Embargo Warrants: 1740, February-December

Pages 349-357

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 4, 1739-1741. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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1740, February–December

Embargo warrants i.e. warrants from the Lords of the Treasury to the Customs Commissioners, issued in pursuance of the Orders in Council directed to the Lords of the Treasury and the Lords of the Admiralty, for the purpose of releasing from the embargo [of 1739–40 January 31 for manning the fleet] the several ships as detailed below: the Treasury warrants requiring the observance by the Customs Commissioners of the said orders: the stipulated condition being generally that the ships so released from embargo should furnish a complement of men for the service of His Majesty's Navy (said complement being a third of the total crew “protected,” or for whom Admiralty orders of protection were issued: the calculation being made approximately e.g. a ship of 7 men to furnish 2 men, a ship of 2 men to be set free usually and so on).

Date of Treasury Warrant to the Customs Commissioners. Date of the Order in Council to the Treasury and the Admiralty Ship's Name. Master. Where berthed. Stipulated number of seamen to be provided out of the ship for His Majesty's Navy. Reference.
Feb. 13
Feb. 11 “Frederick” - William Loney - - 6 Customs Book XIV. p. 414.
“Union” - Samuel Astry - - Ibid., p. 415.
Feb. 14. Feb. 11 “Lambert” - - Robert Hayman - - 4 Ibid.
“Mary & Elizabeth” William Hammond - - - 1
“West” - Richard Gilby - 1
“Dunkirk” - Lambert Smith - 1
“Neptune” - James Holding - - 1
“Margaret,” of Bayonne. Sauber Contis - - Bristol -
“Providence,” of Dunkirk. Michael Feture - Cowes
23 Dutch ships unnamed. - Put in at Dover under stress of weather
Feb. 26 Feb. 25 “Triton” - - David Robertson - Dover Ibid, p. 416.
“Young Theodore” Hendrick van Holm Thames -
“Diana,” of Bayonne John Lambeye - Weymouth
“Happy Janet” - Robert McKlish - Portsmouth 12
Feb. 27 “Alexander” - - - - Thames - 1 Ibid, p. 417.
“Sarah” - - Charles Hargrove Thames- 2
“Mary & Mariane” John Campbell - Thames - Ibid, p. 419.
Feb. 28 “Gilbert” - William Pringle - 4 Ibid.
“Parham Club” - James Davies - - 4
“Penelope” James Barret - Thames - 4
“Two Brothers” Thomas Wigmore - - - 1
“Loyal Jane” - Pain Maples - - - - 1
Feb. 29 “Robert & Richard” Richard Garwood - - - 1
“John” - - John Filleul - - - 1
“Prince William” - Robert Hinde - - Thames - 2 Ibid, p. 420.
Feb. 29 Feb. 25 “George” - Thomas Martin Topsham 1 Customs Book XIV. p. 420.
“Judith” Benedict Bevis Topsham 1
“Britannia” - - Thomas Proctor - - - 3
“Jemima” - John Clarabut - London -
“Mary” - - - Humphrey Gilbie London -
“Britannia” - - - - - 3
“St. John” - Thomas Daly Waterford - 2 Irish Book IX. p. 172.
Mar. 1 “Thomas” Thomas Cliffe - - 3 Customs Book XIV. p. 421.
Mar. 6 Feb. 29 - - - Alexander Todd - Edinburgh - Ibid.
“Margaret,” with 200 recruits for the Scots regiment in the service of the States General. Robert Philip - - Dundee
“Isaac & Mary” Beal Jones Dover -
Feb. 25 “Charming Sally” John Maxwell - - 2
“Happy George” Richard Park - - - 2
Mar. 4 “Success” John Norwood Thames
Feb. 25 “St. Patrick” John Hester - Cowes 4 Ibid, p. 422.
Mar. 8 Mar. 7 “Hugo & Mary” - Thomas Wilson Yarmouth - 2 Ibid, p. 427.
“Sea Horse” - - Three ships of the Hudson's Bay Company, on furnishing for the Navy a third of their men detailed. Three ships of the Hudson's Bay Company, on furnishing for the Navy a third of their men detailed - -
“Hudson's Bay” - Three ships of the Hudson's Bay Company, on furnishing for the Navy a third of their men detailed. Three ships of the Hudson's Bay Company, on furnishing for the Navy a third of their men detailed - - Ibid, p. 438.
“Mary” - - Three ships of the Hudson's Bay Company, on furnishing for the Navy a third of their men detailed. Three ships of the Hudson's Bay Company, on furnishing for the Navy a third of their men detailed - -
Mar. 10 Mar. 7 “William” - Thomas Laws - - - - - 6 Ibid, p. 422.
“Catherine” - - Robert Bostock - Thames - 6
“South River Merchant.” James Hall - - 6
“Sarah & Elizabeth” John Sackell - - 4
“Dolphin” Mark Lee - - - 1
“Samuel” - - David Crockatt - - 2
[?] “Eagle” - John Spence - - 4 Ibid, p. 425.
“William & Anne” - John Maine - 6
Mar. 10 Mar. 10 “Cæsar” George Dewar - - - - 4
“Parson” - - William Wood - - - - 1
“Susannah & Sarah” - - - - - - - 2
“Liberty” - - —. Halfright - - 1
“London Packet” John Channon - - - 1
“Prince of Orange” John Paddy - - - - 7
“Tinley” Richard Pool - - - - 2 Ibid, p. 426.
“Bladen” David Pipon - - - 4
“Vine” - Capt. Waterman - Falmouth - 2
Mar. 11 Mar. 10 “Antigua” Isaac Wakeley- - - 2
“Leopard” - - John Henshaw - Liverpool - 2
“Antwerp” packet - John Worthall - - - 1
Mar. 11 Mar. 10 “Middleburgh” packet William Mudie - - - - 1 Customs Book XIV.p.427.
“Betty” - Robert Smith - - - - 3
“Elizabeth” - - John French - - 3
“Hill” - John Gorman - - - - - 3
“Britannia” - - Jeremy Jones - - - - 3
“Sea Flower,” with recruits for Major-General Philips's regiment at Annapolis and Canso. William Clark - - -
“Roehampton” James Tobin - - 6
Mar. 13 Mar. 7 “Hamble” - John Dormer - Portsmouth 3 Ibid, p. 428.
“Boulter” - - Richard Weales - - - - 4
“John & Elizabeth” William Ovett - New Shoreham. 1 Ibid, p. 429.
Mar. 14 Mar. 7 “Charles” Henry Harramond - - 4 Ibid.
“Jennet” - Richard Crookenden - - 4
“Amsterdam” - John Davey - Topsham - 3
“Dorset” - - Topsham - 2
Mar. 18 Feb. 25 “Shirley” William Thompson - Thames - 7
Mar. 20 Mar. 19 “Britannia” - John Hutchinson - Thames - 4
“Elizabeth” - Benjamin Duce - - 6 Ibid, p. 430.
“Gold” - - John Hudson - - - - 1
“Yorkshire Molly,” with provisions for Minorca. - - Cork
“Charming Barbara” Thomas Crandell - Thames - 1
“Dove” - - John Lee - Liverpool -
“Gamboa Merchant” Egerton Cutler - Liverpool 4
“Sea Nymph” - Nicholas Harman - - - -
“Dixon” - Edward Coulter - - - -
“Neptune,” - - with recruits for Gen. Dalzell's regiment in the Leeward Islands. Thomas Boyde - -
“Cato” - Abraham Remmick - - 2 Ibid, p. 433.
“John & Mary” - - - - - Yarmouth - 2
“Molly,” of Lynn John Ballentine - Thames 3
“Despatch” - - James Finney - Thames - 3
“Eagle” - George Wale Yarmouth - 2
“Sea Flower” Richard Garland - Topsham - 1
“Doctor” - John Bolton - London - 1
“Budgin” Robert Petson- - Thames - 5
“Mary” - Henry Harding - Thames - 2
“Haslemere” - Thomas Walker - Thames - 7
“Robert and Sarah” Darlow Mather - Cowes - 1
“Carolina,” with ordnance stores for New York. Richard Gill - Thames - Ibid, p. 434.
“Duke of Kingstone” - Thomas Merriden - Thames 1
“De Humere” - Thomas Fillet - - - - 1
“Europa” - Robert Lambsdon - Thames - 2
“George” - Thomas Sharpe - Thames - 4
Mar. 20 Mar. 19 “New Cambridge” - William Morris - - 3 Customs Book XIV.p.434.
Mar. 21 Mar. 19 “Speedwell” Benedict Gilby - Thames - 1
“Gale” - - - William Blackborne Thames- 4
“William & Thomas” Thomas Picot - Swansea -
“Prosperous” Arthur Perry - Dartmouth
“Dove”- - Robert Roberts Dartmouth
“Charming Molly” Edward Woolcot - Dartmouth 6 Ibid, p. 437.
“Pickfast” - John Sheppard - Thames - 2
“Diamond” Samuel White - Colchester - 1
“Amsterdam” packet John Russell - Thames - 1
Mar. 24 Mar. 19 “John” - John Dennis - Thames - 1
“Farnley” - William Bowles - Thames - 2
“Anne” - - Michael William - Helford, near Falmouth. 1 Ibid, p. 438.
“William & Sarah” - William Nichols - Yarmouth - 2
“Dove” - Charles Fenn - - Yarmouth - 2
“Carolina” - - William Potter Exeter ⅓ crew
“Merrifield” - Charles Potter - Exeter - ⅓ crew
“Mary” - - William Hill - - Exeter ⅓ crew
“Susannah” - William Clapp - Exeter - ⅓ crew
“Dispatch” Samuel Hooke- - Exeter - ⅓ crew
“King's Meadow” - Thomas Mansfield - Thames - 2
“St. Clair” - James Barry Plymouth - 2
Mar. 26
Mar. 19 “Willingmind” - Francis Boynell Thames - Ibid, p.439.
“Triumph” - Thomas Glover - Thames - 3
“Catherina Agatha” Richard Sparks - Thames - 1
“Kitty & Nora” - William Robertson - Thames - 2
“Hannah” Samuel Barnes - Thames - 3
“John” - Charles Seabrooke - Thames - 5
“Maynard” Thomas Reynolds - Thames - 4
“Batchellor” - - - - - Plymouth - 2
“Sea Nymph” Henry Beach Thames 2
“Catherine” John Griffith - Thames - 2
“Hatley” - Ralph Banks Thames - 4
“Prince Frederick” John Willis - Yarmouth - 2
“John & Betty” - John Strahan - - Thames - 1
“John & Anne” - John Barton - Yarmouth - 1
Mar. 28 Mar. 19 “Codrington” - Stephen Buristone Thames - 3 Ibid, p.440.
“Two Strangers” - James Titchol - Thames -
“Mary”- - Robert Ward - - - - - 2
“William & Margaret” Richard Cronsdon - London -
“Willingmind” - - - - - Guernsey -
“Dove” - - Peter Decort - Plymouth - 2
“William” - Edward Vibert - Thames - 1
“Minerva” - Elias Pitts - Teignmouth, Devon. 3
“City of Roan” - Thomas Pendall - Thames - 1
“Plymouth” - - John Anter - Plymouth - 3
“Unity” - Gideon Villemen Thames - 1
“Constantine” James Whitchurch - Bristol - 6
April 1 Mar. 19 “Woodford” - Charles Barnard - Thames - 3 Ibid.
“Clement” - William Kittier - Southampton 3
“Mary” - Henry Lynch - - - - 3
April 1 Mar. 19 “Dublin” - John Thomas - Thame - 2 Customs Book XIV.p.444.
“Ellin” - Henry Brown - - Bristol - 3
“Totnes” John Deverel - Bristol - 5
Mar. 27 “Mary” - Walter Wride - - Falmouth - 3
“Joanna” Thomas Whitway - Exmouth - 2
“Lancaster” - John Walker - - Lancaster - 2
“Joyce” - Charles Penny - -
“Dartmouth” - William Kenniott - - -
April 2 April 2 “Elizabeth” - - William Lyon - Dartmouth Ibid.
“Loyal Consort” - Samuel Barons - Dartmouth
“Two Bachelors” John Whilley - - Dartmouth
“Anne” - Robert Skinner Dartmouth Ibid, p. 445.
“Martha” - James Bond - Dartmouth
“Port Merchant” - John Robins - Dartmouth
“Catherine & Susannah” Daniel Laurence Dartmouth
“Industry” - Thomas Gaskins - Dartmouth
“Eagle” - Benjamin Teage - Dartmouth
“Betty” - William Perne - Dartmouth
“Dolly” - - William Cole - - Dartmouth
The above eleven with passengers for Newfoundland.
“Mary” - Humphrey Gilbie - Thames
“Unity” - William Thistlethwaite Thames -
“Jemima” - John Clarabut Thames -
Mar. 27 “Mercury” - William Clack - Thames - 3
“Bee” - - - Thomas White Exeter -
“Constantine” - Edward Wright - Thames - 3 Ibid, p. 446.
“Britannia” - Richard Vernam - At Bideford bound for Newfoundland.
“Francis” - - George Samm - Same - -
“Resolution” - Alexander Ley Same-
“Newkey” Robert Prance Same-
“Swallow” William Yeo Same - -
“Mount” - John Walter - Same - -
“Vine” George Langdon Same - -
“Northam” Robert Browning - Same - -
“Grace” - - George Hogg Same - -
“Italian Merchant” Richard Jackson - Thames - 9
“William” - Henry Harrison Thames - 3
“Richard & Elizabeth” Richard Bradford Thames - 1 Ibid.
“Milford” Lazarus Oxenham Bristol - 6
“Betsy” - Captain Doubt Bristol - 2
“Richard & Martha” Thomas Everden Thames
“Priscilla” James Brown - Thames - 4
April 4 Mar. 19 “Nassau” Anthony Buskin Thames 2
Mar. 27 “Two Brothers” - William Orchard - Thames 2
“Betsey” - - John Finch - Thames - 2 Ibid, p. 447.
“Hope” - - Morris Read - Sandwich - 2
April 4 Mar. 27 “Richard & Francis” Samuel Dickson - Thames - 1 Customs Book XIV. p.447.
“Oswego” - - John Waddell - Bristol - 2
“Ann & Elizabeth”
Four Dunkirkships returned, having been discharged from embargo. Feb. 11 last, and having an Admiralty protection for 3 months.
John Finch - - Thames - 1
“Loretta” - - John Lithered Thames - 3
“Barbadoes Merchant” Thomas Leicester Bristol - 3
“Rose of June” - Robert Ancient - Thames - 1
“Nancy” - - John Alcock - - - - - 2
“William” - - Hector Macneat Bristol - 3 Ibid, p. 448.
“Diligence”- - Edmond Gate - - Swansea - 1
“Delight” - David Law - Swansea - 1
“Industry” - William Sheppardson Thames - 4
“Hamburgh” - Timothy Perkins Thames - 1
“John & Jane” John Constance - Yarmouth - 1
“Edmond & Elizabeth” Edmund Waldegrave Yarmouth - 1
“Willet” - - Thomas Eaton - Bristol - 3
“Albany” - John Bryant - Thames - 2
“Cleveland” - - John Pread - - Belfast 2
“Sarah” - - George Green - Thames - 3
“Hellen” - - Thomas Tamson Yarmouth - 2
“Happy Return” - Thomas Mason Thames 2
“Marigold” - John Bonner - - Thames - 2 Ibid, p. 449.
“Anne” - - Robert Durham - Glasgow - 4
April 7 Mar. 19 “Baltimore” - - Peter Allingham - Thames - 20/3
“Charles” - - Samuel Johnson - Thames - 4
“Hatley” - - John James - - Thames - 7/3
“Expedition” - Christopher Grindal Thames - 3
“Gold” - - George Tickner - Thames 2
“Success” Thomas Spencer Thames - 5/2
“Upton” Adam Spencer - Thames - 8/3
“Everton” - Stephen Jermain Thames - 5/3
April 8 Mar. 27 “Nonpareil” Jacob Lucie Blackman. Thames 4
April 2 “William & Sarah” William Cross - Thames -
Mar. 19 “Sally” Isaac Lane - Thames - 4
Mar. 27 “Mary's Rein” - Jos. Jervoise - Thames - 5
“John” G. Edmonds - - Poole -
“Pike” John Pike - Poole -
April 2 “Robert & Alice” - Walter Goodman - Cowes - 2
Mar. 19 “Chrichton” - William Anderson - Thames - 6
April 10 Mar. 27 “Endeavour” Robert Grainger - Poole -
“William” - - - Poole -
“Patience” - Jos. Bowles - - - -
April 10 April 2 “Fame” - William Harris Thames - 4 Customs Book XIV. p.449.
“Fly” - - - Reynold Barrett Yarmouth -
“Caroline” - John Woods - Yarmouth -
“William & Isabel” Philip Parr - - Yarmouth -
“Mary & Elizabeth” John Page - - Yarmouth -
“Jane & Elizabeth” Charles Sprowle - Yarmouth -
“Success” - Bri: Thorkettle Yarmouth -
“Peach” - - John Banford - Yarmouth -
“John & James” - John Spencer - - Yarmouth - 1 Ibid, p. 450.
“George & Elizabeth” William Allman Yarmouth - 1
“Hare” - John Welham - - Yarmouth - 2
Mar. 27 “Peter & Mary” - - - - - Dartmouth-
“Sarah” - - John Lee - - Brixham -
“Sarah” - Andrew Holeman - Teignmouth
“Clayton” - John Tarleton- - Liverpool - 2
“Neptune” James Kemp - Thames - 2
Mar. 19 “London” - - James Newham - Thames - 5
April 2 “Rachell” - Ralph Finch Thames - 1
Mar. 19 “Prospect” Samuel Gray - Thames 2
“Albemarle”- - Thomas Dancie - Thames - 4
“Partridge” Joseph Penhallow - Thames - 2
Mar. 27 “John & Elizabeth” Bernard Paul - - Exeter - 2
April 11 April 10 “Alice & Elizabeth” William Hobson - Hull- 2
“Mermaid” - Francis Seman - Yarmouth - 2
“Joseph & Mary” - Jonas Barnes - - Yarmouth - 1
“Richard & Barbara” Thomas Christmas - Yarmouth - 1
“Success” - - Samuel Burton - Yarmouth - 1
“William & Mary”- William Hickell - Yarmouth - 1
“Thomas” - John Hornsby - Yarmouth - 1
“George & Margaret” William Cambe Hull- - 2
“Bridget & Mary” - Richard Cottam Hull- - 2
“Olive Branch” - Ed. Sharpe - Hull- - 2
“Berry”- - James Belcher - Shoreham - 3
“Friends Adventure” Henry Churchman - Bristol - 3
“Princess of Wales” Gabriel Redwood - Thames - 3
“King George” - Thomas Allen - Thames - 1
“Edward & Anne” - Jn. Collihall - Bristol 3
“Britannia” - Edward Boreman - Thames 3
“Martin” - William Dale - Bristol 3
“Duke of Cumberland” David Russun - - Bristol - 3
“Robert & William” William Wilkinson - Thames - 1
“Success” Jno. Watts - - Thames - 2
“Hope”- Edward Thompson - Dover - 1
“Mary” - - Robert Boyde - Dover - 1
“Eagle” - Philip Stavely Dover - 1
“Catherine” Henry Curven Dover - 1
“Daking” William Taylor - Thames - 2 Ibid, p.451
“Tarrant” Joseph Young- - Thames - 2
“Crawford” Thos. Harrison - Thames 2
“Hannah” James Kilpatrick - Newcastle 1
April 11 April 10 “Hanover” - Roger Rumney - Bristol 3 Customs Book XIV. p. 451
“Malaga” - - - - - Bristol - 2
“William & Sarah” Thomas Thurman - Dartmouth
“Thomas & Lydia” William Bartlet - Dartmouth
“Betty” - - William Bruce - Thames -
“Timothy & Jacob” John West - - Thames - 2
“Willing Mind” Philip Ruse - - Thames - 2
“Bethsa” - Edmund Smith - Thames
“Marwood” - - - -
Mar. 27 “Adventure” - William White - Poole -
“Hopewell”- Richard Lovell - Poole -
“Samuel Dove” William Elins Poole -
“Plymouth” G. Ollive, junr. - Poole -
“Eagle” Richard Boar - - Poole -
“Swan” - John Burn - Poole -
“Durell” - Aaron Durell - Poole -
“Lydia” Math. Glover - Poole -
“George” - William Peate - Poole -
“Coronation” - Robert Thombs Poole -
“Martha & Elizabeth” Thomas Hart - - Poole
“Supply” - George Smith - - Poole -
“Portland” - John Russell - - Weymouth 2
April 10 “Valentine”- - Hugh Coke - - Exeter -
Mar. 19 “Catherine” - Thomas Blackston - Thames -
April 14 April 10 “Nevis Merchant” - Jos. Halsel - - Bristol - 3
“Sandades” - Rd. Veale - Thames - 2
“Salisbury” Law. Smith - - Thames - 2
“Ansley” - John Allen - - Thames - 2
“Indian Prince” - Edmd. Holland - Bristol - 3
“Diamond” - Jno. Hoar - Bristol - 1 Ibid, p. 456.
“Success” - Abraham Thompson Hull 2
“Joseph” - - Hen. Gagg - Exeter -
“Swallow” - - Jas. Hocome - - Exeter -
“Strickland” - Strickland Hill - Thames - 1
“Hopewell” - Thos. Sperne - Wells, Norfolk. 1
“Thomas & Mary” Jno. Franklyn - Bristol -
“Endeavour” - William Pyke - Poole
“Stambolleon” - Robert Hayes - - Thames - 7
“Swift” - Jno. Merces - - Bristol - 1
“Edward & Margaret” Edward Harper - Newcastle - 2
“Baltick Merchant” G. Stevenson - Newcastle - 2
“Olive Branch” - Thomas Goden - Ireland -
“Gordon” Capt. Crawford - - -
“Bird” - Capt. Templer - - -
“Cato” Saml. Dickenson - -
“Prince George” - Robert Hamilton - Glasgow - 4
“Montrose” - Robert Parsley - Glasgow - 6
“Betty” - Roger Mathew - Dartmouth 1
“Freindship” John Bartlet - - Cowes - 2
“Hawke” - James Hopkins - Bideford - 3
“Anna” - Thos. Story - - Newcastle - 2
“Swallow” - Leonard Bezell - Thames - 1
“Endeavour” - William Stock - Thames - 1
“Hunter” - James Hunter - Cowes - 1
“Hunter” John Davies - - Cowes 2
Orders relieving ships from the second (victualling ships) embargo of 1740, Nov. 27.
Date of Treasury Warrant to the Customs Commissioners. Date of the Order in Council to the Treasury and the Admiralty Ship's Name. Master. Where berthed. Stipulated number of seamen to be provided out of the ship for His Majesty's Navy. Reference.
Dec. 4 Dec. 3 “Sea Nymph” - Henry Beach With provisions for Gibraltar Garrison. Customs Book XV. p. 31.
“Hannah” - James Killpatrick With provisions for Gibraltar Garrison. Customs Book XV. p. 31.
“William” George Walker With provisions for Gibraltar Garrison. Customs Book XV. p. 31.
“London” - John Burleigh - Cowes Ibid.
“Becher” - - John Page - Bristol for Jamaica. Ibid.
“Duke of Argyll” - - - Bristol for Virginia Ibid.
“Rebecca” - - Peter Innes - Portsmouth Ibid.
Dec. 17 Dec. 16 “Senhor de Malizinhos & Almas” - - Gravesend Ibid.
“Anne” - - Thos. Ebsworth - Thames, for Africa for the purchase of 300 negroes Ibid.
“Friendship” - William Wilson - Thames, to Africa for 200 negroes Ibid, p. 34.
“John & Elizabeth” Richard Garland - Exeter with provisions for Gibraltar Garrison Ibid.