Warrants for Minor Appointments: 1735

Pages 145-155

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 3, 1735-1738. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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Letters Patents, Royal Sign Manuals and Warrants, Treasury Warrants, Commissions, and Orders, relating to Appointments.
Date. Nature of Order or Entry and Substance of Appointment. Reference.
Jan. 2 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Philip Andrew Motham to be instructed at the waterside, Plymouth port. Customs Book XIV. p. 68.
Jan. 8
Treasury letters patents. John Sandell, porter of the Mint at the Tower, loco Robert Lowe, deceased. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 201.
Treasury warrant. John Bonner, established deputy at Lyme to the Searcher at Poole, loco Roddan Samways. Customs Book XIV. p. 65.
Jan. 15 Same to Customs Commissioners, Scotland. Wm. Fleming, Surveyor of imports and exports of tobacco, wine, and other goods on the coast from Glasgow, inclusive, to Greenock, exclusive, at a salary of 350l. per an. for himself, clerk, and travelling charges, said post having been vacant since the preferment of Walter Campbell to be Receiver General of Customs, Scotland; Wm. Grieve, tidesman at Anstruther, loco Elias Ross, dismissed; George Thompson, same ibid., loco John Cuninghame, dismissed; Patrick McCracan, same at Stranraer, loco Wm. McKie, who declined the service; Robert Stephenson, same at Borrowstounness, loco John Campbell, who never appeared; Alexander Maclachlan, same at Fort William, loco James Gemmell, deceased; Robert Middleton, collector at Dundee; Alexander Colvil, collector at Inverness. North Britain Book XI. p. 219.
Same. Francis Wilson, collector, waiter, and searcher at Hole, Barbados, loco John Young, deceased (cancelled, see March 12, infra); Thomas Palk, tidesman and boatman, Fowey port, to be waiter and searcher at Par in said port, loco Wm. Carlyon, deceased; John Greenway to succeed Palk at Fowey; John Goldsmith, weighing porter, London port, loco Wm. Fortescue, deceased. Customs Book XIV. p. 68.
Same. Ethelred Davy, distributor of stamps for Exeter city and county, loco Ethelred Davy, junr., resigned. Warrants not relating to Money XXV, p. 201.
[& later].
Treasury commissions to the Receivers of House Duties for various counties. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 60.
Jan. 17 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. To place on the super annuated list John Rodway, late surveyor of Gloucester port. Customs Book XIV.
Jan. 18 Royal letters patent by writ of Privy Seal. Charles Duke of Richmond, Master of the Horse, loco Richard Earl of Scarborough, with a fee of 100 marks per annum. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 434–5.
Jan. 23 Treasury warrant. Thos. Cooke, collector of Customs at Yarmouth, loco Samuel Jacomb, to be superseded. Customs Book XIV. p. 71.
Feb. 5 Same. Philip Quellyn, waiter and searcher at Carnarvon, Beaumaris port, loco his father, Hugh Quellyn, superannuated. Ibid., p. 74.
Feb. 13 Same. John Barton, gent., to be deputy to John Phillipps in the office of Weigher and Teller to His Majesty's Mint. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 204.
Same. Robert Douglas and Alexander Robertson, tidesmen at Inverness and Anstruther respectively, to exchange places. North Britain Book XI. p. 220.
Same. Nicholas Barber, tidesman, superior list, London port, loco John Whales, dismissed; Thos. Peake to succeed Barber in the inferior list; Hugh Jones, noontender, ibid., loco Benjamin Crabb, deceased; Charles Gosnell, land waiter and coast waiter, Poulton, to be surveyor, waiter, and searcher at Preston and Poulton, loco Thos. Feston, deceased; Lawrence Dewhurst, waiter and searcher at Lytham, Poulton port, to succeed Gosnell at Poulton; Thos. Greenhalgh to succeed Dewhurst at Lytham; Philip Andrew Motham, landwaiter, Plymouth port, loco John Hill, resigned; Peter Chasselup, surveyor, Leigh, Maldon port, loco Samuel Stephens, deceased; Wm. Smith, a tidesman in the inferior list, and John Hickson, in the preferable list, to exchange places; Robert Griffes, boatman, Chester port, loco his father, John, resigning; John Robinson, tidesman, Liverpool, loco Ralph Werden, superannuated; John Smith, additional landwaiter, Newhaven, at 40l. per an., the new piers and navigation at the harbour there being near finished, by which the trade of the place will increase and said additional officer be requisite. Customs Book XIV. pp. 75–6.
Same. Wm. Rudd, tidesman, in the superior list [London port], loco Thos. Smith, superannuated; Wm. Randel to succeed Rudd in the inferior list. Ibid., p. 76.
Treasury commission. Philip Chapman, receiver general of the remains of land tax 1734, for co. Huntingdon. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 118.
Feb. 25 Treasury warrant. Lumley Thoresby, coast waiter at Leith, and John Norris, comptroller at Dunbar, to exchange stations. North Britain Book XI. p. 225.
Same. Thos. Pitches to be instructed at the waterside as a land waiter, London port; Ralph Fell to be a landwaiter, Newcastle, loco Richard Carr, deceased; John Middleton, mate of the smack at Lynn Regis, loco John Darby; Robert Surtees, tidesman and boatman, Sunderland port, loco John Harding, deceased; Richard Strong, tide surveyor, London port, loco John Marsh, to be superseded. Customs Book XIV. pp. 77–8,
Feb. 26 Treasury Commission. Thos. Phipps, junr., of Westbury, co. Wilts., receiver general of the remains of land tax, 1734, for part of Wilts. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 118.
Mar. 4 Treasury letters patent. John Jones, gent., Messenger of the Chamber to attend the Treasury, loco Thos. Thurkettle, lately deceased. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 239.
Mar. 5 Treasury warrants. Robert Ring, tidesman, Portsmouth, loco John Bayles deceased; Wm. Randel, waiter and searcher, Abbotsbury, Weymouth port, loco Thos. Rose, jun., deceased; Wm. Rudd, tidesman in the superior list, loco Thos. Smith, superannuated; Wm. Seymour, to succeed Rudd in the inferior list. Customs Book XIV. p. 78.
Mar. 10 Treasury warrant. Ralph Button, searcher and surveyor of cards and dice, loco John Nicholls, deceased. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 241.
Mar. 12 Same. Murray Crymble, collector, waiter, and searcher at Hole, Barbados, loco John Young, deceased; George King, tidesman and boatman, Plymouth, loco Henry King, superannuated; Robert Green, tidesman, Newcastle port, loco Bartholomew Longfellow, deceased. Customs Book XIV. p. 83.
Mar. 24 Same. Thos. Tronsdale, tidesman, superior List [London port], loco George Taylor, superseded; Thos. Butler to succeed Tronsdale in the inferior list; Christopher Craven, collector at Speights and Bays, Barbados, loco Edward Denny, deceased. Ibid.
Mar. 25
Same to Stamp Commissioners, Ethelred Davy, junr., to be distributor of stamps for the city and county of Exeter, and the deputation to Ethelred Davy, senr., to be superseded. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 240.
Same. John Laugharne, land waiter, superior list, London port, loco Thos. Bachelor, deceased; John Reed to succeed Laugharne in the inferior list. Customs Book XIV. p. 78.
Same. Thos. Harvey, tidesman, London port, superior list, loco John Charnells, superannuated. Ibid., p. 84
Mar. 27
Same. Samuel Vincent, tidesman, superior list, London port, loco Alexander Campbell, deceased; George Story to succeed Vincent in the inferior list; Ralph Brisco, riding surveyor, Longtown, Carlisle port, loco Thos. Bully, deceased. Ibid.
Apr. 2 Treasury letters patent. Sir William Ashburnham, Receiver in the office of Compositions for Alienations, loco Wm. Jessop, deceased. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 242.
Apr. 3 Treasury warrants. John Till, riding officer, Chichester port, loco James Libbard, superannuated; Richard Libbard to succeed Till as waiter, searcher, and riding officer at Emsworth; Wm. Beardon, tidesman and boatman, Exeter, loco Thos. Osborne, superannuated; Wm. Merchant, same Salcombe, Dartmouth port, loco Richard Eame, deceased; John Darling, waterman, London port, loco John Jones, deceased; John Wise, waiter and searcher, Bideford, loco Robert Baker, deceased. Customs Book XIV. p. 88.
Same. Wm. Brooking, distributor [of stamps], Plymouth, loco Andrew Phillips, deceased. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 248.
Apr. 4 Indenture between the Treasury and Sir William Ashburnham, Cornelius Cayley and Joseph Richardson, constituting the said Ashburnham, &c., deputies for ordering, &c., the revenues arising by fines, commonly called the King's fines or Queen's fines in Chancery; under the powers given to the Treasury Lords by the Privy Seal of 1727, July 11, Richardson being substituted in the place of Wm. Jessop. Ibid., pp. 243–4.
Apr. 10 Treasury warrants. Thos. Lane, register of wool at Canterbury, loco Ingram Guest, deceased; Edward Jans, collector, Bideford, loco his father, Thos. J'ans, resigned. Customs Book XIV. p. 84.
Same. Benjamin Bromhead, an inspector of Courts and Corporations and riding surveyors for stamp duties, loco Wm. Holly, deceased. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 218.
Apr. 17 Royal sign manual to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a bill to pass the Great Seal to constitute Salisbury Cade Receiver and Paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, in place of James Moore and Arthur Moore, junr., deceased. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 462–3.
Apr. 18 Treasury warrant. Thos. Hughes, distributor of stamped parchment and paper in the East Division of Somerset, loco John Taylor, deceased, at the established allowance of poundage. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 250.
Apr. 24 Same. John Gregory, deputy at Barnstaple to the Patent Comptroller of Exeter, to be placed on the establishment of the Customs for the Crown's allowance of 20l. per an., in the room of Wm. Lantrow, preferred. Customs Book XIV. p. 90.
J. Scrope to Hawkers and Pedlars Commissioners. To appoint Thos. Perry a riding surveyor of hawkers and pedlars, loco James Bennicke, discharged. Letter Book XIX. p. 369.
May 1 Letters patent by writ of Privy Seal. Salisbury Cade, receiver and paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, loco James Moore and Arthur Moore, junr., deceased. King's Warrant Book XXXII. pp. 66–7.
Treasury warrant. Mary Dowse, distributor of stamped parchment and paper, co. Huntingdon, loco her late husband, Wm. Dowse, deceased; Hugh Philips, stamper, and Thos. Robertson, searcher and surveyor of cards and dice, to exchange places. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 254.
Same. Allan Glen, a riding officer under Wm. Hamilton, surveyor general for preventing the importation of cattle, &c., from Ireland into North Britain; Samuel Robe, tidesman at Ayr, loco John Fergason, deceased; Thomas Somervell, land carriage waiter, Glasgow, loco James Marshall, deceased; George Gun, tidesman at Caithness, loco Alexander St. Clair, deceased; George Hick, same at Port Glasgow, loco James McLean, deceased; Gavin Muirhead, watchman of the salt duty, Kirkcaldy, loco Francis Ross, dismissed; Adam Hendry, coastwaiter, Leith, loco Wm. Brett, dismissed; Donald Morison, tidesman, Shetland, loco James Welsh, deceased; Brice Blair and David Maxwell, Surveyor General of the south-west parts of Scotland, loco John Rae. North Britain Book XI. pp. 256–7.
Same. Thos. Metham, tidesman and boatman, Hull port, loco Thos. Davis, resigned. Customs Book XIV. p. 132.
May 2 Same. Joseph Avery, tide surveyor, London port, loco John Purnell, dismissed; Charles Howell, tidesman, superior list, loco John Johnstone, deceased; Wm. Lush to succeed Howell in the inferior list; Wm. Adams, weighing porter, ibid., loco Christopher Shepheard, superannuated; John Aston, tidesman, superior list, loco Joseph Avery, made tide surveyor; Wm. Bingham to succeed Aston in the inferior list. Ibid., p. 90.
May 5 Same. Robert Trevethan, waiter and searcher at Tonkin's Cove, Mullion, Penzance port, loco Richard Williams, superannuated. Ibid., p. 96.
May 8 Same. John Williams, waiter and searcher at Stonehouse, Plymouth port, loco Joseph Downing, deceased; Samuel Philips, tidesman and boatman, Penzance, loco Robert Pearce, to be superseded; Alexander Johns, tidesman at Padstow, loco Samuel Boyer, superannuated. Ibid.
May 9 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Jeremiah Barton's dismissal as boatman at Yarmouth to be reversed; Edward Jackson, land waiter, Bristol port, loco Thos. Stevens, to be superannuated. Ibid., pp. 96–7.
May 12 Letters patent by the King. Richard Potenger, of the Inner Temple, one of the Justices of Chester and Flint, Denbigh and Montgomery, loco John Verney: with the fee of 50l. per an. King's Warrant Book XXXII. pp. 90–1.
May 13 Treasury warrants. Alexander Smarley, tidesman, Liverpool port, loco John Scasbrick, deceased; William Mathews, boatman at Penarth, co. Cardiff, loco John Phillips, resigned. Customs Book XIV. p. 99.
Treasury commission. William Dealtry, surveyor of houses, York, loco Joseph Hotham, deceased. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 11.
May 14 Treasury warrant (cancelled). Wm. Greaves, of the Middle Temple, approved as deputy to Joseph Richardson, a Commissioner in the Office of Alienations. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 263.
May 15 Letters patent by the King. Francis Earl of Godolphin, Keeper of the Privy Seal, loco Henry Viscount Lonsdale, with the fee of 365l. payable half-yearly. King's Warrant Book XXXII. pp. 4–5.
May 16 Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General, for a bill to pass the Great Seal for a new Commission of the Customs, with Sir Robert Corbet in the place of Henry Hale. Ibid., pp. 1–4.
May 20 Treasury approval of letters patent by Sir Wm. Ashburnham, Receiver in the Office of Compositions for Alienations, appointing Stephen Wicking his deputy. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 264.
Treasury warrant. Jeremiah Barton, boatman, Norwich, Yarmouth port; Felix Magenis, riding officer at Climping, Arundel port, loco Wm. Pinn, jun., deceased. Customs Book XIV. p. 99.
May 29 Same. David Casley, approved as deputy to Joseph Richardson, a Commissioner in the Office of Alienations. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 263.
Same. Thos. Smith, land carriageman, London port, loco Charles Simmons, deceased; Stephen Adye, waiter and searcher St. Christopher, loco Walter Stewart, deceased. Customs Book XIV. pp. 99, 101.
Treasury order for royal letters patents. Edward Tufnell and John Roberts, customers inwards and outwards, Southampton port locis Pusey Brooke and said John Roberts. Ibid.
June 3 Like Treasury warrant as under date 1732–3, Jan. 9, appointing the residence of the Commissioners of Customs in London and Edinburgh respectively, with the substitution of Sir Robert Corbet to be the last of the seven for London, loco Mr. Hale. Ibid. XIII., p. 358.
June 4 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. John Rae to be riding surveyor on the Carlisle and Whitehaven coasts, on the English side. Ibid. XIV., p. 102.
June 5 Treasury warrants. John Till, riding officer, Chichester port, to be collector there, loco Francis Allen, deceased; John Hodgson to succeed Till as riding officer; Wm. Collings to be riding officer at Littlehampton, Arundel port, loco John Roill, resigned. Ibid.
June 11 Royal letters patent. Edward Tufnell and John Roberts, customer and collector of customs inwards and outwards, Southampton port, locis Pusey Brooke and John Roberts. Ibid., p. 107.
June 12 Treasury warrants. Joseph Carter, tidesman, Bideford port, loco Edward Trapnell, superannuated; John Hall, jun., same, ibid., loco Edward Hardwicke, dismissed; Fayrer Hall to succeed Charles Mein, deceased, as employed under the collector inwards, London port, to attend the East India sales for the duties of 15 per cent. on muslins and calicoes; John Higgins, weighing porter, ibid., loco., Christopher Shepheard, superannuated. Ibid., p. 104.
June 12 Treasury warrant. Thomas Rothley to be clerk to check and keep an account of the proceedings of the port of Bristol, loco James Bernard, deceased; Gabriel Diaper, land waiter, ibid., loco Heneage Featherstonehaugh, deceased; Joseph Ellis, tidesman and boatman, Penrhyn, loco Wm. Verran, deceased; Thos. Elliot, waiter and searcher, Lostwithiel, Fowey port, loco Nicholas Strong, deceased. Customs Book XIV. p. 105.
June 13 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. John Blake to be instructed as a land waiter at the waterside, London port. Ibid., p. 104.
June 17 Treasury warrant. Thos. Jones, noon tender, London port, loco Robert Croft, deceased; David Parry, same, ibid., loco Rice Lloyd, resigned; Joseph Swetland, tidesman and boatman, Bideford, loco Thomas Symons, dismissed; Samuel Beves, tidesman, Lyme port, loco Joseph Swetland, preferred; James Blevin, tidesman, Liverpool, loco Timothy Blackburne, deceased. Ibid., p. 105.
June 19 Same for royal letters patent. Charles Northcote, King's waiter, London port, loco John Hesket. Ibid., p. 106.
Treasury commissions to the various receivers general of Land Tax, 1735, for the various counties, detailed. Affairs of Taxes IV. pp. 137–40.
Royal warrant by the Queen as Guardian, &c., to the Attorney or Solicitor General, for a bill to pass the Great Seal of Great Britain to constitute Westby Gill master carpenter to His Majesty's works, loco Wm. Kent, constituted master mason to said works: at a salary of 200l. King's Warrant Book XXXII. pp. 20–1.
Same by same to same for same constituting Wm. Kent master mason as above, loco Nicholas Dubois, lately deceased: at salary as above. Ibid., pp. 21–2.
June 20 J. Scrope to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, recommending George Hyde for restoration as a supervisor of the duties on hearth money, Ireland. Irish Book IX. p. 65.
June 21 Treasury warrant. John Slewcock, a searcher and surveyor of cards and dice, loco Ralph Button, superseded. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. pp. 270.
June 25 Same. John Beresford, tidesman, inferior list, London port, loco Wm. Peach, dismissed. Customs Book XIV. p. 108.
Same. William Brett, distributor of stamped parchment and papers in the east division of Sussex, loco Walter Brett, his father, deceased. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 270.
June 26 Same. Samuel Solly, collector of customs, Roanoke, in North Carolina, loco Christopher Gale, deceased; John Greive, tide surveyor, Newcastle port, loco John Bayles, superannuated; George Dunn to succeed Greive as tidesman at Shields; John Jope, tidesman and boatman, Bideford, loco Robert Whiteacre, superannuated; Gregory Lane, junr., tidesman in the inferior list, London port, loco Wm. Right, dismissed; Thos. Pullein, tidesman, superior list, ibid., to be waiter and searcher to secure the land from Bow Creek to Blackwall, loco John Sowter, deceased; Eusebius Boswell, tidesman, superior list, London port, loco Giles Shepheard, dismissed; John Webb, noon tender, ibid., loco George Lylles, preferred; George Watts, tidesman, inferior list, ibid., loco Timothy Wells, dismissed; George Williams, same, ibid., to be preferred to the superior list, loco Henry Pulleine, preferred (cancelled); George Lylles to succeed George Williams in inferior list (cancelled). Customs Book XIV. pp. 109, 110–1.
Treasury commission. Thos. Pochin, surveyor of houses, co. Leicester, loco Thos. Batcheler, deceased. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 11.
June 27 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Mathew Mead to be instructed at the waterside, London port. Customs Book XIV. p. 111.
July 1 Treasury warrants. Wm. Adams, examiner of the duties of wines and currants, loco Charles Mein, deceased. Ibid., p. 114.
July 3 Same. Thos. Davis, weighing porter, London port, loco Christopher Shepheard, superannuated; Joseph Ward, same, ibid., loco James Roberts, same; Thos. Willigo, same, ibid., loco Wm. Wright, same; Valentine Boyles, collector of Blakeney and Cley, loco Charles Wortley, deceased; Wm. Mingo, tidesman and boatman, Torcross, Dartmouth port, loco John Gardiner, deceased; Joshua Norworthy, same, Salcombe, Dartmouth port, loco Wm. Marchant, deceased; John Freemantle, deputy to John Goodchild, King's waiter, London port. Ibid.
Same. John Denton, one of the rolling press printers in the Stamp Office, loco Stephen Graves, deceased. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 274.
July 8 Same. John Frampton, tidesman and boatman, Poole port, loco Wm. Newton, dismissed; Robert Rogers, waiter and searcher, Studland Bay, Poole port, loco Harvey Havelland, dismissed. Customs Book XIV. p. 128.
Same. George Bateman, collector and deputy customer, Lancaster port, loco Wm. Bateman, resigned; Wm. Mann, tidesman, superior list, London port, loco Henry Pulleine, preferred; George Lylles to succeed Mann in the inferior list; John Webb, land carriageman, Bristol port, loco Thos. Botley, deceased; John Jones, tidesman, superior list, Bristol port, loco Herbert Legg, deceased; Thos. Jones to succeed John Jones in the inferior list; Richard Barker, tidesman, Liverpool, loco George Simpson, superannuated; Thos. Williams, boatman, ibid., loco Richard Wright, superannuated; Henry Anderson, boatman, Budle, Berwick port, loco Charles Carr, dismissed. Ibid., pp. 117–8.
July 9 Same. Thos. Loyd, tidesman and boatman, Milford, loco George Morgan, deceased. Ibid. p. 118.
Treasury commission. John Webb, surveyor of houses, Berks, loco Edward Clark, dismissed. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 11.
July 31 Treasury warrants. George Knights, tidesman and boatman, Lynn Regis, loco Gibbon Wrathall, deceased; Edmd. Horrex, surveyor at Greenwich, London port, loco Wm. Smith, deceased; Wm. Lang, boatman, Plymouth, loco Thos. Jones, deceased; Isaac Pryor, surveyor at Leigh, Maldon port, loco Peter Chasselup, resigned (recalled); John and Wm. Humfreys, boatmen at Mostyn and Flint, Chester port, locis John Ellis and John Davies, dismissed; John Barnston, coastwaiter, Portsmouth, loco Richard Smally, deceased; John Bolton, weigher, Chester port, loco Michael Wood, deceased; Joseph Yorke, watchman London port, loco Joshua Winterflooe, deceased. Customs Book XIV. p. 119.
Aug. 5 Same. Jonathan Nunn, collector at Southwold, loco Valentine Boyles, preferred; Abraham de Kewer, tidesman, superior list, London port, loco Bartholomew Haddock, preferred; Robert Harris to succeed de Kewer in the inferior lfst; Bartholomew Haddock, surveyor at Erith, loco John Seaman, deceased; Thomas Bragg, land carriageman, Bristol port, loco John Webb, resigned; Lawrence Etough, land waiter, Liverpool, loco Peter Mason, dismissed. Ibid., pp. 119–128.
Aug. 12 Treasury commission. James Marriot, surveyor of houses. Northampton, loco Richard Taylor, dismissed. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 11.
Aug. 12 Treasury warrants. Elias Ross, tidesman, Prestonpans, loco Tobias Conyers, deceased; Wm. Carstairs, same, Anstruther, loco John Colquhoun, dismissed; John Ouchterlony, same, Aberdeen, loco John Clerk, deceased; John Milne and Roderick McCleland, same, Leith, locis David Richardson and Robert Houston, dismissed; George Lowthian, same, Anstruther, loco George Thomson, who has never appeared; John Moncrief, comptroller, Perth, loco John Robertson, dismissed; Thomas Warrock, a tidesman at Aberdeen, to be same at Leith, loco Adam Hendry, preferred; Wm. Mason to succeed Warrock at Aberdeen; James Peddan, same, Kirkcaldy, loco Archibald Stewart, dismissed; Lewis Hay, a land surveyor at Dumfries, to be land waiter at Leith, loco John Brotherton, deceased; Wm. Johnson to succeed Hay at Dumfries. North Britain Book XI. p. 302.
Same. John Laughton, tidesman, Chester port, loco Thos. Sands, resigned. Customs Book XIV. p. 128.
Aug. 18 Same. Morgan Fizard, land waiter, Weymouth port, loco Charles Northcote, preferred. Ibid., p. 128.
Aug. 19 Same. Thos. Newington, riding officer, Rottingdean, Newhaven port, loco James Whitter, deceased. Ibid., p. 129.
Aug. 26 Royal warrant by the Queen as Guardian, &c., to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a bill to pass the Great Seal of Great Britain to constitute Samuel Long register of warrants inwards, London port, loco Samuel Sturges, King's Warrant Book XXXII. p. 54.
Letters patent by writ of Privy Seal. Charles Townley, jun., York Herald, with the annuity or yearly rent of 40 marks, loco Philip Jones, upon surrender by him, dated 1735, June 9. Ibid., pp. 68–9.
Aug. 28 Treasury warrant. James Roberts, distributor of stamped parchment and paper, co. Radnor, loco John Adams, deceased. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 279.
Same. Wm. Foster, surveyor, Leigh, Maldon port, loco Peter Chasselup; Pryor's deputation, if issued, to be superseded; John Jarvis, tidesman, superior list, London port, loco Griffith Coytmore, employed elsewhere. Customs Book XIV. p. 132.
Sept. 4 Same. Andrew Soleirol, collector, waiter, and searcher, Brunswick, North Carolina, and to keep a boat with 2 able negro men at the established salary of 60l. a year, loco John Elliott, deceased. Ibid., p. 132.
Sept. 11 Same. Thos. Billings, surveyor, Sunderland port, loco John Reed, resigned; Wm. Penleaze, tidesman, inferior list, London port, loco Charles Wiles, deceased. Ibid.
Sept. 16 Same. Jonathan Oldfield, riding officer, Climping, Arundel port, loco Felix Magenis, deceased. Ibid.
Sept. 18 Same. Henry Price, boatman, Rochester, loco George Young, deceased; Thomas Acton, waterman, London port, loco Francis Southworth, superannuated. Ibid.
Sept. 20 Treasury letters patent in Latin, constituting Anthony Brown hostiarius in the Treasury of the Exchequer, loco John Taylor, deceased. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 292.
Sept. 26 Treasury warrants. Wm. Stanley, tidesman, superior list, London port, loco Wm. Foster, lately made surveyor at Leigh; Wm. Cuite to succeed Stanley in the inferior list. Customs Book XIV. p. 133.
Sept. 27 Treasury letters patent. George Williams, Comptroller of payments, &c., for the lotteries of 1710, 1713, 1714, 1719 (second), loco Edward Dennis. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. pp. 296–7.
Sept. 30 Treasury warrants. Alexander Ridley, tide surveyor at Folkestone, Dover port, and to be placed on the establishment, his office being a new one; Thos. Loyd, tidesman and boatman, Milford, to be mate of the smack in the service of the Customs there, loco Mark Scott, deceased; John Gwyther to succeed Loyd as tidesman and boatman. Customs Book XIV. p. 133.
Oct. 6 Treasury approval of letters patent by Richard Arundel, Surveyor General of all his Majesty's Works, constituting Wm. Kent his deputy in the said office. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 297.
Oct. 7 Treasury warrant. John Chaplin, boatman, Ipswich, at Bawdsey Ferry, loco Edmund Warren, resigned. Customs Book XIV. p. 136.
Oct. 17 Same. Wm. Burton, land waiter and searcher, Port Glasgow, loco Wm. Holland, resigned. North Britain Book XI. p. 335.
Same. Wm. Holland, late land waiter and searcher, Glasgow port, to be landwaiter in the inferior list London port, loco Wm. Burton, resigned; Robt. Williams, tidesman, inferior list, Bristol port, loco Maurice Kennedy, deceased. Customs Book XIV. p. 138.
Same. Henry Brouncker to be collector of Basse Terre, St. Christopher, loco John Nicholls, deceased. Ibid., p. 142.
Oct. 21 Royal sign manual by the Queen as Guardian, &c., to John Willes, Attorney General, for a bill to pass the Great Seal of Great Britain to constitute James Murray Receiver General and Cashier of Customs in Scotland, loco Walter Campbell, deceased, with a salary of 300l. and allowance of 230l. per an. for clerks. King's Warrant Book XXXII. pp. 83–4.
Treasury warrants. Wm. Ogilvie to be tide surveyor, Dunbar, loco Ralph Archibould, made tide surveyor at Inverness, loco said Ogilvie; Gilbert Moir, officer of the salt duty, Prestonpans, loco Wm. Robertson, dismissed; John Wemyss, tidesman, Dumfries, loco Patrick McKellar, who has not appeared; James Mackay, same, Leith, loco Wm. Jamison, dismissed; Robert Mushat, weighing porter, Port Glasgow, loco Nathaniel Combes, deceased; Alexander Cunningham, deputy collector of customs at Port Patrick, loco John Neilson, dismissed; Patrick Ferguson, land carriage waiter, Glasgow, loco John Stewart, dismissed. North Britain Book XI. p.
Same. John Northcote, land waiter, Liverpool port, loco Peter Mason, dismissed; Joseph Crabtree to be procured by the Customs Commissioners to be deputy to the Comptrollers of Chester port, loco said Northcote. Customs Book XIV. p. 138.
Oct. 24 Same. Richard Pindar, tidesman, Hull port, to be superannuated, and Thos. Naylor to succeed him. Ibid., p. 142.
Oct. 29 Same. Stephen Durant, riding officer at Canterbury, Faversham port, loco Moses Agar, deceased; John Paxton (instead of George Williams, who is not in the inferior list) to be preferred to the superior list of tidesmen, London port, loco Thos. James, deceased; Hugh Smith to succeed Paxton in the inferior list. Ibid.
Nov. 4 Treasury warrant. Edward Barbor, a weighing porter, London port, loco Bartholomew Manning, deceased; Michael Richards, tidesman, inferior list, ibid., loco John Beresford, dismissed; Stephen Kingwell, same, ibid., loco Matthias Hindes, deceased; Thos. Dolman, surveyor at Pill, Bristol port, loco Thos. Adderley, deceased; John Brown, a surveyor inwards, Bristol port, to be superannuated; John Hoffer, a coast waiter, to succeed him; Edward Cranfield, a tide surveyor, to succeed Hoffer as coastwaiter; Thos. Evans recommended to succeed Cranfield as tide surveyor. Customs Book XIV. pp. 143–4.
Nov. 5 Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a bill to pass the Great Seal of Great Britain for a new Commission for the Excise, England, constituting as commissioners John Whetham, Charles Tolhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, James Vernon, Robert Eyre, Humphrey Thayer, Horatio Townshend, and Sir Thos. Robinson (the two last being to succeed Christopher Montagu, deceased, and Roger Gale in the previous Commission): all at a salary of 800l. per an. each. King's Warrant Book XXXII., pp. 87–8.
Nov. 6 Letters patent by the King. George Clive, of Lincoln's Inn, a Baron of the Exchequer, loco John Birch, Serjeant at Law, lately deceased, with the annuity or fee of 100 marks, and with all emoluments as held by said Birch, excepting the fees paid to John Sotherton, father to John Sotherton, formerly a Baron of the Exchequer, for the receipt and examination of the accounts of the receivers and ministers in the counties of York, Bucks, Beds, Oxford, Berks, South Wales, and Duchy of Cornwall, and afterwards paid for the same to Sir Wm. Bromley, a Baron of the Exchequer, and lately to Sir Richard Weston, a same, said fees amounting to the yearly sum of 73l. Ibid., pp. 101–2.
Treasury warrant. Wm. Davis, tidesman, inferior list, London port, loco Maurice Philips, dismissed. Customs Book XIV. p. 143.
Royal warrant for a privy seal. John Earl of Wigtoun, chamberlain of Fife and Strath Earn, loco the Earl of Leven, at a salary or pension of 300l. per an., with a certain small quantity of victual and other casualties not exceeding 20l. sterling. North Britain Book XI. pp. 348–9.
Dec. 5 Treasury warrants. Jeremiah Wyatt, noontender, Bristol port, loco Robert Castle, deceased; Francis Workman, tidesman and boatman, Bristol, loco Thos. Griffin, superannuated; John Ceely, collector of St. Ives, loco Vivian Stevens, deceased; Charles Read, collector at Bridlington, in West Jersey, America, loco Robert Barker, deceased; Wm. Fraser, same, ibid., to reside at Cohanzey, loco John Norton, deceased; Joseph Brown, collector and surveyor at Salem and Marblehead, in New England, loco Benj. Vining, deceased; Holland Woolly, collector of customs, Cardigan, loco Rice Gwynn, resigned; Robert Nelson, landwaiter, Hull port, loco John Martin, deceased. Customs Book XIV. p. 147–151.
Dec. 17 Same. Wm. Halls, landwaiter, Bideford port, loco Samuel Fortescue; Thos. Strickland, tidesman, Whitehaven, loco Joseph Simpson, deceased; Thos. Hinson, watchman, London port, loco Truth Camplin, deceased; James Powell, collector of Accomack and Northampton counties, Virginia, loco Henry Scarburgh, deceased; Wm. Ford, landwaiter, Exeter port, loco Roger Yeo; John Phillips, tidesman and boatman, Colchester, loco Robert Coutes, deceased; Wm. Parrett, tidesman, superior list, Bristol port, loco Andrew Bohier, deceased; James Russell to succeed Parrett in the inferior list. Ibid., p. 151.
Dec. 18 Treasury warrant approving Charles Mason's appointment as deputy to John Phillips, as Weigher and Teller of His Majesty's Mint in the Tower. Warrants not relating to Money XXV. p. 315.
Dec. 19 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. John Jeane to be instructed at the waterside, London port, in the business of a landwaiter. Customs Book XIV. p. 152.