Index: P

Pages 787-805

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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Pacey (Pacy), Samuel, deceased, Receiver General of Land Tax (Assessments), co. Suffolk, his debts and securities, 143, 163, 268, 342.
-, -, William, Receiver General of Land Tax (Assessments) and Duties on Houses for part of Norfolk, 137, 500.

Packer, _, widow, petition about her husband's accounts, 574.
-, -, Mary, granddaughter of Lady Francis Winchcomb, petition for lease of ground in St. James's, &c., 305.

Packet boats. See Post Office.

Pacy. See Pacey.

Padham, Caterby, payment to, for a prosecution, 250.

Padsay, Hugh, lieutenant en second in Gorge's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Padstow, co. Cornwall, Collector of. See Bligh, John; Customs officers at, 234.

Pagelsdorf, Jochiam, master of the St. Anna, 476.

Pages of the Backstairs. See Royal Household.

Paget, Thomas, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Ireland, payment to, for wine, &c., for the House of Lords, Ireland, 262.
-, -, Henry, Treasury Commissioner, 35–113 passim; commission, 34.

Paignton (Painton), co. Devon, waiter and searcher, 269.

Paillet, James, quartermaster of dragoons, allowance on the Irish Establishment for, 259.

Painters. See Boit, Charles; Verelst, John.

Painton. See Paignton.

Pake, Joseph, surety, petition for relief, 163.
-, -, Vincent, to succeed his father as waiter and searcher at Starcross, 234.

Palaces. See Royal Houses and Palaces.

Palatines. See German Protestants; Roman Catholics.

Paleotti, Seignr. [the Marchese di Paleotti], Envoy Extraordinary from the Duke of Guastalla, Queen's present to, 184.

Palmer, Charles, royal bounty for, 555, 582.
-, -, Renatus, Surveyor of Dartmouth, moiety of a seizure paid to, 503.
-, -, William, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Suffolk, appointment and salary, 447.
-, -, William, et al., sureties, petition for stay of process, 463, 593.

Palmes, Mr., creditors of, 577; his pension out of the Post Office, assignments of, 577.
-, -, [Guy], a former Teller of the Exchequer, demand on, for arrears for an annuity, 303.
-, -, Mary, wife of William, petitioner, 582.
-, -, [William], father of [Guy], report on his memorial, 303.
-, -, William, petitioner, 582.
-, -, William, petition for licence to coin copper half pence and farthings, 522.
-, -, William, Envoy Extraordinary to the Duke of Savoy, extraordinaries, 535, 536; ordinary, 530.
-, -, William, et al., sureties, petitioners, 601.

Pangaest, _, contractor for forage to Danish Troops at Bruges, 135.

Pangards and Robins, Messrs., payment to, on their contracts for forage, 135.

Pangarts. See Goris and Pangarts.

Pannage, grant of, 132, 443, 449.

Panton, Thomas, colonel, present from the Queen for bringing news of the surrender of Douay and Fort de Scarpe, 342.

-, duties on (Paper for Plate). See Customs—duties.
-, for Acts of Parliament &c., agent to the Queen's printers for, 461.
-, French, importation of, 418.
-, imported, seizure of, 418.
-, proposal to supply, for the Lottery, 36.
-, stamped. See Stamp duties.
-, unstamped, warehouse keeper of, 333.

Paper Office. See State Paper Office.

Papillon, Phillip, Cashier of the Victualling, accounts of, 573; stay of process against, 199, 384.

Papists. See Roman Catholics.

-, duties on. See Customs—duties (paper).
-, for blank books of the Customs, 222.
-, stamped. See Stamp duties.
-, unstamped, warehouse keeper of, 333.

Parke (Park, Parkes), Daniel, Colonel, Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Leeward Caribbee Islands, allowance of, 189, 265, 372, 431, 491; appointment and powers of, 283; musters taken by, 549.
-, -, Hugh, boatman at Newcastle, removed to Howdon Pans, 254, 417.
-, -, John, tidewaiter at Leith, appointment, 169.

Parker, Sir George, sub-commander for Prizes at Portsmouth, his "deputation," 601; petition of, 574.
-, -, Sir Henry, bart., lease of Tidington Farm to, 323, 487.
-, -, John, former Agent for Prizes for Falmouth port, petitions of, 275, 521, 574, 601.
-, -, Miles, Receiver General of Land Tax (Assessments) for the county, city and university of Oxford, 138.
-, -, Sir Thomas:
-, Commissioner to ascertain sums to be paid for lands fit for fortifications at Portsmouth &c., 429.
-, Lord Chief Justice of the Kings' Bench, 429; appointment, 199; payments to, 36, 367.
-, Serjeant at law, 199.

Parkhurst, John, a former Commissioner for Prizes, payments to, 309.

Parks. See Royal Gardens.

-, Acts of, passim.
-, collection and transcription of, relating to High Treason, 399.
-, copies of, order for, 45.
-, exemplification of, embellishing of, 468.
-, losses in the profits of places by, petition of clerks of the House of Commons re, 570.
-, paper for, Agent for, 461.
-, printing and publishing of, 399, 461.
-, private [3–4 Anne, c. 46], 149; [7 Anne, No. 19], 217.
-, Clerk of the (M. Johnson), 399.
-, Commons, House of:
-, accounts of the Navy and of all public debts required by, 540, 552.
-, addresses, 164, 169, 178 and note, 199, 238, 552.
-, Annuity Act [8 Anne, c. 12], passing in, 9.
-, Bill for the General Mortgage in, 249.
-, bills of, clerks for writing, copying, &c., 347.
-, breviate of Excise and Customs revenue of Scotland required by, 199.
-, candidate for (Sir W. Gifford), 74.
-, cases before, 163, 509.
-, Clerk of, house for, proposal to build, 228; office of, preservation of books &c. of, 228; and see Jodrell, [Paul].
-, Clerk Assistant to (C. Needler), 347.
-, clerks and officers of, memorial for allowance for loss of profits, 570; and see below underclerks.
-, doorkeepers of, payment to, 348.
-, estimates for, 105, 444.
-, furniture for, 487.
-, Housekeeper of (T. Smith), payment to, 347.
-, Journals of, 178 note.
-, matters referred to, 592, 604.
-, messengers of, and their assistants, payment to, 348.
-, necessaries for, 370.
-, officers of, petition from, 593; and see above clerks.
-, orders of, 436, 457.
-, resolution of, 527.
-, Serjeant at Arms attending. See Wibergh, Thomas.
-, Speaker of, equipage allowance, 107, 521; salary (allowance of 5l. a day), 224, 343, 486, 597; and see Bromley, W.; Onslow, Sir R.
-, Transport debt stated yearly and laid before, 504.
-, underclerks of (H. Burrough, G. Coles, J. Couthorpe, J. Hooks), payment to, 347.
-, votes of, person who delivers out, payment to, 348.
-, dissolution of, 486.
-, elections. See Elections.
-, and the encouragement of [Jamaica] privateers, 539.
-, equivalent granted to Scotland by, 168.
-, illegal tobacco trade in the Isle of Man and, 179.
-, Lords, House of:
-, Bill rejected by, 163.
-, cause in, re duties on Prizage wines, 28.
-, Clerk Assistant. See Walker, J.
-, doorkeepers of, eight (D. Davis and others), payment to, 348; petition of, 568.
-, furniture for, 474, 525.
-, officers of, petition of, 593.
-, orders of, 163, 228, 229.
-, report to, 228.
-, Serjeant at Arms attending (S. Goatley), payment to, 399, 543.
-, Speaker of, 399.
-, writ of error into, 132, 546, 552.
-, matters referred to, 68, 107, 585, 589, 598, 605.
-, office, records in, 399.
-, public debts not provided for by, account of, required, 164.
-, stationery for, 461.
-, supply granted or authorized by, abstract of receipts and payments, required, 37; deficiency of, 95; exceeded by the Victualling Commission, 444; scheme for disposing of remainder of, 19.
-, And see under




Land Tax.



Prisoners of war.


-, tickets. See Navy, wages.
-, in Westminster Hall, 436.
-, writ of error into, 546,

Parran, John, Receiver General of Taxes for Oxfordshire, estate of, purchase of, 163; stay of process against, 163.

Parrot (Parrott), Mary, employed by the Trustees for circulating Exchequer Bills, salary, 391.
-, -, William, employed by the Trustees for circulating Exchequer Bills, salary, 391.

Parry, _. lieutenant colonel, his company in Pearce's regiment, debt for subsisting, 395.
-, -, _. Captain en second to a regiment in Portugal, subsistence and travelling expense for, 481; petition for, 474, 597.
-, -, Benjamin, Register of all Public Deeds, Conveyances and Wills in Ireland, salary, 238, 258.
-, -, Charles, Collector of Excise for Reading, allowance in his accounts, 323.

Parsons, Mrs., pensioner on the Charity Roll, Scotland, 218.
-, -, John, Comptroller of Excise, Scotland, additional salary, 395; clerk for, 395.
-, -, See also Livingstone.

Partella, Don Francisco, royal bounty for, 333.

Pascall, John, a Commissioner for Prizes, allowance of payments to, 309.

Passes, for ships, see Ships; for travellers (suspects) going abroad, instructions &c. re, 95, 517, 556, 599.

Paston, Charles, Lord Paston, regiment of, petition of officers of, 574, 575.

Patacoons (or dollars), exchange rate, 378, 381.

Patent Rolls, 14 to 18 Jas. 1., searching and making abstracts of, 400.

Paterson, William. case of, 574.
-, -, See also Patterson.

Patrick, Simon, ensign en second in Gorge's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Patten, Thomas, clerk, chaplain going to Virginia, passage money for, 272.

Patterson, John, merchant, 572.

Patterson of Craigie, John, Surveyor of Window duties for Perthshire, except part of the Ochil hills, eastward, 508.
-, -, See also Paterson.

Pattillo, Mary, widow, annuity for, 281.

Patuxent River, Maryland, collectors of (J. Dansey, G. Muschamp), 320.

Paul (Paule, Paull), Mathew, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Devon, appointment and salary, 445.
-, -, Robert, Chief Clerk to the Comptroller of Customs (Rowland Holt), 66, 79.
-, allegations of, 78, 79.
-, attending the Treasury, 57, 67.
-, duties of, 67, 94.
-, examination of, re Richardson's frauds, 67, 78, 79, 80.
-, incidents checked by, 94.
-, ledger kept by, altered, 67, 79, 80; in his absence, 72.
-, letters from and to, mentioned, 65, 67.
-, papers signed by, 486.
-, Richardson's papers examined by, 80.
-, "some further considerations offered to the Treasury" by, 80, 81, 82.
-, visits Richardson in prison, 68, 78, 79.
-, -, William, appointed a Queen's waiter, 108.
-, -, William, plaintiff in a writ of error into Parliament, 546.

Paulet, Charles, Duke of Bolton:
-, Bailiff of Burley in New Forest, grant of office of, revoked, 443.
-, Governor of the Isle of Wight, 397.
-, memorial for salaries of keepers of the New Forest, 566.
-, payments to, 41, 397; for repair of the Queen's house and stables at Lindhurst, revoked, 443.
-, Receiver General of Crown Revenue in the Isle of Wight, surplusage on his account as, 397.
-, royal bounty for, 423.

Paunceford, Edward, appointed Cashier (Receiver General) of Excise, 23, 304; petition for lease of a tenement in Pall Mall Street, 261.

Payne, Robert, security, petition for stay of process, 286.

Payzant, Lewes, report from Ireland, 510.

Peace, Justices of the. See Justices.

Pearce (Pearse, Peirce, Peirse, Pierce), Edward, Colonel, Brigadier and Major General:
-, petition of, for pay, 574.
-, regiment of dragoons of:
-, companies in, debt for subsisting, 394.
-, embarked from Whitehaven to Carrickfergus, 326.
-, fresh raised after the battle of Almanza, 155.
-, lieutenant colonels of. See Lafarell, L.; Lower, W.
-, major of (T. Burrows), 257.
-, officers of, sent to England, 308; taken prisoners and exchanged, 155.
-, officers en second, superceded, half pay establishment, 155.
-, on the Irish Establishment, 271, 419, 495.
-, pay of, money to be remitted from Ireland for, 271, 419, 494, 579.
-, Paymaster to. See Stevenson, _.
-, reduced, 308.
-, subsistence taken up for, from Barrymore's regiment, 266.
-, -, John, tidesman in the inferior list, London port, deceased, 234, 440.
-, -, John, waiter and searcher at Manningtree, additional allowance, 291.

Pearne, John, Lieutenant Governor (Governor) of Montserrat, payment of salary to, 41, 423.

Pearse. See Pearce.

Pearson, _, schoolmaster going to Maryland, passage money for, 478.
-, -, Elizabeth, payment to, 41.
-, -, George, master of the Fortune, 505.

Peas meal, fraudulent use of, in making Navy biscuits, 459.

Pease, Henry, captain en second in Sutton's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Pechalves, Marie, pension for, 538.

Peck, Daniel, former Receiver of Crown Lands for North Wales and co. Chester, prisoner in the Poultry Compter for salt debt, released on bail, 310; petitions, 11, 217, 288.

Peckham, John, ensign, report from Ireland on, 510.

Pedlars. See Hawkers.

Peerman, James, lease of King's Stable Yard, Eton, to, 406.

Peiraube. See Peyraube.

Peirce, Peirse. See Pearce.

Pelham, Henry, Clerk of the Pells, 224; clerk to (P. White), payment to, 224.

Pellar, John, tenant of marshes in Ingoldsthorpe, 321.

Pemberthy, William, appointed tidesman at Topsham, 160.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, William.

Pembroke, William, Admiralty official, repayment of tax on salary of, 301.

Pembroke and Montgomery, Earl of. See Herbert, Thomas.

-, Chief Justice of. See Whitaker, C.
-, House Duties in, Receiver General of. See Howell, G.; Surveyor of. See Edwards, F.
-, Land Tax (Assessments) in, Receiver General of. See Howell, G.
-, Second Justice of. See Webb, T.

Pemburge, [Charles], Surveyor of Window Tax at Bristol, discharged and reinstated, 481; petitioner, 589, 597.

Pendegrass, Monsieur, 561.

Pendlebury, James, Master Gunner of Great Britain, patent of appointment, wages and fee, 523.

Penman, James:
-, Assaymaster of the Mint in Edinburgh, 467, 450, 493.
-, Assaymaster of the Mint at the Tower, 438.
-, expense for attending Trial of the Pix of the Edinburgh Mint at Westminster, 450.
-, petitioner, 593; in behalf of himself and the children of J. Borthwick, 438; for allowances for services relating to the recoinage of the moneys in Scotland, 467.
-, salary of, 439.

Penn, William, proposal by, 574.

Pennefather, _, colonel, Commissary General of Ireland, 258.

Pennsylvania, chaplain for (R. Griffith), 272.

Penny, Allan, lieutenant en second in Mountjoy's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Penny Post. See Post Office.

Penrith, co. Cumberland, merchants of, representation of, 179.

Penryn, co. Cornwall, wines captured by the French in passage from, 95, 147, 491.

-, for disabled and wounded soldiers and sailors, 154, 155, 196, 200, 230, 259, 260, 294, 324, 403, 435, 518; petitions for, 252, 256, 327.
-, for Army widows. See Army—widows.
-, logwood. See Customs—duties (logwood).
-, new, Queen resolved not to grant, 584, 585, 590, 591, 593, 595.
-, on the Duchy of Cornwall, 21, 479.
-, on the Great Wardrobe, estimate of the annual charge for, required, 451.
-, on the Irish Establishment. See Ireland.
-, on the Liberty of Richmond, 231.
-, on the office of the Treasurer of the Chamber, estimate of the annual charge for, required, 451.
-, on the Post Office, 19, 53, 200, 263, 292, 370, 457, 465, 487, 493, 509, 513, 515, 528, 543, 554, 577; estimate of the annual charge of, required, 457.
-, Queen's private pensions, charities and bounties, paymaster of (Spencer Compton):
-, accounts of, 382.
-, bills drawn on, 20, 149, 154, 269, 382.
-, Exchequer fees and contingencies, 123.
-, issues to, 1, 20, 31, 37, 89, 97, 116 (2), 127 (2), 133, 165, 175, 183, 188, 237, 238, 264, 265, 277, 283, 324, 331, 355, 357, 359, 370, 372, 390, 392, 415, 417, 452, 475, 481, 488, 491, 502, 555.
-, letters and matters referred to, 288, 596.
-, loans by, 277, 386.
-, payments by, 126, 127, 356, 394, 413; warrants for, 41, 116, 123, 127, 130, 145, 150, 157, 165, 186, 200, 230, 260, 268, 273, 281 (2), 307, 311, 333, 341, 372, 386, 398, 400, 417, 423, 440, 450, 452, 462 (2), 485, 487, 512, 538, 543, 549, 554.
-, reports by, 84, 596.

Pensionary watermen. See Watermen.

Pensioners and annuitants, named:
-, Alix, Magdalen.
-, Alix, Mary.
-, Allen, Sir T.
-, Argyle, Duke of.
-, Arundell, Lord.
-, Arzelliers, Marquis D'.
-, Atkinson, E.
-, Bacalan, I. de.
-, Baley, J.
-, Balier, P.
-, Banks, B.
-, Bete, F. de G. de.
-, Bette, H. de.
-, Beveridge, M.
-, Blagny, M. de.
-, Boisrond, S. de St. L. de.
-, Booth, G.
-, Boucher, E.
-, Bourdigues, E.
-, Bourdigues, J. M.
-, Brass, S.
-, Brockett, W.
-, Burrows, M.
-, Caldwell, E.
-, Carmichael, W.
-, Cavan, Earl of.
-, Charles, Prince of Denmark.
-, Christ's Hospital, children of.
-, Claverie, J. A.
-, Cleveland, Duchess of.
-, Court, M. de.
-, Coutiers, J. J.
-, Crow, T.
-, Cutts, Joanna, Lady Cutts.
-, Dalhousie, Countess Dowager of.
-, Delaspois, C.
-, Demainbray, P.
-, Des Maiseaux, P.
-, Dorgeval, _, captain.
-, Dornault, M.
-, Douglas, C.
-, Douglas, Sir W.
-, Dumeny, J.
-, East India Company.
-, Edwards, J.
-, Falkland, Lady.
-, Foissac, L. de.
-, French Ministers in the Savoy.
-, Gacherie, Marie.
-, Gibbon, J.
-, Gifford, C.
-, Gillart, L.
-, Gordon, A.
-, Grafton, Duke of.
-, Greenwich, minister at.
-, Guerin, A.
-, Hamilton, E.
-, Harcourt, Sir S.
-, Hawardin, F.
-, Hedges, Sir C.
-, Hill, J.
-, Hill, J., Colonel.
-, Hilton, M.
-, Itier, S. d'.
-, Jancourt, M.
-, Johnson, B.
-, Johnson, E.
-, Johnson, S.
-, Johnstoun, E.
-, Johnstoun, M.
-, Keys, F.
-, La Cour Visouze, T. de.
-, La Grange, L.
-, La Maria, M.
-, La Miliere, A. G. de.
-, Lane, T.
-, Leeds, Duke of.
-, Le Gendre, M.
-, Legoux, A.
-, Lockhart, M.
-, Lom, P. de.
-, London, Mayor of.
-, Longuevergue, O. de.
-, Lovelace, Lady Dowager.
-, Lutterell, H.
-, Lyndon, G.
-, Mailleray, I. de.
-, Man, Isle of, poor ministers of.
-, Mansel, F.
-, Mar, Earl of.
-, Marancin, H. de.
-, Masham, S.
-, Montagu, Sir J.
-, Mordington, Lady.
-, Moreland, Sir S.
-, Mouchard, J.
-, Northumberland, Duke of.
-, Norwich, Dean and Chapter of.
-, Oates, R.
-, Oates, T.
-, O'Hara, M.
-, Osborne, C.
-, Oxford, Countess Dowager of.
-, Palmes, Mr.
-, Pattillo, M.
-, Pechalves, M.
-, Pembroke, Earl of.
-, Person, E.
-, Peterson, M.
-, Peyraube, F.
-, Phillipps, Lady M.
-, Pousin, P.
-, Power, Lord, trustees of.
-, Prat, J.
-, Prechac, H. de.
-, Queensberry, Duke of.
-, Richmond, alias Webb, J.
-, Rochester, Earl of.
-, Rogers, J.
-, Rozel, M. de.
-, Russell, Lady L.
-, St. Albans, Duke of.
-, St. Mesme, _ de.
-, St. Paul, M. F.
-, Samazan, B. de.
-, Samazan, H. de.
-, Samazan, M. de.
-, Scarburgh, H. M.
-, Schonberg and Leinster, Duke of.
-, Sharp, Dame M.
-, Sharp, Sir W.
-, Stanyhurst, H. M.
-, Stuart, Sir J.
-, Swinton, M.
-, There, M. de.
-, Vaughan, John.
-, Venier, M.
-, Villiers, Ann.
-, Webb, J.
-, Whitgrave, T.
-, Westley, R.
-, Williamson, E.
-, Windham, F.
-, Windham, R.
-, Windsor, Dean and Canons of.
-, Wogan, J.
-, Yates, N., heirs of.

Pentire, Philip, merchant of Plymouth, prize fish bought from, 122.

Pentland Firth, Customs officers, new Establishment, 410.

Penzance, co. Cornwall, collector of, 304; allowances of, 75.

Pepper, cargo, 305; duties on, see Customs, duties; seizure of, trial re, 514.
-, -, See also Long pepper.

Pepys, Samuel, Treasurer of Tangier, accounts of, 47, 203, 391; executor of. See Hewer, W.

Percivall, George, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Lincoln, appointment and salary, 446.
-, -, William, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Cambridge, appointment and salary, 445; rendered incapable of his office, 554.

Pereira, Mr., contractor for bread, bread waggons and forage for the Army in the Low Countries, process against, 46.

Perpetuities to:
-, Clifton-Dartmouth-Hardness, Corporation of, 369.
-, Cotton, Sir John, bart., 221.
-, Emanuel College, Cambridge, 401.
-, Eton College, 355.
-, Kinnoul, Earl of, 481.
-, St. John Baptist, Walbrook, poor of, 402.
-, Southwell, schoolmaster of, 401.

Perry, Micajah, merchant of London:
-, Agent for the Governor of the College of William and Mary in Virginia, 192.
-, attending the Treasury, 21.
-, bills given by, issue for, 30.
-, loan by, for subsistence of Palatines, 21, 22.
-, nominee of the S.P.G., 341, 456.
-, payments to, for a house, chapel and fort for missionaries to the Indians, 341, 456, 593; for supplying utensils for Palatines, 157.
-, petitions of, 529, 544, 593.
-, remittances to New York by, proposed, 277.
-, representation of, 145.
-, ship lost by, 529.
-, -, Samuel, tidesman in Bridgwater port, appointment, 194.

Person, Elizabeth, widow of Peter, pension for, 423.
-, -, Peter, assistant to Pages of the Backstairs to Prince George of Denmark, 423.

Perth, co. Perth, Customs establishment, 409.

Perthshire, parts of, Surveyors of Window Duties for. See Craigengelt of Gogar, C.; McClellan of Bark-lay, R.; Patterson of Craigie, J.

Peter, Mr., payment to, for Army clothing, 4.

Peterborough, Abbey of, waste and marsh lands which belonged to, petition for grant of, 332.

Peterborough, Countess of. See Mordaunt, Carey; Earl of. See Mordaunt, Charles.

Peters, Balzar, master of the Elinora, 470.
-, -, Robert, Receiver General of Duties on Houses and Land Tax (Assessments) for co. Herts and borough of St. Albans, 139, 499.

Peterson, Hogan, coachman to George, Prince of Denmark, 126.
-, -, Mary, relict of Hogan, pension for herself and two children, 126.

Petitions, Treasury procedure re, 39.

Petty Chapmen. See Hawkers.

Petty Customs. See Customs—duties (alien).

Pevensey, co. Sussex, waiter, searcher and riding officer at, 353.

Pewterers, Pewterers (Company) of London, petition for abatement of the price of tin, 264, 574.

Peyrante, Francis, officer wounded at the battle of Almanza, 196; made a captain of Horse at Tortosa, 196; petition for pay of captain, 196.

Peyraube (Peiraube), Francis, lieutenant of Foot or captain, pension on the Irish Establishment, 259, 314.

Peyton, C., Warden of the Mint, attending the Treasury, 43, 111; report signed by, 351.

Philadelphia, schoolmaster for (J. Humphrys), 494.

Philips. See Phillips.

Philipson, Francis, appointed deputy to G. Tilson, auditor of Excise in Scotland, 356.

Phill, Henry, merchant of London, petition for and leave to land cargo, 222, 250.

Phillips (Philips, Phillipps), John, report from Ireland on, 510.
-, -, Levi, jeweller of London, noli prosequi to information against, 311; petition of, re seizure of foreign coin, 154.
-, -, Lady Mary, annuity for, 281.
-, -, Robert, captain, report on, 511.
-, -, Rowland, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Carmarthen, appointment and salary, 448
-, -, William, General Surveyor of Duties on Houses, commission, 448.

Phillipstown, Ireland, officer's services at, 243.

Phipps, Sir Constantine, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, goods of, sealed for transport to Ireland, 549; house of, in Ormond Street, 549.

Physic, Professor of, in Cambridge University. See Green, Dr.

Physicians. See Army—physicians.

Piccage, lease of, in Romford, 329.

-, of Indian Kings, painted by John Verelst, 540.
-, of the Queen, 163.
-, of the Queen, Prince George of Denmark and the Court, 239, 417.
-, sent home by the Duke of Marlborough, 239.

Pieces of Eight. See Eight.

Piedmont, Army in. See Army—Piedmont; money of. See Sols.

Pierce. See Pearce.

Piggon, Edward, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Norfolk, appointment and salary, 446.

Pile, George, lease of messuages in Bradninch, 453.

Pillau, Germany, ships and cargo from, 220, 250, 254.

Pilotage. See Navy.

Pilots, going aboard ships in quarantine, danger from, 539, 546.

Pineau, Peter, master of the Queen Anne, petition to be acquitted of her Majesty's part of a seizure, 290.

Pipe, importation of, 528.

Pipe, Clerk, Deputy Chamberlains &c. of. See Exchequer Court.

Pirates, executed at Boston, 389; produce of their effects paid into the Exchequer, 389.

Pistoles, 9. See also Spanish pistoles.

Pitch, from the Plantations, quality of, 149; importation of, 335, 448, 476; manufacture of, in New York, employment and instruction of Palatines in, 123, 147, 148, 149, 157.

-, at Dantzic and Konigsburg, 118, 119, 157, 178, 191.
-, goods infected by, proposal for and method of disinfecting, 178, 197, 233; Attorney General to report what may be proper for making the law more secure to prevent infection from, 540; and see Quarantine.
-, places not infected by, 171, 191, 430.

Plank, importation of, 119.

Plantation bonds, 574.

Plantation Duties. See Customs—duties.

Plantation measure. See Lands.

Plantation and Western Clerk in the Customs. See Carkesse, C.

Plantations, her Majesty's. See Royal Gardens.

Plantations and Colonies:
-, Assemblies of, allowances to Governors to free them from their dependence on, 283, 371, 372.
-, Auditor General of, to attend the Treasury upon summons only, 34. See also Blathwaite, William.
-, chaplains for. See Chaplains.
-, Customs Duties. See Customs—duties (Four and a half per cent.; Plantation Goods).
-, Customs officers in, salary bills, 131, 350. See also Maryland; New Hampshire; Potomac, North and South.
-, foreign coins in, Act for ascertaining rates of (6 Anne, c 57), 431.
-, Governors and Lieutenant Governors of. See under several Plantations.
-, Irish cloth for, Act for exportation of (3 and 4 Anne, c. 7), 431.
-, linen from Ireland to, memorial for prolonging the term for exporting, 188.
-, naval stores in, 10,000l. authorized by Act of [8 Anne, c. 14] for subsisting and employing skilful people to carry on the design of raising, as by Act of [3–4 Anne, c. 9], payments on account of, 302, 324, 366.
-, postage rates for letters and packets to and from, 241.
-, schoolmasters for. See Schoolmasters.
-, Surveyor General (Surveyor) of woods in. See Bridger, J.; deputy to. See Armstrong, R.
-, tar imported from, quantity and quality of, 148.
-, turpentine, rosin and pitch from, quality of, 149.
-, See also Trade and Plantations.
-, Plate:
-, debt for, 576.
-, delivered into and issued out of the Jewel House. See Jewel House.
-, exported as arms, seized and forfeited (as by Act 7 and 8 Wm. III, c. 19), 132.
-, foreign wrought, duties on. See Customs—duties.
-, "Paper for Plate." See Customs—duties (paper).
-, prices, value of. See Prices.
-, wrecked, grant of, 390.

Plater, Anne, widow of George, petition for arrears of her husband's salary, 128.
-, -, George, Receiver General of the Province of New York, 128.

Playford, Jos., lieutenant en second in Gorge's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Plumber. See Queen's Serjeant Plumber.

-, Agent for captures [Prizes], French prize bought from, 346.
-, brewers at, payment of Excise by, 18.
-, collector of, 116, 572.
-, Danish East India ship seized at, 331.
-, Dockyard, issues for, 110, 541; Victualling Commissioners and officers of, petition of, 606.
-, incidents and payments at, in account of the Receiver General of Prizes, 309.
-, land surveyor of, 116.
-, landwaiters at, 194.
-, merchants of, 122, 346.
-, packet boats to the West Indies from, 387, 449.
-, seamen at, specie required for payment of, 162.
-, ships at and for, 305, 346, 439, 482, 483; seizure of, 278, 304, 331.
-, ships, R.N., issue for pay of, 162, 227.
-, surveyor of, 305.
-, tidesmen, 319.
-, tidesurveyor of, 503.
-, victualling at, credit to brewers for, 16.

Pockley, Susanna, royal bounty for, 145.

Pocklington, John, second justice of Chester, Denbigh, Flint and Montgomery, payments to, 36, 202, 306, 330, 374, 420, 529(2).

-, Ambassador (Envoy, Envoy Extraordinary) to. See Stair, Earl of.
-, King of, payments to, for subsidies, 378; and see Augustus II; Frederick Augustus.
-, packet boats and postage of letters to, Ambassadorial expense for, 536.
-, resident from. See Kirchner, K. C.

Poley, Edmund, of Bradley or Badley, an executor of Lord Dover, 311(2); money warrant to, for Lord Dover's payment to servants of the Queen Mother, 311; purchase of fee farm rent by, 240, 311.

Polherin, _ widow, memorial for royal bounty, 574.

Pollard, Richard, ensign en second in Bowles's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Pollexfen (Pollixfen), Nicholas, a Commissioner of Excise, 293; new commission, 464; a Manager of Candle Duties, 293.

Polonia wool, importation of, 191; infected, importation of, disallowed, 179; method of disinfecting, 197.

Poltava (Pultawa) in the Ukraine, Russia, battle of, officer taken prisoner at, 307.

Polwarth, Lord. See Hume, Patrick.

Pomroy, Mons., 574.

Poole, Poole port, co. Dorset:
-, Collector of (W. Chamberlain), and Richardson's frauds, 60, 63, 64, 71.
-, Comptroller of (N. Smith), 472.
-, House duties for the town and county of, Receiver General of. See Derbie, B.
-, patent searcher of. See Lisle, G.
-, tidesmen at, 160, 269, 319, 492.

Poole, Pool, Joseph, Sheriff of Coventry payment to, 250.
-, -, Thomas, ensign en second in Gorge's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Pooley, [Edmund, Envoy Extraordinary to Brunswick and Luneberg], case of, 106.
-, -, John bishop of Raphoe, bishopric forfeited by, for not taking the oath of abjuration, 429; reinstated, 429; petition to be discharged from payment of First Fruits upon new grant of the bishopric, 429.
-, -, Ro., a Commissioner of Stamps, new commission, 307.

Poor, The:
-, Daily Alms, issue for, 157, 359, 424.
-, of London, issue for, 157, 308.
-, St. Botolph's, 523.
-, St. James's, 402.
-, St. John Baptist, Walbrook, 402; perpetuity for, 402.
-, St. Magnus, 37, 402, 472.
-, Walbrook, 36.
-, Poor at the Gate, issue for, 5, 359, 424.

Poor ministers in the Isle of Man. See Man.

Poor Palatines. See German Protestants.

Poor rate, for land added to the, Queen's gardens at Kensington, 516.

Pope, Richard, petition for lands of Clound, 256; father of, lands assigned to, 256.

Popery, Act against the growth of, [Irish Acts, 6 Anne, Sess. 3, c. 6], 258.

Popple, William, Secretary to the Commissioners of Trade, copies of Acts of Parliament for, 431; letters to, 158, 188, 483, 539; payments to, for incidents, clerks, under secretary, salary &c., 300, 399, 498, 553.

Pork, for the Navy. See Navy; price of. See Prices.

Port Mahon, Minorca:
-, beef and pork for, 473.
-, capture of, 450.
-, Castle of St. Phillip in, Lieutenant Governor and officers of, payment to, 296.
-, sick seamen at, care of, 450.
-, six companies of Dubourgay's regiment at, 285.

Port Patrick, co. Wigtown, Customs officers at, new Establishment, 410.

Portchester, co. Hants, church of, 112, repairing of, memorial re money for, 573; smuggling at, 320.

Portcullis Pursuivant. See Hesket, J.

Porter, _, captain, his house rent, 517.

Portland stone, duty arising from, Queen's title to, 37.

Portman, Henry, issue to, for wages &c. in Hyde Park, 215.

Portmore, Earl of. See Colyear, Sir D.

Ports in Scotland. See Scotland.

Portsea, Portsea Island, co. Hants, Collector of Salt Duties at (R. Elliott), 464; Customs guard for, 320.

Portsmouth, co. Hants, 105, 568.
-, Agent Victualler at, matters referred to, 459, 589.
-, brewers at, and payment of Excise Duties, 18.
-, chapel (Chapel Royal), ornaments of, petition re, 440, 585.
-, chaplain to the town and garrison of, issue for, 125; and see Bragg, R.
-, coach hire to, 280.
-, Commissioners of Sick and Wounded at, hospital stores delivered to, 167.
-, Customs collector (Customer and Collector) at, money for Colonel Nicholson to be supplied by, 18, 268, 317. See also Binks, S.; Weaver, J.
-, detachment of Guards ordered to, 39, 421.
-, Dockyard, issue for, 105, 525.
-, garrison of, fire and candles for, issue for, 206.
-, governor of, matter referred to, 585; report from, 586; and see Erle, T.
-, ordnance works for, issue for, 120.
-, Parliamentary candidate for (Sir W. Gifford), 74.
-, regiment marched from Lancashire to, 251.
-, ships at and for, 191, 335.
-, ships, R.N., at, smuggling from, 321; wages for, issue for, 9, 200, 263.
-, sickness of soldiers at, 251.
-, sub-commander for Prizes at. See Parker, Sir G.
-, victualling at, credit to brewers for, 16.
-, waggons from. Customs inspection of, 320.
-, waiter and searcher at, 160, 320.
-, wines seized at, 169, 577.

Portsmouth, Chatham and Harwich, lands for better fortifying of:
-, Acts for purchase of and for vesting of, in trustees (7 Anne, c. 26; 8 Anne, c. 23), 524, 542; commissions under:
-, appointment of A. Morgan and 41 others, 542.
-, appointment of Sir T. Parker and 26 others, 429.
-, delay in passing, 482.
-, draft commission, 331, 332.
-, Judges &c. in, approved by the Queen, 37.
-, legally trained persons in, 524.
-, list of names of Commissioners (mentioned), 349.
-, representation re, 468.
-, warrant for, signed by the Queen, 45.
-, draft conveyances for, 288.
-, proprietors of, claims (extravagant claims) of, 288, 429.

-, Ambassador from (Portuguese Envoy). See Cunha, B. J. da.
-, bills of exchange from, 15 per cent. loss on, 39.
-, British Army in. See Army—Portugal.
-, Envoy Extraordinary to. See Methuen, P.
-, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to. See Delaval, G.
-, gold (moidores, money) returned to England from, 25, 35, 37, 38, 39(2), 107, 111, 555, 598.
-, King of. See John V.
-, money supplied in, 101.
-, officers from, in, to, 23, 427, 602; death of, 394; services of, 287.
-, Queen of, wedding of, ambassadorial expense at, 393.
-, remittances to, 209, 327; for Spain, 99.
-, salt from, importation of, into Scotland, 144. See also Portuguese salt.
-, ships for, 346, 353.
-, Spain and, communications between, 52.
-, Treasury of, non-payment of bills on, 350.
-, Tres Estados, Treasurer of, bills drawn on, 350.
-, war in, account of money for, 52.

-, Army, Adjutant General to. See Lundy, R.; merchants for providing bread, barley and straw for, petition of, 434.
-, regiments (troops) in:
-, Catalonia, 28; General and Commissary of, 350; subsistence for, 350.
-, Portugal, six regiments formed into dragoons, 504; officers en second of, 504.
-, Spain, five horse regiments, 109; two foot regiments, 109; two regiments of Portuguese deserters, 109.
-, Spain and Portugal, 381; six new regiments, agent of, 209; recruits for, 209.
-, salt, 334.
-, spirits and white wine, importation of, 314.

Post Coinages of Tin (Post Groats), petition for reversionary lease of, 30, 580.

Post Fines:
-, Farmers of (Earl of Berkshire and Sir R. Howard), 454; assignee of (Sir R. Clayton), 434, 454, executors of (W, Clayton; J. Kenrick), 433; payments to (warrants for tallies on), 432, 454, 490.
-, rent of (1705–1708), paid direct to the Crown by Sheriffs, instead of to the farmers, 432, 433, 454; certificates of, 454(3), 490.

Post Groats. See Post Coinages of Tin.

Post Office:
-, annual charge of management of, computation required, 53.
-, annuities out of. See Pensions.
-, clerks of. See Post Office—officers.
-, deputy postmasters, directions to, 470.
-, freepostage, allowance of, 347.
-, half-penny letter carriage, 154, 574.
-, incident bills, 252, 372; estimate of annual charge required, 457.
-, interception and opening of letters, prevention of, 85, 470.
-, letter carriers, estimate of the annual charge of, required, 457; and see Farra, J.; Goddard, E. and R.
-, officers and clerks of, not to intermeddle unduly in Parliamentary elections, 85, 470; salaries of, assessments on, refunded, 250.
-, Packet Boats, ambassadorial charge for, 536; annual charge for, estimate of, required, 457; report by Customs Commissioners re, 598; passengers landing in England from, accounts of, required, 171.
-, between England and
-, Flanders (Holland):
-, capture and loss of, 225, 226.
-, commander of, 199.
-, Director of. See Mackey, John.
-, expresses by, 225.
-, silk imported in, 165, 170.
-, tonnage of, 225.
-, Lisbon (Falmouth Packet Boats), 132.
-, agent for, 490; at Falmouth (F. Jones, Z. Rogers), 132, 506, 528.
-, clothing shipped on, 333.
-, masters of, orders to, 333.
-, merchandise carried by, complaint re, 93, 528; reports on, 490, 514, 599; warrant to permit, 527.
-, plate seized on, 132.
-, salt imported by, 496, 602; duty free, affidavits re, 476.
-, tin to be carried by, permit for, 527, 528.
-, transportation of troops by, 326.
-, New York:
-, agreement with W. Warren for setting up, 241.
-, from Bristol, proposed, 241.
-, rates of postage by, 241.
-, tonnage of, 241.
-, yearly sum to be paid for, 241.
-, West Indies (Plantation Islands):
-, captured and lost, 449; nine out of fourteen in four years, 387.
-, contract for, petition against, 571.
-, contractor for. See Dummer, E.
-, permit to sail from and return to Bideford, 387, 449.
-, post of letters by, 241.
-, transportation of troops by, 326.
-, Penny Post, proposals for managing, 154, 214, 568; petition re, 574.
-, pensions, annuities &c. out of. See Pensions.
-, postmaster of Gravesend. See Hall, D.
-, Postmasters General And see Evelyn, J.; Frankland, Sir T.
-, appointed Postmaster General of Scotland, 300.
-, attend the Treasury, 18, 21, 22, 53(2); upon summons only, 34.
-, interception and opening ing of letters to be prevented by, 470.
-, letter from, mentioned, 490.
-, letters to and matters referred to, 147, 154, 170(2), 171, 181, 214, 233, 333, 387, 396, 506, 552, 572, 604.
-, to order their officers and clerks not to unduly meddle in elections, 85, 470.
-, payment to, for transport of forces by packet boats, 326.
-, quantity of merchandise to be carried on packet boats and, 528.
-, reports and representations by, 93, 199, 225, 241, 568, 571, 574, 587.
-, warrants to, 225, 241, 250, 263, 271, 347, 370, 449, 509, 515, 528, 539, 571.
-, rates of postage to New York and the Plantations, 241.
-, Receiver General of, warrant to, 477, 543; and see Lilly, S.
-, revenue of, estimate of, required, 53, 457; scheme to improve, 18, 22.
-, salary out of, 539.

Potashes, importation of, 119, 142, 171, 222, 233, 250, 444, 505(2), 528.

Potomac, North, Virginia, collectors of (J. Bowles, T. Seymour), 320.
-, -, South, Maryland, collector of (T. Seymour), 320.

Pottenger (Pottinger), John, Comptroller of the Pipe, fees and salary, 328, 362.

Poulett (Poulet, Powlet), John, 1st Earl Poulett, Treasury Commissioner, 35–114 passim, 582; at Hampton Court, 97; attending the Queen, 89; commission, 34; house of, 415.

Poultney (Poulteney, Pultney), Charles, a manager of the Lottery for continuing part of the Duties on coals (1,500,000l. Lottery), 129.
-, -, Daniel, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Denmark, extraordinaries, 531; his letter about the Danish professor, 571; ordinaries, 530.
-, -, John, a Commissioner for Trade, 226; letter to, mentioned, 576.

Pousin, Peter, gunner of the Artillery, Ireland, pension for, 154.

Povey, Mr., letter to, 272.
-, -, Charles, his proposal and petition for managing the penny post, 154, 574.
-, -, John, a clerk of the Privy Council, salary and allowance for attending business of the Commission of Trade, 361, 362.
-, -, John, a Serjeant at Arms, Ireland, renewal of his mace, 294.
-, -, Richard, a Serjeant at Arms, Ireland, payment to, 262.

Powder. See Gunpowder.

Powell (Powel), Caleb, Receiver General of Land Tax (Assessments) for cos. Brecon, Radnor and Montgomery, commission and securities, 139; payments to, 368, 419.
-, -, Edward, appointed waiter and searcher at Deal, 440.
-, -, Robert, clothier, petitioner, 352.
-, -, Samuel, brother of Edward, waiter and searcher at Deal, resigned, 440.
-, -, Samuel, Serjeant at Arms, fee and board wages, 369.
-, -, Samuel, petitioner, 593.
-, -, William, royal bounty for, 392, 555.
-, -, William, huntsman to William III, memorial of, 574.

Power, Lord, report of the Lords Justices of Ireland on pension of, 95, 106, 600, 601.

Power, Jeffrey, executor and surety of John Smith, petitioner, 278.
-, -, John, collector of Deal, petition and appointment, 440, 591, 593.
-, -, John, riding officer at Dover, incapable, 354.

Powlet, Lord. See Poulett.

Powry, George, recommended to be Surveyor of Candle Duty and Surveyor of Duties on Houses in Scotland, 250, 340.

Powys, Mr., 327; matters referred to, 586, 594, 606.
-, -, R., letter from, 303.
-, -, Richard, appointed a manager of the Lottery as by the Act [8 Anne, c. 10] for continuing part of the Duties on coals &c. to raise 1,500,000l., 129.

Pratt (Prat), Dr., petition for employment for his son, 574.
-, -, Charles, warehouse-keeper of unstamped parchment and paper in the Stamp Office, petition to resign his post to C. Howland, junr., 333, 405.
-, -, John, pension for, 287.

Prechac, Hypolite de, pension for, 538.

Press. See Printing Press.

Preston, Robert, boatman and tidesman at Southampton, 353, 574.
-, -, Robert, and partners, subtacksmen of Excise in Scotland, petition for allowances, 144.

Prestonpans, co. Haddington, Comptroller and Surveyor of, 172; Customs Establishment at, 409; Customs officers at, frauds by, 556; landwaiter and searcher at, 172.
-, -, See also Seton of Prestonpans.

Prestoun Grange. See Morrison of Prestoun Grange.

Pretender, the, at Dunkirk, 226.

Pretermitted Customs, Comptroller of. See Bretton, R.

Priaulx, Peter, Deputy of Guernsey, petition of, against establishing Customs officers on the island, 118.

Price, James, apprehended for burglary 415.
-, -, Robert, Baron of the Exchequer, lease of Crown lands to, 221.
-, -, Thomas, permit to reduce imported brandy to proof, 251.
-, -, Thomas, captain en second in Hill's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Prices, costs or values:
-, abstracts of Patent Rolls, 14 to 18 James 1. (6s. per sheet), 400.
-, badges for Queen's watermen, 160, 405, 487.
-, banner for trumpets, 385.
-, beef for the Navy, 473.
-, book binding, 298, 457.
-, books of Pay Tickets, 40.
-, bread (loaves), 463, 483, 561, 562.
-, building of lighthouse. See below lighthouse.
-, collar of S.S., 490.
-, corn (as by Act 1 James II., c. 19), 159.
-, Customs sloops, 412.
-, diamond rings, 414.
-, embellishing on vellum, per skin, 438.
-, fee farm rents, 302.
-, firelocks, 306.
-, flour sacks, 561.
-, freight of naval stores, perton, 174.
-, French salt, per bushel, 334.
-, gardening contract (20l. an acre per annum), 488.
-, gold collars of Orders of the Thistle and St. Andrews, 399.
-, gold cups for horse races, 395.
-, gravelling of roads, 309, 327.
-, gunpowder, 490.
-, lands, Crown, 276, 323, 388; for fortifications. See under Portsmouth, Chatham and Harwich.
-, law suit, 132.
-, lighthouse at Hunstanton, 323.
-, liveries for:
-, children of the Chapel, 528.
-, gamekeepers, 424.
-, herbstrewers, 405, 525.
-, kettledrums of horseguards, 547.
-, mourning, 335, 405.
-, pensionary watermen, 160, 525.
-, Queen's watermen, 525.
-, trumpeters, 167, 385, 547.
-, watermen, 541.
-, loaves. See above bread.
-, mending and cleaning tapestry, 474.
-, muslins, parcel of, 497.
-, pictures, 163, 239, 417, 540.
-, plate, white and gilt, 307, 395, 474, 490, 498, 510, 522.
-, pork, 88, 473.
-, purse for Lord Privy Seal, 335.
-, robes for Black Rod, 396.
-, rod, chain and badge for Black Rod, 396.
-, sacks. See above flour.
-, silver trumpets, 385, 395, 474.
-, suits of clothes for children of the Chapel, 405; and see above liveries.
-, tar, 148.
-, tin [per cwt.], 111.
-, tobacco, in Yorkshire, 179.
-, transportaton of Palatines, per head, 116.
-, transport ship, 442.
-, trees, 384.
-, water supply to Hampton Court Gardens, 329.
-, wheat, 159.

Prickstock, Thomas, ensign en second in Wightman's regiment, half pay for, 155.

Pride, Rebecca, widow, petition for pension, 593. See also Bruges.

Primrose, Gilbert, brigadier, serving in Flanders in 1708, additional pay for, 397.

Prince of Orange. See William III.

Prince of Wales. See Charles I.

Pringle, Jean, removed from the Charity Roll, Scotland, 218.

Prinn, John, senior, appointed Receiver General of Land Tax (Assessments) for co. Gloucester, petition, securities and commission, 139; Receiver General for Duties on Houses, co. Gloucester, 501.

Printer, to the Custom House. See James, Mrs. E.
-, -, Queen's. See Queen's.

Printing Press, messenger to. See Stephens, R.

Prisoners: at large, allowance to messengers for, 56; escapes of. See Dublin—Four Courts; in custody of messengers, monthly accounts of, 56; in gaol, messengers' allowances for, disallowed, 56.

Prisoners of war. Cp. Sick and Wounded:
-, enquiry re, 485.
-, escape of, to Bilbao, 598.
-, exchange or release of:
-, Adjutant General exchanged against 20 men, 224.
-, Commissioners for, 224; release of French fishing boats in care of, 443.
-, general exchange, 327, 571.
-, marines, 43.
-, officers, 155.
-, in France, 115, 210, 211(2).
-, allowances due to, 277.
-, issues for, 135, 331.
-, marine officers, 435.
-, non-commissioned officers, subsistence, 233, 330.
-, Parliamentary grant for, 221, 224.
-, at Bayonne, general exchange of, 327, 571.
-, in Spain, 210, 308.
-, issues for, 10, 162, 163, 208, 435.
-, marine officers, 435.
-, Parliamentary grant for, 221, 224.
-, sent to Saquinsa, subsistence of, 356.
-, subsistence, appointment of a proper person to keep account of, 113; provision of 5,000l. a month for, 113.
-, at Bilbao, memorial re, 107, 598.
-, at Burgos:
-, agents of regiments to which they belonged, attending Treasury, 105.
-, bills drawn for, 110.
-, business re, at the Treasury, 105.
-, issues for, 299; subsistence, 232, 247.
-, at Oviedo, issue for, 162.
-, Irish, transported to Hamburg (1689–1702), 283.
-, issues for, 22.
-, Parliamentary grant of 30,000l. for extraordinary charges of, payments out of, 221, 224, 330.
-, release of. See Prisoners of war—exchange.
-, subsistence for, 153, 247.
-, taken at the battle of Almanza, 327.
-, fund for, 155, 425; payment out of, 4.
-, issues for subsistence of, 233, 330, 331, 346.
-, officers left at Bayonne to take care of, 221.
-, officers, 115, 208; officers en second appointed in place of, half pay Establishment for, 155, 156.
-, petition of, 584; Sergeants of Light Horse &c., 277.
-, regiments, stoppages for arms, 23, 161; offreckonings, 353.
-, taken at the battle of Poltava, 307.
-, taken at sea, 224.
-, taken in Denia Castle, detachment of marines, issue for subsistence 213.
-, taken in Portugal, issue for baggage lost by officers, 162; subsistence for, 209.

Prisons. See London and Westminster—Streets and places (prisons).

-, abuses and collusive practices by, 288.
-, Dutch. See Dutch.
-, French. See French.
-, French prizes seized by, 172, 215, 238.
-, of Jamiaca. See Jamaica.
-, pretended, seizure by, 212.
-, stations of, avoidance of, by packet boats to the West Indies, 387, 449.

Privy Council:
-, business of, day reserved for [free from Treasury business], 34.
-, clerks of (W. Blathwaite; C. Musgrave; J. Povey), Irish allowance for, 262; salary, 361.
-, Lord President of, salary in lieu of ten dishes every meal, 485; and see Pembroke and Montgomery, Earl of; Rochester, Earl of; Somers, Lord.
-, matters referred to, 21, 259, 566, 574, 584, 589.
-, orders in Council, 6, 13, 56, 116, 117(2), 118(2), 119(2), 121, 131, 143, 148, 157, 158, 159, 171, 178, 179, 193, 197, 211, 233, 238, 250, 254, 293, 297, 312, 335, 350, 351, 355, 385, 423, 430, 433, 436, 444, 448, 451, 456(2), 470, 472, 476, 486, 497, 505, 528, 544, 565, 566, 589(2), 593, 596, 602, 604, 605; repealed, 119.
-, report on quarantine laid before, 110, 542.
-, underclerks of (T. Beak, junr., and others), sum to be distributed amongst, 300.

Privy Garden, 565.

Privy Lodgings, joiner to. See Haisenbutle, J.

Privy Purse, issues for, 30, 37, 40, 89, 364, 371, 473, 492.

Privy Seal, Lord or Keeper of, 440; rich purse for, 335, 397; and see Newcastle, Duke of.
-, -, Scotland. See Scotland.

Privy Seals, fees and charges for, 229, 308.

-, Accountant for (S. Buckeridge), 309.
-, Advocates for (Dr. [H.] Newton, Dr. [S.] Waller), 309.
-, Agents for, at Barcelona, Lisbon and Newfoundland, report on accounts of, 574; at Falmouth (J. Parker), 275, 574; prize sold by, 582; security of, proceedings against, 275.
-, arrears of, account of, required, 93, 489.
-, British and Dutch, retaken, convention with the States General re, 319.
-, captors of, gun money (gunnage and tonnage), due to (as by Act 6 Anne, c. 65), 570; account of, required, 467; petition for, 575.
-, commission, 93, 489.
-, Commissioners (Principal Commissioners):
-, money chargeable on, petition re, 574.
-, prize goods bought from, 261.
-, prosecution by, 521.
-, report by, 593.
-, salary payments, 26, 306, 349.
-, and see Cole, Sir M.; Parkhurst, J.; Pascall, J.
-, Comptroller of. See Gosslin, William.
-, Court of Appeal for, fees and disbursements in, issue for, 213, 214; Register of, issue for, 214.
-, fish. See Fish.
-, French, purchase of, 346.
-, goods, exportation of, from Guernsey, 118; duties on, see Customs—duties; purchase of, 261.
-, incidents and payments, 309.
-, labour on board prize ships, by the people of Cornwall, 275.
-, monies of, salaries paid out of, 349.
-, office, Assistant Secretary. See Baker, T.
-, officers of, attending the Treasury, 370; incident bills of, 574; reports by, 570, 574; salaries, 26, 306, 349, 574.
-, oil, 254.
-, purchase of, 115, 346, 439.
-, Queen's share of, payment out of, 306; Receiver of (J. Henley), 26.
-, ransomed, 483.
-, Receiver (Receiver General) of, remittance from Newfoundland to, 230; and see Brydges, Mr.; Herbert, J.
-, ship condemned as, 174.
-, solicitor for (Mr. Leigh), 31.
-, Sub-Commander for, at Portsmouth (Sir G. Parker), 574.
-, taken by H.M. ships, 121, 482, 566, 575.
-, taken and retaken from the French, 31, 122, 172, 215, 238, 277, 370, 436.
-, taken in Scotland, 449.
-, wines, 521; duties on. See Customs—duties; Wines—prizage.

Proby, George, ensign en second in Mountjoy's regiment, half pay for, 156.

-, British officers recalled from the French service, in accordance with, 196, 394.
-, circulation of, in Scotland, by messengers of the Exchequer Receipt, 222.
-, clerks employed in writing, 464.
-, levy money authorised by, 355.
-, printing of, 461.
-, reward offered by, for the arrest of rioters at trial of Dr. Sacheverell, 317, 376, 439, 514.

Proctor (Procter), Charles, lieutenant en second in Portmore's regiment, half pay for, 155.
-, -, William, shipowner, petition for leave to discharge cargo, 131.

Procurator General to the Lord High Admiral (E. Exton), 214.

Progers, Edward, his account of disbursements in the Middle Park at Hampton Court, 549.

Protestants. See French Protestants; German Protestants.

Provence (Province), France, persons sent to, to get intelligence, 533, 534.

Prussia, King of. See Frederick I.

Prussian troops (Prussian Army, Prussian Corps, Prussians):
-, agio for, 202, 279, 337, 375.
-, bread for, 202, 279, 337, 375.
-, dead and wounded, 375.
-, on the Establishment of 40,000 men, 280.
-, on the Establishment of troops of augmentation, issues for, 176, 190, 267, 337, 375.
-, forage for, 202, 279, 337, 375.
-, new corps, pay, 190, 267, 337.
-, reformed officers, 252.
-, subsistence rates, 377.
-, 6,205 men, 176.
-, 8,000 men in Italy, 336.
-, 12,000 men, 202, 337, 375.

Public credit:
-, detriment to, discounting of foreign bills by non specie Exchequer bills a, 475; prevention of, and the disposal or discounting of tallies and orders, 32, 125, 142, 143, 147, 158, 163, 176, 213, 285, 290, 365, 495, 526, 545, 548, 604.
-, sinking of, loans to Navy Treasurer refused by the Bank of England on account of, 33.

Public debts, account of, required by Parliament, 164, 540; not provided for by Parliament, account of required, 164.

Public debtors, Exchequer process against, 38, 46.

Public loans, Register of, in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt, 484.

Public ministers, money due to, 106.

Public services, funds for, accounts of, 40, 45, 49, 52, 67, 83, 106.

Pudsay, William, captain en second in Kerr's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Pugh, _, captain, 574.
-, -, Ann, widow of Captain Pugh, petition for royal bounty, 574, 605.
-, -, Howell, appointed tidesman in the inferior list, London port, 440.

Pultawa. See Poltava.

Pultney. See Poultney.

Pump House in Richmond Palace, q.v.

Purchase (Purchase), George, "the Bayley," convicted of riot at Dr. Sacheverell's trial, 439, 514.

Purdon, George, captain, petitioner, 582.
-, -, Mary, royal bounty for, 230, 392, 555.

Pursuivants at Arms. See Heralds' College; Ireland.

Purveyances and Purveyors. See Royal Household; Vesian, James.

Pye, Charles, tidesman and boatman at Whitby, dismissed, 269.
-, -, William, merchant, appointed Surveyor of Plymouth port, his petition to be collector thereof, 116; appointed collector of Falmouth port, 234.

Pyle, Edward, Woodward of the New Forest, grant revoked, 547; warrant to, to fell decayed timber, 547.