Warrant Book: May 1710, 22-31

Pages 300-313

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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May 1710

May 22. Money warrant for 25l. to George Holmes for 1710 Lady day quarter as Chief Clerk for digesting &c. the records in Caesar's Chapel in the White Tower and other records in the Tower.
14l. 4s. 0d. to Richard Topham, Supervisor of the work of digesting the said records, for his incident charges and disbursements therein from 1708 Lady day to 1710 Lady day.
37l £. 10s. 0d. to said Topham for 1710 Lady day quarter for three clerks employed by him in the said business of digesting &c.; besides the chief clerk: to be distributed in such proportions amongst them as he shall think fit. Money Book XX, pp. 281, 282. Order Book VII, pp. 387, 414. Disposition Book XX, p. 171.
Same for 96l. 8s. 6d. to William Popple, Secretary to the Commissioners for Trade, for incidents for the said commission between Michaelmas 1709 and Lady day 1710.
575l. to same for same half year for salaries of himself and the undersecretary and seven clerks and other officers employed under the said Commissioners. Money Book XX, pp. 282, 283. Order Book VII, pp. 414, 418. Disposition Book XX, p. 171.
Same for 200l. to Thomas Beak, junr., gent., to be distributed amongst the under clerks of the Council (himself being one) in reward of the great pains and expenses they have been at in writing letters and orders to the Lord Lieutenant and Custodes Rotulorum, Justices of Peace &c. and to the Offices of the Treasury, Admiralty, Ordnance, Navy, Victualling &c. for the year ended Feb. 13 last. Money Book XX, p. 283. Order Book VII, p. 415 Disposition Book XX, p. 171.
May 22. Same for 10,000l. to Sir Isaac Newton, Master and Worker of the Mint: as imprest for use and service of the Mint: out of Coinage Money: in pursuance of a royal sign manual of May 8 inst. (Money order dated May 26 hereon. This order has in the margin a note of two subsequent confirmations of date 1710 Aug. 15 and 1711 July 13 respectively.) Money Book XX, p. 285. Order Book VII, p. 415.
William Lowndes [to the Navy Commissioners] to repay the taxes on the salaries of the Admiralty Office as follows for the year 1709 in regard of the smallness of the said salaries: viz. Josiah Burchet, Secretary, [tax] 120l.; Mr. [John] Fawler 90l.; Edward Burt 22l. 10s. 0d.; George Gordon 15l.; Ro. Crowsfield [Crosfeild] 10l. 13s. 0d.; John Aldner [Oldner], Edward Cole and Leonard Oakes 9l. 6s. 0d. each; Philip Barnet and William Pembroke 8l. each; Peter Criskit 10l. 13s. 0d.;_ Bennet 6l. 13s. 0d.: total 319l. 7s. 0d. Disposition Book XX, p. 166.
Letter of direction for 437l. 13s. 7d. to Charles Dartiquenave, Paymaster of the Works: out of Civil List moneys: and is to be paid over to Michael Studholme, Surveyor of her Majesty's Roads, for repairing her Majesty's roads in Hyde Park and opening the road betwixt Colnbrook and Datchet. (William Lowndes dated June 7 to said Dartiquenave to pay same to Studholme accordingly.) Ibid., p. 168.
Treasury reference to Sir Christopher Wren of the petition of Thomas Morphew, marshal to the First and Second Regiments of Foot Guards, praying payment of 924l. 7s. 1 ½d. expended in the necessary repairs of the Marshal Prison in the Savoy to secure the soldiers and deserters of the Guards and for accommodation of the recruits in the years 1707–9 inclusive; and likewise for coals, candles and other utensils for said Regiments within said time. Reference Book VIII, p. 405.
[?] Same to the Salt Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Chambers shewing that he was a trader in Newcastle, and in the reign of William he exported a certain quantity of cod fish, that in 1706 he was prosecuted by the Salt Commissioners for money he received for the use of said King and being uncapable to stand trial he submitted to judgment and an extent was awarded and all he had in the world was seized and he committed to prison where he has remained almost four years and is now in a deplorable condition and his wife and family nothing to subsist on, and in Easter 1709 was indited on the said cause and fined 100l. and has no friends left: therefore praying his liberty to enable him to support his family. Ibid.
May 22. Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Humphrey Hetherington shewing that he is vested in several fee farm rents in Windsor, Eton and adjacent parts amounting to 164l. 7s. 9d. per an. and is informed that her Majesty is making some purchases about Windsor for the accommodation of the royal palaee there: therefore proposing to sell said fee farms (if same suit with her Majesty's purpose) at 16 years' purchase which is above five years cheaper than any have been sold in those parts. Reference Book VIII, p. 405.
May 22. William Lowndes to the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland. The Lord Treasurer recommends Samuel Adams to you for a collector's place in the revenue of Ireland: he being recommended by Lord Ross et al. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, pp. 189, 191. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 189.
May 23. Money order for 500l. to Mitford Crowe, Capt. General and Governor in Chief of Barbados: for one quarter due May 9 inst. on his allowance. Order Book VII, p. 428.
William Lowndes to [Robert Walpole] the Treasurer of the Navy, to raise 19,212l. 7s. 11d. on the tallies levied about Dec. 10 last for the service of the Navy, now that the same can be disposed of at par; and to apply same as follows:
£ s. d.
to the head of Wear and Tear, being to pay bills of exchange on that head 6,000 0 0
more for bills of exchange drawn for the service of the Victualling and placed to this head because the quota of 19s. per man per month for the Victualling is completed 9,212 7 11
more, being to be paid over to Col. Ro. Hunter, her Majesty's Governor at New York, or his assigns, by way of imprest and upon account in part of a sum not exceeding 10,000l. authorised by a clause in an Act of the last Session of Parliament to be applied for and towards the subsistence and employment of a number of skilful people and furnishing of fit utensils and materials for effectually carrying on the good and profitable designs of raising naval stores from the growth and product of her Majesty's Plantations according to the true meaning of an Act of 3 Anne [3–4 Anne, c. 9], for Encouraging the Importation of Naval Stores from her Majesty's Plantations in America 4,000 0 0
£19,212 7 11
The interest on the said orders is to commence from the days the money is advanced to you: and the usual warrants for same will be given to the Exchequer. Disposition Book XX, p. 169.
Same to John How, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons, to raise money (now that same can be done at par) on the 30,000l. tallies on the Land Tax anno 1710 remaining in your hands and which were issued to you on Dec. 10 last and to apply same as follows:
£ s. d.
for Guards and Garrisons anno 1710.
towards 33 days' subsistence from May 23 inst. to June 24 next for the Troops and Regiments in Great Britain 20,297 7 2
for the like subsistence for the detachment of the First and Second Regiments of Foot Guards in Holland 2,519 13 8
for one month's subsistence in advance from June 24 next to July 22 next to the Regiments of Farrington and Livesay, being ordered on shipboard 1,625 3 4
for the 5,000 men for sea service anno 1710.
for 33 days' subsistence to June 24 next for the several Regiments part of this Establishment 3,910 4 6
for one month's subsistence in advance to July 22 next to the Regiments of Lord Mark Kerr and Lieut. Gen. Seymour, being ordered on shipboard 1,647 11 4
£30,000 0 0
Interest at 6 per cent. is to commence from the days of advancing the money: and the usual warrants will be given to the Exchequer for same on your sending to the Lord Treasurer the orders with your assignments endorsed thereon. Ibid., pp. 169–70.
May 23. Same to the Navy Commissioners to pay 20,857l. 12s. 6 ½d. to Thomas Savery, Treasurer for Sick and Wounded, as imprest for Sick and Wounded: to be paid out of the like sum in tallies and orders on Malt anno 1708 which was issued on the 27th Oct. 1709 to Sir Thomas Littleton, late Treasurer of the Navy, now deceased, which tallies are now remaining in the hands of the relict of said Littleton, and the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded having by a memorial to the Lord Treasurer represented the necessities of their Office. Interest on the said orders is to commence from the date on which they shall be assigned by said executrix to said Savery "and because this sum is to be placed to the head of Wages, and the quota to that head for the year 1708 is completed, the Lord Treasurer desires you to take notice that the same is to be esteemed as so much paid to aid the deficiency of the quota for Wages in former years, to wit in the year 1702: and to be placed to account [of the year in question] accordingly. Ibid., p. 170.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] from Mr. Palmes touching William Allen's demand on his [Palmes's] son, heretofore one of the Tellers of the Exchequer, for an arrear of an annuity incurred in 1700–1701 not yet satisfied. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 188.
R. Powys [in the absence of William Lowndes] to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer of the Customs to the Portugal Ambassador's house to view his goods which are sending to Holland. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 188.
May 24. Money warrant for 500l. to William Borrett as imprest for expenses of Crown law suits. Money Book XX, p. 283. Order Book VII, p. 414. Disposition Book XX, p. 171.
Warrant dormant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Auditor of the Receipt to draw money orders for paying the several annuities as in a certificate thereto [missing] representing assignments or transfers or other change of ownership of certain of the Bankers' annuities according to bills, deeds or other assurances produced to the said Auditor to prove the change of ownership of the said respective particular annuities.
Prefixing: note of said certificate from the Auditor of the Receipt. Money Book XX, p. 284.
William Lowndes to the Excise Commissioners. Whatever sum shall be in the hands of your Cashier on Saturday the 27th inst. of the five sevenths of the Ninepenny Excise [under the Act 5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] is to be paid into the Exchequer on that day (the holy days coming on the next week). The officers of the Exchequer are to attend there in the afternoon to receive same. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for the officers of the Receipt to so attend on said day.) Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 189.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed draft [missing] prepared by the Attorney and Solicitor General of a warrant for the enlargement of Thomas Gouldney from the prison at Bristol on surety in 2,000l. for his surrender. Ibid.
[?] Same to Mr. Byde to lay before the Board of General Officers [of the Army] the enclosed memorial [missing] of Lieut. Gen. Harvey relating to the clothing and offreckonings of his Regiment of Horse, in order to their report thereon. Ibid., p. 190.
May 24. Same to the Excise Commissioners. It is the Queen's pleasure that Edward Pauncefort be constituted Receiver General of Excise loco Henry Meriton. Please take the usual security from him. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to permit the ship Prince George of Copenhagen to proceed on her voyage to Denmark, she being a Dutch East India ship [sic for Danish] commanded by Capt. Meyers and seized at Plymouth by the Customs officers there, "provided you are well satisfied that the sum secured be sufficient to compound (according to the course of the Court of the Exchequer) for the several frauds and offences set forth in your report that the master of the said ship hath been guilty of."
Prefixing: said report by said Commissioners dated May 20 made on the letter from Monsieur Rosenkrantz [the Danish Minister] concerning said ship. At the beginning of March last we were informed of large quantities of East India goods were run out of the said ship, then at Falmouth, and we ordered enquiry to be made by Richard Score junr., the collector of Penzance port, and Richard Ustick, Surveyor of Plymouth port. Some days after we received Mr. Lowndes's letter of March 11, ut supra, p. 200. Score and Ustick reported the 20th March that the said ship had put into Falmouth being leaky and also because the captain was informed of the war that was begun between the Northern Crowns and that he was ordered to stay in port by his owners and that Capt. Credo in a Dutch privateer of 54 guns then at Falmouth (who had a Swedish commission) lay in wait to make her a prize at her going out of port. The captain affirmed that no part of her lading of pepper, saltpetre, muslins, calicoes, tea, drugs, cowries, redwood &c. had been landed since his coming from the East Indies except what he sold at Brazil. But Score had positive information of a considerable quantity of calicoes and muslins and other goods being run at Falmouth and he seized some thereof at Truro. She sailed from Falmouth on the 6th and put into Plymouth Road "being drove in there for want of provisions" and the ship's crew owned that a great quantity of goods had been landed at Falmouth. Further the master did not make any use of the Lord Treasurer's permission to unlade the ship, neither was anything done to her notwithstanding it was alleged she was not in a condition to proceed. Mr. Stratford and Mr. Stone, agents for the Danish East India Company, who are the proprietors of the ship and cargo, have attended us with the shipmaster desiring that she may be discharged and have given bond in 2,000l. that the master shall compound for the several frauds and offences he has been guilty of, according to the course of the Exchequer. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 288–91.
May 24. Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Mary Packer, granddaughter of the Lady Frances Winchcomb, deceased, for extension of lease of the ground whereon lately two tenements stood on the east side of St. James's Street "some years since burnt," and of another tenement adjoining part of Pall Mall Field, heretofore granted to trustees for the late Earl of St. Albans. Reference Book VIII, p. 406.
Same to same of the petition of Richard Kentish for extension of lease of a parcel of ground in the parish of St. Giles near Little Queen Street with two tenements thereon, heretofore granted to trustees for the late Earl of St. Albans. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Cha. Killegrew Esq. for extension of lease of a small piece of ground in Whitehall granted by Charles II. to Sir Philip Warwick and assigned to petitioner's father who expended a considerable sum in building thereon. Ibid., p. 408.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition of Jos. Mitchell praying a pension of 250l. per an. in regard of the services and sufferings of his late father and family during the late war in Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 190.
Treasury reference to the Advocate General and Solicitor General of Scotland of the petition of Sir Alexander Brand showing that "in 1693 he contracted with the Government of Scotland for the buying 5,000 firelocks in Holland which amounted by estimation to 5,000l. sterling: that thesaid locks were found upon examination to be worth 6s. each, whereupon a warrant was granted for payment of the additional price amounting to 1,500l.; that he received but a third of the said 5,000l., the remaining two thirds [being received] by his partners; notwithstanding which Sir Geo. Hamilton, Receiver of that kingdom [of Scotland] and one of the petitioner's partners, charges him in his account of public money given in to the Parliament in 1704 for arms in 1693 paid 6,000l. and [petitioner] has had no allowance of the said 1,500l. additional; by which it appears the Government is imposed on 1,000l. which makes the false charge 6,000l. which should be 5,000l.; all which is submitted." (Reference cancelled and replaced by a reference to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland.) Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 166.
May 24. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners in North Britain to appoint Richard Wilkinson as riding officer at Alloa loco William Hogg dismissed.
Prefixing: presentment by said Commissioners of said Wilkinson to the Lord Treasurer for said post. Ibid., p. 170.
Money warrant for 1,730l. 2s. 8 ¾d. to Hugh, Earl of Loudoun, Keeper of the Seal which by the Treaty of Union is to be in Scotland in place of the Great Seal there: 230l. 2s. 8 ¾d. thereof to be for 42 days on his allowance of 2,000l. as such from 1709 May 13 to June 24 and the remaining 1,500l. for three quarters to 1710 Lady day thereon. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 171. Order Book VII, p. 423. Disposition Book XX, p. 171. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 101.
Same for 2,000l. to James, Duke of Montrose, for one year to 1710 on his salary as Keeper of the Privy Seal in Scotland. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 168. Order Book VII, p. 421. Disposition Book XX, p. 171.
May 25. Money orders for Easter term 1710 salaries for the Welsh Judges as follows:
125l. to Sir Joseph Jekyl, Chief Justice of Chester.
50l. to John Pocklington as second Justice of Chester and 50l. as second Justice of Denbigh, Flint and Montgomery.
75l. to Charles Whitaker as Chief Justice of Pembroke, Carmarthen and Cardigan.
75l. to Thomas Webb as second Justice of same.
75l. to William Banastre as Chief Justice of Glam organ, Breton and Radnor.
75l. to Charles Cox as second Justice of same.
75l. to John Hook as Chief Justice of Marionette, Caernarvon and Anglesey.
75l. to William Jessop as second Justice of same.
Order Book VII, p. 425.
J. Taylor to Mr. Baker and Mr. Gosling. The Lord Treasurer directs you to pay (out of the moneys in your hands arisen by her Majesty's share of prizes) a quarter's salary to the late Commissioners for Prizes and their officers. Disposition Book XX, p. 171.
May 25. Treasury reference to Sir Christopher Wren of the petition of Henry Wise [for payment] for works performed in Windsor Great Park amounting to 320l., being for fencing the two great plantations next the Garden and others that would have suffered much by the deer, and for cutting drains to carry the water from the Queen's Chair roads, plashing quick set hedges on each side of the great avenue leading from Windsor to Snow don Hill, scouring ditches on each side the said avenue, new planting of quick [set hedges and] pruning and cutting the elms in that avenue: together with an estimate for carrying these works up Snow don Hill and so on the new road that leads from Bishops gate to Sandpit gate by which means the Queen may pass well to the upper and dry parts of the park at any season of the year, being in length three miles. Reference Book VIII, p. 406.
Subscription by Treasurer Godolphin for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant dated 1710 May 10 to the Master of the Jewel House for the provision of 200 ounces of gilt plate for the Duke of Devonshire: to an estimate of 100l. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 29.
May 26. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a new Commission of Stamps, the new Commissioners to be Edward Lloyd, Ro. Poole, Richard Dot, Richard Martin and Richard Steel in place of the said Lloyd, Poole, Dot, John Moles worth and Martin: with the salary of 300l. per an. each. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 275–6.
Royal sign manual for 248l. to Capt. James Jefferies "who was employed by us to attend our good brother the King of Sweden in his Army as a volunteer": the Queen being pleased to allow him this sum in satisfaction of his extraordinary losses and expenses upon his being made prisoner after the late battle near Poltava in the Ukraine. (Money warrant dated May 26 hereon.) (Money order dated June 3 hereon.) Ibid., p. 277. Money Book XX, p. 286. Order Book VII, p. 432. Disposition Book XX, p. 174.
Money warrant for 1,696l. 13s. 0d. to Charles, Visit. Townshend, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the States General: 1,300l. thereof for 13 weeks from Feb. 2 last to May 3 inst. on his ordinary of 100l. a week and 396l. 13s. 0d. for a bill of extra ordinaries during said time as allowed by Secretary Henry Boyle. Money Book XX, p. 285. Order Book VII, p. 418. Disposition Book XX, p. 174.
Same for 306l. to Capt. James Jeffery_s for 306 days on his ordinary as volunteer attending the King of Sweden's army, to wit from 1709 May 24 last to 1709–10 Mar. 26, being the day he returned from that employment into her Majesty's presence. Money Book XX, p. 285. Order Book VII, p. 433. Disposition Book XX, p. 174.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Spencer Compton to pay 50l. to the children of William Fans haw deceased as royal bounty, to wit Thomas and Edward Fans haw, his sons, and Ann and Dorothy Fans haw and Mary and Elizabeth Navigate, his daughters. Money Book XX, p. 286.
May 26. Money warrant for 338l. 4s. 0d. to Thomas Loather: without account: for so much expended by him for fees and charges in passing several privy seals viz. (1) for settling the rates of compositions to tacks of tends in Scotland; (2) for applying the compositions of fines there; (3) for empowering the Lord Treasurer to appoint Receivers General of Land Tax anno 1710; (4) for the Lord Treasurer to appoint Receivers General of the Additional Duties on Houses; (5) for appointing Commissioners for Managing the Lottery (anno 1710]; (6) for the loan of 150,000l. by the Canton of Berne. Money Book XX, p. 287. Order Book VII, p. 417. Disposition Book XX, p. 174.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt to take in loans on the Act for Continuing the Half Subsidies &c. [6 Anne, c. 48] to the amount of 10,936l. 0s. 2d.: to be registered in the course appointed by the said Act: and to be applied to pay the 6 per cent. interest due for loans on the said Act, to wit for one quarter to 1709 Dec. 8 on the sum of 729,067l. 15s. 6 ¾d. loans thereon.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt of the interest so due. Money Book XX, p. 291.
Letter of direction for 1,000l. for the poor of London: out of Civil List moneys. [This would appear to refer to the 1,000l. to Sir William Fazakerley, see supra, p. 157.] Disposition Book XX, p. 171.
Treasury reference to Mr. James Bridges [Paymaster of the Forces Abroad] and Mr. Robert Walpole [Secretary at War] of the petition of Lieut.-Col. Lewis Amarelle in the Hobble. Major General Edward Pearce's Regiment of Dragoons, showing that he was taken prisoner in Spain and during his confinement there had little or no subsistence, as appears by the account of Mr. Stevenson, Paymaster to the said Regiment; and the Regiment being reduced and the Officers sent to England before he was released and so being incapable of receiving the pay abroad, he was promised that the balance due to him, being 637l. 7s. 7 ¾d., should be paid to him in England: therefore praying payment that he may be set on an equal foot with the rest of the Officers. Reference Book VIII, p. 406.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Sir Philip Meadows showing that he became security to King William III. in 500l. for Robert Meadows, collector of Colchester port, and that said collector stands charged in the accounts of the Controller General [of Customs] with an old debt of 241l. and is insolvent and the debt is demanded of petitioner: further showing that there is a debt due to petitioner in the late reign as a Commissioner of Trade: therefore praying that said debt may be paid him if he is obliged to pay the Custom House debt. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of John Ellison, late Supervisor of the riding officers in Romney Marsh, showing that he was dismissed on a complaint of Capt. Bakers, which complaint he has answered and is ready to make appear that he is innocent and that he has been particularly serviceable therein to the public: therefore praying to be restored. Ibid., p. 407.
May 26. Same to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland, of the petition of James Fearsome, merchant in Edinburgh, showing that his ship Golden Lyon of Leigh, John Johnson master, came lately from Rotterdam to Leigh with prohibited goods to a considerable value on board packed in dry casks and bundles without any knowledge of either the master or owner, [whereupon] the ship was arrested and through the carelessness of the officers who seized (who had oftentimes lights in the cabin contrary to the orders of the port of Leigh) the ship was wholly consumed [by fire] whereby petitioner is dandified not only to the loss of the ship and cargo but also in the intended voyage to the West Indies: therefore praying consideration, seeing he is wholly innocent. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Edward Harley and Arthur Mainwaring, Auditors of Impress, to make allowances, detailed, to a total of 2,253l. 16s. 4d. in the account of James Herbert as late Receiver General for Prizes: being for double payments set in super on John Pankhurst and John Pascal, two of the late Commissioners for Prizes, and for a payment to Sir Michael Cole, another of the said late Commissioners; and payments to Seaborne Buck ridge, late Accountant for Prizes, for salary for half a year to 1699 Sept. 29; and payments to Dr. Newton and Dr. Waller for salary as Advocates for Prizes; and for incidents and payments at Plymouth and Kin sale.
Appending: report by J. Smith, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on said Herbert's account. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 101–4.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Henry Lateral Esq. praying that the pension of 500l. per an. granted to him by the late King for services and losses in the late war in Ireland may be continued to him, his heirs &c. "until paid the entire sum of 6,000l." Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 197.
May 27. William Lowndes to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed papers [missing] presented to the Lord Treasurer by the Duke of Grafton touching some wrecked goods seized on the coast of Suffolk, to which her Majesty's title is disputed; and proposing that the suit may be carried on at the Queen's expense. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 182.
Treasury reference to Sir Christopher Wren of the estimate of Michael Stenholm for gravelling a new road to be made from the Avenue Gate next to Windsor town end to the top of Snowden Hill and from thence to pass the Gardner_s House till it joins with the road that leads from Bishops Gate to Sandpit Gate: which is to be 25 feet broad and six inches deep and about two miles [in length]: total estimate 900l. or for nine inches deep 1,200l. Reference Book VIII, p. 407.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. Dodgeville alleging to have enjoyed a pension of 3s. 6d. a day in the late reign which has since been discontinued and being 95 years old and in a deplorable condition he prays to be restored to the like pension. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 197.
May 29. Royal warrant dated Kensington to John Howe, Paymaster General of Guards and Garrisons, to pay the following for several extraordinary services of the war:
to James Douglas, to satisfy a bill of exchange drawn by Col. Vetch Nov. 28 last from New Boston on Treasurer Godolphin 113
to John Casual, to satisfy a bill of exchange drawn Nov. 29 last by said Vetch on Treasurer Godolphin 200
Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 296.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Salt Commissioners to enlarge Daniel Peck for one month from his imprisonment on security to surrender.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on said Peck's petition, ut supra, p. 288. Petitioner was bound to the Queen for Salt Duties in 1,571l. 10s. 0d. and was also indebted to Thomas Lloyd, Receiver General of Land Tax, in 1,100l. for money to be returned into the Exchequer, and Sir Humphrey Mack worth has entered a claim to his effects to the amount of 960l. seized on account of Lloyd_s debt and to the amount of 586l. seized on account of the Salt debt, he claiming both under pretence of a contract with the petitioner, and at the last Assizes at Salop we were proceeding to trial on this claim of Mack worth_s but same was deferred by advice of counsel "who thought it better to proceed against him by bill of discovery in the Exchequer." Lloyd is also proceeding against Mack worth at the Salop Assizes and if that trial goes against Mack worth we expect he will drop his claim to the Salt debt extent. Peck is now a prisoner in the Poultry Computer. It would be an advantage to her Majesty to enlarge him for a month to allow his attendance at said trial. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 80–1.
Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to pay so much as the pay of a Regiment of Dragoons amounts to from Aug. 27 last to April 27 last for defraying the charge of keeping the horses of the Earl of Rocheport_s Regiment of Dragoons from Aug. 27 last and for buying horses to complete the new Regiment of Dragoons (which by royal warrant of Aug. 28 last was ordered to be raised) and for providing accoutrements for the men and horses of the same: all by reason that by royal order of 1709 June 11 the said Earl's Regiment was ordered to be transported from Ireland without their horses to Portugal and that such horses as remained and were fit for service should be supported and taken care of there [in Ireland] until further directions concerning them: and the said new Regiment by the order of Aug. 28 last as above was to be placed on the Irish Establishment as from April 28 last. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 194.
May 30. Same dated St. James's to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to authorize the Lord Treasurer to appoint Surveyors of Houses in the several counties and places of England, Wales, Berwick and Scotland for the Continued and Additional Duties on Houses as by the late Act [8 Anne, c. 10] for continuing part of the Duties upon Coals &c. and granting new Duties on Houses: to be officers for the surveying the several Rates and Duties granted by the Acts of Parliament as follows for the better ascertaining, collecting and paying of the same (the said Duties on Houses being granted for seven years to 25 March 1706 by Act of 7 and 8 Wm. III., c. 18, and were continued by Act of 1 Anne, c. 7, for making good Deficiencies, to wit from 1 July 1706 to 1 Aug. 1710: and by the Act of 5 Anne [6 Anne, c. 21] for Continuing the Duties on Houses to secure a yearly fund for circulating Exchequer Bills the said Duties were made perpetual). (The privy seal hereon bears date 1710 June 14.) Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, pp. 23–4. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 278–9.
May 30. Royal sign manual for 10,000l. to "our trusty and well beloved" Rachel Thomas: as impress and upon account for the service of the Robes; to be applied according to orders from Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, Mistress of the Robes: out of Civil List funds. (Money warrant dated June 5 hereon.) Money order dated June 7 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 279. Order Book VII, p. 419.
Royal warrant to Sir James Montague, Kt., Attorney General, to enter a noli posequi to the information against Levi Philips of London, jeweler, concerning a bag of foreign coin which he trusted to _ Abraham, a friend, for conveyance to Amsterdam but without his knowledge said Abraham concealed [the coin] among some worsted cruel yarn and [it] was seized by one Henry Canby, an officer of the Customs [at Harwich], it being only through ignorance that said Philips omitted to take out a coast dispatch, and the Customs Commissioners think it hard to take advantage of the forfeiture. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 282.
Same to Spencer Compton, Paymaster of the Queen's annual pensions and bounties, to pay a yearly sum of 300l. to Charlotte, Lady Dowager Lovelace, as from Lady day last during pleasure: and likewise to pay her forthwith 100l. as royal bounty. Ibid., p. 283.
Money warrant for 553l. to Edmond Pole and Thomas Folks, executors of Henry Jermyn, late Lord Dover, for so much paid by him by special direction of Charles II. to some servants of the late Queen Mother: and is to be satisfied out of the like sum to be by them paid into the Exchequer as in full of the purchase money of a fee farm rent,ut supra, pp. 240–1, on which purchase the said Earl formerly paid 727l. into the Exchequer. Money Book XX, p. 288. Order Book VII, p. 424.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Sir John Talbot, the surviving Trustee for Sale of Fee Farm Rents of the Crown, to contract with the executors of the late Lord Dover (viz. the above said Edmund Pole of Bradley, Co. Suffolk, and Thomas Folks of Bury, gent.) for the fee farm rent, ut supra, allowing 727l. as part of the purchase money on production of the tallies evidencing the payment thereof. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 104.
May 30. Order by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing: Order of the Queen in Council dated Kensington May 28 inst. for leave to the ship Tyger of Rams gate to discharge her lading providing she has no bail goods on board; she being lately arrived from Gothenburg into the Thames with masts, iron and deals and now under quarantine. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 293.
The like for a like Order in Council for leave to the ships Ann and Elizabeth, both belonging to Sir Ambrose Crowley, to discharge their ladings of wood and iron; they being lately arrived at Newcastle from Gothenburg with said wood and iron for the service of the Navy and now under quarantine. Ibid.
The like for a like order for leave to the William and Martha to discharge her lading of masts, iron and deals with which she is arrived in London port from Gothenburg but is ordered back to Gravesend to perform quarantine: all on the petition of William Turner et al., owners. Ibid., p. 294.
Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Lord Treasurer of Great Britain and to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland, to pay allowances to the widows as follows from 1709 March 25 until their like allowances can come on the Establishment of Charities in Scotland: to wit:
Per an.
Hannah Livingston 60
Mary Douglas, widow of Lieut. Col. Douglas 40
Dame Isabella Hamilton, widow of a Lieut. Col. 50
David Lindsay, merchant, who lost a ship in the Queen's service and has been recommended as an object of royal compassion 50
all by reason that the said Barons have represented that the first list of charitable pensions or bounties in Scotland was made up of [contained] the late Bishops there, those that had charitable pensions before the Union, such as were on the Charity Roll before that time and about 50 persons more that had been recommended as very great objects of royal charity: "and that you looked upon our allowance of 2,000l. per an. on the Establishment for these purposes to be confined to such only as lived in Scotland; by which means some few women that were in England and that had formerly partaken of our charity were not inserted in the said list at the first making of it, to wit the above three widows: and that the two former have since been put into the said list for small sums, that is to say Hannah Livingston for 6l. a year and Mary Douglas for 8l. a year; which not being equal to what their necessities require and in regard there is no possibility at present for putting them into the list for more unless by striking out others that are very necessitous. .. And our further pleasure is that all the aforesaid yearly allowances shall be made out of the said sum of 2,000l. per an. allowed on our said Establishment for Bounties and Charities as soon as the same will admit thereof by the death or removal of any persons who at present enjoy the same," Out Letters (North Britain) II, pp. 171–2.
May 31. Same dated same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 300,000l. to Harry Mordant, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Office of Ordnance: as impress for land and sea service of the Ordnance. (Money warrant dated June 5 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated June 2.) (Money order dated June 7 hereon. In the margin of this money order are entered two subsequent confirmations thereof dated 1710 Aug. 31 and 1711 July 17.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 277. Money Book XX, p. 291. Order Book VII, p. 421.
Privy seal for 500l. as equipage and 5l. a day as ordinary to John Moles worth Esq. "whom we have appointed to be our Envoy Extraordinary to the Great Duke of Tuscany and to the Republic of Genoa." Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 285.
Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for satisfying (out of fines for Tacks of Tends in Scotland) the gifts of William III. to Jag. Johnson and Geo. Douglas, Advocate, to wit two gifts under the privy seal of Scotland dated 1697 April 21 and 1699 May 30, of 4,000l. to said Jag. Johnson Esq. out of the first and readiest of the compositions to be made by the then Treasury Lords [Scotland] for tacks and tends falling or accruing to the Crown by Act of Parliament of Scotland of the year 1689 and likewise empowering said Douglas to recover and bring in the moneys arising by the said compositions with a fifth part thereof to himself over and above the said 4,000l.: all by reason that it has been represented by them that pursuant thereto they have during the life time of Wm. III. and since our accession received divers sums in part of said grants out of said fund which hath been solely applied towards payment thereof ever since the passing of said gifts but that the same hath not extended to complete the satisfaction thereof: and further by the privy seal of — January last [supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 480] you, the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, were authorized to make leases of such tends for terms not exceeding 19 years at a fine or composition of three years' value, which compositions are to be paid to the Receiver General of Land Rents and Revenues in Scotland: the Queen therefore being willing to make the said gifts by Wm. III. to be effectual to the said Johnson and Douglas hereby directs that accounts be stated of what has been already paid in part of the said gifts and that the remainder is satisfied out of the receipts of such fines or compositions as above. (Privy seal dated June 2 hereon.) Out Letters (North Britain) II, pp. 174–5.