Appendix No. 2: December 1710

Pages 603-606

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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December 1710

Dec. 18. Burrage Angier [his petition is read]. The place is disposed [of].
Tho. Addison and David Elder, late Com[missioners] for Sick and Wounded [their petition is read]. Ref[erred] to the Auditors [of Imprests] to give my Lords a state of this matter.
Tho. Alber [Albert] late Receiver [General of Taxes] for Co. Worcester [his petition is read]. Ref[erred to the] Agents for Taxes.
William Atwood [his petition is read]. Look out the papers and state his case.
[Certain] apothecaries of London [their petition is read]. Ref[erred to the] Commissioners of Sick and Wounded.
William Anstis [his] memorial [is read] about interest on tin tallies. Ordered accordingly.
Dec. 29. The African Company [their petition is read]. Ref[erred] to Mr. Att[orney] Gen[eral]. Ibid., p. 1.
Dec. 18. William Blencoe [his petition is] read.
Philip Bacon and William Trotman [their petition is read]. To be read when Receivers [General of Taxes for the counties &c.] are appointed.
De Bussy [his petition is read]. Rejected. Ibid., p. 25.
Dec. 15. Tho. Curtis and Jno. Lindsay [their petition is read]. Ref[erred to the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners].
Dec. 18. Jno. Cocks [his petition is read]. Ref[erred] to Mr. Taylour.
Dec. 18. Chelsea Hospital: [my Lords read the petition from the 12d. [twelvepenny a day] outpensioners. Mr. Brydges to give an account of the deductions [made] from [the pay of] the Forces in Flanders.
Deputy Chamberlains [of the Exchequer: their petition is read]. To be paid as usual [their fees on tallies of loan &c. on which they had not charged fees].
Robt. Clarke [his petition is read]. Rejected.
Jno. Crowne [his petition is read. My Lords order him to be paid] the usual [royal] bounty.
The proprietors of tallies on the Coal [Duty] Act [their petition is read]. The account is before the House [of Commons]. T 4/18, p. 49.
[My Lords read] Mr. Eyles' letter in behalf of Hen. Flower. The place is disposed [of].
Samuel Edwin [his petition is read]. Ref[erred] to Lord Halifax [the Auditor of the Receipt]. Ibid., p. 87.
William Frankland, Receiver [of the Stamp Duties, his petition is read]. Referred to the Commissioners of Stamp Duties. [See Reference Book VIII, p. 435, under date Dec. 22, supra, p. 553.]
The French ministers refugies [their petition is read]. To be paid when there is mo[ney of the Civil List available].
Lieut. General Farrington and Lord Mark Kerr [their petition is read]. Referred to the Comptrollers of the Accounts of the Army [see Reference Book, p. 436, under date Dec. 22, supra, p. 553].
Sir Robert Forbes [his petition is read]. Referred to Baron Scrope to consider how these muniments may be placed. [See Dec. 22, supra. p. 552.] Ibid., p. 107.
Dec. 11. Anto. Marquis de Guiscard [his petition is read]. To be laid before the Queen.
Dec. 18 Eliza[beth] Goddard [her petition is read]. Referred to the Postmaster General. Ibid., p. 127.
Dec 5. Robt. Hayler and Katharine Roberts [their petition is read]. Referred to Mr. Borrett.
Dec. 11 Major General Holmes [his petition is read for repairs at the Guard Room at St. James's]. Send to the Officers of the Works to view and report what is necessary to be done. [See supra, under date Dec. 11, p. 540.]
Dec. 18. Mr. Howe's memorial [is read for money] on account for Guards and Garrisons. My Lords order [payment] of this memorial out of tallies in the [said] Paymaster's hands, he taking care to oblige the [Army] Officers and Clothiers not to part with them [the said tallies if or so long as they be] at a discount.
Tho. Hunsdo [his petition is read]. The place is disposed [of].
Capt. Jno. Hoyle [my Lords read his petition on the] Order of C[ouncil referring same to the Treasury Lords]. Not proper to apply here for this.
Edmund Hampden [his petition is] read.
Cha. Hay [his petition is read and ordered] to be referred to Lord Chief Baron Smith. Ibid., p. 143,
Dec. 18. Robt. Laurence [his petition is read]. To be read [again] when [there is] a vacancy.
Jno. Lacheur [his petition is read on the] Order of C[ouncil referring same to the Treasury Lords]. Ref[erred to the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners]. Ibid., p. 183.
[The] Moneyers [of the Tower Mint, their petition is read concerning the recoining in Scotland]. Referred to Mr. Baron Scrope.
Jno. Mansergh [his petition is] read. Ibid., p. 203.
Col. Nicholson [his petition is read concerning his] bills of exchange. Ordered to be paid.
Ignatius Nugent [his petition is] read. Ibid., p. 223.
Steph. Du Puy [his petition is read]. The place is disposed [of].
Widow Anne Pugh [her petition is read]. Enquire what she had. Ibid., p. 263.
Dec. 5. Katherine Roberts vide Hayler.
Dec. 18. Daniel Richardson [his case is considered]. This affair is to be considered in the Holydays.
Tho. Read [his petition is read]. To apply when [there is] any vacancy.
Earl of Ranelagh [his petition about his wine allowance is read and] referred to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Ibid., p. 283.
Eliza[beth] Storey [her petition is read]. Rejected.
Stephen Scott [his petition is read]. Respited.
Tho. Strickland [his petition is read]. Referred to the Managers of the Lottery.
Nov. 21. William Strode, John Short [Inspector General of Customs in North Britain] et al. [my Lords read the] report from the C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] of England [on the petition of the above for reward for wine seizures]. Send this to Mr. Baron Scrope to know if he has any objection to making the distribution accordingly.
Dec. 26. Officers en seconde [their petition is read]. To be referred to the Secretary at War. Ibid., p. 307.
Dec. 18. The masters of ships [employed] in the Transport service [their petition is read]. Their case will be considered in Parliament with other debts.
Watkin Thomas, see Williams, M. [This cross reference appears to be incorrect.]
The Tally Court Officers [their petition is read. My Lords order them] a warrant as usual. Ibid., p. 331.
Dec. 11. The Officers of the Works [their petition is read] about annoyances at Denmark House. Send this to Mr. Att[orney General] and desire him to examine into the leases as is proposed by the [Principal] Officers of the Works.
Dec. 18. Robt. Watts [his petition is read]. The place is disposed [of].
Dec. 18. Lieut. William West [his petition is read]. Not granted.
Magd. Williams [her petition is read]. Rejected.
William Watkin [his petition is read]. Ref[erred to the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners].
Jno. White [his petition is] read.
Tho. Wiberg, Serjeant [at Arms to the] House of Commons [his petition is read. My Lords order] Mr. Powys to state this.
Capt. Jno. Williams [his petition is read]. Ref[erred to the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners]. T 4/18, p. 379.
Josia Kay, the Q[ueen's] Locksmith [his petition is read]. Referred to Mr. Vanburgh.
Jno. Kent [his petition is read. My Lords order it to be read again] when the affairs of Scotland are under consideration. Ibid., p. 399.
The [Victualling] Commissioners and Officers of Plymouth Yard [their petition is read]. To be done as usual. Ibid., p. 411.