Warrant Books: August 1708, 6-10

Pages 343-364

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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August 1708, 6–10

Aug. 6. Same to Mr. Baker [Treasury Solicitor]. It is the Lord Treasurer's pleasure that as any Crown cause in which you are entrusted comes to be finally determined you exhibit to him a particular account of the whole charge the Queen is at, in order to the examination thereof. (The like letter to Mr. Borret.) Ibid., p. 451.
Aug. 7. Royal letters patent dated Westminster for an annuity of 4000l. to Prince Charles of Denmark during the joint lives of her Majesty & of the said Prince: to be payable half yearly according to the agreement for quitting his pretensions to the bishopric of Eutin, to wit as from 1706 April 10 the day on which he yielded up the said bishopric: which annuity has accordingly been paid at the Exchequer from the said date to April 10 last. The present grant is for further assurance of the due & punctual payment of the said yearly sum to the said Prince for the time to come. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 414.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed letter [missing] from the Danish Envoy together with a petition of several Danish shippers relating to the British Customs: which papers have been received by the Lord Treasurer from Secretary Boyle. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 451.
Aug. 9. Royal warrant dated Windsor Castle to Christopher Tilson, Receiver General of the Land Revenues of the Crown due before 1698 Sept 29, to pay 100l. to Alexander Carleton & Frances his wife who was widow & executrix of William Bache, master smith to Wm. III, as in part of 482l. 1. 9¾ due for work done by the said Bache at the Horse & Foot Guards at Whitehall, St James's & Kensington between 1692 Decr & 1699–1700 Feb.
Likewise 100l. to James Vezian in part of arrears due in the Office of the Cofferer of the Household as one of the Purveyors for the Stables to Wm. III [and is] for providing oats or other necessaries for the said Stables. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 409.
[?] Instructions under the royal sign manual for the Comptrollers General of the Accounts of the Forces.
(1) keep an account of all issues at the Exchequer for the Forces: & in order thereto all orders for issues to the Forces are to be entered with the said Comptroller.
(2) likewise of all arms, provisions, tents delivered out of the stores & to charge same to the accounts of the respective Regiments &c.
(3) likewise of all payments by Army Paymasters to Colonels, agents, clothiers or others & to examine the vouchers for same and to inquire from time to time whether the money received by the Colonels or their agents for subsistence and clearings be justly & duly paid over to the Captains: for which the said Colonels or their agents are to produce certificates from the Captains to the Comptrollers once a year for the troops abroad.
(4) to inspect all the musters & muster rolls and the computations & pay made thereupon and to settle such methods in relation thereto as may best obviate all frauds & abuses concerning musters; and on every muster to certify the respits & causes thereof to the Commander in Chief & to the Lord Treasurer.
(5) to inspect the Regimental accounts kept by the respective Paymasters of the Forces & to take care there be no error therein to the prejudice either of the Crown or of the Forces.
(6) to keep an exact account of all deductions for poundage & for the one day per annum & of all other matters which ought to compose the voluntary charge in the said Paymasters' account passed annually in the Exchequer so that they may be able to attest the same before the said accounts be declared.
(7) to satisfy themselves concerning the performance of all things required by the late Act [3–4 Anne c. 5] for punishing mutiny & to take care that the muster rolls be closed immediately at the quarters or garrisons and that the parchment roll be transmitted by the Deputy Commissary [of Musters] directly to the Paymaster's Office to prevent any alteration after such closing.
(8) from time to time to represent to her Majesty & to the Commander in Chief & the Lord Treasurer all defaults which shall occur to them in relation to the [accounts of the] said Forces.
(9) to observe all other rules & instructions from time to time from the Queen, the Commander in Chief or the Lord Treasurer. Ibid., p. 410.
Aug. 9. Royal warrant dated Windsor Castle to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to appoint Sir Thomas Frankland & John Evelyn Esqr to the office of Postmaster General with the salary of 1500l. per an: as in place of Sir Robert Cotton of Hatley St George Co Cambridge Kt. & the said Frankland who were thereto appointed by patent dated 1702 June 16 with the like salary, which patent is hereby revoked. Ibid., p. 411.
Same to same for a same to appoint William Frankland to be Receiver General of Stamp Duties loco the abovesaid John Evelyn thereto appointed by patent dated 1702 Dec 24 by the name of John Evelyn junr; which patent is hereby revoked. Ibid., p. 412.
Same to Visct FitzHardinge, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay 1325l. 4. 5 as follows on warrants signed by the Chamberlain of the Household viz
£ s. d.
William Winder for lodging the Morocco Ambassador from 1706 April 3 to 1707 Sept 3 555 0 0
P. Brewer, Benj Mocquet & Eliz Fairand for lodging the Muscovite Ambassador & retinue from 14 April to 14 July 1707 91 18 9
Benj. Bedford for lodging the said Ambassador from 16 June to 10 Oct 109 17 2
Josiah Sewell for disbursements at Somerset House for entertainment of the Venetian Ambassadors 78 0 0
Josiah Bagshaw for 2 skreens bought for her Majesty's own use 93 19 0
John Horn for goods hired for the use of the Muscovite Ambassador 15 15 0
for disbursements at Newmarket in Oct last 1707 for lodgings for her Majesty's servants &c 380 14 6
£1325 4 5
Ibid., p. 413.
Money warrant for 2600l. to the Duke of Marlborough for 6 months' ordinary to Lady day last as Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary to the States General.
7956l. 17. 6 to same for 11 bills of extraordinaries [not detailed] from 8th Sept 1702 to 8 Sept 1707, being within the regulation. Money Book XIX, p. 329. Order Book VII, p. 175. Disposition Book XIX, pp. 195–6.
Same for 1770l. to Paul Methuen for the same 6 months' ordinary as Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Portugal.
1458l. for 3 bills of extraordinaries, being within the regulation: viz:
146l. for one bill as Envoy Extraordinary to the Duke of Savoy from 7 Feb 1705–6 to 1 Aug 1706; 112l. for one bill as same to the King of Portugal from 1 Aug 1706 to Dec 14 and 1200l. for a like bill as same from 1706 Dec 14 to 1707 Dec 14. Money Book XIX, p. 329. Order Book VII, p. 175.
Aug. 9. Money warrant for 2070l. to Charles, Earl of Manchester for 207 days 1707 Aug 30 to 1708 Lady day on his ordinary as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Republic of Venice.
1977l. 7. 0 to same for bills of extraordinaries viz 598l. 2. 0 in satisfaction (with 780l. already paid) of 2 bills amounting to 1378l. 2. 0 from 1706–7 March 1 to 1707 Sept 1 (for these bills see supra, p. 156); and 1379l. 5. 0 for 2 bills from 1707 Sept 1 to 1707–8 March 1. (The letter of direction hereon is for the full 2070l. for the ordinary & for 1197l. 7. 0 for the extraordinaries plus 780l. more on his 30l. a week to make up his ordinary into 100l. a week.) Money Book XIX, p. 329. Order Book VII, p. 177. Disposition Book XIX, pp. 195, 196.
Same for 1770l. to Thomas, Lord Raby for the same 6 months' ordinary as Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Prussia. Money Book XIX, p. 330. Order Book VII, p. 175. Disposition Book XIX, p. 195.
Same for 885l. to Dr. Henry Newton for the same 6 months' ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the Great Duke of Tuscany.
800l. for 4 bills of extraordinaries: [being] according to the regulation: from 29 Oct 1705 to 29 Oct 1707. [The 4 bills total 1885l.: but the present payment only represents the regulation allowance of 200l. on each bill.]
Appending: said bills. (1) from 29 Oct 1705 to 29 April 1706.
£ s. d.
postage of letters at Venice 35
ditto at Amsterdam 30
correspondence at Genoa, Berne, Rome & Amsterdam 35
postage of letters at Genoa, Berne, Rome &c 25
stationery wares & intelligence from all parts 75
other extraordinary expenses
gratuities at Xmas as customary to the officers & servants of the Great Duke, Princes, Princesses, Prince Geo. Gaston 66
mourning for the Queen Dowager of England 120
removing my family from Florence to Pisa & Leghorn to attend the Grand Duke; house rent there & extraordinary expenses for above 2 months 60
Followed by: Secretary Sunderland's allowance dated Whitehall 27 Jan 1707–8. “I allow the first 5 articles of this bill being within the Regulation. The rest seem reasonable. However they are submitted to the Lord High Treasurer.”
(2) from 29 April 1706 to 29 Oct 1706.
£ s. d.
five articles of postage &c as above 200
other extraordinary expenses
for my expenses in going to Genoa to the officers of the Great Duke's galley, house rent & other extraordinary expenses occasioned thereby 120
for staffetas & couriers to Prince Eugene about the affair of Lavenza [Avenza] & securing the province of Luniggiana to the Confederates & other expenses 5
for subsisting four English seamen to get to Leghorn 5
Followed by: Secretary Sunderland's allowance dated Whitehall 4 Feb 1706–7. “I allow the first 5 articles of this bill, being within the Regulation. The rest being very reasonable are submitted to the Lord High Treasurer.”
(3) from 29 Oct 1706 to 29 April 1707.
£ s. d.
five articles of postage &c as above 200
other extraordinary expenses
gratuities as usual at Xmas 66
expenses at my public audience of the Republic, for entertaining the nobility, Consuls & gentlemen of the several nations that accompanied me thither in great numbers 40
house rent & furniture for half a year 50
extraordinary expenses in housekeeping for the half year at 20s. a day 132
to the Postmaster at Genoa, extraordinary for letters & likewise for many large letters & pacquets transmitted from Germany, Turin & Milan to Spain & from Spain to the same places & to England by staffetas & otherwise 35
regalias to the officers of the Senate Guards & servants 10
Followed by: a like allowance by Secretary Sunderland dated Whitehall 31 August 1707.
(4) from 29 April 1707 to 29 Oct 1707.
£ s. d.
five articles of postage &c as above 200
other extraordinary expenses
for liveries, sedans &c at Genoa 180
for a quarter's house rent & furniture 25
for extraordinary expenses in housekeeping 55 days at 20s. a day 55
for 2 portanti 10 months at 4l. a month 40
to the postmasters at Genoa, extraordinary for letters & pacquets transmitted from Germany, Turin & Milan 16
regalias to the officers at the last audience of the Doge &c 10
expenses & fees to the officers of the galley of the Republic which brought me from Genoa to Leghorn & me & [my] family from thence to Florence 50
Followed by: a like allowance by Secretary Sunderland dated Whitehall 27 Jan 1707–8. Money Book XIX, pp. 330, 374–5. Order Book VII, p. 175. Disposition Book XIX, p. 196.
Aug. 9 Money warrant for 885l. to Charles Whitworth for 6 months to Lady day last on his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the Czar of Muscovy.
1784l. 14. 6 for 11 bills of extraordinaries from 1 Nov 1704 to 1 Nov 1707. [The said bills amount to 2783l. 6. 1, but the payment thereon is only for so much as falls within the regulation of Ambassadors' extraordinaries. The items not allowed by the Lord Treasurer appear to be the last items of bills Nos. 1, 3 & 4.]
Appending: said bills. (1) from 1 Nov 1704 to 1 May 1705; dated Moscow 1/12 Aug 1705 & allowed by Secretary Harley 23 Nov 1705 as follows “in consideration of the great expenses Mr. Whitworth has been at in a long & hazardous journey to Mosco & for postage of letters to so remote a place I allow this bill, which is nevertheless submitted to my Lord Treasurer.”
£ s. d.
for postage of letters 216 14 9
for gazettes, printed papers & other intelligence 72 19 0
for stationery ware 49 16 0
given to the Muscovite interpreters on several occasions 15
given fees at my audience of conge from the late Emperor of Germany at Vienna 12 10 0
mourning for the Duchess Dowager of Holstein according to her Majesty's orders 22
for the several expenses on my journey from Vienna to Moscow over & above the 5l. a day of my ordinary allowance 473 12 0
£862 11 9
(2) from 1st May to 1 Aug 1705 dated from the Camp at Grodno 20 Sept 1705.
£ s. d.
for postage of letters 82 17 6
gazettes, printed papers & other intelligence 41 15 0
stationery ware 24 12 0
£149 4 6
Followed by: Secretary Robert Harley's allowance dated Whitehall 1 July 1706 hereof. “This bill being within the Establishment is allowed.”
(3) from 1st Aug to 1 Nov 1705 bill dated Moscow 10 March 1705–6 with Secretary Harley's allowance dated Whitehall 1 July 1706. “The 146l. 11. 0 is within the Establishment and the article of 279l. 18. 0 seems reasonable considering the country & the service performed & is therefore recommended to my Lord Treasurer.”
£ s. d.
postage &c as above 146 11 0
for tents, carriages & baggage horses to follow the Czar into the campaign, by her Majesty's orders together with the extraordinary expenses of my journey from Moscow to Grodno in Lithuania above the 5l. a day of my ordinary allowance 279 18 0
£426 9 0
(4) from 1 Nov 1705 to 1 Feb 1705–6 dated from Moscow 10 March 1705–6: with a similar allowance dated 1 July 1706 as above by Secretary Harley.
£ s. d.
for postage &c as above 145 7 10
for my extraordinary expenses at the latter end of the campaign & on my return from Grodno to Moscow above the 5l. a day of my ordinary allowance 164 6 0
£309 13 10
(5) from 1 Feb 1705–6 to 1 May 1706 dated from Moscow 26 Nov 1706.
£ s. d.
for postage &c as above 148 16 9
Followed by: Secretary Robert Harley's allowance dated Whitehall 15 May 1707 hereof. “Allowed, being within the Regulation.”
(6) from 1 May to 1 Aug 1706 dated from Moscow 26 Nov 1706.
£ s. d.
for postage &c as above 149 1 0
Followed by: a like allowance dated Whitehall 15 May 1707.
(7) from 1 Aug 1706 to 1 Nov dated from Moscow 26 Nov 1706.
£ s. d.
for postage &c as above 146 9 0
Followed by: a like allowance dated Whitehall 15 May 1707.
(8) from 1 Nov 1706 to 1 Feb 1706–7 dated from Moscow 20 Jan 1707–8.
£ s. d.
for postage &c as above 148 18 6
Followed by: allowance by Secretary Henry Boyle dated Whitehall 27 May 1708 hereof. “Allowed, being within the Regulation.”
(9) from 1 Feb 1706–7 to 1 May 1707 dated from Moscow 20 Jan 1707–8.
£ s. d.
for postage &c as above 149 15 9
Followed by: a like allowance dated Whitehall 27 May 1708.
(10) from 1 May 1707 to 1 August dated from Moscow 20 Jan 1707–8.
£ s. d.
for postage &c as above 144 13 0
Followed by: a like allowance dated Whitehall 27 May 1708.
(11) from 1 Aug to 1 Nov 1707 dated from Moscow 20 Jan 1707–8.
£ s. d.
for postage &c as above 147 16 0
Followed by: a like allowance dated Whitehall 27 May 1708. Money Book XIX, pp. 330, 335–8. Order Book VII, p. 176. Disposition Book XIX, pp. 195–6.
Aug. 9. Money warrant for 740l. to Dr. John Robinson, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden: for 148 days 1707 Oct 28 to 1708 March 25 on his ordinary of 5l. a day.
397l. 10. 0 for 2 bills of extraordinaries [this payment being only for the first three items of the first bill & for the whole of the second bill].
(1) from 1707 April 2 to Oct 2.
£ s. d.
for postage of letters 78
for extraordinary entertainments 95
extraordinary charge of a chaplain at Stockholm 20
for a public rejoicing at Leipzig on occasion of the Act solemnised by that university for the Union of Great Britain 80
several presents made at Dresden & elsewhere 30
charges of a journey from Leipzig to Dresden, Torgo [Torgau], Berlin, and Hamburg with 24 horses at a guilder per mile for each horse 75 German miles: is at 15 guilders per £ sterling 120
other extraordinary charges on the journey 30
Followed by: Secretary Harley's allowance. “I allow the first two articles of this bill amounting to 173l. which is less than the established rates by 27l. The second article of 20l. for a chaplain has always been allowed since Mr. Robinson's removal [from Stockholm] to Dantzig. The fourth article for 80l. for rejoicing on the Union seems to be reasonable: as I do likewise the fifth article of 30l. for presents and the sixth article for 150l. for the charges of his journey: all which are nevertheless submitted to my Lord Treasurer.”
(2) from 2 Oct 1707 to 2 April 1708 similarly allowed by Secretary Boyle.
£ s. d.
postage of letters 69 0 0
extraordinary entertainments 87 0 0
new year's gifts 20
paper &c 8 10 0
extraordinary charges of a chaplain at Stockholm 20
£204 10 0
Followed by: allowance by Secretary Henry Boyle dated Whitehall 13 May 1708 hereof. “I allow the first 4 articles of this bill amounting to 184l. 10. 0 for 6 months, as being within the Regulation. The fifth article of 20l. for a chaplain has (I am informed) always been allowed since Mr. Robinson's removal from Stockholm; but is nevertheless submitted to my Lord Treasurer.” Money Book XIX, pp. 330, 351. Order Book VII, p. 176. Disposition Book XIX, p. 196.
Aug. 9. Same for 531l. to John Wych, her Majesty's Resident at Hamburg, for 6 months 1707 Sept 29 to 1708 March 25 on his ordinary of 3l. a day. Money Book XIX, p. 330. Order Book VII, p. 176. Disposition Book XIX, p. 196.
Same for 885l. to Daniel Pulteney, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Denmark, for the same time on his ordinary of 5l. a day.
400l. for 2 bills of extraordinaries [this payment being only for the regulation allowance of 200l. on each bill for an Envoy Extraordinary: but the first bill as follows being in excess of that sum].
Followed by: said bills.
(1) from 18 Aug 1706 to 18 Feb 1706–7 the bill being dated from Copenhagen 20 Feb 1706–7.
£ s. d.
for stationery ware 45
postage of letters 96
printed papers & other intelligence 58
for transporting [my]self & family through Holland to Copenhagen 135
for transporting my equipage & some few servants by sea to ditto 35
given to the King's servants after my public audience 15
for mourning for the King of Portugal 12
Followed by: Secretary Harley's allowance dated Whitehall 26 July 1707. “I allow the first 3 articles as within the Regulation. The 4th & 5th articles amounting to 170l. for travelling expenses seem to be reasonable but is submitted to my Lord High Treasurer. The 6th article is customary & used to be allowed and the 7th article for mourning was by order & is therefore allowed by me.”
(2) from 18 Feb 1706–7 to 18 August 1707 old style dated from Copenhagen 13 Dec 1707 new style.
£ s. d.
postage of letters 90
gazettes, printed papers & intelligence 30
stationery ware 18
for several journeys to Fredericksborg & Yagersborg [Jagersborg] 45
for relieving several sick British soldiers discharged from his Danish Majesty's service & helping to forward them to Great Britain 17
Followed by: Secretary Harley's allowance dated Whitehall 26 December 1707. “This bill not exceeding the Regulation is allowed by me.” Money Book XIX, pp. 330, 352. Order Book VII, p. 176. Disposition Book XIX, p. 196.
Aug. 9. Money warrant for 885l. to John Chetwind, Envoy Extraordinary to the Duke of Savoy for 6 months to March 25 last on his ordinary of 5l. a day.
453l. 18. 4 on three bills of extraordinaries from 1 Aug 1706 to 1 Feb 1707–8 [this payment being only for the first three items of each of the bills as follows].
Appending: said bills:
(1) from 1 Aug 1706 to 1 Feb 1706–7.
£ s. d.
postage of letters 96 8 0
pens, ink paper & other stationery wares 30
for intelligence of all sorts 23 10 6
given to the Duke of Savoy's servants when I took my public audiences 40
£189 18 6
Together with: Secretary Sunderland's allowance dated Whitehall 26 March 1707 of same. “I allow the first three articles of this bill as being within the Regulation and I think the other reasonable: however I leave it to the consideration of the Lord Treasurer.”
(2) from 1 Feb 1706–7 to 1 Aug 1707.
£ s. d.
paper, pens & other stationery wares 30 15 0
private intelligence &c 39
postage of letters &c 80
for a journey to Milan to wait on Prince Eugene by order in May 1707 37
for mourning for Prince Louis de Bade & King of Portugal 26
for 2 men sent to Toulon & 2 expresses to Genoa with letters to Sir Cloudesley Shovell relating to that Expedition 54
£266 15 0
Followed by: the like allowance as above dated Whitehall 23 March 1707–8. “I allow the 3 first articles of this bill, being within the Regulation. The rest is submitted to my Lord High Treasurer.”
(3) from 1 Aug 1707 to 6 Feb 1707–8.
£ s. d.
paper, pens & other stationery ware 28 10 6
private intelligence &c 40
postage of letters &c 85 14 4
£154 4 10
Followed by: the like allowance dated Whitehall 23 March 1707–8. “I allow of this bill, being within the Regulation.” Money Book XIX, pp. 331, 353. Order Book VII, p. 178 Disposition Book XIX, p. 196.
Aug. 9. Same for 885l. to Emanuell Scroop How, Envoy Extraordinary to the Princes of Brunswick Luneburg, for 6 months to March 25 last on his ordinary of 5l. a day.
750l. for 4 bills of extraordinaries from 1705 July 22 to 1707–8 Jan 22 [the said payment being only for the first three items of the first bill and 200l. each for the regulation quantum on the three remaining bills].
Appending: said bills:
(1) from 1705 July 22 to 1705–6 Jan 22.
£ s. d.
postage of letters & pacquets 83 10 0
intelligence of all sorts 46 10 0
stationery wares 20
given to the Captain of the yacht that carried me to Holland as usual 21 10 0
charges of my journey to Hanover over & above my ordinary of 5l. a day 150
paid freight of my goods & some of my servants whom I sent by sea to Hamburg 180
fees of audience 43
new year's gifts as usual 32
house rent at Wolfenbuttel 50
Chaplain 20
ornaments of the chapel 100
£751 10 0
Followed by: Secretary Harley's allowance dated Whitehall 11 July 1706. “The first three articles not exceeding the Establishment is allowed by me. As to the next three articles amounting to 351l. 10. 0 I find it has been usual to allow a sum of money for expense of travelling: the 7th & 8th I find is customary & used to be allowed: as also the 9th: the 10th & 11th I am informed have been paid by the Crown in another way: all which are humbly submitted to my Lord High Treasurer.”
(2) from 22 Jan 1705–6 to 22 July 1706 new style.
£ s. d.
postage of letters &c at Leyden, Bremen, Hanover & Brunswick 86 0 0
pens, ink, wax, paper & other stationery ware 43 10 0
intelligence of all sorts 31 10 0
lodgings at Wolfenbuttel 25 0 0
paid his chaplain 25 0 0
£211 0 0
Followed by: the like allowance dated Whitehall 3 June 1707; being as above for the first three regulation items. “The fourth article has always been allowed as necessary. The fifth article I am informed hath been paid by the Crown another way & is submitted to my Lord Treasurer.”
(3) from 22 July 1706 to 22 Jan 1706–7.
£ s. d.
five items as above: total 207 12 0
Followed by: the like allowance & of same date.
(4) from 22 Jan 1706–7 to 22 Jan 1707–8 the bill being dated from Hanover 1 March 1707–8.
£ s. d.
postage as above 184 0 0
prints, gazettes & other Intelligence 86 0 0
stationery ware 30 0 0
lodgings at Wolfenbuttel 50 0 0
three quarters to the chaplain to Michaelmas last when he was discharged 37 10 0
£387 10 0
Followed by: allowance by Secretary Henry Boyle, dated Whitehall 20 April 1708. I allow the first three articles of this bill amounting to 300l. for one whole year, being within the Regulation. The 4th article has usually been allowed as necessary. However I submit that and the last article to my Lord Treasurer. Money Book XIX, pp. 331, 355–6. Order Book VII, p. 178. Disposition Book XIX, pp. 195–6.
Aug. 9. Money warrant for 190l. to Benjamin Lodington, her Majesty's Agent & Consul General at Tripoly, for half a year to Lady day last on his allowance.
300l. to Robert Cole, her Majesty's Agent & Consul at Algier, for half a year to Feb 10 last on his allowance or salary. Money Book XIX, p. 331. Order Book VII, p. 177. Disposition Book XIX, p. 196.
Same for 65l. to Casper Perrinet Darziliers Esq, Residing for her Majesty's service at Geneva, for half a year to Lady day last on his allowance or salary. Money Book XIX, p. 331. Order Book VII, p. 176. Disposition Book XIX, p. 196.
Same for 720l. to Sir Philip Meadows Kt, her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of Germany; 450l. thereof for 3 months to Lady day last on his ordinary as Envoy and 270l. for the same time on his ordinary as Plenipotentiary.
600l. for 4 bills of extraordinaries between the 24th April 1707 & 24 April 1708 [the said payment being only for 150l. the Regulation amount on each bill].
(1) from 1707 April 24 (the day he set out upon his journey from England) to 24 July.
£ s. d.
given the Captain of the yacht for transporting him & his family to Holland 21 10 0
postage of letters, pacquets & expresses 70
charges of his audience 43 7 0
stationery wares 15
expended in his journey to Vienna with his family over & above his ordinary 215
£364 17 0
Followed by: Secretary Harley's allowance dated Whitehall 14 Nov 1707. “I allow the four first articles of this bill amounting to 149l. 17. 0 for 3 months (including his present to the Captain of the yacht and the charges of his audience) as being within the Regulation. The fifth article amounting to 215l. for the expenses of his journey seems to be reasonable but is nevertheless submitted to the Lord High Treasurer.”
(2) from 24 July 1707 to 24 Oct (with the like allowance).
£ s. d.
postage of letters, pacquets & expresses 86 10 0
gazettes, printed papers & other intelligences 28
pens, ink, paper & other stationery wares 22 10 0
paid for copies of papers, memorials, transactions &c 12 10 0
£149 10 0
Followed by: Secretary Harley's allowance dated Whitehall 14 Nov 1707. “Allowed, being within the established Rules.”
(3) from 24 Oct 1707 to 24 Jan 1707–8.
£ s. d.
four items as above 149 17 0
Followed by: Secretary Henry Boyle's allowance dated Whitehall 13 May 1708. “Allowed, being within the Regulation.”
(4) from 24 Jan 1707–8 to 24 April 1708 (with Secretary Boyle's allowance of same date and in the same words).
£ s. d.
four items as above 149 17 0
Money Book XIX, pp. 331, 354–5. Order Book VII, p. 176. Disposition Book XIX, pp. 195, 196.
Aug. 9. Same for 476l. to James Craggs “whom her Majesty hath appointed her Secretary in the Court of the King of Spain,” whereof 300l. for equipage & 176l. for 88 days' from 28 March last (the day of the commencement of his allowance) to June 24 last on his ordinary of 40s. a day. Money Book XIX, p. 332. Order Book VII, p. 177. Disposition Book XIX, p. 199.
Same for 885l. to Abraham Stanyan, Envoy Extraordinary to the Swiss Cantons, for 6 months to Lady day last on his ordinary of 5l. a day.
225l. for 2 bills of extraordinaries between 25 March 1707 & 25 Dec. Money Book XIX, p. 332. Order Book VII, p. 178. Disposition Book XIX, p. 196.
Same for 795l. to the executors of William Aglionby, late Envoy Extraordinary to the Swiss Cantons, for 4 bills of his extraordinaries between 22 Feb 1702–3 & 1705 Sept 2: being 745l. for as much of the said bills as comes within the Regulation & the remaining 50l. for repayment of so much by him paid by her Majesty's particular order. Money Book XIX, pp. 332, 333. Order Book VII, p. 179. Disposition Book XIX, p. 196.
Same for 265l. to William Cadogan, Envoy Extraordinary to the States General of the United Provinces, for 53 days from Jan 31 last to March 25 last on his ordinary of 5l. a day, the first three months' ordinary having been advanced to him & having cleared him to Jan 31 last. Money Book XIX, p. 332. Order Book VII, p. 178. Disposition Book XIX, p. 196.
Same for 885l. to George De la Val, Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Fez & Morocco, for 6 months to March 25 last on his ordinary of 5l. a day. Money Book XIX, p. 332. Order Book VII, p. 179. Disposition Book XIX, p. 195.
Aug. 9. Money warrant for 354l. to James Dayrolle, Residing for her Majesty's service at the Hague; for the same 6 months on his ordinary of 40s. a day. Money Book XIX, p. 333. Order Book VII, p. 177. Disposition Book XIX, p. 196.
Same for 100000l. to Visct Ryalton, Cofferer of the Household: as imprest for the ordinary & extraordinary expenses of the Household. (Money order dated Aug 26 hereon on the privy seal of the 14th inst. This privy seal is not entered in the Treasury Records.) Money Book XIX, p. 334. Order Book VII, p. 186.
Same for 20l. to Evan Evans, clerk, as royal bounty for the charge of his passage to Philadelphia whither he is going chaplain. Money Book XIX, p. 335. Order Book VII, p. 180.
Allowance by Treasurer Godolphin of the incidents bill of the Excise Office for last June 24 quarter: total 917l. 5. 6½.
The like for the Malt Office for same quarter: total 664l. 4. 0¾. Money Book XIX, p. 334.
Warrant by same to Auditor Maynwaring [one of the Auditors of Imprests] to allow in the account of the Trustees for Circulating Exchequer Bills 141l. 17. 1 for the incidents of their Office for a year ended 1707 April 27.
Prefixing & appending: said Maynwaring's report & the details of said incidents as follows: viz
(1) Incidents in the Trustees' Office 60l. 7. 7 (including 1l. 2. 0 to Mr. Weeks, the painter).
(2) Fees paid at the Treasury.
£ s. d.
for a warrant for 3500l. for premiums &c on the 12th Contract 3 4 0
for entering the 13th Contract 2 3 0
for a letter of reference on the Contingent [Contingencies] Account for one year ended 27 April 1706 17 6
for a warrant for allowing the said Contingent Account as usual 2l. 19. 0 and for a messenger 2s. 6d. 3 1 6
for entering the Declared Account from 24 June 1705 to 24 June 1706 as usual 2 14 0
to Auditor Harley for passing the account for one year ending 24 June 1706 on the 3500l. imprested therein 1 15 0
for the Imprest Roll on the said account 2l. to the Auditor [of the Receipt] and 2l. to the Pells 4 0 0
to the Queen's Remembrancer on ditto 1 0 0
to the Treasurer's Remembrancer on ditto 1 0 0
to the Chancellor's secretary on ditto 2 7 0
for fees on swearing to ditto before the Barons 0 10 0
to the Clerk of the Pipe on the said account 8 8 0
paid Mr. Samuell Mitchell for writing out the accounts for the Auditor of the Imprests and engrossing the rolls for the 13th Contract and attending the said subscriptions and paying the premiums &c on the 12th Contract 25 0 0
paid Mr. Thomas Brookhouse assistant to the Cashier [of us the said Trustees] for repaying the deposit on the 12th Contract and receiving the deposit on the 13th Contract 10 0 0
to Mr. John Walworth, late [our] messenger, on like account 5 0 0
to John Broadhurst, Exchequer porter, on the like account 1 1 6
to William Parrot, the housekeeper [of our office], for tax of the year 1706 4 0 0
stationery ware for 1 year ending 27 April 1707 5 8 0
£141 17 1
Money Book XIX, pp. 338–40.
Aug. 9. Same by same to the Excise Commissioners to repay Land Tax assessments anno 1708 on the salaries of officers of the Excise who are in the receipt of not more than 100l. per an.
Prefixing: presentment by said Commissioners. Ibid., pp. 340–1.
Letter of direction for 76536l. 14. 6 to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: for services & out of funds as follows viz:
£ s. d.
in part of 494689l. 8. 6 for subsidies to the Allies anno 1708
for Sir Theodore Janssen for his bill of exchange on Turin dated 23 July last payable at 60 days after sight for 2 months' subsidy to the Duke of Savoy, being 1066662/3 Crowns of 82 sols each, money of Piedmont at the exchange rate of 59 pence sterling per Crown: to be issued out of the third payment on the second Annuity Act [anno 1708 which is due] to be made on or before Aug 20 inst. 26222 4 6
in part of 894272l. 3. 6 for the 40000 men anno 1708
for account of clearings, being to be remitted to Mr. Sweet for the use of the Hospitals in Flanders pursuant to the Duke of Marlborough's directions, the charge whereof is to be made good out of the poundage to be deducted upon clearings: this sum is to be issued out of loans to be made by Sir Hen Furnese on credit of the Malt duties anno 1708 10000
in part of 586671l. 12. 6 for the Established Forces in Spain anno 1708
for Major Gen. Farrington pursuant to the royal warrant of June 24 last for 301 firelocks at 20s. each & 15 drums at 18s. delivered out of his Regiment to the Regiments of Raby, Southwell & Breton & to be charged to the said Regiments: this sum to be issued out of loans on Malt in the Exchequer 314 10 0
in part of 500000l. for augmenting Forces &c anno 1708
to answer Mr. Chetwynd's bill of exchange for the value sent in specie from Italy to Barcelona: to be issued out of the third payment to be made by the East India Company on or before Sept 11 next on account of their united stock 40000
£76536 14 6
Disposition Book XIX, p. 194.
Aug. 9. Letter of direction for 750l. each to the Earl of Sunderland & Henry Boyle, Secretaries of State, for secret service: out of Civil List moneys. Ibid., p. 195.
Same for the following issues out of Civil List moneys.
7500l. & 7500l. to Spencer Compton for French Protestants [on the royal warrant of July 19, supra, p. 328].
16235l. 12. 9 to Charles Dartiquenave, Paymaster of the Works, for half a year to Lady day last due in the Office of Works.
4320l. 4. 1¾ to William Roberts for same half year for the Works at Windsor. Ibid., pp. 195, 196.
Treasurer Godolphin dated from Windsor Castle to Mr. Stanhope, Her Majesty's Ambassador to the King of Spain, relating to several matters in Spain. I have yours of June 25 last from Barcelona with the copies of 3 letters from you to the Earl of Sunderland viz two of June 22 from the Camp at Vals & the third of June 25 from Barcelona: “upon all which this comes to give you my thoughts.” We are very sorry in England to hear of the loss of Tortosa. From your letters a much longer defence might have been hoped for and we are at a loss to know whether the design you mention of entering into Aragon upon arrival of the Forces with the Queen of Spain doth continue, the probability whereof (since the forementioned loss) can only be judged by those upon the place. I perceive you have depended upon 30000l. from the States General, the like sum from England and 60000l. to be saved out of the 150000l. designed for the King of Spain and his Troops, making 120000l. in all towards defraying extraordinary expenses for which no provisions have been made, viz the carriage of bread & barley, the draft of the Train [of Artillery], the fortifications & victualling the places most exposed. I can easily apprehend that all or most of those services may be necessary, and as to the sum from Holland I have assurances from Monsieur Vrybrugen that some part of it has been remitted and the rest is remitting every day. In regard to the 30000l. you expected from England I have been assured that the [Army] Paymaster's Deputy [in Spain] for some time past has made his payments only by lists of effective men, to the intent there might be money reserved for fortifications & other extraordinary uses & I cannot but hope that such a sum as 30000l. might be supplied by those savings. As to the remaining 60000l. I have some time since directed Mr. Brydges to send [me] an account of what remains of the 150000l. designed for this year for the King of Spain & his Troops; and if part of the extraordinaries can be furnished out of that remainder I shall be very glad. However I think the service must not suffer if there should be some excess of expense on that head for the necessary purposes you mention.
I have found Mr. Morris upon all occasions very diligent & (as I believe) an honest officer & am satisfied that the money at Lisbon for the service of Spain was detained only for want of timely convoys; and the money remaining there could not be got ready after the arrival of the bills from England before the sailing of Admiral Leake from thence [Lisbon]: but as to the 30000l. which you say Mr. Morrice stops from the King of Spain I have ordered Mr. Brydges to send you the grounds of that [detention] demand, which I suppose will give his [Spanish] Majesty & you full satisfaction in that particular.
Indeed it is now become almost impossible to convey any more money either gold or silver from Portugal and for that reason as well as the uncertainty & delays in that conveyance, resolutions have been taken [here in London] to supply the service in Spain chiefly, if not altogether, by the money of [i.e. by way of] Italy and some steps have been taken accordingly: so that you need not fear any intention to supply two thirds of the remainder for this year's service by way of Portugal (as Sir Henry Furnese by mistake did imagine), although for keeping down the price of the exchange to Italy & because that of Lisbon is much more for our advantage in point of profit, I have not quite laid aside the thought of remitting thither [to Portugal] for the service of Spain when the return of the Brazil Fleet shall have made plenty of money in Portugal and consequently less difficulty in exporting [such money from Lisbon to Spain] & [when] an occasion shall present [itself] to have the money speedily carried to Barcelona [from Lisbon].
I entreat you to enquire what profit has been made, & by whom, of the difference in value between the specie carried to Catalonia on the Queen's account and the money current there; & send me an account thereof.
I do well approve of your obtaining the licence from the King of Spain to coin the silver species, imported on the [British] Queen's account, at the [Spanish] King's Mint in the same manner as if it belonged to the [said] king, the profit whereon you compute at 12 per cent: and I don't doubt but you will take care to see that matter put into so good a method that the [English] Queen shall have an exact account and the gain arising shall be duly charged for her Majesty's advantage.
I do also approve of your causing money to be taken up in Italy for the service in Spain & shall take care that Mr. Mead's bills for the 40000l., when they come, shall be duly accepted & paid and I am ready to contribute all I can to the settling of a contract for a certain price for the dollar at Genoa as you have proposed & for the many good reasons you urge for the same; but all possible care must be taken to confine the expenses within the provisions made by Parliament.
I have no objections against your going on with the work at Tarragona which you say would cost 16000l.: and her Majesty doth approve your reducing 6 Troops of Gyscard's Regiment, whereby you say 12000l. per an will be saved. Out Letters (General) XVIII, pp. 452–3.
Aug. 9. Treasurer Godolphin dated from Windsor Castle to Mr. Chetwynd [Envoy Extraordinary to the Duke of Savoy]. I have yours of July 4–15 last from Vado with the extracts of your letters to Mr. Stanhope & Sir Henry Furnesse; also that [yours] of July 23 last from Turin. I am extremely well satisfied in the services you have done the Queen not only in despatching the Forces for Catalonia (of whose arrival since, we are glad to hear) but also in procuring money upon the bills sent you both by Sir Henry Furnese & Mr. Mead and I have already taken particular care that the bills for 40000l. shall be punctually satisfied. I have not yet had an opportunity to speak with Sir Henry Furnesse about the 3 sols per pistoll which I think ought to be made good for the reason you mention, or to recommend to him for his correspondence the person who has furnished you with the money. I conceive that Mr. Stanhope is much of opinion that it would conduce to the public service if a certain [or fixed] price on the dollar could be fixed at Genoa & I am ready to contribute all I can on that behalf. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 453.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Auditors of Imprests. The Lord Treasurer has received from Mr. Vryberge, the Dutch Envoy, an account & papers relating to the money received by Monsieur Hiob de Wild, late Secretary of the Court of Admiralty at Amsterdam, for providing transport vessels or for other services towards the reduction of Ireland [in 1690–1]; which account is alleged to be for the whole money with which the said D' Wild is chargeable on that account. The Lord Treasurer (in view of the last paragraph of your report of Jan 28 last) desires you to report on the said account. Ibid., p. 454.
William Lowndes to the Duke of Northumberland enclosing Mr. Byde's letter [missing] concerning the 984l. 11. 3 due to Mr. Wallis as a debt on your Grace's Regiment. The Lord Treasurer designs to order payment thereof to Mr. Wallis out of the offreckonings of your said Regiment pursuant to the declaration of the General Officers of June 15 last & pursuant to the report from the Commissioners for settling the Clothing of the Army. Ibid., p. 455.
Aug. 9, 18, 31. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to employ Jacob Reynardson as Collector of Bristol port now vacant.
Francis Howell as Collector at Cardigan loco John Wooley deceased.
Richard Wilson as riding officer at Robin Hood's Town in Whitby port loco John Baynes removed to be Collector at Scarborough.
William Holland as tidesman at Liverpool loco Robert Whittell deceased.
Nathaniel James as tidesman at Plymouth loco John Pearce senr. deceased.
John Kay as tidesman in Lynn port loco George Page deceased.
John Symonds as tidesman & weigher at Yarmouth loco John Jermy discharged for having been formerly convict of felony.
Cornelius Headly as a boatman at Plymouth loco Abraham Moody deceased.
John Shirley as mate to one of the boatmen at Newcastle loco Joseph Thrift who relinquished that employment.
Christopher Frogget as a tidesman in the Inferior List, London port loco Charles Wise preferred to be a landwaiter at Liverpool.
Adam Batty as a tidesman in Bristol port loco Joseph Pearce deceased.
Thomas Langdon as a same ibid. loco James Cox lately deceased.
George Lorrimer as a tidesman in the Inferior List, London port loco Charles Ashton lately dismissed for fraud.
Thomas Foster as a riding officer at Winchelsea loco Joseph Biggs deceased.
David Scotland as tidesman at Minehead loco Owen Arnold deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 132–3.
Aug. 9. Same by same to Edward Harley, one of the Auditors of Imprests, to prepare for declaration the final account of the executors of James Herbert deceased, late Receiver General for Prizes in the late war.
Prefixing: state of said account and report thereon by Auditor Edward Harley. By patent of 1699 June 10 the late King revoked the office of Commissioners of Prizes & of Receiver General of Prize Money (till then granted to the said Herbert) & thereupon the Treasury Lords by warrant dated 1699 June 27 constituted John Parkhurst & John Paschal (two of the late Commissioners for Prizes) to collect all arrears: at which latter date there remained in the said Herbert's hands 9092l. 16. 0¾ which they did not receive but instead thereof drew orders on Herbert for payments to themselves & others.
It appears that after the Commission was dissolved and before any settlement of salaries had been made for payment to the said Parkhurst and Paschall they drew on Herbert for their salaries and officers at the same rates which were allowed them when the Commission subsisted and they were thereby paid at a rate greater than was afterwards thought reasonable. Furthermore, in their account passed for that constitution they have credit for one quarter of a year for which they had been before paid by Mr. Herbert. The state of said account is as follows.
Charge £ s. d.
money remaining in his [Herbert's] hands at the foot of his last account 9092 16
imprest formerly made to John Cocke, Deputy Receiver of Prizes, but now cleared 200 0 0
[benefit] prizes received on Malt Tickets 120 0 0
interest on Malt Tickets 284 15 10¾
unpaid of an order for Admiralty fees 13 8 10
total charge £9711 0
as against this total charge of 9711l. 0. 9½ the total discharge is 8276l. 4. 11: remains 1434l. 15. 10½. The discharge items include 4586l. 15. 10¾ for payments to several persons for their share of prizes “but it doth not appear by any account or by the orders that the sums charged were the men's due shares of the prizes & the true proceeds of the goods &c,” and 211l. 7. 2¼ paid to the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded for 4/10 of the goods condemned out of the White Salmon which is accounted for by them.
The margin of the account is annotated with the Lord Treasurer's decisions as to the allowing or otherwise of the several items.
(2) Report by J. Smith, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the particulars of said account and on the Duke of Leeds's cravings.
(3) Memorial of Thomas, Duke of Leeds, executor of said James Herbert; praying certain allowances, detailed, in said account. Amongst these items of cravings is 175l. for Mr. Anthony Brucer who is the only person that has been all along employed in prosecuting Mr. Herbert's accounts viz in attending Auditor Aldworth and the Auditors of Imprests from Lady day 1699 to Michaelmas 1707; “but being again employed by the Government from Michaelmas 1702” he prays an allowance only to Michaelmas 1702. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, pp. 240–3.
Aug. 9. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Auditors of Imprests to prepare for declaration the account of George Dodington & partners for the 27817l. 4. 0 for which they are set in super in the account of Thomas, Lord Coningsby & Charles Fox, late Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland: to wit for clothing for the army in Ireland in 1690 & 1691.
Appending: certificate dated Feb 26 last by Sir William Robinson, one of the Commissaries General of said Forces in said years, detailing the clothing provided by said Dodington & partners for 17 Regiments of Foot, detailed, in 1691 which clothing was delivered to said Regiments by Mr. Vanhomrigh, Commissary General: total discharge 26366l. 14. 0. The balance of 1450l. 10. 0 was for clothing for Col. Churchill's Regiment but the same never came to the said Commissary's hands & is hereby to be set in super on such persons as may legally or properly be charged therewith. Ibid., pp. 244–5.
Same by same to Edward Wilcox, Surveyor General of Woods Trent South, to build a lodging room, stable & cellar to the lodge (called Broomy Lodge) of James Crofts, master keeper of Lynwood Bailiwick in New Forest, at a cost of 70l. in money and 27 loads of timber. Ibid., pp. 246–7.
Same by same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the manor, park & demesnes of Liskeard, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, in order to a fresh lease thereof to Jane Johnson, widow of Major Thomas Johnson, for 99 years terminable on the lives of [her and] Thomas & William Johnson her sons.
Prefixing: report by said Surveyor General on said Jane Johnson's petition. Her late husband was a Major under General Monk & very instrumental in the Restoration. Ibid., pp. 248–9.
Royal warrant dated Windsor Castle to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to insert on the Establishment of Ireland a pension of 3s. 6d. a day for Major Charles de Cressaron as from 1706–7 Feb 20, being his former pension from the time he resigned his commission, he having been a Captain of French Dragoons under Richard, Earl of Rivers, which post by reason of age and indisposition he was obliged to quit in Valencia. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 32.
Treasurer Godolphin to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of George Dodington praying that in regard of his & his family's services & sufferings a grant may be made to his nephew George Butt of the office of Clerk of the Pells in Ireland after the decease of Thos [sic for Theopilus] Butler, the present Clerk. Ibid., p. 33.
Aug. 9. Royal warrant dated Windsor Castle to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for establishing a rule for compositions on signatures in Scotland, to wit that the Exchequer Court there do observe as a standing rule in all cases where compositions are due to the Crown at the passing of signatures in favour of purchasers commonly called singular successioners [that] one sixth part of the valued rent be taken from all sorts of people without any manner of distinction or alteration whatever: & that the same be answered to the Crown accordingly: all by reason that heretofore no certain rule has been observed in settling the said compositions but sometimes a fourth, sometimes a fifth & at other times a lesser proportion of the valued rent hath been taken: and the Barons of the said Court have advised a sixth as a moderate sum to be taken for all such compositions. (Privy seal dated Aug 8 [sic for 18] hereon.)
Followed by: entry of Treasurer Godolphin's signature dated Aug 18 of the docquet of this privy seal. Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 412–3, 417.
Aug. 10. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Solicitor General enclosing informations [missing] touching an intercourse & correspondence between French ships & some people on the coast of Sussex, which papers the Lord Treasurer has received from Secretary Sunderland. Please send for Mr. Henry Baker and prepare for the Lord Treasurer such instructions as you shall think necessary to prevent such intercourse. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 454.
Same to Mr. Studholme & Mr. Wise to proceed in making the road passable in the Great Park at Windsor from Bishops Gate to Sandpit Gate: to wit not exceeding your estimate of 255l. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Mr. Brydges [Paymaster of the Forces Abroad] & Mr. Walpole [Secretary at War] of the petition of Capt. William Stuart, in Lieut. General Steuart's Regiment, setting forth the loss of his equipage & effects at the battle of Almanza & the loss of an eye & partly of the use of both hands. Reference Book VIII, p. 324.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Auditors of Imprests to prepare for declaration Henry Baker's account for the year ended 1700 Sept 29 & for the 2 years ended 29 Sept 1702 [of money received & expended for prosecution of lawsuits on behalf of the Treasury].
Prefixing: state of said account: total receipts for the first account 7800l.: total expenditure 5396l. 5. 11 including 588l. 7. 5½ for charges in discovering and prosecuting owlers; 212l. 0. 11 for charges in discovering smugglers of French silks &c; 149l. 8. 2 for charges of preferring sundry Bills, informations and indictments &c; 750l. paid to Mr. Armiger, one of the clerks of the Exchequer Court for drawing and engrossing informations against owlers &c; 130l. [paid] to John Haines and John Edwards in compensation of a French boat seized by them: total receipts for the second account 3365l.; total payments 3102l. 14. 4: including payments for prosecuting owlers, smugglers, &c; 269l. 5. 0 for the travelling charges of Henry Baker this accountant & his clerk & servant in making surveys of the coasts of Kent, Sussex & Hants for discovery of owlers, and to settle the districts of the officers and to rectify the use of the Dragoons; 3208l. 18. 0 for the weekly pensions of Capt. Porter et al concerned in such discoveries; 200l. which this accomptant was directed by the Treasury Lords to pay to several tenants of Lord Preston; 20l. 15. 0. for an abatement made by this accomptant for present payment of 370l., the King's part of the execution money levied upon the 2 Hannakins and William Badcock, owlers. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, pp. 275–6.