Index: J

Pages 739-743

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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J. L., complaint by, against Customs officers, 591.

J. L. and R. P., letter signed, 588.

J. M., complaint by, of a debenture fraud, 83.

Jackson, Mr., loan by, issue for paying interest on, 146; payment to, 36; salary of, 22.
-, -, Edward, merchant of Worcester, petition for allowance on exportation of salt, 556, 600.
-, -, George, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Cornwall, appointment and salary, 445.
-, -, John, petition for release of ships from quarantine, 505.
-, -, Ralph, master of the Anne, 476.
-, -, Robert, waiter and searcher at Holy Island, salary, 441.
-, -, Robert, Resident at the Court of Sweden, Commissary at Stockholm, allowance as, 297; payments to, ordinary, 297, 300, 531; without account, 357.
-, -, Thomas, coastwaiters' waterman, London port, 234, 269; appointed boatman at Cockbush, 269.

-, Army in. See Army—Jamaica.
-, chaplains for, 67, 123, 478, 588.
-, Governor of, chapel of, necessaries for, 92, 490; and see Hamilton, Lord A.; Handasyde, Thomas.
-, lands in, escheated, 571.
-, privateers of, and Duty on prize goods, 286, 539.
-, prize goods in, Duties on, collection of, complaint and petition re, 286, 396, 431, 539.
-, royal mines in, 106, 541, 583, 603.
-, ship from, 436.
-, traders and inhabitants of, petitions of, 431, 539, 581.

James I, grant by, of office of Doorkeeper and Usher of the Court of Wards, 228; Patent Rolls of, abstracts of, searching on, &c., 400.

James III, grant by, of lands in Ireland to the Countess of Dorchester, 458.

James, Mrs. Elinor, Printer to the Customs House, dismissed, 497; letter from, mentioned, 601.
-, -, Thomas, petition to be a tidewaiter, 591, 600.

Jamesone, John, chaplain, going to Virginia, passage money for, 168.

Jancourt, Marie, pension for, 538.

Jans, _. collector of Lyme Regis, and Richardson's frauds, 60, 63, 64(2), 66, 72(2); complains of the smallness of his salary, 72; in London, 72; letters to and from, mentioned, 60, 64, 66, 72.

Janssen (Jansen), Sir Theodore:
-, attending the Treasury, 8, 14, 43(2), 45, 48, 49, 73, 87.
-, bills of exchange of, issue to answer, 28, 260; on Turin, issue for, 141; proposals for supplying, 45, 49.
-, contractor for remittances for the Army in Flanders, 104, 105, 557.
-, loans by, 3, 36, 50, 143, 260, 442.
-, issues and payments to, 8, 28, 113, 247, 260, 358.
-, remittances by, proposed, 14, 29, 43, 49, 104, 110, 176.
-, tallies and orders assigned to, 176, 557; engages not to dispose of, for twelve months, 50.
-, willing to part with his proportion of tin, 43.

Janssen (Jansen) de Teudbeuf. See Teudbeuf.

Jaques, William, tidesman at Newcastle, 472.

Jaquia or Jaquin, Mary, widow, petition about money due to the Worcester, 570, 591.

Jaupin, Francis, Director General of the Flanders posts, petitioner, 571.

Jeay, Thomas, appointed Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Hants., 512.
-, -, William, Receiver General of Duties on Houses and Land Tax (Assessments), co. Hunts., 139, 499.

Jeffreys (Jeffery, Jefferyes, Jefferys), James, Resident with the King of Sweden, payments to, ordinary and equipage, 554, 559.
-, -, James, captain, employed as a volunteer in the Army of the King of Sweden, payment to for losses and expense upon being made prisoner after the battle of Poltava, 307(2).
-, -, Nicholas, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Gloucester, appointment and salary, 446; Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Somerset, salary, 447.
-, -, See Winnington.

Jekyll (Jekyl), Sir Joseph, Chief Justice of Chester, salary payments to, 202, 306, 330, 373, 528, 529.

Jenkinson, James, collector of Dartmouth, moiety of a seizure paid to, 503; salary, 389.

Jenner, Thomas, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, cos. Wiltshire and Warwick, removed, 512; salary, 447, 492, 493.

Jennings, Hubert (Herbert), major, captain commandant of Mahony's regiment of dragoons in the French service, 394; case of, 52; payment to, 394; petition for promotion, &c., 196, 394, 581, 590.
-, -, Sir John, admiral:
-, fleet under command of, issue for contingencies of, 98, 506.
-, lease of manors of Byfleet and Weybridge to, 106, 539.
-, petitioner, 591.

Jenton, James, lieutenant of foot, allowance on the Irish Establishment for, 259.

Jephson, John, appointed counsel to the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland, 7, 271.
-, -, Katherine Codroyats, report from Ireland on, 511.

Jermyn, Henry, Earl of St. Albans, grant in trust for, 240, 305, 405; lease of manors of Byfleet and Weybridge to, 539.
-, -, Henry, of Cheaveley, Baron Jermyn of Dover, Lord Dover:
-, executors of, contract with, for the purchase of fee farm rents, 213, 240, 311, 344; payment to, 311.
-, fee farm rent devised to, 240.
-, lease assigned by, 406.
-, payments by, to servants of the Queen Mother, 311.
-, -, Thomas, of Rushbrooke (afterwards Lord Jermyn), fee farm rent devised to, 240.

-, Committee for the Affairs of, report of, 118.
-, Customs Establishment, Order in Council re, 118, 119.
-, Customs officers in, report on, 118.
-, no Comptroller of Customs in, 119.
-, tobacco exported to, 175.
-, -, East. See East Jersey.
-, -, New. See New Jersey.

Jersey, Earl of. See Villiers, Edward.

Jesson, Glover, annuity order in the name of, innovated, 219.
-, -, William, Second Justice of Merioneth, Carnarvon and Anglesey, salary payments, 36, 306, 420, 529.

Jetsom, grant of, 390.

Jett, Thomas, Auditor of Crown Lands:
-, Auditor of Crown Lands, cos. Hereford, Worcester, Salop and Stafford, 170.
-, certificate by, 575.
-, constants, particulars and memoranda by, 221, 248, 344, 354, 515.
-, debts of his office, account of, required, 164.
-, matters referred to, 121, 373, 587, 598.
-, Register and Paymaster of unsatisfied debentures charged upon Irish Forfeitures, 427, 428.
-, reports by, 170, 231, 298.
-, warrant to, 170.

Jevon, Samuel, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Notts., appointment and salary, 446.

Jewel House (Jewel Office):
-, Master of (J. Charleton):
-, certificate by, 511.
-, letter to, 541.
-, representation by, 576.
-, warrants to, 120, 223, 270, 307, 385, 395(3), 405, 474, 487, 490(3), 510, 524, 525, 538, 542, 547.
-, Plate, &c., delivered into:
-, by the Queen's goldsmith (gold enamelled Collars of the Thistle and St. Andrew), 399.
-, debt for, 576.
-, gilt and white, 511.
-, household, 53.
-, Plate, &c., issued out of:
-, chain and medal, 223.
-, chapel, 92, 538.
-, collar of S.S., 490.
-, communion, 120.
-, discharge for, 89, 95, 107, 498, 522.
-, gilt, 307, 490(2), 510, 525, 542.
-, gold cups for horse races, 395.
-, order to return, 541.
-, silver trumpets, 385, 395, 474.
-, waterman's badges, 405, 487.
-, white, 270, 395, 474, 522, 524, 542, 547.

Jewellers. See Philips, Levi; Vanbeck, Arnold.

Jewels, George, Prince of Denmark's value of, 519.

Jobber, Richard, appointed waiter and searcher at Mostyn, 319.

Jodrell (Joddrell), [Paul], 571; Clerk of the House of Commons, his proposal (in 1685) to build a house for himself and for better preserving the books of his office, 228, 229.

John V, King of Portugal:
-, Ambassador from. See Cunha, B. J. da.
-, Envoy Extraordinary to. See Methuen, P.; Secretary to. See Lefevre, T.
-, gunpowder for, treaty for yearly delivery of, 95, 420, 434, 473, 490, 491.
-, plenipotentiary to treat with. See Delaval, G.
-, services for, 150.
-, subsidies to:
-, deductions from, 28, 350.
-, issues and payments, 195, 272, 295, 296.
-, "very punctually paid," 350.
-, treaty for, 381.
-, troops of, payments for (1706), muster rolls not produced for, 381; and see Portuguese Army; Portuguese troops.

John William, Elector Palatine:
-, major general in the service of. See Efferen, Count D'.
-, subsidies to, issues and payments, 210, 279, 336; treaties and conventions for, 279, 280.
-, troops of, on the Establishment of the 20,000 men, 280; four battalions and nine squadrons on the Establishment of Troops of Augmentation, 210.

Johns, Oliver, waiter and searcher at Boddenick, a prisoner at Bodmin, 391.
-, -, William, of Exeter, distributor of stamped paper for Devon and Exeter, dismissed without cause and restored, 90, 479.

Johnson, _, colonel, regiment of (late Brudenell's now Churchill's), 153, 180.
-, arms and tents delivered up by, 153.
-, clothing contracted for, 180.
-, offreckonings on, warrant to take off respits on, 180.
-, reduced and raised again in Spain (1707), 180.
-, -, Benjamin, son of Samuel, pension out of the Post Office, 543.
-, -, Charles, payment to, for special services, 543.
-, -, Elizabeth, relict of Michael, pension for herself and five children, 126.
-, -, Henry, merchant, his debt on Customs bonds, 198.
-, -, James, grant by William III to, 313, 389.
-, -, [John], colonel, arrears of his salary as Governor of the Leeward Islands, 571.
-, -, John, master of the Golden Lyon of Leith, 309.
-, -, Jos., colonel, contingent warrant for carriages and disbursements, 207.
-, -, Launcelot, Surveyor of Duties on Houses for Hampshire, appointment and salary, 447.
-, -, Mathew, clerk of the Parliament, certificate by, 399.
-, -, Mathew, lease of manor of Hallowford to, 221, 344.
-, -, Michael, coachman to George, Prince of Denmark, deceased, 126.
-, -, Samuel, clerk, deceased, his pension, 543.
-, -, Thomas, affidavit of, re clandestine trade with France, 430.
-, -, Thomas, lieutenant en second in Portmore's regiment, half pay for, 155.

Johnstoun, Eupham, sister of James, petition for pension, 297.
-, -, James, 297.
-, -, Martha, petition for pension, 297.

Joiner to the Privy Lodgings. See Haisenbutle, J.

Joiners in the Navy. See Navy.

Joles, Mathew, master of the Adventure, 119.

Jolly, George, master of the Elizabeth, 476.

Jones, _, ensign en second in Kerr's regiment, half pay for, 156.
-, -, Mr., payments to and by, 580, 590.
-, -, Francis, agent for Packet Boats at Falmouth, plate seized by, 132.
-, -, Hugh, appointed watchman, London port, 353.
-, -, James, colonel, regiment of (late Lillingston's), 147.
-, agent of, 600; petition of, mentioned, 129.
-, case of, heard at the Treasury, 101.
-, clearing of, 548; allowance for, 129, 147.
-, in the Leeward Islands, 100.
-, in the West Indies, 111, 527, 548.
-, musters and muster rolls of, taken by Colonel Parke, 549; wanting and imperfect, 129, 548, 549.
-, officers of, 600; attending the Treasury, 98, 102; recruiting on board the Fleet, 129.
-, on the Establishment of 5,000 men for sea service, 177, 264, 466.
-, reports on, 100, 102, 111, 527, 548, 549.
-, subsistence for, 109, 177, 264, 466, 527, 549.
-, sums due to, payment of, 548(2).
-, -, Jezreel, 571, 590.
-, -, John, apprehended for burglary, 415.
-, -, John, tidesman at Poole, appointed waiter and searcher at Corfe Castle, 160; deceased, 319.
-, -, John, waterman at Greenwich, dismissed, 492.
-, -, Richard, Earl of Ranelagh:
-, bond assigned to, 414.
-, debt to the Crown, 414.
-, Paymaster General of the Forces.
-, accounts of, 14, 46.
-, (1692–1699), allowances in, warrant for, 377.
-, (to 1701, Dec. 31), being declared, 251.
-, (to 1702, Dec. 3), being declared, 251.
-, stay of process on, 251.
-, deputy to, in Flanders. See Hill, R.
-, Privy Councillor of Ireland, petition for his allowance of French wines and sack as, 549, 605.
-, Ranger of Cranburne Chase, Windsor Park, payment to, 275.
-, -, Thomas, tidesman at Newcastle, dismissed, 234.
-, -, Walter, General Surveyor of Duties on Houses, dismissed, 448.
-, -, William, Surveyor of Duties on Houses, co. Carnarvon, appointment and salary, 447.
-, -, William, Queen's Apothecary, petition for the ancient allowance in lieu of bills, 571.

Judge Advocate. See Army.

-, Clerk Assistant to the House of Commons attending, 399.
-, Commissioners for purchasing lands for fortifications at Portsmouth, &c., 37.
-, of England and Wales, salary payments, 36, 109, 201, 330, 373, 374, 420, 529.

Judgment Rolls. See Queen's Bench.

Jumper, Sir William, letter from, 530; petition for release of ships from quarantine, 476.

Justices of the Peace:
-, Land Tax and House money not paid by, account of, required, 112.
-, letters and orders to, under clerks of the Council for writing, 300, 301.
-, ordered to ascertain the price of corn, 159.
-, recruiting officers attending, expenses of, 10.

Jux, Elizabeth, herbstrewer to the Queen, liveries for, 405, 525.