Warrant Books: February 1708, 6-10

Pages 129-132

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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February 1708, 6–10

Feb. 7. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of several London merchants relating to your order about passing certificates, debentures & warrants at the Custom House. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 390.
Same to Mr. St John to prepare royal warrants to instruct Mr. Brydges, the Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, Mr. Howe, the Paymaster of Guards & Garrisons & Mr. Walter Whitfeild the Paymaster of Marines, not to allow the additional levy money of 40s. promised to all volunteers by her Majesty's Proclamation save in cases in which the Officer produces the receipt of the man listed for 4l., witnessed by a Justice of the Peace or by the mayor or chief magistrate of a Corporation.
Prefixing: an unsigned memorial proposing to the Lord Treasurer as above and likewise that notice be given by Proclamation that all deserters who shall return to the colours before — date shall be pardoned but after such date no such pardon to be given to deserters. Ibid.
Treasury reference to John Dodd & Jo[h]n Waters of the petition of Thomas Warrin [Warren], Agent at Dover, Deal & the Isle of Thanet for the Rights & Perquisites of Admiralty, shewing that most of the prizes that came under his care are perquisites of Tenths & Salvage money, for which no allowance is settled for the [petitioner's] agency: that he received 60l. for about 2½ years' service in the said employ to 1704 Nov, since which time he has had several ships under his care without any profit; therefore praying an allowance for the past 3 years. Reference Book VIII, p. 309.
Feb. 7. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Anthony Vizian & Margaret DuCommon [see supra, Treasury Calendar, Vol. XXI, p. 527, where the petitioners' names are Margaret DuCommun and Catherine Vezian] retailers of wrought silks which they bought of David Boudon merchants & are now under seizure for Duty; shewing that the said merchants are ready to make out by entries in the Customs House that the parcels of silks in question have paid Duty: therefore pray a noli prosequi. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Sir Richard Everard, son of Sir Hugh Everard deceased, shewing that conveyances are preparing for the sale of his estate to enable him to pay his father's debt to the Queen as Receiver General for Co Essex: therefore praying stay of process. Ibid., p. 310.
Same to Mr. Borret of the petition of William Harris & John Townsend of Oxford, shewing that they gave bond for the appearance of Walter Ducaine indicted at the Quarter Sessions for that city for seditious words, and same were estreated by his non appearance; that the said Ducaine is expelled from the university & city by the Vice Chancellor; and the inhabitants (at whose instance the said Ducaine was prosecuted) are desirous that petitioners should be discharged: therefore praying stay of proceedings on their bonds. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Principal Commissioners for Prizes to pay 60l. to Capt. Richard Long for his share of the Aquillon prize taken by her Majesty's ship Montague when the said Long was pilot at the action at Vigo, he being then Commander of her Majesty's hulk the Lewis prize and being the only person experienced in the coast of New Spain whom Sir William Whetstone could confide in to pilot the Montague.
Prefixing: the said Commissioners' report on the said Long's petition as referred from the Queen in Council Dec 18 last. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, p. 110.
Subscription by same for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant dated 1705–6 March 7 last to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for the delivery to Capt. Byron of furniture, detailed, for the Cleveland yacht commanded by him: to an estimate of 155l. Ibid., p. 111.
The like of a same dated Jan 17 last to same for the provision of one pair of white sarcenet blankets for the officers of the Removing Wardrobe: to an estimate of 30l. Ibid.
The like of a same dated Jan 22 last to same for the provision of a livery for 1708 for Walter Martin, ratkiller in ordinary to her Majesty: to an estimate of 13l. Ibid.
Feb. 9. William Lowndes to the Duke of Somerset: a proposal has been made to let or sell to the Queen the stables built at Windsor by the late Serjeant Darnell. Please report your opinion on the enclosed report [missing] thereon from Samuel Travers, the Surveyor General of Crown Lands, and Sir Christopher Wren, Surveyor General of Works. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 391.
Feb. 9. Same to Sir Christopher Wren to put in hand the repairs necessary at Cotton House for the reception & preservation of her Majesty's Library at St James's into the said House to your estimate of 288l.
Appending: said estimate with Wren's note dated Feb 7. For bringing her Majesty's library at St James's into Cotton House I have set up ordinary shelving enough for the occasion & provided coarse chests for transporting the books: but finding the house not habitable I have caused this estimate to be taken of mere necessary repairs. Ibid., pp. 391–2.
Fiat by Treasurer Godolphin for royal letters patent to constitute Thomas Walker as one of the five undersearchers of London port loco Richard Peirce surrendered. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 89.
Allowance by same of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Excise in North Britain from 1707 May 1 to Sept 29: total 249l. 13. 8. Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 286.
The like allowance of the succeeding quarter, detailed, to Xmas last: total 388l. 5. 3. Ibid., p. 287.
The like allowance of the salary bill, detailed, of the Excise in North Britain from 1707 May 1 to Sept 29: total 1250l. 14. 0¼. Ibid., pp. 288–9.
The like allowance of same, detailed, for the succeeding quarter to 1707 Xmas: total 850l. 5. 5. Ibid., pp. 290–1.
Feb. 10. Royal sign manual dated St James's for 10000l. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: as imprest for the extraordinary levy money of recruits, which the Queen is pleased to allow pursuant to the Address from the House of Commons. (Money warrant dated Feb. 11 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 317.
(Money order dated Feb. 12 hereon. Order Book VII, p. 108.)
Same for 460l. to John Smith for 90 days Oct 23 last to Jan 23 last on his allowance of 5l. a day as Speaker to the House of Commons. (Money warrant dated Feb 11 hereon. Money order dated Feb 12 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 318. Order Book VII, p. 108. Disposition Book XIX, p. 105.
Royal warrant dated Kensington to James Brydges to pay 24651l. 3. 3 to Sir Solomon de Medina, Contractor for furnishing bread and bread waggons to our Forces in the Low Countries [anno 1708]: being agreed to be paid him in advance for bread & bread waggons in the present year according to a contract made on his behalf by Moses de Medina. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 320.
William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of the mayor and citizens of Chester representing that some of the places formerly appointed for the landing of goods there are now become useless, dangerous or less fit & others much more convenient & commodious as well for traffic & commerce as for landing & shipping of goods & therefore praying a new commission for assigning further places in the said port of Chester for landing & shipping goods as shall be found most convenient and commodious for that purpose. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 392.
Feb. 10. William Lowndes to Mr. St John, Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant for an allowance of 200l. per an out of Army Contingencies to Col. Charles Salisbury as from Xmas 1707 during pleasure. Ibid.
Same to the Revenue Commissioners of Ireland to deliver Customs free to the Officers of the Earl of Inchiquin's Regiment Ireland the materials, detailed, for their regimental clothing. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 17.