Treasury Books and Papers: January 1743

Pages 224-233

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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January 1743

1. Papers of estimates as follow for the year 1743.
(a) Estimate of the charge of the Office of Ordnance for said year. In two forms with different totals, viz.: (1) 284,641l. 2s.d., and (2) 244,686l. 0s. 7d. The first form endorsed “Received 30 Nov., 1742.” 2 and 2 pages.
(b) Same of the charge of Guards, Garrisons and other Land Forces, for said year. In three forms with different totals, viz.: (1) delivered in first 565,543l. 5s. 0d. (2) delivered in second 554,789l. 7s. 1d. (3) Received, 1742, Nov. 25, 647,862l. 5s. 10d. 1 and 1 and 1 pages.
(c) Same of the charge of ten regiments of Marines for said year. (Total, 206,253l. 15s. 0d.)
Endorsed:—Received, 1742, Nov. 25.
In 3 forms, practically triplicate. 1 and 1 and 1 pages.
(d) Same of the charge of the forces in the Plantations, Minorca, and Gibraltar for said year. (Total, 266,616l. 6s.d.) In triplicate, the first form endorsed:—Received 1742, Nov. 25. 1 and 1 and 1 pages.
(e) Same of half pay for the years 1742 and 1743, compared together.
Appending:—(e) (1) Same for the widows of officers who have died on half pay for the years 1742 and 1743, compared. 1 page.
(f) Same of the charge of 5,513 horse and 10,755 of the troops of Hanover in the pay of Great Britain from 1742, Dec. 26 to 1743, Dec. 25. (Total, 392,697l. 8s. 4d.) “No estimate can be made at present for extraordinary pay or douceurs, forage and waggon for the above time.”
Endorsed:—Received 30 Nov. 1742. 1 page.
(g) (1) Estimate of the charge of a regiment of foot raised in America for the service in the West Indies for said year. (Total, 53,995l. 13s. 4d.) 1 page.
(2) Same of the charge of several officers appointed for the expedition in America for said year. (Total, 11,611l. 13s. 4d.) 1 page.
(3) Same of the charge of the staff officers appointed to attend the hospital established for the service of the expedition in America for said year. (Total, 1,277l. 10s. 0d.) 1 page.
(h) Same of same of His Majesty's forces in Flanders for said year, the first two showing an unfinished total of 482,599l. 19s. 2d. In 3 forms, varying, the last estimate delivered showing a total of 534,763l. 5s. 0d.) 1 and 1 and 1 pages.
(i) A paper of observations on the establishments [as compared with the estimates] for Guards and Garrisons, Flanders, Marines, Minorca, Plantations, and a hospital for the year 1743.
Endorsed:—“N.B. All these establishments are prepared for the King's hands, and if not signed by the King himself must be altered in many particulars.” 3 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCX. No. 1.]
Jan. 1.
2. An accompt certified by Allan Whitefoord of all moneys issued and paid by him as Receiver General in Scotland, and Cashier of the funds applicable towards encouraging fisheries and manufactures there, pursuant to precepts issued upon him by the Commissioners and Trustees for the management of said funds: viz., from 1741, Dec. 25, to 1742, Dec. 25. 8 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCX. No. 2.]
Jan. 5.
3. Present: Earl of Wilmington, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir John Rushout, Mr. Gybbon.
The memorial of the Paymaster of the Forces read for remittances for the forces abroad, with John Gore's proposals for same for the English troops, and same from Messrs. John Gore and William Pointz for the Hessian troops, and from Joseph Gulston for the Hanoverians at 10 gu. 13 sti. per £. The memorial of Messrs. Muilman and Wilkinson concerning remittances to those forces referred to said Paymaster.
Order for the issue out of the Civil List revenues of 5,875l. to the English Judges for 1742, Easter term.
The Customs Commissioners' report read on the petition of the late sheriffs of London concerning Robert Baldry's escape from the Poultry Compter. Agreed to.
Same from same read concerning Baron Haslang's wine. To be considered.
Order for the issue to the Navy Treasurer of 10,000l. for services.
The Customs Commissioners' report on the petition of the people of Wisbech concerning Parvis, a prisoner, read and agreed to, viz., that he be not discharged.
The report from the Comptrollers of Army Accounts read on Mr. Revel's memorial for 1,552l. 2s. 2d., for insurance of victualling ships to Gibraltar, “in which the Comptrollers submit it to my Lords whether he should be paid for such of the ships as went under convoy. To be stated against the next board.”
“Sir John Barnard and others, with the Christ's Hospital boys called in, and present my Lords with the usual books and some drawings.”
A return from the Postmaster General to Mr. Scrope's letter read about laws relating to the Post Office, which were expired or near expiring.
Mary Howard's petition read concerning her occupancy of a house in the Savoy, late her late husband's. Mr. Sharpe to continue her tenant during pleasure.
[Treasury Minute Book XXIX. pp. 173–4; Letter Book XX. pp. 78–9.]
Jan. 7. 4. Representation to the Treasury from the Commissioners for Taxes concerning the arrears on the accounts of Mr. Bull, Receiver General for part of North Wales, against whom Exchequer process has been threatened. Bull represents that he has very few opportunities of remitting the moneys but by the drovers, and desires indulgence from Candlemas to the beginning of May, in which time the drovers transact all their affairs, whose bills are the only ones he can procure.
Minuted:—As under Jan. 11, infra, p. 228. 2 pages.
:—(a) James Bull's account of the charge, receipt and arrears of the 4 quarterly payments for land tax, 1741, for the counties of Radnor, Brecon and Montgomery. 1 sheet, with figures in dorso.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCX. No. 4.]
Jan. 11. 5. Report to the Treasury from Henry Pelham, Paymaster of the Forces, on the memorial of Henry Muilman and Pinckney Wilkinson, offering to remit the money necessary for payment of the forces in Flanders. Has talked with them with the following result. Their proposals are for remittances at the rate of 10 guilders 16 stivers, current money of Amsterdam, per £ sterling. They allege that as the exchange between England and Holland is now at 34s. 8d., which, with the agio is upwards of 10 gu. 17 st. per £ sterling, the profit to the remitters on the above proposal will be better than half per cent. They negotiate their affairs in Holland with Messrs. Muilman and Sons, and Messrs. Clifford and Sons, who, they allege, are equally sufficient with Messrs Pells and Sons. Memorialists are certain they can establish a credit so as to keep up the exchange, and carry on this transaction for a continuance at the above rate, but admitted that this must be supported chiefly by means of exporting foreign gold or specie to keep up the course of the exchange, as it has been for above two years last past. Has also talked with Mr. Gore, the present remitter, and encloses a representation from him, Poyntz and Gulston as in (b) infra. Is advised by skilled and disinterested persons as follows, viz.: that the proposal of Gore, Gulston, and Poyntz, (for remittances at 10 gu. 13 st.) is a bold and serviceable undertaking, considering the great sums that will probably be remitted this year. Further, that it is a great security to the Government to transact these affairs at the house of Messrs. Pels and Clifford, especially since the chief transaction is proposed to be by Messrs. Pels and Sons. Further, that the present course of exchange is 34s. 8d., and the agio 4½ per cent., which makes 10 gu. 17 st. current money. This leaves a gross profit of 2 per cent. Of this ½ per cent. commission must be paid at Amsterdam, and the same to the remitter himself, and the remainder must be allowed for the hazard of bills, fall of exchange, brokerage, and contingent charges. The offer of Muilman et al., as above, is 1½ per cent. more to the advantage of the public, and leaves only ½ per cent. gross profit to the remitter. The transaction must, however, be attended with the like charges as above, and it is difficult to see how they expect to profit unless they flatter themselves with being indulged in the liberty of exporting the current coin of this kingdom, which they say was allowed to Sir Henry Furness upon very urgent occasions in the late war. Though it may seem reasonable to accept the most advantageous proposal, “yet this method may be attended with great inconvenience if the transactions of these affairs should be put into many hands, since it must necessarily fall the exchange, which inconvenience was manifest when the late Lord Oxford was in the Treasury and, two or three of the remitters becoming bankrupt, the whole business of remitting was put into one hand.” The above is the advice of the said skilled and disinterested persons. Submits that as the offer of Muilman et al. is only for a trial for two or three remittances, without any certainty as to the continuance of the time or rate, whereas Messrs. Gore et al. consider themselves bound for one year certain, there is no sufficient inducement for an alteration in this affair.
Endorsed:—My Lords agree to the proposal of Messrs. Gore, Gulston, and Poyntz. 3 pages.
:—(a) Henry Muilman and Pinckney Wilkinson to the Treasury, offering to make proposals for remittances as above.
Endorsed with:—Order of reference of date 1742–3, Jan. 5. 1 page.
(b) Representation to the Paymaster General from John Gore, Joseph Gulston, and William Poyntz, concerning their reasons for fixing their proposals at the rate of 10 gu. 13 st. The remittances to be made by Great Britain will be greater this year than before. It is also known with equal certainty abroad that France will want a still larger credit for subsisting its armies sent, or to be sent, to Germany. These considerations greatly effect the fluctuating state of the agio of the Bank Money at Amsterdam, with which the current money of that place is necessarily to be purchased. To support the exchange contractors are often obliged to export to Amsterdam, either from London or Lisbon, large quantities of foreign gold, on which operation there is always insurance and risk. The only houses they make use of at Amsterdam are Andrew Pels and Sons and George Clifford and Sons, “names of the most known and established credit in the mercantile world.” 4 pages.
(b) (1) A paper of calculations showing the profit to said Gore, et al., arising on the above rate of remittance. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCX. No. 6.]
Jan. 11. 6. A second representation to the Treasury from said Pinckney Wilkinson and Henry Muilman expressing their readiness to offer for a year for remittances as above. 1 page.
[Ibid. No. 7.]
Jan. 11.
7. Present:—Earl of Wilmington, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Compton, Sir John Rushout, Mr. Gybbon.
Alexander Brodie to be a stamper, loco Richard Watts, deceased.
A petition of Daniel Beamont, starchmaker, for release from prison, read. Referred to the Excise Commissioners and Mr. Sharpe.
The Attorney General's report read giving it as his opinion that the Act 9 Anne, for establishing the Post Office revenue is made perpetual by that of 3 Geo. I.
The Customs Commissioners' report concerning Baron Haslang's wine read again. Lay before my Lords a state of what has been done in the like cases.
The Taxes Commissioners' representation read concerning Mr. Bull, Receiver General for Brecon, Radnor, and Montgomery. A proper person to be sent to his place of abode to inspect his cash and bills, said by him to amount to 4,161l. 5s. 11d., and to attend the bringing of same to Bristol in order to its being remitted to London.
A letter read from General Hargreave at Gibraltar to the Duke of Newcastle concerning the plague at Barbary. The Customs Commissioners England and Scotland to order their officers to keep a sharp look out for ships thence.
A same from the Master of the Horse read for 6,500l. for extraordinaries of the Stables to discharge the demands thereon to 1741, Xmas. Order for a sign manual for 10,000l. [therefor].
Mr. Lowther to pay out of the King's money 20l. to Mr. Fane for His Majesty's special service.
The report, entered in extenso, of the Paymaster of the Forces, ut supra, pp. 226–7, of this day concerning remittances for the troops in Flanders considered. In regard of the allowed abilities of the present remitters and their correspondents in Holland and of the irretrievable detriment to the public service if any interruption in payment should happen, their Lordships think it will be for the interests of the public to accept the proposals of Messrs. Gore, Gulston and Poyntz.
[Treasury Minute Book XXIX. pp. 175–180; Letter Book XX. p. 79; Customs Book XV. p. 281.]
Jan. 13.
8. Present: Earl of Wilmington, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Compton, Sir John Rushout, Mr. Gybbon.
The Cofferer of the Household's memorial read for 1,000l. to pay the King's royal bounty to poor widows and others.
Order for the following issues out of the Civil List revenues:—
£ s. d.
To the Privy Purse 3,000 0 0
To the Judges in Wales and Masters in Chancery 1,182 10 0
To Mr. Lowther 2,000 0 0
To the Speaker of the House of Commons 500 0 0
To the Knight Harbinger 46 16 8
To Mr. Reid for transporting felons 660 0 0
To the King's goldsmith (Mr. Minors) 730 2 0
To the officers of the Tally Court 333 8 0
To Mr. Walker 100 0 0
To two chaplains going abroad 40 0 0
The petition of Charles Purchas (Porcase), prisoner, of Marsh Chapel, co. Lincoln, referred to the Customs Commissioners.
A letter from the Secretary of the Customs read concerning laws relating to that revenue expired or expiring.
Order for the issue to the Treasurer of the Ordnance of 26,703l. 6s. 11d. to complete the grant for said office for 1742.
Same for a warrant for paying Mr. Trevor a quarter due Lady Day last.
Mrs. Languerac's pension of 50l. a year, to be paid her to Xmas last,
George Dancer to be a surveyor of windows in the upper part of co. Bucks, loco Christopher Crook, deceased. The Taxes Commissioners' report read on John Lloyd's petition to be surveyor of windows in London, on the surrender of Mr. Lyon. Ordered. The Customs Commissioners' presentment for re-establishing Charles Coombes to the command of the “Greenhill” sloop (yacht) at Portsmouth, agreed to. William Gould to be clerk to the tide surveyors, and to set the weighing porters to work in London port, loco Simon Hughes, deceased. The Customs Commissioners' presentment read for John Wiltshire, one of their extraordinary messengers to be a doorkeeper and messenger, loco Simon Hughes, deceased. Richard Bowling to be distributor of stamps for Pembroke, Carmarthan, and Cardigan, loco Matthew Lord, lately made collector of Milford.
[Treasury Minute Book XXIX. pp. 181–2; Reference Book X. p. 229; Customs Book XV. p. 284.]
Jan. 13. 9. Report to the Treasury from the Revenue Commissioners, Dublin, on the memorial of the Earl of Arran to the Treasury, proposing to sell to the Crown the duties of Prizage and Butlerage [of Ireland] or to let them for a term of 31 years. Refer to their former report of 1741, June 27, on a like former proposal from said Earl. In the said former proposal there were two serious errors, viz.: it was alleged that Prizage of wines is one tun out of each ship importing less than 18 tuns, whereas no Prizage is paid by any ship that does not import full 9 tuns wine: and, secondly, the said Prizage is said to be chosen out of the best of the cargo, and that without any duty or expense off from the quay; whereas the method is when taken in kind to choose indifferently before and behind the mast without tasting, by which means if these wines were all paid in kind it's more than probable that they may be the worst instead of the best of the cargo, as the importers may have their best wines artfully stowed away in the bottom of the ship that they may not be readily come at. Said Prizage, however, is commonly compounded for at certain rates, detailed. With regard to the Earl's present proposal, enclose an account of the produce of said duties for 23 years from 1720, March 25, to 1742, March 25, showing a medium annual produce of 4,394l. 2s. 4d. The decrease of said duties in the last 3 years is due to the frequent embargoes on shipping and other obstructions to trade since the commencement of the war with Spain. In case a new lease of the duties be taken from the Earl, advise 4,000l. as a sufficient rent, or if to be purchased, then 20 years' purchase at said rental in case said duties should be held not liable to excise and additional duties; but if considered so liable “it will be lessened at least one third in its value.” 4 pages.
:—(a) Said memorial of the Earl of Arran.
Endorsed:—With order of reference of date 1742, July 14. 6¼ pages.
(b) Said account of the produce of said duties from 1720 to 1742. 1½ pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCX. No. 8.]
Jan. 18.
10. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Compton, Sir John Rushout, Mr. Gybbon.
Order for the following issues out of the Civil List revenues:—
£ s. d.
To the Cofferer of the Household for purveyors 2,000 0 0
To the Great Officers, 1742, Lady Day quarter 5,903 9 7
To the Treasurer of the Chambers for messengers 1,000 0 0
To Mr. Prevereau 187 7 0
To the extras of the Stables 4,500 0 0
To Mr. Ellis 850 0 0
To Mr. Lowther 300 0 0
To the farmer of the Post Fines 839 11
To the Master of the Robes 528 16 3
The petition of John Coutts, merchant of Montrose, concerning tobacco bonds, referred to the Customs Commissioners, Scotland. Same of Ezekiel Hall, of London, merchant, concerning Smyrna fruit, referred to the Customs Commissioners [England].
Sir Henry Lyddell, Mr. Blacket, Mr. Ord and Mr. Fenwick called in concerning the coal bonds standing out for the coal duty, and acquaint their Lordships with the uneasiness of the persons concerned therein, “and that if my Lords would not make an order that none of the said bonds should be put in suit for a twelve month they would apply to Parliament for that purpose.” Till the Attorney General and Customs Commissioners have reported on this affair, which is at present under their examination, their Lordships can say nothing further.
[Treasury Minute Book XXIX. pp. 183–4; Reference Book X. p. 229; North Britain Book XIII. p. 369.]
Jan. 25.
11. Present:—ut supra.
Order for the issue to the Paymaster of the Forces of 166,807l. out of the funds, anno 1743.
Same for same to the Navy Treasurer of 15,000l. out of the same, anno 1742.
Richard Elliot's memorial read on behalf of William Elliot, formerly Receiver for Cornwall, praying for allowances on said William Elliot's accounts, and stay of process meanwhile. Stay of process ordered. The memorial referred to the Taxes Commissioners.
Read a state of the land taxes and duties on houses from the year 1793 [sic ? 1693 or 1739] to this time.
The King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer to transmit to the Treasury a particular of all the estates belonging to [Thomas] Albert, in Worcester and other places, seized into the Crown's hands for his debts.
“Alderman Calvert, Mr. Hucks, and Mr. Raymond called in and acquaint my Lords that the victuallers desire to be relieved from the pott act, and that it may be repealed. My Lords say they will consider any memorial that shall come before them from the victuallers.”
Richard Lewis's petition to succeed Mr. Bull as Receiver General for Brecon, Radnor and Montgomery read and referred to the Taxes Commissioners.
Isaac Daniel preferred to the superior list of tidesmen, London port, loco Thomas May, deceased. William Green to succeed him on the inferior list.
Sir Henry Bennefield's memorial read concerning packs of wool seized at King's Lynn. Referred to the Customs Commissioners. A petition read from William Hinton, receiver of the money arising by seizures in the outports concerning bills drawn on Mr. Manley, late secretary of the Customs. Referred ut supra. “And to let my Lords know what office Mr. Manley had, which occasioned these bills to be drawn on him.”
A memorial from the Duke of St. Albans read concerning injuries to the young oaks in Windsor Forest. Referred to the Solicitor of the Treasury.
The Attorney General's report read and agreed to concerning the prosecution of persons for cutting turf, &c., in Bigshot rails and Swinley walks in said forest.
The Customs Commissioners' report on the petition of James Lemore, prisoner in Newgate, read and agreed to.
A memorial read from Earl of Breadalbane, desiring to be discharged of an arrear of feu duties, and for a grant of same. Referred to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland.
A petition of Thomas Hanley, a prisoner in Newgate, referred to the Customs Commissioners.
A report from said Commissioners of 1737–8, March 14, read on the petition of Robert Moody, merchant, concerning pot ashes seized for being imported from Holland. “As the time is elapsed my Lords can do nothing in his request.”
Same from same read on the petition of James Smithson and Michl. Chester, concerning deals and masts imported from Holland.
“Ordered that the ship be released, and that the petitioners have leave to export the deals and masts.”
The petition of John Savage, late Comptroller of coal duties, London port, and of his sureties, referred to the Customs Commissioners.
A report from the Customs Commissioners concerning the ship “Nostra Seigniora delle Assumpton,” taken by Lord Banff, read and agreed to.
Same read from Mr. Sharpe on the petition of Richard Beal, constable of St. Paul's Covent Garden parish, concerning the costs of a prosecution against him for distraining a silver tankard. Mr. Sharpe to pay same.
Thomas Stocker to be tidesman and boatman at Sidmouth, Exeter port, loco John Martin, deceased; William Winter, weigher at Hull, loco Thomas Langdale, dismissed; Thomas Robinson, a tidesman at Liverpool, loco Thomas Newton, deceased.
Lord Glenorchy's memorial read against the grant to — Campbell of a lead mine in his Lordship's lands of Glenfalloch, co. Perth, till he shall be heard thereon. To be laid by till Campbell shall present a memorial for such grant.
A representation read from the Taxes Commissioners concerning the state of Bull's affairs as Receiver of Brecon, Radnor and Montgomery, “wherein they acquaint my Lords that the person whom they sent down has informed them that he confesses he has at present neither cash nor bills, but that he has 1,100l. owing him, and that his effects may be worth 2,000l.” Said Commissioners have sent down an extent.
The memorial of the 21st instant from the Paymaster of the Forces, forwarding Messrs. Burrell and Bristow's proposal for remittances of subsistence money for the forces in Gibraltar and Minorca from 1742–3, Feb. 24 to 1743, April 24, read and agreed to as follows, the rates of exchange being certified to be as usual, viz.. 22,000 dollars for Minorca, at 55d. per dollar; 25,000 dollars for Gibraltar, at 54½d. per dollar.
[Treasury Minute Book XXIX. pp. 185–9; Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 348; North Britain Book XIII. p. 369; Customs Book XV. pp. 284, 285; Letter Book XX. pp. 80, 81.]
Jan. 27. 12. Warrant under the royal sign manual, countersigned by the Treasury Lords, to Augustus Schutz, Peter Leheup, and Henry Fane, trustees for the marriage portion of the Princess Royal, to dispose of 4,000l., part of 31,500l. remaining of said marriage portion and invested in certain annuity orders at the Exchequer: and to pay over the produce thereof to Anne, Princess Royal, and her husband, the Prince of Orange: same being at their humble request made to the King therefor.
[King's Warrant Book XXXV. pp. 148–9.]
Jan. 27.
13. Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Compton, Sir John Rushout, Mr. Gybbon.
A representation read from the victuallers within the bills of mortality praying the assistance of the Treasury towards the repeal of the pott act, inasmuch as that tax is not felt by any other victuallers in the kingdom. My Lords inform Mr. Hucks, who brought the said representation, that they will consider of the affair.
A petition read from James Houston, minister at Kirkliston, for a grant of the feu duties payable to the Crown for teinds and lands in said parish amounting to 5l. 11s. 72/3d. per an., and of all arrears of same from His Majesty's accession, as the same were granted by the late King. “Inspect the books of the office and see what was done in the last grant.”
The report of the Comptrollers of Army Accounts on Mr. Revell's memorial for insurance of provisions to Gibraltar read, as also the clause in his contract relating to insurance, and Mr. Revell's reasons for being allowed insurance on provisions sent under convoy. My Lords propose to him that he shall have an allowance of 4 per cent. for victuals sent as well with as without convoy from 1739–40, January 28, for the future, “that is so long as the publick affairs shall continue in the present situation they are in.”
Order for the issue to the Treasurer of the Navy out of funds, anno 1742, of 155,173l. 7s. 0d., for services as in his memorial of to-day.
Same for same of the following out of the Civil List revenues, viz. 800l. to Mr. Lowther for bills of exchange; 4,131l. 12s. 10d. to the Board of Works for 1742, Lady Day quarter.
Presentments of the Customs Commissioners in Scotland confirmed as follows: Alexander McKean, a tidesman at Wigtown, loco Hugh Kennedy, deceased; Thomas Cusings, a boatman at Leith, loco John Car, deceased; Mark Marshall, same at Queensferry, loco Alexander Swaddon, deceased; Robert Forrest, landwaiter and searcher at Port Glasgow, loco Robert (Ralph) Bell, deceased; David Agnew, Comptroller at Wigtown, loco Alexander MacDowal, deceased.
The Taxes Commissioners' report read on the petition of Richard Lewis, proposing his sureties as Receiver General for Brecon, Radnor, and Montgomery. His commission ordered.
A petition read from the sureties of Jonathan Smart late Receiver General for co. Herts. Stay of process agreed to, but the Taxes Commissioners are to press Hamm to finish his account as trustee for the sale of said receiver's estates.
The Attorney General's opinion read on the case of Joseph Bell and Joseph Archer, relating to frauds in the Post Office revenue. The Attorney General to file a bill against them in the Exchequer Court. The Postmasters to inform the Treasury who were the proper officers to re-tax the letters.
[Treasury Minute Book XXIX. pp. 190–2; North Britain Book XIII. p. 374; Letter Book XX. pp. 81, 82.]
Jan. 29. 14. An account of the expense of victualling the land forces from 1741–2, January 1, to 1742, Dec. 31, as received from the Commissioners of Victualling. (Total 35,075l. 9s. 1d.) 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCX. No. 9.]