Warrant Book: March 1710, 21-31

Pages 212-224

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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March 1710

Mar. 21. Money order for 232l. 7s. 8d. to Sir Michael Heneage Kt., Usher of the Exchequer Court, 230l. 11s. 5d. thereof for necessaries by him delivered to the officers of said Court in Hilary term 1709 and 1l. 16s. 3d. thereof for 87 days' diet (1709 Dec. 20 to March 17 following) for himself at 5d. a day. Order Book VII, p. 453.
Mar. 21. Letter of direction for 1,905l. to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy: out of loans on Land Tax anno 1710: and is for the service of the Navy and Victualling and to be paid over to Walter Whitfeild, Paymaster of Marines, by way of imprest and upon account of services as follows: viz.
for account of recruits, being to be paid to the Officers of the six Marine Regiments who are gone upon that service; and to be made good again out of the money arising by respits 1,800
to answer a bill of exchange drawn by Lord Galway for subsisting a detachment of Marines taken prisoner in Denia Castle in Spain 105
Disposition Book XX, p. 135.
William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners to make forth a [Navy] bill on the executors of Sir Thomas Littleton, late Treasurer of the Navy, to assign to the abovesaid Whitfeild the sum of 22,286l. 17s. 9d. in tallies and orders on certain Reversionary Funds in the [6th] General Mortgage [which funds were] continued for the service of the year 1709 and which tallies &c. were put into the hands of the said Littleton for uses to be appointed: the said Whitfeild having now given the Lord Treasurer an assurance that same shall not be discounted to the prejudice of the public credit. This sum is to be as imprest and upon account to pay offreckonings for the six Marine Regiments for one year from 1708 June 24. The Lord Treasurer agrees that 6 per cent. interest shall be paid on said orders from the dates of assignment thereof. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed warrant for a privy seal for perfecting a contract with the executors of the late Lord Dover [for their purchase] of a fee farm rent of 80l. per an. reserved on several slips or pieces of ground in the parish of St. James's, Westminster. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 169.
Treasury reference to the Auditors of Imprests of a draft warrant for allowing in Mr. Brydges' account for the Forces in Spain and Portugal anno 1708 the sum of 15,959l. 0s. 10½d. disbursed by Mr. Chetwynd, Envoy Extraordinary to the Duke of Savoy; for her Majesty's service. Reference Book VIII, p. 397.
Mar. 22. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to John Dodd, Receiver of the Rights and Perquisites of Admiralty, and to Richard Crawley, Receiver of Salvage Money, to pay 553l. 0s. 11d. to officers of the Admiralty as follows for fees and disbursements for business done for the service of the Admiralty in the Court of Admiralty and Court of Appeals for Prizes between 28 Oct. 1708 (the day on which his Royal Highness late Lord Admiral died) and 8 Nov. 1709 (the day of the determination of the Earl of Pembroke's patent as Lord High Admiral): as allowed by Sir Charles Hedges, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty: viz.
£ s. d.
to the Judge of the High Court of Admiralty 144 11 4
to the Register of said Court 145 0 4
to the Marshall of same 29 8 6
to the Cryer of same 2 12 0
to William Mowbray for postage and stamps 31 3 5
to Mary Glazier, relict of Jeffrey Glazier, and to Everard Exton, the Lord High Admiral's Procurator General in the Admiralty 114 19 8
to them more in the Court of Appeals for Prizes 22 2 4
to the Register of the said Court of Appeals 55 13 4
to the Keeper of the Council Chamber 2 10 0
to Thomas Beake, the Messenger 5 0 0
£553 0 11
Money Book XX, pp. 238–9.
Mar. 22. Letter of direction for 14,880l. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of loans on Land Tax 1710 or Contributions on the Lottery 1710: and is for services following: viz.
in part of 1,126,035l. 16s. 2d. for the service of [the British Troops in] Spain and Portugal anno 1710.
to answer a bill of exchange drawn by Mr. Morrice Jan. 31 last for 20,000 milreis, which falls due the 23 inst. for value taken up by him at Lisbon upon account of subsistence of her Majesty's Troops there: at the [exchange] rate of 6s. the milrei 6,000
for Sir Henry Furnese, for the value of 38,400 Crowns or 6,000 moyedas in gold put on board the squadron commanded by Sir John Norris at Lisbon to be carried to Barcelona for the subsistence and other occasions of her Majesty's Forces in Spain, computing the Crown at 55½ pence sterling each 8,880
Disposition Book XX, p. 136.
Treasury reference to the Postmaster General of the petition of Michael East proposing to farm the Penny Post for 11 years at an increase of 600l. per an. more than it has produced for the last seven years "and to be obliged to perform all the offices and services for the benefit and advantage of the General Post Office now used and to be subject to the survey and comptroll of the Postmaster General" and to give undeniable security for the rent quarterly or to pay same in advance if allowed 6 per cent. interest on such advance. Reference Book VIII, p. 396.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Antho. Isaacson, collector of Newcastle port, setting forth the great increase of his business by the New and Additional Duties and the care of the warehouse, he having only the old salary of 120l. per an. and being deprived of the profits (enjoyed by his predecessors) from the receipt of the 12d. per chaldron on coals, light[house] money, and the Duty of 6d. per month on seamen's wages, which profits are taken from him: therefore praying an additional allowance. Ibid., p. 397.
Mar. 23. Money warrant for 200l. to Henry Portman for the wages of the underkeepers and gatekeeper of Hyde Park and for hay and beans for the deer for one year to 1709 Xmas.
And for 200l. to same for watering the Ring and the way leading thereto in the said Park in the year 1709. Money Book XX, pp. 240–1. Order Book VII, p. 404. Disposition Book XX, p. 139.
Letter of direction for 242l. to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy: out of the rent of Hackney Coaches: and is to be paid over to Col. Spotswood, appointed Lieut. Governor of Virginia, as towards the charge and expense of transporting himself and family to that Government. Disposition Book XX, p. 156.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Mansergh, Surveyor of Deal port, shewing that he was dismissed on the 7th inst. after 24 years' faithful service: therefore praying reinstatement. Reference Book VIII, p. 397.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of process against Charles Mason, late Treasurer and Paymaster of the Transport service, on his accounts from Jan. 1705–6 to Jan. 1707–8. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 51.
Report to the Queen by same on the petition of the widow of Samuell Shapman, late commander of the Neptune privateer. I propose an allowance of 100l. to her out of the 313l. 6s. 8d. appraised value of the French prize Hope condemned as a perquisite of Admiralty. Ibid., p. 53.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Leonard Child and John Nuthall proposing their sureties, detailed, being "nominated Receivers General for the last quarter of the Land Tax anno 1709 for Co. Surrey loco John Weston."
Followed by: (1) said Agents' report dated March 24 thereon; and warrant dated March 28 from Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer to take the said securities. (2) Commission by Treasurer Godolphin to them accordingly dated March 28 as Receivers General for Surrey and Southwark of the Land Tax due before and up to 1710 March 25 loco said Weston, whose commission is hereby revoked. Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) I, pp. 205, 208.
Same to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland of the petition of the Earl of Glasgow shewing that as late Treasurer Deput he enjoyed a yearly pension of 1,200l.; that the fee as Lord Register (which office he now enjoys) is only 440l. per an, and the yearly profits not above 400l. more, by reason that the Exchequer in Scotland is by the new alteration entirely taken from the Register's Office, which was the greatest perquisite thereof: therefore praying an addition of 400l. per an. to his fee. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 144.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland to employ James Ogilvie and John Leith as tidewaiters at Inverness loco George French and John Cunningham.
Daniell McPhierson as a tidewaiter at Fort William loco Thomas Dick dismissed.
Walter Rowland as a tidesman at Irwin [Irvine]loco William Fulton deceased.
Robert Forbes, John Nillage, William Henderson and Richard Howlett as tidewaiters at Borrowstounness locis William Willson and Thomas Fowler deceased and John Birtles and Theophilus Blyth removed.
David Banks, Francis Allan and Patrick Graham as tidewaiters at Dundee locis Robert Gray deceased and James Bilton and William Murray dismissed.
Jacob Forsyth and Samuell Taylor as tidewaiters at Dumfries locis William Thomson and Alexander Smith deceased.
Alexander Rowan as a tidewaiter in Glasgow port loco Thomas Gray deceased.
Ninian Ballentine as a same at Campbeltown and Thomas Woodro to be same at Cowall. Out Letters (North Britain) II, pp. 144–5.
Mar. 24. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt to take in loans on credit of the Duties on Candles &c. as by the Act 8 Anne, c. 5: to a total not exceeding 500,000l. at 6 per cent. interest payable quarterly. Money Book XX, p. 240.
Money warrant for 3,000l. to William Smith, Paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, for half a year to 1709 June 24 for the wages and board wages of said Band. Ibid., p. 241. Order Book VII, p. 431. Disposition Book XX, p. 139.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer for a commission to certain persons (not named) to seize the debts as follows viz. several sums of money which at the Revolution in 1688 were taken up in the West of England from the Collectors of Customs viz. 1,767l. 11s. 6d. taken from the Customer at Exeter by Anthony Rowe now deceased; 150l. taken up by said Rowe and Sir Joseph Tredenham likewise deceased from Nicholas Saunders, Collector of Truro port; and 130l. taken by the same from Edmund Harry, Collector of Fowey port: which said sums remain yet unaccounted for. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 54.
Mar. 25.
Letter of direction for 6,000l. to the Duke of Somerset, Master of the Horse: out of Civil List moneys: 3,000l. thereof on Wednesday next March 29 and the rest by 1,000l. a week thereafter: and is to be for the extraordinaries of the Stables. Disposition Book XX, p. 136.
William Lowndes to the Excise Commissioners to prepare for the Lord Treasurer a scheme for the management of the Duty on Candles which is put under your care.
The like letter to the Stamps Commissioners for the Tax on Apprentices. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 170.
Mar. 27. Same to [Robert Walpole] the Navy Treasurer, to dispose of 13,000l. part of the 40,000l. tallies on Land Tax anno 1709 which were to be reimbursed to the Bank of England for so much advanced by them to Sir Thomas Littleton, former Treasurer of the Navy, on a deposit of the said tallies: which said tallies [have been redeemed and] now rest in your hands (as part of the sum of 276,415l. 9s. 2d. ordered to you on Jan. 21 last, supra, p. 240). You are to dispose of the said 13,000l. of said tallies to such persons as will advance thereon upon the advantage of having interest allowed thereon with a retrospect not exceeding two months from the assignment to them. You are to apply the said sum to wages [of ships] in general. Disposition Book XX, p. 136.
Mar. 27. Same to same to similarly dispose of a further 12,000l. of the said Land Tax tallies: and to apply same for paying wages of her Majesty's yachts to the end of June 1708 and for paying officers who have passed their accounts for ships already paid: all according to the desire of the Navy Commissioners as in said Walpole's letter of the 17th inst. Ibid., p. 138.
Same to same to prepare a royal warrant to authorise James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, to pay to Moses de Medina 50,325l. 15s. 0d. advance money on his contracts for furnishing bread and bread waggons for the service of her Majesty's Forces in the Low Countries in the year 1710. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 170.
Same to the Stamps Commissioners to appoint Thomas Goddard as a distributor of stamped paper in Norwich: he being recommended by the gentlemen of that city. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney and Solicitor General to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of William Mallet praying to compound for his father's debt to the Crown as late Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Somerset, under the Act of 1708 [private Act, 7 Anne, No. 19]. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Salt Commissioners of the petition of Daniel Peck, a prisoner in the Counter for Salt Duty, shewing that his effects have been seized more than sufficient to answer the debt but that Sir Humphrey Mackworth hath entered a false pretence to the said effects, which is to be tried on the 31st inst. at Salop: therefore prays his enlargement to attend there to prove his title to the effects. Reference Book VIII, p. 397.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of David Edwards praying that pepper upon which Duty of 1s. 6d. per pound is lately laid may be under the care of himself and Charles Walter; alleging that such pepper will come into the same warehouses with the prohibited silks and will be properly in their sphere. Ibid., p. 398.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Elizabeth Baron, widow and executrix of John Baron, of a messuage called Halhams Court or Long Bredy Farm, parcel of the manor of Ryme Intrinseca; and of the messuage called East Baglake alias Doverfield and the lands called the North Ground in said manor: all in the parish of Longbredy, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 317.
Prefixing: particular of the premises made out by J. Tailer, Deputy Auditor [of the Duchy of Cornwall], and ratal by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 56–9.
Mar. 27. Allowance by Treasurer Godolphin of the list of her Majesty's charities and bounties payable in Scotland for half a year to 1709 Xmas.
Prefixing: said list as certified by the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, 20 Feb. last, of persons fit to partake of her Majesty's charity and bounty. This list is ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, pp. 469–73, with the following alterations:
in the list of persons on the Charity Roll before the Union.
Margaret Cuningham does not now appear.
Jean Pringle does not now appear.
Besso Stephen appears as Bessie Stephen.
Mary Mitchell appears as Margaret Mitchell.
Margaret Campbell does not now appear.
Elizabeth Campbell does not now appear.
Elizabeth Sest appears as Elizabeth Scot.
Jannet Murray appears as new.
Agnes Moffat, relict of Mr. Semple, appears as new.
in the list of persons recommended.
Mrs. Even and Margaret Kilpatrick disappear.
Agnes Gracy appears as Agnes Gray.
and the following new names appear:
Mrs. Dickson, 4l. per an.
Mrs. Dunlop, 4l. per an.
Mrs. Douglas, 4l. per an.
Mrs. Jean Ramsay, 4l. per an.
Mrs. Parsons, 4l. per an.
Mrs. Sinclair, 4l. per an.
Dame Christian Hamilton deceased, 3l. for the half year. The total is 1,000l. for the half year. Out Letters (North Britain) II, pp. 145–50.
Mar. 28. Money warrant for 20l. to David Clephane, clerk, as royal bounty for the charges of his passage to Virginia whither he is going chaplain. Money Book XX, p. 241. Disposition Book XX, p. 139.
Same for 2,000l. to Treasurer Godolphin for 1710 Lady day quarter's salary as Lord High Treasurer. Money Book XX, p. 241. Order Book VII, p. 399. Disposition Book XX, p. 139.
Allowance by same of the Salt Office salary bill for same quarter: total 1,137l. 10s. 0d.
likewise of the Excise and Malt [Office] salary bill for same quarter: total 6,469l. 11s. 4d. Money Book XX, p. 242.
Warrant by same to the Receipt by virtue of the Act of 5 Anne [6 Anne, c. 2] as follows to apply the sum of 13,058l. 2s. 8¾d. (remaining in the Exchequer on the 25th March 1710 for the surplus of the 9d. per barrel Excise appropriated for payment of the Million Lottery anno 1692) for and towards making good such quarterly payments on the annuities purchased under said Act as shall incur or grow due at or before 1710 Sept. 29: to wit as by the Act "passed in the fifth year of her Majesty's reign for sale of annuities for the service of the year 1707" [6 Anne, c. 2, § 13, reciting therein the said Excise Duties as granted or extended by the respective Acts of 4 Wm. and Mary, c. 3 [for the said Million Lottery]; 5 Wm. and Mary, c. 5 [for supplying the deficiency thereof] and 5 Wm. and Mary, c. 7 [for the Million Adventure anno 1692]].
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt that on the 25th March inst. there remained in the Exchequer the said surplus on the said 9d. per barrel. Ibid.
Mar. 28. Same by same to same to apply to the like purpose as above the sum of 3,364l. 7s. 10d. remaining in the Exchequer on the 25th inst. as the surplus of the two sevenths of the 9d. per barrel appointed [by 5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] for the payment of several annuities: all as by the abovesaid Act [6 Anne, c. 2].
Prefixing: the like certificate. Ibid., p. 243.
Same by same to the Auditors of Imprests to give allowance to Henry Ferne, in his account as Customs Cashier, of his bills, detailed, for the sums of 102l. 0s. 2d. and 187l. 12s. 2d. for passing his accounts for the year 1709 respectively of New and Additional Impositions and of Silks and Linens.
Prefixing: bills of said charges and certificate by Arthur Maynwaring, one of the Auditors of Imprests. Ibid., p. 244.
Money warrant for 400l. to John Bury, Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Nottingham, as in further part of 1,184l. for his extraordinary charges in his receipt on which he has received 400l. already, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 272. Ibid., p. 245. Order Book VII, p. 492. Disposition Book XXI, p. 7.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt to innovate a lost annuity order No. 1191 for 20l. per an. in the name of Glover Jesson and James Cocks purchased in 1707.
likewise a lost annuity order No. 4482 for 14l. per an. in the name of John Gatrell, purchased in 1693. Order Book VII, p. 398.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Nicho. Coleman et al., merchants, for leave to reduce some imported brandies and rum to proof. Reference Book VIII, p. 398.
Same to Sir James Montague, Attorney General, of the petition of Francis Dyamond of the city of Dublin, clothier, shewing that he has assignments on Lord Mohun's Regiment for 3,993l. 17s. 7d. and on Lord Dungannon's for 5,456l. 15s. 0d. out of the first offreckonings, to wit for clothing by him furnished to the said Regiments; which [money] being to be received in England and he obliged to remain in Ireland he authorised one Charleton Vanbrugh to receive it for him and on Vanbrugh's representation that he could not receive it without an assignment from petitioner, he executed same "in opinion of the honesty of said Vanbrugh," but Vanbrugh having concerns with John Sansome, late collector of Bristol port (who absconded much in debt to the Queen) Vanbrugh assigned said moneys to Sansome and same are now seized into the Queen's hands as Sansome's effects: therefore praying relief. Ibid.
[?] Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Henry Meriton praying allowance of 307l. 17s. 2d. for fees and porterage [into the Exchequer] of money arising from Excise and Malt from 20 Dec. 1708 to 19 Dec. 1709. Ibid.
Mar. 28. Letter of direction for 19,995l. 13s. 0d. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of Contributions on the 1710 Lottery: and is for services following: viz.
£ s. d.
in part of 1,126,035l. 16s. 2d. for the service of [the British Troops in] Spain and Portugal.
to answer bills of exchange drawn by Mr. William Chetwynd, her Majesty's Resident at Genoa, Feb. 1 last new style, payable at two months to Columba and Calcino of Turin, for value taken up by him there for the use of her Majesty's Forces in Catalonia: at the [exchange] rate of 60¾ pence sterling to the Crown, pursuant to contract with Columba and Calcino 10,000 0 0
to answer bills of exchange drawn by Mr. Mead, the Deputy Paymaster at Barcelona, for value taken up by him there for the service of her Majesty's Forces in Catalonia 5,657 1 6
for one month's subsistence to the Earl of Islay's and Col. Breton's Regiments from March 23 inst. to April 23 next 1,624 10 0
for three months' subsistence to Col. Moore's Foot Regiment from Dec. 23 last to Mar. 23 inst. for which time they are to be borne on the Irish Establishment but not being yet embarked are to be subsisted here 2,714 1 6
£19,995 13 0
Disposition Book XX, p. 137.
Same for 10,351l. 1s. 6d. to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy: out of loans on Land Tax anno 1710: and is to be paid over to Walter Whitfeild, Paymaster of Marines, as imprest and upon account for services following: viz.
£ s. d.
for two months' subsistence Jan. 24 last to March 24 inst. to the Marines with their Officers and recruits now on shore 7,840 1 6
for account of two thirds pay to the Officers and soldiers of the said Marine Regiments 2,511 0 0
£10,351 1 6
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of William Fenwick et al., merchants, owners of several parcels of hemp and flax brought from the Pillaw [Pillau] to Hull in the William and Mary, which ship has performed her quarantine and all her crew in perfect health. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 171.
Mar. 28. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Robert Walpole, Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant for payment (out of the 30,000l. granted by Parliament for the extraordinary charge of prisoners in France and Spain anno 1710) of 200l. to Lieut. John Adams who was left at Bayonne by order of Major Gen. Shrimpton to take care of prisoners after the battle of Almanza.
Prefixing: report by J. Brydges and said Walpole on said Adams' petition. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 55.
Same by same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Mathew Johnson of the mansion house and scite of the manor of Hallowford or Halford and the lands detailed and rents &c. of said manor, Co. Middlesex, being parcel of the joynture of Catherine late Queen Dowager.
Prefixing: constat and ratal by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the premises. The said manor and premises herein mentioned were by indenture of 12 Feb. 1689–90 demised to Richard Snow in trust for said Math. Johnson for 31 years at the yearly rent of 3s. 4d. Ibid., pp. 59–63.
Same by same to same for a lease to Robert Price, one of the Barons of the Exchequer at Westminster, of a messuage (in the tenure of Hugh John Howell and Richard Crook) in Clifford, Co. Hereford, and of lands and tenements in the town of Huntington and the city of Hereford, and in Tenbury, Co. Worcester.
Prefixing: particular and memorandum of the premises made out by Auditor Thomas Jett and ratal thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Followed by: undated entry of the Treasury signature of the docquet of this demise. Ibid., pp. 86–7, 127.
Mar. 29. Same by same [to the Customs Cashier] to pay 37l. 10s. 0d. to Christopher Tilson for 1710 Lady day quarter for making a particular account of the Customs &c. Money Book XX, p. 245.
Money warrant for 5l. 6s. 8d. to Sir John Cotton bart, for one year to 1709 Xmas on his perpetuity. Ibid.
Money order for 400l. to John Smith, Chancellor of the Exchequer, for 1710 Lady day quarter's allowance in lieu of perquisites and profits formerly taken and enjoyed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
250l. to John Scrope, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, for same quarter on his allowance, ut supra, p. 186.
12l. 10s. to 0d. Thomas Fox for same quarter's allowance for making and keeping the Registers of all the public loans in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt.
10l. to Peter Le Neve, Senior Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer Court, for same quarter's allowance for locking up her Majesty's treasure. Order Book VII, pp. 400–1.
Letter of direction for 16,000l. to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy: out of Contributions on the 1710 Lottery: and is to be applied as follows: viz.
to the head of the Ordinary of the Navy 9,000
to the head of Wages and is towards paying recalls 6,000
to be imprested to Mr. Thomas Corbett, Secretary to Mathew Aylmer, Admiral and Commander in Chief of her Majesty's Fleet, towards defraying the contingencies of the Fleet under his command: and to be placed to the head of Wages 1,000
Disposition Book XX, p. 140.
Mar. 29. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Henry Phill, Stephen Bullock and John Couts of London, merchants, praying that the hemp, flax, potashes, feathers and bristles, belonging to them, which came from the Baltic, may be delivered or the value thereof paid. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 171.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] from the inhabitants of the town of Orford praying that the collection of the Customs at Aldeburg may be removed to Orford. Ibid.
Mar. 30. Letter of direction for 803l. 3s. 7¾d. to Charles Dartiquenave, Paymaster of Works: out of Civil List funds: and is to be paid over to Henry Wise for Lady day quarter, 700l. thereof for keeping her Majesty's Gardens and Plantations and 103l. 3s. 7¾d. for St. James's Park keepers, deer, fish and fowl. Disposition Book XX, p. 139.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Cashier to pay 435l. 15s. 4d. and 54l. 4s. 4d. to Henry Stevens who now executes the office of Queen's Remembrancer of the Exchequer Court, being for parchment &c. for the blank books of the Customs for respectively the outports and for London port, for one year from 1708 Xmas to 1709 Xmas. Money Book XX, p. 246.
William Lowndes to the Attorney and Solicitor General to report on the enclosed report [missing] from Samuell Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, on Richard Topham's petition praying payment of tythes out of Mote Park. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 171.
Same to the Stamps Commissioners to stay proceedings against the sureties of Benj. Collet, late distributor of stamps in Co. Worcester, in order to a reconsideration of his deserts &c. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Eliz. Manning, relict of Thomas Manning, for a fresh lease of the manor of Bridgestock [Brigstock], Co. Northampton. Reference Book VIII, p. 398.
Same to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland of the petition of the four Messengers in Ordinary of the Receipt of the Exchequer [England] shewing that by right of their office they have circulated all her Majesty's royal Proclamations all over England and Wales and (since the Union) in Scotland also: that the solicitor residing at Edinburgh refuses to do that service unless paid and they have [consequently] performed this service at their own charge: therefore praying an allowance for same. Ibid., p. 399.
Mar. 30. William Lowndes to the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland for an account of tobacco, linseed &c. imported into Ireland from Scotland; in order to the assistance of Mr. Lionell Norman, one of the Commissioners of Customs, Scotland, who is at present on a survey of the outports of Scotland and is now at port Glasgow and desires to compare such an account with the trade of said port. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 151.
Mar. 31. Letter of direction for 20,000l. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of Contributions on the Annuity anno 1710: and is for services following: viz.
in part of 919,092l. 3s. 6d. for the 40,000 men anno 1710.
for Sir Solomon de Medina on his order, supra, p. 217, in part of the advance on his contract for bread and bread waggons for this body 16,000
in part of 177,511l. 3s. 6d. for the 10,000 Additional Troops anno 1710.
to same on same in part of his advance on his like contract for this body 4,000
Disposition Book XX, p. 140.
William Lowndes to the Queen's printers to deliver to J. Burchett, Secretary of the Admiralty, 100 copies of the late Act for Mutiny [9 Anne, c. 9] and 100 copies of the Act for Recruiting the Army and Marines [9 Anne, c. 9].
Prefixing: Burchett's letter of request for same. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 172.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed letter [missing] sent to the Lord Treasurer by Monsieur Vryberge, Envoy Extraordinary from the States General, with a petition of Elias Boome, merchant, concerning a prosecution in the Exchequer against the ship White Elephant and her cargo. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded to cause a chest of medicines to be prepared for the use of the 500 Marines which are to be transported to New England. Ibid., p. 173.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests enclosing a letter [missing] from Monsieur Vryberge concerning the account of Monsieur de Wildt [relating to the transport of troops from Holland to Ireland in 1690 and 1691] and the vouchers relating thereto. Ibid.
A fresh subscription by Treasurer Godolphin of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant dated 1709–10 Feb. 24 to John Charleton, Master of the Jewel Office, for the delivery of a chain and medal for her Majesty's service: to the value of 110l.: "the original warrant being lost or mislaid." Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 65.
Warrant by same to Robert Walpole, Secretary at War, for a royal warrant for Col. Robert Lundy's pay as Adjutant General, to be computed from 1709 April 23 to June 21: to be paid out of the 30,000l. granted by Parliament for prisoners in France and Spain.
Prefixing: said Walpole's report on said Lundy's memorial. He was commissioned Adjutant General in her Majesty's pay to the King of Portugal's Army and upon his arrival at Lisbon was by the Earl of Galway ordered into Gibraltar which was then besieged and in great want of Officers; where he continued until the seige was raised and afterwards was taken prisoner at sea and carried into France. It appears by certificate from the Office of the Paymaster General of the Forces that Col. Lundy is paid until 1709 April 23 and no further as Adjutant General to the King of Portugal's Army on the English Establishment. He was exchanged against 20 men by the Commissioners for the exchange of prisoners 1709 June 21. He may be paid to 1709 June 21 out of moneys allotted for payment of prisoners: but from that time there appears no fund available for him, as the allowance for General Officers serving with the Portuguese Force is fully employed in paying the Officers on actual service. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 71.
Mar. 31. William Lowndes to Mr. Walpole [Secretary at War] to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] from the Commissioners of Land Tax in Co. Selkirk. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 151.