Index: P

Pages 586-598

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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Pacey, Samuel, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Suffolk, 87, 98, 325, 366, 429, 454, 458.

-, William, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Norfolk, 97;

executor and brother of Samuel, petition to be appointed Receiver General of Taxes, co. Suffolk, 325.

Pack, Jos., security for Samuel Pacey, 454.

Package and Scavage, duty of, 214.

Pacquet Boats. See Post Office.

Padstow, co. Cornwall, waiters and searchers at, 154, 155.

Page, George, tidesman in Lynn port, 360.

Page of the Backstairs. See Royal Bedchamber.

Pages of the Presence. See Royal Household.

Paice, Joseph, merchant, payment of subsistence of the Forces at New York, 464.

Painter. See Scotland—Works;

Works—Serjeant Painter.

Paisley, co. Renfrew, lordship of, 61;

Postmaster of, 182;

regality of, 65.

Palaces. See Royal Palaces.

Palatinate, Germany, Elector Palatine, Court of, officers and servants of, 156;

payment for journey to Vienna, 276, 278;

Resident from. See Steingens, D.;

subsidy to, 39, 52, 194, 462;

treaty with, 277;

troops of, 36, 39, 209, 277, 288, 414, 444.

Protestants (Lutherans) of, going to New York, 297, 385;

relief and subsistence of, 230, 258, 261;

royal bounty for, 336, 422, 433, 434;

tools, etc., for, 247.

Palmer, Charles, royal bounty for, 7,473.

-, Francis, Envoy Extraordinary to the Duke of Savoy, 93, 104.

Palmes, Guy, annuity or pension granted out of the Post Office to, 384, 420.

Paper, for Ambassadors, 156, 352, 353, 355.

for the House of Commons, 145.

for the Exchequer Court, Scotland, 241, 439.

for the Treasury, Scotland, 439.

imported for the Printing House at Edinburgh from Lisbon and London, duty free, 129.

pressing, imported for the Printing House at Edinburgh from London, duty free, 129.

stamped. See Stamp Duties.

white, Act concerning manufactory of, 124.

Paper Duty, granting a Duty on paper, pasteboard, vellum and parchment for two years from 1 March, 1696–7, to encourage bringing plate to the Mint (Paper for Plate), as by 8–9 Wm. III, c. 7, deficiencies of, and applications of revenue to, 85, 135, 166, 199, 229, 258, 297, 339, 374, 397, 418, 443, 461.

Paper Office. See State Paper Office.

Papillon, Philip, Cashier of the Victualling, 152, 321.

Parchment, for Customs officers, 158;

for the Exchequer Court, Scotland, 241;

stamped. See Stamp Duties.

Pardivan, Laird of, storemaster of Stirling garrison, 119.

Pardon, Mary, royal bounty for, 473.

Paris, France, 35, 108, 149, 415.

Parke (Park), Daniel, Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Leeward Caribbee Islands, 104;

allowance of, 207, 382, 413.

-, James, clerk to the cocquet at Leith, 126.

-, Richard, lands in St. Botolph's, Aldgate, 172.

-, -, Customs debt of, 239.

Parker (Parkur), —, counsel for Sir J. Crew, 8.

-, Sir Henry, baronet, lease of Tiddington Farm, 136.

-, -, searcher of Sandwich, 218.

-, Miles, Receiver General of Taxes for the county, city and university of Oxford, 98.

Parkhurst, John, a Commissioner for Prizes, 361.

Parks. See Royal Parks.

Parkur. See Parker.

PARLIAMENT, Acts of, concerning—

Annuities (3–4 Anne, c. 2), 177;

(4–5 Anne, c. 18), 178, 187, 230, 408;

(6 Anne, c. 2), 230, 253, 317, 432;

(6 Anne, c. 39), 19, 20, 29, 31, 32, 34, 134, 169, 215, 220, 227, 228, 229, 252, 279, 287, 289, 291, 328, 337, 432;

(6 Anne, c. 48), 10, 32, 34, 35, 38, 40, 47, 162, 163, 168, 170, 171, 178, 188, 191, 244, 291, 337, 357, 365, 368, 370, 380, 414, 423, 432.

Army Debentures (Private Act 4–5 Anne, c. 40), 24;

(Public Act 6 Anne, c. 33), 24.

Army, recruiting for (6 Anne, c. 45), 151.

Assessments (11 Wm. III, c. 2), 465;

(12–13 Wm. III, c. 10), 465;

(1 Anne, c. 6), 465;

(7 Anne, c. 1), 465.

Cider and perry (8–9 Wm. III, c. 22;

13–14 Wm. III, c. 5;

1 Anne, st. 2, c. 3;

2–3 Anne, c. 2;

3–4 Anne, c. 17;

4–5 Anne, c. 17;

6 Anne, c. 5), 139.

Civil List (1 Anne, c. 1), 308, 438.

Coinage (8–9 Wm. III, c. 2), 101.

Coins, foreign, in the Plantations, rates of (6 Anne, c. 57), 221, 417.

Cornwall, Duchy of (6 Anne, c. 52), 264.

Cruisers and Convoys to protect merchant ships and secure trade (6 Anne, c. 65), 271, 334.

Customs seizures (3 Hen. VII, c. 7), 444.

Deficiencies of several Funds (1 Anne, c. 7), 14, 17, 20, 88.

East India Company (6 Anne, c. 71), 17, 18, 173, 231, 337.

Exchequer Bills (1 Anne, c. 7;

8–9 Wm. III, c. 24;

12–13 Wm. III, c. 1), 226;

(6 Anne, c. 21), 55, 73, 190, 412.

Fish (ling, herring and cod), importation of (18 Car. II, [c. 2]), 456.

Frauds (14 Car. II, c. 11), 333, 443.

Hawkers, Pedlars and Petty Chapmen (8–9 Wm. III, c. 25;

9–10 Wm. III, c. 27), 230.

Houses (6 Anne, c. 21), 55, 306.

Lustrings (8–9 Wm. III, c. 36), 101.

Malt Lottery Tickets (1 Anne, c. 7), 304.

Marines, recruiting (6 Anne, c. 45), 151.

Million Lottery Tickets (5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 7), 390.

Mutiny (3–4 Anne, c. 5), 344.

Naval officers, superannuated (6 Anne, c. 35, cl. 80), 336.

Prizes, Customs on (6 Anne, c. 73), 275.

Rice, Colonel John (4–5 Anne, c. 40), 224, 464;

(6 Anne, c. 33), 464.

Rich, Nathaniel, private Act compounding debt with the Exchequer of (6 Anne, c. 18), 29, 95, 283.

Salt, white, allowance for waste (6 Anne, c. 29), 107.

Scotland, Union with (6 Anne, c. 11), 283.

Ships, tonnage of (5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 20), 263.

Spices, garbling of (1 Jas. I, c. 19), 105.

Stamp Duties (5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 21), 309;

(9 Wm. III c. 25), 309;

(1 Anne, st. 2, c. 19), 103;

(6 Anne, c. 2, cl. 31), 103.

Subsidies (6 Anne, c. 27), 199, 221.

Tobacco (25 Car. II, c. 7), 223;

(7–8 Wm. III, c. 22), 223.

Tonnage and Poundage (6 Anne, c. 27), 49;

(6 Anne, c. 73), 48, 50, 174, 175, 188, 317, 451.

Trade (6 Anne, c. 65), 456;

to America, encouragement of (6 Anne, c. 64), 221, 307;

to Newfoundland (10 Wm. III, c. 14), 269.

Trade and Commerce with France, prohibition of (3–4 Anne, c. 12), 366.

Transports (6–7 Wm. and Mary, c. 7), 309.

Treason (25 Edw. III, c. 2), 366.

printing, payment for, 324.

-, Houses of, accommodation of, 224;

burning of, papers submitted by Customs Commissioners, Scotland, lost in, 121;

members of, letters of, 180;

stationery for, 324.

-, Ireland. See Ireland.

-, Scotland. See Scotland.

Parran, John, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Oxford, 86.

Parrisflat, feuar of, 59.

Parrot, William, merchant, reduction to proof of imported brandy, 138.

-, -, housekeeper of the office of the Trustees for Circulating Exchequer Bills, 228, 357.

Parry, Thomas, payment for cooperage, etc., upon the lading of a ship, 177.

Parsons, Agnes, widow, royal bounty for, 25, 280, 473.

-, Edward, debt for tobacco duties, 172.

-, Philip, additional assistant to the Surveyor of the warehouse in London port, 106.

Partis, Matthias, surety for, 420.

Partridges, house in St. James's Park for, 379.

Paschal, John, a Commissioner for Prizes, 361.

Passinger, —, captain of the Royal Oak man of war, 375.

Paston, Charles, Lord Paston, Regiment of Foot of, 36, 155, 176, 232;

sea service regiment of, 73, 84, 109, 110, 322, 377.

Patching, Thomas, outlawed for murder, estate of, 77, 168.

Patent Officers. See Customs.

Paterson, James, messenger in the Exchequer, Scotland, debt due to relict of, 114.

-, William, accomptant for the Union of England and Scotland, 120.

Patman, John, tidesman, inferior list, London port, 155.

Patuxent, Maryland, collector of. See Muschamp, G.;

Receiver of. See Plater, G.;

tobacco exported from, 1d. per lb. duty on, 223.

Paul, John, captain of the Hastings, prizes taken by, 428, 456.

Pawlet, Thomas, tidewaiter in London port, 155.

Peacock, Robert, of Witchford, 458.

Pearce (Pearse, Peirce), —, examination of, in connexion with proceedings for high treason, 332.

-, Edward, Regiment of Dragoons of, 74, 329, 381, 394.

-, John, senior, tidesman at Plymouth, 360.

-, Joseph, tidesman in Bristol port, 361.

-, Richard, one of the undersearchers, London port, 131.

-, [Thomas], Regiment of Foot of, 36, 74, 195, 203, 232, 389.

Peck, Daniel, Deputy Receiver General of Crown Lands Rents and Revenues in North Wales (Anglesey, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Flint, Merioneth and Montgomery) and Chester, appointed Receiver General, 74, 105, 209, 230;

patent revoked, 340.

Pedlars. See Hawkers.

Peebles, county of, sheriff of, rents payable by, 65.

Peebles, co. Peebles, borough of, 68.

Peers, House of, See Lords, House of.

Peirce. See Pearce.

Peirson, —, petition of merchants of London concerning Customs debentures, 221.

-, -, Customs collector at Plymouth, 384.

-, Oliver, landwaiter, London port, 201.

Pelham, Henry, Clerk of the Pells, allowance for locking up Her Majesty's treasure, 80;

for attending the Lord High Treasurer, 80;

for attendance in vacation, 80;

allowance in lieu of fees, 72;

clerk to. See Corbet, J.

Pembroke, county of, Justices of, Chief Justice. See Neave, P.;

Whitaker, C.;

Second Justice. See Webb, T.

gentlemen, merchants, etc., of, complaint of, 139.

Receiver General of Taxes. See Howell, G.

Pembroke Ferry, co. Pembroke, tidesmen and boatmen at, 155.

Penant, co. Carmarthen, 255.

Penean [Penmon], co. Anglesey, 152.

Penman, James, assay master for the Company of Goldsmiths of Edinburgh, to be assay master of the Mint at Edinburgh, 262.

Penmon. See Penean.

Penn, John, tidesman, inferior list, London port, 105.

-, William, of Smith Street, Westminster, surety for Charles Gookin, 298.

Pennicook. See Pennycuick.

Pennsylvania, deputy governor of. See Gookin, C.;

Indian corn planted in, 259;

potash planted in, crop taken by the French, 259;

tobacco planted in, 259.

Pennycuick, Pennicook, co. Edinburgh, Laird of, a Commissioner for the Union of England and Scotland, 120.

Penrhos-Lligwy. See Ligwigg.

Penryn, co. Cornwall, 320, 387.

Pens, for Ambassadors, 156, 352, 353, 355;

for the Treasury and Exchequer Court, Scotland, 439.

Pensioners, Band of. See Gentlemen Pensioners.

PENSIONS, annulment of, 213.

on the Chatham Chest, 34, 328.

on the Establishment, Ireland, 93, 138, 253, 261, 266, 312, 362, 428, 440.

on First Fruits and Tenths, 218, 242.

on logwood duties, 313.

on the Post Office, 38, 384, 420, 463.

Scotland, 27, 57, 78, 115, 116.

Queen's private pensions, Paymaster of. See Compton, S.

names of pensioners

Abercrombie, A.

Aboyne, Earl of.

Ancour, Mary de.

Anstruther, Lord.

Arnot, —, major.

Baker, Elizabeth.

Baker, J.

Baldovin, F. la.

Banff, Lady, representatives of.

Baricave, Rose.

Barquet, Mary du.

Beguier, Jeane.

Bellenden, Lord.

Bertie, Lord.

Blagny, Mary de.

Blair, A.

Blantyre, Lord.

Bogie, Lady, and her daughter.

Boitout, Mary.

Boucher, Eliz.

Brabant, F.

Brennem, D.

Brouncker, Viscount.

Brown, H.

Bryer, M.

Buchan, Earl of.

Caldwell, Eliz.

Carlisle, Mary.

Carlisle, Sarah.

Carnwath, Earl of.

Carrick, Lady.

Cathcart, Master of.

Cave, J.

Cessnock, Lord.

Chandler, R.

Chantrell, Barbara.

Chapelle, Mary la.

Clarendon, Earl of.

Cleveland, Duchess of.

Cock, J.

Cock, Mary.

Cockburn, J.

Conway, M.

Cour, Mary Vicouze de la.

Cox, Sir R.

Crawford, Earl of.

Crawford, Earl of, children of.

Cressaron, C. de.

Cromarty, Earl of.

Culloden, Lord of.

Dallons, Frances.

Donegal, Dowager Countess of.

Douglas, Duke of.

Douglas, R.

Dublin and Tuam, archbishop of.

Dufaux, Marie Anne La Motte.

Dundas, —, captain, relict of.

Dupplin, Viscount.

Eagles, E.

Eglinton, Earl of.

Errard, Magdalen.

Erroll, Earl of.

Fannen, J.

Farley, Mariana.

Farrel, W.

Feltham, L.

Felton, T.

Findlater, Earl of.

Forfar, Earl of.

Forgland, Lord.

Fort, J. la.

Fox, P.

Frescheville, J.

Frote, Charlotte.

Fullerton, —, lieutenant colonel, relict of.

Garrett, P.

Gastigny, J.

Gibbons, T.

Glenarchy, Lord.

Glencairn, Earl of.

Goisy, Judith de.

Gordon, A.

Grafton, Dowager Duchess of.

Grafton, Duke of.

Grosvenor, Anne.

Hall Craig, Lord.

Hamilton, Lord Archibald.

Hamilton, Dame Eliz.

Hay, Lady.

Hext, A.

Higgens, A.

Holland, Sir John.

Howell, E.

Hubbelthorne, C.

Hunt, N.

Hyndford, Earl of.

Ickston, —.

Johnston, E.

Johnston, Martha.

Johnston, Mary.

Kerr alias Brothwick, Jane.

Killigrew, W.

Kincardine, Earl of.

King, J.

Kinnoul, Earl of.

Kintore, Earl of.

Lane, T.

Levington, —.

Lindots, Lord.

Lisle, Mary de.

Lom, P. de.

Lorin, Margaret.

Louvigny, Jane Debenne.

Lowder, T.

McNeal, Mary.

Man, Isle of, poor ministers in.

Marchmont, Earl of.

Marmande, Charlotte Tallemant.

Maucler, Anne.

Megginch, Laird of.

Melville, Earl of.

Middlesex, Earl of.

Monroe, A., representatives of.

Montfegur, M. de.

Montgomery, J.

Montmillan, Marguerite Debar.

Mowat, Lady.

Murray, —, lieutenant colonel, relict of.

Napier, Lady, representatives of.

Nevuille, Claude Margarett de.

Nicholson, W.

Ogilvy, G.

Ormistoun, Lord.

Palmes, G.

Phillips, C.

Pignot, Louise.

Pignot, Mary.

Pilligrin, P.

Porter, —, captain, et al.

Potts, G.

Power, Lord.

Pratt, J.

Prichard, T.

Puis, Frances du.

Pyron, J.

Ray, Lord.

Renaud, Franĉoise Marie.

Reynolds, A.

Ricard, Judith.

Roscommon, Earl of.

Rosebery, Earl of.

St. Albans, Duke of.

Sanders, W.

Sarrau, Margaret.

Sarrau, Susanna.

Satin, Lord.

Seafield, Earl of.

Sefton, J.

Sergeant, J.

Sharp, Sir W.

Sinclear, Sir R.

Stall, Lady Olive.

Stanhope, Katherine.

Steward, Sir W.

Stewart, D.

Strauchan, —, captain.

Sutherland, Earl of.

Sutton, A.

Sylvius, Sir G.

Tarbat, Viscount.

Thirlcott, J.

Tillicoultry, Lord.

Tonks, Ann.

Tugny, Judith de.

Vawdry, J.

Veron, Eliza.

Vibron, Mrs.

Wandel, Lord.

Whitehill, Lord.

Whitelaw, Lord.

Williams, Mrs. Abigail.

Willoughby, Elizabeth.

Willoughby, F.

Wilshaw, T.

Winstanley, Elizabeth.

Wyndham, Sir F.

Wyndham, Frances.

Wyndham, Rachel.

Wyvell, Anne.

Yates, N., heirs of.

Young, W.

Penwith, co. Cornwall, hundred of, 141, 153.

Pepper, [John], brigadier general, Regiment of Dragoons of, 35, 74.

-, Peter, tidesman and boatman at Harwich, 425.

Pepys, Samuel, Treasurer of Tangier, Clerk of the Acts of the Navy and Secretary of the Admiralty, 261, 272.

Perkins, Math., clerk of the Wood Yard to the Royal Household of William III, 287.

-, William, petition to cut down decayed pollard trees on an estate at Twickenham, 77.

Perpetuities to—

Clifton Dartmouth Hardness corporation, granted by Hen. VII, 162, 366.

Cotton, Sir J., 300.

Dupplin, Viscount, charged on the Four and a Half per cent. Duty, 92.

Eton College, Provost and Fellows of, 93.

Fairfax, colonel, heirs of, 302.

St. Botolph's, Aldgate, for relief of the poor, 108, 132.

St. John Baptist, Walbrook, poor of, 140.

St. Magnus, London, poor of, 132.

Southwell, schoolmaster of, 408.

Tower, The, Vicar of, 70.

Perry (Pery), John, petition for payment out of the Hereditary Excise to, 145.

-, Micajah, petition on behalf of the Receiver General of Virginia, 464.

-, [Nathaniel], ensign, of Lord Paston's regiment, 110.

-, William, one of the children of the Chapel Royal, clothes allowance of, 75.

Perry, duties on. See Cider.

Persia, 448.

Persode, Peter, lost annuity orders on the Tonnage and Additional Subsidies in the name of, 151.

Perth, county of, sheriff of, rents payable by, 65.

Perth, co. Perth, borough of, 68.

Hospital, 68.

Post Office, Postmaster of, 182;

runner, 182.

Pery. See Perry.

Peterborough, Earl of, See Mordaunt, C.

Peters, Robert, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Hertford, 87, 98, 433.

Peterson, [And.], lieutenant, of Lord Paston's regiment, 322.

-, Andrew, wright to the Works, Scotland, 115.

-, Martin, a Swedish subject, master of a Swedish ship, 106.

-, Michael, tidesman at Plymouth, 254.

Petty Bag, Clerk of, 168, 463.

Peyton, Craven, Warden of the Mint, 220.

Pheasants, house in St. James's Park for, 370, 379.

Phesdo, Lord, a Commissioner for the Union of England and Scotland, 119.

Philadelphia, chaplain going to. See Evans, E.

Philiphaugh, Lord of. See Murray, Sir J.

Phillip, John, Treasury Accomptant, Scotland, 468.

Phillips (Philips), —, colonel, payment for keeping prisoners, 28.

-, Constantine, sergeant, an outpensioner of Chelsea Hospital, 167.

-, John, captain, gift from the Queen at the christening of his child, 443.

-, William, sheriff of co. Leicester, 319.

Phillipson, Francis, deputy auditor of Excise, Scotland, 233.

Philosophy, Professors of, at Edinburgh University. See Erskine, C.;

Law, W.;

Scot, W.;

Stewart, R.;

at Glasgow University, 390.

Philp, John, cocquet of Campbeltown, 127.

-, -, cocquet at Glasgow, 127.

Phips, —, counsel for Lord Bulkeley, 9.

Physic, Professor of, at Cambridge University. See Green, [C.]

Physician in Ordinary to Wm. III. See Harris, W.

Piaget, Amy, captain, going into Her Majesty's service in Portugal, royal bounty for, 291, 292.

Pickhaver, John, extraordinary tidesman, proposed as tidesman, 239.

Pictures, frames for, 248.

of the Queen, full length, 248;

in enamel, 248;

set with diamonds, 274.

Pieces of Eight. See Coins.

Piedmont, Italy, money of, 4, 10, 13, 16, 17, 22, 33, 36, 45, 100, 104, 164, 176, 188, 216, 229, 263, 289, 357, 410, 411.

Piere, John la, chaplain going to Carolina, passage money of, 144.

Pierrepont, Evelyn, Marquis of Dorchester, 366.

Pignot, Louise, pension of, 234.

-, Mary, pension of, 234.

Pigott, John, payment for gravel for roadway on the Princes Road between Hockerill and Stansted, 217.

Pilchard fishery, co. Cornwall, hardships suffered by persons concerned in, 82;

salt for, 320, 337.

Pilligrin, Paul, an out pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, 167.

Pillson, James, collector of Fowey, 305.

Pilots. See Customs.

Pin, works at Dundee, 128;

works at Glasgow, 128.

Pincaithland, Scotland, 115.

Pisa, Italy, 346.

Pisani, [Francesco], Ambassador from Venice, present of picture of the Queen set with diamonds for, 274.

Pistoles. See Coins.

Pitch, to be brought from an unfrequented port, 306.

Pitfiran, Lady. See Halket, Dame Janet.

Pitfirrane, co. Fife, 122.

Pitmedden, Pitmidden, Pittmedden, co. Aberdeen, 79.

laird of, a Commissioner for the Union of England and Scotland, 120;

payment to, 116.

Pitsligo, co. Aberdeen, blench holder of, 60.

Pittenweem, co. Fife, borough of, 68;

regality of, rent payable by, 64.

Pittmedden. See Pitmedden.

Plain. See Plean.

Plaisted, Ichabed, payment to, 341.

-, John, cutting masts above size from woods in America, 341.

Planks. See Wood.

PLANTATIONS and Colonies, Auditor-General of, See Blathwayt, W. coals carried from Whitehaven, Liverpool and Scotland to, certificate of duties on, 94.

coins, foreign, in, Act for ascertaining the rates of (6 Anne, c. 57), 221.

Customs officers in, collection of duties on prize goods, 307;

salary bill of, 95, 316.

Duty, appropriation out of, for fund for paying annuities, 472.

goods, export to France of, 465.

Ordnance stores in, account of, 326.

pacquet boats between England and, discharge of old contract, 83;

new contract, 83.

potashes in, manufacture of, 316;

transportation of persons to be employed in, 337.

revenue in, under the management of the Customs Commissioners, state of, 3.

See also Trade and Plantations.

Plasterers, at Berkeley House, 133;

at Greenwich Hospital, 133;

at Hampton Court, 133;

at St. James's, 133;

at Windsor, 133. See also Works—master plasterer.

Plater, George, colonel, Receiver of Patuxent, 164, 223.

Playell. See Pleyell.

Plean, Plain, co. Stirling, 61.

Plettell, John Jacob, and family, poor Palatines going to settle in New York, 231.

Plevenon, Pleuvenon, France, 420.

Pleyell (Playell), John, Keeper in Hyde Park, 192, 304.

Plumber. See Scotland—Works;


Plumley, Francis, landwaiter at Minehead, 254.

Pluscardin, co. Elgin, feuar of, 60.

Plymouth, co. Devon, 285, 461.

boatmen at, 224, 360.

collector of. See Morris, D.;

Peirson, —.

Customs officers at, exorbitant demands made by, 235.

goods seized out of Dutch ship at, 419.

Postmaster at, 310.

prizes, officers of, exorbitant demands made by, 235;

sub-Receiver for. See Roche, W.

ships, for the transportation of prisoners, 90;

hired to act as pacquet boats, 310.

tidesmen at, 105, 154, 155, 254, 360.

tidesurveyor at, 283.

tidewaiters at, 298;

put on board ship, 235.

warehousekeepers at, 106.

Yard, officers and clerks of, repayment of tax assessments on salaries of, 223, 257, 366.

Pocklington, John, Second Justice of Chester, Denbigh, Flint and Montgomery, 137, 247, 256, 294, 453, 460.

Podikshaw [? Pottishaw], co. Linlithgow, 438.

Poer, Lord. See Power, Lord.

Polacres (Pole-Axes), French, taken as prize, 376.

Poland, pacquets and letters forwarded by the Resident with the Hanse Towns to, 318.

Polgavie, Scotland, 63.

Pollexphen, John, a Commissioner for Trade, 141.

Pollock, Sir Robert, troop of Dragoons of, 119.

- See also Pullock.

Polwarth, Lord. See Hume, P.

Poole, co. Dorset, landwaiters at, 455;

Receiver General of Taxes. See Derby, B.;

Derby, J.

Poole, Timothy, clerk, payment for preaching in the Chapel Royal at Hampton Court, 406.

Pooley, Robert, a Commissioner of Stamp Duties, 213.

Poor, of Ayr, 67;

of Dunfermline Hospital, 67;

of Inverness, 68;

of London, relief and support of, 150, 471;

of St. Botolph's, Aldgate, perpetuity for, 108, 132;

of St. John Baptist, Walbrook, perpetuity for, 140;

of St. Magnus, London, perpetuity for, 132;

of St. Mary's Hospital, Aberdeen, 67;

of the precinct of the Savoy, allowance due to, 26, 310.

Pope, —, examination of, in connexion with proceedings for high treason, 332.

-, Andrew, lieutenant, taken prisoner near Courtrai, 473.

-, Richard, petition for grant of the lands of Clonad, 187.

-, [Thomas], lieutenant, of Lord Paston's regiment, 110.

Popill, Scotland, feuar of, 61.

Poplar, co. Middlesex, 212.

Popple, John, 234.

-, William, junior, Secretary to the Commissioners for Trade, 172, 221, 247, 316, 335, 422, 434;

payments to, 70, 94, 230, 258, 261, 324, 385;

salary of, 141, 229, 459.

Pork, taken as prize, 342.

Port Mahon, Minorca, 46, 417.

Port St. Mary, Spain, 325.

Portanti, for Ambassadors, 347.

Portcullis Pursuivant. See Heskett, J.

Porter, —, captain, et al., pensions of, in connexion with discovery of owlers, 364.

-, Charles, Remembrancer of First Fruits and Tenths, 290.

-, Thomas, captain, of the Duke of Bolton's regiment, 454.

-, -, Martha, widow of, 454.

Portland, co. Dorset, manor of, Courts of, 223;

steward of. See Stillingfleet, S.

stone quarries at, 12d. per ton duty on stone taken from, 166, 223, 416;

licences to work, 223.

Portman, Henry, Keeper of Hyde Park, 3, 89, 157.

Portmore, Lord. See Colyear, D.

Portpatrick, co. Wigtown, 290;

pacquet boats between Donaghadee and, 180, 181, 182;

Postmaster of, 182.

Portsmouth, co. Southampton, 168, 430.

convoy at, 44.

landwaiter at, 305.

Navy ships at, pay of, 53, 470.

Ordnance wharf and warehouse at, 10, 378, 407.

Transport Office account at, disbursements on, 49.

wheat shipped at, to be carried to Spain, 1.

Yard, defence work at, 18, 222;

refund of tax assessments on salaries of the officers and clerks of, 223, 257, 366.


Ambassadors to, 51, 183, 457;

Ambassadors Extraordinary to. See Galway, Earl of;

Methuen, J.;

Methuen, P.;

Secretary to. See Le Fevre, T.

Army in. See Army—in Portugal;

in Spain and Portugal.

brandy imported from, reduction to proof of, 101.

debt in respect of dowry of Catherine of Braganĉa due to Chas. II, 27.

Envoy from, 92, 266, 306, 365, 382, 393, 395, 465. See also Cunha, Don Luis da.

horses bought by the States General transported to, 146.

King of, 70.

adjutant general serving under, 265.

arms for, 266.

bed for, 382.

horses for, 10, 254;

compensation for loss of, 51.

lieutenant general serving under, 265.

major general serving under, 265.

mourning for, 352.

subsidy to, 2, 5, 14, 52, 84, 158, 161, 194, 238, 242, 254, 276, 278, 364, 415, 419, 452, 462.

troops in Catalonia in the pay of, 415.

lace, gold and silver, for exportation to, seizure of, 54.

merchants trading to, 465.

money, silver, licences to export, 92.

Navy ships ordered to, 458.

pacquet boats employed between Falmouth and, 54, 179, 207, 395. See also Lisbon.

Queen of, bed for, valuation of, 393, 395.

voyage from Holland to Lisbon, 405;

Customs officer to inspect goods and provisions for, 338;

entertainment on, 34, 330, 374;

in the Royal Anne man of war, 328;

servants of the Royal Household attending, 37.

Regiment of Spanish Foot raised in, 109.

remittances for the Army in Spain by way of, 359.

salt for Newfoundland from, 269.

sugar from Newfoundland illegally carried to, 269.

tobacco from Newfoundland illegally carried to, 269.

traders to, irregular practices of, 172.

Treasury of, bills drawn on, 365.

troops of, cloth for, 70, 218, 235, 239;

hats for, 239;

in Catalonia, 242;

in Spain, remittances for, 5, 364;

neckcloths for, 111;

pay of, 194, 276, 278, 419;

shirts for, 111.


annuity out of, 372, 408, 413.

General, officers of, repayment of Land Tax assessments on salaries not exceeding 60l. per annum, 105.

incidents bill, 143, 260, 370, 433.

letters sent to Scotland, postage on, 180.

members' letters, payment for delivering, 143.

officer to be sent to Edinburgh, 180.

pacquet boats, 7.

at Falmouth, agent to. See Rogers, Z.

at Gibraltar, 15.

between Dover and Ostend, 310.

between England and the Island Plantations in America, discharge of old contract, 83;

new contract for, 83.

between England and Portugal, 54, 179, 207, 395.

between Falmouth and Lisbon, attacked by a French privateer, 179, 310;

cloth and hats for the Portuguese Army carried by, 70, 102, 218, 235, 239, 306;

French officers carried by, 291, 332;

hire of ships to act as, 310;

new boat to be built, 310;

prize money for, 179;

recruits transported by, 435, 450, 451;

refitment of, 311;

sick soldiers carried by, 469.

to Holland, 370.

to Jamaica and the Leeward Islands, 49, 381.

for the West Indies, petition concerning contract for, 258, 335.

Penny, officers of, repayment of Land Tax assessments on salaries not exceeding 60l. per annum, 105.

pensions payable out of, 38, 384, 420, 463.

Postmasters General, 7, 291, 332, 451;

payments by, 72, 207, 410, 413;

petition referred to, 70;

reports of, 102, 179, 180, 181, 218, 239, 335, 395, 435, 450;

warrants to, 72, 102, 105, 239, 258, 410, 463.

See also Cotton, Sir R.;

Evelyn, J.;

Frankland, Sir T.

Receiver General of, 83, 469. See also Lilly, S.

revenue, suffers by the number of letters sent under cover of the pacquets of the Secretaries of State of Scotland, 181.

Secretary Pacquet, account of, 181.

ship letters, 143, 370.

Trayned Bands, Marshal of. See Kellett, H.

See also Berwick-upon-Tweed.

Bishop's Stortford.




St. Albans.

-, Scotland. See Scotland.

Potash, from Pennsylvania, seized by the French, 259.

imported into Scotland, duty free, 127, 128.

manufacture of, in the Plantations, 316;

transportation of persons to be employed in, 337.

Potomac, Maryland, Receiver of. See Muschamp, G.;

tobacco exported from, 1d. per lb. duty on, 223.

Potomac River, Virginia, 431.

Pots, chamber, for the Peregrine galley, 321.

Pottinger, John, Comptroller of the Pipe, Customs fees of, 388.

Pottishaw. See Podikshaw.

Potts, George, an out pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, 167.

-, Luke, tidewaiter at Preston Pans, 321.

Poultney (Poulteney, Pultney), Daniel, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Denmark, 71, 303, 351.

-, John, a Commissioner for Trade, 141, 341.

-, Thomas, brigadier general, Commander against the late intended invasion upon Scotland, 257, 270.

-, Sir William, messuages and tenements in the bailiwick of St. James's granted by Chas. II to, 273.

Poultry, rents payable in, 62, 63.

Pounds, belonging to the manor of Cookham, 147, 270.

Pousle, Sir Benjamin, bill of exchange on, 192.

Povey, John, a Clerk of the Privy Council, 314, 460.

-, [Richard], Treasurer for the Sick and Wounded, 393.

Powell (Powle), Caleb, Receiver General of Taxes for cos. Brecon, Montgomery and Radnor, 99.

-, [Henry], Speaker of the House of Commons, jewel plate delivered to, 27.

-, Samuel, Serjeant at Arms attending the House of Commons, 80, 243, 313.

-, William, tidesman at Bristol, 105.

-, -, royal bounty for, 473.

Power (Poer), Jeffrey, merchant, executor of John Smith, 337, 434.

-, John, Lord Power, petition for pension, 24;

royal bounty for, 10, 336.

Powle. See Powell.

Powlett, Charles, 2nd Duke of Bolton, Governor of the Isle of Wight and Receiver General of the Revenue, 37, 328;

Lord Warden of the New Forest, 464;

Regiment of Foot of, 454.

Powys, —, counsel for — Egerton concerning fishing pools in Delamere Forest, 7.

Praed, [Louis Lescure de la Prade], minister of the French church at Wapping, 24, 388.

Pratt, John, an out pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, 167.

-, [Samuel], Doctor, minister or lecturer of the Savoy, 26, 310.

Prayer books, for the chapel of the Governor of New York, 270.

Prendergast (Prendergrass), Sir Thomas, Regiment of Foot of, 19, 208.

Preston, Lord. See Graham, E.

Preston Grange, co. Haddington, 58.

feuar of, 60, 62.

glass works at, wood ashes imported, duty free, from London for, 128.

Laird of, 60;

a Commissioner for the Union of England and Scotland, 120.

Preston Hall, Lord of, Justice Clerk, Scotland, 112.

Preston Pans, co. Haddington, clerkship of the cocquet at, 126;

collectors at, 165;

tidewaiters at, 321.

Prettyman, William, Remembrancer of First Fruits and Tenths, 290.

Price, Arthur, Customer of Milford Haven, 177.

-, Samuel, creditors of, 145.

-, Thomas, creditors of, 145.

Prichard, Thomas, an out pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, 167.

Pride, Rebecca. See Bruges, Rebecca.

Primrose, Archibald, Earl of Rosebery, Chamberlain of Fife, pension of, 57, 58;

a Commissioner for the Union of England and Scotland, 119.

Pringle, Robert, Secretary Depute to the Order of the Thistle, 113.

-, -, Secretary for the Union of England and Scotland, 120.

Printers, with the Forces in Spain, 391. See also Queen's Printers.

Printing, Scotland, 115.

Printing House at Edinburgh, 129.

Printing Press supplied for the Forces in Spain, 391.

Prior, Matthew, a Commissioner for Trade, 141.

Prisoners, payment for keeping, 28, 115. See also Army—in Spain and Portugal.

Prisons and Gaols

Dinant, 399, 420;

Fleet, The, 107, 235, 272, 386, 467;

Lincoln Castle, 396;

Ludgate, 242;

Marshalsea, 388;

Shrewsbury, 330.


Chamber, clock for, 398;

Grooms of, riding charges of, 167, 397;

hangings in, mending and cleaning, 465;

Keepers of. See Cox, J.;

Colinge, R.;

Gregson, R.;

necessaries for, 248.

Clerks of, allowance for attending the Commissioners of Trade, 313, 442;

fees of, 378. See also Blathwayt, W.;

Musgrave, C.;

Povey, J.;

Southwell, E.

Lord President of. See Somers, Lord.

Lords of, printed matter and stationery delivered to, 324.

Office, fees of clerks of, 379.

Orders in Council, 54, 102, 144, 146, 152, 185, 201, 222, 234, 249, 269, 275, 297, 298, 333, 334, 434.

petition referred to the Prizes Commissioners from, 82.

under clerks, payment for writing letters to Lords Lieutenant, Custodes Rotulorum, etc., 150. See also Beak, T., junior.

-, Ireland. See Ireland.

-, Scotland. See Scotland.

Privy Purse and Healing Medals, Keeper of. See Marlborough, Duchess of.

Privy Seal, Lord, purse for, 228. See also Newcastle, Duke of.


Agent for, in Jamaica. See Brown, A.;

in the Mediterranean, clerk to. See Medley, T.;

at Milford Haven. See Middleton, W.

beef taken as, 342.

brandy taken as, 106, 259.

bullion taken as, 325.

captors' share of, 96, 141, 230, 296, 325, 361, 376, 399, 434, 444, 446, 456.

Commission, 88;

revocation of, 427.

Commissioners, Principal, 14, 202, 273, 287, 430, 444.

memorial of, 445.

office of, at York Buildings, 202;

revocation of, 361.

payments by, 88, 319.

petitions referred to, 54, 96, 106, 174, 235, 273, 283, 325, 367, 371, 376, 446.

reports of, 82, 88, 92, 132, 295, 320, 331.

to attend the Treasury, 23.

warrants to, 88, 91, 130, 249.

See also Parkhurst, J.;

Paschal, J.

Comptroller General of, clerks to, allowance or salary of, 88.

corn taken as, 399.

Court of Appeals for. See Admiralty.

duties on, 275, 456;

collection of, 307;

evasion of, 331.

embezzlement of, 331.

fish taken as, 96, 428, 430, 434, 455, 458.

French privateers taken as, 235, 236.

goods, to be landed in the presence of Customs officers and lodged in store houses under three locks, 334.

Office, clerks in, 283;

establishment, 88;

expenses of, 14;

incidents bill, 408;

salary bill, 88, 183.

oil taken as, 96, 428, 456.

pork taken as, 342.

Queen's share of, 107.

Receiver General of, accounts of, 361;

deputy to. See Cock, J.;

office of, revocation of, 361. See also Brewer, [J.];

Herbert, J.

salt taken as, 174, 337;

export of, 391.

share of, paid to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded, 361.

ships taken as, 82, 92, 96, 130, 141, 174, 179, 202, 235, 236, 259, 273, 275, 295, 307, 319, 376, 387, 399, 428, 434, 437, 444, 455;

Customs payable by, 275;

gunnage of, 367;

sale of, 434.

silver plate taken as, 325.

snuff taken as, 179.

sub-receiver for, in Plymouth. See Roche, W.

to be landed in the presence of Customs officers and lodged in store houses, 334.

vanilla taken as, 92.

whale fins taken as, 428;

duty on, 456.

wines taken as, 106, 229, 259, 310, 449.

Proby, William, captain, clothing of regiment of, 174.

Proclamations, for recruiting the Army, 145;

printing of, 324.

Progers, Edward, lease of premises in Westminster, 179, 292.

Prora, co. Haddington, 57;

feuar of, 62.

Protestants, French, payment to, 328, 358;

German (Lutherans), going to New York, 29, 30, 38, 230, 247, 258, 261, 282, 297, 336, 382, 385, 422, 433, 434;

High German Lutheran, lease of the chapel and minister's house in the Savoy, 248.

Provarr [Provan, Glasgow], feuars of, 60.

Prussia, King of, Envoy, afterwards Ambassador Extraordinary to. See Raby, Lord;

subsidy to, 39, 52, 194, 232, 462;

treaty with, 277.

Queen of, mourning for, 281, 318.

troops of, in the Low Countries, agio, bread and forage of, 36, 40, 74, 216, 232, 288, 462;

pay of, 277.

Pugh, —, imprisoned for a forfeited recognizance, 253.

-, Ann, widow of Richard, royal bounty for, 383.

-, David, merchant, money advanced for relief of sick and wounded seamen at Jamaica, 90, 294.

-, Richard, captain, commander of the Norwich, 25, 383.

-, Sam, stamper, 471.

Puis, Frances du, widow, petition for continuance of pension granted to husband of, 225.

Pullock [? Pollock], Lord of, Justice Clerk, Scotland, 112.

Pulpit cloth, for the chapel of the Governor of New York, 270.

Pultney. See Poultney.

Purdon, George, estate forfeited for manslaughter, 393.

-, -, Mary, wife of, 393.

Purdy, John, a pilot at King's Lynn, to be boatman at King's Lynn, 297.

Pye, John, collector of Newcastle, debt of, 239.

Pyle, Edward, woodward of New Forest, 243.

Pyron, Jacques, an out pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, 167.

Pyx. See Mint.