Pages 603-626
Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.
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Sackville, Charles, 3rd Earl of Middlesex, pension granted out of the revenue of Ireland, 177.
Sadler, Daniel, agent for Transports in Holland, 311.
Sailcloth, patent for making, 124.
Sailmaker, 124.
Sailors, escaped from Dinant prison, share of Admiralty prize for wives or relatives of, 399, 420.
St. Abbs, St. Ebbs, Head, co. Berwick, 281.
St. Albans, co. Hertford, Deputy Postmaster of. See Chapman, T.
St. Albans, Duke of. See Beauclerk, C.
St. Andrews, bishopric rents of, tack of, 69.
St. Andrew's, co. Fife, borough of, 67;
Procurator Fiscal in. See Alexander, J.;
regality of, 64.
St. Anstruther Easter, co. Fife, borough of, 67.
St. Anstruther Wester, co. Fife, borough of, 67.
St. Barbe, Sir John, lease of lands called Cox Leasowes (Cox lease) in Lyndhurst, 174, 464.
St. Brès, Louis, captain, going into Her Majesty's service in Portugal, royal bounty for, 291, 292.
St. Christopher, West Indies—
Commissioners to enquire into the losses sustained by the proprietors of plantations and inhabitants in the invasion by the French of, accounts of, 323.
courts held by, 323.
Exchequer fees of, 323.
Secretary or Chief Clerk to, clerk to, 323;
expenses of, 323;
Office of, at St. Christopher, 323;
at Montserrat, 323;
services as, payment for, 323.
French part of, reduction of, 84.
houses burnt by the French, 84.
lands in, grant of, 83, 247, 251.
Lieutenant Governor of. See Hamilton, W.
Monkey Hill, 84.
Provost Marshal, 323.
sufferers at, 53.
sugar canes burnt by the French, 84.
St. Combs, St. Culme, co. Aberdeen, feuar of, 61.
St. Ebbs. See St. Abbs.
St. George, Sir Henry, Garter King at Arms, 313.
St. Helena, 448.
St. Hill, Thomas, allowance for use of New River water for St. James's House, 248.
St. Ives, co. Cornwall, Customs collector, to send accounts directly to the Comptroller General of Customs Accounts, 196;
deputy searchers at, 106;
waiters at, 106.
St. John, Henry, Secretary at War, 1, 2, 3, 94, 95, 110, 132, 177, 391, 429, 469.
-, James, attorney, 309.
St. John's, Newfoundland, Governor of the Fort of, See Lloyd, [T.]
St. Malo, France, ships of, taken as prize, 273, 458.
St. Mary Isle, co. Kirkcudbright, feuars of, 59. See also Lidderdale, —.
St. Mary's, co. Lincoln, 432.
St. Mary's Hospital. See Aberdeen.
St. Tudy alias St. Udy, co. Cornwall, 343.
St. Udy. See St. Tudy.
Salcey Forest, co. Northampton, deer in, hay for, 173;
keepers of, 173;
lieutenant of, 173;
page of, 173;
Warden, Governor and Chief Forester of. See Montague, G.;
woods and coppices in, rent reserved on lease of, 173.
Salisbury, co. Wilts, bishop of. See Burnet, G.
Salisbury, Charles, colonel, allowance out of Army contingencies for, 132.
Salkeld, John, clerk, grant of land at St. Christopher, 83, 84.
Sally, Wybert, tidesurveyor at Liverpool, 425.
Salop. See Shropshire.
declared free of supply (Scottish Act, Chas. II, 1681), 123.
duties on, Accomptant General of. See Richardson, J. accounts, 133, 155.
appropriation out of, for paying 160,000l. per annum to the East India Company, surplus of, 408, 472, 473.
collector of, 239.
Commissioners, 155, 472;
accounts of, 423;
new commission, 213;
memorial of, 342, 389;
payment by, 389;
petitions referred to, 107, 227, 235, 239, 287, 320, 382, 467, 474;
reports of, 82, 111, 337, 389, 452;
warrants to, 342, 389, 423. See also Aram, T.;
Brereton, E.;
Cardonell, J.;
Danvers, J.;
Griffith, H.;
Hopkins, T.
Comptroller of. See Hall, T.;
deputy to. See Tooker, J.
debts, 423, 473.
for the pilchard fishery in Cornwall, 320, 337, 387, 391.
frauds in, 287, 389, 467;
detection of, 133, 389.
Office, incidents bill, 89, 205, 332, 431;
salary bill, 72, 186, 312, 408, 469.
officer at Falmouth, 82.
receipts from, for distribution to Deficient Funds, 85, 135, 165, 198, 228, 258, 296, 339, 374, 397, 418, 442, 461.
waste salt, allowance of duty on, 107, 382, 446, 447.
yield of, decrease of, 473.
for Newfoundland from Portugal, 269.
French or Spanish, Scottish Act concerning the price of (Chas. II, 1681), 123.
illegal trading at Newfoundland of, 269.
manufacture of, Scottish Act for, 124, 125.
new invention and improvement of, 452.
pits at Droitwich, 164.
seizure of, 419.
taken as prize, 174, 337;
export of, 391.
white, shipped coastwise to various ports, allowance for waste (as by 6 Anne, c. 29), 107.
works, near London, 446, 447.
Saltcoats, Saltroats, co. Ayr, feuar of, 59.
Saltpetre, for the Ordnance, 220.
Sammes, Margaret, royal bounty for, 336.
Sanders, William, pension of, 116.
Sandiver, William, carpenter of the Works, 404, 428.
Sandwich, co. Kent, 333;
collectors of. See Breton, R.;
Veel, T.;
Customer of. See Ball, J.;
searchers of. See Antonie, A.;
Antonie, M.;
Luke, N.;
Parker, Sir H.
Sankey, [Nicholas], general, Regiment of Foot of, 36, 74, 195, 203, 232, 258, 387, 389.
Sanquhar, Sarquhar, co. Dumfries, borough of, 68.
Sansom, Arnold, leave to go to Bath for his health, 188.
-, John, collector of Bristol, 370, 387, 391, 441, 450.
Santa Cruz, 179.
Sarlande, —, captain, going into Her Majesty's service in Portugal, royal bounty for, 291.
-, Stephen de, captain, going into Her Majesty's service in Portugal, royal bounty for, 291.
Sarquhar. See Sanquhar.
Sarrau, Margaret, pension of, 234.
-, Susanna, pension of, 234.
Sarum. See Salisbury.
Satin, Lord, pension of, 116.
Satte. See Settee.
Saunders, James, petition to succeed his father as bailiff and collector of the manor of Shippon, 164.
-, Nicholas, collector of Truro, 298.
Saunderson, —, cocquet master at Leith, 125.
-, -, captain, furniture for the Peregrine galley delivered to, 321.
Savage, —, bed for the Queen of Portugal, 395.
-, Richard, 8th Earl Rivers, Commander of the Forces sent to Spain in 1706, 74, 147, 165, 170, 272, 323, 362, 391, 392, 441.
Savery, Thomas, Treasurer for the Sick and Wounded, 22, 268, 380.
Saville, Sir George, baronet, sheriff for co. Nottingham, 304.
-, Robert, lieutenant, of Lord Mordaunt's regiment, 474.
Savoy, Duke of, conference with, 457.
Envoy Extraordinary to. See Chetwynd, J.;
Methuen, P.;
Palmer, F.
Envoy from, 9. See also Briançon, Comte.
General of the Finances to, 272.
servants of, 352.
subsidy to, 10, 16, 17, 22, 45, 81, 104, 164, 175, 188, 217, 229, 276, 278, 289, 357, 410, 411.
troops of, 263;
clothing for, 9, 22.
Saw mill, 124.
Saxe Gotha, Duke of, treaty with, 277;
troops of, in the Low Countries, 277.
Saxon troops, pay of, 36, 39, 136, 194, 216, 232, 288, 414, 466.
Scale, Peter, captain, going into Her Majesty's service in Portugal, royal bounty for, 292, 332.
Scarborough, co. York, Customs collector, to send accounts directly to the Comptroller General of Customs accounts. See also Baines, J.;
Wilson, J.
Scarborough, Countess of. See Lumley, Frances.
-, Earl of. See Lumley, R.
-, Edward, Customs collector of Liverpool, 152, 224.
Scarfe, John, and six others, commission to enquire into the estate of Thomas Patching, 168.
Scavage, Package and, duty of, 214.
Schillings. See Coins.
Schools and Colleges—
Eton College, Provost and Fellows of, perpetuity of, 93.
Glasgow College, 68.
King William and Queen Mary College, Virginia, 427.
Southwell School, perpetuity for the schoolmaster of, 408.
Schwisser, Lorentz, and his family, poor Palatines going to settle in New York, 230.
Scone, Scoon, co. Perth, lordship of, 60;
blench duty of, 60.
Scoon. See Scone.
Scot. See Scott.
Admiralty, High Admiral. See Wemyss, Earl of.
Judges of, debt due to, 113.
Lord High Admiral, absolute judge in maritime affairs (as by Act Chas. II, 1681), 122.
vice-Admirals, 122.
Advocate General, 287, 326.
alamodes imported from, 257;
imported into, 179.
alum manufactory, Act for, 124.
Apothecary. See Hepburn, P.
Army in. See Army.
barley, Act for sheeling and preparing, 124.
Beadsmen, gowns of, 114.
bishops' rents, collector of. See Hamilton, J.;
tack of, 69.
bookbinders, unbound books imported for, duty free, 129.
Borough Roll. See Scotland—Royal Boroughs.
Botanist. See Sutherland, J.
cattle carried into England, duty on, 214.
Chancery, Director of, servant to, 469. See also Kerr, Lord C.
chaplain. See Blair, D.
Charity Roll. See Scotland—Civil List.
Church of, General Assembly of, Commissioner of. See Glasgow, Earl of.
issue for, 29, 241.
Moderators of, 113. See also Carstaires, W.
Civil List, account of, 112, 240, 241.
Charity Roll, 78, 79;
Queen's bounty on, 114.
debts on, 78, 112.
pensions on, 78, 115, 116.
coal mines. See Scotland—mines.
coals carried to the Isle of Man, Ireland and the Plantations from, certificate of duties on, 94. See also Coals.
combmakers Act, 124.
conservator. See Kennedy, Sir A.
Conservator of the Privileges of the Scottish nation in Holland. See Cuming, Sir A.
corn, exporters of, Act encouraging (Chas. II, 1669), 123.
Counsel at Law, 263.
Customs, abatement of, 470.
boatmen, 327, 373.
Books of Instructions, 108.
coastwaiter, 138.
cocquets, 125, 126, 127;
clerks to, 125, 126, 127;
seal, 126;
ships carrying goods to Holland to produce, 267.
collectors, 80, 90, 122, 262;
Books of Instructions for, 108;
commission in the Army obtained by, 226;
discontinued, 165.
Commissioners, 54, 90, 104, 108, 134, 186, 201, 210, 221, 226, 236, 240, 293.
desire a definition of the term "importation," 80.
housekeeper to. See Brooks, J.;
Neil, D.
leave to come to London, 339.
leave to go to Bath, 185.
memorial of, 82.
orders to, concerning convoys and cruisers, 268.
papers submitted to House of Commons and perished in the burning of the Houses of Parliament, 121.
payment to Lords of Session and Lords Justiciary, 376.
petition referred to, 470.
reports of, 111, 121, 165, 267, 281.
salaries of, 432.
Secretary to. See Boughton, J.
taking of affidavits on the back of transires, 425.
to visit the outports, 142.
warrants to, 76, 81, 91, 138, 226, 246, 262, 270, 312, 321, 327, 335, 372, 373, 420, 430, 443, 470. See also Dixon, Sir R.;
Norman, [L.]
drawbacks, scheme of, 108.
Duties, account of, 55.
bonded, 108.
exemption from claimed as private rights, 54, 55, 121.
grants under the privy seal relating to, 121.
on ale and beer, brewed in Elgin, granted to the magistrates thereof, 126.
on goods and materials imported for the service of manufactories, exemption from, 122.
on wines, imported into Edinburgh, 123, 124, 204, 214;
liability to duty of prizage, 203, 204, 210.
Tunnage and Poundage, Act for, for completing the Maps, 125;
collector of, 127;
payment upon, 117;
tack of, 69.
farm or tack of, 69, 91.
Farmers of, advantage taken of the Union by, 434;
extraordinary profit of, 434;
intromissions of, 434;
prosecution of, 459;
trading contrary to their covenants, 413, 436.
landcarriage waiters, 373.
landsurveyor, 90.
landwaiters, 246, 271, 430.
laws relating to, 134.
officers, accused of being land robbers or privateers, 90;
salary bill, 76;
to prevent embezzlements, 122;
to register Scottish ships, 91.
outports, salary bill, 76, 207, 312, 412.
Fort William.
Port Glasgow.
Preston Pans.
prohibited goods, laws relating to, 108.
revenues, anticipated, 240;
contract between Lords Commissioners of the Treasury and taxmen for, 55;
security of, ships to guard the coast for, 82.
riding officers, 262, 271, 443, 470.
salary bill, 206, 412;
Edinburgh, 312, 412;
Leith, 312, 412.
searchers, 125, 246.
seizer of brandy, strong waters, etc. See Elphingstone, Lord.
seizures, discharge of, 263;
inspector of. See Spooner, W.
Solicitor, 437.
surveyors, 125, 126.
taster, grant of office of, 125.
taxmen and managers of, 267;
books of, 121.
tidesmen, 91, 270, 321.
tidesurveyors, 470.
tidewaiters, 76, 138, 139, 226, 270, 271, 312, 321, 335, 373, 420.
tobacco inspector, 270, 312.
transires for coast shipments, 443, 444.
warehousekeeper, 271.
weighers and markers, 312.
wine tasters, 270, 312.
wool, register of, 271.
debts owing to the Crown in, Solicitor for bringing in. See Bowles, W.
Eleemosyner (Elimozener). See Law, J.
Episcopal Ministers, relicts of, payment to, 117.
Exchequer Court, 27, 45, 210.
amerciaments, discharge of, 263.
attorneys, sworn, in, 241. See also Beaumont, J.;
Wood, R.
Auditor of, allowance for, 241.
Barons of, 287, 325, 326, 363, 436, 437, 438, 439, 441.
First or Chief Baron, 27;
appointment of, 459. See also Seafield, Earl of.
fees payable to officers of the Exchequer Receipt, England, 444;
to the Treasury, England, 444.
salaries of, 241, 322;
additional salaries, 241. See also Clarke, J.;
Maitland, A.;
Scroope, J.;
Smith, J.
books for, 241.
candles for, 439.
coals for, 439.
coast bonds, discharge of, 263, 325.
Committee of, 90.
compositions on signatures, 363.
establishment of, 54;
House of Lords' Committee appointed for, 56.
fines, discharge of, 263.
forfeitures estreated into, discharge of, 287.
Heritable Usher of. See Bellenden, Lord;
deputy usher. See Stephens, J.;
servant to, 469.
ink for, 439.
issues, discharge of, 263.
Keeper of. See Stephens, J.;
Stephens, W.
Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, allowance to, 241. See also Allanson, W.
Macers of, 468.
Marshal of. See Montgomery, W.
officers of, 241.
paper for, 241, 439.
parchment for, 241.
penalties estreated into, discharge of, 287.
pens for, 439.
Pipe, Clerk of, salary of, 241; See also Mackenzie, C.;
Tyas, J.
Comptroller of, allowance for, 241.
Queen's Remembrancer, salary of, 241. See also Stewart, W.;
Tarver, J.
recognizances, discharge of, 263.
Seal, Keeper of. See Seafield, Earl of;
deputy to, 237, 241.
seizures, composition of, 326.
Signatures, Presenter of, servant to, 469; See also Vetch, J.
Register of, 58;
servant to, 469.
to state and determine public debts charged on the Equivalent, 281.
Exchequer Receipt, books, registration of contract of farm of the Customs and Excise, 91.
Clerks of, 467;
servants to, 469.
fiars, 64, 65.
Lords of, 122.
messengers in. See Dowell, J.;
Dowell, W.;
Paterson, J.
sheriffs' roll, constant rents, 63, 64, 65;
retoured duties, casual rents arising by, 66.
warrant to, 395.
Excise, Accomptant General of, 76. See also Drummond, G.
accomptants, 76.
Auditor of. See Tilson, G.;
deputy to. See Phillipson, F.
Cashier, 76, 166, 411. See also Boyle, J.
Commissioners of, 54, 240.
certificate of, 120, 121.
exchange of Exchequer Bills for cash, 3, 93.
new commission, 379;
payment for passing, 421.
payments by, 45, 411, 421, 463;
for providing magazines of corn at Edinburgh and Stirling, 166, 198.
petition referred to, 470.
removal expenses of, 185, 201.
reports of, 71, 176, 185, 201, 210, 211.
salaries of, 389, 390;
additional, 432.
Secretary to, additional clerk for, 176, 211;
officiates also as Solicitor, Clerk of Securities and Correspondent, 211. See also Dowdeswell, [R.]
warrants to, 71, 76, 278, 421. See also Douglas, Sir W.;
Forbes, A.;
Montgomery, J.;
Ross, D.;
Wedderburn, A.;
Whetham, J.
Comptroller of, clerks of, 71.
Country Inland Collectors, 71.
Duties, account of, 55;
exemptions from, claimed as private rights, 54, 55, 120, 121;
on beer, ale and aquavitæ, exemption from, 120, 121;
on cloth, exemptions from, 121;
on rum or spirits, exemptions from, 120.
examiner of officers' books, 76.
Foreign, farm or tack of, 69, 91.
incidents bill, 131, 449;
Edinburgh, 262.
Inland, tack of, 69.
messenger, 76.
Office, at Edinburgh, officers of, 76.
outports, collectors of, 71.
porter, 76.
revenues, anticipated, 240.
salary bill, 131, 206, 326.
Solicitor of, 437.
storekeeper, 76.
watchman, 76.
falconer, under. See Nasmith, J.
ferintosh, Excise on, for the laird of Culloden, 124.
fish, exported from, allowance for, 111;
laws concerning, 111.
ratification to the burgh of Aberdeen for customs on, 123.
fisheries of, encouraging and promoting, 79.
glass works. See Glass.
goods, brought from since the Union, entering of noli prosequis to informations against, 55;
imported duty free, 127–9.
Great Seal, 237.
Deputy Keeper of, servant to, 469. See also Stewart, J.
Keeper of. See Loudoun, Earl of.
gunpowder manufactory, Act for, 124.
Heralds and Pursuivants, 114, 467;
footmantles to, 115;
Lyon King at Arms. See Erskine, Sir A.
Historiographer. See Campbell, D.;
Crawford, D.
Hornings, Register of, Clerk or Keeper of. See Mitchelston, J.
housekeeper, servant to, 469.
invasion upon, commander upon the late intended, 257.
Justice Clerk. See Ormistoun, Lord;
Preston Hall, Lord;
Pullock, Lord.
Justice Court, Clerk of, 468;
servant to, 469. See also Montgomery, J.
Dempster of, 114, 468.
housekeeper of, 468.
Macers of, 114, 468.
Justice General, salary of, 241. See also Cromarty, Earl of;
Lothian, Marquess of.
Justiciary in, Circuit Court of, charges of, 45, 411, 434, 445, 463;
officers and servants attending, salaries and allowances of, 45, 411.
Lords of, annual payments out of Customs to, 376;
salaries of, 241, 283. See also Aberuchill, Lord.
Knight Marshal of. See Kintore, Earl of.
Land Tax, Acts for, to be sent to, 6;
Receiver General of. See Douglas, A.
Lands, Crown, grants of, 54, 55.
rents and revenues, account of, 54, 55, 59–65.
anticipated, 240.
blench duties, 57, 58, 59, 63–5, 439.
books, 63–5.
casual rents arising by Retoured Duties in the sheriffs' roll, 66.
Casualties, 438, 439.
debts due on, 57.
feu duties, 57, 58, 59, 63–5, 438, 439.
gifts and allocations out of, 56–69.
non-entry duties, 59.
pensions payable out of, 57.
rental, 59–65.
signatures, compositions of, 66.
tack duties, 63.
tack of, 69.
tacks, composition of, 66.
Taxt Marriage of, 438, 439.
Taxt Relief of, 438, 439.
teinds, composition of, 66.
ward duties, 59.
laws of, concerning Accumulative jurisdiction, 263.
lead mines. See Scotland—mines.
lead ore, lease of tenth of, 127.
Limner, Her Majesty's. See Ogilvy, G.
linen (laine) manufacture, Acts for, 124, 125.
Linen Company, Act in favour of, 124.
Lord Advocate of, 80, 413, 455, 459;
debt due to, 112;
issues to, 45, 411, 445;
servant of, 469. See also Stewart, Sir J.
Lord Clerk Register. See Johnston, Sir A.;
Philiphaugh, Lord of.
Lord High Chancellor. See Seafield, Earl of;
Tweeddale, Marquess of.
lustrings imported from, 257;
imported into, 179.
macers. See Scotland—Exchequer Court;
Justice Court;
Privy Council;
manufactures and improvements in, remainder of the Equivalent to be applied to, 79.
marble, Boynd's, 125.
metals, Act for, 125.
Military List, account of, 112;
debts due on, 112.
minerals, grant of, 127.
mines, coal, grant of, 127;
in perpetuity, 122.
lead, grant of, 125, 126;
in perpetuity, 122.
Mint, at Edinburgh, accounts, 283.
alum for, 148.
argol for, 148.
assay master of. See Borthwick, J.;
Penman, J.
balances and weights for, 148.
Bullion Duty, clerks to, 125, 126, 127.
Collector or Receiver General of, 153. See also Spence, W.;
Stewart, D.
charcoal for, 148.
clerks of, instruction of, 148.
coinage, bullion for, payment out of, 153.
reduction of, consequent on the Union with England, losses of private persons, consideration for, 77.
silver, foreign, recoinage of, 77, 283, 450;
Scots, recoinage of, 77, 283, 450.
coining press for, 148.
Commissioners of, clerk to, 283;
contingencies, 283;
petition for payment for services, 283;
petition for one third per cent. of all money passing through their hands, 450. See also Brown, A.;
Bruce, R.;
Rutherford, R.
Counter Warden, clerk to, salary of, 338.
cutting engines for, 148.
flatting presses for, 148.
General and Master of, 283;
clerk to, salary of, 338;
incidents, 153. See also Alardes, G.;
Lauderdale, Earl of.
melting old money into ingots, payment for, 153, 154.
memorial relating to, 331.
money, to be kept under four locks and keys in the Treasure, 338.
moneyers sent from the Tower of London to, allowances for, 153.
officers of, 338;
assisting, overseeing and directing, payment for, 148.
refining, incident charges of, 153.
rollers for, 148.
salaries, 338.
silver money, allowance to moneyers for coinage of, 153.
Treasure of, money to be kept under four locks and keys in, 338.
Warden, Principal, of, clerk to, salary of, 338. See also Spence, W.
muslin, Act concerning duty on, 124.
paper, white, Act for manufactory of, 124.
Parliament of, 77, 112, 174.
Acts of, concerning—
Aberdeen, duty on the pint to the town of (Wm., 1695), 124.
Admiral, Lord High, absolute judge in maritime affairs (Chas. II, 1681), 122.
African Company, payment to out of the Equivalent, 78.
ale (Wm., 1695), 124;
imported into Edinburgh, duty on (Wm. and Mary, 1690), 124.
alum manufactory (Wm., 1695), 124.
Ayr, burgh of, duty on malt (Wm., 1695), 124.
barley, sheeling and preparing (Wm., 1696), 124.
Bearn, Alexander (Wm., 1695), 124.
beer imported into Edinburgh, duty on (Wm. and Mary, 1690), 124.
beer, ale and malt, regulating the prices of (Chas. II, 1669), 123.
brandy, Excise of (Wm., 1695), 124;
imported into Edinburgh, duty on (Wm. and Mary, 1690), 124.
coaches (Wm. and Mary, 1693), 124.
coal, free of supply (Chas. II, 1681), 123.
Combmakers Act, Act in favour of (Wm., 1695), 124.
cordage, manufactory at Glasgow of (Wm., 1698), 124.
corn, encouraging exporters of (Chas. II, 1669), 123.
Culloden, laird of, Excise on ferintosh (Wm., 1695), 124.
Culross, burgh of (Wm., 1695), 124.
Debts, public, 78.
Douglass, Robert (Wm., 1695), 124.
Dysart (Wm., 1695), 124.
Forbes, Duncan, of Culloden (Anne, 1703), 125.
Glasgow, 2d. Scots of the pint to (Wm. and Mary, 1693), 124.
glass manufactory at Wemyss (Wm., 1698), 124.
Greenland Fishery, declared a manufactory (Jas. VII, 1685), 123.
gunpowder manufactory (Wm., 1695), 124.
Herriot's Hospital (Wm., 1695), 124.
Hog, William, of Harcars (Anne, 1703), 125.
Hyter, Whitfeild (Wm., 1695), 124.
Irvine, burgh of, duty on the boll to (Wm., 1695), 124.
linen manufacture (Wm. and Mary, 1693), 124;
(Wm. III), 124;
(Anne, 1703), 125.
Linen Company (Wm. and Mary, 1693), 124.
Lyel, James, of Gardin (Wm., 1695), 124.
malt, duty on (Wm., 1695), 124.
manufactories, exemption of Customs duties on goods and materials imported for the service of (40, 42 and 48 Chas. II, 1661), 122.
marble, Boynd's (Wm., 1701), 125.
metals (Anne, 1703), 125.
mum imported into Edinburgh, duty on, 124.
muslin, duty on (Wm., 1695), 124.
paper, white (Wm., 1695), 124.
salt, declared free of supply (Chas. II, 1681), 123.
French or Spanish, price of (Chas. II, 1681), 123.
manufacture (Wm., 1696), 124;
(Anne, 1705), 125.
Scot, William (Wm., 1695), 124.
sugar, manufactory at Glasgow (Wm., 1696), 124;
works at Glasgow declared to be manufactory (Chas. II, 1681), 123.
trade and manufactures, encouraging (Chas. II, 1681), 123.
Tunnage, for completing the Maps (Anne, 1704), 125.
Valuations (of Shires], ratifying (Chas. II, 1681), 123.
wine, duty on (Wm. and Mary, 1690), 123, 124.
woollen cloth imported into Edinburgh, duty on (Wm. and Mary, 1690), 124.
woollen manufacture of serge de Nimes declared to be a manufactory, 123.
woollen manufactory, at Musselburgh (Anne, 1703), 125;
at Newmilns (Wm. and Mary, 1693), 124.
grants by, 121.
Lord High Commissioner to. See Queensberry, Duke of;
Tweeddale, Marquess of.
members of, franking letters to, 180.
Parliament House, Keepers of, 114.
Ratifications, to the burgh of Aberdeen for customs on fish, 123;
to the burgh of Edinburgh concerning impost on wines, 123;
to Burleigh Melvills of a gift for making sailcloth, 124.
Physician, First. See Burnet, Sir T.;
Dalrymple, [T.]
Second. See Eizatt, [Sir E.]
Physick Garden, Keeper of. See Sutherland, J.
Post Office, accomptant, 182.
clerk, 127, 181, 182;
assistant to, 182. See also Richardson, J.;
Wemyss, J.
expresses between London and Berwick, 181.
farm of, 180;
expiry of, 179, 180, 181.
General Postmaster. See Blair, J.;
Graham, —;
Menzies, W.
incidents, 181.
Letter Post Office, tack of, 69.
letters, carriers of, 182;
overcharged, 181;
profit of, 181;
state and frank, account of, 181.
management of, 180.
manager of. See Main, G.
officers of, salaries of, 181.
pacquet boats between Port Patrick and Donaghadee, 180, 181, 182.
Postmaster General, account of, 180, 181;
allowances to, 180;
salary of, 180.
Postmaster General or Farmer or Contractor of. See Main, G.
Postmasters, deputy, salaries of, 180, 181, 182.
profits of, payment out of, 390.
revenue, anticipated, 240;
improvement of, 180.
runners, 182.
salaries, 181.
Secretary Pacquet, account of, 181.
stages, few in number, 180.
Galloway, New.
potash for, 127, 128.
Privy Council of, 77, 123, 153, 154, 267, 283.
Chamber, Keeper of. See Stephens, J.;
Stephens, W.
Clerks of, 468;
servant to, 469. See also Forbes, Sir R.;
Maitland, A.
Deputy Clerk of. See Horne, D.
Lord President of. See Melville, Earl of;
Montrose, Marquess of;
Tweeddale, Marquess of.
Macers of, 116, 468. See also Ballantine, R.;
Gordon, G.;
Graham, D.;
Hogg, J.
Privy Seal, 437.
Clerk of, servant to, 469.
Deputy Keeper of, servant to, 469.
grants relating to the Customs under, 121.
Lord or Keeper of. See Atholl, Duke of;
Queensberry, Duke of.
Property Roll, Inroller of. See Forbes, G.
Public Debts, 79;
Act of Parliament concerning, 78.
Queen's Advocate for Langtoun Usher, 113.
Queen's Almoner. See Law, J.
Queen's Printer. See Anderson, —;
Anderson, Mrs.
Queen's Process, clerk of. See Dalrymple, Sir J.;
under clerk and extractor of, 114, 469.
Queen's Writer, servant to, 469. See also Alves, W.
Quit rents, anticipated revenue from, 240.
regiment marching from, 45.
Rents, Concealed, Discoverer of. See Dalrymple, G.
revenue of, account of, 54, 55, 240;
farms of not discharged by the Treasury, list of, 69.
Royal Boroughs, account of yearly payments into the Exchequer, 66–8;
Borough Roll, clerk of. See Kirkwood, Sir A.
Royal Household, Great Master of. See Argyll, Duke of;
Heritable Usher. See Cockburn, Sir A.
sailcloth, patent for making, 124.
salt, declared free of supply (Chas. II, 1681), 123.
Duty, Commissioners, report of, 111.
French or Spanish, Act concerning the price of (Chas. II, 1681), 123.
manufacture of, Acts for, 124, 125.
Secretaries of State, lodgings at Whitehall, repair of, 114.
office of, in London, 114, 116;
clerks, messengers and doorkeepers of, 468;
coal, candle and other necessaries for, 468;
housekeeper of. See Kinier, A.
pacquets of, great number of letters sent under cover of, 181. See also Cromarty, Earl of;
Forfar, Earl of;
Galloway, Earl of;
Loudoun, Earl of;
Mar, Earl of;
Northesk, Earl of.
Secretary Depute. See Nairn, Sir D.
Session, Justices of, additional allowance, 432.
Lord President of, 112;
additional allowance, 241, 432;
pension of, 241. See also Dalrymple, Sir H.
Lords of, annual payments out of Customs to, 376;
salaries of, 241, 283.
Macers of, 114, 468.
principal clerks of, payment to, 116.
Sheriffs' Roll, Clerk of, servant to, 469. See also Lauder, Sir R.
Inroller of. See Boyd, R.
ships, frigates, officers and seamen of, 117;
repair of, 115.
seized in, 80.
to be built to guard the coast against running of goods, 81.
trading in, Register of. See Boughton, J.;
James, C.
Signatures, Presenter and Register of. See Scotland—Exchequer Court.
Signet, Keepers of, 468. See also Dornoch, —;
Mar, Earl of.
Office, servants of, 469.
underkeepers of, 114.
silks (alamodes and lustrings) imported into, seizure of, 179.
Solicitor General. See Carmichael, W.
Solicitors, Queen's, servant of, 469. See also Adam, J.;
Dalrymple, Sir D.;
Home, Sir P.
Staple Contract between the States of Zeeland and town of Camphire and the royal burghs concerning export of goods, 267.
stipends, vacant, payment to sundry persons who have gifts of, 117.
storekeeper. See Ross, J.;
Row, J.;
deputy. See Roberts, J.
sugar imported from London, duty free, 128. See also Sugar.
teinds, tacks of, grant out of compositions for, 441.
Thistle, Order of. See Thistle.
tolls, payment of, 214.
trade and manufactures, Act for encouraging (Chas. II, 1681), 123;
Navy convoys and cruisers to secure, 293.
Treasury, 68.
Accomptant. See Phillip, J.
Clerks of, 55;
servant to. See Forbes, G. See also Mackenzie, Sir J.;
Moncreife, Sir T.
Invalid Stock due by, 119.
Keeper of. See Stephens, J.;
Stephens, W.
Lords Commissioners of, 27, 69, 79 91, 112, 147, 153, 154, 181, 441;
at Edinburgh, 112;
contract for the revenue of Customs between the taxmen and, 55;
enrolment of gifts of pension, 281;
Proctor for. See Dalrymple, Sir D. See also Forfar, Earl of;
Glasgow, Earl of;
Montgomery, F.;
Montrose, Marquess of;
Northesk, Earl of;
Queensberry, Duke of;
Ross, Lord;
Seafield, Earl of.
paper, pens, ink, coals, candles, etc., for, 439.
pensions payable out of, 27.
servant at. See Callender, D.
Treasurer Depute, servitor to. See Maitland, J. See also Glasgow, Earl of;
Home, Sir J.;
Montgomery, F.;
Ormistoun, Lord of;
Ross, Lord.
Trumpets, Queen's, 114, 467.
underwardrobe. See Leslie, A.
Union with. See Union.
Universities of, payment to, 117.
valuations [of shires], Act ratifying (Chas. II, 1681), 123.
Wardrobe, Clerk of. See Baird, J.
Keeper or Master of. See Auchmouty, J.
underkeeper of, 468;
second underkeeper. See Morrison, R.
wines imported into, prizage on, 203, 204, 210.
wool, manufacture of, promotion of, 78. See also Wool.
Works, glazier to. See Burton, D.
mason to. See Govanlocks, A.
Master of. See Campbell, J.;
Meldrum, laird of;
Scott, Sir F.;
Scott, J.;
Urquhart, [J.];
Depute Master of. See Murray, W.
overseer of. See Smith, J.
painter to. See Melvill, W.
plumber to. See Crombie, Mrs.;
Forrester, J.
slater to. See Jack, W.;
Simpson, P.;
Syme, P.
smith to. See Lethem, J.
wright to. See Buchanan, D.;
Peterson, A.
wrecks (wracks), grant of, 125.
Scotland, David, tidesman at Minehead, 361.
Scott (Scot), —, captain of the August man of war, 375.
-, Anne, Duchess of Buccleuch, annuity of, 301.
-, Sir Francis, Master of the Works, Scotland, 113.
-, George, tack of the Crown lands rents of Orkney, 69.
-, James, of Logie, Master of the Works, Scotland, 113.
-, Robert, clerk, chaplain going to Maryland, 161.
-, Thomas, at the Secretary [of State's] office in London, 116.
-, Walter, riding officer at Jedburgh, 443.
-, William, saw mill, Act in favour of the Combmakers Act in favour of, 124.
-, -, Scottish Act for making coaches in favour of, 124.
-, -, Professor of Philosophy at Edinburgh University, 390.
Screens, for the Queen, 345.
Scrimfour, John, of Kirktoun, a Commissioner for the Union of England and Scotland, 120.
Scroope, John, Baron of the Exchequer Court, Scotland, 237, 322, 410, 444;
additional salary for, 327, 331, 410.
Seaborne, Nich., master of the Baltimore, 311.
Seafield, Earl of. See Ogilvy, J.
Seager, Hen., entertainments for the jury of goldsmiths at the trial of the Pyx, 243.
Seals, graver of, See Roos, J.
Searchers. See Customs;
Seaton, —, Postmaster of Haddington, 125.
Secret service, issues for, 14, 18, 24, 30, 38, 51, 53, 85, 136, 151, 176, 187, 205, 217, 255, 274, 298, 358, 370, 411, 455, 469;
money, payments out of, 2, 10, 28, 37.
Secretaries of State, attendance on, payment for, 332.
examinations by, 317.
letters patent appointing, 134.
Office of, fees, 378;
stationery for, 41, 53, 249, 467.
pacquets, postage of, 180. See also Boyle, H.;
Harley, R.;
Hedges, Sir C.;
Sunderland, Earl of.
-, Ireland. See Ireland.
-, Scotland. See Scotland.
Secretary at War, 212, 395.
Office of, 172;
clerks of, 286;
copies of Act relating to recruiting of Land Forces and Marines to be sent to, 145, 151, 407;
copies of Acts against Mutiny and Desertion delivered to, 211, 407;
under officers of, 286.
report of, 450. See also St. John, H.;
Walpole, R.
Sedans, for Ambassadors, 347.
Seditious words, man indicted for, 130.
Sefton, John, an out pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, 167.
Segar, Henry, royal bounty for out of wood sales. 24, 286, 365, 452.
Selkirk, county of, sheriff of, rents payable by, 65.
Selkirk, co. Selkirk, borough of, 68.
Selkirk, Earl of. See Douglas, C.
Selwyn, William, colonel, clothing for the Army in Ireland, 172.
Serge, crimson, for covering the throne of St. Paul's, 368.
Sergeant, John, an out pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, 167.
Sergeant at Law. See Neave, P.
Serjeants at Arms, attending the House of Commons. See Powell, S.;
payment to, 316;
travelling charges for attending the Queen, 83. See also Ryley, P.
Sessions, Quarter, at Oxford, 130.
Setone, William, the younger, of Pitmedden, a Commissioner of the Equivalent Fund, 79.
Settee (sattee), taken as prize, 376.
Sewell, Joseph, Customs collector at Milford, 384.
-, Josiah, payment to for entertainment of the Venetian Ambassador, 345.
Seymour, Charles, 11th Duke of Somerset, 217;
Master of the Horse, 130, 404, 428.
-, Edward, Clerk of the Hanaper, 260.
-, Elizabeth, Duchess of Somerset, a Lady of the Bedchamber, 202, 301.
-, Henry, Clerk of the Hanaper, 260.
Shales, Charles, goldsmith, 152, 320.
-, [John], Commissary General of Provisions in Ireland, 152, 320.
Shanks, —, lieutenant, recruiting for the Four Companies of Foot in New York, 274.
Shannon, Viscount. See Boyle, R.
Sharlston, Sharlestown, co. York, 371.
Sharp (Sharpe), Samuel, petition referred to the Commissioners of the Salt Duty, 474.
-, Sir William, of Stonyhill, pension of, 116.
Shaw, Charles, collector of Subsidies Inwards, London port, 99.
-, Isabel, payment to, 117.
-, Sir John, collector of Subsidies Inwards, London port, 99.
Sheen, West. See Richmond.
Sheets, for the Army, 177;
Holland, for the Pages of the Backstairs, 75.
Sheldon, Sir Joseph, lease of the manor or bailiwick of Westminster, 292.
Shems, Scotland, 91.
Shepheard, [Samuel], a member of the East India Company, 42, 43.
-, Samuel, et al., petition for relief from duty on prize wine, 449.
Shepton Mallet, co. Somerset, manor of, 463.
Sheriff, Robert, payment to, 117.
Sheriffs, accounts of, surplusages on, 100, 157, 177, 300, 304, 319, 340, 390;
roll of. See Scotland;
Scotland—Exchequer Receipt.
Sherlock, Thomas, Master of the Temple, 305.
Sherwood Forest, co. Nottingham, stags and hinds in, licence to hunt, 83;
Warden of. See Newcastle, Duke of.
Shetland. See Orkney.
Shields, co. Northumberland, 297.
Shingley, Jeremiah, clerk to the Warden of the Mint, 167.
Shippon, co. Berks, manor of, bailiff and collector of, 164.
Africa Company, appropriation of, 78.
condemned as a perquisite of Admiralty, 177, 211.
cooperage upon the lading of, 177.
Customs, 144, 260.
Danish, 344;
seizure of, 80, 104;
tidewaiters put on board, 235.
Dutch, convoying goods to evade Customs duties, 144;
goods seized from while awaiting convoy or seeking refuge in a British port, 419, 420;
salvage of, 201;
stores recaptured by, 422.
East India, cast away, 461.
embargo on, 144;
removal of, 152.
French, intercourse and correspondence with people on the coast of Sussex, prevention of, 363, 366;
men of war, 310, 367;
privateers, 56, 179, 310, 430, 449;
resorting to Scotland, 122;
taken as prize, 96, 141, 235, 236, 363, 376.
furniture for, 130, 137.
galleons destroyed in the West Indies, 390.
galley, of the Great Duke of Tuscany, 347.
going to Catalonia, 282.
going to Holland, 23;
carrying old coin, prevention of, 434.
going to Lisbon, 234.
going to the West Indies, 140.
hemp merchants', loss of, 16.
hired for Jamaica and Lisbon, dispute concerning allowance for demurrage between Victualling Commissioners and owners of, 3, 94.
letters, 143.
lighthouse duties payable by, 306.
neutral, permitted to load tobacco and to carry it to France, 6, 54, 102, 146.
New England, illegal trading at Newfoundland, 269.
Ordnance, 144.
owners of, order preventing the landing of certificated goods by, 111.
polacres (pole-axes), French, taken as prize, 376.
seized, 80, 88, 104, 211.
set on fire in the Thames, 426, 428.
Spanish, seized, 179.
tonnage of. See Excise—duties.
trading to Newfoundland from Portugal, 269.
Swedish, seized, 106.
wrecked on the rocks at Berwick, 56. See also Navy;
Sick and Wounded;
Ships, names of:
Ailbermarle, 461.
Ameriquane, prize, 92.
Angel Gabriell, 201, 202, 281.
Ann, yacht, 259.
Anne, of Wick, 56.
Antelope, 106.
Antelope, man of war, 375.
Antelope, of Aberdeen, 470.
Aquilon (Aquillon), prize, 82.
Arabia Factor, 106.
Arms, of Bergen, 283.
August, man of war, 375.
Baltimore, 311.
Bedford, man of war, 376.
Bengall Merchant, 106.
Borneo, 106.
Boyne, man of war, 376.
Bullogne, 333.
Burchet, privateer, 246, 259, 309.
Canterbury, 106.
Catharina (Catherine), dogger, of Drammen, 80, 90.
Chester, 435.
Chichester, galley, 49.
China Merchant, 106.
Cleveland, yacht, 130.
Crowne (Crane), dogger, 201,
Defyance, 159.
Desmariste (Deimarist), of St. Malo, 235, 273.
Discovery, 106.
Dreadnought, 201.
Dumbarton Castle, 236.
Eaton, 106.
Enterprise, 376, 444, 445.
Entreprenant, of St. Malo, 235, 273.
Eugene, galley, 430.
Exeter, man of war, 202, 375.
Expedition, pacquet boat, 179, 310, 311.
Fisher, 221.
Francis View Chattell, 319.
Gabriell, hagboat, 422.
Grand Canary, 434.
Griffin, 376, 410.
Hannibal, privateer, 107.
Hastings (Haistings), 428, 455.
Hazardous, 219.
Henrietta, yacht, 247.
Hoquart, 367.
Humbar, man of war, 375.
Ipswich, man of war, 375.
James, of St. Malo, 458.
Jean du Grace, prize, 96, 295.
Jeffery, hospital ship, 400.
John Baptista of Marseilles, 437.
John's Adventure, 173.
Jolly, 275.
Jonathan, of Amsterdam, 201.
Julia, 106.
Land's Welfare, 201.
Le Firme, 282.
Lewis, prize, 130.
Litchfeild, 435.
London, 106.
London Merchant, 298.
Lys, 367.
Macclesfield, galley, 106.
Magnanimous, 367.
Marlborough, 222, 245.
Mary, man of war, 376.
Mary, yacht, 307.
Mathew, hospital ship, 400.
Milford, 444.
Monmouth, 174.
Montague (Mountague), 82, 106, 130, 201.
Neptune, 106.
New Allyance, pacquet boat, 310.
New Ruby, 399.
New York, galley, 331.
Newcastle, 96, 296.
Norris, 106.
Norwich, 25.
Old Allyance, pacquet boat, 310.
Orford, man of war, 376.
Oxford, 219.
Panther, 106.
Pearl, 435.
Pearl or White Pearl, 177.
Pearle, 211.
Pembroke, man of war, 375.
Peregrine, galley, 321.
Peter, of Pleuvenon, 420.
Plymouth, 458.
Prince, pacquet boat, 179, 311.
Queen, pacquet boat, 311.
Queen Anne, galley, 430.
Riseing Eagle, 106.
Riseing Sun, 106.
Rising Sun, 260.
Robert and James, 173.
Rochester, 201.
Rook, frigate, 106.
Royal, prize, 235.
Royal Anne, man of war, 328, 368.
Royal Oak, man of war, 375.
Royal William, 259.
Rupert, 435.
St. Albans, 297.
St. Anthony, Spanish ship, 179.
St. Francis de Vein Chattell, 174.
St. Jacob, 305.
St. John Baptist, prize, 434, 458.
St. Joseph, 229.
St. Stephen, of Lisbon, 428, 455.
Salisbury, 458.
Samuel, 308.
Sarah, galley, 106.
Seaford, 106, 236.
Seaford Prize, 236.
Sebastian, of Bergen, 235.
Sligo Merchant, 419.
Somers, 106.
Stretham, 106.
Success, privateer, of Guernsey, 449.
Suffolk, man of war, 376.
Tankarville, 106.
Three Crowns, 141.
Torbay, 282, 399.
Tower Frigat, 426, 428.
Town of St. Malo, 93.
Triton, 273.
Triumph, man of war, 375.
Trumbull, galley, 106.
Tyger, 201.
Ufre [Juffrouw] Gertroit, 260.
Upton, galley, 106.
White Pearl or Pearl, 177.
White Salmon, 361.
William and Mary, yacht, 137.
Worcester, 88.
Worcester, man of war, 375.
You Fro (Ufro) [Juffrouw], 246, 259, 310.
Young Isaac, 201.
Shires, valuations of, Scottish Act (Chas. II, 1681), ratifying, 123.
Shirley, John, mate to one of the boatmen at Newcastle, 361.
Shirts, for the Army, 177;
for the Indians in New York, 266;
for the Portuguese troops, 111.
Shoreditch, Richard, Agent for Taxes, 29, 72, 202, 303, 401.
Shoreham, co. Sussex, Customs collector, to send accounts directly to the Comptroller General of Customs Accounts, 196.
Shotwick, co. Chester, 297.
Shovell, Sir Cloudesley, 205;
expedition to Toulon, 352;
funeral charges of, 210;
monument erected in Westminster Abbey, 398;
ships' companies lost with, 6, 11, 14, 178, 247, 455.
Shrewsbury, co. Salop, gaol, 330.
Shrewsbury, Duke of. See Talbot, C.
Shrimpton, [John], major general, 108;
Governor of Gibraltar, 421.
-, -, Mrs., widow of, 421.
Shropshire, Receiver General of Taxes. See Hosier, G.
Shute, John, Commissioner of Customs, 464.
Shuter, John, printer with the Forces in Spain, 391.
Sibourg (Sybourgh), [Charles], brigadier, Regiment of Foot of, 35, 36, 74.
accounts of, Commissioners for, 133.
Agent for, at Jamaica, 90. See also Gyde, J.
at Barbados, allowance for looking after, 237;
at Cadiz, 332;
at Jamaica, money advanced for relief of, 90.
bills of exchange, 268, 380.
clearing quarters, 380.
Commissioners for, 23, 203, 255, 278, 294, 469.
accounts of, 152, 392, 393.
bills drawn on, 294.
new year's gifts, 392.
Office of, money claimed from, 255.
officers of, salaries of, 392.
payment by, 90.
petitions referred to, 90, 133, 237.
reports of, 91, 332.
salaries of, 392.
Secretary to. See Garrard, J.
share of prizes, 361.
to attend or attending the Treasury, 21, 22, 51.
warrant to, 90.
disbursements for, 133, 332.
hospital for, in Jamaica, 23.
office of, books in, recourse to, 22, 23;
issue for, 380.
prisoners at war, subsistence of, 268, 380.
quarters for, 268.
set ashore at Falmouth, 469.
ships for, 90.
Treasurer for. See Povey, [R.];
Savery, T.
Signet, Clerk of, 83, 85, 96, 99, 136, 169, 237, 263, 276, 285, 286, 340, 363, 371, 390, 405, 416, 427, 439, 454, 456, 470;
Office, payment to, 379.
-, Scotland. See Scotland.
Signets, Seals, Stamps and Arms, chief graver of. See Roos, J.
Silks, French, smugglers of, 363.
importation of, assistance given by the Queen's Regiment of Dragoons in hindering, 200.
lustrings and alamodes, Act for the further encouragement of the manufacture of (8–9 Wm. III, c. 36), 101;
brought from Scotland to London, seizure of, 179, 257;
foreign, fine for not exporting, 101.
wrought, seized, 130.
Silver, plate, taken as prize, 325;
remittances for the troops in Spain sent in, 280.
Silvius. See Sylvius.
Simpson (Sympson), David, Keeper of the Library of Holyrood House, 114, 468.
-, Martha, royal bounty for, 336.
-, Peter, slater to the Works, Scotland, 115.
Sinclear, George, merchant in Edinburgh, clerkship to the cocquet of Fife granted to, 126.
-, Sir Robert, of Stevenson, pension of, 116.
Singleton, —, a Customs surveyor, 107.
Skaife, John, clerk, chaplain going to Virginia, 388.
Skamp, John, discovery of estate forfeited for robbery on the highway, 161.
Skye, Isle of, 82.
Slane, Lord. See Fleming, C.
Slater. See Scotland—Works.
Slezeir, —, payment to, upon the Tunnage, Scotland, 117.
Sliford (Slyford), —, Excise fraud, 133.
-, Thomas, petition for allowance of duty on waste salt, 382, 446.
Sligo, Ireland, collector of. See Griffith, T.
Sloper (Slooper), —, agent to the Four Independent Companies in New York, 448.
-, William, of the Army Pay Office, 14, 20, 21, 405.
Slops, for the Navy, 161.
Slyford. See Sliford.
Smallet, Sir James, of Bonhill, a Commissioner for the Union of England and Scotland, 120.
Smalwood, John, of Liverpool, merchant, et al., surety for E. Scarborough, 224.
Smart, John, tools, etc., provided for the Mint at Edinburgh, 148.
Smeaton, John, tidesman, superannuation of, 238.
-, Marmaduke, tidesman, 238.
Smelting Lead with Pitcoal and Seacoal, Governor and Company for, 471.
Smethin (Smethwyn), Samuel, the Queen's Goldsmith, 37, 332, 455.
Smith, —, captain of the Humbar man of war, 375.
-, Ann, a Maid of Honour, 202, 301, 442.
-, Anthony, tidesman, superannuation of, 238.
-, Jam., brother and administrator of Robert, 436.
-, James, merchant, reduction to proof of imported brandy, 138.
-, -, overseer of the Works, Scotland, 469.
-, John, Baron of the Exchequer Court, England, 45;
appointed Baron of the Exchequer Court, Scotland, 237, 322, 410, 459.
-, -, Chancellor and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer, 16;
allowance for robes and vestures, 213;
appointment of, 17;
fees of, 213;
report by, 362, 392;
salary of, 213, 268, 293, 402;
warrant to, 299.
-, -, Speaker of the House of Commons, allowance of, 131, 212;
jewel plate delivered to, 27, 285.
-, -, Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer Court, fees for examining and joining tallies, 107, 151, 211;
Customs fees, 317, 341, 388.
-, -, Page of the Backstairs, riding charges of, 22, 258.
-, -, tidesman at Liverpool, 106.
-, -, of Bideford, Customs debt of, 337.
-, -, merchant at Yarmouth, malt debentures, 452.
-, Richard, merchant, dealer in tin, 101.
-, -, surveyor of duties on Houses, city of London, 393.
-, Robert, of Lord Charlemont's regiment, 436.
-, Thomas, Housekeeper to the House of Commons, 243.
-, -, a magistrate of Glasgow, 186, 204.
-, William, Paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, 291.
-, -, captain, commander of the Burchet privateer, 246, 259, 309.
Smith, master, to Wm. III. See Bache, W.; See also Scotland—Works.
Smugglers, charges of discovering, 363.
Sneeton, John, master of the John's Adventure, 173.
Snelling, William, of London, merchant, 441.
Snepp, —, fine for exporting wool, 242.
Snow, William, Clerk of the Nichils in the Exchequer Court, 193.
Snowdon, Thomas, late of Hartlepool, fish exporter, prisoner in the Fleet, 235.
Snuff, taken as prize, 179.
Soap, boilers, 124;
in London, 259.
imported, duty free, from Holland for Scotland, 122, 129.
works at Leith, grant of exemption from Customs duties, 122, 127, 128.
Soap ashes, imported, duty free, from London for the glass works at Morrison's Haven, 128.
Solicitor General, 9, 37, 146, 262, 363.
Agents for Taxes to attend, 261.
clerks to, fees of, 379;
payment for drawing and copying Proclamations, etc., 386.
fees of, 378.
opinions, 47, 236, 307, 432.
petitions referred to, 145, 152, 179, 259.
reports of, 23, 153, 166, 218, 224, 272, 283, 365, 395, 396, 452.
warrant of, 168.
warrants to, 105, 213, 220, 233, 253, 259, 285, 286, 292, 299, 345, 372, 376, 379, 384, 416, 427, 448, 463, 464. See also Eyre, R.;
Montague, Sir J.
-, Scotland. See Carmichael, W.
Sols. See Coins.
Solway Firth, 82.
Somers, John, Lord Somers, Lord President of the Privy Council, allowance in lieu of ten dishes every meal, 454;
royal bounty for, 454.
Somerset, county of, lands in, 139.
manors in, steward of. See Fownes, R.;
Long, W.
Receiver General of Taxes. See Brawne, C.;
Dixon, G.;
Hutchins, B.
Somerset, Duchess of. See Seymour, Elizabeth.
-, Duke of. See Seymour, C.
Somerset Herald. See Stebbing, S.
Soto, Val de, Count of. See Nugent, [H.]
Southampton, county of, coast of, survey of, for discovery of owlers, 364.
lands in, 174.
Receiver General of Taxes, 429. See also Austin, T.
Surveyor of Duties on Houses. See Johnson, L.;
Warlow, W.
Southampton, co. Southampton, 229;
Comptroller of. See Whalley, J.;
searchers at, 295, 384;
ship at, for the transportation of prisoners, 90;
waiters at, 384.
Southele. See Southwell.
Southerland. See Sutherland.
South Green. See Kirton in Lindsey.
South Queensferry. See Queensferry.
Southwell, co. Nottingham, perpetuity for the schoolmaster of, 408.
Southwell (Southele), Edward, Clerk of the Privy Council, 314, 460.
-, -, Secretary of State for Ireland, 262;
petition for increased salary refused, 25.
-, [William], Regiment of Foot of, 232, 358, 367.
Sowray, Richard, petition for lease of the manor of Beverley, 398.
Spackman (Speckman), John, stamper, resignation of, 76, 471.
SPAIN, 25, 209.
Army in. See Army.
engineer in, 17.
King of (Charles III), 417.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to. See Stanhope, J.;
Envoy Extraordinary to. See Worsley, H.;
Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to. See Stanhope, J.
cannon balls for, 18, 220, 222.
Court of, Secretary in. See Craggs, J.
German troops sent from Italy to the assistance of, 44.
Resident from. See Hoffman, —.
subsidy for, 1, 11, 18, 21, 33, 77, 109, 155, 233, 265, 276, 278, 414, 431.
tents for, 252, 255.
troops of, clothing of, 109, 407;
officers, prisoners in France, 265;
pay of, 11, 33, 109, 233, 265, 407, 414, 431, 452, 453;
regiment of Spanish Foot raised in Portugal, 109.
wheat for, 77.
merchants trading to, 465.
Mint, coining silver species at, 359.
Queen of, going to Genoa, 404.
salt of, Scottish Act concerning the price of (Chas. II, 1681), 123.
ships taken as prize, 179.
wine imported into Edinburgh, duty on, 124.
Sparrow, John, et al., certificate concerning embezzlement of materials of Beaumaris Castle, 9.
Speckman. See Spackman.
Spence, Thomas, Advocate's servant, Scotland, 114.
-, William, Principal Warden of the Mint, Scotland, grant of office of Receiver General of the Bullion Duty, 126.
Spencer, Anne, Countess of Sunderland, a Lady of the Bedchamber, 202, 301.
-, Charles, 4th Earl of Sunderland, Secretary of State, 3 bis, 92, 156, 189, 222, 242, 272, 306, 317, 323, 324, 325, 332, 346, 347, 348, 352, 363, 369, 386, 404, 434, 442;
issues to, for secret service, 85, 151, 176, 255, 358;
salary of, 72, 105, 202, 301.
-, Richard, estate in co. Lancaster, 152.
Spendelow, Thomas, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Stafford, 86.
Spice, —, examination of, in connexion with proceedings for high treason, 332.
Spices, garbling of, as by Act of 1 Jas. I, c. 19, 104;
seizure of, 419.
Spillman, Benjamin, security for Samuel Pacey, 454.
Spittle, Spittell, co. Ayr, barony of, 438.
Spooner, Walter, Inspector of Seizures, Scotland, 372.
Springet (Springate), Anthony, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Sussex, 86, 99, 160, 221, 295.
Spurn Head, co. York, lighthouse at, 306.
Stables. See Royal Mews and Stables.
Stacey, Richard, Master Bricklayer of the Works, 314.
Stafford, county of, Duty on Houses, receipts from, 454.
Land Tax receipts for, 454.
Receiver General of Taxes, representation concerning, by the gentlemen of, 136. See also Bayley, S.;
Burslam, W.;
Spendelow, T.
sheriff of. See Trafford, W.
Stags, in Sherwood Forest, licence to hunt, 83.
Stainer, Sir Samuel, sheriff of London and Middlesex, 299.
Staines Bridge, co. Middlesex, road to Windsor from, 233.
Stair, Earl of. See Dalrymple, J.
Stall, Lady Olive, pension of, 116.
Stamford, Earl of. See Grey, T.
STAMP DUTIES (stamped paper, parchment and vellum, as by 5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 21, continued by 8–9 Wm. III, c. 20 and 9 Wm. III, c. 25), 309.
Commissioners of, 76, 82, 94, 323, 366, 399;
new commission, 213;
payment by, 267;
petitions referred to, 164, 218, 374;
representation from, 235;
warrants to, 103, 309. See also Cornish, H.;
Dyot, R.;
Lloyd, E.;
Martin, R.;
Molesworth, J.;
Pooley, R.
dies or stamps, new, 399.
frauds in, prevention of, Act for (1 Anne, stat. 2, c. 19), 103.
Office, incidents bill, 70, 190, 299, 408, 471;
salary bill, 70, 186, 299, 408, 471;
under officers, assessments on salaries of, 267.
on recognizances taken on account of orphans of the city of London, 309.
paper, stamped, distributor of, 366;
absconded in debt, 218.
prices and rates of, 235;
discount on, 236.
parchment, stamped, distributor of, 366;
rates and prices of, discount on, 236.
prints, rates of, discount on, 236.
receipts from, for distribution to Deficient Funds, 85, 135, 165, 198, 228, 257, 296, 339, 374, 397, 418, 461;
paid into the Exchequer, 374.
Receiver General of. See Evelyn, J.;
Frankland, W.
stampers, 76, 82, 94, 323, 471.
surplus of, application to fund for 160,000l. to the East India Company, 402, 408, 473.
under distributor of, failure of, 164.
vellum, stamped, prices and rates of, 235.
Standards, for the Queen's Regiment of Horse, 110, 163.
Standfast, Richard, of Westminster, bookseller, surety for Charles Gookin, 298.
Standing Wardrobe. See Wardrobe.
Standly, Peter, to attend the Treasury, 22.
Stands, at Hampton Court, repair of, 368.
Stanhope, co. Peebles, feuar of, 61.
Stanhope, Mrs., bed for, 248.
-, Alexander, 233.
-, -, Envoy and Plenipotentiary to the States General, 183, 184;
Envoy Extraordinary to the States General, 187;
Plenipotentiary at the Hague, 187.
-, [James], major general, Commander in Chief of the Forces in Spain, 46, 417, 452, 457, 473.
-, James, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the King of Spain, 31, 71, 280, 358, 360, 365, 375;
Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the King of Spain, 186, 188.
-, Katherine, relict of Alexander, pension of, 233.
-, Mary. See Fane, Mary.
Stanley, James, Earl of Derby, petition to have farthings and half pence made with the motto of the Isle of Man, 226.
-, Sir John, to move the Lord Chamberlain for chairs, carpet and a stool for the Treasury Office, 419.
-, -, a Commissioner of Customs, 220, 464.
-, -, Warden of the Mint, 220.
Stannary Court. See Tin.
Stansted, co. Essex, Princes Road between Hockerill and, 217.
Stanwix, [Thomas], Regiment of Foot of, 36, 74, 195, 203, 232, 389;
to oversee officers employed to make recruits, 48;
transport of recruits to Portugal, 395, 435, 450.
Stanyan (Stanyon), Abraham, Envoy Extraordinary to the Swiss Cantons, 71, 303, 340, 355, 369.
Stanypeth, feuar of, 60.
Starcher, Mistress, to the Queen. See Abrahall, Mrs. Eliz.
Staremberg, Guido, Count Von, Marshal, 33;
Regiment of Imperial Foot of, in Spain, 405.
State Paper Office, Keeper of. See Tucker, J.
Stationery, for Ambassadors, 183, 184, 188–90, 318, 319, 346, 348, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355;
for the Houses of Parliament, 324;
for the Lord Chamberlain's Office, 397;
for the Secretary of State's Offices, 41, 53, 249, 467;
for the Trustees for Circulating Exchequer Bills, 357.
Stebbing, Samuel, Somerset Herald, 313.
-, Thomas, tidesman and boatman at Fowey, 56.
Steingens (Steingherst), [Daniel], Resident from the Elector Palatine, 209.
Stellencleugh, 126.
Stephens (Steven, Stevens), Henry, Deputy Queen's Remembrancer, 157, 211, 230, 270, 308, 342, 373.
-, James, Keeper of the Council Chamber, Treasury and Exchequer Court, Scotland, 439, 465;
deputy usher of the Exchequer Court, Scotland, 114, 116, 439, 465.
-, -, William, son of, Keeper of the Council Chamber, Treasury and Exchequer Court, Scotland, 439.
-, William, tidesman at Plymouth, 254.
Stepney, —, captain of the Bedford man of war, 376.
-, George, Envoy Extraordinary to the States General, 137;
Envoy and Plenipotentiary at Brussels, 212;
Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of Germany, 377, 389.
-, -, a Commissioner for Trade, 150.
Sterling, James, tidewaiter at Tarbet, 420.
-, See also Stirling.
Stert, Richard, of London, merchant, 218, 235, 239.
Stevens. See Stephens.
Stevenson, co. Haddington, 116.
Stevenson, Christopher, of London, merchant, 222, 245.
-, James, tidewaiter at Girvan, 271.
Steward, Sir William, of Castle Stewart, pension of, 116.
Stewart (Steuart, Stuart), —, major general, Regiment of Foot of, in Spain and Portugal, 232, 363, 381, 394, 431, 462.
-, -, major, troop of Scots Horse of, 119.
-, Charles, 5th Duke of Richmond, derelict lands in Lincoln, 293.
-, Daniel, a Commissioner for the Union of England and Scotland, 120.
-, -, farm of the Customs and Excise of Scotland to, 91.
-, -, collector or receiver general of the Bullion Duty, Scotland, 127, 148, 338.
-, David, of Coltness, pension of, 116.
-, Gilbert, merchant, exportation of fish from Scotland, 111.
-, James, 5th Earl of Galloway, Secretary of State of Scotland, 112.
-, Sir James, Lord Advocate of Scotland, 434, 463, 467.
-, James, sutler in Edinburgh Castle for alimenting prisoners, 115.
-, John, underkeeper of the Great Seal, Scotland, 114.
-, Robert, Professor of Philosophy at Edinburgh University, 390.
-, Simeon, Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer Receipt, allowance for sorting and ordering records in the Treasury of the Receipt, 295.
-, Walter, Lord Blantyre, pension of, 115.
-, -, seizure of lustrings and alamodes imported into Scotland, 179, 257.
-, William, 2nd Viscount Mount-joy, Regiment of Foot of, 174, 381.
-, Sir William, of Castlemilk, brother of Daniel, 91, 127.
-, William, debt due to, 113.
-, -, advocate, Queen's Remembrancer, Scotland, 246, 371, 384, 429, 437.
-, -, captain, losses and injuries at the battle of Almanza, 363.
-, -, captain, royal bounty for, 433.
Steyner, Robert, of Droitwich, lease of salt pits, 164.
Stillingfleet, Samuel, steward of the manor of Portland, 223.
Stirling, Sterling, county of, feu duties of, 59;
sheriff of, rents payable by, 65.
Stirling, co. Stirling, borough of, 68.
Castle, garrison at, claim for exemption from Excise duties on beer and ale brewed for, 121;
store master of. See Pardivan, Laird of.
Governor of, 57;
deputy governor. See Erskine, [J.]
Keeper of, feu duties allocated to, 57.
palace in, repair of roof of, 59.
roof of, 57.
corn magazines at, 167, 198.
Post Office, Postmaster of, 182;
runners between Falkirk and, 182.
Stockdale, Robert, Customs collector of Dover, 245.
Stockholm, Sweden, chaplain at, 350, 351;
Commissary at. See Jackson, R.;
rings containing brass wire imported for the pin works at Glasgow and Dundee from, 128.
Stoder, Thomas, extraordinary tidesman, appointed tidesman, 238, 239.
Stone, quarried at Portland, duty of 12d. per ton on, 166, 223, 416.
Stonehaven, Stonhyve, co. Kincardine, Post Office at, Postmaster of, 182.
Stonyhill, co. Lanark, 116.
Stools, covered with crimson damask, for the Treasury, 419;
for the Peregrine galley, 321.
Stormont, Viscount. See Murray, D.
Story, Sa., Deputy Comptroller of Excise, 234.
Stow, co. Edinburgh, regality of, 65.
Straits, The, 234, 269, 375, 437.
Stranraer, Stranrawer, co. Wigtown, borough of, 68.
Strath Earn, Stratherne, co. Perth, lordship of, 61;
stewartry of, rents payable by, 65.
Strathnaver, Lord. See Gordon, J.
Strauchan, —, captain, pension of, 116.
Strickland, James, watchman, London port, 224.
Stringer, [Thomas], colonel, Regiment of Foot of, 255, 387.
Strother, Margaret, royal bounty for, 473.
Strut. See Sturt.
Stuart. See Stewart.
Stubbers, John, of Sandwich, examination of, in connexion with proceedings for high treason, 333.
Studholme, Michael, captain, Keeper or Surveyor of Her Majesty's Roads, 209, 233, 316, 363, 425, 464;
fee and allowance of, 142, 380;
issues to, 34, 217, 261, 328, 365, 372.
Sturdy, John, robber on the highway, 304.
Sturt (Strut), Anthony, Cashier of the Victualling, 152.
Suffolk, county of, Receiver General of Taxes. See Barnardiston, P.;
Love, T.;
Pacey, S.
canes, at St. Christopher, burnt by the French, 84.
Eastern Sugaries, Glasgow, 120.
from Newfoundland, illegally carried to Portugal, 269.
imported into Scotland from London, duty free, 128.
Panellis, imported into Scotland from Bristol, Liverpool and Whitehaven, duty free, 128.
Western Sugaries, Glasgow, 120.
works, at Glasgow, Acts concerning, 123, 124;
exempt from Customs duties, 122, 128.
at Leith, exempt from Customs duties, 120, 122, 128.
Sunderland, Countess of. See Spencer, Anne.
-, Earl of. See Spencer, C.
Surrey, county of, lands in, 25, 212, 437;
Receiver General of Taxes. See Child, L.;
Nuttall, J.;
Weston, J.;
Surveyor of Duties on Houses. See Lucas, J.
Surveyors. See Customs;
Sussex, county of, 332.
coast of, prevention of intercourse and correspondence between French ships and people on, 363, 366;
riding officers on, 155, 449;
ship cast away on, 219;
survey of, for discovery of owlers, 364.
Receiver General of Taxes, 197. See also Dee, J.;
Dee, W.;
Springet, A.;
Bromfeild, F.
Surveyor of Duties on Houses. See Fuller, J.
Sutherland, Southerland, county of, sheriff of, rents payable by, 65.
Sutherland, Countess of. See Gordon, Catharine.
-, Earl of. See Gordon, J.
-, Alexander, minister, payment to, 117.
-, James, Keeper of the Physick Garden, or Botanist, Scotland, 114, 468.
Sutton, co. Devon, 191.
Sutton, Alexander, an out pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, 167.
Suz, Morocco, Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of. See Val, G. de la.
Swabia, Circle of, subsidy to, 276, 277.
Swainmote Court, Windsor Forest, 28.
Swanton, [Thomas], captain, commander of the Exeter, 202.
Sweden, King of, 213, 417;
Envoy Extraordinary to. See Robinson, J.
pacquets and letters forwarded by the Resident with the Hanse Towns to, 318.
ship of, seized, 106.
Sweet, —, 412, 463;
issue to, for the hospital in Flanders, 357.
Sweets, duties on. See Excise—duties, on malt;
for the House of Commons, 80, 313.
Swift, Arthur, Deputy Paymaster of the Marine Regiments, 250.
Swinley Rails. See Windsor Forest.
Swinton, Sir John, of Leys, 249;
a Commissioner of the Equivalent Fund, 79.
Swiss Cantons, Envoy Extraordinary to. See Aglionby, W.;
Stanyan, A.
Switzerland, the Queen's picture set in diamonds sent to, 274.
Sybourgh. See Sibourg.
Sydney, Henry, Earl of Romney, 27;
dowry of Catherine of Bragança, 27.
Sylvius (Silvius), Dame Ann, relict and executrix of Sir Gabriel, royal bounty for, 26, 280.
-, Sir Gabriel, Envoy in Denmark, pension of, 26.
Syme, Patr., slater to the Works, Scotland, 115.
Symonds, John, tidesman and weigher at Yarmouth, 360.
-, Peter, waiter and searcher at Mevagissy, 254.
-, Richard, tidesman, inferior list, London port, 105.
Sympson. See Simpson.