Revenue Account: General Abstract, 1708

Pages ccvi-ccxxxi

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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General Abstract, 1708

General Abstract: Revenue 1708.
A General Abstract of the Accounts of the Public Revenues, Taxes and Moneys borrowed from Michaelmas 1707 to Michaelmas 1708.
Remains: in cash at Michaelmas 1707 as per the foot of the accompt for that year: £ s. d.
Customs continued to 1 Aug. 1706 13,675 14 7
Customs continued from 1 Aug. 1706 28,202 1
Additional Tonnage and Poundage (whereof 223l. 10s.d. is for the late King Wm.'s debts) 22,112 8
Arrears of the Duties on Coffee, &c, for the Transport debt 22 12 1
Duties on Low Wines, &c, for Loans anno 1705 1,306 6 11
Continued Impositions: for Loans 34,945 15
25l. per cent. on French goods 1,305 18
5s. per ton on French shipping 17 15 0
Additional Impositions: for Loans 2,166 0
Arrears of the Duties on Coals anno 1698: for Loans 1 19
Duties on Coals, Culme and Cynders 1703: for Loans 10,386 19
One Third Tonnage and Poundage anno 1704 2,212 0 4
Two Thirds Tonnage and Poundage anno 1705: for Loans 10,732 16 8
Duties on Whale Fins, 1 Anne 205 17
Hereditary and Temporary Excise: part of the Queen's Civil List 25,401 15
Arrears of ditto before 8 March 1701–2 [for King Wm.'s Civil List] 56 9 11¾
3,700l. per week Excise 78,523 6
Arrears of the Double 9d. Excise ended 17 May 1697 64 14 1
Arrears of the Double Excise 4 7
Arrears of the 21d. per barrel Excise 11 18
9d. Excise for the Lottery Tickets 93,655 5
9d. Excise for the Bank and for Annuities 29,478 1 5
9d. Excise for 99 years 65,516 4
Duties on Malt, Mum, &c, pro anno 1703 1,791 13
Duties on Malt, Mum, &c, pro anno 1704 430 7
Duties on Malt, Mum, &c, pro anno 1705 3,636 8
Duties on Malt, Mum, &c, pro anno 1706 30,051 9 11
Duties on Malt, Mum, &c, pro anno 1707 314 17
12d. per bushel on Salt 20,287 0
Stamp Duties: continued 1 Anne 1,994 18 3
[Post Office or] Letter money 325 12 2
Tenths of the Clergy 3,456 16
Seizures [of uncustomed and prohibited goods] whereof 20l. for the late King William's debts 789 15 5
Brewers' forfeitures 151 1
Revenue of the Savoy Hospital 1,644 9 1
Sale of tin 5,449 7
First Fruits [and Tenths] 1,950 4 9
Sheriffs' Proffers 208 7 1
Fines and Forfeitures 100 0 0
Money recovered from [John] Nutin, late Paymaster of the Transports 200 0 0
Four and a Half per cent. Duty 58 1
Rent of Hackney Coaches 283 5
Capitation Subsidies 13 16
Arrears of the Duties on Marriages, Births, &c 2,900 13
Duties on Houses for windows 5,444 5
Fourth 4s. Aid 1 16 0
Second 3s. Aid 83 1 6
Second 2s. Aid 6 13
Two Thirds of the Fourth 3s. Aid 869 12
Fifth 4s. Aid and Subsidies 331 18 9
Sixth 4s. Aid 3,131 6
Subsidies 131 3 8
Seventh 4s. Aid 653 10
First Poll 0 2 0
Second Poll 0 9 0
First Quarterly Poll 1 5 6
First 4s. Aid 0 9 0
Second Quarterly Poll 32 17 0
Second 4s. Aid 81 16 0
Eighth 4s. Aid 2,707 8
Ninth 4s. Aid 26,481 13 3
Tenth 4s. Aid 10,759 18 10½
Loans on Tin 550 0 0
Loans on the 3,700l. per week of Excise 496 15
Loans on the Fifth 4s. Aid and Subsidies 1,343 7 11
Contributions for Annuities anno 1704 1 15
Contributions for Annuities anno 1706 7,659 16 10
Loans on the Tenth 4s. Aid anno 1707 4,888 11
Loans on Malt anno 1707 5,301 12 10
Contributions for Annuities anno 1707 26,358 4 7
Loans on several Subsidies and Impositions anno 1707 10,532 8 5
the Fond for paying Annuities anno 1706 ut supra, p. cciv 107,831 5 4
the Fond for paying Annuities anno 1707 ut supra, p. ccv 41,783 6 11
total of Remains in Money 753,511 7
Remains of Tallies undisposed of in the hands of particular Treasurers or Paymasters as for per account supra, p. cci. 153,266 5 10¾
total of Remains in Cash and Tallies at Michaelmas 1707 £906,777 13 8
General Abstract: Revenue 1708 (Customs).
to Cash for the nett produce of the several Duties and Revenues under the management of the Customs Commissioners between Michaelmas 1707 and Michaelmas 1708:
Duties and Revenues in being at Michaelmas 1708. on the part of Scotland. on the part of England.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Customs Continued to 1 Aug. 1710 590 16 7 233,681 10
Additional Tonnage and Poundage for the Queen's life 3,051 16 11½ 220,061 11 2
Continued Duties on Coffee, Tea, &c, to 24 June 1710 11,053 18
New Additional Duties on Coffee, Tea, &c., to 24 June 1710 2 16 23,055 0
15l. per cent. on Muslins, &c, continued to 24 June 1710 27,509 18 3
Wines and Vinegar continued to 1 Aug. 1710 4,234 19 10 131,469 9
Impositions on Tobacco continued to 1 Aug. 1710 44 3 65,296 10 2
Impositions on East India goods continued to 1 Aug. 1710 1,276 16 89,987 18 10
25l. per cent. on French goods for 21 years from 28 Feb. 1696–7 47 19 11½
Plantation Duties granted 12 Car. II [sic for 25 Car. II, c. 7] 695 13 9
Additional Impositions on the grant continuing to 1 Aug. 1710 986 10 8 30,428 12 6
Duties on Coals, Culme, and Cynders continuing to 30 Sept. 1710 62,987 15 6
One Third Tonnage and Poundage for 98 years from 8 March 1706–7 791 17 8 79,057 12 8
Two Thirds Tonnage and Poundage granted for 4 years from 8 March 1704–5 1,560 6 10 113,290 15 1
Duties on Whale Fins on the grant continuing to 1 Aug. 1710 1,575 17
5s. per piece on white woollen cloths [exported] by an Act of 6 Anne, c. 43 1,059 7 6
25l. per ton on French prize wines as by an Act, 6 Anne, c. 73, during the war 2,005 4 1 2,578 13 5
Four and a, Half per cent. Duty from Barbados and the Leeward Islands 7,947 5 8
Coinage Duty for the Mint 97 0 7 5,548 9
Revenues expired before Michaelmas 1708.
Additional Tonnage and Poundage which determined by King Wm.'s death 547 19 10½
Impositions on Wines and Vinegar ended 29 Sept. 1701 482 2 8
Impositions on ditto ended 1 Aug. 1706 3,122 15 0
Impositions on Tobacco on the grant ended 1 Aug. 1706 1,803 13 8
Five Seventh Tonnage Duties on ships ended 17 May 1696 0 6
Two Sevenths ditto 0 2
Additional Impositions on the grant ended 1 Aug. 1706 105 1 0
Duties on Coals and Culme on the grant ended 15 May 1703 499 10
ditto on the grant ended 15 May 1708 60,287 16 10½
Duties on Cynders by the same grant 958 17 6
One Third Additional Tonnage and Poundage which ended 8 March 1706–7 985 10 11½
Additional Tonnage and Poundage ended 1 Feb. 1699–1700 for Exchequer Bills 112 6 8
14,642 9 11 1,176,240 3
Customs combined total for England and Scotland £1,190,882 13
General Abstract: Revenue 1708 (Excise).
to Cash for the neat produce of the Revenue of Excise and Duties on Salt under the management of the Commissioners for that purpose: between Michaelmas 1707 and Michaelmas 1708:
Duties and Revenues in being at Michaelmas 1708. on the part of Scotland. on the part of England.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Hereditary and Temporary Excise for the Civil List 15,808 1 276,382 10 10
more to answer the appropriation of 3,700l. per week 192,400 0 0
9d. Excise for 16 years from 17 May 1697 4,745 3 6 152,503 7
Five Sevenths of the 9d. Excise for the Bank of England 3,389 8 105,382 15 11½
Two Sevenths of the same 9d. Excise: being for Annuities 1,355 15 42,153 1 2
9d. Excise for 99 years from 25 Jan. 1692–3 4,745 3 10½ 147,658 7 8
Duties on Malt pro anno 1708 35 0 0
36s. per barrel on Sweet [Wines] granted 5 Anne [6 Anne, c. 2] for 99 years 425 13 11½
12d. per bushel on Salt granted, 7 & 8 Wm. III [c. 31], for ever 51,248 7 8
28d. per bushel on Salt granted [by 9 & 10 Wm. III, c. 44] for ever 119,414 9
Low Wines on the grant continuing to 24 June 1710 29 6 18,982 3 10
Excise Revenues Expired before Michaelmas 1708.
Hereditary and Temporary Excise [due] before 8 March 1701–2 60 19
One Third of the Double 9d. Excise in 1691 [granted for 1691 by 2 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 3, and renewed for 4 years by 2 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 10, and appropriated as to One Third and Two Thirds thereof] 4 6 10
Two Thirds of ditto 8 13
Double Excise ended 17 May 1697 23 9 9
Duties on Malt pro anno 1703 98 8 10½
ditto pro anno 1704 451 8 7
ditto pro anno 1705 135 7
ditto pro anno 1706 12,925 16 5
ditto pro anno 1697 18 14 2
ditto pro anno 1702 40 6 7
ditto pro anno 1707 529,168 8 5
Duties on leather ended 20 April 1700 8 19
8d. per bushel on Salt ended 25 Dec. 1699 4 0 0
30,072 18 1,649,534 17
Combined total of Excise for England and Scotland £1,679,607 15
General Abstract: Revenue 1708 (Post Office and Casual Revenues).
To cash for the neat produce of the Revenue of the Post Office and several Casual Revenues and profits answered at the Exchequer between Michaelmas 1707 and Michaelmas 1708:
Post Office revenue: £ s. d. £ s. d.
for arrears to the late King Wm. III 70 9 3
for account of the Queen's Civil List 56,880 11 2
total from Post Office Revenue 56,951 0 5
Casual Revenues and profits answered at the Exchequer:
for account of the late King Wm. III:
Sheriffs' proffers 6 0 0
Seizures 346 17 6
total for Wm. III 352 17 6
for account of Queen Anne:
First Fruits 4800 0 0
Tenths of the Clergy 10,368 1 5
Fines for Alienations 1,400 0 0
Revenue of Wine Licences 2,800 0 0
Sheriffs' proffers 1,348 8 1
Compositions [in the Exchequer] 6 0 0
Seizures [of un-customed and prohibited goods] 17,983 18 10
Fines of Leases 1,747 6 0
Wood sales 710 0 0
Wood ditto more, being the value of timber delivered to the Navy anno 1708 [out of the royal forests] 5,978 8 11
Rents of Lands 9 16 8
Rents [reserved on patents of] grants 38 6 8
Revenue of Cornwall [Duchy] 4,000 0 0
Fines and Forfeitures for misdemeanours 1,000 0 0
Brewers' forfeitures 97 3
Profits of the Hanaper per tallies of pro 37 4 7
Sale of the Queen's tin 143,305 4
Revenue of the Savoy Hospital 302 5 5
Imprest money repaid by John Nutin, late Paymaster of the Transports or his security 2,854 0 0
Imprest money repaid by Sir William Robinson, Commissary in the last war for Ireland 394 0 3
199,180 4 10
total from Casual Revenues 199,533 2 4
General Abstract: Revenue 1708 (Direct Taxes and Miscellaneous Revenue).
To cash for the neat produce of Sundry Aids and Taxes between Michaelmas 1707 and Michaelmas 1708: £ s. d. £ s. d.
rent of Hackney Coaches granted for 21 years from Midsummer 1694 1,641 7
licences to Hawkers and Pedlars on the grant to 1 Aug. 1710 7,943 3 4
Stamp Duties ended 1 Aug. 1706 1,416 5 1
ditto on the grant continuing to 1 Aug. 1710 41,306 0 6
additional Stamp Duties part of the Fond for the East India Company 40,679 2 0
83,401 7 7
Duties on Marriages, Births, &c, ended 1 Aug. 1706 11,112 2 11
Duties on Houses on the grant continuing to 1 Aug. 1710 131,414 13 11
First Poll, 1 Wm. and Mary 3 1 0
First Quarterly Poll, 4 Wm. and Mary 0 9 0
Second Quarterly Poll, 5 Wm. and Mary 0 12 0
Third 4s. Aid, 6 Wm. III 77 2 0
First 3s. Aid, 8 Wm. III 8 13 0
Second 3s. Aid, 9 Wm. III 22 4 0
Capitation Subsidies, 9 Wm. III 2 8 2
Third Quarterly Poll, 9 Wm. III 7 19 0
Third 3s. Aid, 10 Wm. III 14 18
Second 2s. Aid, 11 Wm. III 32 6 0
Subsidies, ult Wm. III 14 8 4
Sixth 4s. Aid, 1 Anne pro anno 1703 968 11 7
Subsidies, eodem anno 3,776 6
Seventh 4s. Aid, 2 Anne pro anno 1704 840 8 2
Eighth 4s. Aid, 3 Anne pro anno 1705 17,326 9 11½
Ninth 4s. Aid, 4 Anne pro anno 1706 129,737 8 7
Tenth 4s. Aid, 5 Anne pro anno 1707 1,532,661 12 10½
Eleventh 4s. Aid, 6 Anne pro anno 1708 156,028 17
ditto more, on the part of Scotland 3,000 0 0
total Aids and Taxes 1,844,523 15
2,080,036 10
[Miscellaneous revenue]: to Cash for sundry particulars not distinguishable under any of the aforegoing heads: £ s. d.
for the Queen's share of prizes, being so much charged on the Receiver [General of Prizes for so much] to be paid to the Company of the ship Worcester 1,465 15 0
to Contributions for 72,187l. 10s. 0d. per an. on Annuities on the Act anno 1707 in full of 1,155,000l. 280,646 0 0
to Contributions for 40,000l. per an. on the first Act anno 1708 for sale of Annuities: in full 640,000 0 0
to Contributions for 80,000l. per an. on the second Act anno 1708 for sale of Annuities: in part of 1,280,000l. 975,724 0 0
to the East India Company, in part of 1,200,000l. for enlarging their term in trade 600,000 0 0
total Miscellaneous Revenues 2,497,835 15 0
to balance of the account ut infra, p. ccxiii, of the moneys Borrowed by way of Loan and in Exchequer Bills and the moneys repaid on the Publique Registers within the year; the moneys borrowed exceeding the moneys repaid by £187,136 18 5
General Abstract: Revenue 1708 (Total of Revenue Receipts).
Total of Revenue Receipts of all kinds for the Year Michaelmas 1707 to Michaelmas1708 £ s. d.
Customs (pp. ccviii) 1,190,882 13
Excise (p. ccix) 1,679,607 15
Post Office (p. ccx) 56,951 0 5
Casual Revenues of the Crown (p. ccx) 199,533 2 4
Direct Taxes (Aids and Taxes) (p. ccxi) 2,080,036 10
Sundry particulars of Revenue not classifiable (p. ccxi) 2,497,835 15 0
Balance of Loan Money (p. ccxi) 187,136 18 5
Total Revenue Receipts excluding Remains at Michaelmas 1707 7,891,983 15
Remains in hand at Michaelmas 1707 (pp. ccvi, ccvii) 906,777 13 8
Total Revenue £8,798,761 9
General Abstract: Revenue (Loan Money Account).
Statement of Loan Motley appended to the preceding Abstract of Revenue
An account showing the moneys Borrowed by way of Loan on the Public Fonds or Revenues [together] with the Exchequer Bills issued between Michaelmas 1707 and Michaelmas 1708: and of the Principal money repaid [and Exchequer Bills cancelled] within the same time.
Debtor or Charge.
to Loans made at the Exchequer on the several Fonds and Revenues following, viz.: £ s. d. £ s. d.
on the produce of Her Majesty's tin 128,543 19 0
on the Duties on Malt, pro anno 1707: by levying tallies 167,565 0 10
on the Subsidies and Impositions continued anno 1707: in money 47,203 10 5
on the eleventh 4s. Aid pro anno 1708 in money 1,214,979 18 11
more in tallies, ut supra, p. cxciii 665,020 1 1
1,880,000 0 0
on the duties on malt, mum, etc., pro anno 1708: in money 219,313 16 8
more in tallies, ut supra, p. cxcv 173,140 13 10
392,454 10 6
on the half subsidies and other continued Duties anno 1708: in money 482,650 8 3
to the Exchequer Bills anno 1707 to be circulated by the Bank of England and issued at the Exchequer in this year 99,625 0 0
£3,198,042 9 0
Creditor or Discharge.
by principal money repaid [and Exchequer Bills cancelled] on the Fonds as follows: £ s. d.
on the third 4s. Aid granted anno 1695: out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 25 0 6
on the fourth 4s. Aid granted anno 1696: the like 1,100 0 0
on the Additional Impositions granted anno 1693: the like 600 0 0
on the first 3s. Aid granted anno 1697: out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 1 Anne 54,500 0 0
on the third Quarterly Poll anno 1698: the like 43,766 3 3
on the third 3s. Aid granted anno 1699: the like 6,500 0 0
on Coals granted anno 1695: transferred to Leather duties: the like 124,644 18 0
on the 20l. per cent. Paper for taking in Wrought Plate: the like 1,500 0 0
on the duties on Coals, Culme, etc., anno 1703 66,635 0 0
on the sixth 4s. Aid granted anno 1703: out of arrears 3,251l. 10s.d.; out of sundry taxes and duties in Aid 2,748l. 9s.d. 6,000 0 0
on the eighth 4s. Aid granted anno 1705 18,250 0 0
on the Duties on Malt, Mum, etc., granted anno 1705 3,400 0 0
on the two-thirds Tonnage and Poundage anno 1705 99,063 11 10
on the new additional duties on Coffee, Tea, &c.: with the duties on Low Wines continued anno 1705 50,837 0 0
on the produce of the Queen's tin 144,388 13 3
on the ninth 4s. Aid for the year 1706 146,874 4 1
on the Duties on Malt, Mum, etc., for the year 1706 34,869 4 6
on the Duties on Malt, Mum, etc., for the year 1707 324,198 15 0
on more to repay Loans on Malt 1705: Transferred to Malt 1707 155,375 14 8
on the tenth 4s. Aid for the year 1707 1,441,242 5 6
on the eleventh 4s. Aid for the year 1708 136,000 0 0
on Exchequer Bills issued anno 1697: out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 1 Anne 151,135 0 0
3,010,905 10 7
by the Balance being the difference by which the sum total of Moneys Borrowed by way of Loan and in Exchequer Bills exceeds the sum total of the Principal Moneys repaid on the public [Loan] Registers [and the Exchequer Bills cancelled] 187,136 18 5
£3,198,042 9 0
General Abstract: Expenditure 1708 (Navy).
Expenditure from Michaelmas 1707 to Michaelmas 1708.
by payments to Sir Thomas Littleton, Treasurer of the Navy: upon account for the services following, viz.:
on the proportions [or Quotas] for the year 1702 to the following heads, viz: £ s. d. £ s. d.
for Wages to Seamen generally 34,265 0 10
for Subsistence, offreckonings, and clearings to the Marine Regiments under the pay of Walter Whitfeild, Esq 19,696 4
total for 1702 53,961 4 11½
on the proportions [or Quota] to the following heads for the year 1703:
for Subsistence, offreckonings, and clearings to the Marine Regiments under the pay of Walter Whitfeild, Esq 24 7 4
for Wear and Tear, to wit, imprest, bills of exchange, and Contingencies 1,834 5 3
total for 1703 1,858 12 7
on the proportions [or Quotas] to the following heads for the year 1704: viz.: £ s. d. £ s. d.
for Subsistence, offreckonings, and clearings to the Marine Regiments under the pay of Walter Whitfeild, Esq. 1,681 6
for Wear and Tear, to wit, for imprest, bills of exchange, and Contingencies 2,626 12 5
total for 1704 4,307 18
on the proportions [or Quotas] to the following heads for the year 1705, viz.:
for Wear and Tear, as above 132 19 7
total for 1705 132 19 7
on the proportions [or Quotas] to the following heads for the year 1706:
for Wear and Tear: as above 1,406 2 9
total for 1706 1,406 2 9
on the proportions [or Quotas] to the following heads for the year 1707
for the Ordinary generally 12,000 0 0
for Wages to Seamen generally 40,000 0 0
for Sick and Wounded and Prisoners of War by the hands of the Treasurer for that Service 909 9 4
for Victualling, to wit, Bills of Exchange short allowance and Contingencies 4,343 5
for Wear and Tear: as above 5,000 0 0
for ditto: the Course 113,920 11 0
total for 1707 176,173 5 11½
on the proportions [or Quotas] to the following heads for the year 1708, viz.:
for the Ordinary generally 26,800 0 0
for Yards under this head 5,800 0 0
for Wages to Seamen generally 442,877 16
for Sick and Wounded, &c. 35,852 16 0
Chatham Chest 18,000 0 0
for Subsistence, etc., to the Marine Regiments: as above 63,709 3 11
for Victualling, to wit, Bills of Exchange, etc.: as above 119,832 9 4
for ditto: Sick and Wounded, &c. 5,227 4 0
for ditto: the Course 368,940 6 8
More to the Victualling out of Wear and Tear because the rate of 19s. per man a month was completed.
for Wear and Tear, to wit, imprest, etc. 52,000 0 0
for ditto: the Course 259,417 0 0
for ditto: the Yards 104,042 0 0
for ditto: the Value of Timber out of her Majesty's forests 5,978 8 11
for ditto: Treasurer of the Ordnance for Chatham and Portsmouth Docks 30,000 0 0
for Victualling [as per memorandum above]: for Bills of Exchange and Contingencies 54,632 11 10
Lord Lovelace for the charge of his pass-age to New York 390 0 0
total for 1708 1,645,699 16
£1,883,540 1 1
£ s. d.
Totals: Ordinary 96,800 0 0
Wages 657,016 3
Victualling 498,343 5
Wear and Tear 631,380 11 9
£1,883,540 1 1
These particulars were to be satisfied out of the Fonds following, viz.:
for the year 1702. £ s. d.
Duties on Malt pro anno 1702 40 6 7
Fifth 4s. aid and subsidies anno 1702 1 15 4
Duties on Malt pro anno 1706 4,611 18
Contributions for Annuities anno 1706 2 4
ditto anno 1707 15,039 19
Loans for Malt anno 1707 34,265 0 10
53,961 4 11½
for the year 1703.
Duties on Malt pro anno 1703 1,703 1 7
Subsidies anno 1703 155 11 0
1,858 12 7
for the year 1704.
One-third tonnage and poundage anno 1704 3,197 11
Duties on Malt pro anno 1704 120 15 9
Seventh 4s. aid anno 1704 989 11 5
4,307 18
for the year 1705.
Duties on Malt pro anno 1705 132 19 7
for the year 1706.
Contributions for Annuities anno 1706 1,406 2 9
for the year 1707.
Contributions for Annuities anno 1707 26,396 0
Loans on Malt anno 1707 105,000 0 0
Loans on the tenth 4s. aid anno 1707 44,777 5 10
176,173 5 11½
for the year 1708.
Loans on the eleventh 4s. aid anno 1708 924,560 18 9
Loans on Malt anno 1708 56,554 8
Contributions on the First Act for Annuities anno 1708 164,706 8
ditto on the Second Act for ditto 457,512 2 8
Loans on half-subsidies [anno 1708] in Aid. 35,997 9 6
Additional Tonnage for the Civil List 390 0 0
Wood sales or the Value of Timber delivered the Navy out of her Majesty's Forests 5,978 8 11
1,645,699 16
£1,883,540 1 1
General Abstract: Expenditure 1708 (Ordnance).
by [paid to] Harry Mordaunt, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Office of Ordnance (over and above what was paid him by the Navy Treasurer and the Paymaster of the Forces as on pp. ccxiv and ccxviii) upon Account for the Services following, viz. s. d. £ s. d.
for the year 1704.
for land services generally 367 10
for sea services generally 367 10
735 1 7
for the year 1707.
for land services generally 18,000 0 0
for sea services generally 2,000 0 0
20,000 0 0
for the year 1708.
for land services generally 90,250 0 0
for sea services generally 84,250 0 0
174,500 0 0
total (of which for land services 108,617l. 10s.d. and for sea services 86,617l. 10s.d.) £195,235 1 7
the above were to be satisfied as follows: £ s. d.
for the year 1704.
Duties on Malt anno 1704 735 1 7
for the year 1707.
Contributions for Annuities anno 1707 20,000 0 0
for the year 1708.
Loans on the eleventh 4s. Aid anno 1708 116,616 16 6
Loans on Malt 1708 9,883 3 6
Payments per East India Company 48,000 0 0
174,500 0 0
£195,235 1 7
General Abstract: Expenditure (Forces Abroad).
by [paid to] James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces upon Account for the Services following, viz. £ s. d. £ s. d.
for the year 1705.
1705: towards pay of the officers at Gibraltar 339 17 6
for the year 1706:
for account of the 10,210 men in Portugal anno 1706: for pay, clearings, etc. 2,129 18
for account of the 5,000 men in Catalonia anno 1706: for the same 3,777 2 4
1706: towards pay of the Officers at Gibraltar 339 17 6
6,246 18
£. s. d. £ s. d.
for the year 1707.
for account of the 40,000 men acting with the Allies, viz:
for subsistence, offreckonings, clearings and contingencies 78,943 11
for Hessian troops: bread wagons and hospitals 4,136 4 7
subsidy for Hessian troops of Augmentation 312 12 9
for account of the 20,562 men in Spain and Portugal anno 1707, viz.:
for subsistence, etc. 4,039 7 0
for account of the 8,833 men anno 1707, viz.:
for subsistence, etc. 10,155 14 9
subsidy for Hessian troops of Augmentation 2,883 11 2
for account of subsidies to the Allies, viz..
to the King of Denmark 9,375 0 0
to the King of Portugal for the 13,000 men by that Crown 2,632 11 0
to the Landgrave of Hess Cassell 1,488 1 10½
more for his troops of Augmentation 1,333 15 9
to the Elector of Treves 1,488 1 10½
to the Elector Palatine 1,190 9
to the King of Prussia for 8,000 succours for Savoy 12,500 0 0
more for agio, bread and forage for 12,000 Prussians in the Netherlands 18,488 8 10
148,967 10 8
for the year 1708.
for account of the 40,000 men acting with the Allies, viz.:
for subsistence, clearings, etc. 700,426 6 10
for bread and bread wagons 19,720 18 7
for forage, waggon money and recruits 36,259 15 0
for account of the 10,000 Additional Forces, viz.:
for subsistence, etc. 163,320 18 11
for bread, etc. 4,930 4 7
for forage, etc. 9,260 0 0
for account of her Majesty's proportion of the pay of 3,000 Palatines, viz.:
for their pay 25,658 5
for account of the pay of 4,639 Saxons, viz.:
for their pay 31,823 9
for account of the pay of Bothmar's Regiment of Dragoons, viz.:
for their pay 6,853 9 3
for account of the Established Forces in Spain and Portugal anno 1708, with Gibraltar, viz..
for subsistence, etc. 527,651 15
for clothing, etc., to be made good by deductions 22,729 3
for levy money for additional men 12,705 14 0
for account of strengthening the Duke of Savoy, making good Alliances with Portugal and recovering Spain, viz.:
for the King of Spain and his Troops including 1,886l. 9s. 8d. paid the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the value of stores delivered for his Majesty's use 69,069 3
for pay, etc., to auxiliary Forces 170,692 2 1
for Transports and Provisions per order of Sir John Leake and paid by the Treasurer for Transports here 23,634 4 0
for charges of imbarquing Forces from Italy to Spain per Mr. Chetwynd 11,701 16 8
for the train in Spain per the Treasurer of the Ordnance here 10,404 4 11
for the Duke of Savoy, extraordinary service 97,708 6 8
for account of Subsidies to the Allies, viz.:
to the King of Denmark 28,125 0 0
to the King of Portugal for the 13,000 men by that Crown 85,607 19
to the Duke of Savoy 129,777 15 4
to the Landgrave of Hess Cassell 4,464 5
more for his Troops of Augmentation 11,904 1 6
to the Elector of Treves 4,464 5
to the Elector Palatine 3,571 8 10½
to the King of Prussia for 8,000 succours for Savoy 433 3 6
more for agio, bread and forage for 12,000 Prussians in the Netherlands 37,012 7 6
for account of services of former years authorised to be paid or made good out of the Fonds of the year 1708, viz.:
to the Duke of Savoy for especial service anno 1707 33,609 7 1
for Fortifications and other Services of the garrison of Gibraltar anno 1706 12,284 19
to the Landgrave of Hess Cassell to complete 42,957l. 2s. 0d. for his Troops in Italy anno 1707 22,957 2 0
for account of sundry extra charges of the war, viz.:
1708: towards the charge of recruiting 23,028 0 0
2,383,789 14
£2,539,344 1 3
totals: £ s. d.
for the 10,210 men in Portugal (1706) 2,129 18
for the 5,000 men in Catalonia (1706) 3,777 2 4
for the 40,000 men with the Allies (1707, 1708) 839,799 9
for the 10,000 Additional Forces (1708) 177,511 3 6
for the 3,000 Palatines (1708) 25,658 5
for the 4,639 Saxons (1708) 31,823 9
for Bothmar's Regiment of Dragoons (1708) 6,853 9 3
for the 20,562 men in Spain and Portugal (1707) 4,039 7 0
for the 8,833 men (1707) 13,039 5 11
for the Established Troops in Spain and Portugal (1708) 563,086 12
for strengthening the Duke of Savoy, etc. (1708) 383,209 17
for subsidies to the Allies (1707, 1708) 395,856 16
for services in former years (1708) 68,851 8
for sundry extra charges (1705, 1706, 1708) 23,707 15 0
£2,539,344 1 3
The above particulars were to be satisfied as follows: £ s. d. £ s. d.
out of the 5s. per piece Duty on Woollen Cloth 339 17 6
out of the 5s. per piece Duty on Woollen Cloth 339 17 6
out of the Contribution for Annuities 1706 5,907 0 11¼
6,246 18
out of the Contribution for Annuities 1707 116,017 10 8
out of Exchequer Bills 1707 32,950 0 0
148,967 10 8
out of Loans on the eleventh 4s. aid anno 1708 580,172 14
out of Loans on Malt anno 1708 225,830 4 10¾
out of Contributions on the First Act for Annuities anno 1708 290,539 16 3
ditto on the Second Act for ditto 378,358 6
out of payments per East India Company 497,816 12
out of Loans on Half-Subsidies anno 1708 411,072 0 2
2,383,789 14
£2,539,344 1 3
General Abstract: Expenditure 1708 (Guards and Garrisons).
by paid to John How, Paymaster of the Guards and Garrisons, etc., upon account for the services following, viz.: £ s. d. £ s. d.
for the year 1703.
for the account of the Guards and Garrisons:
subsistence, off-reckonings, clearings and contingencies 166 15 0
for the year 1704.
for account of the 5,000 men for sea service: subsistence, etc. 148 0 0
for the year 1705.
ditto: ditto 132 3 11
for the year 1706.
for account of the Guards and Garrisons subsistence, etc. 209 10 8
for account of the 5,000 men: subsistence, etc. 1,159 18 4
1,369 9 0
for the year 1707.
for account of the Guards and Garrisons: subsistence, etc. 87,813 10 0
do: pensioners of Chelsea Hospital (meant to be borne out of savings) 2,792 12
for account of the 5,000 men: subsistence, etc. 28,467 17 10½
for account of the Invalids: for pay 2,024 0
121,098 0
for the year 1708.
for account of the Guards and Garrisons: subsistence, etc. 233,770 6
do: liveries and badges for Lumley's trumpets and drums 543 4 10
do: levy money 28,487 0 0
for account of the 5,000 men: subsistence, etc. 45,651 2 7
for account of the Invalids: for pay 2,426 0
310,877 14
more to the said John How out of the rent of Hackney Coaches for out pensioners of Chelsea College 782 19 7
£434,575 2 7
for account of Guards and Garrisons 353,782 19 2
for account of the 5,000 men 75,559 2
for account of the Invalids 4,450 1
for out pensioners of Chelsea College 782 19 7
434,575 2 7
The above (excluding the last item) were to be paid as follows:
£ s. d. £ s. d.
for the year 1703.
out of Subsidies anno 1703 £166 15 0
for the year 1704.
out of the Seventh 4s. aid anno 1704 148 0 0
for the year 1705.
out of the Duties on Malt anno 1705 132 3 11
for the year 1706.
out of the Duties on Malt anno 1706 1,025 0 8
out of Contributions for Annuities 1706 344 8 4
1,369 9 0
for the year 1707.
out of Loans on the Tenth 4s. aid 1707 59,624 11
out of Loans on Malt anno 1707 301 12 10
out of Contributions for Annuities anno 1707 61,171 16
121,098 0
for the year 1708.
out of Loans on the Eleventh 4s. Aid anno 1708 67,971 1
out of Loans on Malt anno 1708 18,170 0 6
out of Contributions on the first Act for Annuities 1708 76,875 18
ditto on the second Act for ditto 94,787 12 9
out of payments per East India Company 18,533 10
out of loans on the Half-Subsidies anno 1708 34,539 11 11¼
310,877 14
for out pensioners of Chelsea College:
out of Rent of Hackney Coaches 782 19 7
£434,575 2 7
General Abstract: Expenditure 1708 (Transport Service).
by [paid to] the Treasurer for the Transport Service (over and above the Tallies for Uses to be Appointed) by way of imprest and upon account for the Services following, viz.: £ s. d.
to Charles Mason, the late Treasurer: towards paying Debts in Course 33,262 8 7
ditto: for Edward Dummer on his Contract for Freight of soldiers to and from the West Indies 116 10 2
ditto: for Bills of Exchange and service of the office in general 7,016 13 4
ditto: towards debts payable by Mr. Nutin, the late Treasurer, out of money recovered from Nutin 3,054 0 0
43,449 12 1
[The above to be paid out of]
Contributions for Annuities anno 1707 33,378 18 9
Loans on Malt anno 1708 7,016 13 4
Money recovered from Nutin on his security 3,054 0 0
43,449 12 1
to Thomas Micklethwaite the present Treasurer: for Mr. Dummer on his Contract 1,361 6 1
ditto: for Victualling the Soldiers at Newcastle that came from Ostend by Edward Colvill 3,836 18 0
ditto: for Bills of Exchange 655 4 0
5,853 8 1
[The above to be paid out of]
Contributions on the First Act for Annuities 1708 3,836 18 0
Payments per East India Company 2,016 10 1
5,853 8 1
In all by [paid to] the Respective Treasurers for Transports 49,303l. 0s. 2d.
General Abstract: Expenditure 1708 (King william's Debts).
by [paid for] arrears to the late King's family and servants (over and above sums paid by the Queen out of Civil List Revenues):
to Francis, Earl of Bradford, for arrears as Cofferer 472 3
to John, Viscount Fitzharding, do. as Treasurer of the Chamber 528 4
to Ralph, Duke of Montague, do. in the Great Wardrobe 300 0 0
to fees and salaries payable at the Exchequer 31 18 9
£1,332 6 5
£ s. d.
out of the following:
Additional Tonnage and Poundage before 8 March 1701–2 771 9 10¾
Hereditary and Temporary Excise do. 117 9
Letter money do. 70 9 3
Small Branches (ut supra, p. clxxxi) 372 17 6
£1,332 6 5
[Total for the Public Services, etc., as above £5,103,329 13 1]
General Abstract: Expenditure 1708 (Queen's Civil List).
by paid out of the Revenues for the Queen's Civil List (over and above issues to the Treasurer of the Navy ut supra, p. ccxv).
for the Uses of the Queen's Civil List.
£ s. d.
to Francis, Lord Ryalton, Cofferer of the Household 54,006 19
to John, Lord Fitzharding, Treasurer of the Chamber 21,464 11
to Ralph, Duke of Montague, Master of the Great Wardrobe 19,605 14
to the Robes per Charles Hodges 7,000 0 0
to Charles Dartiquenare, Paymaster of the Works 50,585 7
to William Roberts, do. at Windsor 9,480 15
to Foreign Ministers on their Ordinary Entertainments 51,556 10 0
ditto on their Extraordinary ditto 43,830 16 3
to Fees and Salaries 71,672 0
to Pensions and Annuities 24,197 17
to Spencer Compton for Charities established by her Majesty 19,643 2 10
to ditto for the French Protestants 15,000 0 0
to the Band of Pensioners per William Smith, Paymaster 6,000 0 0
to several as of her Majesty's Royal Bounty 11,282 12 0
to Charles, Earl of Sunderland, Principal Secretary of State for Secret Service 3,000 0 0
to Henry Boyle, Principal Secretary of State, for ditto 1,500 0 0
to Robert Harley, late ditto, for ditto 1,426 14 1
to William Lowndes for ditto 14,819 9 0
to Jewels (or presents in lieu) to Foreign Ministers 2,921 10 0
to Samuel Smithin, her Majesty's Goldsmith, for Plate 6,364 10 10¼
to the Privy Purse per Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough 27,000 0 0
to Contingencies, viz.: Law Charges 2,400l.; surplus to Sheriffs., etc., 1,266l. 16s. 11½d.; Rewards for services 5,452l. 2s.d.; Printers on their Bills 5,224l. 10s. 7d.; Riding charges to Messengers 1,094l. 5s.; Liberates of the Exchequer 4,975l. 3s.d.; Sundry Incidents and Disbursements 3,119l. 6s. 2d.; Rent of Mote Park 300l.; Rewards to Receivers of Taxes 750l. 11s.d.; towards building Blenheim house at Woodstock 37,600l.; for purchase of Cotton House and Grounds 4,625l.; City Impost 98l. 14s. 66,906 9 10
To Henry Scobell on account of the Tin Affair 120,000 0 0
to services relating to Scotland, viz.: Sir David Nairne for incidents, etc., 1,885l. 15s.d.; John Campbell, goldsmith, for collars of the Order of the Thistle 1,731l. 2s.d.; Barons of the Exchequer on their Allowances 775l.; the Lord Chancellor and others on their several allowances before the Union, one year to 1 May 1708, 16,800l. 21,191 18 1
for Arrears to the late King's Servants and Family.
to the Earl of Bradford for arrears as Cofferer 45 17
to Lord Fitzharding as Treasurer of the Chamber 25 0 0
to the Earl of Pembroke as President of the Council 893 16 8
(total for the Uses of the Civil List 671,421l. 13s.d.)
Issues out of the Queen's Civil List Revenues for public Services.
to Sir David Nairne for the Forces in Scotland anno1707 18,800 0 0
to Prince Charles of Denmark in lieu of his pretensions to the Bishopric of Eutin 8,422 10 0
(total of the above 27,222l. 10s. 0d.)
At the Excise Office.
to the Prince of Denmark 25,000 0 0
to the Duke of Northumberland 3,000 0 0
to the Duke of Southampton 3,000 0 0
(total of the above 31,000l. 0s. 0d.)
At the Post Office.
to the Prince of Denmark 25,000 0 0
to several on pensions ut supra, p. clxxvii 32,000 0 0
(total of the above 57,000l. 0s. 0d.)
£786,644 3
Out of the Ponds and Revenues following:
Additional Tonnage and Poundage 243,520 3
Hereditary and Temporary Excise 311,086 17
Letter money 57,000 0 0
Small Branches ut supra, pp. clxxix–clxxxi 45,943 3 4
Loans on credit of the Queen's tin 129,093 19 0
£786,644 3
General Abstract: Expenditure 1708 (Miscellaneous).
[Sundry payments not falling under any of the Above Heads.]
by paid out of the Duty of Four and Half per cent. in Specie from Barbados and the Leeward Islands: £ s. d.
to Visc. Duplin, assignee of the Earl of Kinnoull, on a perpetuity 2,250 0 0
to the Governors of Plantations on their Allowances, ut supra, p. clxxxii 5,625 6 8
(total of the above 7,875l. 6s. 8d.)
by paid to Sir Isaac Newton, Master and Worker of the Mint; out of Coinage Duty 5,548 9
by paid to the Officers and Seamen of the Worcester in full of 2,931l. 10s. for loss and damages; out of Prize Money 1,465 15 0
by paid to Sir William Robinson and the Executors of Bartholomew Vanhomrigh, Commissary in Ireland during the late War, in reward, etc.; out of imprest money repaid per Sir William Robinson 394 0 3
by paid to the Trustees for circulating the Old Exchequer Bills: out of Contributions on the First Act for Annuities anno 1708 3,052 6 4
by paid to Sir John Humble, Paymaster of the Million Lottery Tickets; out of the 9d. Excise for 16 years 140,000 0 0
by paid to Nehemiah Arnold, Paymaster of the Malt Lottery Tickets; out of arrears of Malt anno 1697, 18l. 14s. 2d.; out of the General Fond for Deficiencies granted 1 Anne, 183,998l. 14s. 8d.; in all 184,017 8 10
by paid to the Bank of England on their perpetuity of 100,000l. per annum; out of the five sevenths of the 9d. Excise 104,999l. 13s.d. and out of five sevenths of the Tonnage Duties on Ships and Vessels 0l. 6s.d.; in both 105,000 0 0
by paid to the New East India Company on 133,040l. per annum; out of Salt and Stamp Duties 121,698 3
ditto towards the Deficiency of their Fond at Mich. 1701; out of the General Fond for Deficiencies granted 1 Anne 21,712 18
(total by paid to the New East India Company 143,411l. 1s.d.)
by paid to the General Society Trading to India on 26,960l. per annum, out of Salt and Stamp Duties 25,709 16 11½
ditto towards the Deficiency of their Fond at Mich. 1701; out of the General Fond for Deficiencies granted 1 Anne 1,774 10 1
(total by paid to the General Society Trading to India 27,484l. 7s.d.)
paid on Annuities purchased at the Exchequer and for rewards to Officers and Incidents, etc.
on annuities purchased anno 1693; out of the 9d. Excise for 99 years 124,169l. 5s. 0d.: more on annuities with the advantage of survivorship; out of ditto 7,649l. 5s.d.: for rewards, etc.; out of ditto (viz. the Officers of the Exchequer in reward 1,200l., the Usher of the Receipt for necessaries 629l. 6s.d.) 1,829l. 6s.d. 133,647 16
on annuities purchased anno 1694 for one, two and three lives; out of the two sevenths of the 9d. Excise in the Bank Act 36,740l. 1s.d.; out of the two sevenths of the Tonnage Duties on Ships 0l. 2s.d.: (in both 36,740l. 4s. 4d.): for rewards to the Auditors of the Receipt; out of the two sevenths of the 9d. Excise 150l. 36,890 4 4
on annuities purchased anno 1704 and anno 1705 charged on the 3,700l. per week Excise, viz.:
on annuities for one life (whereof out of Rent of Hackney Coaches 66l. 4s. 11¼d. and out of Contribution Money 1l. 15s.d.) 18,353l. 19s. 2d.;
on ditto for two lives (whereof out of Rent of Hackney Coaches 14l.) 8,473l. 5s. 0d.;
on ditto for three lives 2,693l. 3s. 4d.; on ditto for 99 years (whereof out of Rent of Hackney Coaches 12l. 10s. 0d.) 122,165l. 8s. 10½d.: for rewards to the Officers of the Exchequer 1,430l. 0s. 0d.: on annuities called the Bankers Annuities redeemable by Parliament 38,611l. 6s.d.; in all 191,727 3 0
(Memorandum: The Rent of Hackney Coaches was to aid a Deficiency occasioned by lives dropping before the whole Purchase Money was paid.)
on 184,242l. 14s. 0d. In Annuities for 99 years purchased anno 1706; out of the General Fond for paying the same 185,355l. 9s. 0d.: for Rewards and Incidents out of ditto (to the officers of the Exchequer in reward 1,470l. and to the Usher of the Receipt for Necessaries 1,518l. 10s. 5d., to the Works for making an office 923l. 16s.d.) 3,912l. 6s.d. 189,267 15
on 72,187l. 10s. per annum in annuities for 99 years purchased anno 1707; out of the General Fond for paying the same 82,145 10 0
(total by paid on Annuities, etc. 633,678l. 9s.d.)
by paid to Baldwin Mallet to rectifying overpayments on his Account as late Receiver of Taxes for Somerset; out of the fifth 4s. aid and subsidies 331 18 9
by Excise Collectors to rectifying overpayments on their Account of the Duties on Malt anno 1705: out of those Duties 187 0 9
(Memorandum: These overpayments ought properly to have been deducted out of the Gross Produce of these Taxes; but the Receipts on them in this year were insufficient.)
[in all for Miscellaneous payments £1,252,446 4 1¼]
General Abstract: Expenditure 1708 (Interest Paid).
by payments of Interest on Loans on the Public Registers and otherwise: paid at the Exchequer between Michaelmas 1707 and Michaelmas 1708, viz.:
on the third 4s. Aid granted anno 1695; out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 11 4 3
on the fourth Aid granted anno 1696; the like 70 17 7
on the Additional Impositions granted anno 1693; the like 71 9 1
on [the Duties on] Coals granted anno 1695; transferred to the Leather Duties; out of those Duties 8l. 19s.d. and out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 1 Anne 43,694l. 6s.d. 43,703 5 5
on the 20l. per cent. on Paper for taking in Wrought Plate; out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 1 Anne 3,359 6 9
on the first 3s. Aid granted anno 1697; out of arrears 8l. 13s. 0d., out of Loans on the Fifth 4s. Aid and Subsidies 1,343l. 7s. 11d., out of Loans on the 3,700l. per week Excise 496l. 15s.d., out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 1 Anne 79,765l. 7s.d. 81,614 3 9
on the third Quarterly Poll granted anno 1698; out of arrears 7l. 19s. 0d., out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 25,621l. 8s. 5d. 25,629 7 5
on the third 3s. Aid granted anno 1699; out of arrears 14l. 18s.d., out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 2,331l. 13s.d. 2,346 11 8
on [the Duties on] Coals and Culme granted anno 1698; out of arrears 480 0 0
on the second 2s. Aid granted anno 1700; out of arrears 37 10 0
on the two-thirds or fourth 3s. Aid granted anno 1701; out of arrears 315 18 1
on the Duties on Coals, Culme, etc., anno 1703 3,377 10 1
on the sixth 4s. Aid granted anno 1703; out of arrears 848l. 8s. 0d., out of sundry Taxes and Duties in aid 232l. 16s. 0d. 1,081 4 0
on the eighth 4s. Aid granted anno 1705 1,331 1 1
on the Duties on Malt, Mum, etc., granted anno 1705 103 2 5
on the two-thirds Tonnage and Poundage granted anno 1705 25,085 5 0
on the New Additional Duties on Coffee, Tea, etc., with the Duties on Low Wines continued anno 1705 34,100 16 9
on the Produce of the Queen's Tin 2,830 14 8
on the ninth 4s. Aid for the year 1706 8,655 14 5
on the Duties on Malt, Mum, etc., for the year 1706 2,082 6 11
ditto for the year 1707 18,944 5 11
more for loans on Malt 1705, transferred to Malt 1707 10,563 8 6
on the tenth 4s. Aid for the year 1707 73,322 0 7
on several Subsidies and Impositions continued anno 1707; out of Loans on the same Subsidies 50,691 14 7
on the eleventh 4s. Aid for the year 1708 19,753 3 0
on the Duties on Malt, Mum, etc., for the year 1708 30 0 0
on the Half Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage and other Impositions Continued anno 1708; out of the 25l. per Ton on French Prize Wines 268 13 0
by Interest paid on the Old Exchequer Bills issued anno 1697; out of the General Fond for Deficiencies 1 Anne 45,033 2
by Interest on Debentures charged on Irish Forfeitures by the hands of Thomas Jett, Paymaster [thereof]; out of Contributions on the Second Act for Annuities anno 1708 30,000l., out of East India Company's Payments 30,334l. 19s.d. 60,334 19
by Interest to the Contributors for Annuities Sold anno 1708 for prompt payment, viz.: on the First Act for Sale of Annuities 988l. 12s.d. and on the Second Act 1,869l. 17s. 11¾d. 2,858 10
by [Interest to] the Bank of England on their Allowance of 4l. 10s. per cent. per an. for circulating the Exchequer Bills issued anno 1707; out of the like Exchequer Bills 66,675 0 0
In all for Interest paid between Michaelmas 1707 and Michaelmas 1708 £584,762 7
by the Remains in Cash at Michaelmas 1708 prout the particulars, infra, p. ccxxvii, including 352,731l. 9s. 4d. in Tallies in the hands of particular Paymasters then undisposed of as by the Account, supra, p. cciii £1,071,579 1 11¼
Statement of Remains in Cash in the Exchequer and in tallies in the hands of Departmental Treasurers and Paymasters at Michaelmas 1708.
£ s. d.
Customs continued from 1 Aug. 1706 27,077 16 11
Duties on Low Wines, &c, for Loans anno 1705 4,944 17 10
Additional Tonnage, part of the Queen's Civil List 1,092 3
Arrears of the Duties on Coffee, etc., for the Transport Debt 22 12 1
Continued Impositions for Loans 39,847 4
Plantation Duties 505 16
Additional Impositions for Loans 4,794 12
Arrears of the Duties on Coals anno 1698 for Loans 21 9 2
Coals, Culme and Cinders 1703 for Loans 1,621 4 0
Two-thirds Tonnage and Poundage 1705 for Loans 1,435 1 9
Duties on Whale Fins 1 Anne 346 1
5s. per piece Duty White Woollen Cloth 379 12 6
25l. per ton French Prize Wines for Loans 4,315 4 6
3,700l. per week Excise for Annuities 79,290 13
Hereditary and Temporary Excise for the Civil List 6,505 10 1
One-third Double 9d. Excise Arrears 26 4
Two-thirds ditto 8 13
Arrears of the Double Excise 23 9 9
9d. Excise for the Lottery Tickets 110,903 16 4
9d. Excise for the Bank and Annuities 22,506 9 11
9d. Excise for Annuities and Survivorships 61,620 13 4
Duties on Malt, &c, pro anno 1704 25 18 11½
ditto pro anno 1705 3 10 6
ditto pro anno 1706 388 15 10½
ditto pro anno 1707 20,401 1
ditto pro anno 1708 5 0 0
12d. per Bushel on Salt 20,322 3
28d. [per Bushel on] Salt and Additional Stamp Duties for East India Company 12,591 19 4
Stamp Duties continued 1 Anne 6,315 0
Letter Money 206 3 4
First Fruits 1,950 4 9
Tenths of the Clergy 4,624 17 10½
Seizures 116 0 0
Fines and Forfeitures 100 0 0
Brewers' Forfeitures 97 3
Rents of the Savoy Hospital 1,946 14 6
Sale of Tin 1,535 3 11
Four and a half per cent. [Duty] 130 0
Coinage Duty 97 0 7
Rent of Hackney Coaches 39 5
Capitation Subsidies for Exchequer Bills 128 11
Arrears of the Duties on Marriages and Births 241 1 5
Duties on Houses for Windows 21,250 14 10¾
Second 3s. Aid 105 5 6
Second 2s. Aid 1 9
Two-thirds Fourth 3s. Aid 553 14
Fifth 4s. Aid and Subsidies 12 13 0
Subsidies 1703 3,585 3
Seventh 4s. Aid 356 7
Eighth 4s. Aid 452 17 4
Ninth 4s. Aid 689 3 4
Tenth 4s. Aid 28,857 5 8
Eleventh 4s. Aid 3,275 14
Loans on the Subsidies anno 1707 for Interest 7,044 4 3
Contributions on the Second Act for Annuities anno 1708 13,196 0 0
Payments per East India Company pro anno 1708 3,298 7 9
Loans on the Half Subsidies and other duties pro anno 1708 1,041 6
On the Fond for paying Annuities purchased anno 1706, as per account, supra, p. cciv 61,400 15
ditto purchased anno 1707, as per account, supra, p. ccv 35,171 4
On the Fond for paying 40,000l. per annum in Annuities purchased anno 1708 (supra, p. ccv) 100,000 0 0
Total Remains in Cash 718,847 12
In Tallies undisposed of in the hands of particular Paymasters, ut supra, p. cciii 352,731 9 4
Total Remains in Cash and Tallies £1,071,579 1 11¼
General Abstract: Expenditure: Summary.
£ s. d.
Navy (pp. ccxiii–ccxv) 1,883,540 1 1
Ordnance (pp. ccxxi) 195,235 1 7
Army: Forces Abroad (pp. ccxvi–ccxix) 2,539,344 1 3
ditto: Guards and Garrisons (pp. ccxix–ccxxi) 434,575 2 7
Transport Services (p. ccxxi) 49,303 0 2
Arrears to the Late King's family, etc. (p. ccxxi) 1,332 6 5
Civil List, including 115,222l. 10s. for the public services, (pp. ccxxii, ccxxiii) 786,644 3
Miscellaneous (p. ccxxiv) 1,252,446 4
Interest on loans (p. ccxxv) 584,762 7
Remains in Cash and Tallies (p. ccxxvii) 1,071,579 1 11¼
£8,798,761 9
Account of Unappropriated Moneys 1707–8.
Account of Unappropriated Moneys Michaelmas 1707 to Michaelmas 1708.
Extract of so much of the aforegoing Accounts as relates to the Money arisen between Michaelmas 1707 and Michaelmas 1708 upon certain Fonds and Revenues unappropriated by Parliament.
Debtor or Charge.
to Cash remaining in the Exchequer at Michaelmas 1707 out of unappropriated Revenues, viz.: £ s. d.
25l. per cent, upon French Goods 1,305 18
5s. per Ton French Ships 17 15 0
Arrears of Double Excise 4 7
Arrears of 21d. per barrel Excise 11 18
Brewers' Forfeitures 151 1
Rent of Hackney Coaches 283 5
Arrears of sundry Taxes granted by Parliament in the last war 116 18 6
1,891 4
Fourth 4s. Aid 1 16 0
Second 3s. Aid 83 1 6
One-third Double 9d. Excise 21 17
Two-thirds ditto 42 16
149 11 7
to Cash for the produce of unappropriated revenues at the Exchequer between Michaelmas 1707 and Michaelmas 1708, viz.:
Debtor or Charge. £ s. d. £ s. d.
25l. per cent. French Goods 47 19 11½
Plantation Duties 695 13 9
5s. per Piece on White Woollen Cloths Exported 1,059 7 6
Arrears of the Double Excise 23 9 9
One-third Double 9d. Excise 4 6 10
Two-thirds ditto 8 13
Brewers' Forfeitures 97 3
Imprest Money repaid per Sir Wm. Robinson as Commissary for Stores in the late War in Ireland 394 0 3
Rent of Hackney Coaches 1,641 7
Her Majesty's Share of Prizes 1,465 15 0
Arrears of sundry Taxes in the last War, viz.:
First Poll 3 1 0
First Quarterly Poll 0 9 0
Second Quarterly Poll 0 12 0
Second 3s. Aid 22 4 0
Third 4s. Aid 77 2 0
(total arrears 103l. 8s.) 5,541 5 0
£7,582 1
Creditor or Discharge.
by paid to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces, towards pay to the Officers in Garrison at Gibraltar to Christmas 1706 679 15 0
by paid to John How for the Outpensioners of Chelsea Hospital; out of Rent of Hackney Coaches 782 19 7
by paid the Officers and Seamen of the Worcester to complete 2,931l. 10s. for their loss and damages; out of Prize Money 1,465 15 0
by paid to Sir William Robinson and the Executrix of Anthony Vanhomrigh, Commissaries for Stores in the late War in Ireland, in reward, etc. 394 0 3
by paid on Annuities for One, Two and Three Lives charged on the 3,700l. per week Excise, to aid that part of the Contribution Money which was to pay these Annuities to Christmas 1705; but fell short by reason of Lives dropping before the whole purchase money was paid; out of Rent of Hackney Coaches 92 14 11¼
by Principal repaid in Aid of the Sixth 4s. Aid granted for the year 1703 2,748 9
Interest on Loans on the same Aid 232 16 0
£6,396 10
By Cash remaining in the Exchequer undisposed at Michaelmas 1708, viz.:
Plantation Duties 505 16
5s. per piece on White Woollen Cloth exported 379 12 6
Arrears of the Double Excise 23 9 9
One-third Double 9d. Excise 26 4
Two-thirds ditto 8 13
Brewers' Forfeitures 97 3
Rent of Hackney Coaches 39 5
Second 3s. Aid 105 5 6
1,185 10
Total payments and remains £7,582 1
Civil List Account 1707–8.
Extract of so much of the aforegoing accounts as relates to the Neat Money arisen for the Civil Last between Michaelmas 1707 and Michaelmas 1708.
Debtor or Charge. £ s. d. £ s. d.
to Cash remaining in the Exchequer at Michaelmas 1707: of the
Additional Tonnage and Poundage 21,888 18
Hereditary and Temporary Excise 25,401 15
Letter money 325 12 2
Sheriffs' Proffers 208 7 1
Seizures [of Uncustomed Goods] 769 15 5
Fines and Forfeitures 100 0 0
Loans on Tin 550 0 0
49,244 9 1
to cash for the neat produce of those [Civil List] Revenues from Michaelmas 1707 to Michaelmas 1708: on the part of England:
Additional Tonnage and Poundage 220,061 11 2
Hereditary and Temporary Excise (over and above the 3,700l. per week) 276,382 10 10
Revenue of the Post Office 56,880 11 2
First Fruits and Tenths of the Clergy (so far as those Revenues are charged at the Exchequer with pensions payable by the Crown) 14,000 0 0
Fines on Alienations 1,400 0 0
Revenue of Wine Licences 2,800 0 0
[Sheriffs'] Proffers 1,348 8 1
Compositions [in the Exchequer] 6 0 0
Seizures [of uncustomed, etc., goods] 17,983 18 10
Land Revenue [of the Crown] 5,757 2 8
Wood Sales 710 0 0
More being the value of timber delivered the Navy [out of the royal forests] anno 1708 5,978 8 11
Rents [reserved] on grants 38 6 8
Fines and Forfeitures 1,000 0 0
Profits of the Hanaper; 37 4 7
total England 604,384 2 11
and on the part of Scotland:
Additional Tonnage and Poundage 3,051 16 11½
Hereditary, etc., Excise 15,808 1
total Scotland 18,859 18 1
(total England and Scotland 623,244l. 1s. 0d.) 672,488 10 1
to loans made on Credit of her Majesty's Tin 128,543 19 0
£801,032 9 1
Creditor or Discharge.
by payment for account of the Civil List between Michaelmas 1707 and Michaelmas 1708:
payments at the Exchequer.
to the Cofferer of the Household 54,006 19
to the Treasurer of the Chamber 21,464 11
to the Master of the Great Wardrobe 19,605 14
to the Robes 7,000 0 0
to the Paymaster of the Works 50,585 7
to the Paymaster of the Works at Windsor 9,480 15
to Foreign Ministers on their ordinary entertainments 51,556 10 0
to ditto on their extraordinaries 43,830 16 3
to Fees and Salaries [payable at the Exchequer] 71,672 0
to Pensions and Annuities 24,197 17
to Spencer Compton, for Charities established by the Queen 19,643 2 10
to ditto for the French Protestants 15,000 0 0
to the Band of Pensioners 6,000 0 0
to [Royal] Bounties 11,282 12 0
to Charles, Earl of Sunderland, Secretary of State, for secret service 3,000 0 0
to Henry Boyle, the like, for ditto 1,500 0 0
to Robert Harley, late Secretary of State, for ditto 1,426 14 1
to William Lowndes for ditto 14,819 9 0
to jewels, and presents in lieu, to foreign Ministers 2,921 10 0
to Samuel Smethin, her Majesty's Goldsmith, for plate 6,364 10 10¼
to the Privy Purse per Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough 27,000 0 0
to Contingencies: to wit:
Law Charges 2,400l.; Surplus to sheriffs and others on their accounts 1,266l. 16s. 11½d.; Rewards for sundry services 5,452l. 2s.d.; Printers on their Bills 5,224l. 10s. 7d.; Riding charges to Messengers 1,094l. 5s. 0d.; Liberates of the Exchequer 4,975l. 3s.d.; Sundry Incidents and Disbursements 3,119l. 6s. 2d.; Rent of Mote Park 300l.; Rewards to Receivers of Taxes 750l. 11s.d.; for purchase of Cotton house and grounds 4,625l. 0s. 0d.; City Impost 98l. 14s.; in all 29,306 9 10
towards building Blenheim house at Woodstock 37,600 0 0
to services relating to Scotland, to wit:
Sir David Nairne for sundry incidents and disbursements 1,885l. 15s.d.; John Campbell, Goldsmith, for Collars of the Order of the Thistle 1,731l. 2s.d.; the Barons of the Exchequer on their Allowances 775l. 0s. 0d.; the Lord Chancellor, President Privy Seal, Secretaries of State, Commissioners of the Treasury, Admiral and Secretary Depute on their Several Allowances before the Union—one year to the 1 May 1708 16,800l. 0s. 0d.; in all 21,191 18 1
to Henry Scobell, on account of the Tin Affair 120,000 0 0
Arrears to the late King's Servants and Family:
to the Earl of Bradford for Arrears as Cofferer 45 17
to the Lord Fitzharding for the like as Treasurer of the Chamber 25 0 0
to the Earl of Pembroke on his allowance as President of the Council 893 16 8
(total payable at the Exchequer 671,421l. 13s.d.)
payments at the Excise Office.
to the Prince of Denmark 25,000 0 0
to the Duke of Northumberland 3,000 0 0
to the Duke of Southampton 3,000 0 0
(total payable at the Excise Office 31,000l. 0s. 0d.)
payments at the Post Office.
to the Prince of Denmark 25,000 0 0
several on pensions as per the particulars, p. clxxvii 32,000 0 0
(total payable at the Post Office 57,000l. 0s. 0d.)
£759,421 13
Creditor or Discharge.
paid at the Exchequer out of these Revenues to Public Services within the same time: £ s. d.
to Sir David Nairne for the pay of the Forces in Scotland anno 1707: out of Additional Tonnage 12,800l. 0s. 0d. and out of Hereditary and Temporary Excise 6,000l. 0s. 0d.; in both 18,800 0 0
to Prince Charles of Denmark in lieu of his pretensions to the Bishopric of Eutin; out of Additional Tonnage 2,107l. 10s. 0d. and out of Hereditary and Temporary Excise 6,315l. 0s. 0d.; in both 8,422 10 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Lord Lovelace for the charge of his passage to New York; out of Additional Tonnage 390 0 0
to ditto for Wear and Tear anno 1708; out of wood sales 5,978 8 11
£33,590 18 11
by cash remaining in the Exchequer at Michaelmas 1708:
Additional Tonnage and Poundage 1,092 3
Hereditary and Temporary Excise 6,505 10 1
Letter money 206 3 4
Seizures 116 0 0
Fines and forfeitures 100 0 0
total 801,032l. 9s. 1d. £8,019 17