackston: Richardson proposed to me that he had a friend would get it allowed.
The Chancellor perhaps you did not think you should be askt these questions. Recollect yourself again to-morrow.
Knackston. if I consider never so much I can't discover anything more than what I have put in the paper.
Mr. Churchill and Mr. Knackston go out. Treasury Minute Book XVIII, p. 85.
Nov. 28.Present: Earl Poulett, Mr. Paget, Sir Thomas Mansel, Mr. Benson.
The Directors of the Bank are called in. They say they were much surprised upon receiving the last letter [from my Lords]. They hoped they should not have been thought unwilling to accept the proposition.
My Lords [answer that they] take notice in the amendments [proposed by the Directors] they expunged the word "willing." Mr. Gold says the Directors had no power from the Corporation [the Bank] to declare them willing.
My Lords put them in mind of all the steps taken in this matter.
Mr. Gold says they were cautious in leading their General Court.
My Lords say if the Directors have anything to represent to shew their willingness my Lords will lay it before the Queen and obtain her answer as soon as possible, but then their alterations must be withdrawn.
Mr. Gold says the Bank never desired what is proposed.
[My Lords say] upon the whole if the Bank will accept the proposition as the Queen offered it my Lords will lay the same again before her Majesty and use their best endeavours to obtain her Majesty's assistance to the Bank. As for the former alterations if they think them necessary the Queen does not think them reasonable.
My Lords will speak to Mr. Bridges on Friday about the loss by discounting Exchequer Bills for the Forces under his pay.
Sir Theodore Janssen, Mr. Hoare and Mr. Lambert [are] called in and present the following memorial which is read and agreed to:
We humbly offer to give our bills for [on] Turin payable at 60 days' date for 106,6662/3 Crowns being for two months' subsidy to the Duke of Savoy at the [exchange] rate of 59 pence [sterling] per Crown of 82 sols each, money of Piedmont, upon [security of] your Lordships' minute [for us] to be paid at the end of three months in Exchequer Bills with interest after the rate of 6 per cent per an.
If your Lordships please to give us Exchequer Bills within a week or ten days for this service we humbly offer to abate 2 pence [sterling] per Crown of the above mentioned price.
Mr. Brydges is to attend the Bank and desire them to advance _ in Exchequer Bills on a deposit of tallies on the General Mortgage to be repaid with interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per an. out of loans on the next Land Tax pro anno 1711 payable [in course] after about _ [prior charge thereon]: which sum when lent by the Bank is to be paid to the abovesaid remitters [in repayment] for the said 106,6662/3 Crowns.
Ordered that the remitters [Mr. Hoare et al., the contractors for remittances of exchange to Flanders for the Army] give their bills by this night's post to Mr. Brydges for 48,862l. 1s. 3½d., whereof 15,000l. For [by bills on] Antwerp and 33,862l. 1s. 3½d. for [by bills on] Amsterdam: the said sum of 48,862l. 1s. 3½d. being to complete the sum as in a memorial of Mr. Brydges of Oct. 25 last for clearing the subsistence to the English Troops and full pay to the Foreign Troops in Flanders to Nov. 23 inst.
Mr. Brydges' memorial [is read] desiring directions in relation to the 45,000 moydas now arrived from Lisbon, which he says he has sent for from Portsmouth. My Lords direct him to send it forthwith to the Mint to be coined [recoined into English money] and to give my Lords notice from time to time as he receives any part thereof back [recoined] to the end my Lords may direct the application thereof.
Upon reading another memorial of Mr. Brydges for 8,000l. for recruits for the Forces in Flanders, my Lords agree that he may borrow the said sum of the Bank upon a deposit of Land Tax tallies anno 1710: [the loan to be] in Exchequer Bills and to be repaid in [specie or ready] money in three months with interest at the rate of 4 per cent. per an.: which sum if lent by the Bank is to be issued upon account of subsistence of the said Troops.
On Friday morning next my Lords will consider the business relating to the prisoners at Burgos which are on the [English Forces in] Portugal Establishment; and Mr. Brydges is to give notice to the Agents of the Regiments to which the said prisoners belong to attend then and in the meantime to put in writing whether they have any objections to the deducting what has been paid and is drawn [for] by Bacalan for the said prisoners.
Mr. Walpole comes in and represents that the last deposit he was to make with the Bank [of tallies and orders as cover for a loan] being directed to be made in tallies on the [Sixth] General Mortgage anno 1710 and he not having sufficient of those tallies, my Lords agree that he shall deposit in tallies on the [Fifth] General Mortgage anno 1709 what is wanting to complete the said deposit.
The money [is] ordered for Portsmouth Yards, being 18,251l.
The further payments to the Victualling [are ordered] to be paid out of [funds or orders allocated to the head of Navy] Wear and Tear anno 1709. And Mr. W [Walpole is authorised by my Lords] to deposit 10,000l. with the Bank in tallies on the General Mortgage anno 1709 on the like terms as his last deposit was made: [this sum] being to be applied to bills of exchange in [on] the Victualling and such other uses as my Lords shall direct.
On Thursday morning my Lords will consider the several estimates to be given in to the Parliament; and the Secretary [at War is] to be sent to, to attend their Lordships at that time.
The 5,600l. remaining in the Navy Treasurer's hands in Exchequer Bills is [ordered] to be applied to the head of [seamen's] wages in general. Ibid., p. 88.
Nov. 29,
forenoon. Present: Lord Poulett, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Thomas Mansel, Mr. Benson.
The Duke of Ormonde [Lord Lieutenant of Ireland] comes in with his Secretary Mr. Southwell.
Mr. Southwell reads a paper concerning the arsenal [at Dublin]. My Lords will lay it before the Queen.
Another [paper is read by him] from the Officers of Ordnance in Ireland. My Lords will procure the Queen's warrant accordingly.
[He likewise reads] a representation for breaking a Regiment of Dragoons.
[He likewise reads] another for a set of arms for Creighton's Regiment. My Lords will consider this when the account comes before them.
[He also reads] a representation concerning Hugh Owen. [My Lords order it] to be laid before the Queen.
The Duke and his Secretary go out. Treasury Minute Book XVIII, p. 89.
Eodem die,
St. James's.Present: the Queen: all the five Lords.
[The weekly] cash paper is read [showing available undisposed balances of funds as follows] viz. for public services 800,946l. 2s. 9½d. and for the Civil List 12,003l. 8s. 8½d.
Then a list of warrants signed [on the Civil List revenues] is read amounting to 2,774l. 3s. 10½d.; which her Majesty orders to be forthwith paid.
Admiral Wager's petition [for a grant of royal mines in Jamaica] is read with the minutes [taken] upon it. The Queen [says she] is not unwilling to make a new grant, but first send the petition to the Attorney General to advise how the old grant is to be legally avoided and how the new grant ought to be made, for what term and with what reservations and particularly that the patentees may be obliged to work the mines.
Sir John Jennings' petition is read with the report thereon relating to the renewing his lease of Byfleet and Weybridge for a further term: and same is granted [by her Majesty].
Mr. Heyman's petition is read praying to have the additional allowance now received by way of incidents by one Chetty, a wine taster, [and for same] to be established "on" the petitioner. The Queen is pleased to take this petition into her own hands.
[Her Majesty orders] 20l. for Mr. Samuel Gray [for passage money as a chaplain] going to Antigua and 20l. for Mr. Isaac Grace going thither similarly: on the Bishop of London's letters.
A paper is read by which Mrs. How demands 1,922l. 10s. 0d. for extraordinaries due to her late husband. [The Queen orders that my Lords] are to examine what other [Ambassadors, Envoys or Residents such] as Mr. Cresset, Mr. Pooley &c. have had in the like cases.
The Duke of Queensberry's memorial is read for 5,025l. arrears. [The Queen decides that] he is to be paid so much as is due to Xmas 1709.
A list of what is due to the Queen's public ministers [Ambassadors]: to Xmas 1709 amounting to 37,423l. 2s. 2d. is read and ordered.
The Excise Commissioners' report concerning an additional allowance to the Comptroller in regard to the Candle Duties is read and respited.
The report of the Lords Justices [of Ireland] dated Oct. 17 last concerning Lord Power is read. Her Majesty thinks one pension enough and no more was intended.
Their report of the same date concerning the Palatines is read together with the two papers attending it. [The Queen directs my Lords to] send them to the present Lord Lieutenant for his opinion.
Mr. Brydges' memorial about the prisoners at Bilboa is read. The Queen thinks such matters should be laid before the Parliament but [that] my Lords should endeavour to get the best information they can concerning these prisoners so that the Queen may not pay double or treble.
Another memorial of Mr. Brydges is read as to gold brought from Portugal. The Queen [says she] will give the Commanders [of her ships] 10s. per 100l. as a bounty or gratuity and not as money due to them [for freight &c.] for bringing the said gold [seeing that it is brought] in her own ships.
The Duke of Queensberry's letter of Sept. 27 last is read relating to a warrant by him prepared for transferring Sir William Douglas's pension of 547l. 10s. 0d. per an. to his son. The Queen will speak to the Duke of Queensberry about this.
Her Majesty orders 1,000l. to be now paid in part of the sum which she thinks fit to allow in aid of her poor servants [the more poorly paid among the servants of the Household] towards making up the [Land] Tax [assessed] on her Household [servants].
Warrants this day signed by her Majesty [on the Civil List moneys]:
(1) for a privy seal to discharge the administrators of his late Royal Highness the Prince of Denmark.
(2) for 1,809l. 15s. 8d. to Mr. Boyle.
(3) for 1,000l, for equipage to Mr. Bromley, Speaker [of the House of Commons].
(4) for 100l. per an. to Sir Clement Cotterel.
(5) for discharge of Sir Thomas Mansell's plate [delivered to him out of the Jewel House as the Comptroller of the Household].
(6) for acknowledging satisfaction for a moiety of the overplus for the Queen's wines.
Ibid., pp. 90–1.
Nov. 30,
Whitehall. Present: Mr. Pagett, Sir Thomas Mansel, Mr. Benson.
Mr. Granville, Secretary at War, [is] called in and his Estimates are read.
Mr. Craggs is called in as to the Estimates for Spain.
Mr. Granville makes the last year's charge for Spain 769,941l. 13s. 8d. and proposes for 1711 an Estimate of 1,110,030l. 12s. 7d.
Mr. Craggs says the Parliamentary allowance for Spain for 1710 (Gibraltar excluded) as he has it from the Paymaster was 646,747l. 18s. 9¼d.: that the charge as it was computed before Mr. Stanhope went over was 927,778l. 0s. 11½d.: that the exceedings of the year 1710 were 84,443l. 11s. 7½d. already known to arise from the scarcity of bread and forage.
On the 9th Oct. 1710, old style, there was an excess of 10,753l. 13s. 10d. on the 150,000l. allowed for extraordinaries of the war.
From 9 Oct. [1710] until the Army leaves the field there will be an excess on the head of extraordinaries for the mule carriages. which he left at 1,000l. a day.
There will be an excess [on the head] of the King of Spain's campaign and other extraordinaries which Mr. Craggs could not foresee or enumerate. He thinks these additions should be made to the 927,778l. and [that sum plus] the charge of such additional Troops as her Majesty will please to send will be the right Estimate for Spain for the year 1711.
Mr. Granville and Mr. Craggs will be here again to-morrow morning and in the mean time [my Lords desire them to] settle the differences in their computations. Treasury Minute Book XVIII, p. 92.