Declared Accounts: Hanaper

Pages cclxxvi-cclxxvii

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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Page cclxxvi
Page cclxxvii


Michaelmas 1709 to Michaelmas 1710.
HENRY SEYMOUR, THOMAS EDWARDS and JOSEPH WHITEHEAD, Clerks or Custodians of the Hanaper.
Charge. £ s. d. £ s. d.
respited moneys on the foot of the last accompt 370 18 3
money in the hands of Henry Seymour 1,111 2
1,482 0 11¾
receipts or profits of several charters, patents, commissions, indentures &c. as follows:
460 small patents at 2s. each 46 0 0
47 Sheriffs' patents at 3s. each 7 1 0
Five Sewers Commissions at 5s. and 2s. 6d. each 0 12 6
23 Exemplifications at 16s. 4d. each 18 15 8
one Deanery [presentation], at 16s. 4d., 0 16 4
three Archdeaconries and Prebends at 16s. 4d. each 2 9 0
48 presentations at 16s. 4d. each 39 4 0
39 dispensations at 16s. 4d. each 31 17 0
four Congé d'Eslire, Royal Assent, Commendam and Restitution at 16s. 4d. each 3 5 4
grants of office:
two for life at 32s. 8d. each 3 5 4
three at 16s. 4d. each 2 9 0
during pleasure:
11 at 32s. 8d. each 17 19 4
12 at 16s. 4d. each 9 16 0
one Denization 0 16 4
15 appeals and adjuncts at 16s. 4d. each 12 5 0
three annuities and pensions at 16s. 4d. each 2 9 0
one indenture 2 11 0
Special Commissions, one at 32s. 8d. and six at 16s. 4d. 6 10 8
one Special Licence 1 12 8
two special pardons and de Cursu at 16s. 4d. each 1 12 8
one Confirmation 3 15 10
for the fines of the same 13 6 8
five grants magn' feod' at 7l. 11s. 8d. each 37 18 4
266 8 8
fines of Statute Staple and Original writs in Chancery 28 15 0
farm of the profits of the seal of the Queen's Bench and Common Pleas (George, Duke of Northumberland) 1,653 14 0
farm of the Fines of Alienation and Writs of Concord (the Lord Treasurer) 1,546 12 0
farm of the Sixpenny Writs or Commissions (the Countess Dowager of Newburgh) 1,000 0 0
total charge and arrears £5,977 10
Discharge. £ s. d.
paid to William, Lord Cowper, Lord Chancellor, for diets, annuities and allowances 1,087 2 6
Sir John Trevor, Kt., Master of the Rolls and the eleven other Chancery Masters for Robes 82 8 0
George Wright, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery 60 0 0
retained by these accomptants for their allowances 98 1
Jonathan Gorstelow Snow, Prothonotary of Chancery, granted to him and Charles Snow 3 Feb. 28 Car. II 100 0 0
Mathew Johnson, Clerk of Parliaments 40 0 0
William Oaker, Clerk of the Exemplifications of Patents 20 0 0
John Roberts, Clerk of the Writs in Chancery 20 0 0
the two auditors 10 0 0
William Smith, one of the Six Clerks in Chancery as Clerk Comptroller of the Hanaper 10 0 0
Thomas Harris, Chafewax, for provision of wax for seals 363 16
John Trevor, Cryer of Chancery 8 10
ditto for parchment &c. 282 12 0
George Wright, Clerk of the Crown, for writing patents &c 434 13 4
William Smith, one of the Six Clerks in Chancery, for writing the Control Book of the Hanaper 13 6 8
John Walker, deputy of Mathew Johnson, Clerk of Parliament, for transmitting to Chancery enrolments of public Bills and transcribing several Journals of Parliament for her Majesty's service 177 12 6
Edward Castle, stationer, for necessaries 112 19 0
John Dawling, a clerk in the Office of the Petty Bag, for writing writs of Citation and election to serve in Parliament 169 17 2
Sherrard Serjeant for necessaries for the Lord Chancellor's Court 28 14 0
Charles Harper for stationery for the Office of Clerk of the Crown 98 14
Israel Harrison for stationery for the Hanaper Office 44 6 0
Jacob Tonson, senr. and junr., for stationery for the Chancery 469 17
William West for a rich velvet bag for the Great Seal of England &c. 55 0 0
for the increase in the price of parchment 73 4 0
Joseph Harvey, sealer to the Great Seal, for diets &c. 42 18
Thomas Harris, Chafewax, for wages 28 12 0
Joseph Harvey, sealer, Robert Lindsey, clerk to these accomptants and John Mence, deputy chafewax, for expenses of their journeys attending the Great Seal 45 0 0
Robert Briscoe, Messenger [of the Chamber], fee for attending the Great Seal 112 14 0
ditto for riding charges in ditto 275 0 0
William Weket, Joseph Richards, Samuel Clarke and John Barret, four Messengers attending the Great Seal and the Receipt of the Exchequer, for proclaiming Royal Proclamations in all parts of the kingdom 362 0 0
James Hunter for cleaning Westminster Hall 1 6 8
auditors' allowance 20 0 0
these accomptants for the expenses of this account 40 0 0
Sir John Trevor, Master of the Rolls, for the custody of [Rolls] House for Converted [Jews], for the fee of two chaplains, one clerk and two converts, viz. Peter Samuel and John Meza, at 1½d. each a day 27 4 7
ditto as Clerk of the Petty Bag, for writing and examining Originals in Chancery 10 0 0
total payments and allowances £4,825 10
£ s. d.
and so Remains 1,152 0 3
whereof for documents sealed without fees taken, detailed 373 7 3
and so these accomptants remain in Debit 778 13 0
Declared 14 July 1712.