Warrant Book: September 1710, 21-30

Pages 456-472

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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September 1710

Sept. 21. Royal warrant dated Kensington to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to grant to Sir James Montague an annuity or yearly pension of 1,000l. as from 1710 Sept. 29 during the joint lives of him and the Queen: in consideration of good and faithful services. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 346.
Same to the Treasury Lords to pay 150l. to Micajah Perry of London, merchant, as the nominee of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts: as royal bounty towards the charge of building a house, fort and chapel for the missionaries to the Six Nations: all by reason that the Indian Sachems or Chiefs who were lately in this kingdom applied in behalf of themselves and the Six Nations of Indians in New York and Albany that ministers might be sent by us to instruct them and their people in the true Christian Protestant faith as it is professed in the Church of England: and on reference thereof the said Society has laid before us their opinion and represented that they have undertaken at their own charge to provide and send into those countries two missionaries with competent salaries, but that the said missionaries will want an interpreter, a house to live in and a chapel for the service of God, which should be built within an Indian fort for their security and defence. (This royal warrant is practically a repetition of that of 21 June 1710, supra, p. 341.) (Money order dated Sept. 27 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Nov. 30 hereon.) Ibid., p. 346. Order Book VII, p. 471. Disposition Book XXI, p. 15.
Royal sign manual for 571l. 17s. 6d. to John Anstis for a twelfth volume of [Rymer's] Leagues and Treaties, to wit 500l. thereof to be paid to Thomas Rymer, her Majesty's Historiographer, and Awnsham Churchill, bookseller, for transcribing the said volume and printing 250 copies thereof; 50l. for binding and 21l. 17s. 6d. for [Exchequer &c.] fees on said payment. (Money warrant dated Sept. 26 hereon.) (Money order dated Oct. 5 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Nov. 30 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 331. Money Book XX, p. 388. Order Book VII, p. 501. Disposition Book XXI, p. 15.
Sept. 21. Treasury warrant dormant to Stephen Lilly, Receiver General of the Post Office, to pay the pension of 4,000l. per an. to Laurence, Earl of Rochester, as by the patent granting him same for 99 years from 1686 Xmas.
In the margin: a later confirmation dated 26 June 1711 by Treasurer Oxford hereof. Money Book XX, p. 379.
Letter of direction for 11,919l. 1s. 0¼d. to Francis, Visct. Ryalton, Cofferer of the Household: out of Civil List moneys: and is to complete the sum of 17,919l. 1s. 0¼d. for wages, board wages and emptions due in his said Office for the quarter ended 1709 Xmas. Disposition Book XX, p. 223.
William Lowndes to the Agents for Taxes. When you attend my Lords to-morrow bring a list of such persons as (with those which my Lords have already appointed, supra, pp. 445–8) you think best qualified to be Surveyors [of Taxes on Houses] to complete the number that are intended to be appointed: with their stations and salaries. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 228.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to lay before the Treasury Lords a schedule of all the arrears of the Duties under your management due from collectors or others. Ibid., p. 229.
Same to Mr. Lilly to lay before the Treasury Lords an estimate of the annual produce of the revenue of the Post Office and of the charge thereon by annual pensions and the terms for which such are granted; and also an estimate of the annual charge thereout for packet boats, letter carriers and other incident charges of management. Ibid., p. 230.
Treasury reference to Sir Simon Harcourt [Attorney General] of the petition of William Borret shewing that he was ordered by the House of Commons to be Solicitor in the prosecution of the impeachment against Dr. Sacheverel; therefore praying "that his charges may be reimbursed and reward for the officers employed under him." Reference Book VIII, p. 425.
Same to James Brydges [Paymaster of the Forces Abroad] of the petition of Richard Mead shewing that his son John Mead, being Deputy Paymaster of her Majesty's Forces in Spain, for want of timely remittances from England was obliged to borrow of divers persons in Barcelona in the year 1707 the sum of 32,792l. 18s. 0d. for the loan of which he paid 1,311l. 14s. 6d., as appears by a certificate from James Stanhope: therefore prays payment of said 1,311l. 14s. 6d. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Arthur Miller shewing that his father was bound with Caleb Hubbard, a shipmaster, in 1,000l. that the ship should enter and clear in some port of England, but the said Hubbard going with the said ship to Scotland judgment was given against petitioner's father but execution was suspended during his lifetime, but the bond is now shewed to petitioner: therefore prays relief herein. Reference Book VIII, p. 425.
Sept. 21. Treasury warrant to the Queen's Remembrancer for process against Charles Mason as late Receiver and Paymaster for the Transport Service. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 163.
Confirmation by the Treasury Lords of the warrant of Aug. 5, supra, p. 407, for reprisals of fee farms for the Duke of Leeds. Ibid., p. 165.
Royal warrant dated Kensington to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to pay Lady Letitia Russell 2,855l. 1s. 2½d. towards discharging the arrears due on her pension of 600l. per an. granted to her by Wm. III. for 31 years from 1692 Lady day out of the rent reserved on the grant by James III. of lands in Ireland to the Countess of Dorchester: the said sum representing the part of the quit rents so granted to said Countess which have been paid direct into the Exchequer of Ireland [instead of being paid to said Countess] (after payment of which sum there would still remain due to said Lady Russell 7,644l. 18s. 9½d. on the account to Michaelmas 1709). Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 208.
Sept. 22. Dormant money warrant for payment of the salary or yearly sum of 1,000l. to John Scroope, one of the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland, as by the royal sign manual of Feb. 24 last, supra, p. 186.
In the margin: a later confirmation dated 1711 June 15 by Treasurer Oxford hereof. Money Book XX, p. 380.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to distribute and apply the sum of 30,111l. 18s. 10½d. to Deficient Funds as follows: the said sum representing the income between Aug. 25 last and Sept. 22 inst. from branches of the revenue as follows: viz.: 13l. 0s. 0½d. from whale fins; 7,370l. 16s. 5½d. from New Customs; 469l. 8s. 0d. from Additional Impositions; 736l. 13s. 7½d. from Vellum [Duties] Continued; 8,043l. 16s. 11d. from Continued Impositions; 7,295l. 0s. 10d.) from Salt Duty; 6,183l. 3s. 0d. from Windows: the said distribution and application to be hereby as follows: viz.
Deficiencies as computed by Act of Parliament. How they stood on the Register the 22 Sept. 1710. The distribution and application hereby ordered.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
First 3s. Aid 415099 0 0 81735 13 10014 6 11½
Paper for Plate 15400 0 0 3200 0 0 371 10 7
Malt Tickets 579060 0 0 40865 0 0 13969 18
Third Quarterly Poll 212770 17 0 35100 0 0 5133 2
Third 3s. Aid 25823 2 9 4771 6 622 19 9
1248152 19 9 165672 0 1 30111 18 10½
Ibid., p. 393.
Sept. 22. William Lowndes to the Treasurer of the Navy. The Treasury Lords agree to [your action as to] the 3,000l. which you disposed on the 14th inst. in [getting discounted that amount of the] tallies and orders on the General Mortgage anno 1707 (being part of those assigned to you by the Bank of England in exchange for Land Tax tallies). They will allow a retrospection of interest equal to 5 per cent. discount. They also agree that you dispose of 6,000l. more in like tallies and orders on [sic for by assigning them to or discounting them with] Henry Ferne [in exchange] for Exchequer Bills and they will allow him a retrospection of interest equal to a discount of 4 per cent. Out of the total 9,000l. you are to apply 3,000l. to the payment of [seamen's] wages. Disposition Book XX, p. 225.
Same to same to apply the remaining 6,000l. of the abovesaid 9,000l. as follows: viz.
towards paying bills of exchange under the head of Wear and Tear 3,000
towards bills of exchange for the service fo the Victualling under the same head [of Wear and Tear], the quota for the Victualling out of the funds for the year 1710 being completed 3,000
Letter of direction for 2,000l. to William Lowndes: for secret service: out of Civil List moneys. Ibid.
William Lowndes to Mr. Shepherd and Company. It is the Treasury Lords' pleasure that you give bills of exchange to Mr. Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, for account of the subsistence in Flanders; to wit for the sum of 78,862l. 1s. 4½d. in manner following viz. 60,000l. thereof in bills on Amsterdam by 15,000l. each post for four posts successively and the remaining 18,862l. 1s. 4½d. in bills on Antwerp in the week next succeeding the four posts. This sum of 78,862l. 1s. 4½d. will make up 198,862l. 1s. 4½d. part of the 350,000l. agreed by you Aug. 25 last to be remitted for the service of the Forces. Ibid., p. 226.
Same to the Commissioners of the Victualling enclosing the memorial [missing] of William Guard shewing that being concerned in the baking trade at Newport in the Isle of Wight he has observed several frauds committed there by bakers employed to bake biskett for the service of the Fleet by using the meal of barley and peas to make biskett when they have been paid by the Governmetn for good wheat. You are to send to your Agent Victualler at Portsmouth to make answer to this. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 229.
Same to Josiah Burchett to move the Admiralty Lords to grant their protections to William Gard, John Blake, John Murrey, William Moor and John King against their being impressed into sea service: [the protection to be] for the space of six weeks from date hereof (unless any of them have been deserters), they being employed in making a discovery for her Majesty's service. Ibid.
Sept. 22. William Lowndes to the Auditors of Imprests to give direction to their clerks that the persons concerned for the heirs of Mr. Wicks [Weeks] may not have access to the books in your Office concerning the money charged on him except in the presence of one of you or of the person that follows that affair on the Queen's behalf. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 229.
Same to Mr. Howe [Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons]. In order to ease the pressing services of your Office the Treasury Lords have desired the Bank of England to advance 40,000l. in Exchequer Bills on your depositing as security 44,000l. of tallies on the General Mortgage [anno 1710] to be repaid in specie in two months with interest at 4 per cent. per an.; and at the request of the Bank my Lords have consented that in case of non-payment the Bank may sell the said tallies and orders for their satisfaction accounting to her Majesty for the overplus. But my Lords have been attended in this matter by Mr. Merryll, your agent. He seems to make unnecessary difficulties in transacting this affair which my Lords persuade themselves you would no ways do had you been here. They therefore desire you to direct him to give all possible ease and despatch to the business of your Office in your absence according to his duty and not to obstruct or delay her Majesty's service therein. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Dummer, Deputy to the Master of the Great Wardrobe, enclosing papers [missing] relating to a demand made by the Officers at Arms for the pall, canopy and other things used at the funeral of the late Prince George of Denmark, which (as is alleged) were delivered into the Removing Wardrobe. Please report whether they were so delivered and whether the Officers at Arms have any right thereto according to ancient usage and if so what the value may amount to. Ibid., p. 230.
Sept. 23. [Letter of direction for 15,300l. to the Paymaster of the Transports out of so much which is come into the Exchequer upon the Land Tax anno 1708 towards payment of the tallies and orders registered thereupon and remaining in the said Paymaster's hands for the Transport Service.] Together with: letter of same date from William Lowndes to the Commissioners of Transports to cause the said sum to be assigned to the Course of the Transport Office for the month of Dec. 1707. [The entry of these two letters is confused, the letter of direction being omitted save for the address.] Disposition Book XX, p. 224.
Sept. 24. Money warrant for 18,257l. 8s. 7½d. to Nehemiah Arnold, Paymaster of the Malt Lottery Tickets, for the principal and interest &c. due on the 119th payment of the said tickets which is the next payment in course.
Appending: certificate by said Arnold and J. Duncombe, Comptroller of said Tickets:
£ s. d.
principal money, after abating 10l. for one benefit above 10l. 9,990 0 0
interest of 999 tickets from 1700 Lady day to 1710 Sept. 22, being 3,833 days at a halfpenny a day each 7,977 8
benefits 290 0 0
£18,257 8
Money Book XX, p. 381. Order Book VII, p. 469.
Sept. 25. Royal letters patent appointing Henry St. John to be one of the Secretaries of State loco Henry Boyle whose patent is hereby determined: with the fee of 100l. per an. as from Sept. 29 inst. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 353–4.
Money warrant for 2,516l. 10s. 5d. to John Williams, agent to her Majesty's printers, for one year to 1709 Sept. 29 for paper and printing Acts of Parliament, Proclamations, Forms of Prayer, speeches and other things by them delivered to the Archbishop of Canterbury and divers public officers and for stationery wares by them delivered for the service of the two Houses of Parliament. (Letter of direction dated Nov. 11 hereon.) Money Book XX, p. 384. Order Book VII, p. 482. Disposition Book XXI, p. 7.
William Lowndes to Mr. Walpole [as Secretary at War]. The Treasury Lords desire you to send to John Howe [Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons] an account what Corporations sending members to Parliament have Troops quartered in them and what Troops are in county towns where elections are to be made. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 231.
Same to Mr. Cardonel. I have read to my Lords the report of Mr. Walpole, Secretary at War, and other the papers hereinclosed [missing] representing that the children of Lieut. John Calder are left in a very deplorable condition and without means of support unless the allowance to their late mother (as that Officer's widow) be continued to them. My Lords notice from the said report that the provision made for the widows of Officers killed in Flanders is raised by a voluntary contribution of the Officers serving there and under the settlement and direction of the Duke of Marlborough. Please lay these papers before his Grace as a very compassionate case to the end he may direct relief for the said children. Ibid.
Sept. 26. Royal warrant dated Kensington to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to appoint John Smith to be one of the Four Tellers of the Receipt loco James Vernon, whose patent thereof is hereby determined: to hold during pleasure. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 388.
Money warrant for 50l. to Ann Strong, wife of Robert Strong, late master of the James brigantine, in full of her husband's charges and expenses in being taken into custody in 1706 and detained here three years by order of one of the Principal Secretaries of State to give evidence in behalf of her Majesty against James Hannan, owner and freighter of the said ship, and one Degrave, supercargo. Money Book XX, p. 380. Order Book VII, p. 473.
Sept. 26. Treasury warrant to Spencer Compton to pay 500l. to Thomas Strickland, Commissioner of the Transfer Office, established by the Act [8 Anne, c. 10] for Continuing part of the Duty on Coal &c. for raising a Lottery for the service of the year 1710: to be by way of advance and on credit of being repaid the same again out of the overplus moneys that shall or may arise by the fund granted by Parliament by said Act: [and is intended for purposes as in the following warrant]. Money Book XX, p. 382.
Money warrant for said 500l. to said Strickland: towards defraying such part of the charge of the Lottery anno 1710 as is by said Act for said Lottery appointed to be under the care and direction of said Commissioner: without account save such as he shall render to the Managers and Directors of said Lottery. (Money order dated Sept. 28 hereon, with a later confirmation dated 1712 Sept. 20 by Treasurer Oxford.) Ibid., p. 383. Order Book VII, p. 471.
Confirmation by the Treasury Lords of the money warrant of Aug. 5 last, supra, p. 402, for 7l. 13s. 4d. for the poor of St. John Baptist, Walbrook. Money Book XX, p. 382.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Auditor of the Receipt to draw money orders from time to time for paying to Samuel Edwyn, Usher of the Receipt, his bills of liberate for necessaries for the Annuity Office (for the several officers concerned in the payment of the annuities) in pursuance of the Act 8 Anne, c. 12, for granting new Duties of Excise for a fund for raising 900,000l. by sale of Annuities: said bills to be paid from time to time out of money appropriated by said Act. Ibid., pp. 385–6.
Same to same for paying to said Edwyn from time to time his bills of liberate for his charge and expenditure about making and issuing the Exchequer Bills in accordance with the Act of 7 Anne, c. 30, for enlarging the Stock of the Bank of England: to be paid out of the general fund established by said Act. Ibid., p. 386.
Money warrant for 300l. to Francis Sorrell and Robert Georges, Secretaries to the Managers of the 1710 Lottery, towards the incident expenses thereof. (Money order dated Sept. 30 hereon: with a later confirmation dated 1712 Sept. 20 by Treasurer Oxford thereof.) Ibid., p. 387. Order Book VII, p. 478.
Treasury warrant to Spencer Compton to advance [the abovesaid] 300l. to said Sorrell and Gorge on credit of being repaid out of the overplus that shall or may arise by the fund established by the Act for said Lottery. Money Book XX, p. 388.
Letter of direction for 367l. to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy, for the service of the Navy: out of funds as follows viz. 97l. 18s. 8½d. of the 25 per cent, on French goods; 35l. 5s. 0d. of the 5s. per piece of white cloth and 233l. 16s. 3½d. of the rent of Hackney Coaches. The same is intended to be paid over to Robert Lowther, Governor of Barbados, for the charges of transporting himself and his equipage to that Government "upon a bill for that purpose which the Commissioners of the Navy have made out upon their said Treasurer by order of the Lords of the Admiralty." Disposition Book XX, p. 226.
Sept. 26. William Lowndes to Mr. Dod and Mr. Warters. Application is made to my Lords for a recompense to some persons for services relating to the Droits of the Admiralty. Please examine and report what has been the method (when the Admiralty Office has been in commission) of disposing and accounting for the moneys arisen by Perquisites of the Admiralty. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 231.
Same to the Commissary General [of the Forces]. It is her Majesty's pleasure that you forthwith write to the Deputy Commissaries in Portugal and Spain to take especial care not to allow upon the respective muster rolls any more men than appear to be really and truly effective; as they will answer the contrary. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Borret to advise with the Attorney General how to proceed against either the person or the estate of Mr. Mason. Ibid., p. 232.
Same to the Master &c. of Trinity House. It is necessary that one Gibbon, a pilot, should attend the Customs Commissioners about some affairs importing her Majesty's service. Please give him notice to so attend. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Gerhard Sohnius (deputed by Mr. Vander Esch, the late Paymaster of the Dutch Guards, to prosecute and make up his accounts of the said Troops), praying an allowance of several payments as therein which by the strict rules of the Exchequer cannot be allowed by you without particular directions. Ibid.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay the salary of 52l. per an. to Richard Morton as a Queen's waiter London port. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 327.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of William Palmer, Richard Benson, Fisher Holyoake and Abraham Murcott, shewing that they became sureties for John Andrews, late Receiver General for Co. Warwick, who failed; that they have administered his estate and possessed themselves of it and intend to sell it speedily to clear the debt to the Crown: therefore desire stay of process against them. Reference Book VIII, p. 426.
Same to same of the petition of John Turner, Receiver General of Taxes [for Co. Essex], praying payment of 458l. for his extraordinary charges in his receipt 1706–8. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Brydges [Paymaster of the Forces Abroad] of the petition of Mr. Medina, son of Sir Solomon de Medina, praying that Mr. Brydges may be ordered to write to Mr. Sweet to pay him the overplus of the bread [contract account, to wit the balance between or] from 5 stivers for each loaf of six pounds which is deducted from the soldiers to the price of 6 stivers 15 deniers that is contracted to be paid to the [said Medina as] contractor, for each loaf of six pounds the residue [or balance difference] of which her Majesty is pleased to pay. Reference Book VIII, p. 426.
Sept. 26. Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the petition of Thomas Barkwith and Francis Melling shewing that they were employed by Sir James Mountague [as Solicitor General or else as Attorney General] as clerks in writing Proclamations, reports and other business: therefore praying payment of 57l. 4s. 6d. as by bill of same. Ibid., p. 427.
Same to Mr. Walpole, Secretary at War, of the petition of Nath. Carpenter (agent to the Regiment lately commanded by Col. Toby Caulfeild) and John Woodcroft, clothier, setting forth the great prejudice the clothier who furnished the Regiment with clothes in 1707 still lies under by reason of short musters, notwithstanding the certificate that was then signed by the General Officers approving the contract then made with the said clothier: therefore praying that the respits on the offreckonings may be removed and that the said Regiment may be put on a foot with [such] other Regiments "as have been relieved in the like case."
In the margin: Mr. Walpole not making his report on this petition before his being out of [the place of] Secretary at War another petition to the same effect was referred to Geo. Granville, the present Secretary at War. Ibid.
Same to the Salt Commissioners of the petition of Robert Elliott, late Collector of the Salt Duties at Portsea, praying to be relieved in the sum of 275l. 15s. 0d. which he remitted by bill of exchange to the Salt Commissioners in June 1708 by the hands of John Woodford of Portsmouth, then a person of good repute, who hath since absconded. Ibid., p. 428.
Treasury confirmation of the late Treasurer Godolphin's orders to the Office of Works, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 447, under date 1709 Dec. 9. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 14.
Treasury subscription for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant of Sept. 22 inst. to the Great Wardrobe for the provision for the Duke of Ormonde of 20 quilts and 20 bolsters for the use of her Majesty's Horse Guards and Horse Grenadiers: to an estimate of 70l. Ibid., p. 19.
Sept. 27. Royal warrant dated Kensington to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a new Commission of Excise: the new Commissioners to be William Strong, Geo. Townsend, Philip Ryley, Sir Marmaduke Wyvell, Edward Noell, Christopher Montague, Nicholas Pollexfen, Whitlock Bulstrode and James Vernon Junr. (this last named being in place of Sir William Gifford Kt., of the preceding Commission, which is to be hereby determined). Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 347–8.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 2,000l. per an. to Robert Lowther Esq., who is constituted Capt. General and Governor in Chief of Barbados and several other islands and places in America: to be for his support and maintenance in that employment and in lieu of all presents or gifts from the Assemblies of the said islands: to commence from 16 Aug. 1710 and to be paid out of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty and to be paid as to a moiety thereof from said date up to the date of his arrival in Barbados and thereafter in full during his residence there: and during his absence the other moiety to be paid to the Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief pursuant to the order of Wm. III. dated 1698 June 22. Ibid., pp. 348–9.
Sept. 27. Royal sign manual for 1,057l. 10s. 0d. to Col. Thomas Harrison, whereof 1,000l. as a present from the Queen for his pains and expenses in coming express from Charles III. of Spain with an account of the victory obtained over the Army of the Duke of Anjou; and the remaining 57l. 10s. 0d. for [Exchequer] fees on the said payment.
(Money order dated Sept. 28 hereon.) Ibid., p. 350. Order Book VII, p. 469. Disposition Book XX, p. 227.
Royal warrant dated Kensington to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to revoke the late grant to Francis Roberts of the office of one of the Four Tellers of the Receipt during pleasure and in lieu thereof to grant said office to Russell Roberts Esq. during pleasure. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 350–1.
Same to Visct. FitzHardinge, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay to Somerset English, who has been sworn and admitted into the place and quality of Under Housekeeper of Hampton Court Palace, the allowance or yearly sum of 320l., "being the same allowance which is inserted on the Establishment of our Chamber for salary and in lieu of bills to our said Under Housekeeper": to commence as from July 27 last, being the day on which he was so sworn. Ibid., pp. 352–3.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to grant to John Manley during pleasure the office of Surveyor General of Crown Lands ("of all [Crown] Honors, castles, lordships, manors, forests, chaces, parks, messuages, lands, tenements, woods, rents, services, revenues, possessions and hereditaments whatever within England and Wales as well within liberties or without") with the fee of 200l. per an.: all loco Samuel Travers whose grant thereof is hereby revoked: and as amply as the said Travers, William Harbord, Sir Charles Harbord, Sir Thomas Fanshaw or any other predecessor therein. Ibid., pp. 402–3.
Confirmation by the Treasury Lords of the dormant warrant of July 18 last, supra, p. 370, for Col. John Hill's 1,000l. per an. out of the Post Office. Money Book XX, p. 325.
William Lowndes to Mr. How, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons, The Treasury Lords desire you to raise 40,000l. on the tallies and orders in your hands on the Candle Act anno 1710 [8 Anne, c. 5] "by disposing of them at par with a retrospection of interest from the dates or by depositing them or any of them as a security [for loan] to be redeemed within three months" with 6 per cent. interest: and the 40,000l. so to be raised may be taken by you in Exchequer Bills; and you are to apply same as follows:
£ s. d.
for account of Guards and Garrisons anno 1710.
for 28 days' subsistence Aug. 25 last to Sept. 21 last for the Troops and Regiments in Great Britain and the Battalion of Guards in Holland 19,967 8 1
for account of the 5,000 men for sea service anno 1710.
for the like subsistence to the several Regiments part of this Establishment 2,735 5 4
on account of subsistence for Col. Jones's Regiment 2,000 0 0
for account of Guards and Garrisons anno [1710].
on account of clearings for the Troops and Regiments in part of [deductions of] the poundage and day's pay for half a year's provisions for the Royal Hospital [at Chelsea] from Dec. 25 last to June 24 last 3,362 8 4
towards 33,364l. 15s. 7d. demanded by you in your memorial of Sept. 25 last for subsistence to Oct. 24 next to the Troops and Regiments and the out pensioners above mentioned 11,934 18 3
£40,000 0 0
Disposition Book XX, p. 230.
Sept. 27. William Lowndes to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance. The Treasury Lords understand by yours of the 30th ult. that Mr. Gibbons hath given us [sic ? for you] bills for 30,900 guilders current money at three months' usance for a month's pay to the Train in Flanders and to the contractors [? for forage] and [that he] would remit the like sum within ten days for the said service: and that he desires that 7,200l. in tallies and orders on the General Mortgage 1710 may be deposited in his hands as security for repayment [thereof] in four months. My Lords agree thereto and desire you to order the Paymaster of Ordnance to make the said [deposit of security] accordingly. Ibid., p. 231.
Same to Mr. Burchet to lay before the Admiralty Lords the enclosed memorial [missing] from the Customs Commissioners desiring that Thomas Craniford (who is made use of as an evidence against Capt. Wade for frauds committed by him) now confined on board the Cambridge man of war, may be set at liberty. The Treasury Lords desire that he may be forthwith released to attend on her Majesty's behalf at the hearing of the cause against Capt. Wade. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 232.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. The Admiralty Lords have proposed a reward of 500l. to Sir William Read for services and expenses in recovering the sight of many hundred poor seamen. Please report on what head of Navy expense can this sum be borne. Ibid., p. 233.
Sept. 27. Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the request of Sir Ambrose Crowley that several ships coming from Sweden laden with iron for her Majesty's service may unlade without performing quarantine. Ibid.
Same to Baron Scrope [Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland] to report on the enclosed report [missing] of the Officers of the Mint [London] on the petition of Mr. Penman, Assaymaster to the Mint at Edinburgh, and of Mr. Milner, Clerk of the Mint there, praying allowances for their services relating to the Recoinage of the moneys in Scotland. Likewise to report on the enclosed presentment [missing] from the Customs Commissioners in Scotland, for removing the collector of Kirkcaldy to the port of Dundee and appointing the collector of Dundee to be collector of Kirkcaldy. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Baker to send my Lords an account how much is due to the captors of prizes for gun money which by Act of Parliament [6 Anne, c. 65] is directed to be paid. Ibid.
Royal warrant dated Kensington to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for a new Commission of the Revenue in Ireland: the new Commissioners to be Thomas Keightley, John South, Sir Thomas Southwell, Sam. Ogle and Francis Roberts as Commissioners of Excise there and the said Keightley, South, Southwell, Ogle, Sir William St. Quintin, William Strickland and the said Francis Roberts to be Chief Commissioners and Governors of all our Revenues there: with salaries of 1,000l. per an. each. (The effect of this alteration is merely to substitute Francis Roberts in the place of William Conolly, one of the old Commissioners.) Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 209.
Sept. 28. Money warrant for 135l. 10s. 0d. to Alexander Hesketh, for the surplusage on his account as Sheriff of the County Palatine of Lancaster for the year ended 1709 Sept. 29. Money Book XX, p. 385. Order Book VII, p. 470. Disposition Book XX, p. 227.
Same for 500l. to John, Earl of Stair, Envoy Extraordinary to Augustus II, of Poland: for 100 days March 7 last to June 15 last on his ordinary of 5l. a day: the first three months' advance on his said ordinary having been satisfied to him March 7 last "as appears by a certificate of his departure out of her Majesty's presence signed by Henry Boyle, late [one of] her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State." Money Book XX, p. 387. Order Book VII, p. 471. Disposition Book XX, p. 229.
Letter of direction for 4,856l. 11s. 9½d. to John, Visct FitzHardinge, Treasurer of the Chamber: out of Civil List moneys: and is to be applied as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
to complete a quarter's wages due at Xmas 1709 [payable in the Office of the Treasurer of the Chamber] according to the Establishment 4,707 1
to Mr. St. Hill on his contract for New River water for St. James's Palace and [the] Stables: for one year to 1709 Xmas 37 16 0
to Ralph Young, one of the 40 Messengers [of the Chamber], in full of his bill of service performed in going to Berne and back 111 14 0
£4,856 11
Disposition Book XX, p. 226.
Sept. 28. Letter of direction for 1,500l. to the Duke of Queensberry, one of the Principal Secretaries of State: out of Civil List moneys: for secret service. Ibid., p. 227.
William Lowndes to the Board of Ordnance enclosing Mr. Borrett's representation [missing] concerning the Commission now passing relating to the lands to be purchased for the better fortifying of the docks at Portsmouth, Chatham and Harwich. Please attend Justice Trevor for his opinion as to the nominating the Commissioners. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 234.
Treasury warrant to Sir Michael Heneage Kt., Chief Usher of the Exchequer Court, to fit up a large cellar or ground floor underneath the Exchequer Chamber and make it convenient for the lodging and disposing of the foils and counterparts of the tallies levied at the Exchequer: it having been represented by the Deputy Chamberlains for Joining Tallies in the Exchequer Court that the numbers of the said foils or counterparts have of late been so much increased that the usual places for lodging the same are not sufficient to [enable the said Deputy Chamberlains to] digest them into that order which is necessary. The cost hereof is not to exceed 75l. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 163.
Sept. 29. Money warrant for 20l. to Thomas Brand (embellisher) for embellishing on two skins of vellum an Exemplification of the Act of Parliament [7 Anne, c. 12] concerning the Privileges of Ambassadors which her Majesty has caused to be sent to the Czar of Muscovy. Money Book XX, p. 383. Order Book VII, p. 474. Disposition Book XXI, p. 8.
Same for 100l. to the executors of Francis Mansel for half a year to 1691 Sept. 29 on an annuity granted by Charles II. Money Book XX, p. 383.
Same for 382l. to James Dayrolle ("whom her Majesty hath thought fit to employ in her affairs at Geneva"), 200l. thereof for his equipage and 182l. for three months' advance of ordinary at 2l. a day as from Aug. 13 last. Ibid., p. 392.
Same for 1,015l. 19s. 2d. to Sir Cha. Hopson or Sir Richard Guy for the surplusage on their accounts as Sheriffs of London for the year ended 1709 Sept. 29; 720l. thereof arising by a reward paid as follows for the apprehending of highwaymen, burglars and counterfeiters and the remaining 295l. 19s. 2d. being for disbursements for her Majesty's service allowed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Appending: certificate by Phil. Tullie, Deputy Clerk of the Pipe, of payments by said Sheriffs to James Ravenscroft, Edward Mount, Andrew Hartshone and others of the sum of 720l. for apprehending and convicting Richard Dove for clipping and coining, Thomas Sollers and Richard Inise for robbery on the highway and Henry Halstall and 14 others for burglary. In the margin: entered with the Clerk of the Pipe 4 Oct. 1710. (Money order dated Oct. 9 hereon.) (The letter of direction precedes both this warrant and order, being dated Sept. 28; and it directs the payment to the executors of the said Sheriffs.) Money Book XX, pp. 479–80. Order Book VII, p. 476. Disposition Book XX, p. 227.
Sept. 29. Letter of direction for 6,400l. to Robert Corker, Receiver and Paymaster of the moneys for buying tin in the counties of Cornwall and Devon: to be issued out of loans to be made by himself on credit of her Majesty's tin; at 6 per cent. per an. interest: and is to answer the [tin] Coinage Duty payable at Midsummer and Michaelmas 1710 to the Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall upon the late and present contracts with the tinners. Disposition Book XX, p. 227.
William Lowndes to the Bank of England. The Treasury Lords desire that 38,000l., the remainder of the 100,000l. agreed to be lent by you Sept. 14 "next" [inst.] may be advanced to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy, for the service of the Navy, on his depositing with you 42,000l. in tallies and orders on the General Mortgage anno 1710. Ibid., p. 228.
Same to said Walpole to make the said deposit and to apply 16,850l. 2s. 6d. out of the said 38,000l. as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
to the head of Wages, to complete 25,000l. for men removed to the Turkey convoy 7,000 0 0
to the head of Wear and Tear, being to pay bills of exchange for the Navy 3,000 0 0
in part of 26,850l. 2s. 6d. for bills of exchange, short allowance money, necessary money, and extra necessary money for the Victualling: to be placed to the same head [of Wear and Tear of the Navy] because the quota for the Victualling out of the funds anno 1710 is completed 6,850 2 6
£16,850 2 6
The 21,149l. 17s. 6d. remainder of the said 38,000l. is to be reserved in your hands for such further uses of the Navy as my Lords shall appoint. Ibid., p. 208.
Same to Mr. Micklethwaite. My Lords give you three weeks leave of absence. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 234.
Same to the Agents for Taxes to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of William Mallet for stay of process [see supra, p. 217]. Ibid.
Sept. 29. William Lowndes to Richard Hoare and Company. The Treasury Lords desire you to give bills on Amsterdam to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, for 4,045l. 6s. 1d. to discharge a quarter's additional subsidy to the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel; on the terms agreed to by my Lords in their minute of yesterday, supra, p. 85: the said bills to be sent by this night's post. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 234.
Same to the Postmasters General. The Treasury Lords require you to give strict directions to the Deputies [Postmasters] and officers to be very careful that they do not unduly intermeddle in elections of Members of Parliament contrary to law and that you also take care to prevent any undue practices in the opening and intercepting of letters.
The like letter respectively to the Commissioners of Customs, Commissioners of Salt Duties, and Commissioners of Excise. Ibid.
Same to the Queen's Remembrancer to certify the Treasury Lords what [blank account] books have been sent from your Office to the patent officers of the Customs in the outports and are not returned by them; distinguishing each port and for how many years the respective accounts are wanting. Ibid., p. 235.
Same to the Commissioners of Excise. Send my Lords an account what arrears are standing out on the revenues under your charge and in what [whose] hands [the same are detained].
The like letter to the Commissioners of the Salt Duty and to the Commissioners of Stamp Duties. Ibid.
Same to the Bishop of London. On reading to my Lords your letter of yesterday's date desiring her Majesty's usual bounty of 20l. for John Cairon, going chaplain to Virginia, they command me to acquaint you that the Queen has been pleased to direct 20l. a piece for divers chaplains going to the West Indies, but upon laying your letter before her for five more the last week her Majesty took notice that the letters of this kind came very fast and has therefore thought fit to respite the payment of them. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners of Customs, Scotland, to send to the Treasury Lords a state of the revenues under your charge with a list of the officers, their salaries, which [of them] are attending their duties, which absent and for what time. You are to give them strict instructions that they do not unduly intermeddle in elections of Members of Parliament contrary to law.
The like letter to the Commissioners of Excise in Scotland. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing. (a) Order of the Queen in Council dated Kensington Sept. 26 inst. for leave to the ship Elinora, Balzar Peters master, at Newcastle, to discharge her lading of iron and deals; she having performed quarantine and her crew being in perfect health: all on the petition of Robert Fenwick, merchant. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 325.
Sept. 29. Treasury reference to same of the petition of Richard Score shewing that he has served as Deputy Collector to Charles Orchard and Charles Bridgeman in Exeter port for 20 years at 110l. per an. salary for himself and clerks and is at present under suspicion for not remitting the Queen's money and is threatened for a debt of 1,844l. 7s. 4½d. due to the Queen from said Orchard: therefore praying that process may be stayed and time allowed him to receive [a statement of] his charge and make his defence. Reference Book VIII, p. 426.
Royal warrant dated Hampton Court to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for a great seal to appoint Arthur, Earl of Anglesey, and Henry, Visct. Hyde, to the offices and places of Vice Treasurer and Receiver General and Paymaster General of the Revenue, Ireland: with the usual fee of 65l. 13s. 4d. per an.: which said offices are become void by the death of John, late Earl of Anglesey. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 210.
Sept. 30. Royal letters patent appointing Edward Winnington, alias Jeffreyes, Esq., of the Middle Temple, as one of her Majesty's Counsel [learned in the law]; with the wages and fee of 40l. per an. Queen's Warrant Book XXVIII, pp. 174–5.
Allowance by the Treasury Lords of the salary bill of the Excise for 1710 Sept. 29 quarter: total 6,540l. 1s. 10d.
The like of the Malt officers for same quarter: total 329l. 18s. 11¾d.
The like for the officers of the Duties on Candles and Apprentices for said quarter: total 851l. 0s. 10½d. Money Book XX, pp. 389, 390, 391.
Separate money warrants for payment of surplusages resting on the accounts of the Sheriffs concerned respectively as follows: viz.
48l. 14s. 10d. to William Ellis, Sheriff for Co. Yorks, for the year ended 1709 Sept. 29: said surplusage arising by payments to John Butler et al. for apprehending John Appleyard, a robber on the highway, and Robert Winterscale and Thomas Metcalfe, false coiners. (Money order dated Oct. 12.)
68l. 15s. 8d. to George Sacheverell, Sheriff of Derby, for the same year. (Money order dated Oct. 25.)
22l. 19s. 9d. to Walter Ernle, Sheriff of Wilts, for the same year. (Money order, ut supra.)
99l. 2s. 5½d. to William Hyde, Sheriff of Lincoln, for the same year.
10l. 2s. 2d. to Henry Heron, Sheriff of Norfolk, for the same year. (Money order dated Oct. 25.)
1l. 16s. 5d. to Charles Hurleston, Sheriff of Chester, for the year ended 1696 Sept. 29. (Money order dated Nov. 19 hereon.)
21l. 9s. 4d. to Thomas Delves, Sheriff of Chester, for the year ended 1699 Sept. 29. (Money order, ut supra.)
47l. 5s. 5¾d. to Sir Thomas Wroth Bart., Sheriff of Somerset, for the year ended 1709 Sept. 29. (Money order dated Oct. 25.)
27l. 2s. 4d. to William Steavens (Stephens), Sheriff of Surrey, for the same year. (Money order dated Oct. 25.)
Ibid., p. 394. Order Book VII, pp. 481, 483, 485, 491, 498. Disposition Book XX, p. 227.
Sept. 30. Confirmation by the Treasury Lords of the money warrant of Aug. 5, supra, p. 402, for 21l. 4s. 8d. for the poor of St. Magnus, London. Money Book XX, p. 428.
Money order for 37,883l. 9s. 2¾d. to Sir John Humble Bart., Paymaster of the Lottery ("appointed the particular officer in the Exchequer for paying the annuities and benefits") under the Act of 5 and 6 Wm. and Mary, c. 7: and is as imprest for paying the said annuities. Order Book VII, p. 474.
Treasury reference to the Queen's Remembrancer of the petition of John Smith, being appointed one of the Four Tellers of the Exchequer, proposing his sureties, detailed, in 7,000l. Reference Book VIII, p. 427.