Treasury Books and Papers: April 1739

Pages 231-241

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 4, 1739-1741. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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April 1739

April 1.
51. Present: Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Lord Sundon, Mr. Winnington, Mr. Earle.
The representation from the Board of Works of the 12th ult. read about the Governor of Windsor Castle hindering their workmen and artificers performing the necessary Works and repairs ordered in the King's palace there. “My Lords order a copy of the late King's warrant, dated 19 th August, 1715, by which the said works at Windsor are incorporated into the Works in general, as also of the 3rd article of the additional instructions to the Board of Works in the same year, and of the 25th article in the instructions to them in the year 1726, relating to this affair, to be sent to the said Governor, and desire him to comply with the directions thereby given, or to let my Lords know the objections, if any, which he hath to the same.”
Order for the following issues out of the Civil List revenues.
£ s. d.
To the Privy Purse 3,000 0 0
To the Band of Pensioners 1,500 0 0
To John Shepherd 1,322 3 6
To The Treasurer of the Chamber for bills, 1739, Michaelmas quarter 4,069 9 7
Peter, Lord King is to succeed his brother in the office of Outranger of Windsor Forest during good behaviour, with the salary of 600l. per an., payable from the day of his brother's decease exclusive.
Order for a warrant for 100l. royal bounty to Arthur Collins.
Mr. Lowther is to pay the fees on passing the charter for erecting a Civil Government at Gibraltar.
Sir Richard Lane's letter of the 21st ult. concerning the discharge of his securities for salt duties to be sent to the Salt Commissioners to know if they have any objection to his request.
The report from the Taxes Commissioners read on the petition of Mary Veale, administratrix to her husband, Joseph Veale, late Receiver of Taxes for part of Devon. In consideration of the clearing of all arrears and the passing of said Veale's accounts their Lordships allow 500l. on her claim of 1,454l. 15s. 0d. for charges, remittances, &c.
“The Commissioners of Revenue in Ireland having by letters to my Lords, dated 13 March last, stated a case with respect to an act passed this present session of Parliament in Great Britain, wherein the revenue of Ireland is concerned, tho' that Kingdom is not named in the said act, my Lords order an extract of so much of the said letter as concerns this affair to be sent to the Attorney General for his opinion therein.”
Francis Thirkill to be searcher of Customs, Boston port, loco Robert Newton, deceased.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVIII. pp. 201–3; Letter Book XIX. pp. 531–2.]
April 1. 52. Charles Carkesse to John Scrope, dated Custom House, London. By a Treasury warrant of 1707, July 2, renewed by several subsequent warrants, every foreign minister on his arrival giving a particular schedule of his goods and equipage for his own use and not for merchandise, and of the remainder for his stores—not exceeding a tun of wine for every minister having the character of ambassador, and two hogsheads for any other public minister of an inferior character—and at their first coming only, are to have their goods sent immediately to their own houses, the Customs officers visiting two or three parcels only. In view of the terms of this warrant the Customs Commissioners desire Treasury directions how to treat pieces of velvets and damask not made up, which are now frequently claimed by foreign ministers under pretence of furniture. 2 pages.
(a) Copy of the said Treasury warrant, dated 1707, July 2, made on a presentment, detailed, from the Customs Commissioners of date 1707, June 27, and of subsequent confirmations of said warrant of date 1714, Nov. 20, and 1727, Oct. 26. 2 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCII. No. 47.]
April 2. 53. Royal sign manual, countersigned by the Lords of the Treasury, to the Clerk of the Signet attending, for a bill to pass the Privy Seal approving and ratifying the sales by the Admiralty Commissioners of old naval stores and decayed ships since the date of the last Privy Seal of 1734, March 1, on condition that the money arising thereby be paid to the Treasurer of the Navy, and duly charged on his accounts, as is to appear by a certificate to that effect from the Navy Commissioners to said Admiralty Commissioners.
Appending:—Abstract of said sales.
[King's Warrant Book XXXIV. pp. 6–8.]
April 2. 54. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay to the Bank of England out of the Sinking Fund, 10,000l., being 6 months' interest due as below on the loans on salt duties continued for 1735.
Prefixing:—Certificate by Auditor Halifax, dated 1740, March 27, of the loans on salt and the interest thereon to date as follows:—
Times when lent. Sums lent. At what time the Interest was due. Sums due.
8 Jan., 1735–6 - - 200,000 8 Jan., 1739 - 6 months 4,000
6 Feb., 1735–6 - - 100,000 6 Feb., 1739 - 6 months 2,000
8 March, 1735–6 - 200,000 8 March, 1739 - - 6 months 4,000
500,000 10,000
[Money Book XL. p. 165.]
April 2. 55. Warrant under the royal sign manual, countersigned by the Lords of the Treasury, to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, for the issue out of the revenues of Ireland of the following sums for the purposes specified, viz: 9,518l. 11s.d., being the net sum due to be issued by the Treasury on the whole expense (amounting to 13,176l. 10s.), of 5 men speedily to be added to each troop of the several regiments of Horse and Dragoons of Ireland; 5,061l. 18s. 3d. being net sum due as above on a total expense of 10,541l. 4s. 0d., for the expense of adding 4 men to each troop on the 31 Dec. next; and further for placing on the establishment of Ireland 15,768l. as the annual expense of the said 9 additional men per troop, the 5 additional men being allowed on the muster rolls as complete from March 25 past to June 30 next inclusive, and the 4 men similarly allowed as complete from same date to Dec. 31 next inclusive.
[Irish Book IX. pp. 182–3.]
56. Same to same, to discontinue from March 25 past the 4 non effective men usually allowed upon the muster rolls of each troop and company throughout the forces in Ireland, to make good deaths and desertions, and to cause their full pay to be deducted from each regiment of Horse, Dragoons and foot, and placed in distinct and separate articles upon the present and all future establishment of the Forces there in lieu thereof to the following purposes, viz., the subsistence of one man per troop and company to the Colonel of the respective regiments, in lieu of all customary allowances and pretences; the subsistence of 2 men per troop and company to the respective captains for the charge of recruiting and other regimental contingent expenses and customary allowances; and the subsistence of one man per troop and company to the agents of the respective regiments, in lieu of their customary allowances. The remainder of the full pay of the said four men,, after the usual deductions made, to be issued as offreckonings upon such assignment or assignments as have or shall be made thereof by the respective Colonels towards enabling them to supply the loss of clothing by desertion, &c.
[Ibid. pp. 185–6.]
April 3. 57. B. Fairfax and John Hill, Customs Commissioners, to the Treasury, dated Custom House, London; informing of their attendance on the 1st instant at the Bank of England, to assist at the opening, detailed, of the chests of bullion taken out of the “St. Joseph” prize. 3 pages.
:—(a) Account of all the said chests and cases and of their contents, (total gold, 2,067l. 7s.d.; total silver, mostly Pieces of Eight, 16,447l. 15s.). 2 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCII. No. 48.]
April 3.
58. Present: Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Lord Sundon, Winnington, Mr. Earle.
“My Lords having under their consideration a memorial from the Board of Ordnance, dated the 25th of March, 1740, desiring 30,172l. 16s. 0d. to be issued to their Treasurer as part of the 500,000l. granted last session of Parliament for augmentations, &c., in regard the number of men borne on the ships' books exceeded the 12,000 men voted for the year 1739, and their Lords finding that 293,343l. 10s. 1d. only hath been allotted for naval services out of the said 500,000l., think fit to direct 14,667l. 3s. 6d. to be issued to the said Treasurer as one-twentieth part of the 293,343l. 10s. 1d. allotted for naval services as aforesaid: which answers to the proportion of 4s. per man a month to the Ordnance, [out] of the 4l. per man a month allowed by Parliament.”
[Treasury Minute Book XXVIII. p. 204.]
April 3.]
59. 4 receipted bills relating to the fees for the creation (two titles) of the Countess and Baroness of Yarmouth, viz.:—
(a) The Lord Chancellor's purse bearer's fees.
(b) The Attorney General's fees.
(c) Privy Seal Office fees.
(d) Signet Office fees.
4 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCII. No. 49.]
April 5. 60. J. Scrope to the Secretary at War, to lay before his Majesty the memorial of the Postmasters General, in which they desire a guard of soldiers to patrol the roads through which the mails pass in the night time, it being absolutely necessary to prevent the frequent robbing of the mail.
[Letter Book XIX. p. 532.]
April 8. 61. Same, to the Clerk of the Council in waiting. “You'l please, when the Chancellour of the Exchequer comes next to the Council, to put the enclosed memorial of Alexander Chalmers into his hands, so as a day may be appointed for the Trial of the Pix according to his desire therein.”
[Ibid. p. 532.]
April 8. 62. Report to the Treasury from the Salt Commissioners, dated Salt Office [London], on the report (a) infra of the Salt Commissioners, Scotland, on the petition of Robert Lang & Company, merchants in Glasgow, praying power by law to carry rock salt from England to Scotland to a salt works to be erected by them at Port Glasgow, to be there used in the making salt from sea water, with the provisio that the duties of all, proceeding as well from said rock salt as from the sea water, should be answered and paid to His Majesty.
As the law now stands rock salt taken out of any pit in England is chargeable with a duty of 3s. 4d. a bushel, reckoning 65lbs. to the bushel. If it is used in refining or making white salt, such white salt is charged with fresh duties of 3s. 4d. a bushel at the rate of 56lbs. to the bushel. But the refiner has an abatement or allowance out of the said fresh duties of so much as was charged on the rock refined at the 65lb. per bushel rate. As the duties on salt made in Scotland are only 1s. a bushel, the method prescribed by the present laws will not be practicable in respect to such salt as may be sent from England to the said intended salt works at Port Glasgow. Have no objection to petitioners applying to Parliament for the leave required to take salt from any pit in England on their giving bond with sufficient securities to answer the full value of the duties now charged on rock salt within the time now limited by the laws. Prescribe methods in detail for certifying the amount of rock salt taken out, shipped coastwise, and imported into Port Glasgow. 2 pages.
: (a) Abovesaid report to the Treasury from the Salt Commissioners, Scotland, dated Salt Office, Edinburgh, 1739–40, Feb. 21, on said petition of Lang and Co. Have cause to believe that salt is run from Ireland into the West of Scotland by the quantities seized there, where there are but few salt works, and landcarriage thither from the salt works in the East expensive. Recapitulate the act relating to salt refineries. Anticipate some benefit to the revenue from petitioners' scheme, and therefore favour it, under proper regulations to prevent prejudice to the revenue arising from the inequality between the salt duties in England and Scotland. 2 pages.
(b) Said petition to the Treasury from Lang and Company. Large quantities of salt are exported from England to Ireland, the whole duty paid in England being drawn back on exportation. The salt is then run into the West parts of Scotland, by which means the greatest part of the salt used for curing beef, herring, and for home consumption, pays no duty at all. What gives encouragement to these great frauds is the great scarcity of salt in those parts owing to the paucity of salt works. Therefore propose to erect a salt work for making salt from sea water on the river at Port Glasgow, and for this purpose will require rock salt to strengthen the brine when weakened by fresh water. Therefore pay leave to import said rock salt as above.
With: Treasury order of reference of date 1739–40, Feb. 6.
In duplicate and also in abstract in North Britain Book XII. p. 482. 4 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCII. No. 51.]
April 10. 63. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt for the issue of 570l. to Andrew Reid, for the charge of transporting for Maryland 114 felons from Newgate Gaol.
Appending: Names of 115 of said felons and certificates by Anthony Bacon, master of the “York,” of the shipment; by [Miles] Man [Town Clerk of the city of London], of Reid's having given security for transportation; and by John Matthews, clerk of gaol delivery of Newgate for the county of Middlesex, of same security.
[Money Book XL. pp. 169–70.]
April 10. 64. An account certified by John Selwyn, jun., of the sum wanting to satisfy salaries and pensions allowed by her late Majesty Queen Caroline, and payable by John Selwyn, jun., for 1739, Xmas (total, 4,578l. 2s.d.). 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCII. No. 53.]
April 10.
65. Present: Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Lord Sundon, Mr. Winnington, Mr. Earle.
“Mr. Lowther out of the King's money in his hands is to pay 30l. to George Bridges to put an end to all future pretences, attendances and solicitations of his at this office.”
Same to pay out of same 803l. 3s. 4d. to Daniel Prevereau to reimburse him the expenses in passing the Right Honoble. the Countess of Yarmouth's creation and naturalization, as by his bill.
The report of Attorney General Ryder of the 9th instant read on a case stated from the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, on an act lately passed here for the better supply of mariners, wherein Ireland is not mentioned; “whose opinion is that the said act does not extend to Ireland so as to excuse the wines said to be imported there from the aliens duty, tho' from the very inaccurate penning of it there is some room to doubt,” a copy thereof to be transmitted to said Commissioners.
Mr. Lowther is to pay out of the King's money in his hands, 10l. 10s. 0d. to George Dowdall for services performed by him.
Order for the issue to the Treasurer of the Navy out of Exchequer bills on land tax, 1739, of 89,140l. 10s. 11¼d. in part of his memorial of the 27th ult. for the following services:—
£ s. d.
On the head of Wear and Tear to pay one month's course, due Oct. 31 last 48,273 0 0
On the head of Victualling to pay one month's course, due same time 40,767 10 11¼
Memorandum: This completes the 293,343l. 10s. 1d. for naval services, including 14,667l. 3s. 6d. out of the 500,000l., anno 1739, for augmentations.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVIII. p. 205–6.]
April 11. 66. J. Scrope to Mr. Burchet. The Treasury hearing that a Dutch ship laden with 960 barrels of beef for the garrison at Minorca has fallen into the hands of the Spaniards, and that the “Yorkshire Molly” laden with beef for the said garrison is not yet arrived, the convoy only sailing on Wednesday last from the Spithead, desire orders from the Admiralty to Admiral Haddock and the other commanders in the Mediterranean to assist said garrison with beef for their present occasions, the fleet in the Mediterranean being well provided with beef and able to spare it. Said provisions to be made good to the Fleet by Mr. Gilman, contractor for provisions for said garrison.
[Letter Book XIX. p. 533.]
67. J. Scrope to Mr. Guerin to inform Mr. Gilman to make good said provisions as above. “I dread the consequences of the disappointments which the Garrisons at Minorca will receive for want of being supplied with beef … let him know that the Lords of the Treasury are extremely surprised to find him so negligent in performing his contract at a time when the garrison was in so much danger of being distressed.”
[Letter Book XIX. p. 533.]
April 15. 68. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to comply with Order in Council as below.
Prefixing: Order from the King in Council of the 14th instant (made on a representation from the Lords of the Admiralty), taking off the embargo from all merchant ships and vessels whatsoever in the ports of Great Britain and Ireland outward bound; the Lords of the Treasury, the Lords of the Admiralty, the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and the Lord Lieutenant, or other chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, to give the necessary directions in accordance.
[Customs Book XIV. p. 457; Irish Book IX. p. 190; North Britain Book XII. p. 509.]
April 15.
69. Present: Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Lord Sundon, Mr. Winnington, Mr. Earle.
A memorial from the Customs Commissioners of the 10th instant read relating to the “St. Joseph” prize and cargo. “Write to the Commissioners to acquaint them that the said ship and cargo, not being yet condemned, are to continue guarded and secured as at present, and not to be removed or sold till after condemnation and their Lordships' order then signified to them about the same.”
Mr. Carkesse's letter of the 11th instant read acquainting their Lordships that a French-built snow laden with Spanish iron and aniseed lies at Portsmouth with three tidesmen on board to prevent frauds, “which ship was met at sea by Thos. Wadham, commander of the “Merry-thought,” from Viana. And it appearing by the said letter that no application has been made to the said Commissioners concerning the said ship and goods, write to them to state a case with respect to the same, and to take the opinion of the King's Advocate thereupon. And my Lords, upon their communicating the Advocate's opinion to them, will give the Commissioners such orders about the same as shall be found necessary.”
A letter from same of the 11th instant read, referring to another of the 1st instant, about goods brought over by foreign ministers and claimed by them as furniture, though not made up as such. Their Lordships are of opinion that the directions contained in the presentment and warrant of date 1707, July 2, relating to the passing the baggage and stores of foreign ministers, and since twice confirmed without any alteration, should be strictly adhered to. The Customs Commissioners to govern themselves accordingly.
“Order of Councill dated the 14th day of April, 1740, for the Trial of the Pix at the Usher's house in the Receipt of the Exchequer on Wednesday, the 21st day of May next, is read and the usual orders are to be prepared for bringing on the said Trial on that day accordingly.”
Mr. Burrell's and Mr. Bristow's proposal for remittances of subsistence money to Gibraltar and Minorca read and agreed to as follows, the Paymaster General by his memorial of the 15th inst having certified that the proposed rates of exchange are as usual, viz:
25,000 dollars for Minorca, payable in gold at sight at 55d. per dollar.
25,000 dollars for Gibraltar, payable in gold at sight at 54½d. per dollar.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVIII. pp. 207–8, 206; Customs Book XIV. p. 458.]
April 16. 70. J. Scrope to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer to attend on Wednesday, May 21 next, at 9 a.m., at the Usher's House in the Receipt of the Exchequer, with the form of oath used to be administered to the Jury for the Trial of the Pix, his Majesty having by Order in Council appointed said trial for said place and time.
[Letter Book XIX. p. 533.]
April 17. 71. Treasury warrant to the Warden, Master and Worker, and Comptroller of the Mint at the Tower, to observe an Order of the King in Council, as below.
Prefixing:—An Order of the King in Council, of date the 14th instant, for the meeting of the Privy Council at the house of the Usher of the Receipt, on Wednesday, May 21 next, at 9 a.m., for the trial of his Majesty's coins in the Pix of the Mint, and for the Lord High Chancellor to require the Wardens and Company of Goldsmiths of London to summon a jury of working goldsmiths, to attend there and then; and for the Treasury to similarly direct the Warden, Master Worker and Comptroller of the Mint as above.
In margin:—Memorandum. A letter to the Clerk of the Council in waiting; a letter to the King's Remembrancer to attend with the form of the oath; a warrant for 50l. for an entertainment of the jury
[Warrants not relating to Money XXVI. p. 295.]
April 17.
72. Present: Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Lord Sundon, Mr. Winnington, Mr. Earle.
“Mr. Greenly, the King's Proctor, is called in and acquaints my Lords that the ship “Joseph,” and other Spanish prizes will be condemned as such in the Admiralty Court the next ensuing term, and that upon such condemnation a commission of appraisement should issue forth under the seal of the Court of Admiralty to certain commissioners to be named therein for that purpose. He is therefore ordered by their Lordships to advise with the King's Advocate, and prepare a draft of a warrant to be signed by the King for the Judge of the Admiralty Court to pass the said commission: and my Lords, in the mean time, will consider to whom the same shall be directed.”
The report of the Customs Commissioners of the 2nd March last, read on the memorial of George Heathcote and Sir John le Quesne, Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, relating to the escape of Brett and Johnson, two smugglers, out of Newgate. To be transmitted to the Attorney and Solicitor General, to know what may legally be done therein, all proceedings against the sheriffs thereupon being meanwhile stayed.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVIII. p. 209; Customs Book XIV. p. 459; Letter Book XIX. p. 534.]
April 21. 73. The Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury, dated Whitehall. In 1733 the King ordered Count Marsay to repair to Switzerland on his Majesty's service allowing him 500l. per an. from Michaelmas of that year to determine on his return. He returned thence at 'Xmas, 1738, but has received only 2,000l. being for four years, whereas he resided there 5 years and a quarter. Prays issue of the 625l. remaining due to him, his Majesty having consented thereto. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCCII. No. 59.]
April 22.
74. Present: Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Lord Sundon, Mr. Winnington, Mr. Earle.
Order for the issue to the Paymaster of the Marines out of loans on land tax, 1740, of 17,890l. 2s. 0d. in part of his memorial of the 3rd instant, viz.
£ s. d.
For 2 months' subsistence, from April 24 instant for the 1st establishment 11,169 2 0
Same for 2nd establishment of additional 2,040. [men] 3,721 0 0
For contingencies 3,000 0 0
[Treasury Minute Book XXVIII. p. 210.]
April 23.]
75. Memorial to the King from the Commisioners for building a Bridge across the Thames at Westminster, from the Wool Staple or thereabouts in Westminster, to the opposite shore in the County of Surrey. For the more effectual widening and rendering commodious the streets, ways, and passages to the said Bridge, which they are empowered to by several acts, find it necessary to purchase several of the estates in the New Palace Yard, Westminster, and parts adjacent. Pray a disposal of said estates to them for said purpose, as by the act of last session permitting such disposal.
With Treasury order of reference dated 1740 April 23rd, to Thomas Walker, Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Appending:—A particular of said estates and the annual values thereof.
[Reference Book X. p. 148–153.]
April 24.
76. Present: Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Lord Sundon, Mr. Earle.
Order for the issue out of loans on land tax 1740, of 56,320l. to the Treasurer of the Navy to be applied to the various heads of Ordinary, Victualling, Wear and Tear, and Wages in amounts detailed, all in pursuance and full of said Treasurer's memorial of the 18th instant.
Order for the following issues out of the Civil List Funds:
£ s. d.
To the Paymaster of the Works for 1739, Michaelmas quarter 9,788 10 7
To Mr. Ellis 850 0 0
To Mr. Reid 570 0 0
To the Duke of Newcastle, Secret Service 750 0 0
To Lord Harrington (same) 750 0 0
To Mr. Scrope for Secret Service 7,850 0 0
Sir Charles Wager to be written to for the names of persons to be inserted in the Commission for the sale of the “St. Joseph.”
The Salt Commissioners' report of the 15th instant read on Sir Richard Lane's memorial for the delivery up of his bonds. On the Attorney and Solicitor General's opinion that Lane's demands are chargeable on the new duties on salt, their Lordships think the judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in Trinity Term 1739, in Lane's favour ought to be acquiesced in, and the money's due to him paid towards discharging his son's debt to the Crown as late Receiver General of Taxes for Worcestershire, for whom he was security: “to which Sir Richard Lane who was present did concur and agree.”
[Treasury Minute Book XXVIII. pp. 211–2; Letter Book XIX. p. 534.]
April 30. 77. Petition to the Treasury from Lord John Murray and William Maul, representatives of the Counties of Perth, and Angus and John Maul and John Drummond representing the boroughs of Perth, Dundee, Forfar, Arbroath, Coupar, St. Andrews, Montrose, Bervie and Aberdeen. The said trading towns have hitherto had their letters carried to them from Edinburgh and returned there by foot posts, to the great detriment of their trade. Aberdeen lies 68 miles from Edinburgh and by the uncertainty of 3 ferries (two of which are some miles broad) it is 3 or 4 days before the letters cover the distance, and so for the others in proportion. As the foot post sets out one whole day and frequently near 2 days after the English mail arrives with the foreign letters at Edinburgh, upon sudden alterations in the prices of corn and demands for fish and other commodities the fair traders have been surprised by expresses, and ships have sailed before insurances could be made. As the postage is higher in proportion than the like distances in England and the increase of that revenue can afford it those towns ought not to be on a worse foot than Glasgow and other places. Are confident that if the said towns were supplied by a horse post the money now laid out for expresses and messengers commonly called council posts will exceed or make good the difference between the cost of a horse and of a foot post, besides the encouragement thereby to a more frequent correspondence. To prevent the uncertainty of ferries and waiting for tides propose that the stages be settled from Edinburgh to Queensferry, Perth, Dundee, Arbroath, Montrose, Bervie, Stonehaven, Aberdeen. As the correspondence betwixt Perth and the other towns is very considerable and now must go round by Edinburgh or be done by expresses this new method will facilitate such correspondence and be an advantage to the revenue.
Referred to the Postmaster General.
[Reference Book X. pp. 154–5.]
April 30. 78. J. Scrope to the Board of Ordnance, concerning Major General Anstruther's request for bedding, sheets, blankets and coverlids for the 1,000 additional men in Minorca. His Majesty's pleasure is that said bedding should be furnished by the Office of Ordnance and the charge defrayed out of the royal revenues of the Island of Minorca, in like manner as necessaries of the same sort were paid for upon the removal of the said Major General Anstruther's regiment from Gibraltar to Minorca.
[Letter Book XIX. pp. 534–5.]