Minute Book: February 1710

Pages 5-9

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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February 1710

Feb. 2,
Present: Lord Treasurer.
The letters [of direction] for the three Courses viz. for the Navy, Victualling and Transports are read and approved.
[My Lord signs a letter of direction for] 359l. 10s. 0d. to the Treasurer of the Chamber for the poor at the Gate.
[My Lord approves the presentment of] Edmund Hill as landwaiter at Wisbech loco Stephen Edwards deceased.
[Write] Lord Coningsby to be here to-morrow morning about the money to be remitted from Ireland for subsistence which was paid here to several Regiments on the Irish Establishment to the days of embarcation from hence.
[My Lord signs a letter of direction for] 5,000l. to Mr. Whitfeild to [enable him to pay into the Exchequer so much towards] refund to the [Land Tax] Receivers' accounts the money advanced out of the Land Tax for recruits. Ibid., p. 97.
Feb. 3,
Present: Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
[Write the] Commissioners of Excise to attend next Tuesday afternoon.
[Write] the Board of Ordnance and Capt. Webb to attend then about the accounts of Gibraltar.
Her Majesty's instructions to Col. Hunter, Governor of New York, relating to the settlement of the poor Palatines at New York are [directed by my Lord Treasurer] to be entered [in the Treasury Books]. Ibid., p. 98.
Feb. 7. Present: ut supra.
[Send] to the Auditors of Imprests to attend on Friday morning about Mr. Bridges's accounts and other matters.
[My Lord signs a letter of direction for the issue to the Navy Treasurer of] 50,000l. to pay off ships lying at a growing charge.
Sir Henry Furnese is called in and presents to my Lord a memorial dated the 3rd inst. for remitting 200,000l. for the service of the Forces in Catalonia, which is considered and agreed to viz. by [his] bills immediately for Lisbon to that amount, 40,000l. at 10 days, 40,000l. at 30 days, 40,000l. at 60 days, 40,000l. at 80 days and 40,000l. at ninety days, all at the rate of 55½ pence sterling per Crown: the freight to be paid by said Furnese to the Captains of the men of war:on delivery of the bills, repayment to Furnese to be made here [in London] by 100,000l. in Land Tax tallies, 50,000l. in tallies on the General Mortgage and 50,000l. in Exchequer Bills. Ibid., p. 99.
Present: Lord Treasurer.
[No entry of any minute.] Treasury Minute Book XVII, p. 100.
Eodem die,
Present: ut supra.
The [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance are called in and Mr. Web about his accounts for works done at Gibraltar. He [says he] had directions from Lord Galway but says he had no instructions from the Office of Ordnance: that there was not 140l. laid out in repair of houses and other contingent charges and that all the rest of the money was employed about the fortifications: that the money was all paid by direction of the Governor and Col. Bennet made the agreements.
The Officers of the Ordnance say these accounts could not be allowed in the method of their Office. They say he did not follow Lord Galway's instructions. He says he could not because of the instruction to follow the Governor's orders. My Lord Treasurer will send for Col. Bladen on Tuesday or Wednesday morning.
Write to Col. Mordant and Mr. Bertie to pay their balances [as late successively Treasurer of the Ordnance].
The Commissioners of Excise are called in. The petition of_Williams and the order of Council thereupon are read. He would inspect the measures of beer and ales. The Commissioners [say they] have given order to their officers to do this without any charge to the Queen, and a common informer would be inconvenient and very vexatious. Ibid.
Feb. 13. Present: Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Some creditors of the Navy are called in and their petition is read.
Lieut. Gen. Stanhop, Mr. Bridges and Sir Henry Furnese are called in. Direct Mr. Bridges to inspect Mr. Mead's accounts to see whether he issues the moydas which he receives from Lisbon at the same price he receives them at from Lisbon and whether he surcharges himself with the difference.
Mr. Brydges presents a memorial for [the application of] the 200,000l. which Sir Henry Furnese lately agreed to furnish for the service of Catalonia. Ibid., p. 101.
Feb. 15,
Present: ut supra.
The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland comes in and opens to my Lord Treasurer that the Parliament of Ireland gave some supplies in the last Session in that kingdom and did intend that an arsenal should be built there and furnished with warlike stores "out of the same" and that his Excellency has made some steps towards complying therewith and has gotten drafts [plans] of the same made by Capt. Burke who (says his Lordship) is in attendance. Mr. Burke is called in and shews my Lord Treasurer the drafts and also two estimates of the charge of building the arsenal, one amounting to 64,085l. 16s. 0d., the other to 31,850l. 5s. 6d., and also another estimate of the charge of providing the arms &c. which amounts to 73,092l.
My Lord says he will lay all these before the Queen as soon as may be, either on Friday or Sunday next and receive her Majesty's pleasure [as to] whom they shall be referred to.
The Lord Lieutenant also presents to my Lord a petition to his Excellency from several members of the House of Commons in Ireland relating to the encouragements desired for the linen manufacture there: which is read and several directions are endorsed thereupon.
Lord Wharton [the said Lord Lieutenant] recommends Mr. John Jephson to be counsel to the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland in the room of Mr. Forster, now Attorney General: to which my Lord agrees.
My Lord Lieutenant says that one Crow, a Master in Chancery, has some other employment in the revenue and that he doth not think he ought to be continued in it and therefore prays my Lord that he may be removed. My Lord Treasurer orders the Establishment to be searched to see what place he has and will order him to be removed.
[My Lord Treasurer directs] 500l. a piece to the two Speakers [of the Irish Parliament] for last Session.
Q[uery] the report in relation to the appeal brought by Mr. Martin.
The Lord Lieutenant acquaints my Lord that he did some time ago put some papers into his Lordship's hands relating to misbehaviour by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland. My Lord says he will refer them back to his Lordship and desire his Excellency to take the opinion of the Attorney and Solicitor of Ireland in what method he may be proceeded against.
[My Lord Treasurer directs the issue of] 50,000l. to the Navy Treasurer on the head of Wages, being intended for the ships which are directed to be put out of pay.
Likewise 5,000l. more to same for Parliament tickets.
[My Lord orders the] executors of Sir Thomas Littleton, late Treasurer of the Navy, to apply 5,000l. of the Reversionary Annuity money in their hands [to the task of] paying Parliament Tickets [Navy seamen tickets under clauses 10 and 12 of the Act 4–5 Anne, c. 6] ass[igned] before his death. Ibid., pp. 102–3.
Feb. 18,
Present: ut supra.
The Duke of Marlborough comes in [as also] Mr. Walpole, Mr. Bridges, Mr. Cardonal, Sir Henry Furnese and Mr. Cartwright.
Resolved: that for the future no money ordered for subsistence be diverted by the Paymaster or his instruments by applying the same to extraordinaries or other uses relating to the war not directed by the Lord Treasurer.
[My Lord directs the] issue of the remainder of 29,260l. for forage, waggon money and recruits to the foreigners [comprising part of the 40,000 and 10,000 men] upon account viz. 20,000l. in part of the 919,092l. 3s. 6d. for the 40,000 men and 9,260l. in part of the 177,511l. 3s. 6d. for the 10,000 men; and 20,740l. more in part of the 220,000l. for the Augmentation Troops for the year 1710. Mr. Bridges will make a demand [in his usual weekly memorial for money for said Forces] accordingly.
No demand is to be made by Mr. Bridges for the 1,300 Palatines [troops] (now in Spain) upon the Flanders Establishment. And care is to be taken by Mr. Stanhop that those [Palatines] in Spain be paid according to their effective number and not otherwise.
The respective Paymasters of the Regiments in the Low Countries shall either fetch their money from Antwerp or contribute the allowance of 10s. per cent., which they have from the Regiments, to the Office at Antwerp [to wit] for the charge of conveying the same. This [alternative] is left to their choice.
Mr. Cartwright is to be allowed at the rate of 550l. per an. for carriage of money from 30 Oct. 1706 to 31 Jan. 1709–10. My Lord Treasurer will consider his allowance as Deputy [Paymaster].
Sir Theodore Janssen is called in and presents a proposal for remitting 100,000 Crowns to Savoy viz. to give his bill on Turin for same at 82 sols each, money of Piedmont, payable at 60 days' date "and as I presume that the remittance is on account of the last year's service and that your Lordship [the Lord Treasurer] hath tallies on the General Mortgage 1709 on the said account I humbly offer to take said tallies in payment (on which there is at present a discount of above 6 per cent) [the exchange rate of the total remittance to be] at the rate of 62½ [pence sterling] per Crown. But if it suits with your Lordship's occasions to apply Exchequer Bills [to my repayment] for this service I humbly offer to take Exchequer Bills in repayment at the [exchange rate for the whole remittance] of 59½ [pence sterling] per Crown."
Upon consideration of this proposal and in regard this remittance is to complete the extraordinary subsidy to the Duke of Savoy for the last year to which there is nothing applicable but the tallies on the General Mortgage which are at a discount as abovesaid of about 6 per cent. the Lord Treasurer is pleased to agree to the proposition of 62½ [pence sterling] per Crown to be paid in the said tallies. Treasury Minute Book XVII, pp. 104–5.
Feb. 21,
Present: Lord Treasurer.
[My Lord orders] 68,586l. 13s. 4d. to be paid [applied] by Mr. Brydges as money can be raised [by him] at par on the tallies and orders in his hands on the Reversionary Funds in the General Mortgage anno 1709 or as the said tallies and orders can be assigned to such persons as will not dispose thereof at a discount to the prejudice of the public credit: to be for the uses as in a letter [of direction, infra, p. 176] of this day's date which was read and approved.
[My Lord further directs] 50,000l. to be issued to Mr. Brydges on the order for Spain and Portugal anno 1710: out of loans to be made by Mr. Brydges himself on the Land Tax anno 1710, the orders for which are to be drawn without interest and are to be reserved in Brydges' hands for such uses as shall be appointed [by the Lord Treasurer].
[My Lord orders] 26,041l. 13s. 4d. to be paid by Mr. Brydges to Sir Theo. Janssen (out of the tallies and orders in his [Brydges'] hands on the Reversionary Funds in the General Mortgage anno 1709) for the value of 100,000 Crowns at 62½ [pence sterling] per Crown [which is to be remitted] by his [Janssen's] bills on Turin at 60 days for the Duke of Savoy on his extraordinary subsidy for the year 1709.
[My Lord orders] 32,513. 14s. 4d. (out of the tallies and orders [on Land Tax and Malt anno 1709] in the hands of Mr How [Paymaster General of Guards and Garrisons] for the year 1709) to be applied to sundry services as in a letter of direction of this day which letter is read and approved, infra, p. 177: [to wit to be applied] as Mr. How can find opportunity of raising money on them at par or can assign them to such persons as will not dispose of the same at a discount to the prejudice of the public credit.
[My Lord directs the issue of] 19,043l. 3s. 7½d. to the Cofferer [of the Household] to clear his Office to Midsummer 1709; with a quarter's advance to the Gentlemen of the Chapel. Ibid., p. 106.
Feb. 24,
Present: Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Mr. Brydges and Sir Henry Furnese are called in. Mr. Brydges' memorial of the 23rd inst. is read for divers sums amounting to 295,433l. 12s. 8½ d. for the service of the Forces in Flanders, out of which my Lord Treasurer respites two sums amounting to 15,253l. 1s. 10½d. and takes notice that he has already ordered in part of the services therein 50,000l. which was yesterday issued to him [Brydges] in Exchequer Bills. His Lordship is now pleased to direct in further part 36,196l. 6s. 3½d. for the 40,000 men out of Land Tax tallies already in Mr. Brydges' hands; and 62,500l. more in tallies to be struck on the said Land Tax (next after the sum of 62,898l. 15s. 7d. ordered this day to the Treasurer of the Navy in such tallies); and likewise a further 40,000l. more to said Brydges in the like tallies ; and likewise a further 60,234l. 4s. 6½d. out of the Lottery Fund in Exchequer Bills whereof 31,250l is intended to be paid over to Sir Henry Furnese for remittances to Holland and the remaining 28,984l. 4s. 6½d. to be applied here to the service of recruits and many other particulars. The remaining 31,250l. [to complete the said Brydges' present memorial] my Lord Treasurer intends to issue out of the money expected from the Annuity Act [8 Anne, c. 12] now passing in the House of Commons.
[My Lord directs the] issue to the Treasurer of the Navy of 62,898l. 15s. 7d. in tallies on the Land Tax anno 1710: the same to be reserved in the said Treasurer's hands for such uses as my Lord Treasurer shall direct. Ibid., p. 107.
Feb. 25,
Present: ut supra.
[My Lord directs the] issue of 76,100l. to the Treasurer of the Navy out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1710; whereof 60,000l. for wages to carry on payments [to ships] at Portsmouth and the Nore and 16,100l. for the officers of ships taken [prize] and [or] carried [cast] away. Ibid., p. 108.