Warrant Books: June 1708, 1-10

Pages 253-264

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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June 1708, 1–10

June 1. Same dated St James's to the Solicitor General for a privy seal to discharge the baronet fee of 1095l. due from Sir Alexander Cairnes. (Privy seal dated June 16 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, pp. 358, 378.
(Treasurer Godolphin's warrant to the Receipt for said discharge accordingly dated July 6 hereon. Money Book XIX, p. 269.)
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Auditor et al of the Receipt to reserve & apply the sum of 9778l. 6. 4 (being the overplus of the five sevenths of the ninepence per barrel Excise on the 1st inst which is appropriated to make good the fund of the Bank of England) for & towards the making good such quarterly payments on the annuities purchased (in pursuance of the Act of 5 Anne [6 Anne c. 2] for settling a fund for 72187l. 10. 0 per an for annuities anno 1707) as shall grow due at or before Michaelmas 1710.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt of the said overplus. Ibid., p. 256.
William Lowndes to the Bishop of Hereford to report to the Lord Treasurer on the enclosed letter [missing] from one Mr. Pugh concerning a forfeited recognizance for which he has lain in prison over 4 years: in which letter he refers to your lordship. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 421.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the transport to Holland of some horses which are bought here; as in the enclosed letter [missing] from Count Gallas, Envoy of the Emperor of Germany. Ibid.
Same to the Transports Commissioners. I have sent to the Lord Treasurer the enclosed letter [missing] from the Victualling Commissioners enclosing the account of Edward Colvill of Newcastle for victualling 5324 soldiers who came from Ostend on the occasion of the late invasion. As this expense is for provisions from England to Holland the Lord Treasurer thinks it most proper to be defrayed by your Office. Please report on it, to the end order may be given for the payment. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to have Charles Cholmondley instructed at the water side in the affairs of the Customs in order to his being presented for employment.
The like for David Edwards. Ibid., p. 422.
June 1, 8, 14, 15, 18, 21, 29. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Chinowe as waiter & searcher at Mevegizy [Mevagissy] in Fowey port loco Peter Symonds deceased.
John Roy as a landwaiter in Minehead port loco Francis Plumley surrendered. Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on said Plumley's petition for leave to surrender. He desires to surrender in consideration of some other business equivalent which he is in expectation of through the means of the said Roy who hath for above 2 years been employed under some of the patent officers of said port. Roy makes oath that he has made no payment or allowance to Plumley for such surrender.
William Chomley as waiter & searcher at Wivenhoe in Colchester port loco Robert Bickerstaff deceased.
George Bailis as a tidesman in Newcastle port loco John Clarke who refuses to accept of that employment.
Michael Peterson as a tidesman at Plymouth loco William Stephens deceased.
Henry Lloyd (one of the extraordinary tidesmen in Bristol port) as an established tidesman there loco William Austin deceased.
John Harrison as a watchman London port loco Robert Isaacks lately deceased.
John Baines (at present a riding officer at Robin Hoods Bay in Whitby port) to be collector at Scarborough, loco John Willson lately deceased: the said Baines having executed that office several times upon extraordinary occasions. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 109, 110, 111, 116, 117.
June 2. Letter of direction for 4026l. 9. 3½ to the Treasurer of the Chamber as the second moiety to complete the 8026l. 9. 3½ ut supra, pp. 248–9. Disposition Book XIX, p. 153.
Same for 23731l. 8. 11 to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of loans to be made by him on the Land Tax anno 1708: & to be applied to services as follows viz:
£ s. d.
in part of 894272l. 3. 6 for the 40000 men anno 1708
for the Hessian Troops forming part of that body in advance on their pay anno 1708 15694 10 0
in part of 177511l. 3. 6 for the 10000 additional men anno 1708
for the Hessian Troops part of that body in advance on their pay anno 1708 3036 18 11
in part of 494689l. 8. 6 for Subsidies to the Allies anno 1708
for the King of Portugal on his subsidy for the 13000 men to be maintained by him: & is to be applied towards paying for 1000 horses bought up here for his use 5000
£23731 8 11
Ibid., p. 156.
Same for 4000l. to Charles Hedges: out of Civil List moneys: on his unsatisfied order for the service of the Robes. Ibid.
Same for 750l. to Charles, Earl of Sunderland, Secretary of State: out of Civil List moneys: for secret service. Ibid., p. 157.
William Lowndes to Lord Lovelace. Some time since the Lord Treasurer sent to Visct Cornbury, Governor of New York, the enclosed abstract [missing] of the accompts of Thomas Weaver, late Receiver General of her Majesty's revenues of the Province of New York (who made his escape from thence). The Lord Treasurer desires you to examine said accompts, seeing that Visct Cornbury has not complied with Treasurer Godolphin's request. “And whereas it has happened that during the government of the Lord Cornbury there has been some disorders and uncertainties in the accompts of the revenue of New York upon the long suspension by the Lord Cornbury of Mr. Byerley, Receiver General of that Province, my Lord Treasurer does likewise desire you on your arrival at New York to give the necessary directions & assistance to the proper officers there for the further examination of the public accompts since the time of Lord Cornbury's government.” Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 422. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor), II, p. 398.
Same to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Andrew Boult gent touching an arrear due to him on his contract for clothing furnished for the Regiments of Lord Mohun, Sir Richard Temple, & Col. Stringer. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 423.
Same to the Commissioners for Sick & Wounded. On hearing you & Dr. Morley concerning money claimed from your Office by Joseph Gyde, late your Agent at Jamaica, the Lord Treasurer directs you to attend here again on Monday next & meanwhile to give Dr. Morley access to the books & papers of your Office. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to permit the import, Customs free, of 31000 ells of coarse linen from Holland to make tents for the King of Spain: in order to their being sent forward to Spain: all in accordance with the memorial of Count Gallas.
Prefixing: report of said Commissioners on said Count's memorial. The Duty on the linens would be 1270l. 0. 7½ and the drawback would be 1085l. 19. 4½. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 109–110.
Treasury reference to the Auditor of Wales of the petition of Rice Thomas praying a lease of certain parcels of escheat lands in Co Carmarthen viz Tirblan, Penant, Dole Glison, Fynon Grech, the scite of the Castle of Carmarthen, the mill called Eglas Kymmin [Eglwys Cymmin] & a parcel of land called Hirverin [Hirvaen]. In the margin: a note of the reference 25 Aug. 1708 to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the Auditor's report hereon. Reference Book VIII, p. 300.
Same to Mr. Wilcox [Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South] of the petition of Charles Mildmay, riding forester of Swinley Rails in Windsor Forest, for repair of his lodge & of pens for an increase of red deer. Ibid., p. 301.
June 3. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Edward Wilcox [Surveyor General of Woods] to pay 67l. to William Lowine for works done for the better conveniency of her Majesty's hunting in Windsor Forest by direction of the Prince of Denmark.
Prefixing: report by said Wilcox. Money Book XIX, p. 256.
June 3. Letter of direction for payment of last Easter term's salaries to the Judges as follows: out of Civil List moneys: viz
to the 12 Judges at Westminster 3000
to the 5 Judges of Wales on their 300l. per an 375
to Sir Joseph Jekyl, Chief Justice of Chester 125
to John Pocklington, second Justice of Chester, Denbigh, Flint & Montgomery 100
to the 11 Masters in Chancery for last Lady day quarter on their 100l. per an each 275
Disposition Book XIX, p. 157.
William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners. The Bank of England has this day agreed to advance a further 25000l. on Land Tax tallies & orders anno 1708 which were put into the hands of the Navy Treasurer. Please assign payment thereof as follows.
for wages to seamen (out of which 1000l. is to be imprested to Sir Geo Bing's secretary for the Contingencies of the Squadron of her Majesty's Fleet employed in the Channel & Soundings) 20000
to Walter Whitfeild, Paymaster of Marines, as imprest for the Marines 5000
Same to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, to satisfy the 11547l. 10. 0 for the full offreckonings from 1707 Dec 24 to 1707–8 Feb 23 of the subject Troops forming part of the 40000 men, by assigning to the clothiers the like sum out of the orders on the Land Tax and on Malt 1708 which were issued to you on Feb 27 last for the advance on Mr. Medina's contract for bread & bread waggons but which were not accepted by him: the said offreckonings being payable to the said clothiers: the said assignment to be for services as follows. Care is to be taken that the interest on the said orders from the dates of their drawing to the date of this assignment be saved to the public.
£ s. d.
for [clothing on] account of the 40000 men anno 1708
out of Malt orders anno 1708 9860 9
out of Land Tax orders anno 1708 1218 18
for [clothing on] account of the 10000 men anno 1708
out of Malt orders anno 1708 468 2 0
£11547 10 0
Ibid., p. 158.
June 3. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Walter Stuart concerning some lutestrings [lustrings] & alamodes imported from Scotland. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 423.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. What refunds of taxes have been made to any officers of the Navy Yards during the late & present war & what do the assessments amount to on the officers of Plymouth & Portsmouth Yards? Are not some other of the Yards under the like circumstances? Ibid.
Treasury reference to Mr. Howe, Paymaster General of Guards & Garrisons, & Robert Walpole, Secretary at War, of the petition of Brigadier General Thomas Poultney, shewing that he was Commander against the late intended invasion upon Scotland and thereby put to great charge; that upon the present Establishment [the full] pay is only allowed to such General Officers as are employed and that he being the only General Officer that went abroad & not provided for on the Establishment therefore prays that his case may be distinguished from those of the same degree in the Army who did not attend that service. Reference Book VIII, p. 300.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Gill late informer of Excise shewing that he has been a servant in the Excise 30 years & paid 3 pence per $$ out of his salary as charity money for superannuated officers & is entitled to a pension out of the said charity money, being one of the most ancient officers & having served as doorkeeper to the Excise Commissioners for 3¼ years without consideration & has now lost his employment. Ibid., p. 321.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Charles Goodhand shewing that he was formerly a landwaiter in London port and afterwards surveyor of Yarmouth which he had leave to quit and followed the brewing trade for several years but finding a decay in trade he left off & is now out of all manner of employment: therefore praying employment. Ibid.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition of the Bishop of Meath shewing that by royal letter of 27 Aug 1705 he was translated from Kildare to Meath, which became vacant 29 July 1705 but as his patent did not express that he was to receive the profits from the death of his predecessor some of the tenants refuse to account with him for that time: therefore praying a grant of the profits from the death of his predecessor. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 28.
June 4. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt to distribute & apply the sum of 47957l. 13. 10 to Deficient Funds as follows, the said sum representing the income between May 7 last & June 4 inst from branches of the revenue as follows: viz 9s. from Whale Fins before 11 July 1706 being a surplus from the first General Mortgage [or Amortisation or Deficiencies Sinking Fund scheme); 6s. 7d. from ditto since that date; 19538l. 18. 10 from New Customs; 1275l. 7. 10 from Additional Impositions; 357l. 1. 6 from Vellum before 1 August 1706, being a surplus as above; 3945l. 7. 0 from ditto since 31 July 1706; 18074l. 2. 11½ from Continued Impositions; 2198l. 18. 1½ from Salt; 2567l. 2. 0 from Windows: the said distribution & application to be hereby as follows:
Deficiencies as computed by Act of Parliament How they stood upon the Register 4 June 1708 The distribution & application hereby ordered
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
Exchequer Bills 515165 4 314872 9 8 10564 7
First 3s. Aid 415099 402098 18 8512 6
Paper for Plate 15400 15100 315 16 1
Malt Tickets 579060 351640 11874 12 10½
Leather 504438 398438 10344 7 9
Third Quarterly Poll 212770 17 0 199714 2 6 4363 4 10
Third 3s. Aid 25823 2 9 24771 7 529 10 11½
New East India Company 65518 0 27624 4 1343 11
General Society [East Indies] 5354 10 2257 12 3 109 16
£2338628 15 £1736516 13 £45957 13 10
Money Book XIX, p. 257.
June 4. William Lowndes to Auditor Maynwaring to prepare a state of the accounts of Col. John Rice. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 423.
June 7. Royal warrant dated St James's to the Postmaster General to discharge the debt of 125l. 9. 0 due at Midsummer last to her Majesty from Thomas Chapman, deputy Postmaster of St Albans; he being reduced to mean circumstances by several losses & misfortunes. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 361.
Letter of direction for 100l. to Spencer Compton: out of Civil List money; & is to be paid over to William Popple junr. towards the relief & subsistence of an Evangelical minister & 40 poor Protestants lately arrived from the Palatinate. Disposition Book XIX, p. 156.
Same for 79l. 19. 4½ to Visct FitzHardinge, Treasurer of the Chamber: out of arrears of the Additional Tonnage due before 8 March 1701–2: to be issued on his unsatisfied order for the late King's debts owing in his office: & is to be paid over to John Smith in part of his riding charges as one of the Pages of the Bedchamber to Wm. III. Ibid., p. 158.
William Lowndes to Mr. Dummer for his answer to the enclosed petition [missing] of Samson Mears & Jacob Mears relating to the contract for the pacquet boats for the West Indies. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 424.
Same to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of General Sankey touching his demands for several detachments from his Regiment in 1703 & 1705. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes to report on the enclosed representation [missing] of the Earl of Feversham relating to taxes assessed on Somerset House. Was the said tax duly laid? Ibid.
June 7. Same to Mr. Howe to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Lord Lovelace, Governor of New York & New Jersey, touching his receiving the pay of the Forces there upon good security to be given by his agent here, as hath been formerly done. Ibid., p. 427.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Smith Commander, of the Burchet privateer, shewing that he took as prize the ship You Fro [Juffrouw] laden with French wines & brandies from Bordeaux & she was condemned in the Admiralty Court as prize: that during the several months the brandies have lain in store 3 gallons of double & 277 gallons of single brandy has leaked out: therefore praying remission of the Duty on the brandy so lost. Reference Book VIII, p. 300.
Same to the Solicitor General of the petition of Edward Downes praying a grant of the Crown's title to the estate of a person some time since executed for high treason, being 50l. per an on an estate tayle in remainder after the death of a tenant for life yet living, the said attainted person having 2 sons yet living. Ibid., p. 301.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Keeble of West Jersey merchant shewing that about 8 years since he purchased a tract of land in Pennsylvania whereon he planted tobacco, Indian corn & made potash, but several of his servants dying of the sickness he lost his hoped-for crop, which loss he could not retrieve by reason of the great expense he was at: yet by the assistance of some friends there he made some progress in the potash work and brought it to such perfection as to be approved by the soap boilers in London: that a great cargo thereof coming for London was taken by the French which has totally disabled him from proceeding herein: therefore prays such a recommendation to the Commissioners for Trade that he may have such encouragement as they shall think meet. Ibid.
June 8. Royal warrant, dated St James's, constituting Gregory King, William Vanbrugh & Edmund Williamson to be Commissioners for stating the debts remaining yet unsatisfied to the Officers & soldiers who served in the late reign and likewise the debts owing to any persons upon the Civil List up to the time of the decease of Wm. III: all in accordance with the address of the House of Peers of March 29 last. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, pp. 359–60.
Same dated Kensington to the Solicitor General to acknowledge satisfaction upon record of the judgment of 100l. obtained against Thomas Mills, late master of the Ann yacht, late a tender on her Majesty's ship Royal William, by one Carpenter an officer of the Customs for putting on shore a parcel of linen cloth without payment of Custom & before report made to the Custom House, the same being seized on an open lighter near Blackwall: whereon the said Mills' goods have been seized & he imprisoned to the utter ruin of himself, his wife & 4 children: whereas the goods belonged to a passenger & were concealed during the voyage: wherefore he is a fit object of compassion. Ibid., p. 360.
Royal sign manual, dated St James's, for 322l. to Sir Charles Cottrell, Master of the Ceremonies, 300l. thereof to be paid over by him as a present from her Majesty to the Marquis Benedetto Viale, Envoy from the Republic of Genoa: and the remaining 22l. for Exchequer fees thereon. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 361. (Money warrant dated June 14 hereon.) (Money order dated June 14 hereon.) Order Book VII, p. 143.
June 8. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Arthur Maynwaring, one of the Auditors of Imprests, to allow 40l. in account to Edward Seymour, late Clerk of the Hanaper & to Henry Seymour, present Clerk of the same for the charge of passing the Hanaper account for the year ended Michaelmas 1707.
Prefixing: certificate by F. Bythell, deputy to said Maynwaring, of the stating of said account. Money Book XIX, p. 269.
Money warrant for 17l. 18. 4½ to Capt. Walter Clarke, Commander of the Customs vessel at Cowes, for reward, being the moiety of a seizure of English coin out of the ship Ufre [Juffrouw] Gertroit and the ship Rising Sun. (The letter of disposition in this case is dated 1707 Aug 7.) Ibid., p. 317. Order Book VII, p. 166. Disposition Book XIX, p. 32.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to John Dodd, Receiver General of the Rights & Perquisites of Admiralty, to pay 629l. 3. 11 to the officers of the Admiralty for fees & disbursements for business done in the Admiralty Court & Court of Appeals for Prizes between 1705 June 9 & 1706 June 24 as follows:
£ s. d.
the Judge of the High Court of Admiralty or his Surrogate 191 9 0
the Register of said Court 183 6 1
the Marshal of said Court 64 15 8
Joseph Lampson the cryer 7 14 0
William Brown for stamps 12 17 0
William Mowbray for postage 5 15 0
Jeffrey Glasier the Lord High Admiral's Proctor 151 19 2
the Register of the Appeals 4 18 0
the Keeper of the Council Chamber 2 10 0
Thomas Beake the messenger 5 0 0
£629 3 11
Money Book XIX, p. 258.
Same by same to Robert Walpoole, Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant for paying Lieut. Gen. Ecklin 250l. as in full of his loss & charge in buying horses &c for the recruits to his Regiment of Dragoons: on condition of the said Ecklin's repaying to John Howe, Paymaster of Guards & Garrisons, the sum of 1620l. paid to him as levy money for raising his Regiment from 35 men to 54 men per Troop, the order for which augmentation was afterwards countermanded.
Prefixing: certificate by said How. Ibid., p. 259.
Allowance by same of the incidents bill of the Post Office for 1708 Lady day quarter: total 933l. 14. 0. Ibid., p. 183.
June 8 Warrant by same to Receipt for payment of 4000l. to Sir John Holland for 4 years' arrears from 1680 Lady day to 1684 Lady day on the pension of 1000l. per an to Visct Brouncker as granted by Charles II 1671 July 6 for life, the said Visct having died 1684 April 4 & the said Holland being entitled to said arrears by the will of Mrs. Abigail Williams to whom the said Visct bequeathed it. Ibid., pp. 259–60.
Letter of direction for 400l. to Charles Dartiquenave, the Paymaster of the Works: out of Civil List moneys: & is to be paid over to Michaell Studholme by way of advance to enable him to proceed on making the road round the House Park at Windsor to Datchet Bridge. Disposition Book XIX, p. 158b.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Master General of the Ordnance to repay to the officers &c of the Office of Ordnance their tax assessments for the year 1707. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Agents for Taxes. It is of great importance that Mr. Mason's business should have all possible despatch in order to the recovery of his debt to the Crown. You are to attend the Solicitor General ut supra p. 172 concerning Mason's estate &c as soon as possible. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 424.
Same to Mr. Popple to apply the 100l. for the poor Palatines according to the enclosed royal warrant ut supra p. 258. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the scite of the manor of Tinten Co Cornwall in order to a new lease thereof to Richard Blygh (Bligh).
Prefixing: said Surveyor's report on said Bligh's petition for same. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, p. 177.
Same by same to the Excise Commissioners to insert in their quarterly salary bill additional allowances of 8l. per an each for 26 officers & 5l. per an each for 43 assistants for the London brewery for an encouragement to them; several of them having been lately tempted from the service to become counter gaugers & clerks to brewers at salaries of 60l. per an each.
Prefixing: said Commissioners' memorial proposing said additions. An assistant gets 30l. per an and in 2 years may rise to an officer with 52l. per an but from thence has little further to hope for, there being 69 officers in the London brewery & only 11 surveyors in the whole. A good officer can only arrive at a surveyor's place with 80l. per an after 8 or 10 years. Ibid., p. 178.
Same by same to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of execution against William Hewer as executor of Samuell Pepys, on the said Pepys's accounts as late Treasurer of Tangier. Ibid., p. 181.
Royal warrant dated St James's [to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland] to place on the Irish establishment a pension of 50l. per an to Mariana Farley, widow of the Lieutenant & Adjutant of Col. Toby Caulfeild's Regiment, who was killed at the taking of the Castle of Requena in Spain & left her with 3 children without support: to date as from Lady day last & to continue only during widowhood. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 27.
June 8. Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of James Thirlcott, late a Captain in Lieut. Gen. Earle's Regiment, praying a small pension till he be otherwise provided for. Ibid.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Major Gen. Robert Ecklin praying payment of 396l. for clothes & accoutrements of 36 men detached (by order of the Duke of Ormonde when Lord Lieutenant of Ireland by order dated 1703–4 Feb 19) from his Regiment of Dragoons to complete Major Gen. Harvey's Regiment then ordered to Portugal.
Appending: certificate by Edward Southwell of the delivery of said detachment. Ibid., p. 28.
Same to same to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Col. Heyman Rooke relating to the 107 men drafted from his Regiment & delivered to several Regiments & praying 4l. per man for their clothing. Ibid., p. 29.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Katherine, Countess Dowager of Donegal praying the Queen's favour for the support of herself & six younger children; the Duke of Ormonde having reported thereon but the Queen not having come to any resolution on the said report. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners in North Britain to employ William Wilcock as a riding officer in North Britain loco William Birch.
John Bethune as Collector of Dundee loco James Minzies who relinquishes same, having obtained a Captain's commission. Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 359.
Allowance by same of the incidents bill detailed of the Excise for Edinburgh & the precincts for 1708 Lady day quarter: total 116l. 1. 4. Ibid., p. 360.
Royal warrant dated Kensington for a patent to appoint James Penman to be Assay Master of the Mint at Edinburgh loco James Borthwick deceased. Ibid., pp. 360–1.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Earl of Seafield concerning the above appointment. I am advised that the affairs of that Mint must be at a stand till Borthwick's place be supplied with a new officer. Penman is recommended to me as the fittest person for same in regard of his skill & knowledge, having been for a good while assay master for the Company of Goldsmiths of Edinburgh. There is no copy here of the patent to the late assay master so the above warrant may not be very exact as to the form. I enclose it to you, not knowing to whom it should be directed. Please forward it to the proper officer. “If the patent were to pass here it would be directed to the Attorney or Solicitor General. And because it may hereafter happen that other patent officers in Scotland, who are under the direction of the Treasury, may die or be removed, for the supplying of which vacancies the warrant must be obtained by the Lord Treasurer” I desire to be informed to whom such warrants should be directed and through what Offices they are to pass in Scotland. Ibid., p. 361.
June 8. Same to Sir Samuell McClellan, Lord Provost of Edinburgh. I received yours of the 20th May last with a memorial on behalf of the city of Edinburgh relating to their being sole Justices of the Peace within the bounds & Liberty of the said city & complaining of some Justices of Midlothian pretending to Accumulative Jurisdiction with the magistrates thereof [of said city] since the Union, though tis contrary to the charter granted to said city by James VI & Charles I. In answer thereto I am to say that the Queen has taken particular care of the priviledges of Edinburgh.(1) by not issuing any commission for that city (2) by not giving any Accumulative Jurisdiction to the Justices of any other County by any commission granted to them “so that unless the laws of Scotland give any Accumulative Jurisdiction, the Justices who usurp it are punishable by law. But if you think that an admonition from the Queen will best determine this controversy, the matter shall be referred to her Majesty's Counsel at Law in Scotland.”
Appending: said memorial from the Lord Provost & magistrates of the city of Edinburgh. Ibid., pp. 362–4.
Royal warrant dated Kensington, to the Clerk of the Signet, for a privy seal to authorise the Exchequer Court in Scotland to compound or discharge coast bonds [as is permitted in England] in order to bring all parts of the United Kingdom under the same prohibitions, restrictions & regulations of trade. Ibid., pp. 364–8.
Same to same for a same to empower same to compound, mitigate or discharge Customs seizures in North Britain. Ibid., pp. 369–73.
Same to same for a same to empower same to compound, mitigate or discharge recognizances, fines, issues & amerciaments. Ibid., pp. 373–5.
June 9. Money order for 100000l. to the Bank of England for one year to 1 June 1709 on the yearly sum appropriated by Parliament on the Act for Duties on Tonnage of ships [5–6 Wm. & Mary c. 20.] Order Book VII, p. 145.
William Lowndes to Mr. Everard. The Lord Treasurer gives you leave to come to London in August next on business of moment which you say requires your presence here. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 26.
June 10. Letter of direction for 24583l. 6. 8 to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: as in part of 500000l. for strengthening the army of the Duke of Savoy & other purposes: to be issued out of loans to be made by Sir Theodore Janssen on credit of Malt anno 1708: & is intended to be paid over to said Janssen for the value of 100000 crowns of 82 sols each, money of Piedmont, on his bills of exchange dated the 4th inst payable in Turin 60 days after date at the exchange rate of 59 pence per crown. Disposition Book XIX, p. 158c.
June 10. Treasury reference to the Queen's Remembrancer of the petition of Thomas Jett proposing his sureties, detailed, as Paymaster of the unsatisfied Debentures charged on the Irish Forfeitures. Reference Book VIII, p. 320.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands and the Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall of the petition of William Hooker Esq & Robert Corker merchant shewing that the office of Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall was granted by Charles II for the lives of John Tregagle senr & Sir Peter Killigrew & by a later patent for the life of John Tregagle junr in reversion; that the said Killigrew was nominated for the said Tregagle's benefit & when the father died the petitioners discharged the office during the minority of the son to whom said Hooker was uncle but when he became of age the said Tregagle junr discharged said office himself and misapplied so much cash that he became indebted near 7000l. which petitioners paid & took an absolute assignment of his said office & his estate: the said Killigrew being dead they pray a grant of said office “which is fully authorised by the Duchy Act [6 Anne c. 52] passed last session.” Ibid., p. 321.
Same to the Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall of the petition of Samuel Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, for a lease of the old ruined castle of Tintagel in Cornwall with a parcel of barren ground called the Island and some other small pieces of ground of the demesnes of the manor of Tintagel, parcel of the ancient Duchy of Cornwall. Ibid.
Fresh reference to the present Comptrollers of Army Accounts of the petition of Capt. Christopher Russell ut supra Treasury Calendar Vol. XXI under date April 10 1707: the late Comptrollers not having made their report thereon. Ibid., p. 266.