Index: R

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Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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Rabon, Stephen, petition for proclamation reward, 376.

Raby, Lord. See Wentworth, Thomas.

-, Chief Justice of. See Banastre, W.
-, House Duties, Surveyor of. See Challoner, J.
-, Land Tax (Assessments), Receiver General of. See Powell, C.
-, Second Justice of. See Cox, C.

Raine, Robert, and his wife, petitioners, 575.

Rainsdon, Henry, tidesman, London port, promoted to the superior list, 234.

Ramsay, Jean, pensioner on the Charity Roll of Scotland, 218.
-, -, Mary, countess (countess dowager) of Dalhousie, pension and royal bounty for, 111, 392, 543, 549.

Ramsgate, co. Kent, ship of, 312; waiter and searcher at, 417.

Randall, Isabella, security for _ Armiger, petition, 575.

Randolph, [Herbert], judge of the Admiralty in the Cinque Ports, memorial about his salary, 575.

Randue, Theodore, Housekeeper of Windsor Castle, salary of, issue for, 40, 424.

Ranelagh, Earl of. See Jones, Richard.

Raphoe, bishop of. See Pooley, John.

Rates, book of. See Scotland—Customs.

Rates of postage. See Post Office.

Ratkiller. See Queen's ratkiller.

Raven, Richard, master of the Henry, 444.

Ravenscroft, James, payments to, for apprehending criminals, 469.

Rawson, Maurice, and his wife, one of the daughters of Captain Mansell, their petition for the arrears and settlement of his pension, 582.

Raymund, Sir Robert, Solicitor General, patent of appointment, 290.

Rayner (Reyner), John, Attorney and Advocate General of New York province, petition for reward for his extraordinary services, 158, 332, 575.
-, -, John, lessee of lands in Lincolnshire nominated by, 203.
-, -, William, petition for enlargement of his contract with the Navy Commissioners, 166.

Raze, Peter, ensign, allowance on the Irish Establishment for, 259.

Read (Reed), Alexander, master of the Anne, 528.
-, -, George, rioter, arrested, 376.
-, -, George, lieutenant en second in Wightman's regiment, half pay for, 155.
-, -, John, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Dorset, appointment and salary, 445.
-, -, Thomas, petitioner, 605.
-, -, William, petitioner, 594.
-, -, Sir William, petition for reward for curing seamen of blindness, 454, 466, 594.

Reading, co. Berks., Collector of Excise (C. Parry), 323.

Reassumption, Act of. See Ireland.

-, in Birmingham Tower, Dublin Castle, keeper of (J. Addison), 185; necessity of examining, ordering and, cataloguing, 185.
-, in the Parliament Office, collection and transcription of Statutes relating to High Treason, &c., from, 399.
-, in the State Paper Office, keeper of (J. Tucker), 191.
-, in the Tower of London (Cæsar's Chapel, White Tower), work of digesting, &c., 128, 300, 364, 501.
-, chief clerk for. See Holmes, G.
-, clerks for, payment to, 364, 501.
-, supervisor for. See Topham, R.
-, Judgment Rolls (Queen's Bench), impossibility of stamping, 492.
-, Keeper of the (R. Topham), 496.
-, of the Commissioners for the Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of Teinds in Scotland, burnt by accident, 274.
-, of the Exchequer, books and accounts recovered by Mr. Le Neve, 92; ordering and sorting, payment for, 175, 347, 416.
-, of the Privy Council of Scotland, custody of, 552.
-, of the Queen's Bench, kept in rooms under the Treasury of the Court of Wards, in danger from damp and fire, 229; and see Records—Judgment Rolls.
-, Patent Rolls, 14–18 Jas. I, making abstracts of, indexing and searching, payment for, 400.
-, Pipe, Great Roll of, extracts from, 375.
-, transcription of Leagues and Treaties from, 298; and see Rymer, T.

Recruiting Acts. See Army.

Recusants, convictions of, allowance to the Clerk of the Pipe for drawing down, 399.

Redcastle. See Reidcastle.

Reddall, Ambrose, Receiver General of Duties on Houses and Land Tax (Assessments), co. Bedford, 137, 500.

Redman, Giles, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Westmorland, appointment and salary, 445.

Redwell Marsh in Holme, q.v.

Redwood, 305.

Reed. See Read.

Reeves, _, son of William, appointed riding officer at Werden Point, 404.
-, -, William, riding officer at Werden Point, 404.

Refugees. See French refugees.

Regnauld, Andrew, papers presented by, containing an accusation against officers of the Royal Lustring Company, 524.

"Regs" of cucumbers, 118.

Reidcastle (Redcastle). See McKenzie of Reidcastle, M.

Reis. See Milreis.

Remittances. See under Exchange.

Renfrew, shire of, Surveyor of Window Duties. See Gordon of Kirkonnel, J.

Renton of Inverary, William, Surveyor of Window duties for Argyleshire, Arran and Bute, Loughaber and the western islands south from Skye, appointment and salary, 508.

Renue, Peter, merchant of London, petition and permit to export prize fish duty free, 115, 122.

Requests, Court of, houses adjoining, investigation of titles of owners of, 163.

Restormel (Restormell) Park and Trinity Chapel [in Lostwithiel, co. Cornwall], lease of, petition for, 577.

Retford, co. Notts., road to, from Derby, 131.

Reup, John, merchant, petitions for release of ships from quarantine, 475, 486, 496, 528.

Revenues, Auditor of, attending the Treasury, 38.
-, -, in Ireland. See Ireland.

Reversionary Annuities. See Annuities.

Revolution in 1688, money taken in the West of England from Collectors of Customs at the, commission to seize, 216.

Reynardson, Jacob, Collector of Bristol port, additional allowance, 191.

Reyner. See Rayner.

Reynolds (Reynold), Richard, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. York, E. R., 518; appointment and salary, 445.
-, -, Rowland, banker's assignments mortgaged by, 363.
-, -, Thomas, certificate by, 251.
-, -, Thomas, Victualling Commissioner, letter signed by, 144.
-, -, Thomas, Receiver of the Sixpence per month out of merchant seamen's wages for the service of Greenwich Hospital, account of, 407; prays allowance for taxes paid for officers collecting the sixpence a month, 173.

Rhine, the, 279.

Rhode Island, revenue of, instructions for borrowing from, for the expedition under Colonel Nicholson, 267.

Rialton (Ryalton), Viscount. See Godolphin, Francis; Viscountess. See Godolphin, Henrietta.

Richard, Magdalen Pepin, French refugee, petition for support, 256; report on, 510.

Ricaute (Rycaut), Charlotte, royal bounty for, 230, 555.

Rice, Jacob, clerk, royal bounty for, 230.
-, -, John, colonel, arrest and committal to Newgate, 512.

Rich, Sir Peter, a Commissioner of Transportation (1689–1702), deceased, 281.
-, -, Sir Robert, regiment of, petition in behalf of, re loss of subsistence money taken by the enemy, 509.

Richard (Richards), _, colonel, commanding a train of artillery ordered for Spain, 362.
-, -, [John], major general, bill of exchange drawn by, 211.
-, -, William, tidewaiter at Leith, dismissed, 169.

Richardson, Daniel, Clerk of the Incidents in the Office of Comptroller General of Customs:
-, allegations of R. Paul re, 78, 79.
-, books and papers of, examination of, 80, 82.
-, brother of, 68, 78.
-, character of, 80.
-, confession of, 58, 59, 60; second confession, 69, 70, 71, 72; further confession, 74, 75.
-, duties of, accounts of, 75, 76, 78, 79, 94.
-, examination of, at the Treasury, 61–67, 75, 76, 77, 78.
-, frauds committed by, minutes, &c., re, 57–82, 93, 94, 103, 486, 489, 513, 599, 605.
-, his house, 77.
-, his predecessor (_ White), 94.
-, prisoner in the Counter, 76, 77; his visitors, 68, 77, 78, 79.
-, report by the Customs Commissioners on, 599.
-, transactions with Mr. Knackston, account of required, 93, 103, 489.
-, underclerk to, 94.
-, wife of, 78.
-, -, Richard, merchant, information against, for collusive trading, 211, 212.
-, -, Thomas, master of the Rose in June, 476.
-, -, William, deer in St. James's Park killed by his dog, 370, 578.
-, -, William, tidesman at Shields, deceased, 354.

Richer (Richers), Thomas, Receiver General of Duties on Houses for county and university of Cambridge, 500; Receiver General of Land Tax (Assessments) for co. Cambridge, 138.

Richier, Andrew, captain en second in Sutton's regiment, half pay for, 156.
-, -, Nicholas, quartermaster of Dragoons, allowance on the Irish Establishment for, 259.

Richmond, co. York, Liberty of, pensions, stipends and corrodies payable out of, 231; Steward and Bailiff of (Earl of Holderness), 181, 231.

Richmond, co. Surrey, manor of, 234.

Richmond, Duchess of, house of (Richmond House), 292.
-, -, Duke of. See Lennox, Charles.

Richmond, Henry, lieutenant en second in Sutton's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Richmond alias Webb, John, Lieutenant General. See Webb, John Richmond.

Richmond Herald (J. Hare), 364.

Richmond House, 292.

Richmond New Park, co. Surrey, bailiff of, 362; moletaker, 362; underkeepers, 362.

Richmond Palace, co. Surrey:
-, Fryers, the, meadow called, 235, 322.
-, Garden Gate House or Trumpeting House belonging to, lease of, 234, 235, 322.
-, Privy Garden, 322.
-, Pump House, 234, 235, 322.

Rider, Isaac, petition for expense of care of sick seamen at Port Mahon, 450, 594, 598.
-, -, Nicholas, petition for release of ships from quarantine, 505.
-, -, William, lieutenant of Whittlewood Forest, petition for allowance for browsing in lieu of keeper's perquisites, 197.
-, -, See also Ryder.

Riding Officers and Surveyors. See Customs—Outports.

Ridley, Nicholas, shipowner, petition for leave to discharge cargo, 131.

Rifier, _ de, fund out of which payments may be made to, 233.

Riga, Russia, free from infection, 191; ships with naval stores from, 117, 143, 191, 335.

Rigby, Sir Alexander, a Commissioner of Customs, Scotland, letters and representations from, mentioned, 504, 524, 575, 593, 597, 601.
-, -, Robert, appointed riding officer at Montrose, 235.
-, -, Thomas, riding officer at Montrose, deceased, 235.

Riley. See Ryley.

Ring, the, in Hyde Park, 215.

Rings. See Diamond rings.

Riots (Riot and assault, tumults, disorders), 237, 317, at the trial of Dr. Sacheverell, 376, 514; by tinners in Cornwall, 31; fine for, 293; suppression of, 13.

River navigation, 291.

Rivers, Earl of, See Savage, Richard.

Rix dollars, exchange rate of, 110, 377, 378, 379, 381.

-, for mails, 18.
-, gravelling of, 309, 327; cost of. See Prices.
-, Keeper or Surveyor of. See Lawrence, A.; Studholme, M.
-, making, repairing, improving, 26, 301, 307, 338, 344, 376, 391, 436, 576.
-, opening of, 301.

Robartes (Roberts, Robarts), Francis, one of the Four Tellers of the Exchequer, 84; grant revoked, 465; transfer of his cash, 479.
-, -, Russell, appointed one of the Four Tellers of the Exchequer, 84, 465; first clerk to (L. Burton), 96, 496; securities of, 473, 477; transfer of cash to, 479.

Roberson, Charles, tidewaiter at Leith, dismissed, 169.

Roberts, Francis, Excise Commissioner, Ireland, 467; appointed one of the Chief Commissioners and Governors of the Revenues, Ireland, 84, 467.
-, -, John, proposed appointment of, as boatman at Howden Pans, his salary, 254.
-, -, Joseph, Keeper of her Majesty's Water Engine at Windsor, payment to, 401, 450.
-, -, Joseph, Queen's Serjeant Plumber, petition and grant, 49, 449, 593.
-, -, Katherine, petitioner, 604, 605.
-, -, Robert, appointed waiter and searcher at Mostyn and Flint, 472.
-, -, Thomas, ensign en second in Wightman's regiment, half pay for, 155.
-, -, William, Paymaster of Works at Windsor Castle. See Windsor Castle.

Robertson, James, waiter for the Four and a half per cent duty at Bridgetown, Barbados, deceased, 417.

-, accounts (for years 1686 and 1687), 47, 435; weekly certificates of, required, 47.
-, issues for the service of, 31, 311, 370.
-, Master of (Lord Torrington), 47, 435.
-, Mistress of (Duchess of Marlborough), 311.

Robins. See Pangards and Robins.

Robinson, John, D.D.:
-, Envoy Extraordinary to Sweden, his bill of extra-ordinaries, 93, 493; duties paid by, on foreign plate brought from Sweden, 493; journey to Holland, charges of, 493.
-, named Bishop of Bristol, 493.
-, recommendation by, 567.
-, -, William, master of the Adventure, 497.
-, -, Sir William, lease of the manor of Walton Leigh to, 248, 445.

Rochefort. See Rochford.

Rochester, co. Kent, Admiralty agent for, 289; and see Bingham, M.; anonymous letter from, 582; ship from, 530.

Rochester, Earl of. See Hyde, Lawrence.

Rochford (Rochefort), Earl of See. Nassau de Zuylestein, W.

Rockingham, Lord. See Watson, Lewis.

Rogers, Bartholomew, grant of office of doorkeeper and Usher of the Court of Wards and Liveries, 228.
-, -, John, and his wife, pension for, 481.
-, -, John, Receiver General of Duties on Houses and Land Tax (Assessment) for part of co. Bucks., 138, 499.
-, -, Sir John, prosecution of Customs officer by, 320; ship belonging to, seized, 320.
-, -, Thomas, of Dassingham, tenant of marshes in Holme, 321.
-, -, William, Receiver General of Land Tax (Assessments) for co. Gloucester, 138; resigned, 139.
-, -, Zachariah, agent for Lisbon packet boats at Falmouth, charges against, 506.

Rogerson, Sir John, lease from, 324.

Rollinson, William, a manager of the Lottery for continuing part of the duties on coals (1,500,000l. Lottery), 129.

Roman Catholic (Roman Catholics), and the Army, 394; heir, forfeiture of, 18; lands forfeited by, 269; Palatines, sent back [to Holland], 20.

Romford, co. Essex, fairs and markets, stallage and piccage, waste lands in, lease of, 329.

Romney, Earl of. See Sidney, Henry.

Romney (Rumney) Marsh, co. Kent, messenger extraordinary to attend Henry Baker in, 56; riding officers in, 404, supervisor of (J. Ellesdon), 143, 308.

Rooke (Rook), George, lessee of messuages in Bradninch nominated by, 453.
-, -, [Sir George], admiral, drugs and medicines ordered by, 257.

Roope, Nicholas, a Commissioner for Transports, commission, 376, 377.

Roossell (Rossell), George, druggist, petitioner, 601; trial of, re pepper under seizure, 514.

Rosenkrantz (Rosenkrant), Iver Eriksen, Envoy Extraordinary from Denmark, 117, 200, 278, 304, 331.

Rosin from the Plantations, making of, by Palatines, 148; quality of, 149.

Ross, shire of, Surveyor of Window Duties for. See McKenzie of Reidcastle, M.

Ross, Lord. See Ross, William.
-, Ross, _, engraver, old dies for stamps defaced by, 88.
-, -, _, captain en second in Sutton's regiment, half pay for, 156.
-, -, Alexander, underclerk of the Court of Justiciary, Scotland, petition re salary, 336.
-, -, Charles, major general and lieutenant general, serving in Flanders in 1708, additional pay for, 396; second aide de camp to, payment for, 396.
-, -, John, lieutenant en second in Kerr's regiment, half pay for, 156.
-, -, William, Lord Ross, recommendation by, 302.

Rossell. See Roossell.

Rotterdam, 268.
-, bills from, 246.
-, English Episcopal Church at, minister of (W. Thorrold), 200; assistant to (F. Hawardin), 200.
-, letter from, 587.
-, merchant of, 149.
-, prohibited goods from, 309.
-, ships of and from, 309, 449, 523.

Rotterdam convoy, Palatines returning home with, 149; suspects on. 352.

Rottingdean, co. Sussex, riding officers for the wool business at, 353.

Rouge Croix Pursuivant (J. Bound), 365.

Rouge Dragon Pursuivant (D. Downes), 365.

Row. See Rowe.

Rowan, Alexander, appointed tidewaiter in Glasgow port, 216.
-, -, William, captain, half pay on the Irish Establishment for, 243.

Rowe (Row), _, visits D. Richardson in prison, 78.
-, -, _, tenant, 406, 407.
-, -, Anthony, deceased, money taken from Customs officers by, at the Revolution, commission to seize, 216.
-, -, Anthony, et al., Farmers of Hearthmoney, dispute with Lady Wood, 577.
-, -, Edward, waiter and searcher at Alnmouth, salary, 441.
-, -, Mary, petition for her husband's disbursements for fowl in St. James's Park, 575.
-, -, William, additional tidesurveyor at Howden Pans, proposed appointment and salary, 254.

Rowland, Andrew, lease to, 558.
-, -, Richard, appointed boatman at Mostyn, 319.
-, -, Walter, tidesman at Irwin, 216.

Roy, _, colonel, petition of noncommissioned officers of his company of foot for subsistence, 332.

Royal Africa Company:
-, bonds of, 548, 558.
-, books and papers taken from their house in Leadenhall Street, 558.
-, creditors of, 17, 212, 281, 548, 558.
-, fined for contempt of the Exchequer Court, 281.
-, petition of, 558, 603.

Royal Arms, alteration of, upon the Union with Scotland, 385.

Royal Bedchamber:
-, Groom of the Stole and First Lady of the Bedchamber (Duchess of Marlborough), payments to, 181, 313, 397, 488.
-, Ladies of the Bedchamber (Countess of Burlington, Duchess of Devonshire, Lady Frechville, Lady Jane Hyde, Duchess of Ormonde, Viscount Ryalton, Countess of Scarborough, Duchess of Somerset, Countess of Sunderland), payments to, 36, 181, 313, 397, 488.
-, Maids of Honour (Elizabeth Collier, afterwards Countess of Dorset, Mary Forrester, Jane Kingdon, Henrietta Maria Scarburgh, Jane Warburton, Ann Wyvill, Susannah Yelverton):
-, annuity or pension of, 130.
-, lodgings of, at St. James's, umbrellas for, 405.
-, marriage of, 130.
-, marriage portion of, 357.
-, payments to, 36, 130, 181, 275, 314, 398, 488.
-, Women of the Bedchamber (Agnata Cooper, Beata Danvers, Isabella Danvers, Margaret Feilding, Isabella Hartstongue, Alice Hill, Abigail Masham), payments to, 36, 181, 313, 398, 488.

Royal bounties:
-, issues for and payments of.
-, See under Pensions (Queen's private pensions, &c.)

Paymaster of (Spencer Compton). See under Pensions (Queen's private pensions, &c.).
-, petitions for, 566, 567(2), 570, 572, 573, 574, 576, 577, 578, 582.
-, to chaplains and school-masters going to the West Indies, 67, 84, 89, 106, 118, 123, 157, 168, 186, 205, 218, 265, 272, 346, 372, 478, 488, 526, 595, 597.
-, to officers' widows, 437.
-, Cp. Poor, the; Scotland (Charity Roll).
-, Names of recipients:
-, Allan, H.
-, Arris, R.
-, Barry, _.
-, Bartlet, K.
-, Bendishe, H.
-, Beys, _.
-, Black, M.
-, Blagny, M. de.
-, Bolton, Duke of.
-, Boscawen, H.
-, Bouchier, E.
-, Browning, R.
-, Bruen, _.
-, Bruges alias Pride, R.
-, Buchanan, M.
-, Cairon, J
-, Campbell, D.
-, Carlton, A.
-, Carter, A.
-, Cassilis, Countess Dowager of.
-, Christian, A.
-, Christian, _, major, wife of.
-, Clephane, D.
-, Cockburn, _.
-, College, E.
-, College of William and Mary in Virginia.
-, Conway, E.
-, Cooper, A.
-, Copleston, M.
-, Cornwallis, T.
-, Crown, J.
-, Dennis, B.
-, Dickenson, J.
-, Dorset, Countess of.
-, Drew, P.
-, Erskin, G.
-, Falconer, M.
-, Falconer, P.
-, Fanshaw, A.
-, Fanshaw, D.
-, Fanshaw, E.
-, Fanshaw, T.
-, Foster, M.
-, Foyles, A.
-, French protestants.
-, Gellot, E.
-, Grace, I.
-, Gray, S.
-, Griffin, E.
-, Griffith, R.
-, Guiscard, Marquis de.
-, Haliday, T.
-, Hamill, W.
-, Harcourt, Sir S.
-, Hayes, R.
-, Henderson, J.
-, Hill, G.
-, Humphreys, J.
-, Hunt, B.
-, Jamesone, J.
-, Kershe, A.
-, Kocherthal, J.
-, Kortevelycsi.
-, Lake, D.
-, Le Fevre, T.
-, Livingstone, H.
-, Livingstone alias Douglas, M.
-, Livingstone alias Parsons, H.
-, Loudoun, Earl of.
-, Mackay, B.
-, Maconchi, _.
-, Mansel, R.
-, Markland, A.
-, Marlborough, Countess Dowager of.
-, Martin, S.
-, May, J.
-, McCalman, N.
-, McMorran, J.
-, Middleton, G.
-, Mikalier, J.
-, Mitchell, J.
-, Newberry, C.
-, North, J.
-, Nudigate, E.
-, Nudigate, M.
-, Ormonde, Duke of.
-, Orr, _.
-, Osborne, M.
-, Palmer, C.
-, Partella, Don F.
-, Patten, T.
-, Pearson, _.
-, Pockley, S.
-, Powell, W.
-, Purdon, M.
-, Ricaute, C.
-, Rice, J.
-, S.P.G.
-, Scott, A.
-, Scrope, J.
-, Smart, A.
-, Smith, J.
-, Span, J.
-, Speke, M.
-, Spicer, E.
-, Stepney, T.
-, Storey, E.
-, Strother, M.
-, Tagg, T.
-, Tonke, T.
-, Trebeko, J.
-, Vezian, J.
-, Waller, K.
-, Westley, R.

Royal Gardens, Plantations and Parks:
-, contractor for keeping. See Wise, Henry.
-, estimate of the annual charge of, required, 451.
-, water supply for, 269, 329.
-, See also
-, Byfleet.
-, Greenwich Park.
-, Hampton Court.
-, Kensington Gardens.
-, London and Westminster:
-, Hyde Park.
-, St. James's Park.
-, Whitehall (Privy Garden).
-, Restormell Park.
-, Windsor.

Royal Honors and Manors, Court of Survey of, preparation of instructions for, 25.
-, See also Manors.

Royal Household:
-, accounts, weekly certificate of receipts, payments and remains to be sent to the Treasury, 43.
-, Bedchamber. See above Royal Bedchamber.
-, Closet Keeper (C. Lucas), 157.
-, Cofferer:
-, account of the annual expense of the Household required from, 451.
-, issues to, 8, 30, 33, 67, 416, 417.
-, for bills of exchange and duties for wines imported, 21, 131, 295.
-, for clearing the debt of his office, 177.
-, for gentlemen of the chapel, 8.
-, for purveyances, 550.
-, for wages, board wages and emptions, 29, 112, 383, 403, 451, 457, 550.
-, And see Bradford, Earl of; Rialton, Viscount.
-, Comptroller. See Mansell, Sir T.
-, Gentlemen of the Pantry, 324, 354.
-, Greencloth, Board of, 160, 433.
-, Groom of the Stole. See Royal Bedchamber.
-, Groom Porter, 573.
-, Herbstrewer, 405, 525.
-, Housekeepers:
-, at Kensington Palace (H. Lowman), 198, 400.
-, at Newmarket (T. Walker), 472, 596.
-, at Somerset House, 576.
-, at Windsor Castle (T. Randue), 40, 424.
-, issues for. See Royal Household—Cofferer.
-, Ladies of the Bedchamber.
-, See Royal Bedchamber.
-, Laundress (Mistress Atkinson), 405.
-, liveries, 23, 324.
-, Lord Chamberlain:
-, allowance of white plate to, 270, 373.
-, bills of messengers allowed by, 403, 451.
-, letter from, mentioned, 588.
-, warrants by, 120, 121, 160, 163, 167, 171, 223, 230, 307, 335, 348, 373, 385, 395, 396, 400, 405, 437, 443, 462, 474, 487, 490, 510, 517, 524, 525(2), 538, 541, 542, 547.
-, And see Shrewsbury, Duke of; Kent, Duke of.
-, Lord Steward (Duke of Buckingham), 474.
-, Maids of Honour. See Royal Bedchamber.
-, Master of (E. Dunche), 296.
-, Master of the Hawks. See St. Albans, Duke of.
-, Pages of the Backstairs, 423.
-, Purveyors of, memorial of, 574.
-, serjeant porter, his lodgings in Whitehall. 160.
-, servants:
-, appears due to, 36, 90, 162, 476.
-, poorly paid, the Queen and, 36, 107.
-, taxes on (Land Tax assessments). 49, 84, 107, 443, 590, 603.
-, travelling charges, 359.
-, underhousekeeper at Hampton Court (S. English), 84, 465.
-, Vice Chamberlain (T. Coke), allowance or salary, 327, 480; kitchen at Kensington for, 348; lodgings for, 160.
-, Wardrobe. See Wardrobe.
-, Women of the Bedchamber.
-, See Royal Bedchamber.

Royal Houses and Palaces:
-, See
-, Greenwich.
-, Hampton Court.
-, London and Westminster:
-, Cockpit.
-, St. James's.
-, Whitehall.
-, Lyndhurst.
-, Newmarket.
-, Richmond.
-, Somerset House.
-, Westminster.
-, Windosr.

Royal Lustring Company, officers of, accusation against, 524.

Royal Mines. See Jamaica.

Royal Oak Lottery. See Lotteries.

Royal Stables:
-, issue for extraordinaries, 216.
-, Master of the Horse (Duke of Somerset), 216; memorial of, 590.
-, Purveyors of, to William III, (J. Vezian), payment to, 162.
-, -, See also London and Westminster (St. James's Palace); Lyndhurst.

Rozel, Marie de, pension for, 538.

Ruffin, Nicholas, riding officer at Hythe and Deal, removed to Folkestone, 403.

Rum, imported, petition for leave to reduce, to proof, 219.

Rumney. See Romney.

Russell, Edward, Earl of Orford, Treasurer of the Navy, 573; cashier to (A. Stephens), 332.
-, -, George, merchant, petition of re seizure of Long Pepper, 494.
-, -, Lady Letitia, her pension payable out of quit rents in Ireland, arrears of, 273; payment of, 68, 458; petition re, 582; report by the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland, on, 582, 583.
-, -, William, waiter and searcher at Colchester, 270; promoted to be a landwaiter there, 269, 270.

Russia (Emperor of Russia, Czar of Muscovy):
-, Ambassador from, Customs examination of his goods, 557, 558; and see Artamonovic, M. A.
-, Ambassador Extraordinary and Envoy Extraordinary to, privileges of, exemplication of Act of Parliament [7 Anne, c. 12], concerning, 468; and see Whitworth, C.
-, hemp in, unforeseen rise in [price of], 170.

Russian Princes (young Muscovite princes), entertainment of, 177.

Ruston, George, sheriff for Coventry, payment to, 250.

Rutherford, _. suspension of, 152.

Rutland, county of:
-, House Duties, Receiver General of. See Breton, C.; Surveyor of. See Abney, J.
-, Land Tax (Assessments), Receiver General of. See Breton, C.; Cooper, J.: Matthews, B.
-, Sheriff of. See Barker, S.

Rutter, Edward, Counsel at Law, attending the Treasury, 11; payment to, for service inc recovering debt of M. Wicks Receiver of the Plantation Duty, 13, 250.

Ryalton. See Rialton.

Ryan, _, a butcher, son in law to Mary Goldsmith, 407.

Rycaut. See Ricaute.

Ryder, William, memorial for money out of Lord Griffin's forfeited estate, 575; payment to, 414; surety for Lord Griffin, 414.
-, -, See also Rider.

Rye port, co. Sussex, riding officers and waiter and searcher in, 354(2).

Ryley (Riley, Ryly), Mr., attending the Treasury, 40, 41, 114.
-, -, Jeremiah, established watchman, London port, to exchange places with tidesman in the inferior list, 492.
-, -, Philip, serjeant at arms, salary and board wages, 328, 516.
-, -, Philip, a Commissioner of Excise, commissions, 293, 464; a manager of the Duties on Candles, 464.
-, -, Reginald, captain en second in Portmore's regiment, half pay for, 155.

Ryme Intrinseca, manor of, in Longbredy, q.v.

Rymer, Thomas, Historiographer Royal, payments for, 298, 456; petitioner, 594.

Rymer's Fœdera (Leagues and Treaties):
-, Vols. 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, payment for 78 additional sheets in, 298.
-, Vol. 11. transcription, printing, binding, &c., payment for, 298.
-, Vol. 12, transcription, printing, binding, &c., payment for, 68, 456, 457.