Treasury Books and Papers: December 1744

Pages 537-543

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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December 1744

Dec. 6. 197. Treasury warrant for preparation of a commission in the form of a draft commission prefixed in extenso for setting out a new quay at Poulton port, in Lancashire.
Prefixing:—(1) Said draft and (2) report to the Treasury from the Customs Commissioners, England, on the petition of the merchants and shipowners, &c., trading upon the river Wyre within Poulton port, praying that Hambleton Scarr and Bucksbank may be made lawful quays, the channel at Mainsbrow, the present lawful discharging place, being so dangerous and shallow that all ships from the Baltic, whence they have considerable importations, cannot proceed, and are obliged by special sufferance to deliver at the abovesaid two places.
[Customs Book XV. pp. 474–8.]
Dec. 6.
198. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Compton, Mr. Gybbon, Earl of Middlesex, Mr. Fox.
Order for the issue to the Navy Treasurer of 80,200l. for services.
Same for same out of the Civil List revenues of 14,897l. to the Cofferer of the Household.
A report read from the Excise Commissioners on the petition of Samuel Hull, grocer. Agreed to, viz.: that he be not discharged.
Same from same read on same of John Brackenbury, late collector of Hertfordshire, concerning a dishonoured bill for 100l. Agreed to.
Petition from Richard Mason read proposing to make out the Crown's title to the intestate estate of Mr. Bretton, of Littleton, co. Somerset, upon the usual encouragement to discoverers.
Mr. Davis to pay 50l. to Fran. Matthieu, secretary to Col. Wenrich, as royal bounty.
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. p. 98; Reference Book X. p. 265.]
Dec. 10. 199. A list of bills of exchange drawn on the Office for Sick and Wounded Seamen remaining unpaid, with the dates when same will be due, drawn variously from Jamaica, Gibraltar, Port Mahon and New York. (Total 2,788l. 8s. 0d.) 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCXV. No. 23.]
Dec. 11. 200. Treasury warrant to Thomas Winnington, Paymaster of the Forces, to issue the necessary orders that all such officers who shall have the care of making the payments for the forces in Scotland do constantly and regularly every month from time to time take in one payment, from the Receiver General of the Land Tax for Scotland, when the same can conveniently be done, all such sums of money as shall be wanting to be paid for the subsistence of His Majesty's forces under their care of payment, and in return give the said receiver, or his agents, their bills of exchange as usual on their agents in London.
Prefixing:—Report to the Treasury from the Taxes Commissioners, London. “Mr. Whitefoord, Receiver General of Land Tax in Scotland, having lately represented to us that the Paymasters of the Forces there [Scotland] had discontinued taking their subsistence from him (as they had been frequently directed to do by your Lordships' orders) under a pretence that he could not always supply them with such sums as they might have occasion for, which has greatly retarded his payments into the Exchequer, and which he has no other way of remitting to London without being at a very great expense: and the [said] Receiver having assured us by Mr. Douglas, his agent (as will appear by the enclosed memorial), that he never did refuse subsistence in any sum to the troops when called for, and to prevent your Lordships having any further trouble about this matter he promises to undertake to furnish all the troops in Scotland with their monthly subsistence now and hereafter, without disappointing them at any time, upon their paymasters delivering their bills for the same upon their agents at London as usual, provided that the Paymasters of the Forces there be directed always to take their subsistence money from him monthly, and not in small sums, and at unseasonable hours.”
[Warrants not relating to Money XXVII. pp. 276–7.]
Dec. 11.
201. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr, Compton, Mr. Gybbon, Earl of Middlesex, Mr. Fox.
Order for the issue to the Paymaster of the Forces of 59,415l. 8s.d. in part of his memorial of Nov. 29.
Same for same of the following out of Civil List revenues:—
£ s. d.
To the Works, for repairs of the Duke of Cumberland's lodge in Windsor Forest 962 12 0
To the Privy Purse 3,000 0 0
To Onslow Burrish 225 8 8
To the Gentlemen and Grooms of the Bedchamber 4,900 0 0
To Tally Court officers 220 8 0
A petition read from Samuel Desborough, under prosecution for smuggling, for stay of process. Referred to the Customs Commissioners.
A letter read from Viscount Duncannon for leave to send back to Ireland some regimental arms brought thence. Warrant ordered.
A memorial read from Sir John Bruce for the importation into Ireland, duty free, of 300 swords provided here for his regiment in Ireland. Warrant ordered.
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. p. 99.]
Dec. 13.
202. Present: ut supra.
A letter read from Mr. Wood to Mr. Scrope to acquaint my Lords of Mr. Battine's opinion that a stronger military force should be sent into Sussex to hinder the smugglers committing any more riots, and that some armed cutters should be sent upon the coasts. The Secretary at War to receive the lung's pleasure in relation to the forces.
Mr. White to be paid 500l. to discharge the expense of a present from the King to the Dey of Tripoli, to whom he is going as Consul.
“If any application shall be made for renewing any leases of lands contiguous to the palace or gardens of St. James's my Lords are immediately to be made acquainted therewith.”
The report read from the Surveyor General of Lands on the petition of Hugh Bethell, Esq., for leave to search for mines of lead and tin in his manor of Galtres, co. York. Agreed to under proper restrictions.
Order for the issue to the Paymaster of Marines of 24,816l. 16s. 8d. in part of his memorial of the 11th inst.
A memorial read from the Commissioners for building the bridge at Westminster for 15,000l., and [for same] to be exempted from the deduction of 6d. per £. Warrant ordered for the 15,000l.
A letter read from the Duke of Newcastle for 1,000l. to Lord Hobart, to be advanced to messengers.
Same from same read for 56l. to Mr. Pybus. To be paid by the Secretary of the Post Office out of the money in his hands for Secret Service.
The report from the Surveyor General of Lands on George Campbell's petition for a reversionary lease of a house in Glasshouse Street read and agreed to.
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. pp. 100–1; Letter Book XX. p. 151.]
Dec. 18. 203. Petition to the Treasury from General James Oglethorpe. Has delivered to the Auditor [of Imprests] his account of extraordinary services in Georgia from 1738, Sept. 22, to 1743, Sept. 29. As to the extraordinaries since that time, had given credit to the Commander in Chief there to draw upon him to the amount of 19,168l. 18s. 4d., voted by Parliament for rangers, Highland Company, boatmen and half galleys; which services are of such a nature that no regular establishment can be made, being only paid as real necessity required, and are within the sum voted. Therefore prays that said sum be issued to him upon account.
Referred:—To Auditor Benson to consider and report whether the sum applied for can be properly issued upon an estimate without an establishment.
[Reference Book X. p. 265.]
Dec. 18.
204. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Compton, Mr. Gybbon, Earl of Middlesex, Mr. Fox.
Order for the issue to the Paymaster of the Forces of 31,695l. 12s. 0d. to complete his memorial of the 29th ult.
Same for same of 35,000l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance in part of 66,530l. 14s. 9d. as in his memorial of the 15th inst.
A memorial read from General Oglethorpe for 19,168l. 18s. 4d. for Highland Companies, rangers, &c., in America. “Send it to the Auditor of Imprests for his opinion whether my Lords can issue that sum upon an estimate, there being no establishment.”
The Attorney General's opinion read on a petition from Mary Woodman, et al., concerning a legacy to them from Abraham Crotall, against whom there stands a judgment for running wool in King William's reign. “My Lords are willing, as far as the Crown is interested, to let the poor relatives have the money in such proportions as shall appear to be consistent with the equity of the claims of the other parties.”
The Board of Ordnance attend and deliver a copy of the estimate of the charge of that office for the year 1745.
Order for the issue out of the Civil List revenues as follow:—
£ s. d.
To the purveyors, for the month of December 2,500 0 0
To Mr. Compton 1,060 0 0
To the Treasurer of the Chambers' establishment 5,725 14 1
To the Band of Pensioners 1,500 0 0
John Watkins approved as deputy to John Jones, one of the four messengers of the Receipt of the Exchequer.
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. pp. 102–3.]
Dec. 20. 205. Report to the Treasury from Thomas Walker, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, on the representation from the Surveyor and other officers of the Board of Works, against the proposal made by the Westminster Bridge Commissioners to let for building purposes the remainder of the land between St. Margaret's Lane and Westminster Hall, which they purchased for the purpose of widening the street; the said proposal to let for building being very prejudicial to the offices belonging to the Courts of Justice by darkening their lights and putting them in danger of fire. Has viewed the ground and buildings and is of opinion it would be to the advantage of the public to purchase or exchange said grounds with a view to the safety of the public offices and records of the kingdom. By the advice of the Board of Works has agreed with the Westminster Bridge Commissioners for an exchange, detailed, as follows, viz.:—the Commissioners to convey to trustees for the Crown two pieces of ground between St. Margaret's Lane and Westminster Hall, and all other their estates between said lane and said hall, except a house, area and yard late bought of John Fawler, Esq.: said Commissioners further to purchase and similarly convey the interest of John Walker, Esq., Usher of the Exchequer [Court], in a ground floor and rooms under the Augmentation and King's Remembrancer's Office. In return, said Commissioners to have a reversion in fee of a parcel of ground and buildings on the west side of the said lane extending from the passage leading to St. Margaret's Church to Old Palace Yard. The Crown is also to pull down part of the Augmentation and King's Remembrancer's Office, and the rooms beneath the same belonging to the Usher [of the Exchequer Court] from the north-west corner of St. Margaret's Lane to the north-west angle of the square tower or projecting window of a house in New Palace Yard, belonging to the said Usher of the Exchequer [Court], and then extending southwards through the said house and offices towards the north-west corner of the Tally Office, ranging with the line on the east side of the said lane, and the ground on which the said building stands is to be paved and laid to the street to widen and enlarge same. 2 pages.
:—(a) Said representation to the Treasury from the Board of Works, dated Whitehall Office of Works, 1743–4, Feb. 28.
Minuted in dorse:—As under date 1744–5, Jan. 10, infra [said minute properly referring to the report as above]. 1 page.
(b) J. Scrope to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands, dated Treasury Chambers, 1743–4, March 2, forwarding said representation for report. 1 page.
(c) Plan of the plots of ground in question; said plan showing the position in St. Margaret's Street of the King's Bench Treasury, Fish Yard, Cyder House, Common Pleas Chamber, Tally Office, Hell Yard, and the Augmentation Office, with the King's Remembrancer's Office, and the rooms of the Usher [of the Exchequer Court] underneath. 1 sheet.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCXV. No. 24.]
Dec. 20.
206. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Compton, Mr. Gybbon, Earl of Middlesex.
A petition read from James Deacon, son of James Deacon late collector of coal duty, for dismissal of a bill preferred against him. Referred to the Customs Commissioners.
A letter read from Sir William Yonge in answer to Mr. Scrope's letter concerning the outrages by smugglers in Sussex, informing my Lords that it is impossible to augment the present detachments on the coast of Sussex but by taking from those on the coasts of Kent, Suffolk and Norfolk, but whatever my Lords think he will immediately receive the King's commands thereon. Said letter, together with the orders already given for stationing soldiers to prevent smugglers, to be sent to the Customs Commissioners.
A letter from Mr. Wood to Mr. Scrope read informing that the “Royal Sovereign's”tender has impressed men on board ships as soon as they have performed quarantine at Standgate Creek, by which they think the sailors will endeavour to escape, which may be of dangerous consequence. To be sent to Mr. Corbett to be laid before the Admiralty.
James Wilde, distributor of stamps for Herefordshire, to be distributor also for Radnorshire, loco Evan Meredith removed for neglect.
A petition read from Joseph Chitty concerning duty on raisins. Referred to the Customs Commissioners.
A letter read from the Bishop of London for 20l. for Charles Boschi, going as a minister to South Carolina.
[Treasury Minute Book XXX. pp. 104–5; Customs Book XV. p. 481.]
Dec. 24.]
207. Abbreviates by Allan Whitefoord, Esq., Receiver General in Scotland, of the moneys by him received and issued for the separate periods, approximately monthly, as follows:—1743, Dec. 24 to 1743–4, Jan. 28; Jan. 28 to March 3, March 3 to March 24, March 24 to 1744, April 28; April 28 to May 26, May 26 to June 30, July 28 to August 25, August 25 to Sept. 29, Sept. 29 to Nov. 3, Nov. 3 to Dec. 1, Dec. 1 to Dec. 24. 11 double sheets.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCXV. No. 25.]
Dec. 28. 208. Petition to the House of Commons from the Royal African Company of England, concerning their expenditure in the maintenance of their forts and settlements, which in the 14 years preceding 1743, Dec. 31, has exceeded the parliamentary grants for same by more than 100,000l.: and praying relief herein. (Printed in Commons Journals, Vol. XXIV. p. 724, under date 1744–5, Jan. 28.) 3 pages.
[Ibid. No. 26.]
Dec. 31. 209. William Corbett to [? John Scrope], dated Navy Office, in reply to [? Scrope's] letter of the 29th instant. “Sir Charles Wager during his treasurership left in my hands all the money belonging to the public as his accomptant, so that at his death there was no money in his executors' hands to be paid over to me in pursuance of the privy seal dated the 6th June, 1743, appointing me to carry on the receipts and payments till another [Navy] Treasurer was appointed. After his death two considerable sums were issued to me to carry on the course and the recalls of Sir Charles Wager's pay books, and those subsequent payments have been carried on by me on the original pay books, and in the name of his executors, as has been the constant practice of the Navy.” 2 pages.
Followed by
:—(a) A paper of notes concerning the interim payments made to Corbett on the death of Mr. Clutterbuck, who succeeded Arthur Onslow as Treasurer of the Navy. 1½ pages.
(b) Same of the issues made to carry on the course of the Navy, upon the decease of said Clutterbuck, and of same for same on the decease of Sir Charles Wager, which took place 1743, May 25. 1½ pages.
(c) Copy of the warrant under the sign manual of the Lords Justices, dated 1743, May 31, appointing Corbett to receive and pay, &c., in the interim as above. 2 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCXV. No. 28.]
[? 1744.] 210. (a) Equation of the Dutch and English pay of the six regiments sent into England in 1744 calculated at 12 pence English to 11 pence Dutch for 42 days [the Dutch pay being shown in black ink, the English pay in red ink]. 1 sheet.
(b) Observations on the abovesaid equation of the Dutch and English pay of the said six regiments. 1 page.
(c) Proposal for making an augmentation in the horse and dragoons on the Flanders establishment, so that each troop of horse will then consist of 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 cornet, 1 quartermaster, 3 corporals, 2 trumpeters, and 50 private troopers, and each troop of dragoons: will then consist of 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 1 cornet, 1 quartermaster, 3 Serjeants, 3 corporals, 1 hautbois, 2 drummers, and 75 private dragoons: in order to bring them to an equality with the Dutch, Austrians, the King's German Cavalry, and also the French. 1 pages.
[Ibid. No. 31.]