Warrant Book: August 1710, 11-19

Pages 415-421

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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August 1710

Aug. 11. William Lowndes to the Duke of Newcastle. I have yours of the 7th inst. touching your two warrants for a year's allowance for Sherwood Forest and a year's salary as Lord Privy Seal "together with a warrant enclosed for a buck." The late Lord Treasurer [Godolphin] signed both your warrants on the 5th inst.; the warrant for 1,000l. for Sherwood Forest lies ready to be taken out by your agent and that for 1,825l. as Lord Privy Seal is sent away to the Exchequer for an order to be drawn thereupon. As soon as that comes hither your Grace may be assured of all the despatch that may be given thereto by me. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 213.
Aug. 14. Money warrant for 12l. 3s. 0d. to John Young for the surplusage on his account as Sheriff for Sussex for the year ended 1709 Sept. 29: the same arising by payments to Joseph Edwards et al. for apprehending George Kirk for felony and burglary.
83l. to Sir Francis Charlton bart., Sheriff of Hereford, for same year for a like surplusage arising by rewards paid to James Cotes et al. for apprehending William Murray, John Jones, Thomas Holmes and James Price for felony and burglary. Money Book XX, p. 361. Order Book VII, p. 464. Disposition Book XX, p. 222.
William Lowndes to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England. The Treasury Lords on Saturday last (when their commission was passed under seal) caused the minute to be entered in my book [the Treasury Minute Book] which was promised at my Lord Powlet's house the day before, importing that the minutes entered by order of Godolphin, late Lord Treasurer (relating to moneys advanced or to be advanced by the Bank) shall be punctually complied with. Therefore my Lords desire to speak with you here to-morrow forenoon concerning the same and other matters relating to the public service. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 213.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed letter [missing] from the Duke of Queensberry enclosing two letters from Count Gyllenberg [Carl, Count Gyllenborg], the Swedish Minister, in relation to six Swedish merchant ships which are detained at Sheerness as not having performed their quarantine. Ibid., p. 214.
Aug. 15. Money warrant for 30,000l. to Spencer Compton: as in part of the privy seal of Aug. 5, supra, p. 390, for the Queen's pensions and bounties. (Money order dated Aug. 16 hereon.) Money Book XX, p. 360. Order Book VII, p. 461.
Same for 183l. 15s. 0d. to Sir Robert Harrison, late Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Oxford, for his extraordinary charges in his receipt as certified by report of 1705 Aug. 14 by the Agents for Taxes. (Money order dated Aug. 18 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Nov. 11 hereon.) Money Book XX, p. 360. Order Book VII, p. 463. Disposition Book XXI, p. 7.
Aug. 15. Confirmation by the Treasury Lords of a money order of 1709 Aug. 5 for 100,000l. to Francis, Visct. Rialton, the Cofferer of the Household, ut supra, p. 238, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 238. Order Book VII, p. 290.
The like of the money order of April 5 last, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIV, p. 226, for 3,000l. to the Commissioners of Trade. Ibid., p. 440.
The like of same of July 1 last, supra, p. 346, for 10l. to Peter Le Neve. Ibid., p. 441.
The like of same of 1709 Dec. 23 (by virtue of the privy seal dormant of 13 Aug. 1707) for 298l. 13s. 6d. to Sir Michael Heneage, Usher of the Exchequer Court, being for 295l. 19s. 4d. for necessaries by him delivered to the officers of said Court in Michaelmas term 1709 and 2l. 14s. 2d. for his diet at 5d. a day for 130 days from 12 Aug. to 20 Dec. 1709. [The original order is entered out of the date in the Order Book.] Ibid., p. 454.
The like of same of 1710 July 28, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books Vol. XXIV, p. 387, for 414l. 1s. 1d. to same. Ibid.
The like of same of 1709–10 Feb. 10, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 464, for 28l. 4s. 5½d. to William Fausset. Ibid.
The like of same of May 26 last, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIV, p. 301, for 10,000l. to Sir Isaac Newton. Ibid., p. 415.
The like of same of 1709 June 3, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 200, for 30,000l. to Visct. FitzHardinge: with an unfinished entry of the confirmation of a like order undated for 20,000l. to same. Ibid., p. 460.
The like of same of July 21 last, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIV, p. 372, for 50l. to John Yeomans and similarly for 50l. to Anthony Hodges. Ibid., p. 479.
Aug. 15
and 16.
The like of the five separate money orders of 1709 Dec. 21 for in all 3,332,232l. 10s. 8d. to James Brydges for the Forces Abroad and for Subsidies &c. anno 1710, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 454. Ibid., pp. 335–6.
Aug. 16. The like of the money order of July 1 last, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIV, p. 347, for 40l. to Peter Le Neve and Sir Simeon Stuart. Ibid., p. 441.
The like of same of July 20 last, supra, p. 371, for 695l. 13s. 9d. to Michael Lambert.
And of the money order of July 21 last, supra, ibid., for 50l. to same. Ibid., p. 451.
The like of same of July 20 last, supra, p. 372, for 3,000l. to the Duke of Queensberry. Ibid., p. 461.
Aug. 16. The like of same of July 28 last, supra, p. 387, for 740l. to Hen. Whitebread. Ibid., p. 450.
The like of the money warrant of July 12 last for 89l. 17s. 4d. to Robert Forder. Money Book XX, p. 320. [See supra, p. 363. In this case both the money order and the letter of direction are subsequent to and are based upon this confirmation.]
Aug. 16,
23, 24,
Warrant by the Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Forster as tidesman at Shields in Newcastle port loco John Gillson deceased.
Benjamin Fisher (surveyor, waiter and searcher and commander of the boat at Sandwich) to be collector of Sandwich port loco Jeffery Haford deceased, at 60l. per an. salary and 10l. per an. to keep a horse to ride from that part of the coast to the Sandhills and to Deal.
Richard Webster to succeed said Fisher as surveyor, waiter and searcher and commander of the boat at Sandwich.
Thomas Myers as a tidesman in the inferior list, London port, loco Peirce Ogle dismissed.
Benjamin Kenton as a same ibid. loco William Breach dismissed.
Geo. Dodd as a same ibid. loco George Dodson deceased.
Edward Crofts as waiter for the Four and a Half per cent. Duty at Bridgetown in Barbados loco Ja. Robertson deceased.
Anthony Bullman (one of the extraordinary boatmen Newcastle port) as an established boatman in that port loco Hugh Park removed to Howdon Pans.
Thomas Bryce (the riding surveyor at Beaumaris) as waiter and searcher at Ramsgate in Sandwich port loco John Mockford deceased.
Nicholas Fetherston (an officer at Mostyn in Chester port) as riding surveyor at Beaumaris loco said Bryce. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 315–16, 317.
Aug. 17. Royal warrant to Spencer Compton to pay 500l. to Charles Boit, enameller, in further part of the agreement made by the late Consort for the making a large picture in enamel 22 inches by 18 inches "with the effigies of ourself, our said late Royal Consort and our Court" at a price of 2,000l. (Letter of direction dated Aug. 18 for 500l. to Compton for said "Boist" the enameller.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 330. Disposition Book XX, p. 209.
Dormant same to the Treasury Lords for 1,600l. per an. to Robert Harley, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, as from Aug. 10 inst. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 368–9.
Confirmation of the letter of direction of July 22 last, supra, pp. 374–5, for 108,138l. 5s. 4¾d. to James Brydges. Disposition Book XX, p. 201.
The like of same of Aug. 4 inst., supra, p. 392, for 850l. to Spencer Compton. Ibid., p. 205.
The like of same of Aug. 5 inst., supra, p. 403, for 10,165l. 11s. 4d. to the Treasurer of the Chamber.
And for 4,894l. 15s. 5d. to the Cofferer of the Household. Ibid., p. 206.
The like of same of July 24 last, supra, pp. 375–6, for 4,282l. 8s. 2¼d. to William Roberts. Ibid., p. 199.
Aug. 17. William Lowndes to James Brydges [Paymaster of the Forces Abroad]. Sir Henry Furnese has several bills drawn on you for the services of Spain and Portugal amounting to 54,916l. 13s. 4d. and has proposed to the Treasury Lords to receive the value thereof out of the first money to be granted by Parliament applicable thereto and in the meantime to have a deposit of tallies and orders for 60,000l. on the General Mortgage pro anno 1710 with 6 per cent. interest from the time the bills fall due. My Lords approve the said proposition and direct you to take up the said bills and to make the said deposit in tallies and orders accordingly, commencing the interest from the time the bills fall due: viz. as follows:
£ s. d.
in bills drawn 14 May, new style, at three months by Mr. Stanhope: due 6 August, new style 1,000 0 0
in bills drawn by Mr. Morice at Lisbon at 30 days' sight: due 23 August, old style 30,000 0 0
in bills drawn 19 July, old style, by same at 30 days' sight: due 24 August, old style 11,916 13 4
in bills drawn August 8, new style, at 30 days' sight: due 13 Sept. next, old style 12,000 0 0
£54,916 13 4
Memorandum: There not being sufficient of the [Sixth] General Mortgage tallies [anno 1710] on this head for the said deposit it is placed to account as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
out of Land Tax tallies [anno 1710] 35,771 16 6
out of [the said Sixth] General Mortgage tallies [anno 1710] 19,144 16 10
£54,916 13 4
Disposition Book XX, p. 213.
Same to Mr. Townshend. The Treasury Lords give you leave of absence for a month or six weeks "but you will take care that the business of "the" [Excise] Office shall not suffer by your absence." Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 214.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Baskett et al. for discharge of a seizure of 27 bales of paper lately imported by them from Holland, seized upon suspicion of being of French manufacture; but which several old dealers in paper believe to be rather the manufacture of Germany, and petitioners are ready to swear that they did not order any French papers but the contrary. Reference Book VIII, p. 421.
Treasury warrant to Sir James Montague [Attorney General] to non pros the Queen's part of a seizure of four ingots of foreign gold weighing about 430 ounces which Sir Henry Furnese on May 26 last put on board the Peregrine yacht for transport to Holland and seized by Thomas Walker and Henry Canby, two of the searchers, London port, in regard there was no warrant or certificate by the Lord Mayor (as the law directs) and no Custom House Despatch for the exportation: but it being certified by William Atwill, Arthur Dabbs and Geo. Caswell that the same consisted wholly of foreign gold and no part thereof was molten coin of the realm or clippings thereof nor plate wrought in this kingdom and had the same been sworn [before the Court of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen] "the said Court must have granted such a proper certificate as the law requires." Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 157–8.
Aug. 17. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for the making out of new Exchequer Bills in lieu of those filled up by endorsements or defaced: as provided by the Act of 7 Anne, c. 30, for Enlarging the Capital Stock of the Bank of England: to wit for the Exchequer Bills made forth in pursuance of the said Act; or of the Act of 7 Anne, c. 31, for Continuing Several Impositions [being 612,739l. Exchequer Bills]; or the Act of 8 Anne, c. 1, for an Aid anno 1710. The Bills so filled up or defaced are to be accepted by the said Auditor from the Bank of England or their Agent with a certificate that same agree with the Bank's foils or counterparts and (after same have been compared with the Exchequer Auditor's counterfoils) both originals and counterparts are to be defaced and thereupon new Bills are to be made forth and delivered to the Bank in lieu thereof and bearing the same numbers, dates and sums as the old Bills and with double counterfoils (one for the Bank and one for the Auditor of the Receipt): and the last endorsement on the old bills is always to be made on the new Bills. And in the Weekly Certificates of Exchequer Bills the Exchequer is to be debtor to the Bank for old Bills received and creditor to the Bank for new Bills delivered out in replacement. The cancelled Bills are to be locked and secured with safety to answer all inspections and enquiries that may at any time happen concerning the same. Ibid., pp. 158–60.
[? Aug. 17] The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Mr. Brydges has represented to us that by royal warrants he was to receive 20,866l. 1s. 9d. from the Treasury of Ireland for the pay of the Regiments of Pearce, Mountjoy and Gorges for the time they were borne on the Irish Establishment but paid in England; but that no part thereof has yet been paid him; and further that the said money is applicable to the clearings of several Regiments under his care of pay who are very pressing for the same. We earnestly recommend you to give effectual orders for the immediate payment. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 204.
Aug. 18. Royal sign manual for 300l. to Joseph Bennet Esq. (Col. Bennet) without account, "he having undertaken therewith to discharge all demands made by or for Elhage Guzman and Rice Elwood, sent to us from the Emperor of Morocco, in relation to the charges of their journey." (Money warrant dated Aug. 19 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 18 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Aug. 19 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 330. Money Book XX, p. 361. Order Book VII, p. 461. Disposition Book XX, p. 207.
Confirmation of the money warrant of July 17 last, supra, p. 368. for 321l. 6s. 9d, to Caleb Powel. Money Book XX, p. 324.
Aug. 18. Letter of direction for issues as follows to the Judges &c. as follows: out of Civil List moneys: viz. £
Mr. Cox, one of the Judges for Wales 75
Mr. Pocklington, a same 100
Mr. Jessop, a same 75
the 13 Judges at Westminster for and in lieu of the like sum directed to be issued to them July 22 last, supra, p. 373 3,250
the five Judges of Wales for the like 375
the [eleven] Masters in Chancery for the like 275
Disposition Book XX, pp. 208–9.
William Lowndes to the Board of Ordnance to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of several merchants, undertakers for providing the Army in Portugal with bread, barley and straw for one year from 1710 Sept. for which they have accepted (amongst other things) an assignment of a debt (as is alleged) due from her Majesty for 10,894 quintals of powder wanting to complete the quantity agreed upon (by the Treaty with that Crown) to be delivered yearly to the King of Portugal's officers at Lisbon. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 214.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of William Morden et al., owners of the Henrietta pink, praying leave for her to unlade without performing quarantine, her company being in perfect health. Ibid.
Confirmation by the Treasury Lords of the money order of 1709 June 28 for 200l. to James Griffin, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 224. Order Book VII, p. 255.
Aug. 19. The like of the money warrant of Aug. 5, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIV, p. 402, for 63l. 3s. 4d. to the officers of the Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office. Money Book XX, p. 425.
William Lowndes to Mr. Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy. The Treasury Lords direct you to raise the sum of 23,787l. 12s. 1d. on the tallies and orders remaining in your hands on Land Tax anno 1710 which were struck Dec. 16 last; and to apply said sum as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
for bills of exchange under the head of Wear and Tear 8,000 0 0
for bills of exchange for the Victualling under the same head, "because the quota of 19s. a man for the Victualling is completed" 15,787 12 1
£23,787 12 1
On your sending to the Treasury the said orders with your assignments [endorsed] thereon my Lords will give directions for 6 per cent. interest to the persons advancing thereon. Disposition Book XX, p. 212.
Aug. 19. Same to Mr. How, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons, to similarly raise 5,000l. on Land Tax tallies anno 1710 in your hands payable after about 1,780,000l. [standing on the Register of loans on said Land Tax] and to apply "the said money or the Exchequer Bills for the same" to the uses as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
for account of Guards and Garrisons anno 1710.
for 28 days' subsistence Aug. 25 inst. to Sept. 21 next for the Regiments of Farringdon, Livesay, Bretton and Molesworth 3,295 7 4
towards 500l. for a detachment of Guards ordered to Portsmouth 442 1 4
for account of 5,000 men for sea service anno 1710.
for the like subsistence for Lord Mark Kerr's Regiment and the seven Companies of Seymour's Regiment encamped in the Isle of Wight 1,262 11 4
£5,000 0 0
Directions for interest will be given as above. Ibid., p. 214.