Minute Book: July 1708

Pages 30-37

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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July 1708

July 6, forenoon. Windsor Castle. Present: ut supra.
Some papers are read [& the Queen's decisions thereupon are endorsed thereon].
[My Lord directs the issue out of Civil List moneys of] 1000l. to Mr. Lowndes for secret service. Ibid., p. 228.
July 7, forenoon. Windsor Castle. Present: Lord Treasurer.
[My Lord directs the issue out of Civil List moneys of] 15691l. 18. 2 to the Works for half a year to 1707 Sept 29 [on the debt owing in the Office of Works] to be paid by 1691l. 18. 2 this week & 1000l. a week in the 14 subsequent weeks.
[Likewise] 2737l. 7. 7¾ for the Works at Windsor for the same half year: to be paid by 737l. 7. 7¾ this week & the rest by 1000l. a week in the 2 subsequent weeks.
[Likewise] 24567l. 19. 9 to several for pensions & salaries & to Foreign Ministers as per lists thereof entered in the Disposition Book.
[Likewise] 3700l. out of money to be raised by the Treasurer of the Navy on Land Tax tallies in his hands for this year: & is to be paid over by him to Mr. Whitfeild for such services of the Marines as are directed on his memorial which is read this day.
Likewise 55987l. 10. 0 to Mr. Brydges on his order for 500,000l. for the effectual carrying on of the war in Spain: to wit
£ s. d.
out of money in the Exchequer arising by the contributions on the First Annuity Act anno 1708
to answer bills of exchange drawn by Mr. Stanhope for the value of 103950 pieces of Eight taken up by him in Italy for the service of the Forces in Catalonia, at the rate of 60 pence sterling for each piece of Eight 25987 10 0
out of the third payment on the second Annuity Act which is to be made on or before Aug 20 next
towards the pay of the Auxiliary Forces sent or to be sent from Italy to Spain: & is to answer to Sir Henry Furnese the [like] value in his bills of exchange on Genoa over & above the 40000l. lately ordered for like remittances there 30000
£55987 10 0
[My Lord directs] the Treasurer of the Navy to apply to the Bank of England to advance the sum of 32700l. on the Land Tax tallies in his hands anno 1708 [by discounting same] at an interest rate of 5 per cent to commence from the time the money is advanced & to be applied as follows viz
to the Ordinary of the Navy 9000
to Wages of seamen 20000
to Walter Whitfeild, Paymaster of Marines upon account for levy money for recruits & to be reckoned as paid out of the money saved by respite on the said Marines 2000
to same to answer Mr. Morrice's bill of exchange payable to James Milne (Milner) for value sent by the Earl of Galway's directions to the Marines in Alicante 1500
to same to answer another bill of exchange drawn by Col. Wills from Barcelona for the use of the Marines under his command & dated 28 January last 200
[Likewise for] 43994l. 15. 0 to be raised by Mr. Howe on the tallies in his hands anno 1708: to be applied to the several uses [of the Guards & Garrisons] as in his memorial of this day's date.
[Likewise for the issue of] 3836l. 18. 0 to Thomas Micklethwaite on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer & Paymaster of the Transports: to be issued out of Contributions remaining in the Exchequer on the first Act for sale of Annuities anno 1708: & is intended to be applied to satisfy the 3820l. 19. 7 due to Edward Colvill for victualling the soldiers at Newcastle that came from Ostend on the occasion of the late invasion & 15l. 18. 5 for Exchequer fees on the receipt thereof. Ibid., p. 228–9. Disposition Book XIX, pp. 173, 171.
July 12, forenoon. Windsor Castle. Present: Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Whereas the Bank of England did on the 8th day of this instant July advance to Mr. Howe, Paymaster of Guards & Garrisons, a sum of 15000l. (in part of 44000l.) on tallies & orders charged on Malt anno 1708, my Lord Treasurer is pleased to order & agree that they shall be repaid the said 15000l. out of the money that is or shall be brought into the Exchequer for the third payment of the Second Annuity Act on or before Aug 20 next, if they shall desire the same, together with interest at the rate of 5 per cent per an from the day of lending to the time of repayment.
And whereas the said Mr. Howe has this day represented that there is occasion for the remaining 29000l. my Lord is pleased further to declare that if the Bank shall advance the same by 6000l. a week in 4 weeks from the date hereof & 5000l. in the subsequent week they shall be repaid the said 29000l. (or so much thereof as they shall advance) on or before the 25th day of Sept next (if it shall be desired) together with 5 per cent interest as above.
[My Lord orders the] Treasurer of the Navy to take up the further sum of 25000l. from the Bank on the Land Tax tallies in his hands anno 1708: the same being intended to be applied as follows viz
for bills of exchange under the head of Wear & Tear 5000
for Wages to seamen 20000
[My Lord directs] 3165l. 1. 2 to be procured by Mr. Howe on the Malt tallies in his hands for the present year at 5 per cent interest from the time the money shall be advanced: and to be applied to the uses [of the Guards & Garrisons as] expressed in his memorial.
[My Lord directs] 363l. 8. 0 to be issued to Mr. Howe out of Malt Duties anno 1708 [on proviso of] all loans on that Register being satisfied: to be issued on his unsatisfied order for the Guards & Garrisons: & is to be applied to satisfy the respited pay of Col. Townsend's Regiment from the 25th of August 1706 to the 23rd December following, the said respite having been removed by the royal warrant of May 28 last.
[Likewise] 39960l. 13. 7½ to Mr. Brydges out of funds as follows: to wit 6243l. 5. 3 of Contributions on the first Act for sale of Annuities anno 1708; & 14747l. 8. 8 out of the payment by the East India Company on account of their united stock; & 18969l. 19. 8½ out of loans on the Half Subsidy [the Minute Books says on the General Mortgage] as the said loans are or shall be made at the Exchequer: the said total sum being intended to be applied as follows: viz:
£ s. d.
in part of 894272l. 3. 6 for the 40000 men anno 1708
for Major General Farrington's Regiment on account of their subsistence from 24 June last: & is to enable them to buy tents & other camp necessaries, they being appointed for the present Expedition 1927 3
in part of 177511l. 3. 6 for the 10000 additional men anno 1708
for Col. Johnson's Regiment of Foot on account of their subsistence from 24 June last: & is to enable them to provide like necessaries, they being ordered on the same Expedition 1927 3
in part of 586671l. 12. 6 for the Established Forces in Spain & Portugal anno 1708
for the Regiments of Foot of Levesay, Hamilton, Wynne, Lepell, Moor, Caulfeild, Munden & Townshend on account of their subsistence from June 24 last & is to enable them to provide like necessaries, they being ordered on the same Expedition 16706 11
in part of 500000l. for the augmentation of the Forces & other services anno 1708
to answer a bill of exchange drawn by Mr. Chetwynd for the value of 550 Louis d'ors paid by him to Baron Wetzelle, Lieut. General in the Emperor's service, to whom the Marshal Staremberg has left the care of the Imperial Troops designed for Spain; whereof 500 Louis d'ors is on account of the pay of a Regiment of Imperial Horse taken into her Majesty's service & the remaining 50 is upon account of the subsistence of 300 men which were left behind at the last embarcation: the said bill being drawn at the rate of 58½ pence sterling per Crown of Piedmont money of 82 sols each: & amounts (including one per cent commission) to 527
for the pay & other occasions of the Auxiliary Troops in Spain: being to answer several bills of exchange drawn in April last by Mr. Mead, Deputy Paymaster of the said Forces 8872 14 9
to answer a bill of exchange drawn by Mr. Mead at Barcelona 23 April last payable to Don Amadore D'Almean for the use of the King of Spain & to be esteemed as part of the 150000l. for his Catholic Majesty & the Troops in his own pay this year 10000
£39960 13
[My Lord directs] 5224l. 10. 7 to be paid to the [Queen's] printers for 2 years to 1707 Sept 29: to be paid out of loans to be made by themselves on tin: the orders for which loans are to be drawn without interest. Treasury Minute Book XVI, pp. 230–1. Disposition Book XIX, pp. 179, 180–1.
July 19, forenoon. Windsor Castle. Present: Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Write to Mr. Walpoole [Secretary at War] that application has been made to my Lord Treasurer for subsistence of several Officers here whose Regiments are in Spain & Portugal & that my Lord cannot think it reasonable to supply that money till he knows how their leave of absence stands & therefore Mr. Walpoole is desired to send a copy or extract thereof & to acquaint the Prince of Denmark with a state of that matter so that his Royal Highness may be pleased to give such orders as may hasten the said Officers to their respective commands for her Majesty's service.
[My Lord orders a] letter to Mr. Borret to prosecute one Ford for listing several persons without authority.
[My Lord directs the issue of] 2097l. 3. 4 to the Paymaster of the Works by 500l. a week [out of Civil List moneys]: & is to be paid over to Mr. Wise for works by him performed by her Majesty's command since July 1707 in St James's Park, Kensington, Hampton Court & Windsor according to a report of the [Principal] Officers of the Works.
Likewise 236. 13. 4 to Mr. Roberts [Paymaster of the Works at Windsor Castle] to be similarly paid over to said Wise for charges in removing 300 deer from Windsor House Park to St James's Park, Hyde Park & Woodstock Park, including fees to the keepers & 30l. for one year's salary to June 24 last to a moletaker in Windsor Great Park.
[My Lord directs] 18000l. to the Navy Treasurer: out of the last payment on the first Annuity Act due to be made on Sept 25 next: & is intended to pay a year's pensions to Lady day last to the pensioners belonging to the Chest at Chatham.
[Likewise] 994l. 18. 1 to the Paymaster of the Works: [out of Civil List moneys]: to be paid over to Mr. Wise & Capt. Studholme to complete 1394l. 10. 1 certified and allowed by the [Principal] Officers of the Works in their report of the 14th inst for works done by them [Wise and Studholme] in enlarging the Canal in Windsor Little Park & for making the road round the wall of the said park.
[Likewise] 1827l. to Mr. Howe for several services as in his memorial read this day: half thereof to be issued out of funds anno 1705 & half out of funds anno 1706.
[Likewise] 10858l. 13. 11½ to Mr. Brydges out of such money as shall be lent at the Exchequer on the General Mortgage for the service of this present year: & is to be applied to the uses contained in several of his memorials read this day.
[My Lord directs] Mr. Howe to procure 22575l. 8. 11½ from the Bank of England on a deposit of tallies on the Malt Duty anno 1708 at 5 per cent interest from the times of advancing (which 'tis desired may be in 3 equal proportions from the 26th instant) to the time or times of repayment: which repayment my Lord Treasurer consents shall be out of the Annuity money [Contribution instalment] payable on or before Sept 25 next.
[My Lord directs] 4000l. to the Cofferer towards making provision for the entertainment of the Queen of Portugal & her retinue in her voyage from Holland to Lisbon; according to a memorial from the Board of Greencloth. Treasury Minute Book XVI, pp. 232–3.
July 26, forenoon. Windsor Castle. Present: Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
[My Lord directs] 60334l. 19. 6¼ to Thomas Jett, the Paymaster of unsatisfied Debentures charged upon the Irish Forfeitures: & is to be applied to pay 1¼ years' interest on the said debentures, which was voted in the last session of Parliament to be paid out of the funds of this year: hereof 30000l. is to be issued out of the third payment of the second Annuity Act [6 Anne, c. 48], which [instalment or payment] is due to be made on or before Aug 20 next; & the remaining 30334l. 19. 6¼ out of the third payment to be made by the East India Company on Sept 11 next upon account of their United Stock.
[My Lord] ordered as follows on several memorials of Mr. Brydges [read this day] viz (1) 21325l. 19. 1½ to be issued out of loans on the Half Subsidies anno 1708 as they are or shall be made at the Exchequer: and to be applied as follows viz:
£ s. d.
in part of 586671l. 12. 6 for the Established Forces in Spain & Portugal anno 1708
for subsistence upon account for Mr. Harvey's Regiment of Horse, the Regiments of Dragoons of Raby, Pepper, Nassau & Guiscard & the Foot Regiments of Hotham, Sibourg & Blossett now in Spain: to wit for 61 days from April 24 last to June 23 last & is to answer many occasions of the said Regiments payable here at home 3491 16 3
for Major James Allen pursuant to the royal warrant of July 17 inst upon account of his demands as Commissary of the Provisions for the Forces in Spain towards subsisting him whilst a prisoner in France 200
for the subsistence of the prisoners in France and Spain, to answer several bills of exchange drawn for that purpose: the total of these three items being 9225l. 19. 1½ 5534 2 10½
(in the margin: a later direction dated 1708 Dec 6 “what the loans on the half subsidies will not at present extend to” you, the Auditor of the Receipt, are to issue out of the East India Company's payment.)
to be paid over to Sir Henry Furnese to answer 2 bills of exchange drawn June 12 & 15 last by Messrs. Clifford upon Mr. Brydges & payable to the said Furnese for value remitted to Paris for the subsistence of the prisoners in France 12100
£21325 19
[Likewise (2) of] 137463l. 19. 5½ to Mr. Brydges: to be issued out of funds as follows viz 10000l. out of loans to be made by Sir Henry Furnese on Malt anno 1707, 80000l. out of the third instalment payment on the second Annuity Act which is to be made on or before Aug 20 next; & the remaining 47463l. 19. 5½ out of the third instalment payment to be made by the East India Company on or before Sept 11 next as above: the said total to be applied for services as follows viz
£ s. d.
63985l. 6. 2 as follows as in part of 894272l. 3. 6 for the 40000 men anno 1708
for a month's subsidy to Sept 23 next to the British Troops forming part of this body 30172 2
for the same month's full pay to the Foreign Troops forming part of the said body 30997 15 4
for the same month's full pay to the General Officers of this body 1982 1
for the same month's Contingencies 833 6 8
(The abovesaid 3 items making a total of 63985l. 6. 2.)
in part of 177511l. 3. 6 for the 10000 additional Forces anno 1708
for the same month's subsistence to the British Troops & full pay to the Foreigners forming this body after abating 1261l. 9. 6 for 1300 Palatines in Catalonia 16733 7
in part of 34251l. 13. 4 for the 3000 Palatines anno 1708
for two thirds (being her Majesty's share) of the pay of said Palatines for the same month 2811 17
in part of 43251l. 12. 6 for the 4639 Saxons anno 1708
for a moiety (being her Majesty's proportion) of the said Troops' pay for said month 3496 8 10¼
in part of 9269l. 16. 6 for Bothmar's Regiment of Dragoons anno 1708
for her Majesty's share of the pay of said Regiment for said month 753 3 3
in part of 494689l. 8. 6 for subsidies to the allies anno 1708
for her Majesty's proportion of the agio, bread & forage of the 12000 Prussians serving in the Netherlands: to wit for the months of Aug & Sept: being 1780l. 1. 10½ for the agio; 1215l. 2. 4 for their bread & 3995l. 14. 3½ for their forage 6990 18 6
in part of 586671l. 12. 6 for the Established Forces in Spain & Portugal anno 1708
for 2 months' subsidies from Aug 24 next to Oct 23 next to the Foot Regiments of Barrymore, Paston, Peirce, Newton, Sankey & Stanwix in Portugal & the Foot Regiments of Watkins & Elliot in Gibraltar & the Regiments of Hotham & Sibourg at Alicante 17472 18 10
for the full pay of the Earl of Galway & the other General & Staff Officers of the Forces on the Portugal Establishment for 6 months ending 1708 June 23 3719 19 2
for for Contingencies of the said Forces for the said time 1500
for value [received as] in Sir Henry Furnese's bills of exchange by way of Genoa & Leghorn for the services of the Forces in Spain: at the rate of 60 pence per Crown [of money of Piedmont] 20000
(The above last four items making a total of 42692l. 18. 0.)
£137463 19
[Letter of direction for] 4976l. 5. 5½ out of Civil List funds: to be applied as follows viz:
£ s. d.
to the Duke of Bolton for the surplus of his account 313 8 10½
to Mr. Whitaker, Foreign Opposer 40 0 0
to Mr. Davenant, Secretary at Frankfort 538
to Mr. Smethin, her Majesty's Goldsmith 4084 16 7
£4976 5
Treasury Minute Book XVI, pp. 234–5. Disposition Book XIX, pp. 188, 189, 190–1, 192.
July 28, forenoon. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. Present: Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
[My Lord directs the issue out of Civil List moneys of] 10000l. to the Wardrobe: by 500l. a week.
Upon reading the report of Mr. Dod relating to the Queen's wines bought in Holland now under seizure, & consulting thereupon with the Solicitor General, the Customs Commissioners & the patent officers [of the Customs] my Lord agrees that the seizure may go on and that the writ of delivery upon giving security to abide the determination of the Exchequer Court be obtained as soon as possible so that the wines may not suffer damage.
My Lord directs the issue of 1000l. to the Cofferer of the Household as in further part of 1707 Xmas quarter: being for the said quarter for such of the servants [of the Household] who are appointed to attend the Queen of Portugal in her voyage to Lisbon. Treasury Minute Book XVI, p. 236. Disposition Book XIX, p. 189.