Appendix No. 2: September 1710

Pages 584-597

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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September 1710

Sept. 11. Capt. Alexr. Abercromby, ut infra, p. 587: 11 Sept. 1710: ordered accordingly at the desire of Mr. Abercrombie: viz. the widow of Douglas to have two months' time to make good the allegations of her petition.
Almanza: [the petition of the] serjeants, corporals, drums and private men taken prisoners at the battle of Almanza.
11 [Sept. ordered] to be referred to the Comptrollers [of the Accounts] of the Army.
Sept. 18. Robert Adams [his petition is read]. Rejected, [the petition handed back to the] petitioner.
William Anstruther [his petition is read]. My Lords cannot advise the Queen to grant this pension.
Officers of Arms, ut supra, p. 579 [their petition is read]. If these things are delivered into the [Great] Wardrobe the petitioners are to bring a certificate whether the same do belong to the Officers at Arms, and if so what the value thereof may amount to.
Tho. Addison and David Elder, two of the late Com[missioners] for Sick and Wounded Seamen [their petition is read]. Rejected.
Sept. 25. [A letter] anonymous [is read] about a seizure at the Custom House. Rejected.
Robert Aldersey, [water] engine maker at Hampton Court: [my Lords read the] report [from] the Officers of the Works [on his petition]. The petitioner is to be paid when provision is made for paying the debts of King Wm.
Sept. 18. Saml. Swift his letter [is read] in behalf of Mr. Albert.
Sept. 26. [My Lords order the Taxes] Agents to proceed immediately against Mr. Albert. Ibid., p. 1.
Sept. 4. Widow Ann Bush [her petition is read]. There being no provision for this, the Queen has been pleased to declare that she will grant no new pensions.
[The petition from] Richard Backwell, Barnaby and Leigh. Read.
Hen. Badnedge [his petition is] read.
Tho. Burton [his petition is read and ordered] to be read again next Monday.
Sept. 4. Sept. 11. Respited another week.
Joice Bush [her petition is read] dismissed: for the matter is not cognisable by this Board.
Ed. Baugh [his petition is] read.
Tho. Brand [his petition is read and] ref[erred to] Mr. Vanbrugh.
Philip Bertie [his petition is read]. The Q[ueen] has signified her pleasure against granting new pensions.
Robert Bragg, Chaplain to the town and garrison of Portsmouth [his petition is read and referred] to the Governor [of said garrison] to know what is become of the former ornaments of this chapel.
Walter Boswall, Counter Warden of the Mint at Edinburgh [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to the Officers of the Mint in England.
Sept. 8. [My Lords read a] letter [from] Mr. Boyle [dated] 29 Aug. 1710 rel[ating] to the harbour of Leith. My Lords cannot enter into this expense till it hath been laid before Parliament.
Sept. 11. [My Lords read a] letter [from] Mr. Boyle [dated] 25 July with a bill of extraordinaries from Lord Stair [Envoy Extraordinary] in Poland. Make a true state of what [money] he hath received and what is due to him within the Regulation [as to ambassadorial extraordinaries].
Sept. 18: to be laid before the Queen [see infra, p. 594].
William Byles [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to the Agents [for Taxes] to examine and report.
[My Lords read a letter from Josiah] Burchett, Sec[retary to the Admiralty] rel[ating] to two ships of war to convey her Majesty's tin to Hamburg. [My Lords order] Mr. Anstys to attend the Admiralty and settle this with the [Admiralty] Commissioners for the tin affair.
Jno. Butts [my Lords read his petition]. See whether the pension he pretends to was ever settled.
William Bendysh [his petition is read and is ordered] to be put in the paper to be laid before the Queen next Wednesday.
Sept. 13. Read to the Queen. The Queen orders this remainder to be paid by 500l. a week.
Sept. 14. Tho. Bubb [his petition is read] praying to be instructed [in Customs business] in order to be [a] landwaiter in London port. Ordered accordingly.
Sept. 18. Rich. Budg [his petition is read and is ordered] to be laid before the Queen.
Sept. 27. Respited.
John Butts, ut supra. My Lords perceive that the petitioner had no settled pension; and her Majesty hath been pleased to declare she doth not intend to grant any new one.
Capt. Tho. Butler [my Lords read his petition and] dismiss the petition. [It is handed to the] petitioner.
William Borrett [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to Sir Simon Harcourt, the Att[orney] Gen[eral].
Margaret Baliol [her petition is] read and rejected.
Tho. Brand [my Lords read the] report [from] Mr. Vanbrugh [on his petition and order him] 20l. on the letters patent dormant.
Sept. 25. Tho. Byerly, ut supra, p. 579: the draft of the warrant is read and approved all but the last paragraph. [It is] to be transcribed for their Lords' signing.
Sept. 25. Mr. Bethune [my Lords read the] presentment [from the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] in Scotland. Send this to Baron Scrope to consider and give their Lordships his opinion thereupon.
Tho. Baker [his memorial is read] pro Consul Cole at Algier. [My Lords order] Mr. Powys to make a state of what is due.
Nov. 10. He is paid as far as other foreign ministers and so will be paid on.
Robt. Bragg, ut supra, p. 585. [My Lords read the report from the] Governor of Portsmouth [garrison]. Look out the warrant and lay it before my Lords to be signed.
_ Bendysh [his petition is] read.
William Borrett [my Lords read his] memorial rel[ating] to process against Mar. Letter writ accordingly. T 4/18, p. 25.
Sept. 4. The owners of the ship Catharine. The report from the C[ommissioners of] Transports [which was] read 24 May 1710. Upon considering it with [in the presence of] the said Commissioners and the merchants my [late] Lord [Treasurer Godolphin] is [was] of opinion that the petitioners have good reason in equity to be relieved and directs [did direct] the Commissioners to report the value of the ship &c.
The second report from the C[ommissioners of] Transports [is read this day and by my Lords ordered the owners] to be paid by a [Navy] bill in course according to the [said second or] last report.
Callaghan [the draft warrant], ut supra, p. 580: [is read and ordered] to be laid before the Queen.
John Campbell, Contractor for foraging the Troops in North Britain [his petition is read and my Lords ordered] 2,300l. to be paid.
Cha. Collins [his petition is read and ordered] to be read when the C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] are here.
The four orphans of Lieut. Calder, ut supra [the petition read again and is ordered] to be sent to Mr. Walpole for his opinion.
Sept. 5. [My Lords read the] presentment [from the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] touching the practice of the Dutch men of war. My Lords will take care in these matters.
Sept. 6. Ja. Crofts [his petition is] read to the [Queen]. Not ordered.
Callaghan, ut supra: read to the Queen. Ordered according to the report.
Sept. 11. Jno. Chamberlain [his petition is read]. An extract to be made and laid before the Queen.
Jno. Cave [his letter is read]. If he will come in the afternoon [of this day] or next Monday and make his discovery to my Lords they will consider whether there be any probability in it and be judges of his merit.
Edith College [her petition is read]. The Queen has resolved to grant no new pensions.
Sept. 13. Jno. Chamberlayn, ut supra: read to the Queen. 150l. is ordered according to Mr. Blathwayte's report to build an house, chapel and fort for the [missionary to the] Sachems.
Sept. 18. Calder, ut supra. [My Lords read] Mr. Walpole's report. Send this report and papers to Mr. Cardonel with my Lords' desire that he will lay them before his Grace the Duke of Marlborough as a very compassionate case.
Sept. 18. 9 Jan. 1710–11. A trustee to be named. His Grace will sign a warrant. Trustee [is to be] Capt. Gardiner.
Ann Crawford [my Lords read the] report from the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland [and do thereupon order] 20l. to be paid by warrant, by virtue of the Letters Patent Dormant.
Sept. 25. Carpenter and Woodcroft [their petition is read and] ref[erred to the] Secretary at War.
Sir Fran. Compton [his letter is read]. When he makes the discovery my Lords will lay it before the Queen.
Consul Cole at Algiers vide Baker, supra, p. 586.
Jno. Coker [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to the Agents [for Taxes].
Clerks of the late Attorney General [their petition is read and] ref[erred] to Mr. Borrett.
Jno. Cave [his petition is read]. Rejected. Ibid., p. 49.
Sept. 4. Ja. Douglas, baker in Aberdeen, alleged to have been a bastard and dying suddenly without a will, his estate is fallen to her Majesty. Capt. Alexander Abercromby craves the gift [of it] upon account of good services. The town of Aberdeen say they educated the deceased and put him to an employment; so they crave the gift. The widow of the deceased having nothing to subsist on prays she may be preferred to both. Report the several pretensions to the Queen.
[My Lords read the petition of] Deacon and Travers [and the] report from Dod and Waters [thereon] with the letter [from] Mr. Burchett and the report from Sir C. Hedges [all which were considered] 19 June 1710 [by the late Lord Treasurer Godolphin who thereto] agreed: [The whole are now] again read: "and let none take out the order but the two men themselves when they appear in person."
E. Dummer [my Lords read the] report [from the] Postmaster General [on his proposal]. Prepare a sign manual.
Jos. Delauney, Lieutenant Colonel in Gorge's Regiment [his petition is read]. Ref[erred] to the Secretary at War.
Sept. 11. Tho. Day [my Lords read the] report [from] Mr. Blathwayt [on his petition and refer same] to the Com[missioners of] Trade to advise what grant and whether they have any objection.
Sept. 18. William Drummond, Warden of the Mint in Edinburgh [his petition is read]. The Queen doth not think fit to increase any salaries.
Widow Jane Dickenson [my Lords read the] report [from] Mr. Walpole [on her petition]. Dismiss the petition.
Tho. Dummer [my Lords order] Mr. Dummer's memorial about the accounts of the G[reat] Wardrobe to be considered next Friday.
Sept. 25. [The petition from some] proprietors of Army and Transport Debentures [is read by my Lords]. Mr. Jett is to state this [matter] in a report, with his opinion thereupon.
Sept. 29. [My Lords read a] letter from Lord Dartmouth [dated] 6 Sept. 1710 with an extract of a letter from Mr. Chetwynd about the Bankers at Turin; and another [letter] from Rotterdam about coin imported hence into Holland. Read. Ibid., p. 73.
Sept. 4. Danl. Elwell [his petition is] read.
Sept. 11. Jo. Everard and his wife [their petition is read for a] grant of a further term in a lighthouse in Co. Norfolk; [and the] report [from] Trinity House [Deptford Strond thereon]. My Lords think the desire of the Corporation of Trinity House is very reasonable.
Sept. 18. [My Lords read a] report from the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. The minutes are taken [and are endorsed] upon the respective petitions to which this report relates.
Barkham Edwards [his petition is read. My Lords order him] to be continued as he was, viz. Surveyor of the Window Tax for the Tower Hamlets.
Sept. 20. Geo. Erskin going Chaplain to Jamaica [the Bishop of London's letter asking for the usual bounty for his transport is] read to the Queen. He is to have 20l. (when he is ready to embarque) upon the Bishop of London's letter.
Sept. 25. Somerset English: [my Lords read the] letter [from the] Lord Chamberlain. Agreed and a warrant [is to be drawn] accordingly.
William Ellis, late Sheriff of York [his petition is read and ordered] to be laid before the Q[ueen.]
Lieut. Col. Erskin [my Lords read the] report [from the] Com-[missioners] of Excise in Scotland. My Lords agree to this report.
Robt. Elliot [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to the Com[missioners of the] Salt Duty.
Sept. 26. Capt. Jno. Edwards, ut supra, p. 581. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners]. The Com[missioners who are present say that they] are of opinion there is no foundation for the charge against Mr. Culliford and give their reasons for their opinions. Direct them to report their opinions in writing. T 4/18, p. 87.
Sept. 4. Simon Francis [his petition is read and] r[eferred to the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners].
[My Lords read the petition from] Feild, Giniff, Hamilton and Baker. Give fresh direction to prosecute the recovery of this debt.
Sept. 11. Tanneguy Le Fevre, French minister and refugee [his petition is read and ordered] to be laid before the Q[ueen].
[My Lords read a] letter dated 5 Sept. rel[ating] to frauds in some Office to near the value of 2,000l. per an. signed J. L. and R. P. [and order] an advertisement to be put in the Gazette.
William Farris [his petition is read]. He should have made his application while the estate was in the Queen's hands.
Tanneguy Le Fevre, French minister and refugiée [his petition is read and ordered] to be laid before the Q[ueen].
Sept. 13. Read to the Q[ueen who] ordered 30l. but tell him it will be the last money he will receive and pay it when he is ready to embarque.
Sept. 18. Eliza[beth] Fisher [her petition is read]. Make an abstract of this to be laid before the Q[ueen].
[My Lords read a petition from] Sir Robt. Forbes and _ Graham, Judges of the High Court of Admiralty, [and do order] a copy of this petition and of the report of the Barons of the Exchequer to be sent to Lord Wemys.
Sept. 20. Eliza Fisher, ut supra. Read to the Queen [who orders it] to be laid before the Parliament. Paying it now would not be a good precedent to Sir Tho. Mansell.
Sept. 25. Richard Fancourt [his petition]. The report [from] Messrs. Dod and Warters [was] read 18 July 1710 [by the late Lord Treasurer Godolphin who] "orders this 16l. 4s. 6d. to be paid out of Secret Service money, in regard his Lordship thinks it too small a sum to trouble the Queen with for her warrant to pay out of Perquisites of the Admiralty." [The said warrant is now] Sept. 25 read [by the present Treasury Lords]. Examine what has been the usual way of disposing and applying the money arising by Droits of Admiralty when the Office of the Admiralty is in commission and report the same to their Lordships.
Robt. Fenwick [referred by] Order of C[ouncil. My Lords read the] report [from the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners and order it] to be carried to the [Privy] Council.
[?] J. Fuller and Pemburge [their petition is read]. Recommend him to the Agents [for Taxes] to be taken care of in the first vacancy that happens. The like for Pemburge that was Surveyor [? of House Duties] at Bristol; and if the Agents have put in any [whom] my Lords have not recommended my Lords desire these two may be provided for out of some of their places. Ibid., p. 107.
Sept. 4. Col. Gledhill [his petition is read and ordered] to be laid before the Queen.
Eliza[beth] Gellott [her petition is read]. Rejected.
Sept. 11. Nicho. Gernon [his petition is read and ordered] to be read with the report on Baker's petition this day sevennight.
Sept. 18. Capt. Robt. Gardner [my Lords read the] rep[ort from] Mr. Walpole on his petition. My Lords] agreed to this report.
William Guard [his petition is read]. Let the Commissioners for Victualling the Navy send to the Agent Victualler at Portsmouth to make answer forthwith to this complaint.
29 Sept. [A] letter [dated Sept. 25 from the said Agent Victualler is] read.
Lewis Gillart [his petition] 18 [inst. is read and ordered] to be read when the C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] are here.
Sept. 25. Ref[erred to the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners].
10 Oct. 1710. The report from the C[ustoms] C[ommissioners is read and] approved. Ibid., p. 127.
Sept. 4. Widow Mary Hammond [her petition is read]. Dismissed.
Walter Hertford [his petition is read and] ref[erred to the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners].
Widow Catha[rine] Harris [her petition is read and] rejected.
Titie Hansen et al. vide Order [of Council, infra, p. 593].
Sept. 6. [A petition from the Receiver General of Taxes for London concerning] Household taxes [assessments on the servants of the Household in St. James's and Whitehall is] read to the Queen [who ordered] an account to be laid before the Queen to show who have paid and what and who cannot.
Sept. 11. Col. Philip Howard [his petition is read and ordered] to be laid before the Q[ueen] on Wednesday.
Sept. 13. Read to the Q[ueen]. Her Majesty will consider of it.
Philibert D'Hervart [his petition is read]. Make a state of this.
Sept. 18. To be read again when my Lords consider of the debt due to her Majesty's [foreign] ministers.
Widow Eliza[beth] Houston [her petition is read]. The Q[ueen] has resolved to grant no new pensions.
William Harland [his petition is read and] dismissed.
Jno. Hornabrook [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands].
Sept. 18. The Master of the Horse [his memorial is read]. My Lords agree to what is desired to be allowed by this memorial and order a warrant accordingly.
The memorial [is read] relating to the allowance to the Master of the Hawks and Falconers. See what the D[uke] of St. Albans is entitled to by his patent [as Master of the Hawks].
Sept. 20. Col. Tho. Harrison [his matter is considered]. A warrant [is] signed by the Queen for 1,000l. above the fees [i.e. plus the Exchequer fees on the 1,000l.].
Sept. 25. Bernard Hutchins, Receiver General for Co. Somerset. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Agents for Taxes [on his petition]. Agreed and a warrant to be prepared accordingly.
Isaac Holford [his petition is read]. Ref[erred] to the Commissioners of the Victualling.
Widow Marg[aret] How [her] petition is read. Dismiss the petition. T 4/18, p. 143.
Sept. 4. [My Lords read the memorial concerning the] Justices Court in Scotland. Imprest 1,500l. for the next circuit. But write to the Judges to cause the account [of the costs of the circuits] to be passed in the Exchequer in due form of law.
Sept. 12. Major Jennings, ut supra, p. 581. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from] Mr. Walpole [thereon and order it] to be laid before the Q[ueen].
Sept. 13. [The petition is read to the Q[ueen]. Mr. Walpole's report is read and agreed to, but the 200l. is to be paid out of the money to be provided by Parliament unless the King of Spain's Minister here will agree to have it deducted out of the King's appointment from the Q[ueen].
Sept. 18. Jezreel Jones. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from] Mr. Vanbrugh. Make a state of what has been paid to Mr. Jones on these accounts.
Sept. 25. Ja. Isaacson [his petition is read]. To be read again when my Lords take into their consideration the affairs of Scotland.
Sept. 25. Widow Mary Jaquin [her petition is read]. Ref[erred] to Mr. Baker and Mr. Gosslyn.
Tho. James [his petition] to be a tidewaiter [is read]. It is disposed [of].
21 Nov. 1710. [Read again and] ref[erred to the] C[ustoms C[ommissioners].
Sir Jno. Jennings [my Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Surveyor General [of Crown Lands on his petition]. To be laid before the Q[ueen] next Wednesday.
29 Nov. 1710. Read to the Q[ueen and is by her Majesty] granted. Ibid., p. 163.
Sept. 4. Margarite and Stephen De Lisle [their petition is] read [and referred] to Mr. Bowyer.
Sept. 11. Tho. Lane [his petition is read. The Queen orders him] a warrant for one year.
Sept. 18. William Lloyd [his petition is read and] dismissed.
The merchant owners and freighters of the ship London [their petition is read]. Respited.
The Managers of the Lottery [their petition is read. My Lords order them] 300l. more upon account.
Col. Baldwin Leighton [his petition is read]. My Lords know nothing of the petitioner's allegations and the Q[ueen] has been pleased to declare she doth not intend to grant any new pension.
Sept. 25. Jno. Langtry [his petition is read and] ref[erred to the] Agents for Taxes.
Robert Lowther, Governor of Barbados [his petition is read. My Lords order] a warrant to be prepared for a p[rivy] seal in the usual form.
J. L. [? a letter from him is read containing a] complaint against the 90 officers on the coast of Kent and Sussex. To be sent to the C[ustoms] C[ommissioners]. Ibid., p. 183.
Sept. 4. Messengers [of the Chamber: My Lords read a petition] from them praying for eight years' disbursements per the Clerk of the Cheque together with [a] letter [from] Mr. Vanbrugh. The two Clerks of the Cheque and Mr. Vanbrugh are [ordered] to be here on Thursday next in the afternoon.
Richard Mead [my Lords read his petition praying] to be Collector at Deal. To be read again when the place is to be disposed.
Sept. 5. It is disposed to Mr. Power.
Robt. Miller, Clerk of the Mint at Edinburgh. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Officers of the [Tower] Mint [on his petition]. To be considered again when the Officers of the English Mint are here.
Sept. 25. Ref[erred] to Mr. Baron Scrope [in Scotland].
The Officers of the Mint at Edinburgh [my Lords consider their] estimate of the charge about the Trial of the Pyx. My Lords will consider and ascertain [fix] these articles and then consider out of what money these demands shall be satisfied.
Sept. 11. Write to Mr. [Baron] Scrope to know how the demands may be satisfied and compute 15s. a day for the Warden and Comptroller and 10s. a day for the rest of the Officers.
Sept. 4. 18 Sept. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from] Baron Scrope. Ordered.
Sept. 11. Hen. Meriton [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to C. Ex. [Commissioners of Excise].
Sept. 13. Methwyn [his petition is] read to the Q[ueen]. It is public money and cannot be discharged.
Sept. 18. Lieut. Gen. Maitland [my Lords read the] rep[ort] from Messrs. How and Walpole [on his petition]. Let Mr. Walpole certify if there be any money of the [Army] Contingencies remaining undisposed.
Rich. Mead [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to Mr. Bridges.
Sir Pat. Maxwell [my Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. This matter being now depending at law my Lords do not think it proper to move her Majesty to stop the proceedings therein.
Arthur Miller [his petition is read and] ref[erred to the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners].
Sept. 20. Sir Ja. Montagu [his petition is read]. Warrant signed by the Q[ueen] for 1,000l. per an.
Sept. 25. William Malet [his petition is read]. My Lords cannot make any composition. But as to the staying of process refer to the Agents for Taxes.
Ben. Matthew, late Receiver General [of Taxes] for Cos. Northampton and Rutland. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Agents for Taxes. Prepare a warrant for the 714l.
Moses Medina [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to Mr. Bridges.
Messengers of the Chamber in Ordinary [their case is again considered]. My Lords will hear the Messengers before they sign the order. T 4/18, p. 203.
Sept. 4. The seamen of the ship Newcastle [see supra, p. 582, under Aug. 21. My Lords consider their case]. They must apply to the proper Office for remedy.
Sept. 18. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from] Mr. Bridges. There is no provision made for demands of this kind as yet by Parliament: but my Lords think it will be proper to lay this before the H. of Commons in the next Session.
Sept. 18. Rich. Natt [his petition is read]. If the petitioner will come to my Lords and make out what he proposes their Lordships will give him all fitting encouragement: vide affidavit about Whitley's estate.
Sept. 25. Tho. Nevington [his petition is read and] ref[erred to the] Agents for Taxes.
Dymond Nixon [my Lords read a] letter [from] Sir Tho. Hanmer [dated] 23 Sept. 1710. Ordered to be a landwaiter at Solebay.
Nov. 21. The Commissioners [of Customs] will enquire concerning Dymond Nixon. Ibid., p. 223.
Sept. 4. Widow Mary Osburne [her petition is read and] dismissed.
Ed. Orrill [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to Mr. Borrett.
Sept. 5. [My Lords read the] Order [in] C[ouncil] on the petition of Sir Alexr. Knipe et al [praying an order to the Customs Commissioners] to release the ships Hagestrong and Marguerita [at present] under quarantine. [My Lords thereon read the] rep[ort from the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners]. Report [to the Queen in Council] accordingly.
The like minute on the petition of Titie Hanson et al. concerning the same two ships.
[My Lords read the] Order [in Council] on the petition of the owners and freighters of the ship Donegal under quarantine: [and the] report [from the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners thereon]. Rep[ort to the Queen in Council] accordingly.
Sept. 25. Duke of Ormonde [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to the Chief Governor of Ireland.
1711 April 19 [the report thereon is received and is ordered] to be laid before the Queen. Ibid., p. 247.
Sept. 4. Jno. Power [his petition is read praying] to be Collector at Deal. To be read when the place is to be disposed.
Sept. 5. Granted.
Ja. Penman, Assaymaster to the Mint at Edinburgh [his petition is read and] ref[erred] to the Officers of the Mint in England.
Sept. 25. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from the said] Officers of the Mint. Send this to Mr. Baron Scrope to consider and report out of what money he thinks this demand may most reasonably be satisfied.
Sept. 11. Widow Rebecca Pride [her petition is read]. The Q[ueen] has resolved to grant no new pensions.
[The poor] Palatines vide Tradesmen: vide Bendysh.
Proposal signed N. R. to save money to the Q[ueen is read]. An advertisement to be inserted in the Gazette.
Prizes [Commissioners'] rep[ort is read]. Mr. Baker and Mr. Gosselin are to take care that Mr. Clutterbuck do give proper security and [the Commissioners are to] present the names of the said security to my Lords for their approbation.
Sept. 18. [My Lords read the petition from the] Officers of the H[ouse] of Peers and H[ouse] of Commons. Respited.
Sept. 20. Mic[ajah] Perry [his petition is read]. Warrant [is] signed by the Q[ueen] for 150l. for the Indians.
Sept. 25. William Palmer et al. sureties for Jno. Andrews deceased, late Receiver General [of Taxes] for Co. Warwick [their petition is read]. Ref[erred to the] Agents for Taxes.
Sept. 18. Samuel Powell [his petition is read]. To be read again next week. Sept. 25. Granted. Prepare a warrant. Ibid., p. 263.
Sept. 4. [My Lords read the] report from the Officers of the Works [on the petition of] Joseph Roberts [praying] to be the Q[ueen's Serjeant] Plumber. To be laid before the Q[ueen].
Read the 26th. Granted.
Sir Alexander Rigby [my Lords read his] letters of 29 and 31 Aug. 1710. Make an extract of so much as concerns the Customs and refer the same to the C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] in England.
Sept. 4. Sept. 26. The C[ommissioners] are preparing a report about these matters and this [matter is] to be brought in then.
Sept. 11. William Read [his petition is read]. Not granted.
Isaac Rider [his petition is read and] ref[erred to the] Commissioners of Sick and Wounded.
Sept. 25. [My Lord read the] rep[ort from the] C[ommissioners of] Sick and Wounded. To be read again when my Lords order anything to [be paid to] the Office for Sick and Wounded Seamen: vide Byng, Sir G.
Sept. 18. Tho. Rymer [his petition is read]. My Lords do agree to this. But speak with Mr. Anstis before the warrant be signed.
Sept. 20. Warrant signed by the Q[ueen] for 550l.
Sir William Read [his petition is read]. Desire Mr. Burchett to lay this petition before the Lords of the Admiralty for their Lordships' opinion what may properly be done for the petitioner.
Sept. 25. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Lords of the Admiralty. [Send to the] C[ommissioners of the] Navy to know out of what heads of expense in the Navy accounts this expence can be borne. T 4/18, p. 283.
Sept. 4. My Lords read Mr. Borrett's report on the petition of Ann Strong. [Return it to] Mr. Borrett to propose what sum is fit to be allowed [to] the petitioner.
Sept. 18. My Lords read the rep[ort from] Mr. Borrett [and order it] to be read again when Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer] is here. [Later: My Lords order her] 50l. by the letters patent dormant.
Capt. Studholm [my Lords read the] rep[ort from the Principal] Officers of the Works [on his petition]. Prepare a warrant.
Sept. 5. [My Lords read the memorial from the] E[arl of] Stair. This memorial with the bill [of extraordinaries] and Mr. Secretary Boyle's letter are to be brought in on Monday. Sept. 11. Vide Secretary Boyle, supra, p. 585. Sept. 20. Read to the Q[ueen who orders it] to be paid next week.
Sept. 6. Tho. Strickland [his petition is read and is] ref[erred] to the rest of the Managers [of the 1710 Lottery] to consider so as to reduce the expense of this [transfer] work to as narrow a compass as may be.
Sept. 18. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Managers. Advance 500l. upon account.
Sept. 11. Robert Stephens [his petition is read]. Let Mr. Powys state what is due to him.
Sept. 18. [My Lords order him a] warrant for one year [on his pension].
Jno. Short [his petition is read and is ordered] to be read to the C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] when they bring their report on the extract of a letter from North Britain [which was] referred to them.
Oct. 10. To be considered when a return is made from Scotland concerning other affairs under the management of those [North British] Commissioners [of Customs].
[My Lords read the petition from the] widows and orphans of persons lost in the storm [of] November 1703. All the money intended [collected] for this Charity has been distributed long agoe.
Sept. 11. Widow Eliza[beth] Sandys [her petition is read]. The Q[ueen] has resolved to grant no new pensions.
Sept. 18. Henrietta Maria Stanyhurst [her petition is read]. To be laid before the Q[ueen] and see what [is] due.
Samuel Sharp and Jno. Walker [their petition is read. My Lords order] the report of the [Commissioners of the] Customs and Salt relating to the matter to be looked out.
Sept. 25. They may apply [if they think fit] to the Commissioners of her Majesty's Customs.
John Smith [my Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland [on his petition]. My Lords cannot advise her Majesty to be at any expence in a matter by which she can now receive no benefit.
James Smith [my Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland [on his petition]. Upon reading this report my Lords think fit to respite the giving any directions herein till they have taken into consideration the Establishment for Civil Affairs in Scotland.
Sept. 20. Alex[ander] Scot, going chaplain to Virginia [the Bishop of London's letter for 20l. for the charge of his transport thither is] read to the Q[ueen]. He is to have 20l. when he is ready to embarque: upon the Bishop of London's letter.
Sept. 25. Gerard Sohnius, Deputy to Vander Esch, [his petition is read]. Referred to the Auditors of her Majesty's Imprests.
[?] Samuel Swift vide Albert, supra, p. 584.
[?] Scot _. Send to the Commissioners to know whether there be any charge against him and what it is. Ibid., p. 307.
Sept. 4. Geo. Tilson [his petition is read and] ref[erred to the] Commissioners of Excise in Scotland.
Sept. 11. [My Lords read the petition from the] Transports Commissioners relating to their accounts. To be read again when the Auditors [of Imprests] are here.
[My Lords read a petition from the] tradesmen who furnished goods for the [poor] Palatines [and order it] to be inserted in the paper of demands [which is] to be laid before the Q[ueen] next Wensday.
Sept. 20. Read to the Queen [who orders] this not to be offered to the Queen till the debt for freight [which is ordered to be paid] at 500l. per week be completed.
Sept. 25. John Turner, Receiver General [of Taxes] for Essex his petition is read for [payment of] his extraordinary charges. Referred to the Agents for Taxes.
Sept. 21. John Tailer [my Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Surveyor General [of Crown Lands on his petition]. To be read again when called for "all my Lords being [to be then] present."
Sept. 25. Cha. Tunnet [my Lords read the] Bishop of London's letter [dated] 23 Sept. 1710 [on his behalf]. No vacancy.
Sept. 25. Samuel Tilson [his petition is read and] rejected. T 4/18, p. 331.
Sept. 4. Anto. Vernatti [my Lords read the] rep[ort from the Principal] Officers of the Works [on his petition]. Renew this letter for one year.
Widow Ann Villiers [her petition is read and] re[ferred] to Mr. Compton.
Sept. 25. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from] Mr. Compton. To be laid before the Queen.
[? Later: the Queen orders her] a warrant for 100l. a year. Ibid., p. 355.
Ed. Williamson [my Lords read the] certificate from the Commissioners [for Stating the Civil List Debts &c. of William III.] Prepare a warrant.
The officers and mariners of the ship Worcester [their petition is read and is ordered] to be brought in next Monday.
Sept. 25. [My Lords order them] what [is] due [to them] for gun money.
Sept. 11. Williams [his petition is read] pro [the Queen's] printers. Prepare a warrant for one year.
The owners of the ship Worcester [their petition is read]. To be read again in the afternoon.
Read again [in the] afternoon. My Lords tell Mr. Hammond that if he and the rest of the petitioners can consider and propose to their Lordships how the Crown shall be indempnified against the demands of the captors if the overplus of the captors' money in the Exchequer and [in] Mr. Brewer's hands (after satisfying what is due for gun money) should be paid to them [then they are] to come again to their Lordships next week.
William [Wightman] and Robert Wightman et al. [their petition is read and] ref[erred to the] C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] in Scotland.
Jno. Weston [his petition is read. My Lords order] Mr. Weston to attend on Friday next with the Agents [for Taxes].
Sept. 18. [His petition is] ref[erred to the] Agents for Taxes.
Sept. 25. [My Lords read the] rep[ort from the Agents]. Granted.
Tho. Walker, [her Majesty's] Housekeeper at Newmarket [his petition is read. My Lords order him] to be paid equally with the other Housekeepers.
Major General Wyn [his petition is read]. Ref[erred] to Mr. Walpole.
Sept. 18. Robt. Watson [his petition is read and] r[eferred to the] Surveyor General [of Crown Lands].
Sept. 25. William Williams [his petition is read. My Lords order him] to have the tidesman's place now vacant.
[My Lords read the] affidavit about Whitley's estate. Send this question to the Attorney General for his opinion. Ibid., p. 379.
Sept. 4. D[uke of] Queensberry [his petition is read. My Lords order him] to be paid when the others are paid.
Sept. 11. To be read again this day sevennight.
Sept. 18. To be laid before the Queen.
Fran. Kelly [petition read]. Dismiss the petition.
Sir Alex[ander] Knipe et al. vide Order [in] C[ouncil].
Sept. 18. Cha. Killigrew [my Lords read the] rep[ort from the] Surveyor General [of Crown Lands]. To be laid before the Q[ueen].
Ralph Young, messenger [his petition is read]. To be brought in again in the afternoon when Mr. Vanburgh and the Clerks of the Checque [to the] Messengers [of the Chamber] attend.
Afternoon: [read again and] disallowed.
Andrew Kineir. This petition is read and rejected. Ibid., p. 399.