Treasury Books and Papers: November 1735

Pages 55-57

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 3, 1735-1738. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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November 1735

Nov. 4.
160. Present: Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Lord Sundon, Earl of Cholmondeley.
The letter from the Board of Greencloth of this day read concerning Rollinson's petition concerning his contract for supplying the King's cellar with claret. As said letter contains no statement of opinion “write again and let them know that my Lords desire their opinion as to Rollinson's damages, if any, and what may reasonably be allowed him in consideration thereof.”
Mr. Paxton's report on Wm. Lonsdale's petition for discharge of fines set on him for not attending quarter sessions at Hicks' Hall read and agreed to. Order for a warrant to the Attorney General to discharge same, the Court of Exchequer being first moved for that purpose.
Petitions read and referred as follows: —
Mary Dowse for extraordinary charges to her late husband as Receiver of Taxes, co. Huntingdon: to Taxes Commissioners.
Wm. Basnett, concerning gold and silver laces seized, being imported for patterns and not for sale: to Customs Commissioners.
John Furley, concerning his prosecution for sugars returned from Holland: to same.
David Morgan, executor of Walter Morgan, owner of the lighthouse on the Skerries rock, concerning payment by any vessel entering in or clearing from any port of Ireland of light dues for said lighthouse: to Revenue Commissioners, Ireland.
Order for a warrant to non pros the information for seizure of the “Bedford” and its cargo, Gold and Nesbit owners, under the Act of Navigation, Scot, the informer, being contented, and the owners having leave to pay the duties on the cargo.
The Surveyor General's report of July 9 last on John Mitchel's petition for interest on 316l. 16s., the purchase money of certain coppices belonging to him laid into the Great Park at Windsor read, and 79l. 4s. 3d. for interest ordered.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 361; Irish Book XI. p. 79; Letter Book XIX. p. 389; Reference Book X. pp. 61, 63.]
Nov. 4. 161. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners, London, to finish the agreement with Sir Jonathan Cope for the purchase to His Majesty's use of Cope's right in the warehouses in Thames Street, adjoining the north side of the Custom House, with the wharves on Custom House Quay, adding to said agreement the payment to him of 1,050l., consideration money, for premises as below, together with the reserve rent of 326l. from the expiration of the present lease.
Prefixing:—(a.) Memorial to the Treasury from said Commissioners, dated 1735, October 24, concerning the purchase of the above said warehouses in Thames Street and said wharves and the draft conveyance for same. “When this conveyance is executed and the warehouses rebuilt and added to the Custom House as intended His Majesty will have a perpetual right to the ground on which the whole Custom House stands, except the north-west part, formerly two houses, known by the name of the “Vine and the Rose” and the “Dolphin,” taverns rebuilt with the south-west and east end of the Custom House after the fire in the year 1714, for which a ground rent of 160l. per annum has been hitherto paid upon a lease for 21 years only, by reason the then landlord, Sir John Cope, who was only tenant for life, had not a power to grant a longer time. And as the said lease will expire at Lady Day, 1737, we have for some time past been in treaty with Sir Jonathan Cope, the present landlord, who has power to dispose thereof, in order to agree with him for a perpetuity in the premises, and he now offers to convey them to the Crown for ever upon payment of 1,050l., subject to a rent of 326l. per annum, of which he will make no abatement…. When this is finished His Majesty will not only have a perpetual interest in the whole building, but the offices and warehouses be much better accommodated at a less expense by 140l. per aunum.”
(b.) An account of what has been hitherto paid for rent of the Custom House and warehouses in London compared with the charge which the Crown will be at for the future.
[Custom Book XIV. pp. 145–7.]
Nov. 14. 162. Thos. Corbett to John Scrope, dated Admiralty office. The Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital assembled yesterday in general court to hear the report of a committee appointed to enquire into the management of the Derwentwater estate by Mr. Watson and Mr. Hutchinson, Receivers of same. The Court concluded to turn out said Receivers and prosecute them, therefore desire the Treasury not to discharge their securities, 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCXC. No. 3.]