Minute Book: August 1710

Pages 33-45

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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August 1710

Aug. 3.
Present. ut supra.
The sums craved to be allowed for the taxes of the officers' salaries at Greenwich are agreed to be allowed.
The Gentlemen of the Bank are called in. The Governor says they have accommodated Mr. Meriel (Merill) this morning [struck through] with 20,000l. and 12,000l. and now he desires 33,000l., and great sums are desired by the officer for [Treasurer of] the Navy and others; which they cannot comply with by reason of the sinking of the credit.
Write to Mr. Morris to hasten the sending over in gold the value of the money in his hands of the 100,000l. [which by express instructions sent to him is] to be sent back [to London].
[Direct the] Auditors [of Imprests] to attend on Friday the 18th inst. about the business of the accounts, particularly in reference to Mr. Hewer's accounts, and Mr. Hewer is to attend at the same time. Ibid., p. 176.
[Eodem die],
Present: Lord Treasurer.
The Customs Commissioners [are] called in. Their papers [of petitions and presentments &c.] are read and [my Lord Treasurer's] answers are [endorsed] on them.
[My Lord directs] 7,000l. to Mr. Tailer for building [work] at Wood-stock [for the Duke of Marlborough]. Ibid.
Aug. 12,
Present: John, Earl Poulett, Robert Harley Esq., Robert Benson, Esq.
The Queen's Commission is read constituting the above three together with Sir Thomas Mansel and Henry Paget as Commissioners for executing the Office of Treasurer of the Exchequer.
A paper is read and approved as follows to determine the days on which my Lords will sit for particular business.
Every Monday forenoon and afternoon: for petitions and reports; with the business of Scotland and Ireland.
Tuesday forenoon: Treasurer of the Navy or his instruments, with their memorials for the Navy and Victualling.
Tuesday afternoon: the Customs Commissioners with their presentments &c.
Wednesday forenoon. to make up and consider the paper of cash for that week, drawn from all the weekly certificates.
Wednesday afternoon (if her Majesty pleases): to attend her Majesty with the cash paper for her to make the disposition and to lay before her such cases as shall be proper for her direction and such warrants &c. as pass the royal sign manual.
Thursday forenoon and afternoon: being a [Privy] Council day, [this day is] to be reserved [free from Treasury business] unless there be extraordinary business.
Friday morning: the several Paymasters of the Forces with their Instruments and the Secretary at War are to attend with their memorials for money.
Friday afternoon: the Auditors of Imprests and Auditors of the [Crown Land] Revenue [are to attend] about their accounts; the [Queen's] Remembrancer about the [paper of Exchequer Court] process; and the Agents [for Taxes] about the [collection &c. of the] Taxes.
Saturday to be reserved [free from Treasury business] unless there be extraordinary business.
The underwritten are to attend upon summons only: viz. Navy Commissioners; Victualling Commissioners; Sick and Wounded Commissioenrs; Transports Commissioners; Board of Ordnance; Excise Commissioners; Salt Duties Commissioners; Stamp Duties Commissioners; Wine Licences Commissioners; Commissioners for Hackney Coaches and Hawkers and Pedlars; The Postmasters General; the Attorney General and Solicitor General; the Comptrollers of Army Accounts; the Solicitors of the Treasury; the Surveyors General of Crown Lands and of Woods; the Surveyor of the Works; the Auditor [General] of the Plantations "and many others."
Mr. Bridges is called in and his memorial for 67,152l. 10s. 1d. is read and another of his for 95,000l.
Mr. Bridges is directed to prepare a draft of a letter against Monday morning for him to send to Mr. Morris in Portugal to observe strictly my [late] Lord Treasurer [Godolphin's] directions as in Mr. Tailor's letter of 6 June 1710 [infra, pp. 324–5].
A paper dated 3 Aug. 1710 of the remaining [undisposed] funds of this year and of the services necessary to be supplied is read. Make three copies of it.
Sir Henry Furnese is called in. He will attend again on Monday with a proposition for [furnishing bills of exchange for remittances for] another month's subsistence.
Sir Henry Furnese having acquainted my Lords with the terms of the agreement he made with my [late] Lord Treasurer [Godolphin] for advancing about 108,000l. for the Forces in Flanders, to be repaid out of the [contributions for] Annuity money as the same comes in and in the meantime to be secured by a deposit of tallies on the last General Mortgage and having promised to perform his part of that agreement in remitting or furnishing the remainder of the said sum so timely that the Forces shall not want it, their Lordships have resolved that my late Lord Treasurer's part of that agreement shall be exactly complied with.
And my Lords having read a paper of the late Lord Treasurer's minutes extracted from this [the Treasury Minute] Book importing his agreement with the Gentlemen of the Bank for their advancing money upon tallies and orders or depositing tallies and orders, their Lordships are resolved that the said agreements shall punctually be complied with. Treasury Minute Book XVII, pp. 177–8.
Present Earl Poulett, Mr. Harley, Mr. Benson.
[Send word] to the Agents [for Taxes] to bring with them on Friday afternoon a state of every Receiver [General of Taxes'] payments under their care.
Mr. Bridges offers a proposal for [his negotiating with the Bank of England or with any other for their] advancing 167,000l. [on tallies &c. in his hands for the service of the Forces abroad]: which [proposal] my Lords will consider.
Mr. Walpole [is] called in [and presents the weekly money demand for the Navy and Victualling]. My Lords will speak to-morrow to the Gentlemen of the Bank concerning [their lending] 23,787l. 12s. 1d. on the [credit of tallies on the] thirteenth 4s. Aid [Land Tax]. Ibid., p. 179.
Eodem die,
Present: ut supra.
[No entry of any minute.] Ibid.
Aug. 15,
Present: Earl Poulett, Mr. [Harley] Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Paget, Mr. Benson.
"Lay before the Cabinet Counsel the copy of the letter signed by Mr. Tailor for [sending back to England in gold] the 100,000l. stopped in Portugal."
Sir Henry Furnese [is] called in. He presents a proposition for remitting 52,000l. to Holland and for payment of 54,916l. 13s. 4d. for services in Spain and Portugal: which my Lords will consider.
The Gentlemen of the Bank [are] called in. It is desired of them to comply with the minute of the 28th ult. [supra, p. 33]. They [reply that they] will lay that matter before the Court of Directors.
Sir Theodore Janssen having offered to give his bills this evening for 50,000l. payable at double usance in Amsterdam at the [exchange] rate of 10 guilders 6 stivers current money for every pound sterling upon a deposit of tallies and orders for 55,000l. upon the sixth General Mortgage for the year 1710, to be redeemed within three months by repayment of the principal with interest at 6 per cent. per an., my Lords agree thereto and direct Mr. Bridges to deposit the said tallies and orders with a defeazance or agreement to be entered into by Mr. Bridges to authorise the selling the said tallies and orders at the time prefixed if [re-]payment be not complied with as above. Treasury Minute Book XVII, p. 180.
Eodem die,
Present: Earl Poulett, Mr. [Harley] Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Paget, Mr. Benson.
The Customs Commissioners are called in. Their papers are read and the minutes [of my Lords' decisions and answers thereto are endorsed] upon them. Ibid.
Aug. 16. Present: Earl Poulett, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Pagett, Sir Thomas Mansell, Mr. Benson.
Mr. Edwyn presents his proposal to serve [supply] the paper &c. for the Lottery. My Lords will consider it.
[Send word] to the [Principal] Officers of the Mint to be here tomorrow morning to adjust all matters about the Trial of the Pix. Ibid., p. 181.
Eodem die,
Present: the Queen: all the five Treasury Lords.
The Queen commands my Lords to be good husbands for the public in the first place and for her Civil List in the second place and that they do endeavour to get her out of debt (especially to her poor servants) as fast as possibly they can.
A paper of the cash this day in the Exchequer is read in which there being 16,483l. 5s. 10¾d. [of receipts from the branches allotted to the support of or] for her Majesty's Civil List, her Majesty directs these payments following: viz.
£ s. d.
to the Ladies of the Bedchamber for 1709 June 24 quarter 2,750 0 0
to six Women of the Bedchamber for same quarter 750 0 0
to six Maids of Honour for the same quarter 450 0 0
to Mr. Campbell for [a] Collar of the Order of the Thistle 207 13 7
to Mr. Jackson 519 1 6
to Mrs. Cresset 955 0 0
for the Judges and Masters in Chancery viz. Justice Eyre 145 8 2
to Lord Chief Justice Parker 198 19 7
to Mr. Cox, Judge of Wales 75 0 0
to Mr. Pocklington, a ditto 100 0 0
to Mr. Jessop, a ditto 75 0 0
to the 13 Judges [at Westminster] for last term 3,250 0 0
to the five Judges of Wales: for ditto 375 0 0
to the [eleven] Masters in Chancery 275 0 0
to the poor of Walbrook 7 13 4
to the poor of St. Magnus 21 4 8
to the Schoolmaster of Southwell 15 0 0
to Emanuel College in Cambridge 16 13 4
for the weekly payment for tin 2,400 0 0
for the weekly payment to the Privy Purse 500 0 0
to Mr. Compton for the Marquis de Guiscard et al. 850 0 0
to the [poor] ministers in the Isle of Man 50 0 0
to Mr. Granville for the rent of Mote Park 150 0 0
£14,136 14 2
Her Majesty approves the late Lord Treasurer [Godolphin's] direction as in a letter signed by Mr. Taylour on 6th June last [infra, pp. 324–5] concerning the 100,000l. in Portugal and directs that it shall be punctually complied with either by [Mr. Morris] sending hither the value in gold or by [Mr. Bridges] drawing upon it, as my Lords shall find most advisable for the service.
And her Majesty approves the inserting the Judges and others presented by the Board of Ordnance [to act as or] for Commissioners to execute the late Act for purchasing lands for fortifications at Portsmouth et al.
As to the report concerning the bridge at Weymouth, enquire what Duty the Queen hath a title to [arising] from Portland stone.
[By her Majesty's order my Lords] signed [or ordered warrants as follows]:
a warrant for 500l. to Mr. Boyt, enameller.
ordered 500l. to Mr. Crofts and 200l. to Capt. Starling. Ibid.
Aug. 17.
Present: all the five Treasury Lords.
The Agents [for Taxes] are to bring with them to-morrow a state of all the payments [to or the receipts by the respective Receiver Generals throughout the country] on the Land Tax and House Money.
Make an abstract of what has been received and paid on this year's funds [as granted by Parliament].
Sir Henry Furnese having several bills [of exchange] drawn on Mr. Bridges for services of [the Forces in] Spain and Portugal, proposed to [my Lords that he would meet the same and take his repayment or] receive the value thereof out of the first money to be granted by Parliament applicable thereto and in the meantime to have a deposit of tallies and orders on the General Mortgage for 1710 for 60,000l.; the interest at 6 per cent. to commence from the time the bills fall due: viz.
1,000l. drawn 3/14 May at three months by Mr. Stanhope: due 6 August.
30,000l. drawn 11 July new style by Mr. Morice at 30 days' sight: due 23 August.
11,916l. drawn 19 July [old style] at 30 days' sight: due 24 August.
12,000l. drawn 8 August new style at 30 days' sight: due 13 September.
My Lords approve this proposition and agree thereunto on her Majesty's behalf.
The Gentlemen of the Bank [are] called in. They will come again on Tuesday with an answer as to the 100,000l. from Portugal: and they promise to assist the public to the utmost of their ability: and if any persons will undertake the [exchange transactions involved in the] remittances [of money abroad for the Forces, Subsidies &c.] the Bank will assist such persons as much as they can.
Mr. Walpole [is] called in. He'll come in again to-morrow. Treasury Minute Book XVII, p. 182.
Aug. 18.
Present: all my five Lords.
Mr. Bridges' memorial concerning the Danish subsidy is read. Ibid., p. 183.
Eodem die,
Present: the same.
The Agents for Taxes and the Auditor of the Revenues are called in. A state of the receipts [by the Collectors and Receivers General], payments [into the Exchequer by the said Receivers General] and arrears [standing out uncollected] upon the Land Tax for 1709 is read. [My Lords thereupon order that] the Agents are to write to the Receivers to press them to pay in their moneys and send states of their accounts and to acquaint them that my Lords will this day fortnight enquire strictly what money is in their hands and that if their accounts are not passed in the Exchequer by Michaelmas term at furthest they will be effectually prosecuted and that my Lords will take very strict notice of those that do not comply.
Renew my [late] Lord Treasurer [Godolphin's] orders to the Receivers General relating to their [taking &c.] Exchequer Bills.
[Send word] to the Chamberlain of London to attend on Monday at 11 in the forenoon about the arrears of the Land Tax and House Duty money [standing out in the city] in his receipt.
My Lords resolve that the process [of the Exchequer] shall go out every issuable term against [public] debtors and accountants in default according to the course of the Exchequer and if there be cause to stay it the parties are to make application to this Board.
Auditor Maynwaring is called in. He refers to the state [of accomptants' accounts] given in by the Auditors of Imprests about three weeks ago.
Write to Mr. Bridges to know whether the remaining fonds of this year which he hath received or is to receive will answer all the demands for subsidies, subsistence and other necessary [Army and treaty] services to the end of this year. Ibid.
Aug. 19. Present: Lord Poulett, Mr. [Harley] Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Paget, Sir Tho. Mansel.
The Commissioners of Transports present a state of their [the Transport] Office as to the debt [due therein] and a state of the cash: which are read.
Mr. Whitfield presents an account of respits [resting on the Regiments of Marines].
My Lords direct 23,787l, 12s. 1d. to the Treasurer of the Navy viz. 8,000l. to pay bills of exchange for the Navy and 15,787l. 12s. 1d. to pay the like for the Victualling: for which he has tallies on the Land Tax anno 1710 payable [in course] after about 200,000l.; [on which fund he is desired to raise, borrow or discount the said sum for the said services].
Mr. Meriel (Merriel) for Mr. How [Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons] is directed to [try to borrow or] get money advanced on 5,000l. of the Land Tax tallies in his hands anno 1710 payable [in course] after about 1,780,000l. and to apply the said money (or the Exchequer Bills for the same) for services as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
for 28 days' subsistence for the Regiments of Faringdon, Livesay, Breton and Molesworth encamped in the Isle of Wight from Aug. 25 inst. to Sept. 21 next 3,295 7 4
for the like for Lord Mark Kerr's Regiment and seven Companies of Seymour's [Regiment] encamped there 1,262 11 4
towards 500l. for a detachment of Guards ordered to Portsmouth 442 1 4
£5,000 0 0
Ibid., p. 184.
Aug. 21,
Present: ut supra.
The Agents [for Taxes] are called in with Sir William Fazakerly. He will on Thursday next bring an account in whose hands the arrears of the Land Tax for 1709 [for Co. Middlesex and the cities of London and Westminster] do remain.
Mr. Clayton reads the draft of a letter to be sent to all the Receivers [General] of Taxes: which is approved.
Petitions &c. [which happen to be] put off to another week are to be read first when they are to come on.
Petitions are read and the minutes [of my Lords' decisions and answers thereto are endorsed] upon them.
Ordered that when a petition has been read to my Lords and they have given a full answer thereupon that the clerks do receive no new petition from the same petitioner to the same effect. Ibid., p. 185.
Aug. 22. Present: all the five Lords.
Sir Henry Furnese offers two proposals both dated this day, the one for [remitting] 70,000l., the other for [remitting] 100,000l.
The Governor, Deputy Governor and other Gentlemen of the Bank are called in. The Governor presents a proposal for 50,000l. to be advanced to Mr. Bridges on a deposit of 60,000l. tallies on the General Mortgage on the terms mentioned in the proposal. They are clearly of opinion that the 100,000l. [must] be brought back from Portugal in gold: if it should be drawn [or remitted in the form of bills of exchange] from thence the loss would be 15 per cent. and it would be more honourable and serviceable to England to have it brought and coined here.
My Lords agree to this proposal.
In the margin:
The proposal is in these words viz. 50,000l. to be advanced in Exchequer Bills to Mr. Bridges on a deposit of 60,000l. tallies on the General Mortgage and [on the collateral of the said Bridges'] his note for repayment in [ready] money at two months and so every two months till the arrival of the gold from Portugal:
and in case the gold do not arrive in six months the said tallies to be sold for reimbursement of the Bank:
interest on the loan to be at the rate of 4 per cent. per an.
My Lords will direct Mr. Bridges to apply this 50,000l. towards the bills for 100,000l. taken up by Lieut. Gen. Stanhope at Berne for the Forces in Catalonia: viz.
on two bills due 1710 July 30 17,651
in part of 50,000l. on ten bills due 23 Aug. 1710 32,349
Treasury Minute Book XVII, p. 186.
Eodem die,
Present: Lord Poulett, Mr. Paget, Sir Thomas Mansel, Mr. Benson.
The Customs Commissioners [are] called in : their papers are read and the minutes [of my Lords' decisions and answers thereto are endorsed] on them. Ibid.
Aug. 23. Present: all the five Lords.
The papers and warrants to be presented to her Majesty are read. Refer to the Auditors of Imprests the warrant prepared for Mr. Web.
The creditors of the Navy [are] called in. They will put in a memorial in writing.
[Send word to] Mr. Riley and Mr. Austin to be here on Friday morning.
Mr. Edwyn [Usher of the Receipt is] called in [about his supplying stationery]. My Lords are willing to allow him, for every book for the Pay Ticquets after the rate of 30s. for the prime cost which for 3,075 books will amount to 4,612l. 10s. 0d.; and my Lords will allow him for two years' forbearance of his money 738l.: and if he be not paid within some considerable time after the two years' end my Lords think it reasonable that he should have a further consideration for the same or so much as shall remain unsatisfied.
On the 1st Sept. 1710 Mr. Edwin was called in again and my Lords resolved to allow him 2 per cent. per annum more which for two years comes to 184l. 5s. 0d. more. Ibid., p. 187.
Eodem die.
Present: the Queen: all the five Lords.
The paper of the cash and tallies for public services amounting to 1,571,649l. 12s. 8¼d. is read.
The paper of cash in the Exchequer for the Civil List is read amounting to 3,275l. 18s. 5¼d. and a list of warrants signed or confirmed by my Lords [and payable out of Civil List funds or moneys is likewise read]. Her Majesty upon the same directs [issue of only] 2,400l. for the weekly payment for tin and 500l. for the weekly payment for the Privy Purse.
"Her Majesty approves the reports of Mr. Walpole in the case of Don Diego de Moya y Benevedes and of Monsieur de Bleville and orders accordingly."
Her Majesty orders 409l. 15s. 0d. upon the Treasurer of the Chamber's memorial for Mr. Randue; the Lord Almoner; and the seven game keepers.
The petition of Rachell Hume is read. The Queen will consider of it.
Warrants signed by her Majesty: £ s. d.
Capt. Starling 200 0 0
Col. Crofts 500 0 0
Col. Pearce, Governor of Montserrat (per an.) 200 0 0
Bank of England for interest 354 6 6
Joseph Mitchell [out of the revenue] in Ireland 200 0 0
Duke of Bolton 500 0 0
Margaret Swintown, to be paid by the hands of Mr. Compton (per an.) 50 0 0
Elizabeth Pearson to be paid by ditto (per an.) 12 0 0
Ibid., p. 188.
Aug. 24.
Present: all the five Lords.
Sir William Fazakerly is called in. He presents a schedule of the arrears in his receipt [to wit of Land Tax and House Duties in Middlesex, London and Westminster], which is read. The Agents for Taxes are to write to the Aldermen of each Ward to hasten them to raise the arrears.
[Write] to Mr. Bridges acquainting him with the account [shewing] that the Forces in Flanders were two months in arrear [at the date] of Aug. 11 old style and desire him not to fail to be here to-morrow morning upon that occasion, [my Lords] having understood by him that the sub[sistence of the said Forces] was carried on effectually to Aug. 23. In the margin: no need of this since Mr. Sloper came in.
Mr. Sloper [is] called in. My Lords order that once in every fortnight a certificate shall be transmitted signed by Mr. Bridges of all his receipts, payments and remains in his hands distinguished under proper heads; and beginning on Monday next.
Mr. Gold, called in, says the Bank remains unwilling to engage in the remises [the business of remitting by bills of exchange for the Forces &c. abroad]: they have put no negative but my Lords are at liberty to deal with any other about remises.
My Lords order that once in every week (beginning next Monday) a certificate shall be transmitted [to them] signed by Mr. How [as Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons] of all his receipts, payments and remains in his hands, distinguished under proper heads.
My Lords do also order that Mr. Sweet, Mr. Cartwright, Mr. Morris and Mr. Mead, Deputy Paymasters [to Mr. Brydges the Paymaster General of the Forces Abroad] do from time to time transmit to my Lords copies of the certificates or accounts current which they do or ought to transmit to [Mr. Brydges] the Paymaster and that the said copies do come every fortnight if possible from the Low Countries and once in two months at farthest (if opportunity offers) from Portugal and Spain.
My Lords also order that the Vice-Treasurer of Ireland or his deputy do every fortnight transmit to my Lords a certificate of his receipts, payments and remains, distinguished under proper heads.
The Receivers General of the several [branches of the] revenue in Scotland are [similarly ordered] to transmit hither certificates of their respective receipts, payments and remains every week. Ibid., p. 189.
Aug. 25. Present: all the five Lords.
Mr. Ryly and Mr. Aynstys [are] called in. The letter of the Commissioners of Excise is read concerning some of their collectors advancing money in the country to buy tin. Upon hearing Mr. Ryly and Mr. Aynstis my Lords are satisfied that upon Mr. Aynstis paying from time to time any money to the Cashier of Excise an office receipt may be given to him for the same which their [the Excise] collectors will always answer punctually in the country as has been accustomed in other cases.
Mr. Aynstis and Mr. Corker are present. Mr. Corker's account is read whereby he demands for balance 26,693l. 6s. 8¼d. to discharge the double Coinage [Duty of tin due] at Michaelmas next. Mr. Stratford et al. make a proposition to advance money on tin to be sent to Hamburgh and Mr. Lambert will come again this day sevennight.
Mr. Bridges [is] called in. He agrees that there are in his hands [tallies of loan on] undisposed funds as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
for the Forces in Flanders and for extraordinaries 237,682 2
for Subsidies to the Allies 264,914 17
more on the sixth General Mortgage, about 27,000 0 0
£529,596 19 11
He owns the giving to Mr. Morris the direction complained of by Sir Henry Furnese.
My Lords read the proposal of Sir Henry Furnese and that of Mr. Lambert, Mr. Hoare and Mr. Gibbon for supplying bills for Amsterdam.
Mr. Lambert, Mr. Hoare and Mr. Gibbon are called in. They say others (now out of town) are concerned with them. Their proposal dated the 25th inst. is as follows viz. to supply the Treasury Lords with bills on Amsterdam for 350,000l. at 10 guilders 6 stivers current money per pound sterling: the bills to be at 2, 2½ and 3 months: they to be repaid in money for same in four months from the time of agreement with interest at 6 per cent. to the time of [such re-] payment: the Treasury Lords to deposit [as security] 200,000l. tallies on the Candle Act and 220,000l. on the General Mortgage, those on the Candle Act to be payable under 400,000l. [i.e. not after or in later course than the first 400,000l. registered on the Register of loans on said Act] and those on the General Mortgage [to be] the earliest which the Treasury Lords have [on the register of loans on that fund]: such deposit to be as security for repayment of the money and the interest thereon: and in case the whole money shall not be [re]paid at the end of four months they to be at liberty to sell or dispose of so many of the tallies as will make good what shall remain unpaid.
My Lords agree thereto with this alteration that instead of 200,000l. on the Candle Act there be deposited but 124,320l. 10s. 0¼d. on that Act and the difference be made up by a greater deposit on the General Mortgage tallies: whereunto the proposers submit. Treasury Minute Book XVII, p. 190.
Eodem die,
Present. all the five Lords.
The Agents for Taxes [are] called in. They are to give notice to the Receivers General that are discharged [from being Receivers] to pay in the money in their hands by a limited time, by Michaelmas at farthest, or else extents will be taken out against them.
Their [the said Agents'] representation is read and several [of their] reports [on particular Collectors' accounts].
The minutes [of my Lords' decisions thereon are endorsed] on them.
[Write] to Sir H. Furnese that my Lords being unwilling to treat with any other about furnishing money in Portugal without first speaking with him do desire he will be here on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Ibid., p. 191.
Aug. 28. Present: all the five Lords.
[Send notice] to the public offices of the Civil List [the offices which are financed out of the Civil List e.g. the Household, Chamber, Works, Robes, Wardrobes &c.] to transmit hither [to the Treasury] weekly (pursuant to her Majesty's command) certificates of their receipts, payments and remains, expressing particularly the persons to whom the payments are made.
The proposal of Mr. Lambert et al. for advancing money on tin to be sent to Hamburgh is read. They will amend their proposal for a larger sum.
[Send word to] the Principal Officers of the Mint to be here this afternoon at five o'clock.
[Write] to Sir Theodore Janssen to be here to-morrow morning about remittances for Savoy.
Mr. Whitfeild [is] called in. He [is authorised by my Lords and undertakes that he] will procure to be advanced on [tallies in his hands on] the General Mortgage anno 1709 the sum of 14,359l. for the service of the Marines [in his care of pay] viz. as follows:
£ s. d.
for their subsistence 9,000 0 0
for two thirds pay 3,811 6 6
for recruit money 1,200 0 0
for three bills of exchange for prisoners 220 10 0
for Lieut. Walker 127 15 0
£14,359 11 6
My Lords approve the letter [of distribution or disposition of or] for 343,059l. 11s. 2½d. by tallies on the Candle Act [to wit to the Irish debentures, Guards and Garrisons, Ordnance and Forces Abroad, ut infra, pp. 427–8]. Ibid., p. 192.
Eodem die,
Present: all the five Lords.
Mr. Lambert and partner [are] called in with Mr. Peyton, Warden of the Mint. Ibid.
Aug. 29. Present: all the five Lords.
The Commissioners of Sick and Wounded are called in. Their memorial is read.
[My Lords order] Mr. Collins 50l. for [bringing] the news of the taking Bethune [as] per Mr. Boyle's letter of the 29th inst.
The [Principal] Officers of the Mint are called in with Mr. Aynstis and Mr. Corker, Mr. Beringer and Sir Theodore Janssen [about tin].
Mr. Beringer (for Sir Henry Furnese) and Mr. Janssen say they are very willing to part with part of their proportions of tin to make up so much as is to go for Hamburgh and the same is to be replaced at the arrival of the ships daily expected from the west.
Mr. Stratford comes in. It's agreed 400 tons [of tin] may be now sent to Hamburgh, reserving sufficient to serve the merchants that buy for ready money.
Mr. Stratford will apply to the Admiralty to direct the man of war for Hamburgh to take in tin.
John Lambert, Edw. Gibbon and Francis Stratford propose to advance 40,000l. on tin: which my Lords approve [to wit on conditions] as follows: to advance said sum on tallies to be struck on tin with 6 per cent. interest: to be repaid with interest on the last of December 1712; and for a collateral security [to them], they to have 640 tons of tin on the same terms and under the same conditions that another agreement hath lately been concluded on for 1,600 tons of tin, only with this difference that the 640 tons of tin shall be delivered them at Hamburgh as the 1,600 tons are to be in Amsterdam and that the money shall be paid [by them] as follows viz. 20,000l. in eight days after advice of the arrival of said tin or of 300 tons thereof at Hamburgh and the remaining 20,000l. in 14 days after delivery of the whole quantity at Hamburgh: and if none of it should be arrived against Michaelmas they will however then pay in 20,000l. on account of the above loan. They are also ready to advance 20,000l. more on another parcel of 320 tons of tin on the same conditions with the former when it shall be required.
Mr. Bridges and Mr. Beringer [are] called in. Mr. Beringer (for Sir Henry Furnese) will give a credit at Lisbon for 50,000l. to be repaid in January next: [the credit to be supplied] on [or by Furnese meeting] bills to be drawn by Mr. Morris on Mr. Bridges, the price [of exchange at the time of drawing said bills] to be settled by Mr. Morris at Lisbon and if Mr. Morris can get the money cheaper from any other person than Sir Henry's correspondent then Mr. Morris is at liberty to do so. Treasury Minute Book XVII, p. 193.
Eodem die,
Present: all the five Lords.
[Write] to Mr. Bridges to present to my Lords to-morrow morning a memorial for one month's subsistence to the Subject Troops and one month's full pay to the Foreign Troops in the Low Countries, to wit from the 23rd August instant.
[Write] to Mr. Bridges to direct him to write to Mr. Sweet forthwith to transmit to my Lords a state of his account current made up to the 24th of August inst. distinguished under proper heads and particularly that it may appear thereby what cash is really and truly in his hands and how far the payments he has made have carried on the subsistence to the subject Troops and full pay to the Foreign Troops, setting down the precise day to which they respectively are paid; and if any money has been advanced to any of the said Troops beyond such day that it be particularly expressed in the said account: and that the said state be transmitted [to my Lords] under Mr. Sweet's hand and be such as may be certainly relied on.
And my Lords direct Mr. Bridges and Mr. Merrell [for Mr. Howe] to bring their weekly accounts (pursuant to the late direction) on Monday next.
Refer Mr. Vriberg's memorial (concerning the Dutch ship taken in Scotland in 1704) to Baron Scroop to inform himself and to return to this Board what information he can get concerning that matter. Ibid., p. 194.
Aug. 30,
Present: all the five Lords.
The [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance come in. Their papers are read and the minutes [of my Lords' decisions thereon are endorsed] on them.
Memorandum: to speak to the Bank for 10,000l. for necessary uses of their [the Ordnance] Office. Ibid., p. 195.
Eodem die.
Present: the Queen: all the five Lords.
The paper of the remains of public money and tallies is read.
Also the paper of cash [available] for the Civil List.
The Queen signifies her pleasure that no salaries or places be augmented.
The memorial for 2,000l. for the Prince [Charles] of Denmark is read [on his annuity. The Queen directs that] my Lords are to pay it out of public money unappropriated.
Mr. Cornwallis [his petition is] read.
Lady Mordington [her petition is read. The Queen orders my Lords to] give her 10l. but not as a quarter of [or on] the pension.
Mary O'Hara [her petition is read] for augmentation of her pension. The Queen [says she] gave her money about a month ago and her Majesty thought that she was gone for Ireland.
Warrants signed by her Majesty.
For a commission to ascertain the sums to which the proprietors of the lands to be purchased for fortifying Portsmouth &c. are entitled.
For remitting from Ireland clear of all charges the sum of 33,585l. 18s. 6d. to the Office of Ordnance here for arms &c. for the arscnal there.
Ibid., p. 196.