Index: H

Pages 718-732

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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Hackney Coaches:
-, Commissioners for, to attend the Treasury upon summons only, 34; and see Clark, Edmund.
-, Office, salary and incident bills, 224, 352, 480, 557.
-, rent of, issues out of, 215, 436, 462.
-, revenue of, Receiver of (T. Wharton), 390.

Haddington (Hadington), co. Haddington, first minister of, augmentation to, out of rent of the bishopric of Edinburgh, 383(2).

Haddock, Peter, captain en second in Gorge's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Hadsoll _, captain of H.M.S. Squirrel, letter from, 117.

Haford, James, riding officer in the Isle of Sheppey, salary, 404.
-, -, Jeffrey, collector of Sandwich, deceased, 356, 417.
-, -, Jeffry, supervisor of Customs for the Eastern Division of Kent, deceased, 354.

Hagen (Haguen), Baron Busso von, Envoy Extraordinary from the Duke of Wolfenbuttle, diamond ring presented by the Queen to, 414.

Hager, John Frederick, clerk, minister to the Palatines in New York, passage money for, 116.

Haggley, William, Surveyor of duties on Houses for Westminster, appointment and salary, 446.

Hague, The, 382.
-, ambassadorial journey to, 532.
-, bills drawn at, 247.
-, Charge d'Affaires and Resident at. See Dayrolle, James.
-, Plenipotentiary at. See Townsend, Viscount.
-, poor passengers from, ambassadorial aid for, 536.

Haguen. See Hagen.

Haisenbutle, John, joiner to the Privy Lodgings, payment for work in the Cotton Library, 339, petition for, 570.

Hales, Charles, master of the Nathaniel and John, 119.
-, -, Edward, master of the Biddolph, 119.

Half Subsidies. See Customs—duties, tonnage and poundage.

Halford. See Hallowford.

Halfpence, copper, petition for licence to coin, 522.

Halfpenny, Bernard, Clerk Engrosser in the Alienation Office (Clerk of the Compositions for Alienations), cousin of. See Newcomen, T.; petition for leave to surrender his place, 239; patent surrendered, 270.

Halfpenny carriage. See Post Office.

Halhams Court or Long Bredy Farm in Longbredy, q.v.

Haliday, Thomas, chaplain going to East Jersey, passage money for, 478.

Halifax, Earl of. See Montagu, Charles.

Hall, Daniel, Postmaster of Gravesend, petition for discharge of debt as, 170.
-, -, Edward, landwaiter and searcher at Preston Pans, appointment, 172.
-, -, George, Surveyor of duties on Houses co. Salop, appointment and salary, 447.
-, -, John, Examiner in the Court of Exchequer, Scotland, 229; payment to, 121.
-, -, Ralph, master of the Freinds Adventure, 497.
-, -, [Thomas], a Commissioner of Customs, 61, 71.

Hallowford alias Halford, co. Middlesex, manor of, lease of, 344, rent of, 221; mansion house of, lease of, 221.

Halstall, Henry, convicted of burglary, 469.

-, ambassadorial journey to, 535.
-, Irish prisoners transported to, 283.
-, passes required for ships trading to, 211.
-, remittances to, proposals for, 109, 110.
-, Resident at. See Wyche, J.
-, tin for, 42, 43(2), 44, 88, 585; convoy for 88; man of war for, 44, 88.

Hamburg fleet, convoy to, 164.

Hamel (Hamil, Hamill), _, second or under clerk in the office of the Comptroller of Customs, 94; cheque book kept by, alteration in, 82; examination of, 82; visits Richardson in prison, 78.
-, -, William, in Ireland, royal bounty for, 12, 296.

Hamilton, _, petitioner, 588.
-, -, _, colonel, payment to, for contingent disbursements, 207. regiment of:
-, clothing for, 180.
-, in Flanders, 135, 338.
-, in Spain, 180, 338, 375.
-, new raising (1707), 180.
-, offreckonings of, 182; respits on, 180.
-, reduced, 180.
-, subsistence for, 135, 202, 338, 375.
-, -, Archibald, Lord Hamilton, Governor of Jamaica, petition for allowance for equipage and transportation, 523, 600.
-, -, Dame Christian, deceased, pensioner on the Charity Roll, Scotland, 218.
-, -, Elizabeth, widow of James, annuity granted to, 526.
-, -, George, second son of Elizabeth, executors of, moiety of annuity paid to, 526.
-, -, Lord George, Earl of Orkney, lieutenant and Governor General of Virginia, warrants to, 144, 152.
-, -, Sir George, Receiver of Scotland, partner of Sir A. Brand, 306.
-, -, Hans, brigadier, contingent warrant for carriages and disbursements, 206.
-, -, Dame Isabella, widow of a lieutenant-colonel, allowance for, 312.
-, -, James, deceased, 526.
-, -, James, Duke of Hamilton, recommendation by, 578.
-, -, James, eldest son of Elizabeth, moiety of an annuity assigned to, 526.
-, -, John, petition for office of Receiver General of duties on Clerks and Apprentices, North Britain, 288.
-, -, Walter:
-, Governor or Lieutenant Governor of Nevis, 283, 368, 371, 491.
-, Lieutenant Governor of St. Christopher, 283, 372.
-, salary or allowance out of four and a half per cent. duty in lieu of presents from the Assemblies, 283, 368, 371, 372, 431, 491.
-, -, William, third son of Elizabeth, moiety of an annuity assigned to, 526.
-, -, William, captain, report from Ireland re, 510.

Hammered money. See Money.

Hammond, _, et al., owners of the Worcester, attending the Treasury, 596; petition for gun money, 596.
-, -, Mary, widow, petitioner, 589.

Hampden, Edmund, petitioner, 604.

Hampshire (co. Southampton):
-, House duty in, Receiver General of. See Austin, T.; Surveyor of. See Johnson, L.
-, Land Tax (Assessments), Receiver General of. See Austin. T.
-, Sheriff of. See Forder, R.

Hampton Court, co. Middlesex:
-, furniture for, 443.
-, gardens at, water supply for, 269, 329.
-, Honor and Manor of:
-, Deputy Steward of (Goodal, _), order to, 23.
-, estreats of, 23.
-, manor of Walton Leigh annexed to, 248.
-, Steward of, order to, 23.
-, housekeeper of, furniture for, 443.
-, Lord Poulett at 97.
-, manor of. See above Honor.
-, Middle Park, disbursements for repairs, taxes and hay for deer, 549.
-, New Park alias House Park:
-, Great Lodge, grant of, 450.
-, herbage and pannage, grant of, 449.
-, Keeper and Paler (Duke of Somerset), 449.
-, Mower of Brakes (Duke of Somerset), 449.
-, Underkeepers, lodges and wages, 450.
-, Park:
-, disbursements, 574.
-, gardens, water supply to, 329.
-, works in, estimate of, 584.
-, Queen at, 97.
-, tree planting at, 166, 231.
-, two parks, new works in, 499.
-, underhousekeeper (S. English), 84, 465.
-, warrants dated at, 471, 485, 489, 493, 495, 498.
-, water engine maker at (R. Aldersey), 584.
-, water supply to, from Longford and Stanwell, diversion of, 360; and see above gardens.
-, works at, 521.

Hanaper, clerk of the (Henry Seymour), 333.

Hanbury, William, bills of, 570; payment to, for charges in passing Act of Parliament vesting Cotton House and Gardens in her Majesty, 386.

Hancock (Hancocke), Benjamin, boatman at Gatcombe, appointed boatman at Beachly, 353.
-, -, John, lost banker's annuity order innovated in favour of, 403.

Hand, Thomas, Surveyor of duties on Houses, co. Derby, appointment and salary, 445.

Handasyde, Thomas, colonel, brigadier and major general:
-, Governor of Jamaica, musters ordered by, 487.
-, grant of mines in Jamaica to, 541.
-, regiment of:
-, agent for. See Gardner, R.
-, arms for, stoppages for, not made from privates for fear of mutiny, 487; warrant for payment for, 487.
-, augmented (1706), 487.
-, from Flanders, 487.
-, in sea service (establishment of 5,000 men for sea service), 146, 264, 361, 455.
-, memorial for its recall from Jamaica, 570.
-, officers of, memorial of, 570; in England, subsistence for, 361.
-, ordered to Jamaica, 487.
-, ordered to Ireland and reduced from 60 to 38 privates per Company, 487.
-, postage of, from West Indies, 183.
-, savings for respits on, 570; payment out of, 487.
-, subsistence for, 146, 206, 264, 455.

Handmaker, Richard, ensign en second in Mountjoy's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Hanging Hill in Sherwood Forest, q.v.

Hanmer, Sir Thomas, letter from, mentioned, 592.

Hannan, James, shipowner, witness against, 174, 461.

-, ambassadorial journey from, 535.
-, ambassador's house, 535.
-, British representative. See Alais, Isaac d'.
-, Earl Rivers at the Court of, 424.
-, elector of, subsidy payment to, 378; treaties with, 378; troops of. See below troops.
-, Envoy Extraordinary from. See Schütz.
-, Envoy Extraordinary to. See Cresset, J.; Howe, E. S. troops.
-, forage for, 135, 296.
-, on the Demer, 135.
-, payment for, 378.

Hanover and Zelle, troops of, on the Establishment of the 40,000 men (anno 1706), payments for, 280.

Hanson, Titie, master of the Legarstrom, 451; petition for release of ships, 589, 593.

Harbord, Mr., matter referred to, 228.
-, -, Sir Charles, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, 465; premises rated by, 235.
-, -, William, Paymaster of the Forces in Ireland, process against the executors of, on his accounts as, 46; Surveyor General of Crown Lands, 465.

Harbours, repair of, 404, 573, 583.

Harcourt, Simon, Clerk of the Crown in the Queen's Bench, represents the impossibility of stamping judgment rolls, 492.
-, -, Sir Simon:
-, Attorney General, appointment, 454; matters referred to, 457, 585.
-, Keeper of the Great Seal, bounty for, 487; pension out of the Post Office for, 487; salary, 539.

Hardness. See Clifton.

Hardwick, John, deputy Queen's waiter, London port, 205, 207.
-, -, Thomas, Victualling Commissioner, letter signed by, 144.

Hardwick Wood in Sherwood Forest, q.v.

Hare, Mr., Collector of Lynn, charges in his Coal duty account, 63; letters from, mentioned, 63.
-, -, John, Richmond Herald, 364.

Harford, Walter, surety, petition for time to discharge his bond, 438, 514, 600.

Harison. See Harrison.

Harland, William, petitioner, 590.

Harle, Edward, master of the Thomas and Edward, 476; petition re pork supplied to the Victualling Office, 147.

Harley, Edward, an Auditor of Imprests:
-, attending the Treasury, 14, 46.
-, clerks of, and Customs frauds, 79.
-, and Mr. Doddington's accounts, 11.
-, letter to, 355.
-, matters referred to, 113, 261, 297, 496.
-, reports by, 389, 433.
-, warrants to, 182, 258, 309, 389.
-, -, Robert, afterwards Earl of Oxford and Earl of Mortimer:
-, Chancellor and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer, 34–113 passim, 515.
-, annual fees and payments and allowance for his robes, 417, 511.
-, commission, 34.
-, letter to, 514.
-, salary, 498, 511, 513.
-, Lord Treasurer (anno 1711), warrants confirmed or renewed by, 165, 423, 449, 454, 457, 458, 462(2), 485, 491, 497, 512, 528, 542, 557.
-, Secretary of State, order for detention of a witness by, 174.

Harman, Wentworth, colonel, captain of the company of Battle Axe Guards in Ireland, memorial of, 243.

Harney, Isaac, mayor of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, petition for assistance to repair bridge and harbour, 404.

Harper (Harpur), _, captain en second in a regiment in Portugal, allowance for subsistence and travelling, 481; petition for, 474, 597.

Harpole, co. Northampton, Harpole Mill, lease of, 249, 322.

Harpur. See Harper.

Harris, _, captain, dies for stamps kept by, 88.
-, -, _, Fresh Marshes [in Burnham Norton] owned by, 322.
-, -, Catherine (Katherine), widow, provisions furnished to the Army in Ireland by, petition for payment for, 354, 581, 589.
-, -, Robert, master of the Vine, 476.

Harrison, _, captain, petition for an imprest, 570.
-, -, _, captain, petition about Seaford inhabitants preserving the Faulcon pink, 570.
-, -, _, colonel, issue to, 68; memorial of, mentioned, 23.
-, -, Charles, Solicitor for her Majesty's affairs in the Court of Exchequer:
-, attending the Auditors of Imprests, 185.
-, payments to, 13, for expense of Crown lawsuits, 25, 184, 250, 357, 428, 538.
-, petition of, 581.
-, -, Francis, as Commissary General of Ireland, payment to, 258; death of his brother, 258.
-, -, Ro., waiter and searcher at Newton, 441.
-, -, Sir Robert, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Oxford, payment to, 415.
-, -, Thomas, colonel, petitioner, 590; present from the Queen for bringing news of the defeat of the Duke of Anjou's army, 465.

Harry, Edmund, collector of Fowey port, money taken at the Revolution from, commission to seize, 216.

Hart, _, lease to, as nominee of E. Bentley, 322.
-, -, John, Surveyor of duties on Houses, co. Sussex, appointment and salary, 447.
-, -, Moses, a broker:
-, agreement with, 91.
-, attending the Treasury, 88(2), 91.
-, loan by 88, 91; 6 per cent. interest on, not agreed to, 91.
-, -, Robert, a Receiver of Crown Land Revenues, debentures upon, 231.

Hartham, co. Wilts, estates in, 228.

Hartlepool, co. Durham, waiter and searcher at, 205.

Hartopp, William, Sheriff of Leicestershire, account of, debit on, 375.

Hartshorne (Hartshone), Andrew, criminals apprehended by, 469.

Hartstongue, Isabella, a woman of the Bedchamber, payment to, 488.

Harvey, Mr., et al., trustees for the Earl of St. Albans, lease to, 405.
-, -, [Daniel], lieutenant general, his regiment of horse, clothing and offreckonings, 264; memorial re, 304.
-, -, Henry, merchant, permit to reduce imported brandy to proof, 251.
-, -, See also Hervey.

Harwich, co. Essex:
-, Customs officer at, 311.
-, dockyard, issues for, 110, 541.
-, foreign coin seized at, 154.
-, fortifications at, purchase of lands for. See Portsmouth, Chatham and Harwich.
-, importation of silk at, 170.
-, port, 291.

Harwick, William, waiter and searcher at Lowestoft, deceased, 193.

Harwood, John, Surveyor of duties on Houses, London and Middlesex, appointment and salary, 446.

Hatchew Mere in Delamere Forest, q.v.

Hatton, Thomas, riding officer at Folkestone, removed to Hythe, salary, 404.

Haues. See Hawes.

Haverford West, co. Pembroke, Receiver General for Assessments and House duties. See Howell, George.

Havering atte Bower, co. Essex, lordship and manor of, 329.

Hawardin, Francis, clerk, assistant minister of the English Episcopal Church at Rotterdam, annuity for, 200.

Hawes (Haues), Mr., application for loan by, 46 note.
-, -, Francis, [Agent] for the Navy Treasury, attending the Treasury, 30, 86, 87, 88, 97, 99, 101, 103; memorial from 13; payment to, 229.
-, -, Thomas, imprest money to, for contingencies of the fleet under Sir J. Jennings, 98, 506.

Hawkers and Pedlars' Licences:
-, accounts of, in arrear, 47.
-, commissioners for:
-, accounts of (1707–1708), state of, 355; in arrear, 435.
-, attend the Treasury, 47; upon summons only, 34.
-, office, salary and incident bills, 362, 558.

Hawkins, William, Ulster King at Arms, petition for enlargement of his salary, 256, report on, 510.
-, -, William, riding officer in Sussex, case of, 570.

Hawks and Falconers, Master of. See St. Albans, Duke of.

Hawksworth, Richard, of Bristol, surety, 388.

Hay for deer, 489, 549.

Hay, Charles, riding surveyor in the East District of Scotland, petition for protection and provision for detecting Customs frauds, 556, 604.
-, -, John, Comptroller and Surveyor of Customs at Preston Pans, actions brought by, 556; Customs frauds by, 556; dismissed, 172.
-, -, Lewis, Riding Surveyor in the West Circuit of Scotland, appointment, 172.
-, -, Thomas, 6th Earl of Kinnoul, perpetuity to, paid out of four and a half per cent duty, 481.

Haycock, William, master of the Olive Branch, 505.

Hayes, Robert, royal bounty for, 230.

Hayler, Robert, petitioner, 604, 605.

Haynes, _, 17.

Hazard, Edward, tidewaiter at Bristol, deceased, 319.

Hazlewood, Thomas, captain en second in Stewart's regiment, half pay for, 155.

Healing medals, issue for, 371.

Hearthmoney, farmer of, overpayment of security given for, 126. See also Rowe, A.

Heathcote (Heathcot), Sir Gilbert, attending the Treasury, 26, 29, 33.
-, -, John, a Trustee for circulating Exchequer Bills, money warrant to, 294; salary, 391.

Heaton, Robert, landwaiter at Colchester, deceased, 269.

Hedges, Sir Charles, Judge of the Admiralty Court, 568.
-, administrator of the estate of George, Prince of Denmark, 519, 520.
-, annuity, 125, 393.
-, fees of Admiralty Court officers allowed by, 213.
-, payment to, 421.
-, report by, 133, 587.
-, warrant to, 239.
-, -, Sir William, bills of exchange for prisoners of war in hands of, 208.

Hedwig, Sophia, Duchess of Holstein, daughter of Ulrica Elinora Sabina, Queen of Sweden, 519.

Helle [? Celles], on the Scheldt, Belgium, waggons and horses lost at, 562.

Hemming, Richard, captain en second in Kerr's regiment, half pay for, 156.

-, benches of, 118.
-, for the Navy, contract for supplying, 170.
-, importation of, 119, 178, 200, 222, 250, 254, 444, 528.
-, infected, prevention of importation of, 179.
-, merchant. See Hester, J.

Henchman, Leonard, merchant, petition re seizure of wines, 512, 522, 537.

Henderson, David, ensign, contingent warrant to, 207.
-, -, Jacob, clerk, chaplain going to Virginia, passage money for, 346.
-, -, William, appointed tidewaiter at Borrowstounness, 216.

Heneage, Sir Michael, Chief Usher of the Exchequer Court.:
-, diet allowance, 212, 387, 416, 546.
-, matters referred to, 423, 579, 580.
-, payments to, for necessaries delivered to officers of the Court, 212, 387, 416, 546.
-, warrant to, 468.

Henley (Henly), John, a Receiver of Prize money, 26.
-, -, John, a Commissioner of Transportation (1689–1702), 281.
-, -, Robert, a Commissioner of Transportation (1689–1702), 281.
-, -, Roger, lieutenant en second in Mountjoy's regiment, half pay for, 155.

Henry VII, perpetuity granted by, 369.

Heralds' College:
-, Heralds and pursuivants at Arms, demand for pall, canopy, &c., used at the funeral of George, Prince of Denmark, 460; fees and salaries of, 364; petition for allowance for attending the funeral of George, Prince of Denmark, 570, 579, 584.
-, Bluemantle Pursuivant. See Gibbon, J.
-, Chester Herald. See Mawson, C.
-, Clarencieux King at Arms. See Vanbrugh, J.
-, Garter Principal King at Arms. See St. George, H.
-, Lancaster Herald. See King, G.
-, Norroy King at Arms. See Le Neve, P.
-, Portcullis Pursuivant, See Hesket, J.
-, Richmond Herald. See Hare, J.
-, Rouge Croix Pursuivant. See Bound, J.
-, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant. See Downes, D.
-, Somerset Herald. See Stebbing, S.
-, Windsor Herald. See Mauduit, Peers.
-, York Herald. See Cromp, L.

Herbage and pannage, grant of, 132.

Herbert. _, ensign en second in Portmore's regiment, half pay for, 155.
-, -, Arthur, Earl of Torrington, Master of the Robes, desired to pass his accounts (for the years 1686 and 1687), 47, 435.
-, -, James, Receiver General of Prizes, accounts of, allowances in, 309.
-, -, Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery:
-, Lord High Admiral, allowance to, out of perquisites of the Admiralty, 198: date of determination of his patent, 213.
-, pension for, 515.
-, President of the Privy Council, salary, 392.
-, -, Sir William, 1st Earl of Pembroke, grant of lands to, 298.

Herbs, strewer of (Elizabeth Jux), 405, 525.

Hereditary Excise, interest on loans by Sir J. Snow, paid out of, 360.

Hereford, city of, crown lands in, lease of, 221.

Hereford, diocese of, tenths of the clergy of, payment out of, 526.

-, Crown Land Revenues in:
-, Auditor of, matter referred to, 160; and see Jett. Thomas.
-, Receiver General of (Digby, J.; Hewitt, R.), 160, 161, 170.
-, House duties in:
-, Receiver General of. See Clark, S.
-, Surveyor of. See Birt, J.
-, Land Tax (Assessments, Taxes), Receiver General of. See Clark, S.
-, Sheriff of. See Charlton, Sir Francis.

Hermitage [Wharf, London port], ships detained at, 423.

Herne, Mr., loan by, 73.
-, -, Sir Joseph, bill of, 380; coinage of copper halfpence and farthings by, 522; remittances by, 378; son of, place for, 570.
-, -, Lionel (Samuel), appointed first clerk to John Smith, a Teller of the Exchequer, 99, 512; a Paymaster of Exchequer Bills, salary, 391: issues to, for reimbursing Tellers of the Exchequer, 201, 348, 495.

Heron, Henry, Sheriff of Norfolk, surplusage on his accounts, 471.

Herring fishery. See North Sea.

Herrings, report of the Salt Commissioners re 524.

Hertford, Walter, petitioner, 589.

-, House duties in, Receiver General of, warrants to, 538; and see Peters, R.; Woolaston, R.: Surveyors of. See Chapman, T.; Crossfield, T.; Draycott, J.; Stone, W.
-, Land Tax (Assessments, Taxes), Receiver General of, warrant to, 293: and see Peters, R.
-, parishes in, arrears of house duty of, 172.
-, Sheriff of, and collectors of House duty, 173.

Hervart, Philibert d, petitioner, 590.

Hervey, John, lieutenant en second in George's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Hesket, John, Portcullis Pursuivant, 365.

Hesketh, Alexander, Sheriff of the County Palatine of Lancaster, surplusage on his accounts, 467.

Hesse, Prince of. See George.

Hesse Cassell, Landgrave of. See Charles.

Hessians (troops of the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel):
-, on the Establishment of 20,000 men (anno 1706), payments to, 280.
-, on the Establishment of 40,000 men (anno 1706), payments to, 280.
-, two regiments of horse in Italy, 336, 375.

Hester, John, hemp merchant, petition for allowance for losses as contractor for supplying hemp to the Navy, 170; case of, 570.

Hesterton, Joseph, General Surveyor of duties on Houses, dismissed, 448.

Hetherington, Humphrey, proposes to sell fee farm rents in Windsor and Eton, 301.

Hewbanks (Hewbank), John, Master of the George and Elizabeth, petition for release of his ship from quarantine, 503, 528, 543.

Hewer, William, Treasurer of Tangier: accounts of, 33(2), 47.
-, attending the Treasury, 33.
-, executor of S. Pepys, 391.
-, stay of process against, 203, 391.

Hewitt (Hewet, Hewett), Mathew, captain en second in Gorge's regiment, half pay for, 156.
-, -, Robert, Receiver General of Crown Land Revenues for cos. Worcester, Salop, Stafford and Hereford, appointment, 161; securities, 160, 170.
-, -, Thomas, Surveyor General of Woods, North Trent, matter referred to, 573; representation by, 384; warrants to, 171, 384.

Heyman, Mr., petitioner, 106.

Heymans, James, wine taster, appointed Surveyor of wine tasters, London port, 547.

Hicks Hall, Quarter Sessions for Middlesex at, 159, 293; corn prices settled at, 159.

Hide. See Hyde.

Highbury (Highberry), manor of. See Newington Barrow.

Highbury (Highberry) Wood in Islington, co. Middlesex, lands called, lease of, 151, 388.

Highgate, co. Middlesex, no transire required with goods sent from London to, 412.

Highway robbery, convictions for, 469.

Highwaymen, rewards paid by Sheriffs for apprehension of, 363, 433, 468, 469, 471.

Hilditch, John, riding officer at Dymchurch, removed to Lydd, salary, 403.

Hill, _, captain en second in Wightman's regiment, half pay for, 155.
-, -, Alice, woman of the Bedchamber, payments to, 181, 313, 398, 488.
-, -, Edmund, appointed waiter and searcher at Wisbeach, 5, 160.
-, -, George, royal bounty for, 115.
-, -, John, Groom of the Bedchamber to George, Prince of Denmark, annual allowance annulled, 450.
-, -, John, one of the Queen's watermen, badges, for, 405.
-, -, John, colonel:
-, pension out of the Post Office for, 292, 370, 465.
-, regiment of, carriages for, payment for, 183; fresh raised after the battle of Almanza, 156; officers en second of, half pay for, 156.
-, -, [Nicholas], a messenger, journey into Sussex by, 56; prisoner in the hands of, 56.
-, -, Richard, deputy to the Earl of Ranelagh in Flanders, 379: remittances to, 380, 381.
-, -, Richard, lease of Garden Gatehouse in Richmond Palace, 234, 322.

Hilton, Martha, relict of Robert, pension for, 183.
-, -, Robert, groom to George, Prince of Denmark, 183.

Hincks, James, petitioner, 581.

Hinds, Mr., memorial of, 570.

Historiographer of Scotland. See Crawford, D.

Historiographer Royal. See Rymer, T.

Hoare (Hoar), Richard (Hoare and Co.), contractor for remittances for the Army in Flanders, 105.
-, attending the Treasury, 42, 49, 53, 73, 82, 83, 104.
-, exchange remittances by, 73, 105, 452, 470, 495, 520; allowances for discount, commission and brokerage on, 83: proposals for, 42, 49, 53, 85, 104.
-, letters to, 452, 470, 495, 502, 520.

Hoast, james, tenant of marshes in Wolverton, 321.

Hobart, Sir Henry, grant in trust to, 329.

Hobson, Elizabeth, petition for allowance in accounts of her late husband, collector of Wexford, 126: report on, 510.

Hoblyn, John, appointed waiter and searcher at Gannel, 234.

Hockingson or Hodgkinson, George, master of the Friendship, 119, 505.

Hodges, Anthony, Lieutenant Governor of Montserrat, payments to, 189, 265, 372, 416, 491.
-, -, Joseph, a Manager of the Lottery for continuing part of the duties on coals, 129.
-, -, Thomas, Attorney General of Barbados, representation from. re neglect by persons in charge of casual revenues, 382.
-, -, Sir William, merchant, payments to, 162(2), 209, 232(2), 299: petition of, re seizure of Canary wines, 512, 522, report on, 537: recommendation by, 570.

Hodgkinson. See Hockingson.

Hoffmann, Johann Phillip. Secretary afterwards Resident of the late Emperor of Germany, 282, 283.

Hogg, William, riding officer at Alloa, dismissed, 306.

Hogg Marsh in Ingoldsthorpe, q.v.: in Wolverton, q.v.

Hogs. See Oxen.

Hogs bristles, importation of, 444: infected, prevention of importation of, 179.

Holbech, William, petition for employment, 570.

Holden, Samuel, merchant, petition for release of ship, 118.

Holdernesse, Earl of. See Conyers, Robert.

Holford, Isaac, contractor for oxen and hogs, petition of, 404, 590.

-, ambassadorial journeys to, 493, 535.
-, Ambassador's goods for, examination of, 304.
-, army in. See Army—Flanders.
-, bills of Exchange for and from, 2, 20, 24, 73, 283, 295, 359.
-, Convention with, 280.
-, convoy from, 165.
-, Council of State of, contract with, 134.
-, Elector of, treaty payment to, 380.
-, firelocks bought in, 305.
-, gold exported to, 418.
-, goods for. Customs examination of, 275, 304.
-, French wines bought in, 295.
-, importation of [British] coin into, 587.
-, Palatines from and returning to, 130, 154, 260, 264, 269, 283, 359, 382.
-, paper imported from, 418.
-, passes for, 95.
-, prohibited goods from, seizure of, 489.
-, remittance to, 9.
-, Russian ambassadors goods from, 558.
-, silk from, 165, 170.
-, tin for, 28, 387.
-, transportation of troops from, 223, 281, 448.
-, war in (1706–7), account for services of, 346.

Holland, John, Surveyor of landwaiters. London port, appointed Surveyor of the East India warehouse there, 160(3).

Holles, John, Duke of Newcastle:
-, Keeper of the Privy Seal, allowance in lieu of diet and fee, 397: salary, 415.
-, letter to, 415.
-, licence to make a park in Sherwood Forest, revoked, 131.
-, licence to make a park of his own lands in or in the purlieus of Sherwood Forest for the Queen's use, 131, 132, 171; allowance for, 401, 415, 558.
-, payment to, 113: for officers of Sherwood Forest, 31.
-, petition re Keepers' wages in Sherwood Forest, 573.

Hollidge, James, merchant of Bristol, petition re imported malt, 504. 600.

Holly, _, ensign en second in Wightman's regiment, half pay for, 155.

Holme, co. Norfolk:
-, Church Marsh in, lease of, 321.
-, Common, the, marsh called, lease of, 321.
-, Fowling Marsh, lease of, 321.
-, Middle Marsh, lease of, 321.
-, Redwell Marsh, lease of, 321.
-, Salt Marsh of, lease of, 321.

Holmes, George, chief clerk for digesting records in Cæsar's Chapel in the Tower, payments to, 128, 300, 364, 501.
-, -, Nicholas, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 204.
-, -, Richard, lieutenant en second in Wightman's regiment, half pay for, 155.
-, -, Richard, petition for employment in Scotland, 570, 600.
-, -, [Richard], major general, major in the Coldstream Guards, 540; petition for repair of the Guard Rooms and Tilt Yard at St. James's, 430, 540, 604.
-, -, Thomas, apprehended for burglary, 415.

Holstein, Duchess of. See Frederick Amalia; Hedwig Sophia.
-, -, Duke of. See Charles Frederick.
-, -, Duke and administrator of. See Christianus Augustus.
-, -, Princess of. See Mary Elizabeth

Holstein-Gottorp, Duke of:
-, convention with, 280.
-, Envoy Extraordinary from. See Berner, B.
-, troops of, on the Establishment of 20,000 men, payments for, 280.

Holt, [Henry], major general, marine regiment of, issue to clear, 365.
-, -, Sir John, Lord Chief Justice, Queen's Bench, executors of, payments to, 367, 428.
-, -,Rowland, Comptroller General of Customs Accounts. See Customs.

Holy Island, co. Northumberland, waiters and searchers at, 441.

Holyday, Paul, master of the Beginning, 505.

Holyoake, Fisher, surety, petition for stay of process against, 463.

Honey, gauger of, 174.

Honors and Manors. See Hampton Court; Manors; Royal Honors and Manors.

Honywood, Sir William, appointed a Commissioner of Appeals and Regulating the Excise, 281.

Hook, James, annuity order in the name of, renewal of, 516.
-, -, John, Chief Justice of Merioneth, Carnarvon and Anglesey, payments to, 306, 529.

Hooks, John, under clerk in the House of Commons, payment to, 347.

Hooton Pagnell (Hutton Pannel, alias Hooten Pannel), co. York, tithes of grain of, lease of, 322.

Hopkins, _, affidavit re, 514.
-, -, Mr., cases of prisoners at large represented to, 56.
-, -, Thomas, a Commissioner of Transportation. (1689–1702), 581.

Hopson, Sir Charles, executors of, payment to, 469; Sheriff of London, surplusage on his accounts, 468, payments by, 469; Surveyor of repairs in St. James's Park and Tilt Yard, 258, 334.
-, -, John, son of Sir Charles, Surveyor of repairs in St. James's Park and Tilt Yard, petition and appointment, 258, 334.

Hornabrook (Hornabrooke), John, petition for lease of a messuage in Bradninch, 453, 590.

Hornby, Joseph, fee farm rent sold by, 298.
-, -, Nathaniel, fee farm rent sold by, 298.

Horse, Master of the, memorial of, 590.

Horse races, gold cups for, 395.

Horseley, William, petition re Mote Park, 570.

Horses for the Army. See Army.

Horton, Alexander, Receiver General for Assessments and duties on Houses, co. Bucks, 138, 500.
-, -, Hugh, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Bucks, executors of, payment to, 133.

Hosier, George, Receiver General of Land Tax (Assessments) for Shropshire, 139; Receiver General for duties on Houses, Shropshire and Ludlow, 499.

Hospital ships, medicines for, issue for, 153, 257.

-, Army. See Army.
-, for late intended Expedition, provisions for, 167.
-, medicines for, issue for, 153.
-, Navy. See Navy.
-, See also Chelsea, Christ's, Greenwich, St. Bartholomew's, St. Stephen's, St. Thomas's, Savoy.

Hotham, Sir Charles, regiment of:
-, men of, transferred to Bowles's regiment, levy money, for, 285.
-, muster rolls, 505.
-, subsistence for, issues for, 45, 98, 286, 357, 433, 505.

Hougill, James, Surveyor of duties on Houses for London and Middlesex, appointment and salary, 446.

Hoult, Edward, waterman in London port, 570; appointment, 353.

Hounslow Heath, encampment on (1687), 16.

House Park. See Hampton Court (New Park).

Houses, duties on (Window Tax):
-, (granted for seven years by Act 7 and 8 Wm. III, c. 18; continued by Act 1 Anne, c. 7, for making good deficiencies: continued and made perpetual by Act 6 Anne, c. 21, to secure a yearly fund for circulating Exchequer Bills and added to by Act 8 Anne, c. 10, to raise 1,500,000l. by way of a lottery.)
-, arrears of, 38, 41, 172.
-, Receiver General of. See several counties and towns.
-, weekly lists of, 91.
-, collectors of, petition for place, 404; supers depending on, 509: tobacco seized by 124.
-, commissioners for. See Buckinghamshire.
-, duplicates of accounts of, 173; in the Exchequer Remembrancer's office, allowance to Deputy Queen's Remembrancers for keeping a clerk to enter and examine, 400, 576.
-, General Surveyors of, duties and salaries, 448; and see Hesterton, J.; Jones, W.; Philips, W.; Self, W.: Stanford, J.; Wilcocks, J.
-, Lottery on. See Lotteries, non-payment of, 124.
-, officers, alteration of list of, 98.
-, Receivers General; and see under several counties and towns.
-, accounts of, 37, 112.
-, appointments, 169, 256, list of, 499, 500, 501; privy seal for, 225, 308.
-, extraordinary charges, 423.
-, process against, petition for stay of, 224, 225.
-, securities of, 169, list, 499, 500, 501.
-, warrants to, for payment of salaries of Surveyors, 256, 445, 492, 493, 512, 518.
-, revenue of:
-, applied to deficient funds, 124, 125, 236, 273, 315, 345, 386, 426, 458, 484, 507, 544.
-, payment of 106,501l. 13s. 5d. per annum out of, to the Bank of England, 478, 501.
-, yearly, account of, required, 112.
-, scheme for managing, 14.
-, in Scotland. See Scotland.
-, Surveyors of. Cp. above General Surveyors.
-, appointments, 256, 293, 342, 354, 492, 512, 518, 538, 554, 588.
-, list of, 445, 446, 447, 448: required, 457.
-, presentments for, 83, 481.
-, proposed, 164.
-, privy seal for, 310.
-, behaviour of, 495.
-, complaint against, 164.
-, creditors of, 396.
-, dismissed, 93, 481, 492, 493, 512, 554.
-, employment as, petition for, 454; recommendation, 568.
-, reinstated, 481.
-, salaries of, 256, 293, 354, 373, 445, 446, 447, 448, 492, 493, 512, 518, 538.
-, superseded, 342.

Houston, Elizabeth, widow, petition for royal bounty, 570, 590.

How. See Howe.

Howard, Charles, Earl of Carlisle, recommendation by, 250.
-, -, Philip, colonel, petitioner, 53, 590, 600.
-, -, Sir Robert, Farmer of Post Fines, 454; matter referred to, 228.
-, -, Thomas, Earl of Berkshire, Farmer of Post Fines, 454.

Howden Panns (Howdon Pans), co.
-, Northumberland:
-, ballast quays at, 254.
-, boatmen at, 417; appointment of four, proposed, 254.
-, tidesurveyor at, proposed appointment of a fourth, 254.
-, smuggling at, 254.

Howe (How), Mrs. [widow of Emanuel Scroop], demand for Extraordinaries due to her husband, 106.
-, -, [Emanuel], major general, regiment of, officer of, killed at Oudenard, 437.
-, -, Emanuel Scroop, Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector of Hanover:
-, children of, 535.
-, death of, 115, 530.
-, executors of, payment of Ordinary and Extraordinaries to, 530, 534, 535.
-, executrix of, rent paid by, 535.
-, his house at Hanover and lodging at Wolfenbuttle, 535.
-, Secretary to, payment to, 535.
-, -, John, Surveyor of duties on Houses, co. Cumberland, appointment and salary, 445.
-, -, John, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons:
-, accounts of, fees and charges for passing, 161, 162; to be transmitted once a week, 41, 427.
-, attendance at the Treasury, 10, 19, 20, 102, 103, 108, 110, 111, 112; day (Friday) set apart for, 34, 517.
-, deputy or agent to. See Merrill, J.
-, estimate for Chelsea Hospital and, 102, 111.
-, instructions by, for payment of officers ordered to attend Colonel Nicholson in the Expedition [to Canada], 267.
-, issues to, 4, 10, 22, 29, 30, 33, 54, 56, 83, 102, 113, 125, 146, 153, 177, 185, 205, 244, 245, 263, 264, 283, 303, 339, 340, 361, 376, 422, 427, 501, 518, 542, 551, 554, 557, 604.
-, letters to and matters referred to, 120, 165, 261, 345, 523, 527, 548, 598.
-, loans by, 244, 283, 422, 427, 551.
-, memorials, 4, 10, 22, 30, 33, 49, 56, 102, 103, 111, 147, 466, 526, 545, 604.
-, office, debts of, account of, required, 164, 540.
-, payments by, 33, 103, 108, 129, 141, 177, 245, 246, 303, 310, 361, 421, 424, 436, 455, 466, 501, 518, 526, 527, 543, 545, 548, 604.
-, reports by, 111, 129, 548(2), 567, 575, 592.
-, salary of Secretary at War paid by, 495.
-, scheme for disposing of remainder of supply for 1710, communicated to, 19.
-, and subsistence for Colonel Jones's regiment, 109, 548.
-, tallies and orders assigned to, or deposited by, 8, 22, 29, 30, 33, 54, 55, 108, 125, 146, 147, 264, 361, 453, 455, 460, 465, 501, 518, 526, 527, 542, 545, 548, 604.
-, interest on, directions for, 73.
-, loans on, 29, 30, 33, 47, 54, 55, 83, 103, 125, 177, 302, 361, 421, 436, 453, 455, 460, 465, 501, 518, 551.
-, not to be disposed of without particular directions, 554.
-, and troops quartered in Corporations and county towns during Parliamentary elections, 82, 461.
-, -, Margaret, petitioner, 590.
-, -, Scroop, Viscount Howe, Comptroller of Excise and New Impost. patent revoked, 356; petition for grant of waste and marsh lands in Northamptonshire, 332.

Howell, George, Receiver General of Assessments and duties on Houses, cos. Cardigan, Carmarthen, Glamorgan, Pembroke and Haverford West, 139, 448, 501.
-, -, Hugh John, tenant, 221.

Howland, Charles, petition to resign post of warehouse-keeper of unstamped parchment and paper in the Stamp Office, 333; appointment, 405.

Howlett, Richard, appointed tidewaiter at Borrowstounness, 216.

Hoyle, John, captain, petitioner, 604.

Hubbald, Mr., account of, to be prepared, 17.
-, -, William. Paymaster of the Artillery train employed in the reduction of Ireland, executors of, stay of process against, 199, 384.

Hubbard, Caleb, shipmaster, bond by, 457.
-, -, Nathaniel, tidesman in London port, dismissed, 194.

Hubert, _, major, petition for pay, 570.

Hudson, John, contractor for forage, 300; for Hanover troops on the Demer, 135; payments to, 135, 300.

Hudson River, proposed settlement of Palatines on, 148(2); land on, resumed to the Crown, 148.

Hughbanks, John, master of the George and Elizabeth, 530.

Hughes, Robert, tidesurveyor at Chester, additional salary, 234.
-, -, Samuel, deputy Comptroller of Excise, allowance, 390.

Hughson, William, appointed riding officer at East Guildford, 354.

Hugk. J. G., agent for Prince Charles of Denmark, petitioner, 580.

Hugon, Peter, master of the Peace of Granvill, 115.

Hull (Kingston upon Hull), co. York: Candle duties in, officers for, 253.
-, Candle trade of, 253.
-, Collector of, 514; and see Mason, [Hugh].
-, Eastland merchants at, 433.
-, House duties in, Receiver General of, See Wyvill, F.
-, Land Tax (Assessments) in, Receiver General of. See Wyvill, F.
-, landwaiters at, 492, 514.
-, ships at and for, 203, 220, 233, 254, 433.
-, tidesmen at, 353.
-, weighers at, 547.

Humber, river, quarantine in, 250.

Humble, Sir John, bart.:
-, appointed particular officer in the Exchequer (Paymaster) for paying annuities on the 1,500,000l. Lottery (1710 Lottery), issue to, 557; salary, 384; securities of, 514, 521.
-, a Manager of the Lottery for continuing part of the duties on coals (1,500,000l. Lottery), 129.
-, money order for, 444.
-, Paymaster of the Million Lottery (as by 5 and 6 Wm. and Mary, c. 7), issue to, 472.

Hume, _, lieutenant en second in Hill's regiment, half pay for, 156.
-, -, Patrick, Lord of Session, Scotland, payment to, 229.
-, -, Rachel, widow, petition for pension, 40, 581; her husband's service, 581.

Humphrys, John, schoolmaster going to Philadelphia, passage money for, 494.

Hungarian minister, 230.

Hungary, native of, 364.

Hungerford, Walter, appointed a Commissioner of Appeals and Regulating the Excise, 281.

Hunsdo, Thomas, petitioner, 604.

Hunstanton, co. Norfolk:
-, cliff, 323.
-, lighthouses at, annual profit of, 323; erected by John Knight, 174; lease of, 323; cost of. See Prices. See also Everard, James.
-, marsh near, 321.

Hunt, Benjamin, commander of the Pilgrim, galley, 254.
-, -, Bryan, clerk, chaplain going to Barbados, passage money for, 205.
-, -, Maurice, petition re defective fee farm rents, 429, 570, 581.

Hunter, James, Sheriff's officer, co. Herts, 173.
-, -, Robert, colonel, 123.
-, Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Province of New York, 147.
-, agent to, remittances to, 277.
-, goods for the Governor's chapel in New York issued to, 121.
-, granting of lands his chief perquisite, 122.
-, journeys to France to procure his exchange, 145.
-, his losses at sea, payment for, out of quit rents, 193.
-, matter referred to, 268.
-, memorial for quit rents, 120, 122.
-, ordnance stores for, 115.
-, Palatines sent to New York with, 22; instructions and additional instructions re 5, 147.
-, payments to, 22, 27, 30, 144, 302, 324, 366, 384.
-, Lieutenant and Governor General of Virginia, 120.
-, commission revoked, 144.
-, equipage and transport allowance, 208.
-, salary, 152.
-, taken prisoner on his voyage to Virginia, 144, 208.
-, -, Samuel, employed by the Transportation Commissioners (1689–1702), 282.
-, -, William, riding surveyor at Newbiggen, removed to Berwick, 441.

Huntingdon, co. Hunts., lands and tenements in, lease of, 221.


House duties in, Receiver General of, warrant to, 512; and see Dowse, W.; Jeay, W.; Surveyor of, See Jeay, T.
-, Land Tax (Assessments), Receiver General of. See Dowse, W.; Jeay, W.

Huntsman to William III (W. Powell), 574.

Hurleston, Charles, Sheriff of Cheshire, surplusage on his accounts, 471.

Hurst, _, a prisoner at large, 56.
-, -, Thomas, accountant's clerk (Transport Office), money in hands of, 282.

Hurt, Thomas, prosecution by, payment for, 250.

Hutchins, Bernard, Receiver General of Land Tax (Assessments) and Duties on Houses for Somerset and Bristol, 138, 499; extraordinary expenses for, 480; petition for, 422, 423, 581, 590.
-, -, Richard, Surveyor of Duties on Houses for Bristol, appointment and salary, 447.

Hutchinson, Mr., recommendation by, 575.
-, -, Johnathan, petition for discharging ships, 118.
-, -, Stephen, captain en second in Hill's regiment, half pay for, 156.

Hutton, Joseph, arrested for riot, 376.
-, -, Mathew, serjeant at arms, fee and allowances, 369.

Hutton Pannel. See Hooton Pagnell.

Hyde (Hide), Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon, grant of coppices in Wychwood Forest to, 235.
-, -, Edward, Viscount Cornbury and 3rd Earl of Clarendon:
-, Governor of New York, commissioners of revenue appointed by, 151; illegal proceedings by, 128; letter to, mentioned, 152; Tho. Byerley suspended by, 151, 152, 571.
-, -, Henry, 2nd Earl of Clarendon, lease from, 235.
-, -, Henry, Lord Hyde (afterwards 4th Earl of Clarendon and 2nd Earl of Rochester), appointed Vice Treasurer, Treasurer at War, Receiver General and Paymaster General of Ireland, 85, 471.
-, -, Lady Jane, Lady of the Bedchamber, payments to, 181, 313, 397, 488.
-, -, Laurence, Earl of Rochester:
-, lease of coppices in Wychwood Forest, 235.
-, payment of a fine to the Duke of Leeds, 575.
-, pension out of the Post Office, 457.
-, President of the Privy Council, payment to, in lieu of ten dishes every meal, 485.
-, royal bounty for, 485.
-, stable yard leased to, 276.
-, -, William, Sheriff of Lincoln, surplusage on accounts of, 471.

Hyde Park. See London and Westminster.

Hyndeford, Earl of. See Carmichael, James.

Hythe, co. Kent, riding officers at, 403, 404.