Warrant Book: March 1710, 1-10

Pages 193-199

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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March 1710

Mar. 1. William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners to make out Navy bills for allowing 356l. 3s. 3d. to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy, for so much paid by him to the Bank of England for interest on 40,000l. advanced by them to Sir Thomas Littleton, late Treasurer of the Navy. Disposition Book XX, p. 123.
Mar. 2. Money warrant for 60l. to Robert Weddell for one year to 1709 Xmas on his allowance as officer for prosecuting counterfeiters and diminishers of the coin in England as by the Act of 7 Anne, c. 24; and further for 180l. 12s. 10d. for bills certified by the Warden of the Mint for said Weddell's charges and disbursements in apprehending and prosecuting such counterfeiters &c. between Jan. 1707–8 and June 1709. Money Book XX, p. 231. Order Book VII, p. 395.
  William Lowndes to Mr. Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, to report on the enclosed representation [missing] from the Comptrollers of Army Accounts complaining that the muster rolls returnable to them have not been brought in in due time. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 167.
  Order by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
  Prefixing: (a) Order of the Queen in Council dated St. James's Feb. 26 last for leave to the ship Sussex with iron and deal from Stockholm to come to the place of her discharge and to unlade: all on the petition of Thomas Stiles, merchant, owner of said ship. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 269.
Mar. 2, 8,
11, 18, 19,
Warrant by same to same to employ Isaac Giles as a landwaiter at Bristol loco John Knight deceased.
  John Clark to succeed Isaac Giles as landwaiter at Falmouth.
  Nathaniell Goodwin junr. (at present boatman at Orford) as waiter and searcher at Lowestoft in Yarmouth port loco William Harwick deceased.
  Thomas French to succeed said Goodwin as boatman at Orford.
  John Baylie as a coastwaiter London port loco Isaac Williams deceased.
  Samuell Perry as a tidesman in Bridgwater port loco Joseph Morse deceased.
  Henry Street as a tidesman London port loco George Mobbs dismissed.
  Henry Stevens as a same ibid. loco Natha[niel] Hubbard dismissed.
  Nicholas Aubery as Clerk of the Coast business in London port loco his brother Edmond Aubery who is desirous to surrender to him.
  Walter Leach as landwaiter Plymouth port loco Richard Leman deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 224, 242, 248, 250.
Mar. 2
and 25
Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of the Duke of Shrewsbury for a lease of a small piece of ground adjoining Warwick House (wherein the said Duke inhabits), being 112 feet by 46 feet on the south side thereof, which ground was excepted out of a late lease made to Secretary Boyle of the Wilderness and other things near St. James's Park, the exception being intended to reserve that piece in her Majesty's hands for lease to said Duke who much wants accommodation to his house.
  (Reference repeated March 25 on a later petition praying for the inclusion of another piece of ground adjoining on the east of the first named piece, the same not having been included in express terms in the lease of Warwick House but having been used with said house.) Reference Book VIII, pp. 394, 399.
Mar. 2. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Robert Walpole, Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant for payment of 240l. to Lieut. Gen. Webb for the charge of providing the drummers of his Regiment with clothing and [painting] the colours with her Majesty's arms for three years to 1710–11 March 24.
  Prefixing: said Walpole's report on said Webb's memorial. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 52.
  Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. In your letter of Dec. 24 last you represent that Mr. Savage, Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland, has been guilty of great misbehaviours in demanding and receiving some fees which he ought not to have taken. It is the Queen's pleasure that you direct the Attorney and Solicitor General of Ireland to consider how the same may be most properly examined into and what may be the best method to proceed against him for the said misdemeanours. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 148.
Mar. 3. William Lowndes to the Stamps Commissioners enclosing the draft of a Bill for charging 6d. and 12d. per pound on money given with apprentices. Please make such alterations therein as you think proper. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 166.
  Treasurer Godolphin to Mr. Chetwynd, Envoy in Savoy. This is to thank you for your two letters of the 5th and 19th Feb. last, the last of which brought the agreement made by your brother with Columba and Calimo for supplying 20,000l. a month for the Army in Spain. I do very much approve of what you [and your brother] have both done in that matter and care shall be taken to answer the bills drawn pursuant to the said agreement and every other part thereof so far as your brother has engaged on her Majesty's behalf. Ibid.
Mar. 4. Warrant dormant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Cashier to pay Richard Cossley the fee or salary of 6l. 13s. 4d. per an. as Customer of Glouceseter port. Money Book XX, p. 230.
  Order by same to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
  Prefixing: (a) Order of the Queen in Council dated St. James's Feb. 8 last approving the form of a certificate to be carried by every ship going through the Sound to the Baltic; which form has been agreed between the Customs Commissioners and some of the most considerable of the Eastland merchants.
  "We . . of the Customs of the port of in the Kingdom of Great Britain declare and attest that we have visited and examined the goods laden on the ship _ of which _ is master, designed to go through the Sound into the Baltic and that we have found all well and justly entered at this Custom House and the Duties thereof paid as far as appears to us by the cocquets and other despatches for the said goods: and the said master hath moreover sworn to the contents of his loading agreeable to the said entries and despatches: [? this certificate is to serve] at his paying Customs in the Sound to the officers of his Majesty the King of Denmark.."
  The said form is hereby approved and the Lord Treasurer is to order directions for the making out such certificates accordingly.
  "And whereas by the Treaties of Commerce now subsisting between the Crowns of Great Britain and Denmark her Majesty's subjects are to have all advantages in trade which the Hollanders do or may enjoy, her Majesty has an undoubted right to demand that all British ships trading to those parts be permitted to have the benefit of such certificates in as full and ample manner as the Hollanders have."
  "It is further ordered that Mr. Secretary Boyle do signify her Majesty's pleasure to her Minister at the Court of Denmark to notify the same to that Court to the end their Custom House officers may be directed to let such British certificate have the same effect as those of the Hollanders have." Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 270.
Mar. 5. Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Lieut. Nicholas Cassell praying to be restored to his pension of 2s. 6d. a day on the Establishment of Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 150.
Mar. 6. Letter of direction for 44,100l. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of Contributions on the 1710 Lottery: and is for the services following: viz.
  in part of 567,845l. 14s. 4d. for subsidies to the Allies anno 1710. £
  for subsidy to the King of Portugal for Jan. and Feb. last at 6s. the milrei 25,000
  in part of 1,126,035l. 16s. 2d. for the Troops in Spain and Portugal anno 1710.  
  for subsistence upon account to the seven Regiments of Dragoons and nine Regiments of Foot in Portugal and Gibraltar for 1709 Dec. 22 19,100
  For both these services Mr. Morrice has drawn bills of exchange from Lisbon which fell due the 2nd inst., being the value of 147,000 milreis at 6s. sterling per milrei. "What the Lottery money will not extend to satisfy your Lordship [Auditor Halifax] may please to issue out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1710." Disposition Book XX, p. 126.
Mar. 6. Treasury reference to Mr. Walpole [as Secretary at War] of the petition of Francis Peyrante shewing that he was wounded at the battle of Almanza, was made a Captain of Horse at Tortosa but paid only as a Lieutenant: therefore prays the pay of a Capt., being forced to live according to the dignity of a Captain. Reference Book VIII, p. 395.
  Same to same of the petition of Major Hubert Jennings shewing that having served in the French service and with undoubted prospects of promotion to a Regiment of Horse or Dragoons he quitted same on the Queen's Proclamation for recalling her subjects from the said service: therefore praying some equivalent promotion and the arrears of his pay. Ibid., p. 396.
  William Lowndes to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland to report on the following petitions: viz.
  (1) of John Douglas, merchant, John Gordon in behalf of the town of Aberdeen, and Capt. Alexander Abercrombie, severally praying a grant of the estate of one James Douglas, an intestate bastard.
  (2) a petition of Andrew Kinier praying some suitable employment and the continuance of his salary of 50l. a year which was allowed him as keeper of the offices of the late Secretaries of State for Scotland.
  (3) a petition of Capt. Alexander Gordon praying the continuance of a pension of 50l. a year which was allowed him before the Union for the loss of both his legs at the battle of Landen.
  (4) a petition of Sir William Anstruther praying a pension for the loss of his office [of] Heretable Master Households and Carver to the Royal Family in Scotland.
  (5) a memorial of the Solicitor General of Scotland touching the charges of continual prosecution.
  Please also send your report on the petitions as in my letter of Jan. 24 last. Likewise the Lord Treasurer has received an address in behalf of the General Assembly praying allowances as therein to be settled on some sure fund and that the arrears due to them may be paid. Please report hereon what allowances they enjoyed before the Union and what is now due to them and what may be reasonable to be settled in the time to come and and in what manner and how same may be paid with most ease to the Assembly. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 141.
Mar. 7. Money warrant for 2,200l. to James Stanhope, Envoy and Plenipotentiary to the King of Spain, for nine months to 1709 Xmas on his 5l. a day as Envoy and 3l. a day as Plenipotentiary.
  600l. to same for two bills of extraordinaries in his said service from 1708–9 Feb. 8 to 1709–10 Feb. 8 as allowed by Secretary the Earl of Sunderland.
  (Letter of direction dated March 28 for payment of same out of loans to be made by said Stanhope on the sale of her Majesty's tin.) Money Book XX, p. 232. Order Book VII, p. 394. Disposition Book XX, p. 138.
  Order by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
  Prefixing: (a) Order of the Queen in Council dated St. James's March 5 inst. that the ten bags of Polonia wool which have lain upwards of 14 months in the ship Ashfatt, that came from Dantzic before the plague began, be put under water in the river of Thames for six days to remove all suspicion of infection and thereupon be discharged notwithstanding the Orders in Council of Jan. 29 and Feb. 18 last: all on the petition of William Henry Corneilissen, owner of said wool. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 271.
  Treasury reference to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts of the petition of the Captains of the late Lord Donegal's (now Major Gen. Gorge's) Regiment shewing that it was completed by drafts from several Regiments in Ireland, for which addition they [the said Captains] are now charged with 1,111l. 7s. 11d. for the old clothing on the men together with the 92 men they wanted to complete them [up] to the Irish Establishment and for which 92 men the said Captains have paid the levy money: whereby their clearings are sunk and the Regiment indebted above 500l.: therefore praying removal of said charge. Reference Book VIII, p. 395.
  Same to Mr. Wilcox [Surveyor General of Woods Trent South] of the petition of William Rider, Lieutenant of Whittlewood Forest, shewing that the Surveyor General [of Woods] thinking the ancient practice of cutting browsing for the deer in winter, as well as the felling dotard and decayed trees and rotten wood for fire and fuel for the keepers, is of dangerous usage with respect to the preservation of timber, it is proposed that a yearly allowance be made for browsing and in lieu of keepers' perquisites. Ibid., p. 398.
  Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Thomas Dawson of Castle Dawson, Co. Londonderry, praying a pension of 200l. a year in view of his losses and services.
  The like for the petition of Lieut. John McGill praying an allowance of half pay on the Establishment of Ireland.
  The like for the memorial of Major Fox in behalf of himself and all the Captains of Col. Caulfield's late Regiment (now Col. Creighton's) concerning the 756l. 12s. 0d. stopped from them for arms delivered them.
  The like of the petition of John Wogan and Judith his wife praying payment of the arrears and the growing payments on a pension of 150l. per an. granted by Charles II. to said Judith by the name of Judith Moore.
  The like of the petition of the widow of Major Francis D'Vignolle and likewise the petition of Capt. Theodore D'Lautail praying pensions to enable them to support their large families.
  The like of the petition of Lewis Armand, at present on the Establishment of Ireland with a pension as Ensign, praying a pension as a Lieutenant "in which post he alleges to have served at the time Fonjuliann's Regiment was broke.
  The like of the petition of Capt. Gilbert praying a pension as a Capt.
  The like of the memorial of Dr. Geo. Warter [Walter] Story, Dean of Limerick, praying that the rectory of Kilkeedy within four miles of Limerick and in the gift of the Crown and worth 100l. per an. may be annexed to the Deanery of Limerick after the voidance of Dr. Ormsby the present incumbent. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, pp. 149, 150, 153, 156, 157.
Mar. 8 Money warrant for 500l. to William Borret as imprest for Crown Law prosecutions. Money Book XX, p. 233. Order Book VII, p. 393. Disposition Book XX, p. 133.
  Same for 225l. to Henry Lowman and Mary his wife for three quarters to 1709 Lady day on their fee or salary as Housekeeper and Wardrobe Keeper of her Majesty's Palace at Kensington. Money Book XX, p. 322. Disposition Book XX, p. 133.
  Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Richard Crawley, Receiver of Salvage Money and other Droits of Admiralty, to pay 750l. to John Dodd to enable him to satisfy half a year to the Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery on the 1,500l. per an. payable to said Earl out of the perquisites of the Admiralty, on which yearly sum there is due to said Earl 1,532l. 17s. 6d. from 1707 Nov. 20 to 1708 Nov. 29, being the date of his late commission as Lord High Admiral; the said Dodd having no money in his hands to satisfy same: the said 750l. is hereby to be paid out of Admiralty Droits arisen before the date of the present commission for Admiralty Lords. Money Book XX, p. 225.
  William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to instruct Edward Machir in the business of the Customs to fit him for some employment therein. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 168.
  Treasury reference to same of the petition of Margaret Mascall shewing that her late husband John Mascal became bond for Henry Johnson, merchant, who failed and "petitioner" have paid near 4,000l. being the balance [of Johnson's debt on Customs bonds] but now interest is demanded on said bonds from 1 June 1706 to 1 Aug. 1707: therefore praying that same may be forgiven. Reference Book VIII, p. 396.
  Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Dr. Phillip Lloyd shewing that his allowance as one of the physicians of the Army was 6s. a day; that by some mistake his allowance of half pay on the Establishment of Ireland is only 2s. a day; therefore praying an augmentation thereof. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 149.
Mar. 10. Money warrant for 17,914l. 10s. 1½d. to Nehemiah Arnold, Paymaster of the Malt Lottery Tickets, to provide for the 111th payment of principal and interest on the said tickets, being the next payment in course as follows: viz.
  £ s. d.
  principal money after abating 10l. for one benefit above 20l. 9,990 0 0
  interest on 999 tickets from Lady day 1700 to 10th March 1709–10, being 3,637 days at a halfpenny a day each [ticket] 7,569 10
  benefits 355 0 0
  £17,914 10
  Money Book XX, p. 233. Order Book VII, p. 393.
Mar. 10. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of process against the executors of William Hubbald on his accounts as late Paymaster of the Train of Artillery employed in the reduction of Ireland. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 50.
  The like for Sir Thomas Littleton's accounts as late Treasurer of the Navy.
  The like for Mr. Papillon's accounts as late Cashier of the Victualling. Ibid.
  William Lowndes to the Excise Commissioners in Scotland enclosing the Address from the House of Commons desiring a breviate to be laid before them of the whole gross and net produce of the revenue of Excise and Customs in Scotland from the commencement of the Union to Michaelmas last. Please send such an account. (The like letter to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland.) [See footnote, supra, p. 178] Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 142.