Warrant Books: July 1708, 1-5

Pages 295-299

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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July 1708, 1–5

July 1. Money order for 40l. to Peter Le Neve & Simeon Stuart, Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer Court, for Easter & Trinity terms on their allowance for sorting & ordering records.
10l. to said Peter Le Neve, Senior Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer, for last June 24 quarter's allowance for locking up her Majesty's treasure. Order Book VII, p. 153. Disposition Book XIX, p. 177.
Same for 12l. 10. 0 to Thomas Fox for same quarter for making & keeping the Registers of all the public loans in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt.
5l. to John Broadhurst as porter attending at the Exchequer Gate, for same quarter's allowance for the better securing her Majesty's treasure. Order Book VII, p. 154. Disposition Book XIX, p. 177.
Same for 20l. to Roger Millart, clerk to the Agents for Taxes, for same quarter, being 15l. for himself and 5l. for a messenger. Order Book VII, p. 155. Disposition Book XIX, p. 176.
Same for 50l. to Walter Hamilton, Lieut. Govr. of St Christopher, for one quarter to May 9 last on the allowance for his maintenance & in lieu of all presents from the Assemblies. Order Book VII, p. 165.
Letter of direction for 40000l. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, out of the second payment due to be made by the East India Company on or before the 12th inst: to be as in part of 500000l. for augmenting the Forces anno 1708: & is to be paid over to Sir Henry Furnese to answer the value of 160000 pieces of Eight payable at Genoa upon his letter of credit given May 26 last & intended to be sent in specie to Barcelona for the service of the auxiliary troops in her Majesty's pay, being after the rate of 60 pence per piece of Eight. Disposition Book XIX, p. 471.
William Lowndes to Mr. Brydges to report on the enclosed report [missing] from the Principal Commissioners for Prizes touching the proceeds of the ship Jean de Grace & her lading taken by her Majesty's ship Newcastle, when Capt. Cutter was Commander, which was disposed of at Barcelona by order of Lord Peterborough. Please propose to the Lord Treasurer in what manner the bill for 2000l. therein mentioned to be drawn on you by Lord Peterborough may be satisfied in order to discharge the captors' shares. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 438.
July 2. Money warrant for 16671l. 3. 3 to Nehemiah Arnold, Paymaster of Malt Lottery Tickets: for the 89th payment of the principal & interest of the said tickets.
Appending: certificate of the money due on the said 89th payment, which is the next payment in course.
£ s. d.
principal money after abating 20l. for 2 benefits above 20l. each 9980
interest of 998 tickets from Lady day 1700 to 2 July 1708 being 3021 days at a half penny a day each 6281 3 3
benefits 410
£16671 3 3
(Money order dated July 2 hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 270. Order Book VII, p. 148.
Same for 75l. to William Wekett for last June 24 quarter for disbursements for the Treasury Office & his attendance &c; and 5l. to John Farra for same time for carrying letters. (Money order dated July 2 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated July 14 hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 220. Order Book VII, p. 128. Disposition Book XIX, p. 181.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt to distribute & apply the sum of 60345l. 3. 7 to Deficient Funds as follows: the said sum representing the income between June 4 last & July 2 inst from branches of the revenue as follows viz: 110l. 18. 3½ from Whalefins being a surplusage from the first General Mortgage [or Deficiencies Sinking Fund Scheme]; 18636l. 15. 3½ from New Customs; 3982l. 6. 11½ from Additional Impositions; 4872l. 8. 8 from Vellum; 20995l. 13. 8 from Continued Impositions; 27l. 5. 7 from Salt Duties before 1 Aug 1706 being a surplusage as above; 3442l. 13. 4½ from ditto since that date; 7592l. 15. 6 from Windows; 684l. 6. 3 from Marriages, being a surplusage as above: the said distribution and application to be hereby as follows: viz
Deficiencies as computed by Act of Parliament How they stood on the Register the 2nd July 1708 The distribution & application hereby ordered
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
Exchequer Bills 515165 4 307087 9 8 13293 2 11¾
First 3s. Aid 415099 397098 18 10711 1
Paper for Plate 15400 14800 397 7
Malt Tickets 579060 351640 14941 17
Leather 504438 391163 2 0 13016 6 11½
Third Quarterly Poll 212770 17 0 199414 2 6 5490 5
Third 3s. Aid 25823 2 9 24271 6 666 6
New East India Company 65518 0 26280 13 1690 12 1
General Society [East Indies] 5354 10 2147 16 138 3
£2338628 15 £1713903 8 £60345 3 7
Ibid., pp. 287–8.
William Lowndes to the Commissioners of Transports to make provision for the transport to New York of the 12 poor Protestants lately come from Germany in like manner as the 41 poor Protestants that came before out of the Palatinate: all in accordance with the Queen's pleasure communicated by Secretary Boyle. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 437.
Same to same to report on the enclosed letter from Capt. Cooper, Commander of her Majesty's ship St Albans, representing his having taken care of several of the transport ships with Rear Admiral Baker that were leaky and having provided necessaries for the Forces on board, which service he performed by order from the said Admiral; therefore praying to be considered for such his services & expenses. Ibid., p. 438.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance enclosing an order in Council [missing] upon your report relating to the stores of war proposed to be sent to New York with Lord Lovelace, Governor of that Province. Please inform the Lord Treasurer what stores have been sent thither, what account you have of them & what in your opinion may be now necessary to be sent along with Lord Lovelace. Ibid.
July 2, 6, 12, 19, 27, 28. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to employ Charles Thorpe as waiter & searcher at Chester, to keep a horse & to visit the coast from Neston to Shotwick, loco Edward Lloyd deceased.
Charles Wise as a landwaiter at Liverpool loco John Ashworth deceased.
Tho Jacombe as waiter & searcher at Wivenhoe in Colchester port loco Robert Bickerstaffe deceased.
John Purdy (a pilot belonging to the port of Lynn Regis) and Robert Everard one of the boatmen's mates at Shields in Newcastle port to be boatmen in Lynn Regis port loco Samuel Vickery & Gabriel Cock lately drowned.
John Marlow to be boatman's mate at Shields loco said Everard.
Richard Mills as a waterman in London port loco John Brenny dismissed.
Benjamin Hancock as a boatman at Beachley in Bristol port loco William James deceased.
Hugh Northcote as landwaiter at Exeter loco William Fowler.
William Fowler as landwaiter at Liverpool loco said Hugh Northcote.
William Johnson as a coastwaiter London port loco his father Richard Johnson who has been 24 years in said service & is almost worn out & now afflicted with palsey. Prefixing: report from the Customs Commissioners that there is no pecuniary consideration in the surrender.
Richard Jennings (for several years deputy comptroller of Fowey port) as collector of Truro loco Nicholas Saunders deceased.
James Thornton (one of the extraordinary tidesmen London port lately presented to be a tidewaiter at Plymouth) as a tidewaiter in Liverpool port loco William Bennet deceased.
Archibald Cummings to reside at Newfoundland to prevent the illegal trade there: at a salary of 150l. per an for himself & 2 boatmen.
Prefixing: presentation by the said Commissioners of said Cummings in accordance with the late order in Council. He is at present Agent there for the affairs of the Admiralty wherein he has very well behaved himself (as we are informed by Mr. Warters the Solicitor to the Lord Admiral) & has also the character of a very diligent, able & knowing person. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 116, 118, 119, 121, 122.
July 2. Treasury reference to the Queen's Remembrancer of the petition of Capt. Charles Gookin. appointed Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania, proposing his sureties in 2000l. viz William Penn junr. of Smith Street Westminster & Richard Standfast of Westminster bookseller. Reference Book VIII, p. 302.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of —–, Virginia merchants, setting forth that their ship the London Merchant coming from thence laden with 1060 hogsheads of York River tobacco was taken by the enemy but ransomed for 2600l. whereby the Customs were secured to her Majesty: therefore praying that the Queen may bear part of the ransom. Ibid.
July 5. Letter of direction for 1000l. to William Lowndes: out of Civil List moneys: for Secret Service. Disposition Book XIX, p. 170.
William Lowndes to the Agents for Taxes to report on the enclosed letter & case [missing] from several of the [Assessment] Commissioners of the Land Tax for Co Westmorland touching the assessments of two Hundreds in said county & the returns made by the Receiver General. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 439.
Same to Auditor Harley. The Lord Treasurer observes from your state of the accounts of the late Commissioners for Wine Licences that 42401l. 15. 10 is craved for principal, interest & reward of 30000l. advance money on their contract. Please distinguish how much thereof is for interest & how much for reward. Ibid., p. 440.
July 5. Treasury reference to Mr. Burton of the petition of the chapel wardens & overseer of the poor and other inhabitants of the Precinct of the Savoy shewing that 32l. is due to them for poor rates from the Hospital [of the Savoy], which being made use of as a Marshalsea has very much increased the poor of the precinct & further that the chapel & chapel yard is very much out of repair: therefore praying payment for said arrears & repairs & that they may have the benefit of the moneys arising by the bell & burial ground (being about 15l. per an), for the relief of the poor. Reference Book VIII, p. 324.